
That Silver Tongue - Chapter Three

Oct 18th, 2012
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  1. Chapter Three – What A Nice Time For A Stroll
  5. You can hear the loud sounds of ringing beating around inside your ear, making you stir in your bed. You quickly slap your hand down on the horrible racket, silencing the clanging. This time, you remember clearly what to do and get up straight away. Putting on some clean clothes, you make your way to the kitchen, starting the day’s routines.
  7. Today, you decided to make up some eggs and toast with oatmeal and apple bits in it. It’s both healthy and delicious, so Silver will definitely like it. Looking at the time, you see you have everything prepared with two minutes to spare. That’s a massive improvement from yesterday. Taking the food out on a tray, you see Silver Spoon just now entering the dining room.
  9. She looks wide awake and ready for the day, something you still find odd to see on one so young. Walking up to her, you place the tray of food in front of Silver before taking a seat yourself with your own food
  11. “So, after we get your work done after school, I was thinking of taking that walk through the park and on the way we can grab some treats from a stand.”
  13. A stand wouldn’t be too expensive on you. You know Bon Bon sells some pretty good candy for cheap.
  15. “I would much prefer we go to Sugarcube Corner,” Silver Spoon responds.
  17. They always made the best treats and even imported their stuff from other kingdoms. Most of the ponies here could even call it gourmet. You have a feeling Silver would want the really good stuff, too. Sadly, their stuff is usually pricey due to the quality and what they do to get their products.
  19. “I heard that Bon Bon was coming up with some new candies. I thought that might be something to try out, don’t you think?” You really don’t want to buy the treats at Sugarcube’s at the moment.
  21. Silver Spoon stops from taking a bite of her oatmeal upon hearing that. She places her spoon into her bowl, looking down at it while swirling it around. Her expression does a one-eighty, now looking upset with her ears flat against her head and a frown on her face.
  23. “…But I was hoping we’d be going to Sugarcube’s,” she says quietly.
  25. Crap, that makes you feel both cheap and bad. Was she looking forward to this more than you thought? She probably doesn’t get out much, and she does nothing but study from how it looks. As her watcher, you should do your best to help and make her feel somewhat happy.
  27. …You know you are going to regret this decision. “I… suppose we can head off to the Corner.”
  29. “Really?” she asks, wiping her eyes.
  31. “…Yes, you can choose what you’d like.”
  33. She immediately smiles before going back to her breakfast. Seeing as you’re already done with your own meal, you grab your tray and head back into the kitchen. You miss the small smirk appearing on Silver’s face the moment your back’s turned away.
  36. After waiting for Silver to finish so you can clean her dish, you go around the house to tidy up. It doesn’t take you very long since, really, it’s just the two of you and there isn’t much to dirty up to begin with. That gives you enough time to prepare before Silver left. Making sure you’re as straight as can be, you stand beside the main door, waiting for her to leave.
  38. You see her walking to the door with a bag slung on her side, prepared for the day. She slowly stops in her tracks upon noticing you. Silver Spoon blinks a few times, looking up at you in confusion.
  40. “…Um, Hello Anon… I was just about to leave. Is there something you needed?”
  42. “I’m just here to check up on you before you leave and make sure you’re fully ready for the day.”
  44. She blinks a few more times at you before turning to her back, quickly rummaging around it before turning back to you.
  46. “Everything appears to be in order.”
  48. You resist the urge to rub the back of your head in awkwardness. “I meant how are you doing in general?”
  50. “Oh, right! I feel well prepared and ready for the day!”
  52. “There’s nothing bothering you? You’re not having any problems?”
  54. “…Nnnoo?” she answers, almost sounding unsure of her answer. “Should I be?”
  56. You can’t help but smirk at that. “No,” you answer, “just me checking to see if everything’s fine with you before you left. You know you can come to me if you do have any problems, right?”
  58. She stares at you for a few seconds before tilting her head off to the side. What’s there to think about? You can see her ears twitching about in thought.
  60. “I… appreciate the offer Anon and, um… If I do ever need help, I’ll remember you’re there.”
  62. You smile hearing that. At least she knows to come to you for anything if she didn’t before. Thinking for a moment, you wonder if there’s anything else to do before she does leave. Nothing on the list, and nothing you can personally think of. A handshake would be really weird too.
  64. …What about a hug? Pinkie did mention that yesterday and you do know that these ponies like them from past experience. It can’t hurt to add that in, right?
  66. Walking up to Silver, you bend down and scoop her up in a hug. She squeaks out from the sudden action, not expecting something like that to just happen as her body goes rigid. Placing her back down, you see that her head’s completely red now. She looks like she’s trying to say something with her mouth moving up and down.
  68. “I hope you enjoy your day, and I’ll see you after school.”
  70. “R-r-right,” she stutters out as she makes it out the door.
  72. Since she’s now gone, you go over the house once more to make sure everything is cleaned up properly. There shouldn’t be much to do, but it’s good habit to make sure.
  74. As you’re doing this, you think about your duties and Silver Spoon. You’re not… overstepping your bounds, are you? It’s not like it’s an odd thing to help out someone, and that’s all you’re doing. To you, from what you’ve seen in the classroom and out of it, she seems extremely mature, almost too mature, like she’s trying to grow up quickly.
  76. It doesn’t seem right, growing up like that with nothing but studying and the small interactions she has in school. The only times you know she does something different from her routine involved being around Diamond Tiara, which isn’t exactly the best of things from what you’ve seen so far. She felt too detached from the others at her school, something that doesn’t sit right with you.
  78. This is probably the teacher side of you wanting to make this happen, but it’s a side you’ve felt has had the most success in things. Hopefully, you can help her out with some of this before the mayor comes back.
  80. You shake your head, realizing that you’ve been standing still in thought for a while now. At least the cleaning is more or less done.
  82. Finding yourself without much to do, you decide to take an early shower and relax for most of the day inside and wait for Silver to get back home. Sadly, you don’t have much to do the entire time you’re there. Most of their books are on school subjects and they don’t exactly have any electronic means of entertainment.
  84. You don’t need to prepare a snack for her since you’re buying it out in town. You do prepare some lemonade to drink while she’s doing her work, though. Looking at the clock, you see that you have five more minutes before she returns. You stand by the door, waiting for her to return from school. Silver Spoon arrives right on time. She looks up to you, giving you a small smile.
  86. “Hello, Anon,” she says happily.
  88. “And hello to you. How has your day been?”
  90. “Same as any other day, though I do wish you were back at school; it just doesn’t feel the same without you there.”
  92. You can’t help but smile hearing that. “Sorry that your school day was so boring without me there. Are you ready to do your homework so the two of us can go out?”
  94. She quickly nods before heading to the table with you. Her work isn’t exactly difficult though she is making a few more mistakes than you would expect, trying to get it done quicker. She must be more anxious for the walk than you thought.
  96. Once the two of you are done with her work, Silver Spoon excuses herself to her room as you clean up after her before head to your own room. Grabbing your bag of bits, you put them in your pocket before putting on a jacket and making your way to the front door. You see Silver Spoon waiting there for you with a small smile with a coat on as well that matches the color of her body.
  98. “Well let’s get going on our walk, then,” you say, opening the door and exiting
  100. “Right!”
  102. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  104. Walking beside the grey mare, you see she has a little bounce in her steps and a small smile. At least she seems to be enjoying this so far. The two of you had some small talk while walking to Ponyville. Silver talked about her school and her studies. There wasn’t much to talk about your own day since all you did was clean. Walking around Ponyville, you wave to any pony that saw either of you. It’s a pretty good day for a walk, you think to yourself.
  106. Spotting the Sugarcube Corner, you head straight there knowing you’d be losing a few more bits than you’d like. Walking inside the store, you hold the door open to let Silver Spoon in.
  108. “Hi, and welcome to,” Pinkie immediately stops, noticing the two of you coming in, “…Sugarcube Corner!” Once Silver’s inside, you turn to Pinkie, who has an enormous grin on her face. “Sooooo, what can I get for you two today?” she asks.
  110. “I’m interested in getting a treat, possibly something unique?” Silver Spoon asks. “I heard that you had a shipment from the griffin kingdom come in recently.”
  112. Crap, that sounds particularly expensive if it’s from there. You can practically feel your pocket already starting to become lighter.
  114. “Yes, I’ll be paying for the treat… Money’s not an issue, right?” You say that last part with your teeth clenched, barely able to speak.
  116. “Oh, well, we didn’t get anything recently from them. But, we just got a shipment from Canterlot of a new treat made specifically with magic!” She zips in the back for a few seconds before coming back with a large tub that was sparkling before slapping it down on the counter in a thump. “It’s a specially made soft serve ice cream that doesn’t melt until you start eating! This treat is sure to cool you off!”
  118. “What flavors?” Silver asks, tilting her head at the container.
  120. “That’s the best part! You can have any flavor! It’s magic, so you just need to ask what flavor and BAMMO! Magic flavor ice cream extraordinaire!”
  122. Oh god, anything involving unicorn magic is horrendously expensive!
  124. “…Silver, are you sure you want this? I mean, it might get cold later on, during our walk through the park.”
  126. You hear Pinkie squeal from that. Looking at her, she just gives you a grin. You shrug it off, looking back to Silver Spoon.
  128. “The weather will be fine, it’s not going to get that cold. The father of one of my classmates works with the weather team and she likes to bring in what the weather will be each day.”
  130. Welp, looks like you’re getting expensive ice cream. Just remember, you’re doing this for Silver; just bear with it and grin.
  132. “I’d like raspberry,” Silver says to Pinkie. “Two scoops please.”
  134. …Fuck it, why not go for broke?
  136. “Make that two cones, Pinkie” you say monotonously.
  138. “That’ll be fifty bits!” she says as she hands you the two cones
  140. You stop breathing for a second. Fifty bits! With that amount, you could have an entire shipment of meat flown out from the Griffon kingdom! Juggling the cones, you dig inside your pocket, grab your bag with shaky hands, and start depositing the bits on the counter. Each little clank of the coin hitting the counter makes you wince. Mayor Mare better be paying you very well or you aren’t going to last a month after this job.
  142. Pinkie grabs the money and slams it into the cash register, not even taking the time to count it. “Thanks for your purchase at the Sugarcube Corner! Come again!”
  144. Silver Spoon starts heading out the door with you behind her.
  146. “Hey Anon, can I speak to you reeeally quick before you leave?” you hear Pinkie call out.
  148. Motioning for Silver to go on, you turn back to Pinkie who’s got a big smile on her.
  150. “So… you’re taking her to the park already?” she asks with a giggle.
  152. “Yeah. I figure it wouldn’t hurt to take her there on a walk since she seemed to like the idea, along with getting her a treat.” You say that last part with a small amount of remorse to your departed coins.
  154. “Don’t worry about the bits,” Pinkie says with a wave of her hoof, “just make sure she’s happy! And just so you know, I gave you a big discount on the cones! They’re new and I’m not supposed to let those out just yet, okay?”
  156. You blink at that. That was a discount?! You don’t even want to know what they were supposed to cost.
  158. “And you even set up the walk for the early setting! Anon, that’s totally perfect! She’s going to love her time out with you!”
  160. You’re confused at what she means by ‘setting’ but you nod at Pinkie anyways as if you get it.
  162. “Thanks Pinkie. That reminds me, I wouldn’t mind talking to you when I get the chance. I’d like to hear some more ideas I can do with Silver.”
  164. “Well of course, of course! But go on, she’s waiting outside for you! You don’t want to keep a mare waiting!”
  166. She gives you a wink before exiting to the back of the shop with a quick bounce. Pinkie… why are you so confusing? There’s something really weird about how she said that too. You shrug it off for now, deciding it’s best to think about that later.
  168. Leaving the shop, you see the sun’s already setting, with the moon coming up slowly. What the heck is with that? Is that what Pinkie was talking about? You can see Silver spoon standing by the door waiting for you. You give her a nod before the two of you continue your walk to the park.
  170. The streets seem completely void of any ponies for some reason. Does this have anything to do with the early setting? It makes the walk easier when it’s just the two of you so Silver doesn’t have to worry about others around her.
  172. While you’ve been walking Silver Spoon’s been discussing the different uses that the magic used on the ice cream could have. Apart from that, she seems to be having fun, strange as it may seem given that it’s just a walk.
  174. Eventually the two of you make it to the park just as the moon appears overhead. You look around for a place where the two of you can sit and rest your legs. The park is mostly covered with trees and hilly mounds, making you think you should’ve brought a blanket to sit on.
  176. “I wish there was a bench to sit down,” you say out loud.
  178. “There’s one over by that tree,” Silver points out to you.
  180. Looking over, you see a bench you somehow missed on the other side of a tree. It’s seated right beside a pond, so at least you have something nice to look at. How did you miss that bench?
  182. “Perfect scouting, Silver,” you enthusiastically tell her.
  184. She smiles at you before the two of you walk to the bench. The night sky shines with the twinkling stars dancing across the sky. It makes it much easier for the two of you to see at night. Making it to the bench, Silver hops up on it, taking a seat. Taking a seat next to her, you give her the expensive ice cream that, as advertised, hasn’t melted. She has to hold it with both of her hooves to keep it steady. Silver looks at it from side to side, as if she was appraising it, before taking a bite out of it and swirling it around in her mouth,
  186. You look down at your own ice cream before taking a bite. It’s very smooth and puffy, almost like eating a cloud; soon after taking the bite it starts to melt, lightly chilling your mouth. It’s really delicious. Too bad it’s so expensive; you wouldn’t mind trying out more in the future.
  188. Looking over, you see Silver Spoon’s taking small, delicate bites at a fairly rapid pace. She’s obviously enjoying it, but you hope she doesn’t get brain freeze. This was a good idea after all, you think to yourself. She seems fairly happy right now, and you just like how relaxing this feels.
  190. Silver Spoon starts crunching on her cone, smearing some of the ice cream on her nose. You chuckle at her before devouring the rest of your own treat in a few bites. Silver looks at you in confusion from the chuckle; you respond with a smile and taking your hand out, rubbing the ice cream off her nose. She blushes lightly, staring at the ice cream at your finger before looking away. You chuckle once more as you eat what’s on your finger.
  192. You stare out at the pond, waiting for Silver Spoon to finish her cone. You wonder what else you there is to do. Surely she’ll want to do something else besides walking around with you and talking, but what? Looking over once more, you see she’s finished and staring at the pond, tilting her head from side to side in thought.
  194. “The night’s out pretty early,” you state, looking out at the pond. “Not that it’s a bad thing, but it sure was surprising.”
  196. “I agree,” Silver responds. “The princesses do this once a year so the ponies can enjoy a nice nightly stroll earlier. It’s something that Princess Celestia did for her sister, as a welcome back gift.”
  198. Huh, that’s interesting to hear. It’s also of interest to note that it’s just you and Silver at the park right now. The other ponies must be somewhere else, probably at some event for this. You should’ve asked Pinkie about it; maybe you could’ve taken Silver to that instead.
  200. Still, this was pretty nice. The stars are sparkling all over the sky, some of them twinkling about with activity. You could hear the chirping of crickets with the splashing sounds of the pond water. This was definitely a good day for a walk.
  202. “Anon,” you hear from Silver Spoon. You turn to her, curious what she wants. “Um… could you tell me about yourself?” she asks you, tilting her head.
  204. Leaning back into the bench, you stretch an arm over the back before smirking at her.
  206. “Well that’s a pretty open question there, Silver. Do you mean my favorite drink or book? Or perhaps what I’ve done so far here in Equestria? I’ve already answered some of those already though… Or maybe-”
  208. “I mean could you tell me about yourself, before you came here? Like… your family? I mean, how did you grow up?”
  210. You stare at her for a few moments before sighing. She wants to know about your family and how you grew up? You’re not sure if you want to answer it. The way Silver is growing up, it’s eerily similar in ways to your own. You dislike that a lot.
  212. “My life wasn’t exactly exciting or anything. When I was growing up, I was moved around a lot with my mom. She used to have to travel all over the place for her work, so it was difficult sometimes to deal with. My mom’s job ended up having her working near the capital, so we moved on the outskirts of it. It was nice to finally settle down and go to school.”
  214. “…What then? Did you have many friends or… were you happy?” Silver Spoon asks you.
  216. Looking over to her, you see she’s completely turned towards you, curious of what you have to say.
  218. “You shouldn’t worry about the quantity of friends; it’s the quality that counts. And for the most part yes, I was happy. I went through school until I ended up getting a degree in teaching.”
  220. A good load of crap that turned out to be; you still ended up working at a small construction site for on the job training. You should’ve tried for a different degree, but you were too hopeful on getting a job straight out of college.
  222. “What about your mom? What happened to her? And what about your dad?”
  224. Yeah… you didn’t want to answer those questions, way too many bad things to think about there. You quickly take your arm from the back of the bench before grabbing Silver and pulling her towards you. She lets out a small yelp as you squeeze her against you in a hug. You could see her face redden all of a sudden, looking up at you in embarrassment. She looks extremely adorable right now, making you smile.
  226. “So inquisitive tonight, aren’t we?” you ask.
  228. You turn your head away and stare at the pond with the filly held up against your side. It takes a while but you can feel her body slowly start to relax before she leans her head against you, staring at the pond as well. The two of you watch the frogs jumping around, trying to catch their buzzing prey. It’s more entertaining than it sounds, really.
  230. You definitely should bring a telescope next time; this night’s perfect for stargazing. You can feel Silver breathing on the arm you’re holding her as she watched the pond with a strange fascination. Slowly, you move your hand up to the top of her head and scratch the side of her ear.
  232. Taking your fingers, you roll them around her ear, getting a satisfied purr from her. You can feel her scooting in closer to you, making you smile. You look up to the sky, watching the stars move about.
  234. “Looking at the stars here, it always felt... off to me. I don’t recognize any of those constellations. And yet, they’re a memory of home that I have… it almost feels like I’m home staring up at those little twinkling lights.”
  236. Silver lets out a noise, reassuring you she’s listening. You spent your time there telling Silver about how you used to stare up at the stars, learning about them when you were younger and wondering if there was anything out there. You’re not entirely sure, but it’s a possibility that one of those stars could be of home. It’s always a nice thought, thinking that.
  238. As you spoke Silver sits there and stares up at the stars with you as you point to each one, telling her what you know about them. Learning these from Twilight is coming in handy right now. You can feel her nudging her head against your hand as you scratch her ears. Looking down, you see she’s pushed up against you with her eyes closed, listening to you talk with a small smile on her face. It was definitely a great idea to come out here. You should plan for some future walks.
  240. You’re not exactly sure of the time, but you know the two of you have been out here for a while now. You still have to give her a bath and get dinner done.
  242. “Hey Silver,” you say gently to her, “it’s time to head back.”
  244. “Hmm-hhmm”
  246. She sounds dead tired at the moment. Standing up, you watch her slump over on the bench. You’re about to wake her up to walk back when an idea pops up. You smirk, thinking she’d have some fun in it.
  248. You lightly grab her body, seeing she’s still slumped over in your hands and not noticing you lifting her up. Lifting her above your head, you place her sitting on your shoulders. You can feel her body slump up against your head as you grab her legs for support. She finally starts to notice her odd position, sputtering at you as she starts to wake up.
  250. “Wh-what are you d-doing?!” Silver questions with a squeaky stutter. You imagine her head must be like a tomato right about now. “W-why am I up here?! Th-this is embarrassing!”
  252. “Why, I’m taking you home, Silver. I hope you’re comfortable up there!”
  254. “W, what if somepony sees?!”
  256. “Don’t worry about what others think so much, Silver. Just have some fun.”
  258. Before she can say anything else, you start walking back to her house, making sure to keep a very good hold of her legs. Her front hooves wrap around your head as she holds you up against her, most likely afraid of being up so high. You can feel her lighten up on her hold within a few seconds, noticing she won’t fall down any time soon.
  260. It’s a long walk back, but you take your time getting home, allowing Silver to relax and enjoy the walk. Walking out of the park, you can feel Silver pushing her weight against your head with her front legs on either side of you. You can hear her let out small, continuous squeaks. She must have fallen asleep, you think to yourself walking into town.
  262. You walk down the empty streets of Ponyville, the only light sources helping you coming from the street lamps and the starry sky. Up ahead you can see some movement coming from the corner of Sugarcube Corner. You can easily make out Pinkie Pie bouncing in place, staring in your general direction.
  264. Walking close, you can finally see her fully. The same must have been for her, as her face erupts into a large smile once she sees you coming up. She lets out a loud squee, squeezing her eyes shut while hugging her own tail before zooming off in some random direction. Why’s Pinkie got to be so confusing?
  266. The rest of the walk is relatively peaceful and quiet, save for the squeaking snores of Silver Spoon. She hasn’t stirred once from her sleep, other than occasionally rubbing her head against yours. Arriving back at her place, you head straight to the living room and place her down on a couch, waking her up in the process. You leave her there and head straight to the bathroom, starting a bath for her. Once you got everything set up you walk back out to the living room, seeing Silver Spoon leaning over the arm of the sofa, nodding in and out with a wobble.
  268. You walk over to her and take off her glasses, setting them aside on the couch. You take off her necklace before undoing her braid, letting her hair loose. Lifting her up, you take her to the bathroom before placing her inside the water. It helps reawaken her slightly as you go about cleaning her.
  270. You start cleaning her exactly like you did yesterday, making sure to do a thorough job as before. You had to make sure she didn’t fall asleep. Afterwards, you dry her gently, making sure not to shake her about before you tell her that you’ll get dinner ready in a few minutes. The only response you get is a nod before she walks off to the living room for her stuff.
  272. Walking into the kitchen, you decide to prepare tomato soup and some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. After finishing the meals, you take them out and place them on the table. You stand there, waiting for her to come in before you took your own seat. It takes about ten minutes before she comes in and takes her seat. She completely forgot her necklace, glasses, and to braid her hair. It’s strange seeing her hair flow like that since you’re so used to it being braided. Silver Spoon seems to be extremely groggy from how she’s slowly going at her meal.
  274. “Did you have a good time today?” you ask before sipping on a spoon of your soup.
  276. “…Yes, it was… very fun,” she answers back slowly. She seems tuckered out right now.
  278. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. We could do this again sometime or even plan something different for another time.”
  280. “…I’d like that,” she replies, nodding off with her eyes half closed.
  282. Okay, she’s clearly too tired to eat anymore. Getting up, you walk over to Silver and gently pick her up, cradling her in your arms before walking towards her room. She doesn’t respond to you picking her up as she slumps up against your chest, snuggling her head into you.
  284. Walking into her room, you go up to her bed and peel back the covering, struggling to keep her in your arms. Placing her down, you pull the covers back over her before she quickly grabs a pillow, smushing her face into. You let out a smile at the adorable scene.
  286. “Good night, Silver,” you say to her.
  288. She twitches her ears in reply. Today was definitely a good day. Silver got to have some fun going out, so you think you did a good job. You should try and ask Pinkie later on for some more ideas for sure. Walking out of the room, you head back to the dining room to finish your meal before you start cleaning up then heading off to bed, being somewhat tired yourself.
  290. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  291. Silver Spoon’s POV
  292. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  294. “Hmmm, hmmm.”
  297. Thump!
  299. “Uuugghhh…”
  301. Oh that hurt. Why’d you get out of bed? You were so comfortable only a moment ago... Oh right, your diary needs to be updated and you refuse to miss a day.
  303. You shakily walk over to your desk, mumbling to yourself before taking out your diary and quill with ink before turning to the next entry.
  306. ~Entry Number 136~
  308. Today was very fun. I haven’t had this much fun in, oh, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.
  310. Anon wanted to go to a stand for a treat but I got him to turn it around to Sugarcube’s. I feel bad about getting Anon to treat me with that expensive treat.
  312. Maybe I can get my mom to reimbu… I can’t spell that word, I’m too tired. To get mom to pay him back.
  314. I love going on walks, and the special magic ice cream was great. We even got to see the early setting!
  316. I didn’t get to see them last year, so I’m glad I got to see it this time.
  318. Anon said he might have something else to do tomorrow. I hope it’s just as fun as today. I also feel I’m getting closer to him.
  320. This is a lot of fun, but I still need to remember that I need to keep him close to learn more about him.
  322. I’m too tired to keep writing… I’m going to sleep.
  325. ~End Entry~
  328. ~End Chapter Three~
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