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a guest
Sep 28th, 2010
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  1. 1.Pterosaur - Grass
  2. 2.*
  3. 3.*
  4. 4.Komodo dragon - Fire
  5. 5.*
  6. 6.*
  7. 7.Vampire Squid - Water
  8. 8.*
  9. 9.*
  10. 10.Stick bug - Grass/Bug
  11. 11.*
  12. 12.*
  13. 13.Capybara - Normal
  14. 14.*
  15. 15.Blue jay - Normal/flying
  16. 16.*
  17. 17.*
  18. 18.Cloud pokemon 3 formes: Flying, Electric, Poison
  19. 19,Stink bug -Poison/bug
  20. 20.*
  21. 21.Shrew - Grass/Normal
  22. 22.Light bulb pokemon - Electric/steel
  23. 23.*
  24. 24.*
  25. 25.T-rex - Dragon/Rock
  26. 26.*
  27. 27.Apatosaurus - Dragon/Fight
  28. 28.*
  29. 29.Pumpkin - Ghost/Grass
  30. 30.*
  31. 31.Swordfish - Water/fighting
  32. 32.*
  33. 33.Gulon a mythical cat creature - Ice
  34. 34.*
  35. 35.Earthworm - Grass/ground
  36. 36.*
  37. 37.Panda - Fighting
  38. 38.*
  39. 39.*
  40. 40.Cockaroach - Bug
  41. 41.*
  42. 42.Hedgehog - Grass
  43. 43.*
  44. 44.Tiger - Fire
  45. 45.*
  46. 46.Plug pokemon - Electric
  47. 47.*
  48. 48.Dolphin - Water
  49. 49.*
  50. 50.*
  51. 51.Fly - Poison/Flying
  52. 52.*
  53. 53.Remoraid
  54. 54.Octillery
  55. 55.Greater-ringed Octopus *octillery evolve* -Water
  56. 56.Dodo - Normal/Flying
  57. 57.Cassowary - Normal/flying
  58. 58.Mothman - Dark/bug
  59. 59.Buffafro
  60. 60.Catoblepas a mythical bison with scales - Normal/Steel *Buffafro evolve*
  61. 61.Moose - Normal/Ice
  62. 62.*
  63. 63.Haunted Television Pokemon - Ghost/steel
  64. 64.Koloa - Psycic
  65. 65.*
  66. 66.Heracross
  67. 67.Atlas beetle *Heracross evolve*
  68. 68.Elephant - Ground
  69. 69.*
  70. 70.*
  71. 71.Icecicle - Ice/flying
  72. 72.*
  73. 73.Snowman - Ice
  74. 74.*
  75. 75.*
  76. 76.Cerebus - Dark/fire
  77. 77.*
  78. 78.*
  79. 79.Oni - Dark/fighting
  80. 80.*
  81. 81.Shadhahvar a mythical deer that played the most beautiful music - Normal
  82. 82.Sting ray - Water/Electric
  83. 83.*
  84. 84.Kangaroo - Fighting
  85. 85.Orca - Ice/water
  86. 86.*
  87. 87.Dijin - Psycic/poison
  88. 88.*
  89. 89.Genie - Flying/Fighting
  90. 90.*
  91. 91.Mountain pokemon - Rock
  92. 92.*
  93. 93.*
  94. 94.Poison dart frog - Poison/Water
  95. 95.Ponyta
  96. 96.Rapidash
  97. 97.Pegasus - Fire/Flying *Evolves from Rapidash*
  98. 98.Taruos
  99. 99.Minotaur *Evolves from Tauros*
  100. 100.Griffin - Flying/Dragon
  101. 101.Bandit - Dark
  102. 102.*
  103. 103.*
  104. 104.Ghost no really a ghost pokemon - Ghost
  105. 105.*
  106. 106.*
  107. 107.Football fish -Water
  108. 108.Napoleon Fish - Water
  109. 109.Wizard - Psycic
  110. 110.Witch - Psycic
  111. 111.Gremlin - Rock/dark
  112. 112.Troll - Rock/dark
  113. 113.Bigfoot - has two formes Ground type and ice type
  114. 114.Dust pokemon - Poison
  115. 115.*
  116. 116.*
  117. 117.Rattlesnake - Fire/Poison
  118. 118.*
  119. 119.Aphid - Bug
  120. 120.Umbrella demon - Dark/ghost
  121. 121.Armadillo - Rock/Electric
  122. 122.*
  123. 123.Pipefish - Steel/water
  124. 124.Pygmy Seahorse - Grass/water
  125. 125.Warthog - Grass/fire
  126. 126.*
  127. 127.Corsola
  128. 128.Geyser - Fire/water *evolves from Corsola*
  129. 129.Mosquito - Dark/bug
  130. 130.*
  131. 131.Virus Pokeon - Psycic
  132. 132.*
  133. 133.Golem - Fighting
  134. 134.*
  135. 135.Puppet pokemon - Dark/ghost
  136. 136.*
  137. 137.Kracken - Water/dark
  138. 138.*
  139. 139.*
  140. 140.Corruption Pokemon - Poison
  141. 141.Heal Pokemon - Psycic
  142. 142. Death pokemon - Ghost
  143. 143.Lightness Pokemon - Normal
  144. 144.Darkness Pokemon - Dark
  145. 145.Grim Reaper - Ghost/dark
  146. 146.Gravity pokemon - Psycic
  147. 147.Doomsday pokemon - Electric/Dark
  148. 148.Hurricane pokemon - Flying
  149. 149.Shooting star - Fire/Psycic
  150. 150.Colour pokemon - Various each battle
  151. 151.Dimension Pokemon - Various each battle.
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