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Mar 5th, 2015
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  1. [21:54:49] *** Damien Gill added cian.o.sullivan5, live:jb_1448 ***
  2. [21:54:54] Damien Gill: hi
  3. [21:55:03] Cian O'Sullivan: Hey
  4. [21:55:15] Damien Gill: John you there?
  5. [21:55:40] Damien Gill: Guess not :)
  6. [21:55:42] Cian O'Sullivan: :P
  7. [21:55:49] Damien Gill: what age are you guys ?
  8. [21:56:10] Damien Gill: and how often do you practice?
  9. [21:56:27] Cian O'Sullivan: On the team I currently have?
  10. [21:56:35] Damien Gill: yea
  11. [21:56:48] Cian O'Sullivan: We vary from 17-21
  12. [21:57:36] Cian O'Sullivan: We play with eachother everyday but seriously prac like on Fridays and Saturdays
  13. [21:57:56] Damien Gill: played many online tourneys?
  14. [21:58:20] Cian O'Sullivan: We've played little ones like the faceit ones but other than that not really
  15. [21:58:35] Cian O'Sullivan: We scrim most days against other teams
  16. [21:58:57] Damien Gill: whats the avg finishing position in faceit ?
  17. [21:59:39] Cian O'Sullivan: We usually finish within the top 10-5
  18. [22:00:12] Damien Gill: out of how many?
  19. [22:00:19] Cian O'Sullivan: 64/32
  20. [22:01:42] Damien Gill: played any esl stuff at all yet?
  21. [22:02:26] Cian O'Sullivan: Not really no, the open ESL leagues only pop up now and again so we don't usually get to play on ESL
  22. [22:02:46] Damien Gill: Ah cool
  23. [22:02:58] Damien Gill: you planning on playing on the 9th for the Premiership qualifiers
  24. [22:03:21 | Edited 22:03:34] Cian O'Sullivan: Yeah, and we plan on doing well in the qualifiers.
  25. [22:04:31] Damien Gill: how about gfinity ever play there?
  26. [22:06:27 | Edited 22:06:30] Cian O'Sullivan: No we've never had the motivation to play there, as stupid as this may sound, their website layout just turned us off their whole cs scene, unless its changed recently I wouldn't see myself playing in their tournaments unless they had a good prize pool to back themselves up
  27. [22:07:56] Damien Gill: not including online tourneys they have 4 seperate events this year in London with a total prize pool for $80,000 between them
  28. [22:08:39] Damien Gill: also, handy online tournament as well as ranking points
  29. [22:09:01] Cian O'Sullivan: Ill look into it, I was unaware of their upcoming tourneys
  30. [22:09:12] Damien Gill:
  31. [22:09:44] Damien Gill: have you guys got your own CS server ot Teamspeak server?
  32. [22:10:54] Cian O'Sullivan: We usually just use a free CS server or one of us will buy it and we use Hiko's (pro NA player) teamspeak
  33. [22:11:29] Damien Gill: Cool, we have both setup at the minute
  34. [22:11:46] Damien Gill: And I guess down to brass tax. What are you guys looking for from a team?
  35. [22:17:29] Cian O'Sullivan: Well what we need the most would be the support to travel to different LAN events such as the insomnia series in the UK etc. That would be our main priority at the moment to get some real offline tournament and currently we are all running 60hz monitors which puts us at a big disadvantage compared to other high level players who would have 144hz monitors, im not sure if you're aware about the effect a 144hz monitor has in counterstrike but that would be the only thing that would help improve a player.
  36. [22:26:47] Damien Gill: We can do that but have to honest , the results as they stand at the moment wouldnt warrant a full funfinf contract
  37. [22:27:15] Cian O'Sullivan: of course.
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