

Aug 3rd, 2014
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  1. class CfgPatches
  2. {
  3. class dayz_code
  4. {
  5. units[]={};
  6. weapons[]={};
  7. requiredVersion=0.1;
  8. requiredAddons[]=
  9. {
  10. "dayz_equip",
  11. "dayz_weapons",
  12. "CAMisc3",
  13. "CABuildingParts",
  14. "swm_misc",
  15. "swm_swissarms",
  16. "CABuildingParts_Signs",
  17. "CAStructuresHouse",
  18. "CAStructuresLand_Ind_Stack_Big",
  19. "CAStructures_Misc_Powerlines",
  20. "CAStructures",
  21. "CABuildings",
  22. "CABuildings2",
  23. "Ind_MalyKomin",
  24. "CAStructures_A_CraneCon",
  25. "CAStructures_Mil",
  26. "CAStructures_Nav",
  27. "CAStructures_Rail",
  28. "A_Crane_02",
  29. "A_TVTower",
  30. "CAStructures_Railway",
  31. "CAStructuresHouse",
  32. "CAStructuresHouse_HouseBT"
  33. };
  34. };
  35. class DZ_DebriefingRemoved
  36. {
  37. units[]={};
  38. weapons[]={};
  39. requiredVersion=0.1;
  40. requiredAddons[]=
  41. {
  42. "CAUI"
  43. };
  44. };
  45. };
  46. class CfgMods
  47. {
  48. class DayZ
  49. {
  50. dir="DayZ";
  51. name="DayZ Redux";
  52. picture="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
  53. hidePicture=0;
  54. hideName=0;
  55. action="";
  56. version="1.2.1";
  57. hiveVersion=0.95999998;
  58. };
  59. class DZ_InitWorld
  60. {
  61. units[]={};
  62. weapons[]={};
  63. requiredVersion=0.1;
  64. requiredAddons[]=
  65. {
  66. "Chernarus"
  67. };
  68. };
  69. };
  70. class CfgMissions
  71. {
  72. class Cutscenes
  73. {
  74. class ChernarusIntro1
  75. {
  76. directory="\z\addons\dayz_code\cfgworlds\intro.Chernarus";
  77. };
  78. };
  79. };
  80. class CfgWorlds
  81. {
  82. initWorld="Chernarus";
  83. demoWorld="Chernarus";
  84. };
  85. class CfgAddons
  86. {
  87. access=1;
  88. class PreloadBanks
  89. {
  90. };
  91. class PreloadAddons
  92. {
  93. class dayz
  94. {
  95. list[]=
  96. {
  97. "dayz_code",
  98. "dayz",
  99. "dayz_equip",
  100. "dayz_weapons"
  101. };
  102. };
  103. };
  104. };
  105. class CfgAISkill
  106. {
  107. aimingaccuracy[]={0,0,1,1};
  108. aimingshake[]={0,0,1,1};
  109. aimingspeed[]={0,0,1,1};
  110. commanding[]={0,0,1,1};
  111. courage[]={0,1,1,1};
  112. endurance[]={0,0,1,1};
  113. general[]={0,0,1,1};
  114. reloadspeed[]={0,0,1,1};
  115. spotdistance[]={0,0,1,0.60000002};
  116. spottime[]={0,0,1,1};
  117. };
  118. class CfgInGameUI
  119. {
  120. class PeripheralVision
  121. {
  122. cueColor[]={0,0,0,0};
  123. };
  124. class MPTable
  125. {
  126. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  127. colorTitleBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  128. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  129. colorSelected[]={0,0,0,0};
  130. colorWest[]={0,0,0,0};
  131. colorEast[]={0,0,0,0};
  132. colorCiv[]={0,0,0,0};
  133. colorRes[]={0,0,0,0};
  134. font="EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
  135. size="( 21 / 408 )";
  136. class Columns
  137. {
  138. class Order
  139. {
  140. width=0;
  141. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  142. doubleLine=0;
  143. };
  144. class Player
  145. {
  146. width=0;
  147. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  148. doubleLine=0;
  149. };
  150. class KillsInfantry
  151. {
  152. width=0;
  153. doubleLine=0;
  154. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  155. picture="";
  156. };
  157. class KillsSoft
  158. {
  159. width=0;
  160. doubleLine=0;
  161. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  162. picture="";
  163. };
  164. class KillsArmor
  165. {
  166. width=0;
  167. doubleLine=0;
  168. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  169. picture="";
  170. };
  171. class KillsAir
  172. {
  173. width=0;
  174. doubleLine=0;
  175. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  176. picture="";
  177. };
  178. class Killed
  179. {
  180. width=0;
  181. doubleLine=0;
  182. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  183. picture="";
  184. };
  185. class KillsTotal
  186. {
  187. width=0;
  188. doubleLine=0;
  189. colorBg[]={0,0,0,0};
  190. picture="";
  191. };
  192. };
  193. };
  194. };
  195. class RscPictureGUI
  196. {
  197. access=0;
  198. type=0;
  199. idc=-1;
  200. colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0};
  201. colorText[]={0.38,0.63,0.25999999,0.75};
  202. font="TahomaB";
  203. sizeEx=0;
  204. lineSpacing=0;
  205. text="";
  206. style="0x30 + 0x100";
  207. x=0;
  208. y=0;
  209. w=0.2;
  210. h=0.15000001;
  211. };
  212. class RscStructuredText
  213. {
  214. class Attributes;
  215. };
  216. class RscStructuredTextGUI: RscStructuredText
  217. {
  218. colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0};
  219. colorText[]={1,1,1,1};
  220. class Attributes: Attributes
  221. {
  222. align="center";
  223. valign="middle";
  224. };
  225. };
  226. class CfgMovesAnimalsBase
  227. {
  228. class ManActions;
  229. class StandBase;
  230. class DefaultDie;
  231. class BlendAnims;
  232. };
  233. class CfgMovesDogBase
  234. {
  235. class Default
  236. {
  237. actions="";
  238. access=3;
  239. file="";
  240. looped=1;
  241. speed=0.5;
  242. disableWeapons=1;
  243. enableOptics=0;
  244. disableWeaponsLong=1;
  245. showWeaponAim=0;
  246. enableMissile=0;
  247. enableBinocular=0;
  248. showItemInHand=0;
  249. showItemInRightHand=0;
  250. showHandGun=0;
  251. onLandBeg=0;
  252. onLandEnd=0;
  253. onLadder=0;
  254. canPullTrigger=1;
  255. duty=-0.50999999;
  256. predictSpeedCoef=1;
  257. visibleSize=1;
  258. aimPrecision=1;
  259. relSpeedMin=1;
  260. relSpeedMax=1;
  261. soundEnabled=0;
  262. controlHead=0;
  263. headBobMode=0;
  264. headBobStrength=0;
  265. soundOverride="";
  266. soundEdge[]={0.5,1};
  267. terminal=0;
  268. limitGunMovement=1;
  269. variantsPlayer[]={};
  270. variantsAI[]=
  271. {
  272. ""
  273. };
  274. equivalentTo="";
  275. connectAs="";
  276. variantAfter[]={5,10,20};
  277. connectFrom[]={};
  278. connectTo[]={};
  279. interpolateWith[]={};
  280. interpolateTo[]={};
  281. interpolateFrom[]={};
  282. aiming="aimingNo";
  283. leaning="aimingNo";
  284. untiltWeapon="aimingNo";
  285. aimingBody="aimingUpDefault";
  286. legs="legsNo";
  287. head="headDefault";
  288. leaningFactorBeg=0;
  289. leaningFactorEnd=0;
  290. leaningFactorZeroPoint=-1;
  291. leaningCorrectionAngleBeg=0;
  292. leaningCorrectionAngleEnd=0;
  293. interpolationSpeed=6;
  294. interpolationRestart=0;
  295. collisionShape="ca\animals2\data\geom\basicColide.p3d";
  296. hasCollShapeSafe=0;
  297. collisionShapeSafe="";
  298. boundingSphere=1;
  299. enableDirectControl=1;
  300. enableAutoActions=0;
  301. leftHandIKBeg=0;
  302. leftHandIKEnd=0;
  303. rightHandIKBeg=0;
  304. rightHandIKEnd=0;
  305. weaponIK=0;
  306. preload=0;
  307. walkcycles=1;
  308. forceAim=0;
  309. rightHandIKCurve[]={};
  310. leftHandIKCurve[]={};
  311. };
  312. class StandBase: Default
  313. {
  314. aiming="aimingDefault";
  315. disableWeapons=1;
  316. leaningFactorBeg=1;
  317. leaningFactorEnd=1;
  318. };
  319. class DefaultDie: Default
  320. {
  321. aiming="aimingNo";
  322. legs="legsNo";
  323. head="headNo";
  324. disableWeapons=1;
  325. interpolationRestart=1;
  326. soundOverride="fallbody";
  327. soundEdge[]={0.44999999};
  328. soundEnabled=0;
  329. };
  330. class ManActions
  331. {
  332. Stop="";
  333. StopRelaxed="";
  334. TurnL="";
  335. TurnR="";
  336. TurnLRelaxed="";
  337. TurnRRelaxed="";
  338. Default="";
  339. JumpOff="";
  340. ReloadMagazine="";
  341. ReloadMGun="";
  342. ReloadAT="";
  343. ReloadMortar="";
  344. ThrowGrenade="";
  345. WalkF="";
  346. WalkLF="";
  347. WalkRF="";
  348. WalkL="";
  349. WalkR="";
  350. WalkLB="";
  351. WalkRB="";
  352. WalkB="";
  353. SlowF="";
  354. SlowLF="";
  355. SlowRF="";
  356. SlowL="";
  357. SlowR="";
  358. SlowLB="";
  359. SlowRB="";
  360. SlowB="";
  361. FastF="";
  362. FastLF="";
  363. FastRF="";
  364. FastL="";
  365. FastR="";
  366. FastLB="";
  367. FastRB="";
  368. FastB="";
  369. EvasiveForward="";
  370. EvasiveLeft="";
  371. EvasiveRight="";
  372. EvasiveBack="";
  373. StartSwim="";
  374. StopSwim="";
  375. Down="";
  376. Up="";
  377. PlayerStand="";
  378. PlayerCrouch="";
  379. PlayerProne="";
  380. Lying="";
  381. Stand="";
  382. Combat="";
  383. Crouch="";
  384. CanNotMove="";
  385. Civil="";
  386. CivilLying="";
  387. FireNotPossible="";
  388. Die="";
  389. WeaponOn="";
  390. WeaponOff="";
  391. StrokeFist="";
  392. StrokeGun="";
  393. SitDown="";
  394. Salute="";
  395. BinocOn="";
  396. BinocOff="";
  397. PutDown="";
  398. PutDownEnd="";
  399. Medic="";
  400. Treated="";
  401. LadderOnDown="";
  402. LadderOnUp="";
  403. LadderOff="";
  404. LadderOffTop="";
  405. LadderOffBottom="";
  406. GetInLow="";
  407. GetInMedium="";
  408. GetInHigh="";
  409. GetOutLow="";
  410. GetOutMedium="";
  411. GetOutHigh="";
  412. TakeFlag="";
  413. HandGunOn="";
  414. LookAround="";
  415. Eat="";
  416. StopEat="";
  417. Rest="";
  418. StopRest="";
  419. GestureBark=" ";
  420. GestureIdle1=" ";
  421. GestureIdle2=" ";
  422. GestureSniff=" ";
  423. GestureHeadL=" ";
  424. GestureHeadR=" ";
  425. };
  426. class BlendAnims
  427. {
  428. aimingDefault[]={};
  429. untiltWeaponDefault[]={};
  430. legsDefault[]={};
  431. headDefault[]={};
  432. aimingNo[]={};
  433. legsNo[]={};
  434. headNo[]={};
  435. aimingUpDefault[]={};
  436. };
  437. collisionVertexPattern[]=
  438. {
  439. "1a",
  440. "2a",
  441. "3a",
  442. "4a",
  443. "5a",
  444. "6a",
  445. "7a",
  446. "8a",
  447. "9a",
  448. "10a",
  449. "11a",
  450. "12a",
  451. "13a",
  452. "14a",
  453. "15a",
  454. "16a",
  455. "17a",
  456. "18a",
  457. "19a",
  458. "20a",
  459. "21a",
  460. "22a",
  461. "23a",
  462. "24a",
  463. "25a",
  464. "26a",
  465. "27a",
  466. "28a",
  467. "29a",
  468. "30a",
  469. "31a",
  470. "32a",
  471. "33a",
  472. "34a"
  473. };
  474. collisionGeomCompPattern[]={1};
  475. };
  476. class CfgMovesDogDZ: CfgMovesDogBase
  477. {
  478. primaryActionMaps[]=
  479. {
  480. "DogActions",
  481. "NoActions"
  482. };
  483. skeletonName="DogSkeleton";
  484. gestures="CfgGesturesDogDZ";
  485. class States
  486. {
  487. class Dog_Stop: StandBase
  488. {
  489. actions="DogActions";
  490. duty=-1;
  491. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogStop";
  492. speed=1e+010;
  493. relSpeedMin=0.69999999;
  494. relSpeedMax=1.1;
  495. looped=1;
  496. ConnectTo[]=
  497. {
  498. "Dog_TurnR",
  499. 0.1,
  500. "Dog_StopV2",
  501. 0.1,
  502. "Dog_StopV1",
  503. 0.1,
  504. "Dog_TurnL",
  505. 0.1,
  506. "Dog_Sprint",
  507. 0.02,
  508. "Dog_Run",
  509. 0.02,
  510. "Dog_Walk",
  511. 0.2
  512. };
  513. InterpolateTo[]=
  514. {
  515. "Dog_TurnR",
  516. 0.1,
  517. "Dog_Die",
  518. 0.02,
  519. "Dog_TurnL",
  520. 0.1,
  521. "Dog_Sprint",
  522. 0.02,
  523. "Dog_Run",
  524. 0.02,
  525. "Dog_Walk",
  526. 0.2
  527. };
  528. };
  529. class Dog_TurnL: Dog_Stop
  530. {
  531. file="\CA\animals2\Dogs\data\anim\dog_rotateL.rtm";
  532. speed=1;
  533. ConnectTo[]=
  534. {
  535. "Dog_Stop",
  536. 0.1
  537. };
  538. InterpolateTo[]=
  539. {
  540. "Dog_Stop",
  541. 0.1
  542. };
  543. };
  544. class Dog_TurnR: Dog_TurnL
  545. {
  546. file="\CA\animals2\Dogs\data\anim\dog_rotateR.rtm";
  547. ConnectTo[]=
  548. {
  549. "Dog_Stop",
  550. 0.1
  551. };
  552. InterpolateTo[]=
  553. {
  554. "Dog_Stop",
  555. 0.1
  556. };
  557. };
  558. class Dog_StopV1: Dog_Stop
  559. {
  560. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogIDLE";
  561. speed=2.1400001;
  562. variantAfter[]={5,7,10};
  563. looped=0;
  564. ConnectTo[]=
  565. {
  566. "Dog_Stop",
  567. 0.1
  568. };
  569. InterpolateTo[]=
  570. {
  571. "Dog_Die",
  572. 0.02
  573. };
  574. };
  575. class Dog_StopV2: Dog_Stop
  576. {
  577. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogBark";
  578. speed=1;
  579. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  580. looped=0;
  581. ConnectTo[]=
  582. {
  583. "Dog_Stop",
  584. 0.1
  585. };
  586. InterpolateTo[]=
  587. {
  588. "Dog_Die",
  589. 0.02
  590. };
  591. };
  592. class Dog_Attack: Dog_Stop
  593. {
  594. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogAttack";
  595. speed=1;
  596. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  597. looped=0;
  598. ConnectTo[]=
  599. {
  600. "Dog_Stop",
  601. 0.1
  602. };
  603. InterpolateTo[]=
  604. {
  605. "Dog_Die",
  606. 0.02
  607. };
  608. };
  609. class Dog_Sniff: Dog_Stop
  610. {
  611. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureSniff";
  612. speed=0.30000001;
  613. mask="frontBody";
  614. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  615. looped=0;
  616. ConnectTo[]=
  617. {
  618. "Dog_Stop",
  619. 0.1
  620. };
  621. InterpolateTo[]=
  622. {
  623. "Dog_Die",
  624. 0.02
  625. };
  626. };
  627. class Dog_SitDown: Dog_Stop
  628. {
  629. actions="DogSit";
  630. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogSit1In";
  631. speed=1.4299999;
  632. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  633. looped=0;
  634. relSpeedMin=0.99667197;
  635. relSpeedMax=0.99667197;
  636. ConnectTo[]={};
  637. InterpolateTo[]=
  638. {
  639. "Dog_Die",
  640. 0.02
  641. };
  642. };
  643. class Dog_LieDown: Dog_Stop
  644. {
  645. actions="DogSit";
  646. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogStandDown";
  647. speed=1.428571;
  648. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  649. looped=0;
  650. relSpeedMin=0.99667197;
  651. relSpeedMax=0.99667197;
  652. ConnectTo[]={};
  653. InterpolateTo[]=
  654. {
  655. "Dog_Die",
  656. 0.02
  657. };
  658. };
  659. class Dog_GetUp: Dog_Stop
  660. {
  661. actions="DogSit";
  662. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogDownStand";
  663. speed=1.428571;
  664. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  665. looped=0;
  666. relSpeedMin=0.99667197;
  667. relSpeedMax=0.99667197;
  668. ConnectTo[]=
  669. {
  670. "Dog_Stop",
  671. 0.1,
  672. "Dog_Run",
  673. 0.1,
  674. "Dog_Walk",
  675. 0.1,
  676. "Dog_Sprint",
  677. 0.1
  678. };
  679. InterpolateTo[]=
  680. {
  681. "Dog_Die",
  682. 0.02,
  683. "Dog_Run",
  684. 0.1,
  685. "Dog_Walk",
  686. 0.1,
  687. "Dog_Sprint",
  688. 0.1
  689. };
  690. };
  691. class Dog_Siting: Dog_Stop
  692. {
  693. actions="DogSit";
  694. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogSit2Idle";
  695. speed=1.58;
  696. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  697. looped=1;
  698. ConnectTo[]={};
  699. InterpolateTo[]=
  700. {
  701. "Dog_Die",
  702. 0.02
  703. };
  704. };
  705. class Dog_SitUp: Dog_Stop
  706. {
  707. actions="DogSit";
  708. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogSit3Out";
  709. speed=1.08;
  710. variantAfter[]={1,1,1};
  711. looped=0;
  712. relSpeedMin=0.99667197;
  713. relSpeedMax=0.99667197;
  714. ConnectTo[]=
  715. {
  716. "Dog_Stop",
  717. 0.1,
  718. "Dog_Run",
  719. 0.1,
  720. "Dog_Walk",
  721. 0.1,
  722. "Dog_Sprint",
  723. 0.1
  724. };
  725. InterpolateTo[]=
  726. {
  727. "Dog_Die",
  728. 0.02,
  729. "Dog_Run",
  730. 0.1,
  731. "Dog_Walk",
  732. 0.1,
  733. "Dog_Sprint",
  734. 0.1
  735. };
  736. };
  737. class Dog_Sprint: Dog_Stop
  738. {
  739. actions="DogSprint";
  740. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogSprint";
  741. duty=0.5;
  742. speed=4.5;
  743. ConnectTo[]=
  744. {
  745. "Dog_Stop",
  746. 0.02,
  747. "Dog_Run",
  748. 0.02,
  749. "Dog_Walk",
  750. 0.02
  751. };
  752. InterpolateTo[]=
  753. {
  754. "Dog_Die",
  755. 0.02,
  756. "Dog_Stop",
  757. 0.02,
  758. "Dog_Run",
  759. 0.02,
  760. "Dog_Walk",
  761. 0.02
  762. };
  763. };
  764. class Dog_Run: Dog_Stop
  765. {
  766. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogRun";
  767. duty=-0.5;
  768. speed=1.8;
  769. ConnectTo[]=
  770. {
  771. "Dog_Stop",
  772. 0.02,
  773. "Dog_Sprint",
  774. 0.02,
  775. "Dog_Walk",
  776. 0.02
  777. };
  778. InterpolateTo[]=
  779. {
  780. "Dog_Die",
  781. 0.02,
  782. "Dog_Stop",
  783. 0.02,
  784. "Dog_Sprint",
  785. 0.02,
  786. "Dog_Walk",
  787. 0.02
  788. };
  789. };
  790. class Dog_Walk: Dog_Stop
  791. {
  792. duty=-0.69999999;
  793. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogWalk";
  794. speed=1.3;
  795. variantAfter[]={3,10,20};
  796. ConnectTo[]=
  797. {
  798. "Dog_Stop",
  799. 0.2,
  800. "Dog_Sprint",
  801. 0.2,
  802. "Dog_Run",
  803. 0.2
  804. };
  805. InterpolateTo[]=
  806. {
  807. "Dog_Die",
  808. 0.02,
  809. "Dog_Stop",
  810. 0.2,
  811. "Dog_Sprint",
  812. 0.2,
  813. "Dog_Run",
  814. 0.2
  815. };
  816. };
  817. class Dog_Die: DefaultDie
  818. {
  819. enableDirectControl=0;
  820. actions="NoActions";
  821. file="\CA\animals2\dogs\data\Anim\dogDeath";
  822. speed=1.2;
  823. looped=0;
  824. variantsPlayer[]={};
  825. variantsAI[]=
  826. {
  827. ""
  828. };
  829. variantAfter[]={0,0,0};
  830. terminal=1;
  831. soundEnabled=0;
  832. ConnectTo[]={};
  833. InterpolateTo[]={};
  834. };
  835. };
  836. class Actions
  837. {
  838. class NoActions: ManActions
  839. {
  840. turnSpeed=8;
  841. limitFast=5.5;
  842. useFastMove=0;
  843. upDegree=0;
  844. GestureBark[]=
  845. {
  846. "GestureBark",
  847. "Gesture"
  848. };
  849. GestureIdle1[]=
  850. {
  851. "GestureIdle1",
  852. "Gesture"
  853. };
  854. GestureIdle2[]=
  855. {
  856. "GestureIdle2",
  857. "Gesture"
  858. };
  859. GestureSniff[]=
  860. {
  861. "GestureSniff",
  862. "Gesture"
  863. };
  864. GestureHeadL[]=
  865. {
  866. "GestureHeadL",
  867. "Gesture"
  868. };
  869. GestureHeadR[]=
  870. {
  871. "GestureHeadR",
  872. "Gesture"
  873. };
  874. };
  875. class DogActions: NoActions
  876. {
  877. Stop="Dog_Stop";
  878. StopRelaxed="Dog_Stop";
  879. TurnL="Dog_TurnL";
  880. TurnR="Dog_TurnR";
  881. TurnLRelaxed="Dog_TurnL";
  882. TurnRRelaxed="Dog_TurnR";
  883. Default="Dog_Stop";
  884. JumpOff="Dog_Stop";
  885. WalkF="Dog_Walk";
  886. SlowF="Dog_Run";
  887. FastF="Dog_Sprint";
  888. EvasiveForward="Dog_Sprint";
  889. Down="Dog_Stop";
  890. Up="Dog_Stop";
  891. PlayerStand="Dog_Stop";
  892. PlayerProne="Dog_Stop";
  893. PlayerCrouch="";
  894. Crouch="";
  895. Lying="Dog_Stop";
  896. Stand="Dog_Stop";
  897. Combat="Dog_Stop";
  898. CanNotMove="Dog_Stop";
  899. Civil="Dog_Stop";
  900. CivilLying="Dog_Stop";
  901. FireNotPossible="Dog_StopV1";
  902. Die="Dog_Die";
  903. turnSpeed=8;
  904. limitFast=5.5;
  905. useFastMove=0;
  906. upDegree="ManPosNoWeapon";
  907. StartSwim="Dog_Die";
  908. };
  909. class DogSprint: DogActions
  910. {
  911. Die="Dog_Die";
  912. turnSpeed=4;
  913. limitFast=5.5;
  914. useFastMove=1;
  915. };
  916. class DogSit: NoActions
  917. {
  918. Up="Dog_Stop";
  919. PlayerStand="Dog_Stop";
  920. Stand="Dog_Stop";
  921. WalkF="Dog_Walk";
  922. SlowF="Dog_Run";
  923. FastF="Dog_Sprint";
  924. EvasiveForward="Dog_Sprint";
  925. PlayerCrouch="Dog_Stop";
  926. Crouch="Dog_Stop";
  927. Die="Dog_Die";
  928. upDegree="ManPosNoWeapon";
  929. StartSwim="Dog_Die";
  930. };
  931. };
  932. class Interpolations
  933. {
  934. };
  935. transitionsInterpolated[]={};
  936. transitionsSimple[]={};
  937. transitionsDisabled[]={};
  938. class BlendAnims: BlendAnims
  939. {
  940. aimingDefault[]=
  941. {
  942. "head",
  943. 1,
  944. "Jaw",
  945. 1,
  946. "Neck1",
  947. 0.5,
  948. "Tongue1",
  949. 1,
  950. "Tongue2",
  951. 1
  952. };
  953. untiltWeaponDefault[]={};
  954. legsDefault[]={};
  955. headDefault[]=
  956. {
  957. "head",
  958. 1,
  959. "Jaw",
  960. 1,
  961. "Neck1",
  962. 0.5,
  963. "Tongue1",
  964. 1,
  965. "Tongue2",
  966. 1
  967. };
  968. aimingNo[]={};
  969. legsNo[]={};
  970. headNo[]={};
  971. aimingUpDefault[]={};
  972. frontBody[]=
  973. {
  974. "neck",
  975. 1,
  976. "neck1",
  977. 1,
  978. "head",
  979. 1,
  980. "Jaw",
  981. 1,
  982. "Tongue1",
  983. 1,
  984. "Tongue2",
  985. 1,
  986. "leftArm",
  987. 0.5,
  988. "rightArm",
  989. 0.5,
  990. "leftEar",
  991. 1,
  992. "rightEar",
  993. 1
  994. };
  995. };
  996. };
  997. class CfgGesturesDogDZ
  998. {
  999. skeletonName="DogSkeleton";
  1000. class ManActions
  1001. {
  1002. };
  1003. class Actions
  1004. {
  1005. class NoActions: ManActions
  1006. {
  1007. turnSpeed=0;
  1008. upDegree=0;
  1009. limitFast=1;
  1010. useFastMove=0;
  1011. };
  1012. };
  1013. class Default
  1014. {
  1015. actions="NoActions";
  1016. file="";
  1017. looped=1;
  1018. speed=0.5;
  1019. relSpeedMin=1;
  1020. relSpeedMax=1;
  1021. soundEnabled=0;
  1022. soundOverride="";
  1023. soundEdge[]={0.5,1};
  1024. terminal=0;
  1025. equivalentTo="";
  1026. connectAs="";
  1027. connectFrom[]={};
  1028. connectTo[]={};
  1029. interpolateWith[]={};
  1030. interpolateTo[]={};
  1031. interpolateFrom[]={};
  1032. mask="empty";
  1033. interpolationSpeed=6;
  1034. interpolationRestart=0;
  1035. preload=0;
  1036. disableWeapons=1;
  1037. enableOptics=1;
  1038. showWeaponAim=1;
  1039. enableMissile=1;
  1040. enableBinocular=1;
  1041. showItemInHand=0;
  1042. showItemInRightHand=0;
  1043. showHandGun=0;
  1044. canPullTrigger=1;
  1045. walkcycles=1;
  1046. headBobMode=0;
  1047. headBobStrength=0;
  1048. leftHandIKBeg=0;
  1049. leftHandIKEnd=0;
  1050. rightHandIKBeg=0;
  1051. rightHandIKEnd=0;
  1052. leftHandIKCurve[]={1};
  1053. rightHandIKCurve[]={1};
  1054. forceAim=0;
  1055. };
  1056. class States
  1057. {
  1058. class GestureBark: Default
  1059. {
  1060. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogBarkOnce";
  1061. looped=0;
  1062. speed=3;
  1063. mask="barking";
  1064. };
  1065. class GestureIdle1: Default
  1066. {
  1067. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureIdle1";
  1068. looped=0;
  1069. speed=0.30000001;
  1070. mask="idle";
  1071. };
  1072. class GestureIdle2: Default
  1073. {
  1074. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureIdle2";
  1075. looped=0;
  1076. speed=0.30000001;
  1077. mask="idle";
  1078. };
  1079. class GestureHeadL: Default
  1080. {
  1081. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureHeadL";
  1082. looped=0;
  1083. speed=0.30000001;
  1084. mask="idle";
  1085. };
  1086. class GestureHeadR: Default
  1087. {
  1088. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureHeadR";
  1089. looped=0;
  1090. speed=0.30000001;
  1091. mask="idle";
  1092. };
  1093. class GestureSniff: Default
  1094. {
  1095. file="\dayz_anim\dog\dogGestureSniff";
  1096. looped=0;
  1097. speed=0.30000001;
  1098. mask="frontBody";
  1099. };
  1100. };
  1101. class BlendAnims
  1102. {
  1103. barking[]=
  1104. {
  1105. "head",
  1106. 1,
  1107. "Jaw",
  1108. 1,
  1109. "Neck1",
  1110. 0.5,
  1111. "Tongue1",
  1112. 1,
  1113. "Tongue2",
  1114. 1,
  1115. "Tail1",
  1116. 0.30000001,
  1117. "Tail2",
  1118. 0.60000002,
  1119. "Tail3",
  1120. 1
  1121. };
  1122. idle[]=
  1123. {
  1124. "head",
  1125. 1,
  1126. "Jaw",
  1127. 1,
  1128. "Neck1",
  1129. 0.60000002,
  1130. "Tongue1",
  1131. 1,
  1132. "Tongue2",
  1133. 1,
  1134. "Tail1",
  1135. 0.30000001,
  1136. "Tail2",
  1137. 0.60000002,
  1138. "Tail3",
  1139. 1,
  1140. "Spine",
  1141. 0.1,
  1142. "Spine1",
  1143. 0.2,
  1144. "Spine2",
  1145. 0.40000001
  1146. };
  1147. frontBody[]=
  1148. {
  1149. "spine",
  1150. 0.1,
  1151. "spine1",
  1152. 0.30000001,
  1153. "spine2",
  1154. 0.60000002,
  1155. "neck",
  1156. 1,
  1157. "neck1",
  1158. 1,
  1159. "head",
  1160. 1,
  1161. "Jaw",
  1162. 1,
  1163. "Tongue1",
  1164. 1,
  1165. "Tongue2",
  1166. 1,
  1167. "leftArm",
  1168. 0.5,
  1169. "rightArm",
  1170. 0.5,
  1171. "leftEar",
  1172. 1,
  1173. "rightEar",
  1174. 1
  1175. };
  1176. };
  1177. class Interpolations
  1178. {
  1179. };
  1180. transitionsInterpolated[]={};
  1181. transitionsSimple[]={};
  1182. transitionsDisabled[]={};
  1183. };
  1184. class RscShortcutButton
  1185. {
  1186. idc=-1;
  1187. style=0;
  1188. default=0;
  1189. shadow=2;
  1190. w=0.183825;
  1191. h=0.104575;
  1192. color[]={0.87840003,0.84710002,0.65100002,1};
  1193. color2[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  1194. colorBackground[]={1,1,1,1};
  1195. colorbackground2[]={1,1,1,0.40000001};
  1196. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0.25};
  1197. periodFocus=1.2;
  1198. periodOver=0.80000001;
  1199. class HitZone
  1200. {
  1201. left=0.0040000002;
  1202. top=0.028999999;
  1203. right=0.0040000002;
  1204. bottom=0.028999999;
  1205. };
  1206. class ShortcutPos
  1207. {
  1208. left=0.0145;
  1209. top=0.026000001;
  1210. w=0.039215699;
  1211. h=0.052287601;
  1212. };
  1213. class TextPos
  1214. {
  1215. left=0.050000001;
  1216. top=0.034000002;
  1217. right=0.0049999999;
  1218. bottom=0.0049999999;
  1219. };
  1220. animTextureNormal="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa";
  1221. animTextureDisabled="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa";
  1222. animTextureOver="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa";
  1223. animTextureFocused="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa";
  1224. animTexturePressed="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa";
  1225. animTextureDefault="\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa";
  1226. period=0.40000001;
  1227. font="Zeppelin32";
  1228. size=0.039209999;
  1229. sizeEx=0.039209999;
  1230. text="";
  1231. soundEnter[]=
  1232. {
  1233. "\ca\ui\data\sound\onover",
  1234. 0.090000004,
  1235. 1
  1236. };
  1237. soundPush[]=
  1238. {
  1239. "\ca\ui\data\sound\new1",
  1240. 0,
  1241. 0
  1242. };
  1243. soundClick[]=
  1244. {
  1245. "\ca\ui\data\sound\onclick",
  1246. 0.07,
  1247. 1
  1248. };
  1249. soundEscape[]=
  1250. {
  1251. "\ca\ui\data\sound\onescape",
  1252. 0.090000004,
  1253. 1
  1254. };
  1255. action="";
  1256. class Attributes
  1257. {
  1258. font="Zeppelin32";
  1259. color="#E5E5E5";
  1260. align="left";
  1261. shadow="true";
  1262. };
  1263. class AttributesImage
  1264. {
  1265. font="Zeppelin32";
  1266. color="#E5E5E5";
  1267. align="left";
  1268. };
  1269. };
  1270. class CfgDifficulties
  1271. {
  1272. class Recruit
  1273. {
  1274. displayName="$STR_XBOX_DIFF_RECRUIT";
  1275. description="";
  1276. showCadetHints=1;
  1277. showCadetWP=1;
  1278. maxPilotHeight=150;
  1279. scoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_pecka.paa";
  1280. scoreChar="o";
  1281. badScoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_krizek.paa";
  1282. badScoreChar="X";
  1283. skillFriendly=1;
  1284. precisionFriendly=1;
  1285. skillEnemy=0.55000001;
  1286. precisionEnemy=0.30000001;
  1287. myArmorCoef=4;
  1288. groupArmorCoef=4;
  1289. autoAimSizeFactor=0.80000001;
  1290. autoAimDistance=1.2;
  1291. autoAimAngle=7;
  1292. peripheralVisionAid=0;
  1293. visionAid=0;
  1294. class Flags
  1295. {
  1296. armor[]={0,0};
  1297. friendlyTag[]={0,0};
  1298. enemyTag[]={0,0};
  1299. hud[]={0,0};
  1300. hudPerm[]={0,0};
  1301. hudWp[]={0,0};
  1302. hudWpPerm[]={0,0};
  1303. autoSpot[]={0,0};
  1304. map[]={0,0};
  1305. weaponCursor[]={0,0};
  1306. autoGuideAT[]={0,0};
  1307. clockIndicator[]={0,0};
  1308. 3rdPersonView[]={0,1};
  1309. tracers[]={0,0};
  1310. ultraAI[]={0,0};
  1311. autoAim[]={0,0};
  1312. unlimitedSaves[]={0,0};
  1313. hudGroupInfo[]={0,0};
  1314. };
  1315. };
  1316. class Regular
  1317. {
  1318. scoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_pecka.paa";
  1319. badScoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_krizek.paa";
  1320. skillFriendly=1;
  1321. precisionFriendly=1;
  1322. skillEnemy=0.69999999;
  1323. precisionEnemy=0.5;
  1324. myArmorCoef=3;
  1325. groupArmorCoef=2.4000001;
  1326. autoAimSizeFactor=0.89999998;
  1327. autoAimDistance=1.3;
  1328. autoAimAngle=6;
  1329. peripheralVisionAid=0;
  1330. visionAid=0;
  1331. class Flags
  1332. {
  1333. armor[]={0,0};
  1334. friendlyTag[]={0,0};
  1335. enemyTag[]={0,0};
  1336. hud[]={0,0};
  1337. hudPerm[]={0,0};
  1338. hudWp[]={0,0};
  1339. hudWpPerm[]={0,0};
  1340. autoSpot[]={0,0};
  1341. map[]={0,0};
  1342. weaponCursor[]={0,0};
  1343. autoGuideAT[]={0,0};
  1344. clockIndicator[]={0,0};
  1345. 3rdPersonView[]={0,1};
  1346. tracers[]={0,0};
  1347. ultraAI[]={0,0};
  1348. autoAim[]={0,0};
  1349. unlimitedSaves[]={0,0};
  1350. hudGroupInfo[]={0,0};
  1351. };
  1352. };
  1353. class Veteran
  1354. {
  1355. scoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_hvezdicka.paa";
  1356. badScoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_krizek.paa";
  1357. skillFriendly=1;
  1358. precisionFriendly=1;
  1359. skillEnemy=0.89999998;
  1360. precisionEnemy=0.75;
  1361. myArmorCoef=1;
  1362. groupArmorCoef=1;
  1363. autoAimSizeFactor=0.30000001;
  1364. autoAimDistance=0.60000002;
  1365. autoAimAngle=2.5;
  1366. peripheralVisionAid=0;
  1367. visionAid=0;
  1368. class Flags
  1369. {
  1370. armor[]={0,0};
  1371. friendlyTag[]={0,0};
  1372. enemyTag[]={0,0};
  1373. hud[]={0,0};
  1374. hudPerm[]={0,0};
  1375. hudWp[]={0,0};
  1376. hudWpPerm[]={0,0};
  1377. autoSpot[]={0,0};
  1378. map[]={0,0};
  1379. weaponCursor[]={0,0};
  1380. autoGuideAT[]={0,0};
  1381. clockIndicator[]={0,0};
  1382. 3rdPersonView[]={0,1};
  1383. tracers[]={0,0};
  1384. ultraAI[]={0,0};
  1385. autoAim[]={0,0};
  1386. unlimitedSaves[]={0,0};
  1387. hudGroupInfo[]={0,0};
  1388. };
  1389. };
  1390. class Mercenary
  1391. {
  1392. displayName="$STR_SKILL_EXPERT";
  1393. description="The most realistic settings possible: no 3rd person view, no articial help.";
  1394. showCadetHints=0;
  1395. showCadetWP=0;
  1396. maxPilotHeight=10000;
  1397. scoreChar="*";
  1398. badScoreChar="X";
  1399. scoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_hvezdicka.paa";
  1400. badScoreImage="\ca\ui\textures\deb_krizek.paa";
  1401. skillFriendly=1;
  1402. precisionFriendly=1;
  1403. skillEnemy=1;
  1404. precisionEnemy=1;
  1405. myArmorCoef=1;
  1406. groupArmorCoef=1;
  1407. autoAimSizeFactor=0.30000001;
  1408. autoAimDistance=0.60000002;
  1409. autoAimAngle=2.5;
  1410. peripheralVisionAid=0;
  1411. visionAid=0;
  1412. class Flags
  1413. {
  1414. armor[]={0,0};
  1415. friendlyTag[]={0,0};
  1416. enemyTag[]={0,0};
  1417. hud[]={0,0};
  1418. hudPerm[]={0,0};
  1419. hudWp[]={0,0};
  1420. hudWpPerm[]={0,0};
  1421. autoSpot[]={0,0};
  1422. map[]={0,0};
  1423. weaponCursor[]={0,0};
  1424. autoGuideAT[]={0,0};
  1425. clockIndicator[]={0,0};
  1426. 3rdPersonView[]={0,1};
  1427. tracers[]={0,0};
  1428. ultraAI[]={0,0};
  1429. autoAim[]={0,0};
  1430. unlimitedSaves[]={0,0};
  1431. deathMessages[]={0,1};
  1432. netStats[]={0,1};
  1433. vonID[]={0,1};
  1434. hudGroupInfo[]={0,0};
  1435. };
  1436. };
  1437. };
  1438. class CfgVehicles
  1439. {
  1440. class Man;
  1441. class CAManBase: Man
  1442. {
  1443. canCarryBackPack=1;
  1444. };
  1445. class Citizen1;
  1446. class zZambie_Base: Citizen1
  1447. {
  1448. scope=2;
  1449. glassesEnabled=0;
  1450. vehicleClass="Zombie";
  1451. displayName="Zombie";
  1452. fsmDanger="";
  1453. fsmFormation="";
  1454. zombieLoot="civilian";
  1455. moves="CfgMovesZombie";
  1456. isMan=0;
  1457. weapons[]={};
  1458. magazines[]={};
  1459. sensitivity=4;
  1460. sensitivityEar=2;
  1461. identityTypes[]=
  1462. {
  1463. "zombie1",
  1464. "zombie2",
  1465. "zombie3"
  1466. };
  1467. class TalkTopics
  1468. {
  1469. };
  1470. languages[]={};
  1471. class Eventhandlers
  1472. {
  1473. init="_this call zombie_initialize;";
  1474. local="if (_this select 1) then {[(position (_this select 0)),(_this select 0),true] execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm'};";
  1475. };
  1476. class HitPoints
  1477. {
  1478. class HitHead
  1479. {
  1480. armor=0.30000001;
  1481. material=-1;
  1482. name="head_hit";
  1483. passThrough=1;
  1484. memoryPoint="pilot";
  1485. };
  1486. class HitBody: HitHead
  1487. {
  1488. armor=2;
  1489. name="body";
  1490. memoryPoint="aimPoint";
  1491. };
  1492. class HitSpine: HitHead
  1493. {
  1494. armor=2;
  1495. name="Spine2";
  1496. memoryPoint="aimPoint";
  1497. };
  1498. class HitHands: HitHead
  1499. {
  1500. armor=0.5;
  1501. material=-1;
  1502. name="hands";
  1503. passThrough=1;
  1504. };
  1505. class HitLArm: HitHands
  1506. {
  1507. name="LeftArm";
  1508. memoryPoint="lelbow";
  1509. };
  1510. class HitRArm: HitHands
  1511. {
  1512. name="RightArm";
  1513. memoryPoint="relbow";
  1514. };
  1515. class HitLForeArm: HitHands
  1516. {
  1517. name="LeftForeArm";
  1518. memoryPoint="lwrist";
  1519. };
  1520. class HitRForeArm: HitHands
  1521. {
  1522. name="RightForeArm";
  1523. memoryPoint="rwrist";
  1524. };
  1525. class HitLHand: HitHands
  1526. {
  1527. name="LeftHand";
  1528. memoryPoint="LeftHandMiddle1";
  1529. };
  1530. class HitRHand: HitHands
  1531. {
  1532. name="RightHand";
  1533. memoryPoint="RightHandMiddle1";
  1534. };
  1535. class HitLegs: HitHands
  1536. {
  1537. name="legs";
  1538. memoryPoint="pelvis";
  1539. };
  1540. class HitLLeg: HitHands
  1541. {
  1542. name="LeftLeg";
  1543. memoryPoint="lknee";
  1544. };
  1545. class HitLLegUp: HitHands
  1546. {
  1547. name="LeftUpLeg";
  1548. memoryPoint="lfemur";
  1549. };
  1550. class HitRLeg: HitHands
  1551. {
  1552. name="RightLeg";
  1553. memoryPoint="rknee";
  1554. };
  1555. class HitRLegUp: HitHands
  1556. {
  1557. name="RightUpLeg";
  1558. memoryPoint="rfemur";
  1559. };
  1560. };
  1561. };
  1562. class AllVehicles;
  1563. class Air: AllVehicles
  1564. {
  1565. class NewTurret;
  1566. class ViewPilot;
  1567. class AnimationSources;
  1568. };
  1569. class Helicopter: Air
  1570. {
  1571. class HitPoints;
  1572. class Turrets
  1573. {
  1574. class MainTurret: NewTurret
  1575. {
  1576. class Turrets;
  1577. class ViewOptics;
  1578. };
  1579. };
  1580. };
  1581. class LandVehicle;
  1582. class Car: LandVehicle
  1583. {
  1584. class HitPoints
  1585. {
  1586. class HitGlass1;
  1587. class HitGlass2;
  1588. class HitGlass3;
  1589. class HitGlass4;
  1590. class HitLFWheel;
  1591. class HitLBWheel;
  1592. class HitRFWheel;
  1593. class HitRBWheel;
  1594. };
  1595. class AnimationSources
  1596. {
  1597. class HitGlass1;
  1598. };
  1599. class NewTurret;
  1600. class Sounds
  1601. {
  1602. class Engine;
  1603. class Movement;
  1604. };
  1605. };
  1606. class Rubberboat;
  1607. class PeeBeeRX: Rubberboat
  1608. {
  1609. scope=2;
  1610. displayName="$STR_DN_BOAT";
  1611. faction="RU";
  1612. model="\ca\water\PBX";
  1613. picture="\ca\water\data\ico\pbx_CA.paa";
  1614. Icon="\Ca\water\Data\map_ico\icomap_rubber_CA.paa";
  1615. mapSize=6;
  1616. transportSoldier=3;
  1617. typicalCargo[]={};
  1618. driverAction="PBX_Driver";
  1619. cargoAction[]=
  1620. {
  1621. "PBX_Cargo01",
  1622. "PBX_Cargo02",
  1623. "PBX_Cargo03"
  1624. };
  1625. side=0;
  1626. maxSpeed=65;
  1627. crew="";
  1628. class TransportMagazines
  1629. {
  1630. };
  1631. class Library
  1632. {
  1633. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_BOAT";
  1634. };
  1635. extCameraPosition[]={0,4,-14};
  1636. transportMaxMagazines=3;
  1637. class Damage
  1638. {
  1639. tex[]={};
  1640. mat[]=
  1641. {
  1642. "ca\water\data\pbx_engine.rvmat",
  1643. "ca\water\data\pbx_engine.rvmat",
  1644. "ca\water\data\pbx_engine_destruct.rvmat",
  1645. "ca\water\data\pbx_01.rvmat",
  1646. "ca\water\data\pbx_01.rvmat",
  1647. "ca\water\data\pbx_01_destruct.rvmat",
  1648. "ca\water\data\pbx_02.rvmat",
  1649. "ca\water\data\pbx_02.rvmat",
  1650. "ca\water\data\pbx_02_destruct.rvmat"
  1651. };
  1652. };
  1653. };
  1654. class UAZ_Unarmed_Base;
  1655. class YouZed_TeeKay: UAZ_Unarmed_Base
  1656. {
  1657. expansion=1;
  1658. scope=2;
  1659. side=0;
  1660. faction="BIS_TK";
  1661. accuracy=0.30000001;
  1662. crew="";
  1663. typicalCargo[]={};
  1664. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  1665. {
  1666. "\CA\wheeled_E\UAZ\Data\Uaz_main_IND_CO.paa"
  1667. };
  1668. class TransportMagazines
  1669. {
  1670. };
  1671. class TransportWeapons
  1672. {
  1673. };
  1674. };
  1675. class YouZed_Siv: UAZ_Unarmed_Base
  1676. {
  1677. expansion=1;
  1678. scope=2;
  1679. side=3;
  1680. accuracy=0.30000001;
  1681. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  1682. crew="";
  1683. typicalCargo[]={};
  1684. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  1685. {
  1686. "\CA\wheeled_E\UAZ\Data\Uaz_main_CIVIL_CO.paa"
  1687. };
  1688. class TransportMagazines
  1689. {
  1690. };
  1691. class TransportWeapons
  1692. {
  1693. };
  1694. };
  1695. class YouZed_YouEn: UAZ_Unarmed_Base
  1696. {
  1697. expansion=1;
  1698. scope=2;
  1699. side=2;
  1700. accuracy=0.30000001;
  1701. faction="BIS_UN";
  1702. crew="";
  1703. typicalCargo[]={};
  1704. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  1705. {
  1706. "\CA\wheeled_E\UAZ\Data\Uaz_main_UN_CO.paa"
  1707. };
  1708. class TransportMagazines
  1709. {
  1710. };
  1711. class TransportWeapons
  1712. {
  1713. };
  1714. };
  1715. class YouZed_Rooskie: UAZ_Unarmed_Base
  1716. {
  1717. scope=2;
  1718. side=0;
  1719. faction="RU";
  1720. crew="";
  1721. typicalCargo[]={};
  1722. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  1723. {
  1724. "\ca\wheeled\data\Uaz_main_CO.paa"
  1725. };
  1726. };
  1727. class ATV_Base_EP1;
  1728. class EhTeeVeeU: ATV_Base_EP1
  1729. {
  1730. scope=2;
  1731. side=1;
  1732. faction="BIS_US";
  1733. crew="";
  1734. typicalCargo[]={};
  1735. };
  1736. class EhTeeVeeC: ATV_Base_EP1
  1737. {
  1738. scope=2;
  1739. side=1;
  1740. faction="BIS_CZ";
  1741. crew="";
  1742. typicalCargo[]={};
  1743. };
  1744. class SkodaBase: Car
  1745. {
  1746. scope=0;
  1747. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\skodovka_CA.paa";
  1748. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  1749. mapSize=6;
  1750. faction="CIV";
  1751. crew="Citizen2";
  1752. typicalCargo[]=
  1753. {
  1754. "Citizen2"
  1755. };
  1756. wheelCircumference=1.988;
  1757. maxSpeed=110;
  1758. turnCoef=2;
  1759. steerAheadPlan=0.23999999;
  1760. side=3;
  1761. displayName="$STR_DN_SKODA";
  1762. accuracy=0.5;
  1763. extCameraPosition[]={0.5,2,-10};
  1764. armor=20;
  1765. damageResistance=0.018209999;
  1766. cost=2000;
  1767. fuelCapacity=50;
  1768. transportSoldier=3;
  1769. transportAmmo=0;
  1770. terrainCoef=6;
  1771. soundGear[]=
  1772. {
  1773. "",
  1774. 5.6234101e-005,
  1775. 1
  1776. };
  1777. soundGetIn[]=
  1778. {
  1779. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-Car-getout-1",
  1780. "db-10",
  1781. 1
  1782. };
  1783. soundGetOut[]=
  1784. {
  1785. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-Car-getout-1",
  1786. "db-10",
  1787. 1,
  1788. 30
  1789. };
  1790. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  1791. {
  1792. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-Car-start-1",
  1793. 0.316228,
  1794. 1
  1795. };
  1796. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  1797. {
  1798. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-Car-start-1",
  1799. 0.316228,
  1800. 1,
  1801. 200
  1802. };
  1803. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  1804. {
  1805. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-Car-stop-1",
  1806. 0.316228,
  1807. 1
  1808. };
  1809. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  1810. {
  1811. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-Car-stop-1",
  1812. 0.316228,
  1813. 1,
  1814. 200
  1815. };
  1816. buildCrash0[]=
  1817. {
  1818. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  1819. 0.707946,
  1820. 1,
  1821. 200
  1822. };
  1823. buildCrash1[]=
  1824. {
  1825. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  1826. 0.707946,
  1827. 1,
  1828. 200
  1829. };
  1830. buildCrash2[]=
  1831. {
  1832. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  1833. 0.707946,
  1834. 1,
  1835. 200
  1836. };
  1837. buildCrash3[]=
  1838. {
  1839. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  1840. 0.707946,
  1841. 1,
  1842. 200
  1843. };
  1844. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  1845. {
  1846. "buildCrash0",
  1847. 0.25,
  1848. "buildCrash1",
  1849. 0.25,
  1850. "buildCrash2",
  1851. 0.25,
  1852. "buildCrash3",
  1853. 0.25
  1854. };
  1855. WoodCrash0[]=
  1856. {
  1857. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  1858. 0.707946,
  1859. 1,
  1860. 200
  1861. };
  1862. WoodCrash1[]=
  1863. {
  1864. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  1865. 0.707946,
  1866. 1,
  1867. 200
  1868. };
  1869. WoodCrash2[]=
  1870. {
  1871. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  1872. 0.707946,
  1873. 1,
  1874. 200
  1875. };
  1876. WoodCrash3[]=
  1877. {
  1878. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  1879. 0.707946,
  1880. 1,
  1881. 200
  1882. };
  1883. WoodCrash4[]=
  1884. {
  1885. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  1886. 0.707946,
  1887. 1,
  1888. 200
  1889. };
  1890. WoodCrash5[]=
  1891. {
  1892. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  1893. 0.707946,
  1894. 1,
  1895. 200
  1896. };
  1897. soundWoodCrash[]=
  1898. {
  1899. "woodCrash0",
  1900. 0.16599999,
  1901. "woodCrash1",
  1902. 0.16599999,
  1903. "woodCrash2",
  1904. 0.16599999,
  1905. "woodCrash3",
  1906. 0.16599999,
  1907. "woodCrash4",
  1908. 0.16599999,
  1909. "woodCrash5",
  1910. 0.16599999
  1911. };
  1912. ArmorCrash0[]=
  1913. {
  1914. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  1915. 0.707946,
  1916. 1,
  1917. 200
  1918. };
  1919. ArmorCrash1[]=
  1920. {
  1921. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  1922. 0.707946,
  1923. 1,
  1924. 200
  1925. };
  1926. ArmorCrash2[]=
  1927. {
  1928. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  1929. 0.707946,
  1930. 1,
  1931. 200
  1932. };
  1933. ArmorCrash3[]=
  1934. {
  1935. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  1936. 0.707946,
  1937. 1,
  1938. 200
  1939. };
  1940. soundArmorCrash[]=
  1941. {
  1942. "ArmorCrash0",
  1943. 0.25,
  1944. "ArmorCrash1",
  1945. 0.25,
  1946. "ArmorCrash2",
  1947. 0.25,
  1948. "ArmorCrash3",
  1949. 0.25
  1950. };
  1951. class SoundEvents
  1952. {
  1953. class AccelerationIn
  1954. {
  1955. sound[]=
  1956. {
  1957. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-Car-acce-2",
  1958. "db-10",
  1959. 1
  1960. };
  1961. limit=0.5;
  1962. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*gmeterZ";
  1963. };
  1964. class AccelerationOut
  1965. {
  1966. sound[]=
  1967. {
  1968. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-Car-acce-2",
  1969. "db-10",
  1970. 1,
  1971. 200
  1972. };
  1973. limit=0.5;
  1974. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*gmeterZ";
  1975. };
  1976. };
  1977. class Sounds
  1978. {
  1979. class Engine
  1980. {
  1981. sound[]=
  1982. {
  1983. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-car-low-4",
  1984. 0.56234097,
  1985. 1,
  1986. 250
  1987. };
  1988. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  1989. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.7, 0.2])";
  1990. };
  1991. class EngineHighOut
  1992. {
  1993. sound[]=
  1994. {
  1995. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-car-high-4",
  1996. 0.56234097,
  1997. 1.1,
  1998. 350
  1999. };
  2000. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  2001. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.9])";
  2002. };
  2003. class IdleOut
  2004. {
  2005. sound[]=
  2006. {
  2007. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\ext\ext-car-idle-2",
  2008. "db-10",
  2009. 1,
  2010. 150
  2011. };
  2012. frequency="1";
  2013. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])";
  2014. };
  2015. class TiresRockOut
  2016. {
  2017. sound[]=
  2018. {
  2019. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  2020. 0.1,
  2021. 1,
  2022. 30
  2023. };
  2024. frequency="1";
  2025. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2026. };
  2027. class TiresSandOut
  2028. {
  2029. sound[]=
  2030. {
  2031. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  2032. 0.1,
  2033. 1,
  2034. 30
  2035. };
  2036. frequency="1";
  2037. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2038. };
  2039. class TiresGrassOut
  2040. {
  2041. sound[]=
  2042. {
  2043. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  2044. 0.1,
  2045. 1,
  2046. 30
  2047. };
  2048. frequency="1";
  2049. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2050. };
  2051. class TiresMudOut
  2052. {
  2053. sound[]=
  2054. {
  2055. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  2056. 0.1,
  2057. 1,
  2058. 30
  2059. };
  2060. frequency="1";
  2061. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2062. };
  2063. class TiresGravelOut
  2064. {
  2065. sound[]=
  2066. {
  2067. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  2068. 0.1,
  2069. 1,
  2070. 30
  2071. };
  2072. frequency="1";
  2073. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2074. };
  2075. class TiresAsphaltOut
  2076. {
  2077. sound[]=
  2078. {
  2079. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  2080. 0.1,
  2081. 1,
  2082. 30
  2083. };
  2084. frequency="1";
  2085. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2086. };
  2087. class NoiseOut
  2088. {
  2089. sound[]=
  2090. {
  2091. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\int-noise3",
  2092. 0.1,
  2093. 1,
  2094. 30
  2095. };
  2096. frequency="1";
  2097. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  2098. };
  2099. class EngineLowIn
  2100. {
  2101. sound[]=
  2102. {
  2103. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-car-low-4",
  2104. "db-3",
  2105. 0.80000001
  2106. };
  2107. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  2108. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.65, 0.2])*(1-camPos)";
  2109. };
  2110. class EngineHighIn
  2111. {
  2112. sound[]=
  2113. {
  2114. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-car-high-4",
  2115. "db-3",
  2116. 0.80000001
  2117. };
  2118. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  2119. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.55, 0.95])*(1-camPos)";
  2120. };
  2121. class IdleIn
  2122. {
  2123. sound[]=
  2124. {
  2125. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Car\int\int-car-idle-1",
  2126. 0.39810699,
  2127. 1
  2128. };
  2129. frequency="1";
  2130. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  2131. };
  2132. class TiresRockIn
  2133. {
  2134. sound[]=
  2135. {
  2136. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  2137. 0.1,
  2138. 1
  2139. };
  2140. frequency="1";
  2141. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2142. };
  2143. class TiresSandIn
  2144. {
  2145. sound[]=
  2146. {
  2147. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  2148. 0.1,
  2149. 1
  2150. };
  2151. frequency="1";
  2152. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2153. };
  2154. class TiresGrassIn
  2155. {
  2156. sound[]=
  2157. {
  2158. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  2159. 0.1,
  2160. 1
  2161. };
  2162. frequency="1";
  2163. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2164. };
  2165. class TiresMudIn
  2166. {
  2167. sound[]=
  2168. {
  2169. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  2170. 0.1,
  2171. 1
  2172. };
  2173. frequency="1";
  2174. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2175. };
  2176. class TiresGravelIn
  2177. {
  2178. sound[]=
  2179. {
  2180. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  2181. 0.1,
  2182. 1
  2183. };
  2184. frequency="1";
  2185. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2186. };
  2187. class TiresAsphaltIn
  2188. {
  2189. sound[]=
  2190. {
  2191. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  2192. 0.1,
  2193. 1
  2194. };
  2195. frequency="1";
  2196. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2197. };
  2198. class NoiseIn
  2199. {
  2200. sound[]=
  2201. {
  2202. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\noise3",
  2203. 0.1,
  2204. 1
  2205. };
  2206. frequency="1";
  2207. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  2208. };
  2209. class Movement
  2210. {
  2211. sound="soundEnviron";
  2212. frequency="1";
  2213. volume="0";
  2214. };
  2215. };
  2216. weapons[]=
  2217. {
  2218. "SportCarHorn"
  2219. };
  2220. magazines[]={};
  2221. driverAction="Skodovka_Driver";
  2222. cargoAction[]=
  2223. {
  2224. "Skodovka_Cargo01"
  2225. };
  2226. cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,0};
  2227. hasGunner=0;
  2228. class Turrets
  2229. {
  2230. };
  2231. class Library
  2232. {
  2233. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_SKODA";
  2234. };
  2235. rarityUrban=0.5;
  2236. };
  2237. class Skeet: SkodaBase
  2238. {
  2239. scope=2;
  2240. accuracy=1000;
  2241. crew="";
  2242. faction="CIV";
  2243. typicalCargo[]={};
  2244. model="\ca\wheeled\skodovka";
  2245. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\skodovka_CA.paa";
  2246. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  2247. mapSize=6;
  2248. displayName="$STR_DN_SKODA_WHITE";
  2249. displayNameShort="$STR_DN_SKODA";
  2250. hiddenSelections[]=
  2251. {
  2252. "Camo1",
  2253. "Camo2"
  2254. };
  2255. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  2256. {
  2257. "\ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_bila_co.paa",
  2258. "\ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_int_co.paa"
  2259. };
  2260. class Damage
  2261. {
  2262. tex[]={};
  2263. mat[]=
  2264. {
  2265. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka.rvmat",
  2266. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka.rvmat",
  2267. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_destruct.rvmat",
  2268. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  2269. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2270. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2271. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  2272. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  2273. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  2274. };
  2275. };
  2276. rarityUrban=0.25;
  2277. };
  2278. class SkeetB: SkodaBase
  2279. {
  2280. scope=2;
  2281. accuracy=1000;
  2282. crew="";
  2283. faction="CIV";
  2284. typicalCargo[]={};
  2285. model="\ca\wheeled\skodovka_blue";
  2286. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\skodovka_CA.paa";
  2287. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  2288. mapSize=6;
  2289. displayName="$STR_DN_SKODA_BLUE";
  2290. displayNameShort="$STR_DN_SKODA";
  2291. class Damage
  2292. {
  2293. tex[]={};
  2294. mat[]=
  2295. {
  2296. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_modra.rvmat",
  2297. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_modra.rvmat",
  2298. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_destruct.rvmat",
  2299. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  2300. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2301. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2302. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  2303. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  2304. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  2305. };
  2306. };
  2307. rarityUrban=0.25;
  2308. };
  2309. class SkeetR: SkodaBase
  2310. {
  2311. scope=2;
  2312. faction="CIV";
  2313. accuracy=1000;
  2314. model="\ca\wheeled\skodovka_red";
  2315. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\skodovka_CA.paa";
  2316. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  2317. mapSize=6;
  2318. crew="";
  2319. typicalCargo[]={};
  2320. displayName="$STR_DN_SKODA_RED";
  2321. displayNameShort="$STR_DN_SKODA";
  2322. class Damage
  2323. {
  2324. tex[]={};
  2325. mat[]=
  2326. {
  2327. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka.rvmat",
  2328. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka.rvmat",
  2329. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_destruct.rvmat",
  2330. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  2331. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2332. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2333. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  2334. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  2335. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  2336. };
  2337. };
  2338. };
  2339. class SkeetG: SkodaBase
  2340. {
  2341. scope=2;
  2342. faction="CIV";
  2343. accuracy=1000;
  2344. model="\ca\wheeled\skodovka_green";
  2345. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\skodovka_CA.paa";
  2346. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  2347. mapSize=6;
  2348. crew="";
  2349. typicalCargo[]={};
  2350. displayName="$STR_DN_SKODA_GREEN";
  2351. displayNameShort="$STR_DN_SKODA";
  2352. class Damage
  2353. {
  2354. tex[]={};
  2355. mat[]=
  2356. {
  2357. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_zelena.rvmat",
  2358. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_zelena.rvmat",
  2359. "ca\wheeled\data\skodovka_destruct.rvmat",
  2360. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  2361. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2362. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  2363. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  2364. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  2365. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  2366. };
  2367. };
  2368. };
  2369. class TT650_Base;
  2370. class MBykeI: TT650_Base
  2371. {
  2372. scope=2;
  2373. side=0;
  2374. faction="INS";
  2375. crew="";
  2376. typicalCargo[]={};
  2377. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  2378. {
  2379. "\ca\wheeled3\tt650\data\Yam650_skin1_CO.paa"
  2380. };
  2381. };
  2382. class MBykeT: TT650_Base
  2383. {
  2384. expansion=1;
  2385. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  2386. side=3;
  2387. scope=2;
  2388. crew="";
  2389. typicalCargo[]={};
  2390. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  2391. {
  2392. "\CA\wheeled_E\TT650\Data\TT650_ECIV_CO.paa"
  2393. };
  2394. rarityUrban=0.80000001;
  2395. };
  2396. class MBykeC: TT650_Base
  2397. {
  2398. expansion=1;
  2399. scope=2;
  2400. side=0;
  2401. faction="BIS_TK";
  2402. crew="";
  2403. typicalCargo[]={};
  2404. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  2405. {
  2406. "\CA\wheeled_E\TT650\Data\TT650_ECIV_CO.paa"
  2407. };
  2408. };
  2409. class Motorcycle: LandVehicle
  2410. {
  2411. alphaTracks=0.1;
  2412. textureTrackWheel=1;
  2413. class Exhausts
  2414. {
  2415. class Exhaust1
  2416. {
  2417. position="vyfuk start";
  2418. direction="vyfuk konec";
  2419. effect="ExhaustsEffect";
  2420. };
  2421. };
  2422. dammageHalf[]={};
  2423. dammageFull[]={};
  2424. canfloat=0;
  2425. transportSoldier=1;
  2426. driverAction="Bike_Driver";
  2427. cargoAction[]=
  2428. {
  2429. "Bike_Cargo"
  2430. };
  2431. getInAction="GetInLow";
  2432. getOutAction="GetOutLow";
  2433. cargoGetInAction[]=
  2434. {
  2435. "GetInLow"
  2436. };
  2437. cargoGetOutAction[]=
  2438. {
  2439. "GetOutLow"
  2440. };
  2441. ejectDeadDriver=1;
  2442. ejectDeadCargo=1;
  2443. hideWeaponsDriver=0;
  2444. hideWeaponsCargo=0;
  2445. damperSize=0.2;
  2446. damperForce=1;
  2447. damperDamping=3;
  2448. class AnimationSources
  2449. {
  2450. class FrontDamper
  2451. {
  2452. source="damper";
  2453. selection="pravy predni tlumic nerot";
  2454. };
  2455. class BackDamper
  2456. {
  2457. source="damper";
  2458. selection="pravy zadni tlumic";
  2459. };
  2460. };
  2461. class DestructionEffects
  2462. {
  2463. class Light1
  2464. {
  2465. simulation="light";
  2466. type="ObjectDestructionLight";
  2467. position="destructionEffect1";
  2468. intensity=0.001;
  2469. interval=1;
  2470. lifeTime=3;
  2471. };
  2472. class Sound
  2473. {
  2474. simulation="sound";
  2475. type="Fire";
  2476. position="destructionEffect1";
  2477. intensity=1;
  2478. interval=1;
  2479. lifeTime=3;
  2480. };
  2481. class Fire1
  2482. {
  2483. simulation="particles";
  2484. type="BarelDestructionFire";
  2485. position="destructionEffect1";
  2486. intensity=0.15000001;
  2487. interval=1;
  2488. lifeTime=3;
  2489. };
  2490. class Smoke1
  2491. {
  2492. simulation="particles";
  2493. type="BarelDestructionSmoke";
  2494. position="destructionEffect1";
  2495. intensity=0.15000001;
  2496. interval=1;
  2497. lifeTime=3.2;
  2498. };
  2499. };
  2500. };
  2501. class MBykeM10: Motorcycle
  2502. {
  2503. scope=2;
  2504. model="ca\wheeled_E\M1030\m1030";
  2505. icon="\ca\wheeled3\data\UI\Icon_TT650_M1030_CA.paa";
  2506. picture="\ca\wheeled3\data\UI\Picture_M1030_CA.paa";
  2507. mapSize=3;
  2508. displayName="$STR_DN_M1030";
  2509. vehicleClass="Car";
  2510. side=1;
  2511. faction="USMC";
  2512. crew="USMC_Soldier";
  2513. typicalCargo[]=
  2514. {
  2515. "USMC_Soldier"
  2516. };
  2517. weapons[]=
  2518. {
  2519. "MiniCarHorn"
  2520. };
  2521. turnCoef=2;
  2522. wheelCircumference=2.2019999;
  2523. soundGear[]=
  2524. {
  2525. "",
  2526. "db-65",
  2527. 1
  2528. };
  2529. SoundGetIn[]=
  2530. {
  2531. "",
  2532. 0.0177828,
  2533. 1
  2534. };
  2535. SoundGetOut[]=
  2536. {
  2537. "",
  2538. 0.0177828,
  2539. 1
  2540. };
  2541. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  2542. {
  2543. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-start-1",
  2544. 0.35481301,
  2545. 1
  2546. };
  2547. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  2548. {
  2549. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-start-1",
  2550. 0.35481301,
  2551. 1,
  2552. 300
  2553. };
  2554. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  2555. {
  2556. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-stop-1",
  2557. 0.35481301,
  2558. 1
  2559. };
  2560. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  2561. {
  2562. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-stop-1",
  2563. 0.35481301,
  2564. 1,
  2565. 300
  2566. };
  2567. buildCrash0[]=
  2568. {
  2569. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  2570. 0.707946,
  2571. 1,
  2572. 200
  2573. };
  2574. buildCrash1[]=
  2575. {
  2576. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  2577. 0.707946,
  2578. 1,
  2579. 200
  2580. };
  2581. buildCrash2[]=
  2582. {
  2583. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  2584. 0.707946,
  2585. 1,
  2586. 200
  2587. };
  2588. buildCrash3[]=
  2589. {
  2590. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  2591. 0.707946,
  2592. 1,
  2593. 200
  2594. };
  2595. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  2596. {
  2597. "buildCrash0",
  2598. 0.25,
  2599. "buildCrash1",
  2600. 0.25,
  2601. "buildCrash2",
  2602. 0.25,
  2603. "buildCrash3",
  2604. 0.25
  2605. };
  2606. WoodCrash0[]=
  2607. {
  2608. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  2609. 0.707946,
  2610. 1,
  2611. 200
  2612. };
  2613. WoodCrash1[]=
  2614. {
  2615. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  2616. 0.707946,
  2617. 1,
  2618. 200
  2619. };
  2620. WoodCrash2[]=
  2621. {
  2622. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  2623. 0.707946,
  2624. 1,
  2625. 200
  2626. };
  2627. WoodCrash3[]=
  2628. {
  2629. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  2630. 0.707946,
  2631. 1,
  2632. 200
  2633. };
  2634. WoodCrash4[]=
  2635. {
  2636. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  2637. 0.707946,
  2638. 1,
  2639. 200
  2640. };
  2641. WoodCrash5[]=
  2642. {
  2643. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  2644. 0.707946,
  2645. 1,
  2646. 200
  2647. };
  2648. soundWoodCrash[]=
  2649. {
  2650. "woodCrash0",
  2651. 0.16599999,
  2652. "woodCrash1",
  2653. 0.16599999,
  2654. "woodCrash2",
  2655. 0.16599999,
  2656. "woodCrash3",
  2657. 0.16599999,
  2658. "woodCrash4",
  2659. 0.16599999,
  2660. "woodCrash5",
  2661. 0.16599999
  2662. };
  2663. ArmorCrash0[]=
  2664. {
  2665. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  2666. 0.707946,
  2667. 1,
  2668. 200
  2669. };
  2670. ArmorCrash1[]=
  2671. {
  2672. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  2673. 0.707946,
  2674. 1,
  2675. 200
  2676. };
  2677. ArmorCrash2[]=
  2678. {
  2679. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  2680. 0.707946,
  2681. 1,
  2682. 200
  2683. };
  2684. ArmorCrash3[]=
  2685. {
  2686. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  2687. 0.707946,
  2688. 1,
  2689. 200
  2690. };
  2691. soundArmorCrash[]=
  2692. {
  2693. "ArmorCrash0",
  2694. 0.25,
  2695. "ArmorCrash1",
  2696. 0.25,
  2697. "ArmorCrash2",
  2698. 0.25,
  2699. "ArmorCrash3",
  2700. 0.25
  2701. };
  2702. class SoundEvents
  2703. {
  2704. class AccelerationIn
  2705. {
  2706. sound[]=
  2707. {
  2708. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-acce-1",
  2709. 0.56234097,
  2710. 1
  2711. };
  2712. limit=0.2;
  2713. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*thrust";
  2714. };
  2715. class AccelerationOut
  2716. {
  2717. sound[]=
  2718. {
  2719. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-acce-1",
  2720. 0.56234097,
  2721. 1,
  2722. 350
  2723. };
  2724. limit=0.2;
  2725. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*thrust";
  2726. };
  2727. };
  2728. class Sounds
  2729. {
  2730. class Engine
  2731. {
  2732. sound[]=
  2733. {
  2734. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-low-1",
  2735. 0.56234097,
  2736. 1,
  2737. 400
  2738. };
  2739. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  2740. volume="camPos*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.5, 0.85]) min (rpm factor[0.85, 0.5]))";
  2741. };
  2742. class EngineHighOut
  2743. {
  2744. sound[]=
  2745. {
  2746. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-low-2",
  2747. 0.56234097,
  2748. 1,
  2749. 500
  2750. };
  2751. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+1.0)*rpm";
  2752. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.7, 1.0])";
  2753. };
  2754. class IdleOut
  2755. {
  2756. sound[]=
  2757. {
  2758. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\ext\ext-m1030-idle-2",
  2759. "db-10",
  2760. 1,
  2761. 250
  2762. };
  2763. frequency="1";
  2764. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.6, 0])";
  2765. };
  2766. class TiresRockOut
  2767. {
  2768. sound[]=
  2769. {
  2770. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  2771. 0.1,
  2772. 1,
  2773. 30
  2774. };
  2775. frequency="1";
  2776. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2777. };
  2778. class TiresSandOut
  2779. {
  2780. sound[]=
  2781. {
  2782. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  2783. 0.1,
  2784. 1,
  2785. 30
  2786. };
  2787. frequency="1";
  2788. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2789. };
  2790. class TiresGrassOut
  2791. {
  2792. sound[]=
  2793. {
  2794. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  2795. 0.1,
  2796. 1,
  2797. 30
  2798. };
  2799. frequency="1";
  2800. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2801. };
  2802. class TiresMudOut
  2803. {
  2804. sound[]=
  2805. {
  2806. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  2807. 0.1,
  2808. 1,
  2809. 30
  2810. };
  2811. frequency="1";
  2812. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2813. };
  2814. class TiresGravelOut
  2815. {
  2816. sound[]=
  2817. {
  2818. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  2819. 0.1,
  2820. 1,
  2821. 30
  2822. };
  2823. frequency="1";
  2824. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2825. };
  2826. class TiresAsphaltOut
  2827. {
  2828. sound[]=
  2829. {
  2830. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  2831. 0.1,
  2832. 1,
  2833. 30
  2834. };
  2835. frequency="1";
  2836. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2837. };
  2838. class NoiseOut
  2839. {
  2840. sound[]=
  2841. {
  2842. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise2",
  2843. 0.56234097,
  2844. 1,
  2845. 60
  2846. };
  2847. frequency="1";
  2848. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.036)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  2849. };
  2850. class EngineLowIn
  2851. {
  2852. sound[]=
  2853. {
  2854. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-low-1",
  2855. "db-2",
  2856. 1
  2857. };
  2858. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  2859. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.5, 0.85]) min (rpm factor[0.85, 0.5]))";
  2860. };
  2861. class EngineHighIn
  2862. {
  2863. sound[]=
  2864. {
  2865. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-low-2",
  2866. "db-2",
  2867. 1
  2868. };
  2869. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+1.0)*rpm";
  2870. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.8, 1.0])";
  2871. };
  2872. class IdleIn
  2873. {
  2874. sound[]=
  2875. {
  2876. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\motorcycles\int\int-m1030-idle-2",
  2877. "db-10",
  2878. 1
  2879. };
  2880. frequency="1";
  2881. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.6, 0])";
  2882. };
  2883. class TiresRockIn
  2884. {
  2885. sound[]=
  2886. {
  2887. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  2888. 0.1,
  2889. 1
  2890. };
  2891. frequency="1";
  2892. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2893. };
  2894. class TiresSandIn
  2895. {
  2896. sound[]=
  2897. {
  2898. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  2899. 0.1,
  2900. 1
  2901. };
  2902. frequency="1";
  2903. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2904. };
  2905. class TiresGrassIn
  2906. {
  2907. sound[]=
  2908. {
  2909. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  2910. 0.1,
  2911. 1
  2912. };
  2913. frequency="1";
  2914. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2915. };
  2916. class TiresMudIn
  2917. {
  2918. sound[]=
  2919. {
  2920. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  2921. 0.1,
  2922. 1
  2923. };
  2924. frequency="1";
  2925. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2926. };
  2927. class TiresGravelIn
  2928. {
  2929. sound[]=
  2930. {
  2931. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  2932. "db-15",
  2933. 1
  2934. };
  2935. frequency="1";
  2936. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2937. };
  2938. class TiresAsphaltIn
  2939. {
  2940. sound[]=
  2941. {
  2942. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  2943. 0.1,
  2944. 1
  2945. };
  2946. frequency="1";
  2947. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  2948. };
  2949. class NoiseIn
  2950. {
  2951. sound[]=
  2952. {
  2953. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise2",
  2954. 0.56234097,
  2955. 1
  2956. };
  2957. frequency="1";
  2958. volume="(damper0 max 0.03)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  2959. };
  2960. class Movement
  2961. {
  2962. sound="soundEnviron";
  2963. frequency="1";
  2964. volume="0";
  2965. };
  2966. };
  2967. extCameraPosition[]={0,0,-3};
  2968. driverAction="Bike_Driver";
  2969. cargoAction[]=
  2970. {
  2971. "Bike_Cargo"
  2972. };
  2973. damperDamping=3;
  2974. damperSize=0.050000001;
  2975. armor=50;
  2976. class Damage
  2977. {
  2978. tex[]={};
  2979. mat[]=
  2980. {
  2981. "Ca\wheeled_E\M1030\data\m1030.rvmat",
  2982. "Ca\wheeled_E\M1030\data\m1030_damage.rvmat",
  2983. "Ca\wheeled_E\M1030\data\m1030_destruct.rvmat",
  2984. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  2985. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  2986. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default_destruct.rvmat"
  2987. };
  2988. };
  2989. HiddenSelections[]=
  2990. {
  2991. "camo"
  2992. };
  2993. HiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  2994. {
  2995. "ca\wheeled3\m1030\data\m1030_co.paa"
  2996. };
  2997. };
  2998. class Old_bike_base_EP1;
  2999. class BykeC: Old_bike_base_EP1
  3000. {
  3001. scope=2;
  3002. side=3;
  3003. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  3004. crew="";
  3005. typicalCargo[]={};
  3006. };
  3007. class BykeI: Old_bike_base_EP1
  3008. {
  3009. scope=2;
  3010. side=0;
  3011. faction="BIS_TK_INS";
  3012. crew="";
  3013. typicalCargo[]={};
  3014. };
  3015. class Highlux1: Car
  3016. {
  3017. scope=2;
  3018. faction="CIV";
  3019. maxSpeed=125;
  3020. side=3;
  3021. model="\ca\Wheeled\hilux1_civil_1_open";
  3022. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\hilux1_civil_1_open_CA.paa";
  3023. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_hilux_CA.paa";
  3024. mapSize=7;
  3025. typicalCargo[]={};
  3026. crew="";
  3027. displayName="$STR_DN_HILUX";
  3028. transportSoldier=1;
  3029. driverAction="Hilux_Driver";
  3030. terrainCoef=2.5;
  3031. wheelCircumference=2.5320001;
  3032. steerAheadPlan=0.2;
  3033. cargoIsCoDriver[]={1};
  3034. insideSoundCoef=0.89999998;
  3035. soundGear[]=
  3036. {
  3037. "",
  3038. "db-65",
  3039. 1
  3040. };
  3041. SoundGetIn[]=
  3042. {
  3043. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",
  3044. 0.56234097,
  3045. 1
  3046. };
  3047. SoundGetOut[]=
  3048. {
  3049. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",
  3050. 0.56234097,
  3051. 1,
  3052. 30
  3053. };
  3054. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  3055. {
  3056. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-start-1",
  3057. 0.39810699,
  3058. 1
  3059. };
  3060. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  3061. {
  3062. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-start-1",
  3063. 0.39810699,
  3064. 1,
  3065. 250
  3066. };
  3067. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  3068. {
  3069. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-stop-1",
  3070. 0.39810699,
  3071. 1
  3072. };
  3073. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  3074. {
  3075. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-stop-1",
  3076. 0.39810699,
  3077. 1,
  3078. 250
  3079. };
  3080. buildCrash0[]=
  3081. {
  3082. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  3083. 0.707946,
  3084. 1,
  3085. 200
  3086. };
  3087. buildCrash1[]=
  3088. {
  3089. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  3090. 0.707946,
  3091. 1,
  3092. 200
  3093. };
  3094. buildCrash2[]=
  3095. {
  3096. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  3097. 0.707946,
  3098. 1,
  3099. 200
  3100. };
  3101. buildCrash3[]=
  3102. {
  3103. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  3104. 0.707946,
  3105. 1,
  3106. 200
  3107. };
  3108. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  3109. {
  3110. "buildCrash0",
  3111. 0.25,
  3112. "buildCrash1",
  3113. 0.25,
  3114. "buildCrash2",
  3115. 0.25,
  3116. "buildCrash3",
  3117. 0.25
  3118. };
  3119. WoodCrash0[]=
  3120. {
  3121. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  3122. 0.707946,
  3123. 1,
  3124. 200
  3125. };
  3126. WoodCrash1[]=
  3127. {
  3128. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  3129. 0.707946,
  3130. 1,
  3131. 200
  3132. };
  3133. WoodCrash2[]=
  3134. {
  3135. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  3136. 0.707946,
  3137. 1,
  3138. 200
  3139. };
  3140. WoodCrash3[]=
  3141. {
  3142. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  3143. 0.707946,
  3144. 1,
  3145. 200
  3146. };
  3147. WoodCrash4[]=
  3148. {
  3149. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  3150. 0.707946,
  3151. 1,
  3152. 200
  3153. };
  3154. WoodCrash5[]=
  3155. {
  3156. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  3157. 0.707946,
  3158. 1,
  3159. 200
  3160. };
  3161. soundWoodCrash[]=
  3162. {
  3163. "woodCrash0",
  3164. 0.16599999,
  3165. "woodCrash1",
  3166. 0.16599999,
  3167. "woodCrash2",
  3168. 0.16599999,
  3169. "woodCrash3",
  3170. 0.16599999,
  3171. "woodCrash4",
  3172. 0.16599999,
  3173. "woodCrash5",
  3174. 0.16599999
  3175. };
  3176. ArmorCrash0[]=
  3177. {
  3178. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  3179. 0.707946,
  3180. 1,
  3181. 200
  3182. };
  3183. ArmorCrash1[]=
  3184. {
  3185. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  3186. 0.707946,
  3187. 1,
  3188. 200
  3189. };
  3190. ArmorCrash2[]=
  3191. {
  3192. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  3193. 0.707946,
  3194. 1,
  3195. 200
  3196. };
  3197. ArmorCrash3[]=
  3198. {
  3199. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  3200. 0.707946,
  3201. 1,
  3202. 200
  3203. };
  3204. soundArmorCrash[]=
  3205. {
  3206. "ArmorCrash0",
  3207. 0.25,
  3208. "ArmorCrash1",
  3209. 0.25,
  3210. "ArmorCrash2",
  3211. 0.25,
  3212. "ArmorCrash3",
  3213. 0.25
  3214. };
  3215. class SoundEvents
  3216. {
  3217. class AccelerationIn
  3218. {
  3219. sound[]=
  3220. {
  3221. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-acce-1",
  3222. "db-15",
  3223. 1
  3224. };
  3225. limit=0.69999999;
  3226. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*gmeterZ*(speed factor[2.5, 4])";
  3227. };
  3228. class AccelerationOut
  3229. {
  3230. sound[]=
  3231. {
  3232. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-acce-1",
  3233. "db-15",
  3234. 1,
  3235. 250
  3236. };
  3237. limit=0.69999999;
  3238. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*gmeterZ*(speed factor[2.5, 4])";
  3239. };
  3240. };
  3241. class Sounds: Sounds
  3242. {
  3243. class Engine: Engine
  3244. {
  3245. sound[]=
  3246. {
  3247. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-low-1",
  3248. 0.56234097,
  3249. 1,
  3250. 300
  3251. };
  3252. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3253. volume="camPos*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.21, 0.5]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  3254. };
  3255. class EngineHighOut
  3256. {
  3257. sound[]=
  3258. {
  3259. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-high-2",
  3260. 0.56234097,
  3261. 1,
  3262. 350
  3263. };
  3264. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3265. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.85])";
  3266. };
  3267. class IdleOut
  3268. {
  3269. sound[]=
  3270. {
  3271. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-idle-5",
  3272. "db-9",
  3273. 1,
  3274. 150
  3275. };
  3276. frequency="1";
  3277. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  3278. };
  3279. class TiresRockOut
  3280. {
  3281. sound[]=
  3282. {
  3283. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  3284. 0.1,
  3285. 1,
  3286. 30
  3287. };
  3288. frequency="1";
  3289. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3290. };
  3291. class TiresSandOut
  3292. {
  3293. sound[]=
  3294. {
  3295. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  3296. 0.1,
  3297. 1,
  3298. 30
  3299. };
  3300. frequency="1";
  3301. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3302. };
  3303. class TiresGrassOut
  3304. {
  3305. sound[]=
  3306. {
  3307. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  3308. 0.1,
  3309. 1,
  3310. 30
  3311. };
  3312. frequency="1";
  3313. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3314. };
  3315. class TiresMudOut
  3316. {
  3317. sound[]=
  3318. {
  3319. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  3320. 0.1,
  3321. 1,
  3322. 30
  3323. };
  3324. frequency="1";
  3325. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3326. };
  3327. class TiresGravelOut
  3328. {
  3329. sound[]=
  3330. {
  3331. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  3332. "db-18",
  3333. 1,
  3334. 30
  3335. };
  3336. frequency="1";
  3337. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3338. };
  3339. class TiresAsphaltOut
  3340. {
  3341. sound[]=
  3342. {
  3343. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  3344. "db-21",
  3345. 1,
  3346. 30
  3347. };
  3348. frequency="1";
  3349. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3350. };
  3351. class NoiseOut
  3352. {
  3353. sound[]=
  3354. {
  3355. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-acce-2",
  3356. 0.1,
  3357. 1,
  3358. 30
  3359. };
  3360. frequency="1";
  3361. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  3362. };
  3363. class EngineLowIn
  3364. {
  3365. sound[]=
  3366. {
  3367. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-low-1",
  3368. 0.56234097,
  3369. 1
  3370. };
  3371. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3372. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.2, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  3373. };
  3374. class EngineHighIn
  3375. {
  3376. sound[]=
  3377. {
  3378. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-high-2",
  3379. 0.56234097,
  3380. 1
  3381. };
  3382. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3383. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.56, 0.8])";
  3384. };
  3385. class IdleIn
  3386. {
  3387. sound[]=
  3388. {
  3389. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-idle-5",
  3390. "db-9",
  3391. 1
  3392. };
  3393. frequency="1";
  3394. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.35, 0])";
  3395. };
  3396. class TiresRockIn
  3397. {
  3398. sound[]=
  3399. {
  3400. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  3401. 0.1,
  3402. 1
  3403. };
  3404. frequency="1";
  3405. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3406. };
  3407. class TiresSandIn
  3408. {
  3409. sound[]=
  3410. {
  3411. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  3412. 0.1,
  3413. 1
  3414. };
  3415. frequency="1";
  3416. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3417. };
  3418. class TiresGrassIn
  3419. {
  3420. sound[]=
  3421. {
  3422. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  3423. 0.1,
  3424. 1
  3425. };
  3426. frequency="1";
  3427. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3428. };
  3429. class TiresMudIn
  3430. {
  3431. sound[]=
  3432. {
  3433. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  3434. 0.1,
  3435. 1
  3436. };
  3437. frequency="1";
  3438. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3439. };
  3440. class TiresGravelIn
  3441. {
  3442. sound[]=
  3443. {
  3444. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  3445. "db-17",
  3446. 1
  3447. };
  3448. frequency="1";
  3449. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3450. };
  3451. class TiresAsphaltIn
  3452. {
  3453. sound[]=
  3454. {
  3455. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  3456. "db-15",
  3457. 1
  3458. };
  3459. frequency="1";
  3460. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3461. };
  3462. class NoiseIn
  3463. {
  3464. sound[]=
  3465. {
  3466. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-noise-1",
  3467. "db-10",
  3468. 1
  3469. };
  3470. frequency="1";
  3471. volume="(damper0 max 0.03)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  3472. };
  3473. class Movement: Movement
  3474. {
  3475. sound="soundEnviron";
  3476. frequency="1";
  3477. volume="0";
  3478. };
  3479. };
  3480. cargoAction[]=
  3481. {
  3482. "Hilux_Cargo01"
  3483. };
  3484. hasGunner=0;
  3485. class Turrets
  3486. {
  3487. };
  3488. class Damage
  3489. {
  3490. tex[]={};
  3491. mat[]=
  3492. {
  3493. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3494. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3495. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1_destruct.rvmat",
  3496. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3497. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3498. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola_destruct.rvmat",
  3499. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3500. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3501. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  3502. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  3503. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3504. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3505. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  3506. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  3507. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  3508. };
  3509. };
  3510. hiddenSelections[]=
  3511. {
  3512. "Camo1"
  3513. };
  3514. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  3515. {
  3516. "\ca\wheeled\data\coyota_trup1.paa"
  3517. };
  3518. class Library
  3519. {
  3520. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_HILUX";
  3521. };
  3522. rarityUrban=0.80000001;
  3523. };
  3524. class Highlux2: Highlux1
  3525. {
  3526. model="\ca\Wheeled\hilux1_civil_2_covered";
  3527. faction="CIV";
  3528. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\hilux1_civil_2_covered_CA.paa";
  3529. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_hilux_CA.paa";
  3530. mapSize=7;
  3531. typicalCargo[]=
  3532. {
  3533. "Citizen2"
  3534. };
  3535. crew="Citizen2";
  3536. class Damage
  3537. {
  3538. tex[]={};
  3539. mat[]=
  3540. {
  3541. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3542. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3543. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1_destruct.rvmat",
  3544. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_addons.rvmat",
  3545. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_addons.rvmat",
  3546. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_addons_destruct.rvmat",
  3547. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3548. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3549. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola_destruct.rvmat",
  3550. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3551. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3552. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  3553. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  3554. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3555. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3556. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  3557. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  3558. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  3559. };
  3560. };
  3561. hiddenSelections[]={};
  3562. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={};
  3563. displayName="$STR_DN_HILUX2";
  3564. rarityUrban=0.34999999;
  3565. };
  3566. class Highlux3: Highlux1
  3567. {
  3568. model="\ca\Wheeled\hilux1_civil_3_open";
  3569. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\hilux1_civil_3_open_CA.paa";
  3570. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_hilux_CA.paa";
  3571. mapSize=7;
  3572. faction="CIV";
  3573. typicalCargo[]=
  3574. {
  3575. ""
  3576. };
  3577. crew="";
  3578. displayName="$STR_DN_HILUX3";
  3579. class Damage
  3580. {
  3581. tex[]={};
  3582. mat[]=
  3583. {
  3584. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3585. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1.rvmat",
  3586. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_trup1_destruct.rvmat",
  3587. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3588. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola.rvmat",
  3589. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_kola_destruct.rvmat",
  3590. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3591. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier.rvmat",
  3592. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\coyota_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  3593. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  3594. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3595. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  3596. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  3597. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  3598. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  3599. };
  3600. };
  3601. hiddenSelections[]={};
  3602. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={};
  3603. };
  3604. class Dahtson1: SkodaBase
  3605. {
  3606. scope=2;
  3607. faction="CIV";
  3608. model="\ca\Wheeled\datsun1_civil_1_open";
  3609. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\datsun1_civil_1_open_CA.paa";
  3610. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_datsun_CA.paa";
  3611. mapSize=7;
  3612. wheelCircumference=2.1989999;
  3613. crew="";
  3614. typicalCargo[]={};
  3615. displayName="$STR_DN_ADD_DATSUN";
  3616. maxSpeed=125;
  3617. turnCoef=2.5;
  3618. terrainCoef=4;
  3619. steerAheadPlan=0.15000001;
  3620. soundGear[]=
  3621. {
  3622. "",
  3623. "db-65",
  3624. 1
  3625. };
  3626. SoundGetIn[]=
  3627. {
  3628. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",
  3629. "db-12",
  3630. 1
  3631. };
  3632. SoundGetOut[]=
  3633. {
  3634. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",
  3635. "db-12",
  3636. 1,
  3637. 30
  3638. };
  3639. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  3640. {
  3641. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-start-1",
  3642. 0.316228,
  3643. 1
  3644. };
  3645. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  3646. {
  3647. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-start-1",
  3648. 0.316228,
  3649. 1,
  3650. 250
  3651. };
  3652. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  3653. {
  3654. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-stop-1",
  3655. 0.316228,
  3656. 1
  3657. };
  3658. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  3659. {
  3660. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-stop-1",
  3661. 0.316228,
  3662. 1,
  3663. 250
  3664. };
  3665. buildCrash0[]=
  3666. {
  3667. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  3668. 0.707946,
  3669. 1,
  3670. 200
  3671. };
  3672. buildCrash1[]=
  3673. {
  3674. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  3675. 0.707946,
  3676. 1,
  3677. 200
  3678. };
  3679. buildCrash2[]=
  3680. {
  3681. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  3682. 0.707946,
  3683. 1,
  3684. 200
  3685. };
  3686. buildCrash3[]=
  3687. {
  3688. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  3689. 0.707946,
  3690. 1,
  3691. 200
  3692. };
  3693. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  3694. {
  3695. "buildCrash0",
  3696. 0.25,
  3697. "buildCrash1",
  3698. 0.25,
  3699. "buildCrash2",
  3700. 0.25,
  3701. "buildCrash3",
  3702. 0.25
  3703. };
  3704. WoodCrash0[]=
  3705. {
  3706. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  3707. 0.707946,
  3708. 1,
  3709. 200
  3710. };
  3711. WoodCrash1[]=
  3712. {
  3713. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  3714. 0.707946,
  3715. 1,
  3716. 200
  3717. };
  3718. WoodCrash2[]=
  3719. {
  3720. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  3721. 0.707946,
  3722. 1,
  3723. 200
  3724. };
  3725. WoodCrash3[]=
  3726. {
  3727. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  3728. 0.707946,
  3729. 1,
  3730. 200
  3731. };
  3732. WoodCrash4[]=
  3733. {
  3734. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  3735. 0.707946,
  3736. 1,
  3737. 200
  3738. };
  3739. WoodCrash5[]=
  3740. {
  3741. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  3742. 0.707946,
  3743. 1,
  3744. 200
  3745. };
  3746. soundWoodCrash[]=
  3747. {
  3748. "woodCrash0",
  3749. 0.16599999,
  3750. "woodCrash1",
  3751. 0.16599999,
  3752. "woodCrash2",
  3753. 0.16599999,
  3754. "woodCrash3",
  3755. 0.16599999,
  3756. "woodCrash4",
  3757. 0.16599999,
  3758. "woodCrash5",
  3759. 0.16599999
  3760. };
  3761. ArmorCrash0[]=
  3762. {
  3763. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  3764. 0.707946,
  3765. 1,
  3766. 200
  3767. };
  3768. ArmorCrash1[]=
  3769. {
  3770. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  3771. 0.707946,
  3772. 1,
  3773. 200
  3774. };
  3775. ArmorCrash2[]=
  3776. {
  3777. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  3778. 0.707946,
  3779. 1,
  3780. 200
  3781. };
  3782. ArmorCrash3[]=
  3783. {
  3784. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  3785. 0.707946,
  3786. 1,
  3787. 200
  3788. };
  3789. soundArmorCrash[]=
  3790. {
  3791. "ArmorCrash0",
  3792. 0.25,
  3793. "ArmorCrash1",
  3794. 0.25,
  3795. "ArmorCrash2",
  3796. 0.25,
  3797. "ArmorCrash3",
  3798. 0.25
  3799. };
  3800. class SoundEvents
  3801. {
  3802. class AccelerationIn
  3803. {
  3804. sound[]=
  3805. {
  3806. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-acce-1",
  3807. "db-10",
  3808. 1
  3809. };
  3810. limit=0.69999999;
  3811. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*gmeterZ*(speed factor[2.5, 4])";
  3812. };
  3813. class AccelerationOut
  3814. {
  3815. sound[]=
  3816. {
  3817. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-acce-1",
  3818. "db-10",
  3819. 1,
  3820. 250
  3821. };
  3822. limit=0.69999999;
  3823. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*gmeterZ*(speed factor[2.5, 4])";
  3824. };
  3825. };
  3826. class Sounds: Sounds
  3827. {
  3828. class Engine: Engine
  3829. {
  3830. sound[]=
  3831. {
  3832. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-low-1",
  3833. 0.39810699,
  3834. 1,
  3835. 300
  3836. };
  3837. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3838. volume="camPos*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.21, 0.5]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.3]))";
  3839. };
  3840. class EngineHighOut
  3841. {
  3842. sound[]=
  3843. {
  3844. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-high-2",
  3845. 0.39810699,
  3846. 1,
  3847. 350
  3848. };
  3849. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3850. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.85])";
  3851. };
  3852. class IdleOut
  3853. {
  3854. sound[]=
  3855. {
  3856. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-idle-5",
  3857. "db-13",
  3858. 1,
  3859. 100
  3860. };
  3861. frequency="1";
  3862. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  3863. };
  3864. class TiresRockOut
  3865. {
  3866. sound[]=
  3867. {
  3868. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  3869. "db-10",
  3870. 1,
  3871. 30
  3872. };
  3873. frequency="1";
  3874. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3875. };
  3876. class TiresSandOut
  3877. {
  3878. sound[]=
  3879. {
  3880. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  3881. "db-10",
  3882. 1,
  3883. 30
  3884. };
  3885. frequency="1";
  3886. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3887. };
  3888. class TiresGrassOut
  3889. {
  3890. sound[]=
  3891. {
  3892. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  3893. "db-10",
  3894. 1,
  3895. 30
  3896. };
  3897. frequency="1";
  3898. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3899. };
  3900. class TiresMudOut
  3901. {
  3902. sound[]=
  3903. {
  3904. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  3905. "db-10",
  3906. 1,
  3907. 30
  3908. };
  3909. frequency="1";
  3910. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3911. };
  3912. class TiresGravelOut
  3913. {
  3914. sound[]=
  3915. {
  3916. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  3917. "db-10",
  3918. 1,
  3919. 30
  3920. };
  3921. frequency="1";
  3922. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3923. };
  3924. class TiresAsphaltOut
  3925. {
  3926. sound[]=
  3927. {
  3928. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  3929. "db-10",
  3930. 1,
  3931. 30
  3932. };
  3933. frequency="1";
  3934. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3935. };
  3936. class NoiseOut
  3937. {
  3938. sound[]=
  3939. {
  3940. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\UAZ\ext\ext-noise",
  3941. "db-10",
  3942. 1,
  3943. 30
  3944. };
  3945. frequency="1";
  3946. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  3947. };
  3948. class EngineLowIn
  3949. {
  3950. sound[]=
  3951. {
  3952. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-low-1",
  3953. 0.56234097,
  3954. 1
  3955. };
  3956. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3957. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.2, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.3]))";
  3958. };
  3959. class EngineHighIn
  3960. {
  3961. sound[]=
  3962. {
  3963. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-high-2",
  3964. 0.56234097,
  3965. 1
  3966. };
  3967. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  3968. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.56, 0.8])";
  3969. };
  3970. class IdleIn
  3971. {
  3972. sound[]=
  3973. {
  3974. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-idle-5",
  3975. 0.39810699,
  3976. 1
  3977. };
  3978. frequency="1";
  3979. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  3980. };
  3981. class TiresRockIn
  3982. {
  3983. sound[]=
  3984. {
  3985. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  3986. "db-10",
  3987. 1
  3988. };
  3989. frequency="1";
  3990. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  3991. };
  3992. class TiresSandIn
  3993. {
  3994. sound[]=
  3995. {
  3996. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  3997. "db-10",
  3998. 1
  3999. };
  4000. frequency="1";
  4001. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4002. };
  4003. class TiresGrassIn
  4004. {
  4005. sound[]=
  4006. {
  4007. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  4008. "db-10",
  4009. 1
  4010. };
  4011. frequency="1";
  4012. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4013. };
  4014. class TiresMudIn
  4015. {
  4016. sound[]=
  4017. {
  4018. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  4019. "db-10",
  4020. 1
  4021. };
  4022. frequency="1";
  4023. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4024. };
  4025. class TiresGravelIn
  4026. {
  4027. sound[]=
  4028. {
  4029. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  4030. "db-10",
  4031. 1
  4032. };
  4033. frequency="1";
  4034. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4035. };
  4036. class TiresAsphaltIn
  4037. {
  4038. sound[]=
  4039. {
  4040. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  4041. "db-10",
  4042. 1
  4043. };
  4044. frequency="1";
  4045. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4046. };
  4047. class NoiseIn
  4048. {
  4049. sound[]=
  4050. {
  4051. "ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-noise-1",
  4052. "db-10",
  4053. 1
  4054. };
  4055. frequency="1";
  4056. volume="(damper0 max 0.03)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  4057. };
  4058. class Movement: Movement
  4059. {
  4060. sound="soundEnviron";
  4061. frequency="1";
  4062. volume="0";
  4063. };
  4064. };
  4065. transportSoldier=1;
  4066. driverAction="datsun_driver";
  4067. cargoAction[]=
  4068. {
  4069. "Hilux_cargo01"
  4070. };
  4071. class Library
  4072. {
  4073. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_ADD_DATSUN";
  4074. };
  4075. class Damage
  4076. {
  4077. tex[]={};
  4078. mat[]=
  4079. {
  4080. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4081. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4082. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  4083. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup.rvmat",
  4084. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup.rvmat",
  4085. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup_destruct.rvmat",
  4086. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  4087. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4088. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4089. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  4090. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  4091. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  4092. };
  4093. };
  4094. hiddenSelections[]=
  4095. {
  4096. "Camo1"
  4097. };
  4098. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  4099. {
  4100. "\ca\wheeled\data\datsun_trup1_co.paa"
  4101. };
  4102. rarityUrban=0.25;
  4103. };
  4104. class Dahtson2: Dahtson1
  4105. {
  4106. accuracy=1000;
  4107. faction="CIV";
  4108. model="\ca\Wheeled\datsun1_civil_2_covered";
  4109. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\datsun1_civil_2_covered_CA.paa";
  4110. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_datsun_CA.paa";
  4111. mapSize=7;
  4112. crew="Villager1";
  4113. typicalCargo[]=
  4114. {
  4115. "Villager1"
  4116. };
  4117. displayName="$STR_DN_ADD_DATSUN2";
  4118. class Damage
  4119. {
  4120. tex[]={};
  4121. mat[]=
  4122. {
  4123. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_addons.rvmat",
  4124. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_addons.rvmat",
  4125. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_addons_destruct.rvmat",
  4126. "Ca\Wheeled\data\datsun_trup4.rvmat",
  4127. "Ca\Wheeled\data\datsun_trup4.rvmat",
  4128. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup_destruct.rvmat",
  4129. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4130. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4131. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  4132. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_pristroje.rvmat",
  4133. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_pristroje.rvmat",
  4134. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_pristroje_destruct.rvmat",
  4135. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  4136. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4137. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4138. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  4139. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  4140. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  4141. };
  4142. };
  4143. hiddenSelections[]={};
  4144. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={};
  4145. rarityUrban=0.60000002;
  4146. };
  4147. class Dahtson3: Dahtson1
  4148. {
  4149. accuracy=1000;
  4150. faction="CIV";
  4151. model="\ca\Wheeled\datsun1_civil_3_open";
  4152. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\datsun1_civil_3_open_CA.paa";
  4153. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_datsun_CA.paa";
  4154. mapSize=7;
  4155. crew="Citizen2";
  4156. typicalCargo[]=
  4157. {
  4158. "Citizen2"
  4159. };
  4160. displayName="$STR_DN_ADD_DATSUN3";
  4161. class Damage
  4162. {
  4163. tex[]={};
  4164. mat[]=
  4165. {
  4166. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4167. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier.rvmat",
  4168. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_interier_destruct.rvmat",
  4169. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup2.rvmat",
  4170. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup2.rvmat",
  4171. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\datsun_trup_destruct.rvmat",
  4172. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  4173. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4174. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  4175. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  4176. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  4177. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  4178. };
  4179. };
  4180. hiddenSelections[]={};
  4181. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={};
  4182. rarityUrban=0.5;
  4183. };
  4184. class Ikarus_base;
  4185. class BoosT: Ikarus_base
  4186. {
  4187. expansion=1;
  4188. scope=2;
  4189. side=3;
  4190. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  4191. hiddenSelections[]=
  4192. {
  4193. "Camo1"
  4194. };
  4195. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  4196. {
  4197. "\ca\wheeled_E\Ikarus\Data\Bus_exterior_ECIV_CO"
  4198. };
  4199. rarityUrban=0.40000001;
  4200. crew="";
  4201. typicalCargo[]={};
  4202. };
  4203. class Boos: Car
  4204. {
  4205. wheelCircumference=3.233;
  4206. weapons[]=
  4207. {
  4208. "TruckHorn2"
  4209. };
  4210. scope=2;
  4211. faction="CIV";
  4212. side=3;
  4213. model="\ca\Wheeled2\ikarus\ikarus";
  4214. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\bus_city_CA.paa";
  4215. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_Bus_CA.paa";
  4216. mapSize=11;
  4217. crew="";
  4218. typicalCargo[]={};
  4219. displayName="$STR_DN_BUS_CITY";
  4220. class Library
  4221. {
  4222. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_BUS_CITY";
  4223. };
  4224. armor=20;
  4225. damageResistance=0.0026199999;
  4226. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  4227. {
  4228. class HitGlass5: HitGlass1
  4229. {
  4230. name="glass5";
  4231. visual="glass5";
  4232. };
  4233. class HitGlass6: HitGlass1
  4234. {
  4235. name="glass6";
  4236. visual="glass6";
  4237. };
  4238. };
  4239. class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
  4240. {
  4241. class HitGlass5: HitGlass1
  4242. {
  4243. hitpoint="HitGlass5";
  4244. };
  4245. class HitGlass6: HitGlass1
  4246. {
  4247. hitpoint="HitGlass6";
  4248. };
  4249. };
  4250. insideSoundCoef=0.89999998;
  4251. soundGear[]=
  4252. {
  4253. "",
  4254. 5.6234101e-005,
  4255. 1
  4256. };
  4257. soundGetIn[]=
  4258. {
  4259. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-getout-1",
  4260. "db0",
  4261. 1
  4262. };
  4263. soundGetOut[]=
  4264. {
  4265. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-getout-1",
  4266. "db0",
  4267. 1,
  4268. 40
  4269. };
  4270. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  4271. {
  4272. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-start-1",
  4273. 0.56234097,
  4274. 1
  4275. };
  4276. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  4277. {
  4278. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-start-1",
  4279. 0.56234097,
  4280. 1,
  4281. 280
  4282. };
  4283. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  4284. {
  4285. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-stop-1",
  4286. 0.56234097,
  4287. 1
  4288. };
  4289. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  4290. {
  4291. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-stop-1",
  4292. 0.56234097,
  4293. 1,
  4294. 280
  4295. };
  4296. buildCrash0[]=
  4297. {
  4298. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  4299. 0.707946,
  4300. 1,
  4301. 200
  4302. };
  4303. buildCrash1[]=
  4304. {
  4305. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  4306. 0.707946,
  4307. 1,
  4308. 200
  4309. };
  4310. buildCrash2[]=
  4311. {
  4312. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  4313. 0.707946,
  4314. 1,
  4315. 200
  4316. };
  4317. buildCrash3[]=
  4318. {
  4319. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  4320. 0.707946,
  4321. 1,
  4322. 200
  4323. };
  4324. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  4325. {
  4326. "buildCrash0",
  4327. 0.25,
  4328. "buildCrash1",
  4329. 0.25,
  4330. "buildCrash2",
  4331. 0.25,
  4332. "buildCrash3",
  4333. 0.25
  4334. };
  4335. WoodCrash0[]=
  4336. {
  4337. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  4338. 0.707946,
  4339. 1,
  4340. 200
  4341. };
  4342. WoodCrash1[]=
  4343. {
  4344. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  4345. 0.707946,
  4346. 1,
  4347. 200
  4348. };
  4349. WoodCrash2[]=
  4350. {
  4351. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  4352. 0.707946,
  4353. 1,
  4354. 200
  4355. };
  4356. WoodCrash3[]=
  4357. {
  4358. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  4359. 0.707946,
  4360. 1,
  4361. 200
  4362. };
  4363. WoodCrash4[]=
  4364. {
  4365. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  4366. 0.707946,
  4367. 1,
  4368. 200
  4369. };
  4370. WoodCrash5[]=
  4371. {
  4372. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  4373. 0.707946,
  4374. 1,
  4375. 200
  4376. };
  4377. soundWoodCrash[]=
  4378. {
  4379. "woodCrash0",
  4380. 0.16599999,
  4381. "woodCrash1",
  4382. 0.16599999,
  4383. "woodCrash2",
  4384. 0.16599999,
  4385. "woodCrash3",
  4386. 0.16599999,
  4387. "woodCrash4",
  4388. 0.16599999,
  4389. "woodCrash5",
  4390. 0.16599999
  4391. };
  4392. ArmorCrash0[]=
  4393. {
  4394. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  4395. 0.707946,
  4396. 1,
  4397. 200
  4398. };
  4399. ArmorCrash1[]=
  4400. {
  4401. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  4402. 0.707946,
  4403. 1,
  4404. 200
  4405. };
  4406. ArmorCrash2[]=
  4407. {
  4408. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  4409. 0.707946,
  4410. 1,
  4411. 200
  4412. };
  4413. ArmorCrash3[]=
  4414. {
  4415. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  4416. 0.707946,
  4417. 1,
  4418. 200
  4419. };
  4420. soundArmorCrash[]=
  4421. {
  4422. "ArmorCrash0",
  4423. 0.25,
  4424. "ArmorCrash1",
  4425. 0.25,
  4426. "ArmorCrash2",
  4427. 0.25,
  4428. "ArmorCrash3",
  4429. 0.25
  4430. };
  4431. class SoundEvents
  4432. {
  4433. class AccelerationIn
  4434. {
  4435. sound[]=
  4436. {
  4437. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-acce-1",
  4438. 0.56234097,
  4439. 1
  4440. };
  4441. limit=0.15000001;
  4442. expression="engineOn*(1-camPos)*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  4443. };
  4444. class AccelerationOut
  4445. {
  4446. sound[]=
  4447. {
  4448. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-acce-1",
  4449. 0.56234097,
  4450. 1,
  4451. 280
  4452. };
  4453. limit=0.15000001;
  4454. expression="engineOn*camPos*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  4455. };
  4456. };
  4457. class Sounds
  4458. {
  4459. class Engine
  4460. {
  4461. sound[]=
  4462. {
  4463. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-low-2",
  4464. "db0",
  4465. 1,
  4466. 350
  4467. };
  4468. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4469. volume="engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.7, 0.2])";
  4470. };
  4471. class EngineHighOut
  4472. {
  4473. sound[]=
  4474. {
  4475. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-high-4",
  4476. "db0",
  4477. 1,
  4478. 450
  4479. };
  4480. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4481. volume="engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.5, 0.9])";
  4482. };
  4483. class IdleOut
  4484. {
  4485. sound[]=
  4486. {
  4487. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\ext\ext-bus-idle-1",
  4488. "db-10",
  4489. 1,
  4490. 150
  4491. };
  4492. frequency="1";
  4493. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  4494. };
  4495. class TiresRockOut
  4496. {
  4497. sound[]=
  4498. {
  4499. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  4500. "db-15",
  4501. 1,
  4502. 30
  4503. };
  4504. frequency="1";
  4505. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4506. };
  4507. class TiresSandOut
  4508. {
  4509. sound[]=
  4510. {
  4511. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  4512. "db-15",
  4513. 1,
  4514. 30
  4515. };
  4516. frequency="1";
  4517. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4518. };
  4519. class TiresGrassOut
  4520. {
  4521. sound[]=
  4522. {
  4523. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  4524. "db-15",
  4525. 1,
  4526. 30
  4527. };
  4528. frequency="1";
  4529. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4530. };
  4531. class TiresMudOut
  4532. {
  4533. sound[]=
  4534. {
  4535. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  4536. "db-15",
  4537. 1,
  4538. 30
  4539. };
  4540. frequency="1";
  4541. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4542. };
  4543. class TiresGravelOut
  4544. {
  4545. sound[]=
  4546. {
  4547. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  4548. "db-15",
  4549. 1,
  4550. 30
  4551. };
  4552. frequency="1";
  4553. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4554. };
  4555. class TiresAsphaltOut
  4556. {
  4557. sound[]=
  4558. {
  4559. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  4560. "db-25",
  4561. 1,
  4562. 30
  4563. };
  4564. frequency="1";
  4565. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4566. };
  4567. class NoiseOut
  4568. {
  4569. sound[]=
  4570. {
  4571. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\ext-noise3",
  4572. "db-15",
  4573. 1,
  4574. 30
  4575. };
  4576. frequency="1";
  4577. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  4578. };
  4579. class EngineLowIn
  4580. {
  4581. sound[]=
  4582. {
  4583. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-low-2",
  4584. "db0",
  4585. 1
  4586. };
  4587. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4588. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.65, 0.2])*(1-camPos)";
  4589. };
  4590. class EngineHighIn
  4591. {
  4592. sound[]=
  4593. {
  4594. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-high-4",
  4595. "db0",
  4596. 0.94999999
  4597. };
  4598. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4599. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.55, 1.0])*(1-camPos)";
  4600. };
  4601. class IdleIn
  4602. {
  4603. sound[]=
  4604. {
  4605. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\int-bus-idle-1",
  4606. 0.56234097,
  4607. 1
  4608. };
  4609. frequency="1";
  4610. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  4611. };
  4612. class TiresRockIn
  4613. {
  4614. sound[]=
  4615. {
  4616. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  4617. "db-15",
  4618. 1
  4619. };
  4620. frequency="1";
  4621. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4622. };
  4623. class TiresSandIn
  4624. {
  4625. sound[]=
  4626. {
  4627. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  4628. "db-15",
  4629. 1
  4630. };
  4631. frequency="1";
  4632. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4633. };
  4634. class TiresGrassIn
  4635. {
  4636. sound[]=
  4637. {
  4638. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  4639. "db-15",
  4640. 1
  4641. };
  4642. frequency="1";
  4643. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4644. };
  4645. class TiresMudIn
  4646. {
  4647. sound[]=
  4648. {
  4649. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  4650. "db-15",
  4651. 1
  4652. };
  4653. frequency="1";
  4654. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4655. };
  4656. class TiresGravelIn
  4657. {
  4658. sound[]=
  4659. {
  4660. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  4661. "db-15",
  4662. 1
  4663. };
  4664. frequency="1";
  4665. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4666. };
  4667. class TiresAsphaltIn
  4668. {
  4669. sound[]=
  4670. {
  4671. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  4672. 0.1,
  4673. 1
  4674. };
  4675. frequency="1";
  4676. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  4677. };
  4678. class NoiseIn
  4679. {
  4680. sound[]=
  4681. {
  4682. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\int\int-noise3",
  4683. "db-10",
  4684. 1
  4685. };
  4686. frequency="1";
  4687. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  4688. };
  4689. class Movement
  4690. {
  4691. sound="soundEnviron";
  4692. frequency="1";
  4693. volume="0";
  4694. };
  4695. };
  4696. maxSpeed=80;
  4697. turnCoef=3.7;
  4698. steerAheadSimul=0.5;
  4699. steerAheadPlan=0.38;
  4700. driverAction="Ikarus_Driver";
  4701. terrainCoef=5;
  4702. class Damage
  4703. {
  4704. tex[]={};
  4705. mat[]=
  4706. {
  4707. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_exterior.rvmat",
  4708. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_exterior_damage.rvmat",
  4709. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_exterior_destruct.rvmat",
  4710. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_interior.rvmat",
  4711. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_interior_damage.rvmat",
  4712. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_interior_destruct.rvmat",
  4713. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows.rvmat",
  4714. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows_damage.rvmat",
  4715. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows_damage.rvmat",
  4716. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows_in.rvmat",
  4717. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows_in_damage.rvmat",
  4718. "ca\wheeled2\Ikarus\Data\Bus_windows_in_damage.rvmat"
  4719. };
  4720. };
  4721. hiddenSelections[]=
  4722. {
  4723. "Camo1"
  4724. };
  4725. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  4726. {
  4727. "\ca\wheeled2\ikarus\data\bus_exterior_co.paa"
  4728. };
  4729. cargoAction[]=
  4730. {
  4731. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4732. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4733. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4734. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4735. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4736. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4737. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4738. "Truck_Cargo01",
  4739. "Truck_Cargo02",
  4740. "Truck_Cargo02",
  4741. "Truck_Cargo02",
  4742. "Truck_Cargo02",
  4743. "Truck_Cargo03",
  4744. "Truck_Cargo03",
  4745. "Truck_Cargo04",
  4746. "Truck_Cargo04",
  4747. "Truck_Cargo04",
  4748. "Truck_Cargo04",
  4749. "Truck_Cargo04",
  4750. "Ikarus_Cargo",
  4751. "Ikarus_Cargo",
  4752. "Ikarus_Cargo",
  4753. "Ikarus_Cargo"
  4754. };
  4755. transportSoldier=23;
  4756. hasGunner=0;
  4757. class Turrets
  4758. {
  4759. };
  4760. rarityUrban=0.89999998;
  4761. };
  4762. class Traktore: Car
  4763. {
  4764. scope=2;
  4765. faction="CIV";
  4766. side=3;
  4767. model="\CA\wheeled\tractor_2.p3d";
  4768. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\tractor_CA.paa";
  4769. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_traktor_CA.paa";
  4770. mapSize=6;
  4771. terrainCoef=1;
  4772. wheelCircumference=3.7679999;
  4773. soundGear[]=
  4774. {
  4775. "",
  4776. 5.6234101e-005,
  4777. 1
  4778. };
  4779. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  4780. {
  4781. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-tractor-start-2",
  4782. 0.56234097,
  4783. 1
  4784. };
  4785. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  4786. {
  4787. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-tractor-start-2",
  4788. 0.56234097,
  4789. 1,
  4790. 250
  4791. };
  4792. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  4793. {
  4794. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-Tractor-stop-1",
  4795. 0.56234097,
  4796. 1
  4797. };
  4798. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  4799. {
  4800. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-Tractor-stop-1",
  4801. 0.56234097,
  4802. 1,
  4803. 250
  4804. };
  4805. soundGetIn[]=
  4806. {
  4807. "\Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\URAL\ext\ext-ural-getout",
  4808. 0.1,
  4809. 1
  4810. };
  4811. soundGetOut[]=
  4812. {
  4813. "\Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\URAL\ext\ext-ural-getout",
  4814. 0.1,
  4815. 1,
  4816. 30
  4817. };
  4818. buildCrash0[]=
  4819. {
  4820. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  4821. 0.707946,
  4822. 1,
  4823. 200
  4824. };
  4825. buildCrash1[]=
  4826. {
  4827. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  4828. 0.707946,
  4829. 1,
  4830. 200
  4831. };
  4832. buildCrash2[]=
  4833. {
  4834. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  4835. 0.707946,
  4836. 1,
  4837. 200
  4838. };
  4839. buildCrash3[]=
  4840. {
  4841. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  4842. 0.707946,
  4843. 1,
  4844. 200
  4845. };
  4846. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  4847. {
  4848. "buildCrash0",
  4849. 0.25,
  4850. "buildCrash1",
  4851. 0.25,
  4852. "buildCrash2",
  4853. 0.25,
  4854. "buildCrash3",
  4855. 0.25
  4856. };
  4857. WoodCrash0[]=
  4858. {
  4859. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  4860. 0.707946,
  4861. 1,
  4862. 200
  4863. };
  4864. WoodCrash1[]=
  4865. {
  4866. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  4867. 0.707946,
  4868. 1,
  4869. 200
  4870. };
  4871. WoodCrash2[]=
  4872. {
  4873. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  4874. 0.707946,
  4875. 1,
  4876. 200
  4877. };
  4878. WoodCrash3[]=
  4879. {
  4880. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  4881. 0.707946,
  4882. 1,
  4883. 200
  4884. };
  4885. WoodCrash4[]=
  4886. {
  4887. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  4888. 0.707946,
  4889. 1,
  4890. 200
  4891. };
  4892. WoodCrash5[]=
  4893. {
  4894. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  4895. 0.707946,
  4896. 1,
  4897. 200
  4898. };
  4899. soundWoodCrash[]=
  4900. {
  4901. "woodCrash0",
  4902. 0.16599999,
  4903. "woodCrash1",
  4904. 0.16599999,
  4905. "woodCrash2",
  4906. 0.16599999,
  4907. "woodCrash3",
  4908. 0.16599999,
  4909. "woodCrash4",
  4910. 0.16599999,
  4911. "woodCrash5",
  4912. 0.16599999
  4913. };
  4914. ArmorCrash0[]=
  4915. {
  4916. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  4917. 0.707946,
  4918. 1,
  4919. 200
  4920. };
  4921. ArmorCrash1[]=
  4922. {
  4923. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  4924. 0.707946,
  4925. 1,
  4926. 200
  4927. };
  4928. ArmorCrash2[]=
  4929. {
  4930. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  4931. 0.707946,
  4932. 1,
  4933. 200
  4934. };
  4935. ArmorCrash3[]=
  4936. {
  4937. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  4938. 0.707946,
  4939. 1,
  4940. 200
  4941. };
  4942. soundArmorCrash[]=
  4943. {
  4944. "ArmorCrash0",
  4945. 0.25,
  4946. "ArmorCrash1",
  4947. 0.25,
  4948. "ArmorCrash2",
  4949. 0.25,
  4950. "ArmorCrash3",
  4951. 0.25
  4952. };
  4953. class SoundEvents
  4954. {
  4955. class AccelerationOut
  4956. {
  4957. sound[]=
  4958. {
  4959. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-Tractor-acce-1",
  4960. 0.56234097,
  4961. 1,
  4962. 280
  4963. };
  4964. limit=0.5;
  4965. expression="engineOn*gmeterZ";
  4966. };
  4967. };
  4968. class Sounds
  4969. {
  4970. class EngineLowOut
  4971. {
  4972. sound[]=
  4973. {
  4974. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-tractor-low-4",
  4975. "db0",
  4976. 1.1,
  4977. 300
  4978. };
  4979. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4980. volume="engineOn*(thrust factor[0.7, 0.2])";
  4981. };
  4982. class EngineHighOut
  4983. {
  4984. sound[]=
  4985. {
  4986. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-tractor-high-2a",
  4987. "db0",
  4988. 0.80000001,
  4989. 350
  4990. };
  4991. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  4992. volume="engineOn*(thrust factor[0.5, 1.0])";
  4993. };
  4994. class IdleOut
  4995. {
  4996. sound[]=
  4997. {
  4998. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tractor\ext\ext-tractor-idle-5",
  4999. 0.56234097,
  5000. 1,
  5001. 200
  5002. };
  5003. frequency="1";
  5004. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.35, 0])";
  5005. };
  5006. class TiresRockOut
  5007. {
  5008. sound[]=
  5009. {
  5010. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  5011. "db-10",
  5012. 1,
  5013. 30
  5014. };
  5015. frequency="1";
  5016. volume="rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5017. };
  5018. class TiresSandOut
  5019. {
  5020. sound[]=
  5021. {
  5022. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  5023. "db-10",
  5024. 1,
  5025. 30
  5026. };
  5027. frequency="1";
  5028. volume="sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5029. };
  5030. class TiresGrassOut
  5031. {
  5032. sound[]=
  5033. {
  5034. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  5035. "db-10",
  5036. 1,
  5037. 30
  5038. };
  5039. frequency="1";
  5040. volume="grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5041. };
  5042. class TiresMudOut
  5043. {
  5044. sound[]=
  5045. {
  5046. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  5047. "db-10",
  5048. 1,
  5049. 30
  5050. };
  5051. frequency="1";
  5052. volume="mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5053. };
  5054. class TiresGravelOut
  5055. {
  5056. sound[]=
  5057. {
  5058. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  5059. "db-10",
  5060. 1,
  5061. 30
  5062. };
  5063. frequency="1";
  5064. volume="gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5065. };
  5066. class TiresAsphaltOut
  5067. {
  5068. sound[]=
  5069. {
  5070. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  5071. "db-10",
  5072. 1,
  5073. 30
  5074. };
  5075. frequency="1";
  5076. volume="asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5077. };
  5078. class NoiseOut
  5079. {
  5080. sound[]=
  5081. {
  5082. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise2",
  5083. "db-10",
  5084. 1,
  5085. 30
  5086. };
  5087. frequency="1";
  5088. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  5089. };
  5090. };
  5091. class Damage
  5092. {
  5093. tex[]={};
  5094. mat[]=
  5095. {
  5096. "CA\wheeled\data\traktor_2.rvmat",
  5097. "CA\wheeled\Data\traktor_2.rvmat",
  5098. "CA\wheeled\Data\traktor_2_destruct.rvmat",
  5099. "CA\wheeled\data\traktor_2_skla.rvmat",
  5100. "CA\wheeled\data\traktor_2_skla_destruct.rvmat",
  5101. "CA\wheeled\data\traktor_2_skla_destruct.rvmat"
  5102. };
  5103. };
  5104. typicalCargo[]={};
  5105. crew="";
  5106. displayName="$STR_DN_TRACTOR";
  5107. driverAction="Truck_Driver";
  5108. castDriverShadow=1;
  5109. class Library
  5110. {
  5111. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_TRACTOR";
  5112. };
  5113. maxSpeed=40;
  5114. hasGunner=0;
  5115. class Turrets
  5116. {
  5117. };
  5118. class Reflectors
  5119. {
  5120. class Left
  5121. {
  5122. color[]={0.89999998,0.80000001,0.80000001,1};
  5123. ambient[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,1};
  5124. position="L svetlo";
  5125. direction="konec L svetla";
  5126. hitpoint="L svetlo";
  5127. selection="L svetlo";
  5128. size=1;
  5129. brightness=0.5;
  5130. };
  5131. class Right: Left
  5132. {
  5133. position="P svetlo";
  5134. direction="konec P svetla";
  5135. hitpoint="P svetlo";
  5136. selection="P svetlo";
  5137. };
  5138. };
  5139. rarityUrban=0.2;
  5140. };
  5141. class ShitboxVan: Car
  5142. {
  5143. brakeDistance=8.5;
  5144. expansion=1;
  5145. htMin=60;
  5146. htMax=1800;
  5147. afMax=200;
  5148. mfMax=100;
  5149. mFact=0;
  5150. tBody=0;
  5151. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  5152. {
  5153. class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel
  5154. {
  5155. armor=0.2;
  5156. };
  5157. class HitLBWheel: HitLBWheel
  5158. {
  5159. armor=0.2;
  5160. };
  5161. class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel
  5162. {
  5163. armor=0.2;
  5164. };
  5165. class HitRBWheel: HitRBWheel
  5166. {
  5167. armor=0.2;
  5168. };
  5169. };
  5170. wheelCircumference=2.02;
  5171. scope=2;
  5172. model="\ca\wheeled_E\s1203\s1203.p3d";
  5173. icon="\ca\wheeled_e\data\UI\Icon_s1203_CA.paa";
  5174. picture="\ca\wheeled_e\data\UI\Picture_s1203_CA.paa";
  5175. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_S1203_TK_CIV_EP1";
  5176. class Library
  5177. {
  5178. libTextDesc="$STR_EP1_LIB_S1203_TK_CIV";
  5179. };
  5180. side=3;
  5181. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  5182. vehicleClass="Car";
  5183. crew="";
  5184. typicalCargo[]={};
  5185. maxSpeed=105;
  5186. terrainCoef=3;
  5187. turnCoef=2;
  5188. steerAheadPlan=0.15000001;
  5189. transportSoldier=5;
  5190. threat[]={0,0,0};
  5191. weapons[]=
  5192. {
  5193. "CarHorn"
  5194. };
  5195. magazines[]={};
  5196. class Turrets
  5197. {
  5198. };
  5199. armor=20;
  5200. damageResistance=0.01511;
  5201. cost=3000;
  5202. fuelCapacity=60;
  5203. memoryPointsGetInCargo[]=
  5204. {
  5205. "pos cargo 1",
  5206. "pos cargo 2",
  5207. "pos cargo 3",
  5208. "pos cargo 4",
  5209. "pos cargo 5"
  5210. };
  5211. memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[]=
  5212. {
  5213. "pos cargo dir 1",
  5214. "pos cargo dir 2",
  5215. "pos cargo dir 3",
  5216. "pos cargo dir 4",
  5217. "pos cargo dir 5"
  5218. };
  5219. DriverAction="S1203_driver_EP1";
  5220. cargoAction[]=
  5221. {
  5222. "S1203_Cargo_EP1",
  5223. "S1203_Cargo02_EP1",
  5224. "S1203_Cargo01_EP1",
  5225. "S1203_cargo03_EP1"
  5226. };
  5227. cargoIsCoDriver[]={0};
  5228. outsideSoundFilter=1;
  5229. insideSoundCoef=0.85000002;
  5230. soundGear[]=
  5231. {
  5232. "",
  5233. 5.6234101e-005,
  5234. 1
  5235. };
  5236. soundGetIn[]=
  5237. {
  5238. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_door",
  5239. "db0",
  5240. 1
  5241. };
  5242. soundGetOut[]=
  5243. {
  5244. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_door",
  5245. "db0",
  5246. 1,
  5247. 30
  5248. };
  5249. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  5250. {
  5251. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_start",
  5252. 1,
  5253. 1
  5254. };
  5255. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  5256. {
  5257. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_start",
  5258. 1,
  5259. 1,
  5260. 100
  5261. };
  5262. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  5263. {
  5264. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_stop",
  5265. 1,
  5266. 1
  5267. };
  5268. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  5269. {
  5270. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_stop",
  5271. 1,
  5272. 1,
  5273. 100
  5274. };
  5275. buildCrash0[]=
  5276. {
  5277. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_01",
  5278. 0.707946,
  5279. 1,
  5280. 150
  5281. };
  5282. buildCrash1[]=
  5283. {
  5284. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_02",
  5285. 0.707946,
  5286. 1,
  5287. 150
  5288. };
  5289. buildCrash2[]=
  5290. {
  5291. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_03",
  5292. 0.707946,
  5293. 1,
  5294. 150
  5295. };
  5296. buildCrash3[]=
  5297. {
  5298. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_04",
  5299. 0.707946,
  5300. 1,
  5301. 150
  5302. };
  5303. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  5304. {
  5305. "buildCrash0",
  5306. 0.25,
  5307. "buildCrash1",
  5308. 0.25,
  5309. "buildCrash2",
  5310. 0.25,
  5311. "buildCrash3",
  5312. 0.25
  5313. };
  5314. WoodCrash0[]=
  5315. {
  5316. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_01",
  5317. 0.707946,
  5318. 1,
  5319. 150
  5320. };
  5321. WoodCrash1[]=
  5322. {
  5323. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_02",
  5324. 0.707946,
  5325. 1,
  5326. 150
  5327. };
  5328. WoodCrash2[]=
  5329. {
  5330. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_03",
  5331. 0.707946,
  5332. 1,
  5333. 150
  5334. };
  5335. WoodCrash3[]=
  5336. {
  5337. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_04",
  5338. 0.707946,
  5339. 1,
  5340. 150
  5341. };
  5342. soundWoodCrash[]=
  5343. {
  5344. "woodCrash0",
  5345. 0.25,
  5346. "woodCrash1",
  5347. 0.25,
  5348. "woodCrash2",
  5349. 0.25,
  5350. "woodCrash3",
  5351. 0.25
  5352. };
  5353. ArmorCrash0[]=
  5354. {
  5355. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_01",
  5356. 0.707946,
  5357. 1,
  5358. 150
  5359. };
  5360. ArmorCrash1[]=
  5361. {
  5362. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_02",
  5363. 0.707946,
  5364. 1,
  5365. 150
  5366. };
  5367. ArmorCrash2[]=
  5368. {
  5369. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_03",
  5370. 0.707946,
  5371. 1,
  5372. 150
  5373. };
  5374. ArmorCrash3[]=
  5375. {
  5376. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_04",
  5377. 0.707946,
  5378. 1,
  5379. 150
  5380. };
  5381. soundArmorCrash[]=
  5382. {
  5383. "ArmorCrash0",
  5384. 0.25,
  5385. "ArmorCrash1",
  5386. 0.25,
  5387. "ArmorCrash2",
  5388. 0.25,
  5389. "ArmorCrash3",
  5390. 0.25
  5391. };
  5392. class SoundEvents
  5393. {
  5394. class AccelerationIn
  5395. {
  5396. sound[]=
  5397. {
  5398. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_acceleration",
  5399. 0.56234097,
  5400. 1
  5401. };
  5402. limit=0.15000001;
  5403. expression="engineOn*(1-camPos)*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  5404. };
  5405. class AccelerationOut
  5406. {
  5407. sound[]=
  5408. {
  5409. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_acceleration",
  5410. 0.56234097,
  5411. 1,
  5412. 300
  5413. };
  5414. limit=0.15000001;
  5415. expression="engineOn*camPos*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  5416. };
  5417. };
  5418. class Sounds
  5419. {
  5420. class Engine
  5421. {
  5422. sound[]=
  5423. {
  5424. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_low",
  5425. "db3",
  5426. 0.60000002,
  5427. 200
  5428. };
  5429. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5430. volume="camPos*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  5431. };
  5432. class EngineHighOut
  5433. {
  5434. sound[]=
  5435. {
  5436. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_mid",
  5437. "db3",
  5438. 0.60000002,
  5439. 300
  5440. };
  5441. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5442. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.8])";
  5443. };
  5444. class IdleOut
  5445. {
  5446. sound[]=
  5447. {
  5448. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_ext_idle",
  5449. 0.56234097,
  5450. 1,
  5451. 100
  5452. };
  5453. frequency="1";
  5454. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  5455. };
  5456. class TiresRockOut
  5457. {
  5458. sound[]=
  5459. {
  5460. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  5461. 0.1,
  5462. 1,
  5463. 50
  5464. };
  5465. frequency="1";
  5466. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5467. };
  5468. class TiresSandOut
  5469. {
  5470. sound[]=
  5471. {
  5472. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  5473. 0.1,
  5474. 1,
  5475. 50
  5476. };
  5477. frequency="1";
  5478. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5479. };
  5480. class TiresGrassOut
  5481. {
  5482. sound[]=
  5483. {
  5484. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  5485. 0.1,
  5486. 1,
  5487. 50
  5488. };
  5489. frequency="1";
  5490. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5491. };
  5492. class TiresMudOut
  5493. {
  5494. sound[]=
  5495. {
  5496. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  5497. 0.1,
  5498. 1,
  5499. 50
  5500. };
  5501. frequency="1";
  5502. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5503. };
  5504. class TiresGravelOut
  5505. {
  5506. sound[]=
  5507. {
  5508. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  5509. 0.1,
  5510. 1,
  5511. 50
  5512. };
  5513. frequency="1";
  5514. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5515. };
  5516. class TiresAsphaltOut
  5517. {
  5518. sound[]=
  5519. {
  5520. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  5521. 0.1,
  5522. 1,
  5523. 50
  5524. };
  5525. frequency="1";
  5526. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5527. };
  5528. class NoiseOut
  5529. {
  5530. sound[]=
  5531. {
  5532. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise3",
  5533. 0.56234097,
  5534. 1,
  5535. 50
  5536. };
  5537. frequency="1";
  5538. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  5539. };
  5540. class EngineLowIn
  5541. {
  5542. sound[]=
  5543. {
  5544. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_low",
  5545. "db3",
  5546. 0.60000002
  5547. };
  5548. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5549. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  5550. };
  5551. class EngineHighIn
  5552. {
  5553. sound[]=
  5554. {
  5555. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_mid",
  5556. "db3",
  5557. 0.60000002
  5558. };
  5559. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5560. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.8])";
  5561. };
  5562. class IdleIn
  5563. {
  5564. sound[]=
  5565. {
  5566. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\lada\lada_int_idle",
  5567. "db-2",
  5568. 1
  5569. };
  5570. frequency="1";
  5571. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  5572. };
  5573. class TiresRockIn
  5574. {
  5575. sound[]=
  5576. {
  5577. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  5578. 0.1,
  5579. 1
  5580. };
  5581. frequency="1";
  5582. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5583. };
  5584. class TiresSandIn
  5585. {
  5586. sound[]=
  5587. {
  5588. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  5589. 0.1,
  5590. 1
  5591. };
  5592. frequency="1";
  5593. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5594. };
  5595. class TiresGrassIn
  5596. {
  5597. sound[]=
  5598. {
  5599. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  5600. 0.1,
  5601. 1
  5602. };
  5603. frequency="1";
  5604. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5605. };
  5606. class TiresMudIn
  5607. {
  5608. sound[]=
  5609. {
  5610. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  5611. 0.1,
  5612. 1
  5613. };
  5614. frequency="1";
  5615. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5616. };
  5617. class TiresGravelIn
  5618. {
  5619. sound[]=
  5620. {
  5621. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  5622. 0.1,
  5623. 1
  5624. };
  5625. frequency="1";
  5626. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5627. };
  5628. class TiresAsphaltIn
  5629. {
  5630. sound[]=
  5631. {
  5632. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  5633. 0.1,
  5634. 1
  5635. };
  5636. frequency="1";
  5637. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5638. };
  5639. class NoiseIn
  5640. {
  5641. sound[]=
  5642. {
  5643. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\int\noise4",
  5644. "db-10",
  5645. 1
  5646. };
  5647. frequency="1";
  5648. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  5649. };
  5650. class Movement
  5651. {
  5652. sound="soundEnviron";
  5653. frequency="1";
  5654. volume="0";
  5655. };
  5656. };
  5657. class Damage
  5658. {
  5659. tex[]={};
  5660. mat[]=
  5661. {
  5662. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_mat.rvmat",
  5663. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_mat_damage.rvmat",
  5664. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_mat_destruct.rvmat",
  5665. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass.rvmat",
  5666. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass_damage.rvmat",
  5667. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass_damage.rvmat",
  5668. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass_in.rvmat",
  5669. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass_in_damage.rvmat",
  5670. "ca\wheeled_E\s1203\Data\s1203_glass_in_damage.rvmat",
  5671. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  5672. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  5673. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default_destruct.rvmat"
  5674. };
  5675. };
  5676. rarityUrban=0.89999998;
  5677. hiddenSelections[]=
  5678. {
  5679. "camo1",
  5680. "camo2"
  5681. };
  5682. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  5683. {
  5684. "ca\wheeled_e\s1203\data\s1203_co.paa",
  5685. "ca\wheeled_e\s1203\data\s1203_glass_ca.paa"
  5686. };
  5687. };
  5688. class V3S_Base;
  5689. class VeeThreeSiv: V3S_Base
  5690. {
  5691. scope=2;
  5692. side=3;
  5693. faction="CIV";
  5694. crew="";
  5695. class Library
  5696. {
  5697. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_V3S";
  5698. };
  5699. typicalCargo[]={};
  5700. rarityUrban=0.30000001;
  5701. };
  5702. class Ural_Base;
  5703. class YerallSiv: Ural_Base
  5704. {
  5705. scope=2;
  5706. side=3;
  5707. faction="CIV";
  5708. displayName="$STR_DN_URAL_CIV";
  5709. vehicleClass="Car";
  5710. crew="";
  5711. typicalCargo[]={};
  5712. model="\ca\wheeled\ural";
  5713. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\ural_civil1_CA.paa";
  5714. rarityUrban=0.30000001;
  5715. accuracy=0.22;
  5716. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  5717. {
  5718. "\ca\wheeled\data\ural_kabina_civ1_co.paa",
  5719. "\ca\wheeled\data\ural_plachta_civ1_co.paa"
  5720. };
  5721. };
  5722. class Cahr_hat: SkodaBase
  5723. {
  5724. scope=2;
  5725. faction="CIV";
  5726. maxSpeed=125;
  5727. model="\ca\Wheeled\car_hatchback";
  5728. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\car_hatchback_CA.paa";
  5729. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  5730. mapSize=6;
  5731. typicalCargo[]={};
  5732. crew="";
  5733. displayName="$STR_DN_HATCHBACK";
  5734. driverAction="Hatchback_Driver";
  5735. wheelCircumference=2.148;
  5736. soundGear[]=
  5737. {
  5738. "",
  5739. 5.6234101e-005,
  5740. 1
  5741. };
  5742. soundGetIn[]=
  5743. {
  5744. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-getout-1",
  5745. "db-10",
  5746. 1
  5747. };
  5748. soundGetOut[]=
  5749. {
  5750. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-getout-1",
  5751. "db-10",
  5752. 1,
  5753. 30
  5754. };
  5755. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  5756. {
  5757. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-start-1",
  5758. 0.39810699,
  5759. 1
  5760. };
  5761. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  5762. {
  5763. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-start-1",
  5764. 0.39810699,
  5765. 1,
  5766. 250
  5767. };
  5768. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  5769. {
  5770. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-stop-1",
  5771. 0.39810699,
  5772. 1
  5773. };
  5774. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  5775. {
  5776. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-stop-1",
  5777. 0.39810699,
  5778. 1,
  5779. 250
  5780. };
  5781. buildCrash0[]=
  5782. {
  5783. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  5784. 0.707946,
  5785. 1,
  5786. 200
  5787. };
  5788. buildCrash1[]=
  5789. {
  5790. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  5791. 0.707946,
  5792. 1,
  5793. 200
  5794. };
  5795. buildCrash2[]=
  5796. {
  5797. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  5798. 0.707946,
  5799. 1,
  5800. 200
  5801. };
  5802. buildCrash3[]=
  5803. {
  5804. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  5805. 0.707946,
  5806. 1,
  5807. 200
  5808. };
  5809. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  5810. {
  5811. "buildCrash0",
  5812. 0.25,
  5813. "buildCrash1",
  5814. 0.25,
  5815. "buildCrash2",
  5816. 0.25,
  5817. "buildCrash3",
  5818. 0.25
  5819. };
  5820. WoodCrash0[]=
  5821. {
  5822. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  5823. 0.707946,
  5824. 1,
  5825. 200
  5826. };
  5827. WoodCrash1[]=
  5828. {
  5829. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  5830. 0.707946,
  5831. 1,
  5832. 200
  5833. };
  5834. WoodCrash2[]=
  5835. {
  5836. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  5837. 0.707946,
  5838. 1,
  5839. 200
  5840. };
  5841. WoodCrash3[]=
  5842. {
  5843. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  5844. 0.707946,
  5845. 1,
  5846. 200
  5847. };
  5848. WoodCrash4[]=
  5849. {
  5850. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  5851. 0.707946,
  5852. 1,
  5853. 200
  5854. };
  5855. WoodCrash5[]=
  5856. {
  5857. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  5858. 0.707946,
  5859. 1,
  5860. 200
  5861. };
  5862. soundWoodCrash[]=
  5863. {
  5864. "woodCrash0",
  5865. 0.16599999,
  5866. "woodCrash1",
  5867. 0.16599999,
  5868. "woodCrash2",
  5869. 0.16599999,
  5870. "woodCrash3",
  5871. 0.16599999,
  5872. "woodCrash4",
  5873. 0.16599999,
  5874. "woodCrash5",
  5875. 0.16599999
  5876. };
  5877. ArmorCrash0[]=
  5878. {
  5879. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  5880. 0.707946,
  5881. 1,
  5882. 200
  5883. };
  5884. ArmorCrash1[]=
  5885. {
  5886. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  5887. 0.707946,
  5888. 1,
  5889. 200
  5890. };
  5891. ArmorCrash2[]=
  5892. {
  5893. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  5894. 0.707946,
  5895. 1,
  5896. 200
  5897. };
  5898. ArmorCrash3[]=
  5899. {
  5900. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  5901. 0.707946,
  5902. 1,
  5903. 200
  5904. };
  5905. soundArmorCrash[]=
  5906. {
  5907. "ArmorCrash0",
  5908. 0.25,
  5909. "ArmorCrash1",
  5910. 0.25,
  5911. "ArmorCrash2",
  5912. 0.25,
  5913. "ArmorCrash3",
  5914. 0.25
  5915. };
  5916. class SoundEvents
  5917. {
  5918. class AccelerationIn
  5919. {
  5920. sound[]=
  5921. {
  5922. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-acce-1",
  5923. 0.39810699,
  5924. 1
  5925. };
  5926. limit=0.5;
  5927. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*gmeterZ";
  5928. };
  5929. class AccelerationOut
  5930. {
  5931. sound[]=
  5932. {
  5933. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-acce-1",
  5934. 0.39810699,
  5935. 1,
  5936. 250
  5937. };
  5938. limit=0.5;
  5939. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*gmeterZ";
  5940. };
  5941. };
  5942. class Sounds
  5943. {
  5944. class Engine
  5945. {
  5946. sound[]=
  5947. {
  5948. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-low-1",
  5949. 0.39810699,
  5950. 0.89999998,
  5951. 300
  5952. };
  5953. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5954. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.6, 0.2])";
  5955. };
  5956. class EngineHighOut
  5957. {
  5958. sound[]=
  5959. {
  5960. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-high-1",
  5961. 0.39810699,
  5962. 0.80000001,
  5963. 380
  5964. };
  5965. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  5966. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.45, 0.9])";
  5967. };
  5968. class IdleOut
  5969. {
  5970. sound[]=
  5971. {
  5972. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-idle-1",
  5973. 0.281838,
  5974. 1,
  5975. 200
  5976. };
  5977. frequency="1";
  5978. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])";
  5979. };
  5980. class TiresRockOut
  5981. {
  5982. sound[]=
  5983. {
  5984. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  5985. "db-10",
  5986. 1,
  5987. 30
  5988. };
  5989. frequency="1";
  5990. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  5991. };
  5992. class TiresSandOut
  5993. {
  5994. sound[]=
  5995. {
  5996. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  5997. "db-10",
  5998. 1,
  5999. 30
  6000. };
  6001. frequency="1";
  6002. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6003. };
  6004. class TiresGrassOut
  6005. {
  6006. sound[]=
  6007. {
  6008. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  6009. "db-10",
  6010. 1,
  6011. 30
  6012. };
  6013. frequency="1";
  6014. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6015. };
  6016. class TiresMudOut
  6017. {
  6018. sound[]=
  6019. {
  6020. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  6021. "db-10",
  6022. 1,
  6023. 30
  6024. };
  6025. frequency="1";
  6026. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6027. };
  6028. class TiresGravelOut
  6029. {
  6030. sound[]=
  6031. {
  6032. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  6033. "db-10",
  6034. 1,
  6035. 30
  6036. };
  6037. frequency="1";
  6038. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6039. };
  6040. class TiresAsphaltOut
  6041. {
  6042. sound[]=
  6043. {
  6044. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  6045. "db-10",
  6046. 1,
  6047. 30
  6048. };
  6049. frequency="1";
  6050. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6051. };
  6052. class NoiseOut
  6053. {
  6054. sound[]=
  6055. {
  6056. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\int-noise3",
  6057. "db-10",
  6058. 1,
  6059. 30
  6060. };
  6061. frequency="1";
  6062. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  6063. };
  6064. class EngineLowIn
  6065. {
  6066. sound[]=
  6067. {
  6068. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-low-1",
  6069. 0.56234097,
  6070. 0.80000001
  6071. };
  6072. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  6073. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.65, 0.2])*(1-camPos)";
  6074. };
  6075. class EngineHighIn
  6076. {
  6077. sound[]=
  6078. {
  6079. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-high-1",
  6080. 0.56234097,
  6081. 0.80000001
  6082. };
  6083. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  6084. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.55, 0.95])*(1-camPos)";
  6085. };
  6086. class IdleIn
  6087. {
  6088. sound[]=
  6089. {
  6090. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-idle-1",
  6091. "db-10",
  6092. 1
  6093. };
  6094. frequency="1";
  6095. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  6096. };
  6097. class TiresRockIn
  6098. {
  6099. sound[]=
  6100. {
  6101. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  6102. "db-15",
  6103. 1
  6104. };
  6105. frequency="1";
  6106. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6107. };
  6108. class TiresSandIn
  6109. {
  6110. sound[]=
  6111. {
  6112. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  6113. "db-15",
  6114. 1
  6115. };
  6116. frequency="1";
  6117. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6118. };
  6119. class TiresGrassIn
  6120. {
  6121. sound[]=
  6122. {
  6123. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  6124. "db-15",
  6125. 1
  6126. };
  6127. frequency="1";
  6128. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6129. };
  6130. class TiresMudIn
  6131. {
  6132. sound[]=
  6133. {
  6134. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  6135. "db-15",
  6136. 1
  6137. };
  6138. frequency="1";
  6139. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6140. };
  6141. class TiresGravelIn
  6142. {
  6143. sound[]=
  6144. {
  6145. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  6146. "db-15",
  6147. 1
  6148. };
  6149. frequency="1";
  6150. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6151. };
  6152. class TiresAsphaltIn
  6153. {
  6154. sound[]=
  6155. {
  6156. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  6157. "db-15",
  6158. 1
  6159. };
  6160. frequency="1";
  6161. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6162. };
  6163. class NoiseIn
  6164. {
  6165. sound[]=
  6166. {
  6167. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\noise3",
  6168. "db-15",
  6169. 1
  6170. };
  6171. frequency="1";
  6172. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  6173. };
  6174. class Movement
  6175. {
  6176. sound="soundEnviron";
  6177. frequency="1";
  6178. volume="0";
  6179. };
  6180. };
  6181. class Damage
  6182. {
  6183. tex[]={};
  6184. mat[]=
  6185. {
  6186. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback.rvmat",
  6187. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback.rvmat",
  6188. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback_destruct.rvmat",
  6189. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback.rvmat",
  6190. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback.rvmat",
  6191. "ca\wheeled\data\hatchback_destruct.rvmat",
  6192. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  6193. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  6194. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  6195. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  6196. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  6197. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  6198. };
  6199. };
  6200. hiddenSelections[]=
  6201. {
  6202. "Camo1"
  6203. };
  6204. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6205. {
  6206. "\ca\wheeled\data\hatchback_co.paa"
  6207. };
  6208. cargoAction[]=
  6209. {
  6210. "Hatchback_Cargo01"
  6211. };
  6212. cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,0};
  6213. class Library
  6214. {
  6215. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_HATCHBACK";
  6216. };
  6217. rarityUrban=0.60000002;
  6218. };
  6219. class Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1;
  6220. class GeeEhZee1: Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1
  6221. {
  6222. scope=2;
  6223. accuracy=1000;
  6224. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1";
  6225. };
  6226. class GeeEhZee2: Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1
  6227. {
  6228. scope=2;
  6229. accuracy=1000;
  6230. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1";
  6231. hiddenSelections[]=
  6232. {
  6233. "Camo1"
  6234. };
  6235. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6236. {
  6237. "ca\wheeled_E\Volha\Data\Volha_Gray_ECIV_CO"
  6238. };
  6239. };
  6240. class GeeEhZeeLim: Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1
  6241. {
  6242. scope=2;
  6243. accuracy=1000;
  6244. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1";
  6245. hiddenSelections[]=
  6246. {
  6247. "Camo1"
  6248. };
  6249. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6250. {
  6251. "ca\wheeled_E\Volha\Data\Volha_Black_ECIV_CO"
  6252. };
  6253. };
  6254. class SUV_Base_EP1;
  6255. class EssYouVee: SUV_Base_EP1
  6256. {
  6257. scope=2;
  6258. crew="";
  6259. typicalCargo[]={};
  6260. rarityUrban=0.80000001;
  6261. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  6262. side=3;
  6263. };
  6264. class cahr_sehd: SkodaBase
  6265. {
  6266. scope=2;
  6267. faction="CIV";
  6268. maxSpeed=125;
  6269. model="\ca\Wheeled\car_sedan";
  6270. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\car_sedan_CA.paa";
  6271. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_skoda_CA.paa";
  6272. mapSize=6;
  6273. typicalCargo[]={};
  6274. crew="";
  6275. displayName="$STR_DN_SEDAN";
  6276. driverAction="Sedan_Driver";
  6277. wheelCircumference=1.947;
  6278. soundGear[]=
  6279. {
  6280. "",
  6281. 5.6234101e-005,
  6282. 1
  6283. };
  6284. soundGetIn[]=
  6285. {
  6286. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-getout-1",
  6287. "db-10",
  6288. 1
  6289. };
  6290. soundGetOut[]=
  6291. {
  6292. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-getout-1",
  6293. "db-10",
  6294. 1,
  6295. 30
  6296. };
  6297. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  6298. {
  6299. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-start-1",
  6300. 0.39810699,
  6301. 1
  6302. };
  6303. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  6304. {
  6305. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-start-1",
  6306. 0.39810699,
  6307. 1,
  6308. 250
  6309. };
  6310. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  6311. {
  6312. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-stop-1",
  6313. 0.39810699,
  6314. 1
  6315. };
  6316. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  6317. {
  6318. "ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-stop-1",
  6319. 0.39810699,
  6320. 1,
  6321. 250
  6322. };
  6323. buildCrash0[]=
  6324. {
  6325. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  6326. 0.707946,
  6327. 1,
  6328. 200
  6329. };
  6330. buildCrash1[]=
  6331. {
  6332. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  6333. 0.707946,
  6334. 1,
  6335. 200
  6336. };
  6337. buildCrash2[]=
  6338. {
  6339. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  6340. 0.707946,
  6341. 1,
  6342. 200
  6343. };
  6344. buildCrash3[]=
  6345. {
  6346. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  6347. 0.707946,
  6348. 1,
  6349. 200
  6350. };
  6351. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  6352. {
  6353. "buildCrash0",
  6354. 0.25,
  6355. "buildCrash1",
  6356. 0.25,
  6357. "buildCrash2",
  6358. 0.25,
  6359. "buildCrash3",
  6360. 0.25
  6361. };
  6362. WoodCrash0[]=
  6363. {
  6364. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  6365. 0.707946,
  6366. 1,
  6367. 200
  6368. };
  6369. WoodCrash1[]=
  6370. {
  6371. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  6372. 0.707946,
  6373. 1,
  6374. 200
  6375. };
  6376. WoodCrash2[]=
  6377. {
  6378. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  6379. 0.707946,
  6380. 1,
  6381. 200
  6382. };
  6383. WoodCrash3[]=
  6384. {
  6385. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  6386. 0.707946,
  6387. 1,
  6388. 200
  6389. };
  6390. WoodCrash4[]=
  6391. {
  6392. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  6393. 0.707946,
  6394. 1,
  6395. 200
  6396. };
  6397. WoodCrash5[]=
  6398. {
  6399. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  6400. 0.707946,
  6401. 1,
  6402. 200
  6403. };
  6404. soundWoodCrash[]=
  6405. {
  6406. "woodCrash0",
  6407. 0.16599999,
  6408. "woodCrash1",
  6409. 0.16599999,
  6410. "woodCrash2",
  6411. 0.16599999,
  6412. "woodCrash3",
  6413. 0.16599999,
  6414. "woodCrash4",
  6415. 0.16599999,
  6416. "woodCrash5",
  6417. 0.16599999
  6418. };
  6419. ArmorCrash0[]=
  6420. {
  6421. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  6422. 0.707946,
  6423. 1,
  6424. 200
  6425. };
  6426. ArmorCrash1[]=
  6427. {
  6428. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  6429. 0.707946,
  6430. 1,
  6431. 200
  6432. };
  6433. ArmorCrash2[]=
  6434. {
  6435. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  6436. 0.707946,
  6437. 1,
  6438. 200
  6439. };
  6440. ArmorCrash3[]=
  6441. {
  6442. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  6443. 0.707946,
  6444. 1,
  6445. 200
  6446. };
  6447. soundArmorCrash[]=
  6448. {
  6449. "ArmorCrash0",
  6450. 0.25,
  6451. "ArmorCrash1",
  6452. 0.25,
  6453. "ArmorCrash2",
  6454. 0.25,
  6455. "ArmorCrash3",
  6456. 0.25
  6457. };
  6458. class SoundEvents
  6459. {
  6460. class AccelerationIn
  6461. {
  6462. sound[]=
  6463. {
  6464. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-acce-2",
  6465. 0.39810699,
  6466. 1
  6467. };
  6468. limit=0.5;
  6469. expression="(engineOn*(1-camPos))*gmeterZ";
  6470. };
  6471. class AccelerationOut
  6472. {
  6473. sound[]=
  6474. {
  6475. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-acce-2",
  6476. 0.39810699,
  6477. 1,
  6478. 250
  6479. };
  6480. limit=0.5;
  6481. expression="(engineOn*camPos)*gmeterZ";
  6482. };
  6483. };
  6484. class Sounds
  6485. {
  6486. class Engine
  6487. {
  6488. sound[]=
  6489. {
  6490. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-low-1",
  6491. 0.56234097,
  6492. 0.94999999,
  6493. 300
  6494. };
  6495. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  6496. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.6, 0.2])";
  6497. };
  6498. class EngineHighOut
  6499. {
  6500. sound[]=
  6501. {
  6502. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-high-1",
  6503. 0.56234097,
  6504. 0.94999999,
  6505. 399
  6506. };
  6507. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.98)*rpm";
  6508. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.45, 0.9])";
  6509. };
  6510. class IdleOut
  6511. {
  6512. sound[]=
  6513. {
  6514. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\ext\ext-sedan-idle-1",
  6515. "db-9",
  6516. 1,
  6517. 200
  6518. };
  6519. frequency="1";
  6520. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])";
  6521. };
  6522. class TiresRockOut
  6523. {
  6524. sound[]=
  6525. {
  6526. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  6527. 0.1,
  6528. 1,
  6529. 30
  6530. };
  6531. frequency="1";
  6532. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6533. };
  6534. class TiresSandOut
  6535. {
  6536. sound[]=
  6537. {
  6538. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  6539. 0.1,
  6540. 1,
  6541. 30
  6542. };
  6543. frequency="1";
  6544. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6545. };
  6546. class TiresGrassOut
  6547. {
  6548. sound[]=
  6549. {
  6550. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  6551. 0.1,
  6552. 1,
  6553. 30
  6554. };
  6555. frequency="1";
  6556. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6557. };
  6558. class TiresMudOut
  6559. {
  6560. sound[]=
  6561. {
  6562. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  6563. 0.1,
  6564. 1,
  6565. 30
  6566. };
  6567. frequency="1";
  6568. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6569. };
  6570. class TiresGravelOut
  6571. {
  6572. sound[]=
  6573. {
  6574. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  6575. 0.1,
  6576. 1,
  6577. 30
  6578. };
  6579. frequency="1";
  6580. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6581. };
  6582. class TiresAsphaltOut
  6583. {
  6584. sound[]=
  6585. {
  6586. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  6587. 0.1,
  6588. 1,
  6589. 30
  6590. };
  6591. frequency="1";
  6592. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6593. };
  6594. class NoiseOut
  6595. {
  6596. sound[]=
  6597. {
  6598. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\int-noise3",
  6599. 0.1,
  6600. 1,
  6601. 30
  6602. };
  6603. frequency="1";
  6604. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  6605. };
  6606. class EngineLowIn
  6607. {
  6608. sound[]=
  6609. {
  6610. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-low-1",
  6611. 0.56234097,
  6612. 0.94999999
  6613. };
  6614. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  6615. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.65, 0.2])*(1-camPos)";
  6616. };
  6617. class EngineHighIn
  6618. {
  6619. sound[]=
  6620. {
  6621. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-high-1",
  6622. 0.56234097,
  6623. 0.94999999
  6624. };
  6625. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  6626. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.55, 0.95])*(1-camPos)";
  6627. };
  6628. class IdleIn
  6629. {
  6630. sound[]=
  6631. {
  6632. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\sedan\int\int-sedan-idle-1",
  6633. "db-9",
  6634. 1
  6635. };
  6636. frequency="1";
  6637. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.3, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  6638. };
  6639. class TiresRockIn
  6640. {
  6641. sound[]=
  6642. {
  6643. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  6644. 0.1,
  6645. 1
  6646. };
  6647. frequency="1";
  6648. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6649. };
  6650. class TiresSandIn
  6651. {
  6652. sound[]=
  6653. {
  6654. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  6655. 0.1,
  6656. 1
  6657. };
  6658. frequency="1";
  6659. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6660. };
  6661. class TiresGrassIn
  6662. {
  6663. sound[]=
  6664. {
  6665. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  6666. 0.1,
  6667. 1
  6668. };
  6669. frequency="1";
  6670. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6671. };
  6672. class TiresMudIn
  6673. {
  6674. sound[]=
  6675. {
  6676. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  6677. 0.1,
  6678. 1
  6679. };
  6680. frequency="1";
  6681. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6682. };
  6683. class TiresGravelIn
  6684. {
  6685. sound[]=
  6686. {
  6687. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  6688. 0.1,
  6689. 1
  6690. };
  6691. frequency="1";
  6692. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6693. };
  6694. class TiresAsphaltIn
  6695. {
  6696. sound[]=
  6697. {
  6698. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  6699. 0.1,
  6700. 1
  6701. };
  6702. frequency="1";
  6703. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  6704. };
  6705. class NoiseIn
  6706. {
  6707. sound[]=
  6708. {
  6709. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\BUS\int\noise3",
  6710. "db-15",
  6711. 1
  6712. };
  6713. frequency="1";
  6714. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  6715. };
  6716. class Movement
  6717. {
  6718. sound="soundEnviron";
  6719. frequency="1";
  6720. volume="0";
  6721. };
  6722. };
  6723. class Library
  6724. {
  6725. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_SEDAN";
  6726. };
  6727. class Damage
  6728. {
  6729. tex[]={};
  6730. mat[]=
  6731. {
  6732. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_ext.rvmat",
  6733. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_ext.rvmat",
  6734. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_ext_destruct.rvmat",
  6735. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_int.rvmat",
  6736. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_int.rvmat",
  6737. "ca\wheeled\data\sedan_int_destruct.rvmat",
  6738. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla.rvmat",
  6739. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  6740. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_damage.rvmat",
  6741. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in.rvmat",
  6742. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat",
  6743. "ca\wheeled\data\detailmapy\auta_skla_in_damage.rvmat"
  6744. };
  6745. };
  6746. hiddenSelections[]=
  6747. {
  6748. "Camo1"
  6749. };
  6750. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6751. {
  6752. "\ca\wheeled\data\sedan_ext_co.paa"
  6753. };
  6754. rarityUrban=0.60000002;
  6755. };
  6756. class HMMWV_base;
  6757. class HumVee: HMMWV_base
  6758. {
  6759. scope=2;
  6760. accuracy=0.31999999;
  6761. model="\ca\wheeled\HMMWV.p3d";
  6762. picture="\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\HMMWV_CA.paa";
  6763. Icon="\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_hmwv_CA.paa";
  6764. mapSize=5;
  6765. displayName="$STR_DN_HMMWV";
  6766. hasGunner=0;
  6767. class Turrets
  6768. {
  6769. };
  6770. class Damage
  6771. {
  6772. tex[]={};
  6773. mat[]=
  6774. {
  6775. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_details.rvmat",
  6776. "Ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_details_damage.rvmat",
  6777. "Ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_details_destruct.rvmat",
  6778. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body.rvmat",
  6779. "Ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_body_damage.rvmat",
  6780. "Ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_body_destruct.rvmat",
  6781. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_clocks.rvmat",
  6782. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_clocks.rvmat",
  6783. "ca\wheeled\data\hmmwv_clocks_destruct.rvmat",
  6784. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass.rvmat",
  6785. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  6786. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  6787. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass_in.rvmat",
  6788. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat",
  6789. "ca\wheeled\HMMWV\data\hmmwv_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat"
  6790. };
  6791. };
  6792. hiddenSelections[]=
  6793. {
  6794. "Camo1"
  6795. };
  6796. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6797. {
  6798. "\ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"
  6799. };
  6800. };
  6801. class HumVeeAmberlamps: HMMWV_base
  6802. {
  6803. scope=2;
  6804. accuracy=0.30000001;
  6805. model="\ca\wheeled2\HMMWV\M997A2_Ambulance\M997A2_Ambulance";
  6806. displayname="$STR_DN_HUMER_AMB";
  6807. vehicleClass="Support";
  6808. picture="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_M997A2_CA.paa";
  6809. Icon="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_M997A2_CA.paa";
  6810. mapSize=5;
  6811. transportSoldier=5;
  6812. cargoAction[]=
  6813. {
  6814. "HMMWV_Cargo01",
  6815. "BMP2_Cargo04"
  6816. };
  6817. attendant=0;
  6818. hasGunner=0;
  6819. class Turrets
  6820. {
  6821. };
  6822. class Damage
  6823. {
  6824. tex[]={};
  6825. mat[]=
  6826. {
  6827. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body.rvmat",
  6828. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body_Half_D.rvmat",
  6829. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body_Full_D.rvmat",
  6830. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_details.rvmat",
  6831. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_details_Half_D.rvmat",
  6832. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_details_Full_D.rvmat",
  6833. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_parts_1.rvmat",
  6834. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_parts_1_Half_D.rvmat",
  6835. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_parts_1_Full_D.rvmat",
  6836. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_clocks.rvmat",
  6837. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_clocks.rvmat",
  6838. "ca\wheeled\data\hmmwv_clocks_destruct.rvmat",
  6839. "ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\M997A2_Ambulance\Data\M997A2_Ambulance_3.rvmat",
  6840. "ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\M997A2_Ambulance\Data\M997A2_Ambulance_3_Half_D.rvmat",
  6841. "ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\M997A2_Ambulance\Data\M997A2_Ambulance_3_Full_D.rvmat",
  6842. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass.rvmat",
  6843. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  6844. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  6845. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass_in.rvmat",
  6846. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat",
  6847. "ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat"
  6848. };
  6849. };
  6850. hiddenSelections[]=
  6851. {
  6852. "Camo1",
  6853. "Camo2"
  6854. };
  6855. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  6856. {
  6857. "\ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa",
  6858. "\ca\wheeled\hmmwv\data\hmmwv_parts_1_ca.paa"
  6859. };
  6860. class Library
  6861. {
  6862. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_HMMWV_Ambulance";
  6863. };
  6864. };
  6865. class Wheeled_APC: Car
  6866. {
  6867. };
  6868. class GeeZee_Vahdnick_Guhn: Wheeled_APC
  6869. {
  6870. wheelCircumference=3.5409999;
  6871. scope=2;
  6872. model="\ca\wheeled2\GAZ39371\GAZ39371_Vodnik_HMG.p3d";
  6873. displayname="$STR_DN_GAZ_VODNIK_HMG";
  6874. picture="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_GAZ39371_HMG_CA.paa";
  6875. Icon="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_GAZ39371_HMG_CA.paa";
  6876. mapSize=6.5;
  6877. side=0;
  6878. faction="RU";
  6879. vehicleClass="Armored";
  6880. crew="RU_Soldier";
  6881. maxSpeed=100;
  6882. canFloat=1;
  6883. fuelCapacity=220;
  6884. terrainCoef=2;
  6885. class Library
  6886. {
  6887. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_GAZ_VODNIK_HMG";
  6888. };
  6889. armor=1;
  6890. damageResistance=0.029720001;
  6891. threat[]={0.5,0.5,0.5};
  6892. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  6893. {
  6894. class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel
  6895. {
  6896. armor=0.40000001;
  6897. };
  6898. class HitLBWheel: HitLBWheel
  6899. {
  6900. armor=0.40000001;
  6901. };
  6902. class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel
  6903. {
  6904. armor=0.40000001;
  6905. };
  6906. class HitRBWheel: HitRBWheel
  6907. {
  6908. armor=0.40000001;
  6909. };
  6910. class HitFuel
  6911. {
  6912. armor=1.4;
  6913. material=-1;
  6914. name="palivo";
  6915. visual="";
  6916. passThrough=1;
  6917. };
  6918. class HitGlass1: HitGlass1
  6919. {
  6920. armor=0.64999998;
  6921. };
  6922. class HitGlass2: HitGlass2
  6923. {
  6924. armor=0.64999998;
  6925. };
  6926. class HitGlass3: HitGlass3
  6927. {
  6928. armor=0.64999998;
  6929. };
  6930. class HitGlass4: HitGlass4
  6931. {
  6932. armor=0.64999998;
  6933. };
  6934. };
  6935. class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
  6936. {
  6937. class recoil_source
  6938. {
  6939. source="reload";
  6940. weapon="2A42";
  6941. };
  6942. };
  6943. enableGPS=1;
  6944. weapons[]=
  6945. {
  6946. "TruckHorn2"
  6947. };
  6948. magazines[]={};
  6949. transportSoldier=2;
  6950. DriverAction="GAZ_Driver";
  6951. driverInAction="GAZ_Driver";
  6952. cargoAction[]=
  6953. {
  6954. "HMMWV_Cargo01",
  6955. "Landrover_Cargo01"
  6956. };
  6957. viewCargoShadow=1;
  6958. unitInfoType="UnitInfoShip";
  6959. soundGear[]=
  6960. {
  6961. "",
  6962. 5.6234101e-005,
  6963. 1
  6964. };
  6965. soundGetIn[]=
  6966. {
  6967. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-getin",
  6968. "db0",
  6969. 1
  6970. };
  6971. soundGetOut[]=
  6972. {
  6973. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-getout",
  6974. "db0",
  6975. 1,
  6976. 30
  6977. };
  6978. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  6979. {
  6980. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-start-02",
  6981. 0.56234097,
  6982. 1
  6983. };
  6984. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  6985. {
  6986. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-start-02",
  6987. 0.56234097,
  6988. 1,
  6989. 250
  6990. };
  6991. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  6992. {
  6993. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-stop-02",
  6994. 0.56234097,
  6995. 1
  6996. };
  6997. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  6998. {
  6999. "\ca\sounds\vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-stop-02",
  7000. 0.56234097,
  7001. 1,
  7002. 250
  7003. };
  7004. buildCrash0[]=
  7005. {
  7006. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01",
  7007. 0.707946,
  7008. 1,
  7009. 200
  7010. };
  7011. buildCrash1[]=
  7012. {
  7013. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02",
  7014. 0.707946,
  7015. 1,
  7016. 200
  7017. };
  7018. buildCrash2[]=
  7019. {
  7020. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03",
  7021. 0.707946,
  7022. 1,
  7023. 200
  7024. };
  7025. buildCrash3[]=
  7026. {
  7027. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04",
  7028. 0.707946,
  7029. 1,
  7030. 200
  7031. };
  7032. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  7033. {
  7034. "buildCrash0",
  7035. 0.25,
  7036. "buildCrash1",
  7037. 0.25,
  7038. "buildCrash2",
  7039. 0.25,
  7040. "buildCrash3",
  7041. 0.25
  7042. };
  7043. WoodCrash0[]=
  7044. {
  7045. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01",
  7046. 0.707946,
  7047. 1,
  7048. 200
  7049. };
  7050. WoodCrash1[]=
  7051. {
  7052. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02",
  7053. 0.707946,
  7054. 1,
  7055. 200
  7056. };
  7057. WoodCrash2[]=
  7058. {
  7059. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03",
  7060. 0.707946,
  7061. 1,
  7062. 200
  7063. };
  7064. WoodCrash3[]=
  7065. {
  7066. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04",
  7067. 0.707946,
  7068. 1,
  7069. 200
  7070. };
  7071. WoodCrash4[]=
  7072. {
  7073. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05",
  7074. 0.707946,
  7075. 1,
  7076. 200
  7077. };
  7078. WoodCrash5[]=
  7079. {
  7080. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06",
  7081. 0.707946,
  7082. 1,
  7083. 200
  7084. };
  7085. soundWoodCrash[]=
  7086. {
  7087. "woodCrash0",
  7088. 0.16599999,
  7089. "woodCrash1",
  7090. 0.16599999,
  7091. "woodCrash2",
  7092. 0.16599999,
  7093. "woodCrash3",
  7094. 0.16599999,
  7095. "woodCrash4",
  7096. 0.16599999,
  7097. "woodCrash5",
  7098. 0.16599999
  7099. };
  7100. ArmorCrash0[]=
  7101. {
  7102. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01",
  7103. 0.707946,
  7104. 1,
  7105. 200
  7106. };
  7107. ArmorCrash1[]=
  7108. {
  7109. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02",
  7110. 0.707946,
  7111. 1,
  7112. 200
  7113. };
  7114. ArmorCrash2[]=
  7115. {
  7116. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03",
  7117. 0.707946,
  7118. 1,
  7119. 200
  7120. };
  7121. ArmorCrash3[]=
  7122. {
  7123. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04",
  7124. 0.707946,
  7125. 1,
  7126. 200
  7127. };
  7128. soundArmorCrash[]=
  7129. {
  7130. "ArmorCrash0",
  7131. 0.25,
  7132. "ArmorCrash1",
  7133. 0.25,
  7134. "ArmorCrash2",
  7135. 0.25,
  7136. "ArmorCrash3",
  7137. 0.25
  7138. };
  7139. class SoundEvents
  7140. {
  7141. class AccelerationIn
  7142. {
  7143. sound[]=
  7144. {
  7145. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-acce-01",
  7146. 0.56234097,
  7147. 1
  7148. };
  7149. limit=0.15000001;
  7150. expression="engineOn*(1-camPos)*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  7151. };
  7152. class AccelerationOut
  7153. {
  7154. sound[]=
  7155. {
  7156. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-acce-01",
  7157. 0.56234097,
  7158. 1,
  7159. 250
  7160. };
  7161. limit=0.15000001;
  7162. expression="engineOn*camPos*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  7163. };
  7164. };
  7165. class Sounds
  7166. {
  7167. class Engine
  7168. {
  7169. sound[]=
  7170. {
  7171. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-engine-02low",
  7172. "db5",
  7173. 1,
  7174. 300
  7175. };
  7176. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  7177. volume="engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.7, 0.2])";
  7178. };
  7179. class EngineHighOut
  7180. {
  7181. sound[]=
  7182. {
  7183. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-engine-02high",
  7184. "db5",
  7185. 0.89999998,
  7186. 500
  7187. };
  7188. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  7189. volume="engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.5, 0.9])";
  7190. };
  7191. class IdleOut
  7192. {
  7193. sound[]=
  7194. {
  7195. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\ext\ext-AV-idle-02",
  7196. 0.56234097,
  7197. 1,
  7198. 230
  7199. };
  7200. frequency="1";
  7201. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  7202. };
  7203. class TiresRockOut
  7204. {
  7205. sound[]=
  7206. {
  7207. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  7208. "db-10",
  7209. 1,
  7210. 30
  7211. };
  7212. frequency="1";
  7213. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7214. };
  7215. class TiresSandOut
  7216. {
  7217. sound[]=
  7218. {
  7219. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  7220. "db-10",
  7221. 1,
  7222. 30
  7223. };
  7224. frequency="1";
  7225. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7226. };
  7227. class TiresGrassOut
  7228. {
  7229. sound[]=
  7230. {
  7231. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  7232. "db-10",
  7233. 1,
  7234. 30
  7235. };
  7236. frequency="1";
  7237. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7238. };
  7239. class TiresMudOut
  7240. {
  7241. sound[]=
  7242. {
  7243. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  7244. "db-10",
  7245. 1,
  7246. 30
  7247. };
  7248. frequency="1";
  7249. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7250. };
  7251. class TiresGravelOut
  7252. {
  7253. sound[]=
  7254. {
  7255. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  7256. "db-10",
  7257. 1,
  7258. 30
  7259. };
  7260. frequency="1";
  7261. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7262. };
  7263. class TiresAsphaltOut
  7264. {
  7265. sound[]=
  7266. {
  7267. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  7268. "db-10",
  7269. 1,
  7270. 30
  7271. };
  7272. frequency="1";
  7273. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7274. };
  7275. class NoiseOut
  7276. {
  7277. sound[]=
  7278. {
  7279. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise3",
  7280. "db-10",
  7281. 1,
  7282. 30
  7283. };
  7284. frequency="1";
  7285. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  7286. };
  7287. class EngineLowIn
  7288. {
  7289. sound[]=
  7290. {
  7291. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-engine-02low",
  7292. "db5",
  7293. 1
  7294. };
  7295. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  7296. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.65, 0.2])*(1-camPos)";
  7297. };
  7298. class EngineHighIn
  7299. {
  7300. sound[]=
  7301. {
  7302. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-engine-02high",
  7303. "db5",
  7304. 0.89999998
  7305. };
  7306. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  7307. volume="((engineOn*thrust) factor[0.55, 1.0])*(1-camPos)";
  7308. };
  7309. class IdleIn
  7310. {
  7311. sound[]=
  7312. {
  7313. "\ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\Armored_Vehicle\int\int-AV-idle-02",
  7314. "db-10",
  7315. 1
  7316. };
  7317. frequency="1";
  7318. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  7319. };
  7320. class TiresRockIn
  7321. {
  7322. sound[]=
  7323. {
  7324. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  7325. "db-25",
  7326. 1
  7327. };
  7328. frequency="1";
  7329. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7330. };
  7331. class TiresSandIn
  7332. {
  7333. sound[]=
  7334. {
  7335. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  7336. "db-25",
  7337. 1
  7338. };
  7339. frequency="1";
  7340. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7341. };
  7342. class TiresGrassIn
  7343. {
  7344. sound[]=
  7345. {
  7346. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  7347. "db-25",
  7348. 1
  7349. };
  7350. frequency="1";
  7351. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7352. };
  7353. class TiresMudIn
  7354. {
  7355. sound[]=
  7356. {
  7357. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  7358. "db-25",
  7359. 1
  7360. };
  7361. frequency="1";
  7362. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7363. };
  7364. class TiresGravelIn
  7365. {
  7366. sound[]=
  7367. {
  7368. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  7369. "db-25",
  7370. 1
  7371. };
  7372. frequency="1";
  7373. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7374. };
  7375. class TiresAsphaltIn
  7376. {
  7377. sound[]=
  7378. {
  7379. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  7380. "db-25",
  7381. 1
  7382. };
  7383. frequency="1";
  7384. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  7385. };
  7386. class NoiseIn
  7387. {
  7388. sound[]=
  7389. {
  7390. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\int\noise4",
  7391. "db0",
  7392. 1
  7393. };
  7394. frequency="1";
  7395. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  7396. };
  7397. class Movement
  7398. {
  7399. sound="soundEnviron";
  7400. frequency="1";
  7401. volume="0";
  7402. };
  7403. };
  7404. enableManualFire=0;
  7405. class Turrets
  7406. {
  7407. class MainTurret: NewTurret
  7408. {
  7409. outGunnerMayFire=1;
  7410. minElev=-8;
  7411. maxElev=40;
  7412. minTurn=-180;
  7413. maxTurn=180;
  7414. initTurn=0;
  7415. gunBeg="muzzle_1";
  7416. gunEnd="chamber_1";
  7417. memoryPointGun="machinegun";
  7418. weapons[]=
  7419. {
  7420. "2A42",
  7421. "PKT_veh"
  7422. };
  7423. magazines[]=
  7424. {
  7425. "150Rnd_30mmAP_2A42",
  7426. "150Rnd_30mmHE_2A42",
  7427. "1500Rnd_762x54_PKT"
  7428. };
  7429. gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor=0;
  7430. gunnerOpticsShowCursor=0;
  7431. gunnerAction="GAZ_Gunner";
  7432. gunnerInAction="GAZ_Gunner";
  7433. primaryGunner=1;
  7434. commanding=2;
  7435. primaryObserver=1;
  7436. stabilizedInAxes="StabilizedInAxesNone";
  7437. forceHideGunner=1;
  7438. gunnerOpticsModel="\ca\weapons\2Dscope_BMPgun";
  7439. gunnerForceOptics=1;
  7440. class ViewOptics
  7441. {
  7442. initAngleX=5;
  7443. minAngleX=-30;
  7444. maxAngleX=30;
  7445. initAngleY=0;
  7446. minAngleY=0;
  7447. maxAngleY=0;
  7448. initFov=0.20299999;
  7449. minFov=0.20299999;
  7450. maxFov=0.20299999;
  7451. };
  7452. soundServo[]=
  7453. {
  7454. "\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\servo4",
  7455. "db-45",
  7456. 1,
  7457. 15
  7458. };
  7459. startEngine=1;
  7460. class HitPoints
  7461. {
  7462. class HitTurret
  7463. {
  7464. armor=0.80000001;
  7465. material=-1;
  7466. name="vez";
  7467. visual="vez";
  7468. passThrough=0.5;
  7469. };
  7470. class HitGun
  7471. {
  7472. armor=0.40000001;
  7473. material=-1;
  7474. name="zbran";
  7475. visual="zbran";
  7476. passThrough=0.1;
  7477. };
  7478. };
  7479. };
  7480. };
  7481. class Reflectors
  7482. {
  7483. class Left
  7484. {
  7485. color[]={0.89999998,0.80000001,0.80000001,1};
  7486. ambient[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,1};
  7487. position="L svetlo";
  7488. direction="konec L svetla";
  7489. hitpoint="L svetlo";
  7490. selection="L svetlo";
  7491. size=0.5;
  7492. brightness=0.5;
  7493. };
  7494. class Right
  7495. {
  7496. color[]={0.89999998,0.80000001,0.80000001,1};
  7497. ambient[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,1};
  7498. position="P svetlo";
  7499. direction="konec P svetla";
  7500. hitpoint="P svetlo";
  7501. selection="P svetlo";
  7502. size=0.5;
  7503. brightness=0.5;
  7504. };
  7505. };
  7506. memoryPointExhaust="vyfuk_start";
  7507. memoryPointExhaustDir="vyfuk konec";
  7508. class Damage
  7509. {
  7510. tex[]={};
  7511. mat[]=
  7512. {
  7513. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_basis_01.rvmat",
  7514. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_basis_01_Half_D.rvmat",
  7515. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_basis_01_Full_D.rvmat",
  7516. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_cabin.rvmat",
  7517. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_cabin_Half_D.rvmat",
  7518. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_cabin_Full_D.rvmat",
  7519. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_module.rvmat",
  7520. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_module_Half_D.rvmat",
  7521. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_module_Full_D.rvmat",
  7522. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_int.rvmat",
  7523. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_int.rvmat",
  7524. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_int_destruct.rvmat",
  7525. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass.rvmat",
  7526. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  7527. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass_Half_D.rvmat",
  7528. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass_in.rvmat",
  7529. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat",
  7530. "ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_glass_in_Half_D.rvmat"
  7531. };
  7532. };
  7533. hiddenSelections[]=
  7534. {
  7535. "Camo1",
  7536. "Camo2",
  7537. "Camo3"
  7538. };
  7539. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  7540. {
  7541. "\ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_basis_01_co.paa",
  7542. "\ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_cabin_co.paa",
  7543. "\ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\data\gaz39371_vodnik_mod_out_co.paa"
  7544. };
  7545. };
  7546. class GeeZee_Vahdnick: GeeZee_Vahdnick_Guhn
  7547. {
  7548. model="\ca\wheeled2\GAZ39371\GAZ39371_Vodnik.p3d";
  7549. displayname="$STR_DN_GAZ_VODNIK";
  7550. picture="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_GAZ39371_CA.paa";
  7551. Icon="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_GAZ39371_CA.paa";
  7552. mapSize=6.5;
  7553. transportSoldier=10;
  7554. cargoAction[]=
  7555. {
  7556. "HMMWV_Cargo01",
  7557. "Landrover_Cargo01",
  7558. "UAZ_Cargo01"
  7559. };
  7560. class Library
  7561. {
  7562. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_GAZ_VODNIK";
  7563. };
  7564. armor=1;
  7565. damageResistance=0.032000002;
  7566. threat[]={0.5,0.1,0.2};
  7567. enableManualFire=0;
  7568. class Turrets: Turrets
  7569. {
  7570. class MainTurret: MainTurret
  7571. {
  7572. minElev=-25;
  7573. maxElev=60;
  7574. minTurn=-90;
  7575. maxTurn=90;
  7576. initElev=23;
  7577. gunnerName="$STR_POSITION_FRONTGUNNER";
  7578. weapons[]=
  7579. {
  7580. "PKT"
  7581. };
  7582. magazines[]=
  7583. {
  7584. "100Rnd_762x54_PK",
  7585. "100Rnd_762x54_PK",
  7586. "100Rnd_762x54_PK",
  7587. "100Rnd_762x54_PK",
  7588. "100Rnd_762x54_PK",
  7589. "100Rnd_762x54_PK"
  7590. };
  7591. soundServo[]={};
  7592. viewGunnerInExternal=1;
  7593. castGunnerShadow=1;
  7594. gunnerForceOptics=0;
  7595. gunnerOpticsModel="\ca\weapons\optika_empty";
  7596. LODTurnedOut=1000;
  7597. LODTurnedIn=1000;
  7598. forceHideGunner=0;
  7599. commanding=2;
  7600. primaryGunner=0;
  7601. stabilizedInAxes="StabilizedInAxesNone";
  7602. primaryObserver=1;
  7603. class ViewOptics
  7604. {
  7605. initAngleX=0;
  7606. minAngleX=-30;
  7607. maxAngleX=30;
  7608. initAngleY=0;
  7609. minAngleY=-100;
  7610. maxAngleY=100;
  7611. initFov=0.69999999;
  7612. minFov=0.25;
  7613. maxFov=1.1;
  7614. };
  7615. class ViewGunner
  7616. {
  7617. initAngleX=5;
  7618. minAngleX=-65;
  7619. maxAngleX=85;
  7620. initAngleY=0;
  7621. minAngleY=-150;
  7622. maxAngleY=150;
  7623. initFov=0.69999999;
  7624. minFov=0.25;
  7625. maxFov=1.1;
  7626. };
  7627. startEngine=0;
  7628. };
  7629. class BackTurret: MainTurret
  7630. {
  7631. body="turret_2";
  7632. gun="gun_2";
  7633. weapons[]=
  7634. {
  7635. "PKT_2"
  7636. };
  7637. animationSourceBody="turret_2";
  7638. animationSourceGun="gun_2";
  7639. selectionFireAnim="zasleh2";
  7640. proxyIndex=2;
  7641. gunnerName="$STR_POSITION_REARGUNNER";
  7642. forceHideGunner=0;
  7643. commanding=-2;
  7644. primaryGunner=1;
  7645. primaryObserver=0;
  7646. minTurn=90;
  7647. maxTurn=270;
  7648. initTurn=180;
  7649. stabilizedInAxes="StabilizedInAxesNone";
  7650. gunBeg="muzzle_2";
  7651. gunEnd="chamber_2";
  7652. memoryPointGun="machinegun2";
  7653. memoryPointGunnerOptics="gunnerview2";
  7654. startEngine=0;
  7655. };
  7656. };
  7657. class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
  7658. {
  7659. class ReloadAnim
  7660. {
  7661. source="reload";
  7662. weapon="PKT";
  7663. };
  7664. class ReloadMagazine
  7665. {
  7666. source="reloadmagazine";
  7667. weapon="PKT";
  7668. };
  7669. class Revolving
  7670. {
  7671. source="revolving";
  7672. weapon="PKT";
  7673. };
  7674. class ReloadAnim_2
  7675. {
  7676. source="reload";
  7677. weapon="PKT_2";
  7678. };
  7679. class ReloadMagazine_2
  7680. {
  7681. source="reloadmagazine";
  7682. weapon="PKT_2";
  7683. };
  7684. class Revolving_2
  7685. {
  7686. source="revolving";
  7687. weapon="PKT_2";
  7688. };
  7689. };
  7690. };
  7691. class Vahdnick: GeeZee_Vahdnick
  7692. {
  7693. model="\ca\wheeled2\GAZ39371\GAZ39371_Vodnik_MedEvac.p3d";
  7694. displayname="$STR_DN_GAZ_VODNIK_MEDEVAC";
  7695. picture="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Picture_GAZ39371_med_CA.paa";
  7696. Icon="\Ca\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_GAZ39371_med_CA.paa";
  7697. mapSize=6.5;
  7698. attendant=0;
  7699. vehicleClass="Support";
  7700. transportSoldier=5;
  7701. unitInfoType="UnitInfoCar";
  7702. cargoAction[]=
  7703. {
  7704. "HMMWV_Cargo01",
  7705. "Landrover_Cargo01",
  7706. "UAZ_Cargo01",
  7707. "BMP2_Cargo04",
  7708. "BMP2_Cargo04"
  7709. };
  7710. armor=40;
  7711. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  7712. {
  7713. class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel
  7714. {
  7715. armor=0.30000001;
  7716. };
  7717. class HitLBWheel: HitLBWheel
  7718. {
  7719. armor=0.30000001;
  7720. };
  7721. class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel
  7722. {
  7723. armor=0.30000001;
  7724. };
  7725. class HitRBWheel: HitRBWheel
  7726. {
  7727. armor=0.30000001;
  7728. };
  7729. class HitGlass1: HitGlass1
  7730. {
  7731. armor=0.5;
  7732. };
  7733. class HitGlass2: HitGlass2
  7734. {
  7735. armor=0.5;
  7736. };
  7737. class HitGlass3: HitGlass3
  7738. {
  7739. armor=0.5;
  7740. };
  7741. class HitGlass4: HitGlass4
  7742. {
  7743. armor=0.5;
  7744. };
  7745. };
  7746. class Turrets
  7747. {
  7748. };
  7749. threat[]={0.1,0.1,0};
  7750. class Library
  7751. {
  7752. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_GAZ_VODNIK_MED";
  7753. };
  7754. };
  7755. class Old_moto_base;
  7756. class MBykeOld: Old_moto_base
  7757. {
  7758. expansion=1;
  7759. scope=2;
  7760. side=3;
  7761. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  7762. crew="";
  7763. typicalCargo[]={};
  7764. rarityUrban=0.5;
  7765. };
  7766. class Kamaz_Base;
  7767. class Camahz: Kamaz_Base
  7768. {
  7769. scope=2;
  7770. cargoAction[]=
  7771. {
  7772. "Truck_Cargo01",
  7773. "Truck_Cargo01",
  7774. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7775. "Truck_Cargo03",
  7776. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7777. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7778. "Truck_Cargo03",
  7779. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7780. "Truck_Cargo03",
  7781. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7782. "Truck_Cargo02",
  7783. "Truck_Cargo03"
  7784. };
  7785. };
  7786. class CamahzO: Kamaz_Base
  7787. {
  7788. scope=2;
  7789. displayName="$STR_DN_KAMAZ_OPEN";
  7790. model="\ca\wheeled2\Kamaz\Kamaz_Open";
  7791. picture="\Ca\wheeled2\data\ui\Picture_kamaz_open_CA.paa";
  7792. Icon="\Ca\wheeled2\data\ui\Icon_kamaz_open_CA.paa";
  7793. castCargoShadow=1;
  7794. class Library
  7795. {
  7796. libTextDesc="$STR_LIB_KAMAZ_OPEN";
  7797. };
  7798. };
  7799. class LandRover_Base: Car
  7800. {
  7801. brakeDistance=12.5;
  7802. expansion=1;
  7803. enableManualFire=0;
  7804. htMin=60;
  7805. htMax=1800;
  7806. afMax=100;
  7807. mfMax=80;
  7808. mFact=1;
  7809. tBody=250;
  7810. scope=0;
  7811. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_LandRover_Base";
  7812. maxSpeed=150;
  7813. terrainCoef=3;
  7814. turnCoef=3;
  7815. armor=30;
  7816. damageResistance=0.0071899998;
  7817. model="\ca\wheeled_E\LR\LR";
  7818. Picture="\CA\wheeled_e\Data\UI\Picture_lr_CA.paa";
  7819. Icon="\CA\wheeled_e\Data\UI\Icon_lr_transport_CA.paa";
  7820. MapSize=6;
  7821. outsideSoundFilter=1;
  7822. insideSoundCoef=0.89999998;
  7823. soundGear[]=
  7824. {
  7825. "",
  7826. 5.6234101e-005,
  7827. 1
  7828. };
  7829. soundGetIn[]=
  7830. {
  7831. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_door",
  7832. "db0",
  7833. 1
  7834. };
  7835. soundGetOut[]=
  7836. {
  7837. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_door",
  7838. "db0",
  7839. 1,
  7840. 30
  7841. };
  7842. soundEngineOnInt[]=
  7843. {
  7844. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_start",
  7845. 1,
  7846. 1
  7847. };
  7848. soundEngineOnExt[]=
  7849. {
  7850. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_start",
  7851. 1,
  7852. 1,
  7853. 100
  7854. };
  7855. soundEngineOffInt[]=
  7856. {
  7857. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_stop",
  7858. 1,
  7859. 1
  7860. };
  7861. soundEngineOffExt[]=
  7862. {
  7863. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_stop",
  7864. 1,
  7865. 1,
  7866. 100
  7867. };
  7868. buildCrash0[]=
  7869. {
  7870. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_01",
  7871. 0.707946,
  7872. 1,
  7873. 150
  7874. };
  7875. buildCrash1[]=
  7876. {
  7877. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_02",
  7878. 0.707946,
  7879. 1,
  7880. 150
  7881. };
  7882. buildCrash2[]=
  7883. {
  7884. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_03",
  7885. 0.707946,
  7886. 1,
  7887. 150
  7888. };
  7889. buildCrash3[]=
  7890. {
  7891. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_building_04",
  7892. 0.707946,
  7893. 1,
  7894. 150
  7895. };
  7896. soundBuildingCrash[]=
  7897. {
  7898. "buildCrash0",
  7899. 0.25,
  7900. "buildCrash1",
  7901. 0.25,
  7902. "buildCrash2",
  7903. 0.25,
  7904. "buildCrash3",
  7905. 0.25
  7906. };
  7907. WoodCrash0[]=
  7908. {
  7909. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_01",
  7910. 0.707946,
  7911. 1,
  7912. 150
  7913. };
  7914. WoodCrash1[]=
  7915. {
  7916. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_02",
  7917. 0.707946,
  7918. 1,
  7919. 150
  7920. };
  7921. WoodCrash2[]=
  7922. {
  7923. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_03",
  7924. 0.707946,
  7925. 1,
  7926. 150
  7927. };
  7928. WoodCrash3[]=
  7929. {
  7930. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_wood_04",
  7931. 0.707946,
  7932. 1,
  7933. 150
  7934. };
  7935. soundWoodCrash[]=
  7936. {
  7937. "woodCrash0",
  7938. 0.25,
  7939. "woodCrash1",
  7940. 0.25,
  7941. "woodCrash2",
  7942. 0.25,
  7943. "woodCrash3",
  7944. 0.25
  7945. };
  7946. ArmorCrash0[]=
  7947. {
  7948. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_01",
  7949. 0.707946,
  7950. 1,
  7951. 150
  7952. };
  7953. ArmorCrash1[]=
  7954. {
  7955. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_02",
  7956. 0.707946,
  7957. 1,
  7958. 150
  7959. };
  7960. ArmorCrash2[]=
  7961. {
  7962. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_03",
  7963. 0.707946,
  7964. 1,
  7965. 150
  7966. };
  7967. ArmorCrash3[]=
  7968. {
  7969. "Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\tank_vehicle_04",
  7970. 0.707946,
  7971. 1,
  7972. 150
  7973. };
  7974. soundArmorCrash[]=
  7975. {
  7976. "ArmorCrash0",
  7977. 0.25,
  7978. "ArmorCrash1",
  7979. 0.25,
  7980. "ArmorCrash2",
  7981. 0.25,
  7982. "ArmorCrash3",
  7983. 0.25
  7984. };
  7985. class SoundEvents
  7986. {
  7987. class AccelerationIn
  7988. {
  7989. sound[]=
  7990. {
  7991. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_acceleration",
  7992. 0.56234097,
  7993. 1
  7994. };
  7995. limit=0.15000001;
  7996. expression="engineOn*(1-camPos)*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  7997. };
  7998. class AccelerationOut
  7999. {
  8000. sound[]=
  8001. {
  8002. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_acceleration",
  8003. 0.56234097,
  8004. 1,
  8005. 300
  8006. };
  8007. limit=0.15000001;
  8008. expression="engineOn*camPos*2*gmeterZ*((speed factor[1.5, 5]) min (speed factor[5, 1.5]))";
  8009. };
  8010. };
  8011. class Sounds
  8012. {
  8013. class Engine
  8014. {
  8015. sound[]=
  8016. {
  8017. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_low",
  8018. "db3",
  8019. 0.60000002,
  8020. 200
  8021. };
  8022. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  8023. volume="camPos*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  8024. };
  8025. class EngineHighOut
  8026. {
  8027. sound[]=
  8028. {
  8029. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_high",
  8030. "db3",
  8031. 0.60000002,
  8032. 300
  8033. };
  8034. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  8035. volume="camPos*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.8])";
  8036. };
  8037. class IdleOut
  8038. {
  8039. sound[]=
  8040. {
  8041. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_ext_idle",
  8042. 0.56234097,
  8043. 1,
  8044. 100
  8045. };
  8046. frequency="1";
  8047. volume="engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])";
  8048. };
  8049. class TiresRockOut
  8050. {
  8051. sound[]=
  8052. {
  8053. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-rock2",
  8054. 0.1,
  8055. 1,
  8056. 50
  8057. };
  8058. frequency="1";
  8059. volume="camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8060. };
  8061. class TiresSandOut
  8062. {
  8063. sound[]=
  8064. {
  8065. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-sand2",
  8066. 0.1,
  8067. 1,
  8068. 50
  8069. };
  8070. frequency="1";
  8071. volume="camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8072. };
  8073. class TiresGrassOut
  8074. {
  8075. sound[]=
  8076. {
  8077. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-grass3",
  8078. 0.1,
  8079. 1,
  8080. 50
  8081. };
  8082. frequency="1";
  8083. volume="camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8084. };
  8085. class TiresMudOut
  8086. {
  8087. sound[]=
  8088. {
  8089. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-mud2",
  8090. 0.1,
  8091. 1,
  8092. 50
  8093. };
  8094. frequency="1";
  8095. volume="camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8096. };
  8097. class TiresGravelOut
  8098. {
  8099. sound[]=
  8100. {
  8101. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-gravel2",
  8102. 0.1,
  8103. 1,
  8104. 50
  8105. };
  8106. frequency="1";
  8107. volume="camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8108. };
  8109. class TiresAsphaltOut
  8110. {
  8111. sound[]=
  8112. {
  8113. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\ext\ext-tires-asphalt3",
  8114. 0.1,
  8115. 1,
  8116. 50
  8117. };
  8118. frequency="1";
  8119. volume="camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8120. };
  8121. class NoiseOut
  8122. {
  8123. sound[]=
  8124. {
  8125. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\ext\noise3",
  8126. 0.56234097,
  8127. 1,
  8128. 50
  8129. };
  8130. frequency="1";
  8131. volume="camPos*(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
  8132. };
  8133. class EngineLowIn
  8134. {
  8135. sound[]=
  8136. {
  8137. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_low",
  8138. "db3",
  8139. 0.60000002
  8140. };
  8141. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  8142. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.4]) min (rpm factor[0.7, 0.5]))";
  8143. };
  8144. class EngineHighIn
  8145. {
  8146. sound[]=
  8147. {
  8148. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_high",
  8149. "db3",
  8150. 0.60000002
  8151. };
  8152. frequency="(randomizer*0.05+0.95)*rpm";
  8153. volume="(1-camPos)*engineOn*(rpm factor[0.5, 0.8])";
  8154. };
  8155. class IdleIn
  8156. {
  8157. sound[]=
  8158. {
  8159. "\ca\Sounds_E\Wheeled_E\LandRover\LRover_int_idle",
  8160. "db-2",
  8161. 1
  8162. };
  8163. frequency="1";
  8164. volume="engineOn*(rpm factor[0.4, 0])*(1-camPos)";
  8165. };
  8166. class TiresRockIn
  8167. {
  8168. sound[]=
  8169. {
  8170. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-rock2",
  8171. 0.1,
  8172. 1
  8173. };
  8174. frequency="1";
  8175. volume="(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8176. };
  8177. class TiresSandIn
  8178. {
  8179. sound[]=
  8180. {
  8181. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-sand2",
  8182. 0.1,
  8183. 1
  8184. };
  8185. frequency="1";
  8186. volume="(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8187. };
  8188. class TiresGrassIn
  8189. {
  8190. sound[]=
  8191. {
  8192. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-grass3",
  8193. 0.1,
  8194. 1
  8195. };
  8196. frequency="1";
  8197. volume="(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8198. };
  8199. class TiresMudIn
  8200. {
  8201. sound[]=
  8202. {
  8203. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-mud2",
  8204. 0.1,
  8205. 1
  8206. };
  8207. frequency="1";
  8208. volume="(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8209. };
  8210. class TiresGravelIn
  8211. {
  8212. sound[]=
  8213. {
  8214. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-gravel2",
  8215. 0.1,
  8216. 1
  8217. };
  8218. frequency="1";
  8219. volume="(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8220. };
  8221. class TiresAsphaltIn
  8222. {
  8223. sound[]=
  8224. {
  8225. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Tires\int\int-tires-asphalt3",
  8226. 0.1,
  8227. 1
  8228. };
  8229. frequency="1";
  8230. volume="(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
  8231. };
  8232. class NoiseIn
  8233. {
  8234. sound[]=
  8235. {
  8236. "\ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Wheeled\Noises\int\noise4",
  8237. "db-10",
  8238. 1
  8239. };
  8240. frequency="1";
  8241. volume="(damper0 max 0.04)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
  8242. };
  8243. class Movement
  8244. {
  8245. sound="soundEnviron";
  8246. frequency="1";
  8247. volume="0";
  8248. };
  8249. };
  8250. class Library
  8251. {
  8252. libTextDesc="$STR_EP1_LIB_LandRover";
  8253. };
  8254. transportSoldier=7;
  8255. driverAction="LR_Driver_EP1";
  8256. cargoAction[]=
  8257. {
  8258. "LR_Cargo01_EP1",
  8259. "LR_Cargo02_EP1",
  8260. "LR_Cargo03_EP1",
  8261. "LR_Cargo05_EP1",
  8262. "LR_Cargo04_EP1",
  8263. "LR_Cargo02_EP1",
  8264. "LR_Cargo03_EP1"
  8265. };
  8266. cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,0};
  8267. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  8268. {
  8269. class HitEngine
  8270. {
  8271. armor=2;
  8272. material=-1;
  8273. name="motor";
  8274. passThrough=0;
  8275. };
  8276. class HitFuel
  8277. {
  8278. armor=1;
  8279. material=-1;
  8280. name="palivo";
  8281. passThrough=0;
  8282. };
  8283. class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel
  8284. {
  8285. armor=0.5;
  8286. };
  8287. class HitLBWheel: HitLBWheel
  8288. {
  8289. armor=0.5;
  8290. };
  8291. class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel
  8292. {
  8293. armor=0.5;
  8294. };
  8295. class HitRBWheel: HitRBWheel
  8296. {
  8297. armor=0.5;
  8298. };
  8299. };
  8300. hiddenSelections[]={};
  8301. threat[]={0,0,0};
  8302. };
  8303. class RovahCZ: LandRover_Base
  8304. {
  8305. scope=2;
  8306. side=1;
  8307. faction="BIS_CZ";
  8308. crew="";
  8309. typicalCargo[]={};
  8310. class Turrets
  8311. {
  8312. };
  8313. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  8314. {
  8315. class HitGlass1: HitGlass1
  8316. {
  8317. armor=0.15000001;
  8318. };
  8319. class HitGlass2: HitGlass2
  8320. {
  8321. armor=0.1;
  8322. };
  8323. class HitGlass3: HitGlass3
  8324. {
  8325. armor=0.1;
  8326. };
  8327. };
  8328. class Damage
  8329. {
  8330. tex[]={};
  8331. mat[]=
  8332. {
  8333. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_base.rvmat",
  8334. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_base_damage.rvmat",
  8335. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_base_destruct.rvmat",
  8336. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_glass.rvmat",
  8337. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_glass_damage.rvmat",
  8338. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_glass_destruct.rvmat",
  8339. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_Special.rvmat",
  8340. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_Special_damage.rvmat",
  8341. "ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_Special_destruct.rvmat",
  8342. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  8343. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default.rvmat",
  8344. "Ca\Ca_E\data\default_destruct.rvmat"
  8345. };
  8346. };
  8347. class TransportMagazines
  8348. {
  8349. };
  8350. class TransportWeapons
  8351. {
  8352. };
  8353. class NVGMarkers
  8354. {
  8355. class NVGMarker01
  8356. {
  8357. name="nvg_marker";
  8358. color[]={0.029999999,0.003,0.003,1};
  8359. ambient[]={0.003,0.00030000001,0.00030000001,1};
  8360. brightness=0.001;
  8361. blinking=1;
  8362. };
  8363. };
  8364. };
  8365. class RovahTK: RovahCZ
  8366. {
  8367. scope=2;
  8368. side=3;
  8369. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  8370. crew="";
  8371. typicalCargo[]={};
  8372. class Turrets
  8373. {
  8374. };
  8375. hiddenSelections[]=
  8376. {
  8377. "Camo1"
  8378. };
  8379. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8380. {
  8381. "\ca\wheeled_E\LR\Data\LR_Base_red_CO.paa"
  8382. };
  8383. class NVGMarkers
  8384. {
  8385. };
  8386. };
  8387. class Lada_base;
  8388. class LahdahT1: Lada_base
  8389. {
  8390. expansion=1;
  8391. scope=2;
  8392. side=3;
  8393. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  8394. hiddenSelections[]=
  8395. {
  8396. "Camo1",
  8397. "Camo2"
  8398. };
  8399. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8400. {
  8401. "\CA\wheeled_E\Lada\Data\Lada_ECIV1_CO.paa",
  8402. "\Ca\wheeled_E\Lada\Data\Lada_glass_ECIV1_CA.paa"
  8403. };
  8404. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1";
  8405. accuracy=1000;
  8406. rarityUrban=0.40000001;
  8407. crew="";
  8408. typicalCargo[]={};
  8409. };
  8410. class LahdahT2: Lada_base
  8411. {
  8412. expansion=1;
  8413. scope=2;
  8414. side=3;
  8415. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  8416. hiddenSelections[]=
  8417. {
  8418. "Camo1",
  8419. "Camo2"
  8420. };
  8421. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8422. {
  8423. "\CA\wheeled_E\Lada\Data\Lada_ECIV2_CO.paa",
  8424. "\Ca\wheeled_E\Lada\Data\Lada_glass_ECIV2_CA.paa"
  8425. };
  8426. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1";
  8427. accuracy=1000;
  8428. rarityUrban=0.40000001;
  8429. crew="";
  8430. typicalCargo[]={};
  8431. };
  8432. class YerallYouEn: Ural_Base
  8433. {
  8434. expansion=1;
  8435. scope=2;
  8436. side=2;
  8437. accuracy=0.30000001;
  8438. faction="BIS_UN";
  8439. crew="";
  8440. typicalCargo[]={};
  8441. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8442. {
  8443. "\CA\wheeled_E\Ural\Data\Ural_kabina_UN_CO.paa",
  8444. "\CA\wheeled_E\Ural\Data\Ural_plachta_UN_CO.paa"
  8445. };
  8446. class TransportMagazines
  8447. {
  8448. };
  8449. class TransportWeapons
  8450. {
  8451. };
  8452. };
  8453. class YerallTeeKay: Ural_Base
  8454. {
  8455. expansion=1;
  8456. scope=2;
  8457. side=3;
  8458. accuracy=0.30000001;
  8459. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  8460. crew="";
  8461. typicalCargo[]={};
  8462. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8463. {
  8464. "\CA\wheeled_E\Ural\Data\Ural_kabina_CIVIL_CO.paa",
  8465. "\CA\wheeled_E\Ural\Data\Ural_plachta_CIVIL_CO.paa"
  8466. };
  8467. };
  8468. class V3S_Base_EP1;
  8469. class VeeThreeTeeKay: V3S_Base_EP1
  8470. {
  8471. scope=2;
  8472. side=0;
  8473. faction="BIS_TK";
  8474. crew="";
  8475. typicalCargo[]={};
  8476. model="\ca\wheeled_E\V3S\V3S_open";
  8477. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_V3S_Open_TK_EP1";
  8478. Icon="\CA\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_V3S_CA.paa";
  8479. Picture="\CA\wheeled_e\data\UI\Picture_V3S_open_CA.paa";
  8480. MapSize=7;
  8481. driverAction="V3S_Driver_EP1";
  8482. class TransportMagazines
  8483. {
  8484. };
  8485. class TransportWeapons
  8486. {
  8487. };
  8488. };
  8489. class VeeThreeTeeKaySiv: V3S_Base_EP1
  8490. {
  8491. scope=2;
  8492. side=3;
  8493. faction="BIS_TK_CIV";
  8494. crew="";
  8495. typicalCargo[]={};
  8496. model="\ca\wheeled_E\V3S\V3S_open";
  8497. displayname="$STR_EP1_DN_V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1";
  8498. Icon="\CA\wheeled2\data\UI\Icon_V3S_CA.paa";
  8499. Picture="\CA\wheeled_e\data\UI\Picture_V3S_open_CA.paa";
  8500. MapSize=7;
  8501. driverAction="V3S_Driver_EP1";
  8502. hiddenSelections[]=
  8503. {
  8504. "Camo1",
  8505. "Camo2",
  8506. "Camo3"
  8507. };
  8508. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8509. {
  8510. "ca\wheeled_E\V3S\Data\v3s_kabpar_ECIV_co",
  8511. "ca\wheeled_E\V3S\Data\v3s_intkor_ECIV_co",
  8512. "ca\wheeled_E\V3S\Data\v3s_koloint02_ECIV_co"
  8513. };
  8514. };
  8515. class MMT_base;
  8516. class BykeMtn: MMT_base
  8517. {
  8518. scope=2;
  8519. side=3;
  8520. faction="CIV";
  8521. crew="";
  8522. typicalCargo[]=
  8523. {
  8524. ""
  8525. };
  8526. };
  8527. class UH1H_base;
  8528. class HH_RX: UH1H_base
  8529. {
  8530. scope=2;
  8531. side=2;
  8532. crew="";
  8533. typicalCargo[]={};
  8534. hiddenSelections[]={};
  8535. class TransportMagazines
  8536. {
  8537. };
  8538. class TransportWeapons
  8539. {
  8540. };
  8541. commanderCanSee="2+16+32";
  8542. gunnerCanSee="2+16+32";
  8543. driverCanSee="2+16+32";
  8544. };
  8545. class AH6_Base_EP1;
  8546. class LilBird_RX: AH6_Base_EP1
  8547. {
  8548. expansion=1;
  8549. scope=2;
  8550. displayName="$STR_EP1_DN_MH6J";
  8551. model="\ca\air_e\ah6j\mh6j";
  8552. picture="\ca\air_e\data\UI\Picture_mh6j_CA.paa";
  8553. icon="\ca\air_e\data\UI\Icon_mh6j_CA.paa";
  8554. side=2;
  8555. faction="BIS_US";
  8556. transportSoldier=5;
  8557. crew="";
  8558. typicalCargo[]={};
  8559. cargoAction[]=
  8560. {
  8561. "AH6j_Cargo_EP1",
  8562. "MH6_Cargo01",
  8563. "MH6_Cargo02",
  8564. "MH6_Cargo02",
  8565. "MH6_Cargo02",
  8566. "MH6_Cargo03"
  8567. };
  8568. ejectDeadCargo=1;
  8569. cargoIsCoDriver[]={0,0};
  8570. armor=30;
  8571. weapons[]={};
  8572. magazines[]={};
  8573. threat[]={0,0,0};
  8574. class TransportMagazines
  8575. {
  8576. };
  8577. class TransportWeapons
  8578. {
  8579. };
  8580. commanderCanSee="2+16+32";
  8581. gunnerCanSee="2+16+32";
  8582. driverCanSee="2+16+32";
  8583. class Turrets
  8584. {
  8585. };
  8586. class Library
  8587. {
  8588. libTextDesc="$STR_EP1_LIB_MH6J";
  8589. };
  8590. hiddenSelections[]=
  8591. {
  8592. "camo1",
  8593. "camo2"
  8594. };
  8595. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8596. {
  8597. "ca\air_e\ah6j\data\ah6_merge1_co.paa",
  8598. "ca\air_e\ah6j\data\default_co.paa"
  8599. };
  8600. };
  8601. class UH60M_US_base_EP1;
  8602. class BHawk_RX: UH60M_US_base_EP1
  8603. {
  8604. scope=2;
  8605. accuracy=1.5;
  8606. model="\Ca\Air_E\UH60M\UH60M_MEV.p3d";
  8607. displayName="$STR_EP1_DN_UH60M_MEV";
  8608. attendant=0;
  8609. memoryPointSupply="pos Codriver dir";
  8610. transportSoldier=7;
  8611. vehicleClass="Support";
  8612. weapons[]={};
  8613. magazines[]={};
  8614. threat[]={0,0,0};
  8615. class TransportMagazines
  8616. {
  8617. };
  8618. class TransportWeapons
  8619. {
  8620. };
  8621. commanderCanSee="2+16+32";
  8622. gunnerCanSee="2+16+32";
  8623. driverCanSee="2+16+32";
  8624. class Turrets
  8625. {
  8626. };
  8627. cargoAction[]=
  8628. {
  8629. "UH60_Cargo02",
  8630. "UH60_Cargo02",
  8631. "UH60_Cargo02",
  8632. "UH60_Cargo02",
  8633. "UH60M_Gunner_EP1",
  8634. "UH60M_Gunner_EP1",
  8635. "UH60M_Pilot_EP1"
  8636. };
  8637. hiddenSelections[]=
  8638. {
  8639. "camo1",
  8640. "camo2",
  8641. "camo3"
  8642. };
  8643. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  8644. {
  8645. "ca\air_e\uh60m\data\uh60m_fuselage_mev_co.paa",
  8646. "ca\air_e\uh60m\data\uh60m_engine_mev_co.paa",
  8647. "ca\air_e\uh60m\data\default_co.paa"
  8648. };
  8649. };
  8650. class Animal;
  8651. class Pastor;
  8652. class Fin;
  8653. class DZAnimal: Animal
  8654. {
  8655. scope=0;
  8656. side=1;
  8657. accuracy=0.25;
  8658. boneHead="head";
  8659. bonePrimaryWeapon="head";
  8660. triggerAnim="";
  8661. picture="";
  8662. icon="\Ca\animals2\data\mapicon_animals_ca.paa";
  8663. mapSize=10;
  8664. weaponSlots=0;
  8665. fsmFormation="";
  8666. fsmDanger="";
  8667. agentTasks[]={};
  8668. moves="CfgMovesAnimal";
  8669. memoryPointHeadAxis="head_axis";
  8670. woman=0;
  8671. faceType="Default";
  8672. boneLEye="l_eye";
  8673. boneREye="r_eye";
  8674. boneLEyelidUp="eye_upl";
  8675. boneREyelidUp="eye_upr";
  8676. boneLEyelidDown="eye_lwl";
  8677. boneREyelidDown="eye_lwr";
  8678. boneLPupil="l_pupila";
  8679. boneRPupil="r_pupila";
  8680. memoryPointAim="aimPoint";
  8681. memoryPointCameraTarget="camera";
  8682. extCameraPosition[]={0,0.5,-2.5};
  8683. class EventHandlers
  8684. {
  8685. };
  8686. class Wounds
  8687. {
  8688. tex[]={};
  8689. mat[]={};
  8690. };
  8691. class VariablesScalar
  8692. {
  8693. };
  8694. class VariablesString
  8695. {
  8696. };
  8697. };
  8698. class DZ_Pastor: Pastor
  8699. {
  8700. scope=2;
  8701. side=1;
  8702. model="\ca\animals2\Dogs\Pastor\Pastor";
  8703. displayName="Alsatian";
  8704. moves="CfgMovesDogDZ";
  8705. gestures="CfgGesturesDogDZ";
  8706. fsmDanger="";
  8707. fsmFormation="";
  8708. agentTasks[]={};
  8709. woman=0;
  8710. class EventHandlers
  8711. {
  8712. };
  8713. class Wounds
  8714. {
  8715. tex[]={};
  8716. mat[]={};
  8717. };
  8718. class VariablesScalar
  8719. {
  8720. };
  8721. class VariablesString
  8722. {
  8723. };
  8724. };
  8725. class DZ_Fin: Fin
  8726. {
  8727. scope=2;
  8728. model="\ca\animals2\Dogs\Fin\Fin";
  8729. displayName="Fin";
  8730. moves="CfgMovesDogDZ";
  8731. gestures="CfgGesturesDogDZ";
  8732. fsmDanger="";
  8733. fsmFormation="";
  8734. };
  8735. class Soldier_Crew_PMC;
  8736. class B1_RX: Soldier_Crew_PMC
  8737. {
  8738. displayName="$STR_CHAR_2";
  8739. side=1;
  8740. weapons[]=
  8741. {
  8742. "Throw",
  8743. "Put"
  8744. };
  8745. model="\dayz\characters\man_bandit";
  8746. portrait="\Ca\characters_E\data\portraits\ger_soldier_CA";
  8747. magazines[]={};
  8748. backpack="";
  8749. respawnWeapons[]=
  8750. {
  8751. "Throw",
  8752. "Put"
  8753. };
  8754. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8755. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8756. canHideBodies=1;
  8757. };
  8758. class BAF_Soldier_Officer_W;
  8759. class R_RX: BAF_Soldier_Officer_W
  8760. {
  8761. displayName="Rocket";
  8762. side=1;
  8763. weapons[]=
  8764. {
  8765. "Throw",
  8766. "Put"
  8767. };
  8768. backpack="";
  8769. magazines[]={};
  8770. respawnWeapons[]=
  8771. {
  8772. "Throw",
  8773. "Put"
  8774. };
  8775. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8776. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8777. canHideBodies=1;
  8778. };
  8779. class BAF_Soldier_W;
  8780. class S1_RX: BAF_Soldier_W
  8781. {
  8782. displayName="Soldier";
  8783. side=1;
  8784. weapons[]=
  8785. {
  8786. "Throw",
  8787. "Put"
  8788. };
  8789. backpack="";
  8790. magazines[]={};
  8791. respawnWeapons[]=
  8792. {
  8793. "Throw",
  8794. "Put"
  8795. };
  8796. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8797. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8798. canHideBodies=1;
  8799. };
  8800. class RU_Soldier_Sniper;
  8801. class GS1_RX: RU_Soldier_Sniper
  8802. {
  8803. displayName="Survivor Sniper";
  8804. side=1;
  8805. weapons[]=
  8806. {
  8807. "Throw",
  8808. "Put"
  8809. };
  8810. backpack="";
  8811. magazines[]={};
  8812. respawnWeapons[]=
  8813. {
  8814. "Throw",
  8815. "Put"
  8816. };
  8817. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8818. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8819. canHideBodies=1;
  8820. };
  8821. class GUE_Soldier_Sniper;
  8822. class GB1_RX: GUE_Soldier_Sniper
  8823. {
  8824. displayName="Bandit Sniper";
  8825. side=1;
  8826. weapons[]=
  8827. {
  8828. "Throw",
  8829. "Put"
  8830. };
  8831. backpack="";
  8832. magazines[]={};
  8833. respawnWeapons[]=
  8834. {
  8835. "Throw",
  8836. "Put"
  8837. };
  8838. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8839. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8840. canHideBodies=1;
  8841. };
  8842. class USMC_LHD_Crew_Yellow;
  8843. class BR1_RX: USMC_LHD_Crew_Yellow
  8844. {
  8845. displayName="Bait Runner";
  8846. side=1;
  8847. weapons[]=
  8848. {
  8849. "Throw",
  8850. "Put"
  8851. };
  8852. backpack="";
  8853. magazines[]={};
  8854. respawnWeapons[]=
  8855. {
  8856. "Throw",
  8857. "Put"
  8858. };
  8859. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8860. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8861. canHideBodies=1;
  8862. };
  8863. class FR_Light;
  8864. class CS1_RX: FR_Light
  8865. {
  8866. displayName="Survivor";
  8867. side=1;
  8868. weapons[]=
  8869. {
  8870. "Throw",
  8871. "Put"
  8872. };
  8873. backpack="";
  8874. magazines[]={};
  8875. respawnWeapons[]=
  8876. {
  8877. "Throw",
  8878. "Put"
  8879. };
  8880. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8881. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8882. canHideBodies=1;
  8883. };
  8884. class GUE_Commander;
  8885. class CB1_RX: GUE_Commander
  8886. {
  8887. displayName="Bandit";
  8888. side=1;
  8889. weapons[]=
  8890. {
  8891. "Throw",
  8892. "Put"
  8893. };
  8894. backpack="";
  8895. magazines[]={};
  8896. respawnWeapons[]=
  8897. {
  8898. "Throw",
  8899. "Put"
  8900. };
  8901. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8902. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8903. canHideBodies=1;
  8904. };
  8905. class MVD_Soldier;
  8906. class PS1_RX: MVD_Soldier
  8907. {
  8908. displayName="Police";
  8909. side=1;
  8910. weapons[]=
  8911. {
  8912. "Throw",
  8913. "Put"
  8914. };
  8915. backpack="";
  8916. magazines[]={};
  8917. respawnWeapons[]=
  8918. {
  8919. "Throw",
  8920. "Put"
  8921. };
  8922. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8923. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8924. canHideBodies=1;
  8925. };
  8926. class INS_Lopotev;
  8927. class PB1_RX: INS_Lopotev
  8928. {
  8929. displayName="Criminal";
  8930. side=1;
  8931. weapons[]=
  8932. {
  8933. "Throw",
  8934. "Put"
  8935. };
  8936. backpack="";
  8937. magazines[]={};
  8938. respawnWeapons[]=
  8939. {
  8940. "Throw",
  8941. "Put"
  8942. };
  8943. respawnMagazines[]={};
  8944. weaponSlots="1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072";
  8945. canHideBodies=1;
  8946. };
  8947. class ReammoBox_EP1;
  8948. class Bag_Base_EP1: ReammoBox_EP1
  8949. {
  8950. scope=0;
  8951. class TransportMagazines
  8952. {
  8953. };
  8954. class TransportWeapons
  8955. {
  8956. };
  8957. transportMaxMagazines=0;
  8958. transportMaxWeapons=0;
  8959. isbackpack=1;
  8960. reversed=1;
  8961. vehicleClass="Backpacks";
  8962. class DestructionEffects
  8963. {
  8964. };
  8965. class eventHandlers
  8966. {
  8967. init="(_this select 0) execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_takeBackpackAction.sqf';";
  8968. };
  8969. };
  8970. class Bag_Base_BAF;
  8971. class DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  8972. {
  8973. scope=2;
  8974. displayName="Patrol Pack (coyote)";
  8975. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_ASSAULT_COYOTE_CA.paa";
  8976. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  8977. mapsize=2;
  8978. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us_assault_Coyote.p3d";
  8979. transportMaxWeapons=1;
  8980. transportMaxMagazines=8;
  8981. };
  8982. class DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  8983. {
  8984. scope=2;
  8985. displayName="Assault Pack (ACU)";
  8986. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_ASSAULT_CA.paa";
  8987. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  8988. mapSize=2;
  8989. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us_assault.p3d";
  8990. transportMaxWeapons=2;
  8991. transportMaxMagazines=12;
  8992. };
  8993. class DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch: Bag_Base_EP1
  8994. {
  8995. displayname="Czech Vest Pouch";
  8996. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  8997. mapsize=2;
  8998. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_acr_small.p3d";
  8999. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_ACR_small_CA.paa";
  9000. scope=2;
  9001. transportmaxweapons=0;
  9002. transportmaxmagazines=8;
  9003. };
  9004. class DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  9005. {
  9006. scope=2;
  9007. displayName="ALICE Pack";
  9008. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_TK_ALICE_CA.paa";
  9009. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  9010. mapsize=2;
  9011. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_tk_alice.p3d";
  9012. transportMaxWeapons=4;
  9013. transportMaxMagazines=20;
  9014. };
  9015. class DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  9016. {
  9017. scope=2;
  9018. displayName="Survival ACU";
  9019. mapSize=2;
  9020. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_CIVIL_ASSAULT_CA.paa";
  9021. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  9022. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_civil_assault.p3d";
  9023. transportMaxWeapons=1;
  9024. transportMaxMagazines=12;
  9025. };
  9026. class DZ_British_ACU: Bag_Base_EP1
  9027. {
  9028. scope=2;
  9029. displayName="British Assault Pack";
  9030. mapSize=2;
  9031. model="\ca\weapons_baf\Backpack_Small_BAF";
  9032. picture="\ca\weapons_baf\data\UI\backpack_BAF_CA.paa";
  9033. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  9034. transportMaxWeapons=1;
  9035. transportMaxMagazines=14;
  9036. };
  9037. class DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  9038. {
  9039. scope=2;
  9040. displayName="Czech Backpack";
  9041. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_ACR_CA.paa";
  9042. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  9043. mapsize=2;
  9044. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_acr.p3d";
  9045. transportMaxWeapons=3;
  9046. transportMaxMagazines=16;
  9047. };
  9048. class DZ_Backpack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
  9049. {
  9050. scope=2;
  9051. displayName="Backpack (coyote)";
  9052. picture="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_CA.paa";
  9053. icon="\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
  9054. mapsize=2;
  9055. model="\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us.p3d";
  9056. transportMaxWeapons=6;
  9057. transportMaxMagazines=24;
  9058. };
  9059. class An2_Base_EP1;
  9060. class AN2_DZ: An2_Base_EP1
  9061. {
  9062. displayname="AN2 Cargo Plane";
  9063. displaynameshort="AN2_DZ";
  9064. scope=2;
  9065. side=2;
  9066. crew="";
  9067. typicalCargo[]={};
  9068. hiddenSelections[]={};
  9069. class TransportMagazines
  9070. {
  9071. };
  9072. class TransportWeapons
  9073. {
  9074. };
  9075. weapons[]={};
  9076. magazines[]={};
  9077. gunnerHasFlares=0;
  9078. commanderCanSee="2+16+32";
  9079. gunnerCanSee="2+16+32";
  9080. driverCanSee="2+16+32";
  9081. transportMaxWeapons=10;
  9082. transportMaxMagazines=80;
  9083. transportmaxbackpacks=15;
  9084. };
  9085. class House
  9086. {
  9087. class DestructionEffects;
  9088. };
  9089. class SpawnableWreck: House
  9090. {
  9091. };
  9092. class HooeyC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9093. {
  9094. model="\ca\air2\UH1Y\UH1Y_Crashed.p3d";
  9095. icon="\ca\air2\data\UI\icon_UH1Y_CA.paa";
  9096. mapSize=15;
  9097. displayName="Crashed UH-1Y";
  9098. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9099. };
  9100. class LilBC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9101. {
  9102. model="\ca\air_e\AH6J\ah6Wreck.p3d";
  9103. icon="\ca\air_e\data\UI\icon_ah6j_ca.paa";
  9104. mapSize=10;
  9105. displayName="Crashed AH-6J";
  9106. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9107. heightAdjustment=1.4;
  9108. };
  9109. class BHC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9110. {
  9111. model="\ca\Misc_E\Wreck_UH60_EP1.p3d";
  9112. icon="\ca\Misc_E\data\Icons\icon_uh60_wreck_ca.paa";
  9113. mapSize=7;
  9114. displayName="Crashed UH-60";
  9115. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9116. };
  9117. class MyAteC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9118. {
  9119. model="\ca\misc\Mi8_Crashed.p3d";
  9120. icon="\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_mi17_mg_CA.paa";
  9121. mapSize=24;
  9122. displayName="Crashed Mi-8";
  9123. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9124. };
  9125. class BlimpTooC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9126. {
  9127. model="\ca\misc\bmp2_wrecked.p3d";
  9128. icon="\ca\misc\data\icons\i_bmp2_w_ca.paa";
  9129. mapSize=10;
  9130. displayName="Crashed BMP2";
  9131. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9132. };
  9133. class HumC_RX: SpawnableWreck
  9134. {
  9135. model="\ca\wheeled\HMMWV_wrecked.p3d";
  9136. icon="\ca\misc\data\icons\i_bmp2_w_ca.paa";
  9137. mapSize=10;
  9138. displayName="Crashed HMMWV";
  9139. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9140. };
  9141. class SeaOneDirty_RX: House
  9142. {
  9143. model="\ca\Misc_E\Wreck_C130J_EP1.p3d";
  9144. icon="\ca\air2\data\UI\icon_c130j_CA.paa";
  9145. mapSize=25;
  9146. displayName="Crashed C130J";
  9147. vehicleClass="Wrecks";
  9148. };
  9149. class HouseDZ: House
  9150. {
  9151. class MarkerLights
  9152. {
  9153. class RedBlinking
  9154. {
  9155. name="";
  9156. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9157. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9158. brightness=0;
  9159. blinking="false";
  9160. };
  9161. };
  9162. class Reflectors
  9163. {
  9164. class MainLight
  9165. {
  9166. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9167. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9168. brightness=0;
  9169. position="";
  9170. direction="";
  9171. hitpoint="";
  9172. selection="";
  9173. size=0;
  9174. period[]={0,1};
  9175. };
  9176. };
  9177. };
  9178. class Strategic;
  9179. class NonStrategic;
  9180. class USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital;
  9181. class Klen_USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital: USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital
  9182. {
  9183. };
  9184. class Land_Misc_deerstand;
  9185. class Klen_Land_Misc_deerstand: Land_Misc_deerstand
  9186. {
  9187. };
  9188. class Fort_Barracks_USMC;
  9189. class Klen_Fort_Barracks_USMC: Fort_Barracks_USMC
  9190. {
  9191. };
  9192. class Land_A_FuelStation_Feed: Strategic
  9193. {
  9194. model="\ca\structures\House\A_FuelStation\A_FuelStation_Feed";
  9195. transportFuel=0;
  9196. nameSound="fuelstation";
  9197. };
  9198. class Land_Ind_MalyKomin: House
  9199. {
  9200. scope=1;
  9201. armor=100;
  9202. featureSize=40;
  9203. model="\Ca\buildings2\Ind_CementWorks\Ind_MalyKomin\Ind_MalyKomin";
  9204. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9205. {
  9206. class Ruin1
  9207. {
  9208. simulation="ruin";
  9209. type="\ca\Buildings2\Ind_CementWorks\Ind_MalyKomin\Ind_MalyKomin_ruins";
  9210. position="";
  9211. intensity=1;
  9212. interval=0.050000001;
  9213. lifeTime=1;
  9214. };
  9215. };
  9216. ladders[]=
  9217. {
  9219. {
  9220. "start",
  9221. "end"
  9222. }
  9223. };
  9224. class MarkerLights
  9225. {
  9226. class RedBlinking
  9227. {
  9228. name="";
  9229. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9230. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9231. brightness=0;
  9232. blinking=0;
  9233. };
  9234. };
  9235. };
  9236. class Land_Rail_Semafor: House
  9237. {
  9238. scope=1;
  9239. model="\CA\Structures\Rail\Rail_Misc\rail_Semafor";
  9240. destrType="DestructTree";
  9241. class MarkerLights
  9242. {
  9243. class GreenStill
  9244. {
  9245. name="";
  9246. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9247. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9248. brightness=0;
  9249. blinking=0;
  9250. };
  9251. };
  9252. };
  9253. class Land_Rail_Zavora: House
  9254. {
  9255. scope=1;
  9256. model="\CA\Structures\Rail\Rail_Misc\rail_Zavora";
  9257. destrType="DestructTree";
  9258. class MarkerLights
  9259. {
  9260. class WhiteBlinking
  9261. {
  9262. name="";
  9263. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9264. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9265. brightness=0;
  9266. blinking=0;
  9267. };
  9268. };
  9269. };
  9270. class Land_majak: House
  9271. {
  9272. scope=1;
  9273. model="\ca\buildings\majak";
  9274. displayName="Lighthouse";
  9275. animated=1;
  9276. ladders[]=
  9277. {
  9279. {
  9280. "start",
  9281. "end"
  9282. }
  9283. };
  9284. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9285. {
  9286. class Ruin1
  9287. {
  9288. simulation="ruin";
  9289. type="\ca\buildings\ruins\majak_ruins.p3d";
  9290. position="";
  9291. intensity=1;
  9292. interval=1;
  9293. lifeTime=1;
  9294. };
  9295. };
  9296. armor=1000;
  9297. class MarkerLights
  9298. {
  9299. class RedBlinking
  9300. {
  9301. name="";
  9302. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9303. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9304. brightness=0;
  9305. blinking=0;
  9306. };
  9307. };
  9308. class Reflectors
  9309. {
  9310. class MainLight
  9311. {
  9312. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9313. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9314. position="";
  9315. direction="";
  9316. hitpoint="";
  9317. selection="";
  9318. size=0;
  9319. brightness=0;
  9320. period[]={0,1};
  9321. };
  9322. };
  9323. };
  9324. class Land_majak2: Land_majak
  9325. {
  9326. model="\ca\buildings\majak2";
  9327. class Reflectors
  9328. {
  9329. class MainLight
  9330. {
  9331. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9332. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9333. position="";
  9334. direction="";
  9335. hitpoint="";
  9336. selection="";
  9337. size=0;
  9338. brightness=0;
  9339. period[]={0,1};
  9340. };
  9341. };
  9342. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9343. {
  9344. class Ruin1
  9345. {
  9346. simulation="ruin";
  9347. type="\ca\buildings\ruins\majak_ruins.p3d";
  9348. position="";
  9349. intensity=1;
  9350. interval=1;
  9351. lifeTime=1;
  9352. };
  9353. };
  9354. };
  9355. class Land_Vysilac_FM: House
  9356. {
  9357. scope=1;
  9358. armor=150;
  9359. destrType="DestructBuilding";
  9360. ladders[]=
  9361. {
  9363. {
  9364. "start",
  9365. "end"
  9366. }
  9367. };
  9368. model="\ca\buildings\Vysilac_FM";
  9369. class MarkerLights
  9370. {
  9371. class RedBlinking
  9372. {
  9373. name="";
  9374. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9375. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9376. brightness=0;
  9377. blinking=0;
  9378. };
  9379. };
  9380. class Destruction
  9381. {
  9382. animations[]=
  9383. {
  9385. {
  9386. "ca\buildings\rtm\vysilac_fm.rtm",
  9387. 0.5,
  9388. 3
  9389. }
  9390. };
  9391. };
  9392. displayName="Radio 1";
  9393. };
  9394. class Land_telek1: House
  9395. {
  9396. scope=1;
  9397. armor=600;
  9398. destrType="DestructBuilding";
  9399. model="\ca\buildings\telek1";
  9400. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9401. {
  9402. class Ruin1
  9403. {
  9404. simulation="ruin";
  9405. type="\ca\buildings\ruins\telek1_ruins.p3d";
  9406. position="";
  9407. intensity=1;
  9408. interval=1;
  9409. lifeTime=1;
  9410. };
  9411. };
  9412. class MarkerLights
  9413. {
  9414. class RedBlinking
  9415. {
  9416. name="";
  9417. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9418. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9419. brightness=0;
  9420. blinking=0;
  9421. };
  9422. };
  9423. displayName="Telek 1";
  9424. ladders[]=
  9425. {
  9427. {
  9428. "start1",
  9429. "end1"
  9430. },
  9432. {
  9433. "start2",
  9434. "end2"
  9435. },
  9437. {
  9438. "start3",
  9439. "end3"
  9440. }
  9441. };
  9442. };
  9443. class Land_komin: House
  9444. {
  9445. ladders[]=
  9446. {
  9448. {
  9449. "start",
  9450. "end"
  9451. }
  9452. };
  9453. model="\ca\buildings\komin";
  9454. armor=300;
  9455. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9456. {
  9457. class Ruin1
  9458. {
  9459. simulation="ruin";
  9460. type="\ca\buildings\ruins\komin_ruins.p3d";
  9461. position="";
  9462. intensity=1;
  9463. interval=1;
  9464. lifeTime=1;
  9465. };
  9466. };
  9467. class MarkerLights
  9468. {
  9469. class RedBlinking
  9470. {
  9471. name="";
  9472. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9473. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9474. brightness=0;
  9475. blinking=0;
  9476. };
  9477. };
  9478. };
  9479. class Land_Stoplight01: House
  9480. {
  9481. scope=1;
  9482. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\stoplight01";
  9483. armor=50;
  9484. class MarkerLights
  9485. {
  9486. class YellowTopBlinking
  9487. {
  9488. name="";
  9489. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9490. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9491. brightness=0;
  9492. blinking=0;
  9493. };
  9494. class YellowLowBlinking
  9495. {
  9496. name="";
  9497. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9498. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9499. brightness=0;
  9500. blinking=0;
  9501. };
  9502. };
  9503. };
  9504. class Land_Stoplight02: Land_Stoplight01
  9505. {
  9506. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\stoplight02";
  9507. class MarkerLights
  9508. {
  9509. class YellowTopBlinking
  9510. {
  9511. name="";
  9512. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9513. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9514. brightness=0;
  9515. blinking=0;
  9516. };
  9517. };
  9518. };
  9519. class Land_NavigLight: House
  9520. {
  9521. scope=1;
  9522. displayName="";
  9523. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\NavigLight";
  9524. armor=50;
  9525. class MarkerLights
  9526. {
  9527. class WhiteStill
  9528. {
  9529. name="";
  9530. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9531. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9532. brightness=0;
  9533. blinking=0;
  9534. };
  9535. };
  9536. };
  9537. class Land_runway_edgelight: House
  9538. {
  9539. scope=1;
  9540. displayName="";
  9541. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\runway_edgelight";
  9542. armor=20;
  9543. class MarkerLights
  9544. {
  9545. class RedStill
  9546. {
  9547. name="";
  9548. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9549. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9550. brightness=0;
  9551. blinking=0;
  9552. };
  9553. };
  9554. };
  9555. class Land_VASICore: NonStrategic
  9556. {
  9557. scope=1;
  9558. animated=0;
  9559. reversed=0;
  9560. vehicleClass="Objects";
  9561. icon="";
  9562. model="";
  9563. displayName="VASI";
  9564. accuracy=0.2;
  9565. typicalCargo[]={};
  9566. destrType="DestructBuilding";
  9567. irTarget=0;
  9568. transportAmmo=0;
  9569. transportRepair=0;
  9570. transportFuel=0;
  9571. cost=0;
  9572. armor=100;
  9573. mapSize=6.4000001;
  9574. simulation="house";
  9575. };
  9576. class Land_HouseB_Tenement: House
  9577. {
  9578. armor=180;
  9579. model="\Ca\Structures\House\HouseBT\HouseB_Tenement";
  9580. scope=1;
  9581. featureSize=50;
  9582. class HitPoints
  9583. {
  9584. class Hit1
  9585. {
  9586. armor=0.15000001;
  9587. material=-1;
  9588. name="dam 1";
  9589. visual="damT1";
  9590. passThrough=0;
  9591. convexComponent="dam 1";
  9592. class DestructionEffects
  9593. {
  9594. class Dust
  9595. {
  9596. simulation="particles";
  9597. type="HousePartDust";
  9598. position="";
  9599. intensity=1;
  9600. interval=1;
  9601. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9602. };
  9603. class Dust2: Dust
  9604. {
  9605. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9606. };
  9607. class Walls: Dust
  9608. {
  9609. type="HousePartWall";
  9610. };
  9611. };
  9612. };
  9613. };
  9614. class MarkerLights
  9615. {
  9616. class RedBlinking
  9617. {
  9618. name="";
  9619. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9620. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9621. brightness=0;
  9622. blinking="false";
  9623. };
  9624. };
  9625. class AnimationSources
  9626. {
  9627. class Lights_1
  9628. {
  9629. source="user";
  9630. animPeriod=0.001;
  9631. initPhase=0;
  9632. };
  9633. class Lights_2: Lights_1
  9634. {
  9635. };
  9636. };
  9637. };
  9638. class Land_Mil_ControlTower: House
  9639. {
  9640. scope=1;
  9641. armor=400;
  9642. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  9643. {
  9644. class Ruin1
  9645. {
  9646. simulation="ruin";
  9647. type="\Ca\Structures\Mil\Mil_ControlTower_ruins.p3d";
  9648. position="";
  9649. intensity=1;
  9650. interval=1;
  9651. lifeTime=1;
  9652. };
  9653. };
  9654. class HitPoints
  9655. {
  9656. class Hit1
  9657. {
  9658. armor=0.25;
  9659. material=-1;
  9660. name="dam 1";
  9661. visual="damT1";
  9662. passThrough=1;
  9663. convexComponent="dam 1";
  9664. class DestructionEffects
  9665. {
  9666. class Dust
  9667. {
  9668. simulation="particles";
  9669. type="HousePartDust";
  9670. position="";
  9671. intensity=1;
  9672. interval=1;
  9673. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9674. };
  9675. class Dust2: Dust
  9676. {
  9677. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9678. };
  9679. class Walls: Dust
  9680. {
  9681. type="HousePartWall";
  9682. };
  9683. };
  9684. };
  9685. class Hit2
  9686. {
  9687. armor=0.25;
  9688. material=-1;
  9689. name="dam 2";
  9690. visual="damT2";
  9691. passThrough=1;
  9692. convexComponent="dam 2";
  9693. class DestructionEffects
  9694. {
  9695. class Dust
  9696. {
  9697. simulation="particles";
  9698. type="HousePartDust";
  9699. position="";
  9700. intensity=1;
  9701. interval=1;
  9702. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9703. };
  9704. class Dust2: Dust
  9705. {
  9706. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9707. };
  9708. class Walls: Dust
  9709. {
  9710. type="HousePartWall";
  9711. };
  9712. };
  9713. };
  9714. class Hit3
  9715. {
  9716. armor=0.25;
  9717. material=-1;
  9718. name="dam 3";
  9719. visual="damT3";
  9720. passThrough=1;
  9721. convexComponent="dam 3";
  9722. class DestructionEffects
  9723. {
  9724. class Dust
  9725. {
  9726. simulation="particles";
  9727. type="HousePartDust";
  9728. position="";
  9729. intensity=1;
  9730. interval=1;
  9731. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9732. };
  9733. class Dust2: Dust
  9734. {
  9735. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9736. };
  9737. class Walls: Dust
  9738. {
  9739. type="HousePartWall";
  9740. };
  9741. };
  9742. };
  9743. class Hit4
  9744. {
  9745. armor=0.25;
  9746. material=-1;
  9747. name="dam 4";
  9748. visual="damT4";
  9749. passThrough=1;
  9750. convexComponent="dam 4";
  9751. class DestructionEffects
  9752. {
  9753. class Dust
  9754. {
  9755. simulation="particles";
  9756. type="HousePartDust";
  9757. position="";
  9758. intensity=1;
  9759. interval=1;
  9760. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9761. };
  9762. class Dust2: Dust
  9763. {
  9764. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9765. };
  9766. class Walls: Dust
  9767. {
  9768. type="HousePartWall";
  9769. };
  9770. };
  9771. };
  9772. class Hit5
  9773. {
  9774. armor=0.25;
  9775. material=-1;
  9776. name="dam 5";
  9777. visual="damT5";
  9778. passThrough=1;
  9779. convexComponent="dam 5";
  9780. class DestructionEffects
  9781. {
  9782. class Dust
  9783. {
  9784. simulation="particles";
  9785. type="HousePartDust";
  9786. position="";
  9787. intensity=1;
  9788. interval=1;
  9789. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9790. };
  9791. class Dust2: Dust
  9792. {
  9793. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9794. };
  9795. class Walls: Dust
  9796. {
  9797. type="HousePartWall";
  9798. };
  9799. };
  9800. };
  9801. class Hit6
  9802. {
  9803. armor=0.25;
  9804. material=-1;
  9805. name="dam 6";
  9806. visual="damT6";
  9807. passThrough=1;
  9808. convexComponent="dam 6";
  9809. class DestructionEffects
  9810. {
  9811. class Dust
  9812. {
  9813. simulation="particles";
  9814. type="HousePartDust";
  9815. position="";
  9816. intensity=1;
  9817. interval=1;
  9818. lifeTime=0.0099999998;
  9819. };
  9820. class Dust2: Dust
  9821. {
  9822. type="HousePartDustLong";
  9823. };
  9824. class Walls: Dust
  9825. {
  9826. type="HousePartWall";
  9827. };
  9828. };
  9829. };
  9830. class Hitglass
  9831. {
  9832. armor=0.00050000002;
  9833. material=-1;
  9834. name="dam glass";
  9835. visual="damTglass";
  9836. passThrough=0;
  9837. convexComponent="dam glass";
  9838. };
  9839. class Hittower
  9840. {
  9841. armor=0.00050000002;
  9842. material=-1;
  9843. name="dam tower";
  9844. visual="damTtower";
  9845. passThrough=0;
  9846. convexComponent="dam tower";
  9847. };
  9848. };
  9849. replaceDamagedHitpoints[]=
  9850. {
  9851. "Hit1",
  9852. "Hit2",
  9853. "Hit3",
  9854. "Hit4",
  9855. "Hit5",
  9856. "Hit6"
  9857. };
  9858. class Damage
  9859. {
  9860. tex[]={};
  9861. mat[]=
  9862. {
  9863. "CA\Structures\Mil\Data\Mil_ControlTower_windows1.rvmat",
  9864. "CA\Structures\Mil\Data\destruct_half_Mil_ControlTower_windows1.rvmat",
  9865. "CA\Structures\Mil\Data\destruct_full_Mil_ControlTower_windows1.rvmat"
  9866. };
  9867. };
  9868. model="\CA\Structures\Mil\Mil_ControlTower";
  9869. ladders[]=
  9870. {
  9872. {
  9873. "start1",
  9874. "end1"
  9875. },
  9877. {
  9878. "start2",
  9879. "end2"
  9880. }
  9881. };
  9882. class AnimationSources
  9883. {
  9884. class dvere_spodni_R
  9885. {
  9886. animPeriod=1;
  9887. initPhase=0;
  9888. source="user";
  9889. };
  9890. class dvere_spodni_L
  9891. {
  9892. animPeriod=1;
  9893. initPhase=1;
  9894. source="user";
  9895. };
  9896. class dvere_vrchni
  9897. {
  9898. animPeriod=1;
  9899. initPhase=1;
  9900. source="user";
  9901. };
  9902. class HitTower
  9903. {
  9904. source="Hit";
  9905. hitpoint="HitTower";
  9906. raw=1;
  9907. };
  9908. };
  9909. class UserActions
  9910. {
  9911. class OpenDoors1
  9912. {
  9913. displayNameDefault="<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_open_ca.paa' size='4' />";
  9914. displayName="Open door";
  9915. position="Dvere_spodni_R_osa";
  9916. radius=3;
  9917. onlyForPlayer=0;
  9918. condition="this animationPhase ""Dvere_spodni_R"" < 0.5";
  9919. statement="this animate [""Dvere_spodni_R"", 1];this animate [""Dvere_spodni_L"", 1]";
  9920. };
  9921. class CloseDoors1: OpenDoors1
  9922. {
  9923. displayNameDefault="<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_close_ca.paa' size='4' />";
  9924. displayName="Close door";
  9925. condition="this animationPhase ""Dvere_spodni_R"" >= 0.5";
  9926. statement="this animate [""Dvere_spodni_R"", 0];this animate [""Dvere_spodni_L"", 0]";
  9927. };
  9928. class OpenDoors3
  9929. {
  9930. displayNameDefault="<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_open_ca.paa' size='4' />";
  9931. displayName="Open door";
  9932. position="Dvere_Vrchni_osa";
  9933. radius=2;
  9934. onlyForPlayer=0;
  9935. condition="this animationPhase ""dvere_vrchni"" < 0.5";
  9936. statement="this animate [""dvere_vrchni"", 1]";
  9937. };
  9938. class CloseDoors3: OpenDoors3
  9939. {
  9940. displayNameDefault="<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_close_ca.paa' size='4' />";
  9941. displayName="Close door";
  9942. condition="this animationPhase ""dvere_vrchni"" >= 0.5";
  9943. statement="this animate [""dvere_vrchni"", 0]";
  9944. };
  9945. };
  9946. actionBegin1="OpenDoors1";
  9947. actionEnd1="OpenDoors1";
  9948. actionBegin2="OpenDoors3";
  9949. actionEnd2="OpenDoors3";
  9950. class MarkerLights
  9951. {
  9952. class RedBlinking
  9953. {
  9954. name="";
  9955. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9956. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9957. brightness=0;
  9958. blinking=0;
  9959. };
  9960. };
  9961. replaceDamaged="Land_Mil_ControlTower_dam";
  9962. };
  9963. class Land_NAV_Lighthouse: House
  9964. {
  9965. scope=1;
  9966. armor=500;
  9967. featureSize=15;
  9968. model="\Ca\Structures\NAV\NAV_Lighthouse";
  9969. ladders[]=
  9970. {
  9972. {
  9973. "start1",
  9974. "end1"
  9975. }
  9976. };
  9977. class MarkerLights
  9978. {
  9979. class RedBlinking
  9980. {
  9981. name="";
  9982. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9983. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9984. brightness=0;
  9985. blinking=0;
  9986. };
  9987. };
  9988. class Reflectors
  9989. {
  9990. class MainLight
  9991. {
  9992. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  9993. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  9994. position="";
  9995. direction="";
  9996. hitpoint="";
  9997. selection="";
  9998. size=0;
  9999. brightness=0;
  10000. period[]={0,1};
  10001. };
  10002. };
  10003. class Damage
  10004. {
  10005. tex[]={};
  10006. mat[]=
  10007. {
  10008. "ca\structures\nav\data\nav_lighthouse_multi.rvmat",
  10009. "ca\structures\nav\data\destruct_half_nav_lighthouse_multi.rvmat",
  10010. "ca\structures\nav\data\destruct_full_nav_lighthouse_multi.rvmat",
  10011. "ca\structures\nav\data\nav_lighthouse_windows.rvmat",
  10012. "ca\structures\nav\data\destruct_half_lighthouse_windows.rvmat",
  10013. "ca\structures\nav\data\destruct_full_lighthouse_windows.rvmat"
  10014. };
  10015. };
  10016. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  10017. {
  10018. class Ruin1
  10019. {
  10020. simulation="ruin";
  10021. type="\Ca\Structures\Nav\NAV_Lighthouse_ruins.p3d";
  10022. position="";
  10023. intensity=1;
  10024. interval=1;
  10025. lifeTime=1;
  10026. };
  10027. };
  10028. };
  10029. class Land_NAV_Lighthouse2: Land_NAV_Lighthouse
  10030. {
  10031. model="\Ca\Structures\NAV\NAV_Lighthouse2";
  10032. class Reflectors: Reflectors
  10033. {
  10034. class MainLight: MainLight
  10035. {
  10036. period[]={0,1};
  10037. };
  10038. };
  10039. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  10040. {
  10041. class Ruin1
  10042. {
  10043. simulation="ruin";
  10044. type="\Ca\Structures\Nav\NAV_Lighthouse_ruins.p3d";
  10045. position="";
  10046. intensity=1;
  10047. interval=1;
  10048. lifeTime=1;
  10049. };
  10050. };
  10051. };
  10052. class Land_A_Crane_02b: House
  10053. {
  10054. scope=1;
  10055. armor=110;
  10056. featureSize=30;
  10057. model="\ca\buildings2\A_Crane_02\A_Crane_02b";
  10058. destrType="DestructBuilding";
  10059. ladders[]=
  10060. {
  10062. {
  10063. "start3",
  10064. "end3"
  10065. },
  10067. {
  10068. "start4",
  10069. "end4"
  10070. },
  10072. {
  10073. "start5",
  10074. "end5"
  10075. },
  10077. {
  10078. "start6",
  10079. "end6"
  10080. }
  10081. };
  10082. class MarkerLights
  10083. {
  10084. class RedBlinking
  10085. {
  10086. name="";
  10087. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  10088. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  10089. brightness=0;
  10090. blinking=0;
  10091. };
  10092. };
  10093. class Destruction
  10094. {
  10095. animations[]=
  10096. {
  10098. {
  10099. "ca\buildings2\A_Crane_02\data\anim\crane.rtm",
  10100. 0.5,
  10101. 3
  10102. }
  10103. };
  10104. };
  10105. };
  10106. class Land_Farm_WTower: House
  10107. {
  10108. scope=1;
  10109. armor=100;
  10110. model="\CA\buildings2\Farm_WTower\Farm_WTower";
  10111. class MarkerLights
  10112. {
  10113. class RedBlinking
  10114. {
  10115. name="";
  10116. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  10117. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  10118. brightness=0;
  10119. blinking=0;
  10120. };
  10121. };
  10122. class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  10123. {
  10124. class Ruin1
  10125. {
  10126. simulation="ruin";
  10127. type="\Ca\buildings2\Farm_WTower\Farm_WTower_ruins";
  10128. position="";
  10129. intensity=1;
  10130. interval=1;
  10131. lifeTime=1;
  10132. };
  10133. };
  10134. };
  10135. class Land_A_TVTower_Mid: House
  10136. {
  10137. scope=1;
  10138. destrType="DestructNo";
  10139. model="\ca\Structures\A_TVTower\A_TVTower_Mid";
  10140. featureSize=150;
  10141. class MarkerLights
  10142. {
  10143. class RedStill
  10144. {
  10145. name="";
  10146. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  10147. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  10148. brightness=0;
  10149. blinking=0;
  10150. };
  10151. };
  10152. };
  10153. class Land_A_TVTower_Top: House
  10154. {
  10155. scope=1;
  10156. destrType="DestructNo";
  10157. model="\ca\Structures\A_TVTower\A_TVTower_Top";
  10158. featureSize=150;
  10159. class MarkerLights
  10160. {
  10161. class RedLight
  10162. {
  10163. name="";
  10164. color[]={0,0,0,0};
  10165. ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
  10166. brightness=0;
  10167. blinking=0;
  10168. };
  10169. };
  10170. };
  10171. class WeaponHolderBase;
  10172. class WoodenArrowF: WeaponHolderBase
  10173. {
  10174. scope=2;
  10175. displayName="WoodenArrowF";
  10176. model="\dayz_weapons\models\bolt";
  10177. class eventHandlers
  10178. {
  10179. init="[(_this select 0),'cfgMagazines','WoodenArrow'] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf';";
  10180. };
  10181. };
  10182. class WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar: WeaponHolderBase
  10183. {
  10184. scope=2;
  10185. displayName="Crowbar";
  10186. model="\dayz_equip\models\crowbar.p3d";
  10187. class eventHandlers
  10188. {
  10189. init="[(_this select 0),'cfgWeapons','ItemCrowbar'] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf';";
  10190. };
  10191. };
  10192. class WeaponHolder_ItemMachete: WeaponHolderBase
  10193. {
  10194. scope=2;
  10195. displayName="Machete";
  10196. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\machete.p3d";
  10197. class eventHandlers
  10198. {
  10199. init="[(_this select 0),'cfgWeapons','ItemMachete'] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf';";
  10200. };
  10201. };
  10202. };
  10203. class CfgNonAIVehicles
  10204. {
  10205. access=0;
  10206. class StreetLamp
  10207. {
  10208. scope=0;
  10209. model="";
  10210. destrType="DestructTree";
  10211. simulation="thing";
  10212. };
  10213. class Land_lampa_sidl: StreetLamp
  10214. {
  10215. scope=1;
  10216. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl";
  10217. };
  10218. class Land_lampa_sidl_2: StreetLamp
  10219. {
  10220. scope=1;
  10221. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl_2";
  10222. };
  10223. class Land_lampa_sidl_3: StreetLamp
  10224. {
  10225. scope=1;
  10226. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_sidl_3";
  10227. };
  10228. class Land_lampa_ind: StreetLamp
  10229. {
  10230. scope=1;
  10231. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_ind";
  10232. };
  10233. class Land_lampa_ind_zebr: StreetLamp
  10234. {
  10235. scope=1;
  10236. model="\ca\buildings\Misc\lampa_ind_zebr";
  10237. };
  10238. };
  10239. class CfgWeapons
  10240. {
  10241. class ItemCore;
  10242. class ItemMap_Debug: ItemCore
  10243. {
  10244. descriptionshort="Debug Map - Admin use only";
  10245. displayname="Map";
  10246. picture="\ca\ui\data\gear_picture_map_ca.paa";
  10247. scope=2;
  10248. simulation="ItemMap";
  10249. class Library
  10250. {
  10251. libtextdesc="Debug Map - Admin use only";
  10252. };
  10253. };
  10254. class ItemCompass: ItemCore
  10255. {
  10256. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d";
  10257. };
  10258. class Crossbow;
  10259. class Crossbow_DZ: Crossbow
  10260. {
  10261. magazines[]=
  10262. {
  10263. "Quiver",
  10264. "WoodenArrow"
  10265. };
  10266. };
  10267. class MeleeWeapon;
  10268. class MeleeHatchet: MeleeWeapon
  10269. {
  10270. scope=2;
  10271. autoreload=1;
  10272. magazineReloadTime=0;
  10273. model="\dayz_weapons\models\Hatchet_weaponized";
  10274. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_hatchet_CA.paa";
  10275. displayName="$STR_EQUIP_NAME_41";
  10276. magazines[]=
  10277. {
  10278. "Hatchet_Swing"
  10279. };
  10280. handAnim[]=
  10281. {
  10282. "OFP2_ManSkeleton",
  10283. "\dayz_weapons\anim\melee_hatchet_holding.rtm"
  10284. };
  10285. class ItemActions
  10286. {
  10287. class Use
  10288. {
  10289. text="$STR_ACTIONS_CHOPWOOD";
  10290. script="spawn player_chopWood;";
  10291. };
  10292. class Toolbelt
  10293. {
  10294. text="Add to Toolbelt";
  10295. script="spawn player_addToolbelt;";
  10296. use[]=
  10297. {
  10298. "MeleeHatchet"
  10299. };
  10300. output[]=
  10301. {
  10302. "ItemHatchet"
  10303. };
  10304. };
  10305. class Drop
  10306. {
  10307. text="Drop Hatchet";
  10308. script="spawn player_dropWeapon;";
  10309. use[]=
  10310. {
  10311. "Hatchet_Swing"
  10312. };
  10313. };
  10314. };
  10315. class Library
  10316. {
  10317. libTextDesc="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_41";
  10318. };
  10319. descriptionShort="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_41";
  10320. };
  10321. class MeleeCrowbar: MeleeHatchet
  10322. {
  10323. scope=2;
  10324. autoreload=1;
  10325. magazineReloadTime=0;
  10326. model="\dayz_weapons\models\crowbar_weaponized";
  10327. picture="\dayz_weapons\textures\equip_crowbar_CA.paa";
  10328. displayName="Crowbar";
  10329. magazines[]=
  10330. {
  10331. "Crowbar_Swing"
  10332. };
  10333. class ItemActions
  10334. {
  10335. class Toolbelt
  10336. {
  10337. text="Add to Toolbelt";
  10338. script="spawn player_addToolbelt;";
  10339. use[]=
  10340. {
  10341. "MeleeCrowbar"
  10342. };
  10343. output[]=
  10344. {
  10345. "ItemCrowbar"
  10346. };
  10347. };
  10348. class Drop
  10349. {
  10350. text="Drop Crowbar";
  10351. script="spawn player_dropWeapon;";
  10352. use[]=
  10353. {
  10354. "Crowbar_Swing"
  10355. };
  10356. };
  10357. };
  10358. class Library
  10359. {
  10360. libTextDesc="A tool consisting of a metal bar with a single curved end and flattened points, often with a small fissure on one or both ends for removing nails.";
  10361. };
  10362. descriptionShort="A tool consisting of a metal bar with a single curved end and flattened points, often with a small fissure on one or both ends for removing nails.";
  10363. };
  10364. class ItemCrowbar: ItemCore
  10365. {
  10366. scope=2;
  10367. displayName="Crowbar";
  10368. model="\dayz_equip\models\crowbar.p3d";
  10369. picture="\dayz_weapons\textures\equip_crowbar_CA.paa";
  10370. descriptionShort="A tool consisting of a metal bar with a single curved end and flattened points, often with a small fissure on one or both ends for removing nails.";
  10371. class ItemActions
  10372. {
  10373. class Toolbelt
  10374. {
  10375. text="Remove from Toolbelt";
  10376. script="spawn player_addToolbelt;";
  10377. use[]=
  10378. {
  10379. "ItemCrowbar"
  10380. };
  10381. output[]=
  10382. {
  10383. "MeleeCrowbar"
  10384. };
  10385. };
  10386. };
  10387. };
  10388. class MeleeMachete: MeleeHatchet
  10389. {
  10390. scope=2;
  10391. autoreload=1;
  10392. magazineReloadTime=0;
  10393. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\machete_weaponized.p3d";
  10394. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_machete_CA.paa";
  10395. displayName="Machete";
  10396. magazines[]=
  10397. {
  10398. "Machete_Swing"
  10399. };
  10400. class ItemActions
  10401. {
  10402. class Toolbelt
  10403. {
  10404. text="Add to Toolbelt";
  10405. script="spawn player_addToolbelt;";
  10406. use[]=
  10407. {
  10408. "MeleeMachete"
  10409. };
  10410. output[]=
  10411. {
  10412. "ItemMachete"
  10413. };
  10414. };
  10415. class Drop
  10416. {
  10417. text="Drop Machete";
  10418. script="spawn player_dropWeapon;";
  10419. use[]=
  10420. {
  10421. "Machete_Swing"
  10422. };
  10423. };
  10424. };
  10425. class Library
  10426. {
  10427. libTextDesc="";
  10428. };
  10429. descriptionShort="An agricultural tool turned into a weapon, the Machete may be less versatile than the common hatchet, but it packs a punch.";
  10430. };
  10431. class ItemMachete: ItemCore
  10432. {
  10433. scope=2;
  10434. displayName="Machete";
  10435. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\machete.p3d";
  10436. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_machete_CA.paa";
  10437. descriptionShort="An agricultural tool turned into a weapon, the Machete may be less versatile than the common hatchet, but it packs a punch.";
  10438. class ItemActions
  10439. {
  10440. class Toolbelt
  10441. {
  10442. text="Remove from Toolbelt";
  10443. script="spawn player_addToolbelt;";
  10444. use[]=
  10445. {
  10446. "ItemMachete"
  10447. };
  10448. output[]=
  10449. {
  10450. "MeleeMachete"
  10451. };
  10452. };
  10453. };
  10454. };
  10455. class GrenadeLauncher;
  10456. class Flare: GrenadeLauncher
  10457. {
  10458. class ThrowMuzzle;
  10459. class MolotovCocktailMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle
  10460. {
  10461. displayName="$STR_ACTION_THROW";
  10462. magazines[]=
  10463. {
  10464. "TrashJackDaniels",
  10465. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  10466. "TrashTinCan",
  10467. "FoodCanGriffEmpty",
  10468. "FoodCanBadguyEmpty",
  10469. "FoodCanBoneboyEmpty",
  10470. "FoodCanCornEmpty",
  10471. "FoodCanCurgonEmpty",
  10472. "FoodCanDemonEmpty",
  10473. "FoodCanFraggleosEmpty",
  10474. "FoodCanHerpyEmpty",
  10475. "FoodCanOrlokEmpty",
  10476. "FoodCanPowellEmpty",
  10477. "FoodCanTylersEmpty",
  10478. "FoodCanUnlabeledEmpty",
  10479. "ItemSodaCokeEmpty",
  10480. "ItemSodaPepsiEmpty",
  10481. "ItemSodaMdewEmpty",
  10482. "ItemSodaMtngreenEmpty",
  10483. "ItemSodaR4z0rEmpty",
  10484. "ItemSodaClaysEmpty",
  10485. "ItemSodaSmashtEmpty",
  10486. "ItemSodaDrwasteEmpty",
  10487. "ItemSodaLemonadeEmpty",
  10488. "ItemSodaLvgEmpty",
  10489. "ItemSodaMzlyEmpty",
  10490. "ItemSodaRabbitEmpty"
  10491. };
  10492. };
  10493. };
  10494. };
  10495. class CfgMagazines
  10496. {
  10497. class CA_Magazine;
  10498. class ItemTent: CA_Magazine
  10499. {
  10500. scope=2;
  10501. count=1;
  10502. type="(256 * 3)";
  10503. displayName="$STR_EQUIP_NAME_20";
  10504. model="\dayz_equip\models\tentbag_gear.p3d";
  10505. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_tentbag_ca.paa";
  10506. descriptionShort="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_20";
  10507. class ItemActions
  10508. {
  10509. class Pitch
  10510. {
  10511. text="$STR_PITCH_TENT";
  10512. script="spawn player_tentPitch;";
  10513. };
  10514. };
  10515. };
  10516. class ItemSandbag: CA_Magazine
  10517. {
  10518. scope=2;
  10519. count=1;
  10520. type=256;
  10521. displayName="$STR_EQUIP_NAME_21";
  10522. model="\dayz_equip\models\sandbags.p3d";
  10523. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_sandbag_ca.paa";
  10524. descriptionShort="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_21";
  10525. class ItemActions
  10526. {
  10527. class Build
  10528. {
  10529. text="Build me";
  10530. script="spawn player_build;";
  10531. require="ItemEtool";
  10532. create="Sandbag1_DZ";
  10533. };
  10534. };
  10535. };
  10536. class ItemTankTrap: CA_Magazine
  10537. {
  10538. scope=2;
  10539. count=1;
  10540. type=256;
  10541. displayName="$STR_EQUIP_NAME_22";
  10542. model="\dayz_equip\models\tank_trap_kit.p3d";
  10543. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_tanktrap_kit_CA.paa";
  10544. descriptionShort="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_22";
  10545. class ItemActions
  10546. {
  10547. class Build
  10548. {
  10549. text="$STR_ACTIONS_BUILD";
  10550. script="spawn player_build;";
  10551. require="ItemToolbox";
  10552. create="Hedgehog_DZ";
  10553. };
  10554. };
  10555. };
  10556. class TrapBear: CA_Magazine
  10557. {
  10558. scope=2;
  10559. count=1;
  10560. type=256;
  10561. displayName="Bear Trap";
  10562. model="\dayz_equip\models\bear_trap_gear.p3d";
  10563. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_bear_trap_ca.paa";
  10564. descriptionShort="Place to add a bear trap";
  10565. class ItemActions
  10566. {
  10567. class Build
  10568. {
  10569. text="Place Trap";
  10570. script="spawn player_setTrap;";
  10571. require="ItemToolbox";
  10572. create="BearTrap_DZ";
  10573. };
  10574. };
  10575. };
  10576. class ItemWire: CA_Magazine
  10577. {
  10578. scope=2;
  10579. count=1;
  10580. type=256;
  10581. displayName="$STR_EQUIP_NAME_23";
  10582. model="\dayz_equip\models\Fence_wire_kit.p3d";
  10583. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_fencewire_kit_CA.paa";
  10584. descriptionShort="$STR_EQUIP_DESC_23";
  10585. class ItemActions
  10586. {
  10587. class Build
  10588. {
  10589. text="$STR_ACTIONS_BUILD";
  10590. script="spawn player_build;";
  10591. require="ItemToolbox";
  10592. create="Wire_cat1";
  10593. };
  10594. };
  10595. };
  10596. class Quiver: CA_Magazine
  10597. {
  10598. scope=2;
  10599. ammo="WoodenArrow";
  10600. count=6;
  10601. descriptionshort="Small Quiver used with the Crossbow, Max arrows 6.";
  10602. displayname="Quiver";
  10603. initSpeed=150;
  10604. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\quiver";
  10605. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_quiver_ca.paa";
  10606. };
  10607. class WoodenArrow: CA_Magazine
  10608. {
  10609. scope=2;
  10610. displayName="Arrow";
  10611. model="\dayz_weapons\models\bolt_gear";
  10612. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_warrow_ca.paa";
  10613. ammo="WoodenArrow";
  10614. count=1;
  10615. initSpeed=150;
  10616. descriptionShort="Arrow made out of wood, used with the Crossbow.";
  10617. class ItemActions
  10618. {
  10619. class ReloadMag
  10620. {
  10621. text="Combine into Quiver";
  10622. script="spawn player_reloadMag;";
  10623. use[]=
  10624. {
  10625. "WoodenArrow",
  10626. "WoodenArrow",
  10627. "WoodenArrow",
  10628. "WoodenArrow",
  10629. "WoodenArrow",
  10630. "WoodenArrow"
  10631. };
  10632. output[]=
  10633. {
  10634. "Quiver"
  10635. };
  10636. };
  10637. };
  10638. };
  10639. class ItemSodaEmpty;
  10640. class ItemSodaCoke;
  10641. class ItemSodaCokeEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10642. {
  10643. model="\dayz_equip\models\soda_coke_e.p3d";
  10644. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_soda_empty_ca.paa";
  10645. };
  10646. class ItemSodaPepsiEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10647. {
  10648. model="\dayz_equip\models\soda_pepsi_e.p3d";
  10649. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_soda_empty_ca.paa";
  10650. };
  10651. class ItemSodaMdewEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10652. {
  10653. model="\dayz_equip\models\soda_mdew_e.p3d";
  10654. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_soda_empty_ca.paa";
  10655. };
  10656. class ItemSodaMtngreen: ItemSodaCoke
  10657. {
  10658. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_0";
  10659. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_0";
  10660. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_mtngreen_clean_full.p3d";
  10661. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_mtngreen_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10662. };
  10663. class ItemSodaMtngreenEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10664. {
  10665. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_mtngreen_clean_empty.p3d";
  10666. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_mtngreen_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10667. };
  10668. class ItemSodaR4z0r: ItemSodaCoke
  10669. {
  10670. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_1";
  10671. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_1";
  10672. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_r4z0r_clean_full.p3d";
  10673. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_r4z0r_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10674. };
  10675. class ItemSodaR4z0rEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10676. {
  10677. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_r4z0r_clean_empty.p3d";
  10678. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_r4z0r_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10679. };
  10680. class ItemSodaClays: ItemSodaCoke
  10681. {
  10682. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_2";
  10683. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_2";
  10684. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_clays_clean_full.p3d";
  10685. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_clays_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10686. };
  10687. class ItemSodaClaysEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10688. {
  10689. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_clays_clean_empty.p3d";
  10690. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_clays_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10691. };
  10692. class ItemSodaSmasht: ItemSodaCoke
  10693. {
  10694. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_3";
  10695. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_3";
  10696. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_smasht_clean_full.p3d";
  10697. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_smasht_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10698. };
  10699. class ItemSodaSmashtEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10700. {
  10701. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_smasht_clean_empty.p3d";
  10702. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_smasht_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10703. };
  10704. class ItemSodaDrwaste: ItemSodaCoke
  10705. {
  10706. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_4";
  10707. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_4";
  10708. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_drwaste_clean_full.p3d";
  10709. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_drwaste_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10710. };
  10711. class ItemSodaDrwasteEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10712. {
  10713. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_drwaste_clean_empty.p3d";
  10714. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_drwaste_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10715. };
  10716. class ItemSodaLemonade: ItemSodaCoke
  10717. {
  10718. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_6";
  10719. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_6";
  10720. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_lemonade_clean_full.p3d";
  10721. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_lemonade_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10722. };
  10723. class ItemSodaLemonadeEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10724. {
  10725. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_lemonade_clean_empty.p3d";
  10726. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_lemonade_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10727. };
  10728. class ItemSodaLvg: ItemSodaCoke
  10729. {
  10730. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_8";
  10731. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_8";
  10732. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_lvg_clean_full.p3d";
  10733. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_lvg_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10734. };
  10735. class ItemSodaLvgEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10736. {
  10737. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_lvg_clean_empty.p3d";
  10738. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_lvg_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10739. };
  10740. class ItemSodaMzly: ItemSodaCoke
  10741. {
  10742. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_9";
  10743. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_9";
  10744. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_mzly_clean_full.p3d";
  10745. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_mzly_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10746. };
  10747. class ItemSodaMzlyEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10748. {
  10749. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_mzly_clean_empty.p3d";
  10750. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_mzly_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10751. };
  10752. class ItemSodaRabbit: ItemSodaCoke
  10753. {
  10754. displayName="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_NAME_11";
  10755. descriptionShort="$STR_ITEMSODA_FULL_CLEAN_CODE_DESC_11";
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  10757. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_rabbit_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10758. };
  10759. class ItemSodaRabbitEmpty: ItemSodaEmpty
  10760. {
  10761. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_rabbit_clean_empty.p3d";
  10762. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_soda_rabbit_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  10763. };
  10764. class FoodEdible;
  10765. class FoodmeatRaw: FoodEdible
  10766. {
  10767. scope=2;
  10768. count=1;
  10769. type=256;
  10770. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_0";
  10771. model="\dayz_equip\models\food_steak_gear.p3d";
  10772. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_steak_ca.paa";
  10773. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_0";
  10774. bloodRegen=100;
  10775. };
  10776. class FoodmuttonRaw: FoodmeatRaw
  10777. {
  10778. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_1";
  10779. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_1";
  10780. bloodRegen=100;
  10781. };
  10782. class FoodchickenRaw: FoodmeatRaw
  10783. {
  10784. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_2";
  10785. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_2";
  10786. bloodRegen=100;
  10787. };
  10788. class FoodrabbitRaw: FoodmeatRaw
  10789. {
  10790. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_3";
  10791. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_3";
  10792. bloodRegen=400;
  10793. };
  10794. class FoodbaconRaw: FoodmeatRaw
  10795. {
  10796. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_4";
  10797. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\bacon_raw.p3d";
  10798. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_bacon_raw_CA.paa";
  10799. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_4";
  10800. bloodRegen=150;
  10801. };
  10802. class FoodbeefRaw: FoodmeatRaw
  10803. {
  10804. displayName="$STR_FOOD_EQIP_CODE_NAME_6";
  10805. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_6";
  10806. bloodRegen=100;
  10807. };
  10808. class FoodmeatCooked: FoodEdible
  10809. {
  10810. scope=2;
  10811. count=1;
  10812. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_0";
  10813. model="\dayz_equip\models\food_steak_cooked_gear.p3d";
  10814. picture="\dayz_equip\textures\equip_steak_cooked_ca.paa";
  10815. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_0";
  10816. bloodRegen=800;
  10817. };
  10818. class FoodmuttonCooked: FoodmeatCooked
  10819. {
  10820. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_1";
  10821. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_1";
  10822. bloodRegen=400;
  10823. };
  10824. class FoodchickenCooked: FoodmeatCooked
  10825. {
  10826. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_2";
  10827. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_2";
  10828. bloodRegen=400;
  10829. };
  10830. class FoodbaconCooked: FoodmeatCooked
  10831. {
  10832. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_4";
  10833. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\bacon_fried.p3d";
  10834. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_bacon_fried_CA.paa";
  10835. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_4";
  10836. bloodRegen=400;
  10837. };
  10838. class FoodrabbitCooked: FoodmeatCooked
  10839. {
  10840. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_3";
  10841. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_3";
  10842. bloodRegen=1600;
  10843. };
  10844. class FoodbeefCooked: FoodmeatCooked
  10845. {
  10846. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_6";
  10847. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_6";
  10848. bloodRegen=600;
  10849. };
  10850. class AngelCookies: FoodEdible
  10851. {
  10852. scope=2;
  10853. count=1;
  10854. displayName="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQIP_CODE_NAME_5";
  10855. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\buiscits_box.p3d";
  10856. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\i_buiscit_ca.paa";
  10857. descriptionShort="$STR_FOODCOOKED_EQUIP_CODE_DESC_5";
  10858. bloodRegen=100;
  10859. };
  10860. class FoodMRE: FoodEdible
  10861. {
  10862. scope=2;
  10863. count=1;
  10864. bloodRegen=800;
  10865. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_MRE";
  10866. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_MRE";
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  10868. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_mre_CA.paa";
  10869. };
  10870. class FoodPistachio: FoodEdible
  10871. {
  10872. scope=2;
  10873. count=1;
  10874. bloodRegen=100;
  10875. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_PISTACHIO";
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  10878. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_pistachios_CA.paa";
  10879. };
  10880. class FoodNutmix: FoodEdible
  10881. {
  10882. scope=2;
  10883. count=1;
  10884. bloodRegen=100;
  10885. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_NUTMIX";
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  10888. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_nutmix_CA.paa";
  10889. };
  10890. class FoodCanGriff: FoodEdible
  10891. {
  10892. scope=2;
  10893. count=1;
  10894. bloodRegen=200;
  10895. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_GRIFF";
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  10898. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_griff_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10899. };
  10900. class FoodCanBadguy: FoodEdible
  10901. {
  10902. scope=2;
  10903. count=1;
  10904. bloodRegen=200;
  10905. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_BADGUY";
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  10908. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_badguy_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10909. };
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  10911. {
  10912. scope=2;
  10913. count=1;
  10914. bloodRegen=200;
  10915. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_BONEBOY";
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  10919. };
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  10921. {
  10922. scope=2;
  10923. count=1;
  10924. bloodRegen=200;
  10925. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_CORN";
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  10929. };
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  10931. {
  10932. scope=2;
  10933. count=1;
  10934. bloodRegen=200;
  10935. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_CURGON";
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  10938. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_curgon_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10939. };
  10940. class FoodCanDemon: FoodEdible
  10941. {
  10942. scope=2;
  10943. count=1;
  10944. bloodRegen=200;
  10945. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_DEMON";
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  10948. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_demon_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10949. };
  10950. class FoodCanFraggleos: FoodEdible
  10951. {
  10952. scope=2;
  10953. count=1;
  10954. bloodRegen=200;
  10955. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_FRAGGLEOS";
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  10958. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_fraggleos_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10959. };
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  10961. {
  10962. scope=2;
  10963. count=1;
  10964. bloodRegen=200;
  10965. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_HERPY";
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  10968. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_herpy_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10969. };
  10970. class FoodCanOrlok: FoodEdible
  10971. {
  10972. scope=2;
  10973. count=1;
  10974. bloodRegen=200;
  10975. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_ORLOK";
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  10978. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_orlok_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10979. };
  10980. class FoodCanPowell: FoodEdible
  10981. {
  10982. scope=2;
  10983. count=1;
  10984. bloodRegen=200;
  10985. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_POWELL";
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  10988. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_powell_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10989. };
  10990. class FoodCanTylers: FoodEdible
  10991. {
  10992. scope=2;
  10993. count=1;
  10994. bloodRegen=200;
  10995. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_TYLERS";
  10996. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_TYLERS";
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  10998. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_tylers_clean_full_ca.paa";
  10999. };
  11000. class FoodCanUnlabeled: FoodEdible
  11001. {
  11002. scope=2;
  11003. count=1;
  11004. bloodRegen=200;
  11005. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_UNLABELED";
  11006. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_UNLABELED";
  11007. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\can_unlabeled_clean_full.p3d";
  11008. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_unlabeled_clean_full_ca.paa";
  11009. };
  11010. class TrashTinCan;
  11011. class FoodCanGriffEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11012. {
  11013. scope=2;
  11014. count=1;
  11015. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\can_griff_clean_empty.p3d";
  11016. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_griff_clean_empty_ca.paa";
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  11018. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_GRIFF_EMPTY";
  11019. ammo="TinCan";
  11020. };
  11021. class FoodCanBadguyEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11022. {
  11023. scope=2;
  11024. count=1;
  11025. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_BADGUY_EMPTY";
  11026. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_BADGUY_EMPTY";
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  11028. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_badguy_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11029. ammo="TinCan";
  11030. };
  11031. class FoodCanBoneboyEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11032. {
  11033. scope=2;
  11034. count=1;
  11035. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_BONEBOY_EMPTY";
  11036. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_BONEBOY_EMPTY";
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  11038. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_boneboy_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11039. ammo="TinCan";
  11040. };
  11041. class FoodCanCornEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11042. {
  11043. scope=2;
  11044. count=1;
  11045. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_CORN_EMPTY";
  11046. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_CORN_EMPTY";
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  11049. ammo="TinCan";
  11050. };
  11051. class FoodCanCurgonEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11052. {
  11053. scope=2;
  11054. count=1;
  11055. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_CURGON_EMPTY";
  11056. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_CURGON_EMPTY";
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  11058. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_curgon_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11059. ammo="TinCan";
  11060. };
  11061. class FoodCanDemonEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11062. {
  11063. scope=2;
  11064. count=1;
  11065. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_DEMON_EMPTY";
  11066. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_DEMON_EMPTY";
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  11068. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_demon_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11069. ammo="TinCan";
  11070. };
  11071. class FoodCanFraggleosEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11072. {
  11073. scope=2;
  11074. count=1;
  11075. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_FRAGGLEOS_EMPTY";
  11076. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_FRAGGLEOS_EMPTY";
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  11078. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_fraggleos_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11079. ammo="TinCan";
  11080. };
  11081. class FoodCanHerpyEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11082. {
  11083. scope=2;
  11084. count=1;
  11085. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_HERPY_EMPTY";
  11086. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_HERPY_EMPTY";
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  11088. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_herpy_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11089. ammo="TinCan";
  11090. };
  11091. class FoodCanOrlokEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11092. {
  11093. scope=2;
  11094. count=1;
  11095. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_ORLOK_EMPTY";
  11096. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_ORLOK_EMPTY";
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  11098. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_orlok_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11099. ammo="TinCan";
  11100. };
  11101. class FoodCanPowellEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11102. {
  11103. scope=2;
  11104. count=1;
  11105. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_POWELL_EMPTY";
  11106. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_POWELL_EMPTY";
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  11108. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_powell_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11109. ammo="TinCan";
  11110. };
  11111. class FoodCanTylersEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11112. {
  11113. scope=2;
  11114. count=1;
  11115. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_TYLERS_EMPTY";
  11116. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_TYLERS_EMPTY";
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  11118. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_tylers_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11119. ammo="TinCan";
  11120. };
  11121. class FoodCanUnlabeledEmpty: TrashTinCan
  11122. {
  11123. scope=2;
  11124. count=1;
  11125. displayName="$STR_FOOD_NAME_CAN_UNLABELED_EMPTY";
  11126. descriptionShort="$STR_FOOD_DESC_CAN_UNLABELED_EMPTY";
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  11128. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_can_unlabeled_clean_empty_ca.paa";
  11129. ammo="TinCan";
  11130. };
  11131. class ItemWaterbottle;
  11132. class ItemWaterbottleBoiled: ItemWaterbottle
  11133. {
  11136. };
  11137. class Hatchet_Swing;
  11138. class Machete_Swing: Hatchet_Swing
  11139. {
  11140. displayName="Machete";
  11141. displayNameMagazine="Machete";
  11142. shortNameMagazine="Machete";
  11143. ammo="Machete_Swing_Ammo";
  11144. };
  11145. class ItemTrashToiletpaper: CA_Magazine
  11146. {
  11147. scope=2;
  11148. count=1;
  11149. displayName="$STR_JUNK_NAME_TOILETPAPER";
  11150. descriptionShort="$STR_JUNK_DESC_TOILETPAPER";
  11151. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\toiletpaper.p3d";
  11152. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_toiletpaper_CA.paa";
  11153. type=256;
  11154. };
  11155. class ItemTrashRazor: CA_Magazine
  11156. {
  11157. scope=2;
  11158. count=1;
  11159. displayName="$STR_JUNK_NAME_RAZOR";
  11160. descriptionShort="$STR_JUNK_DESC_RAZOR";
  11161. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\razor.p3d";
  11162. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_razor_CA.paa";
  11163. type=256;
  11164. };
  11165. class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug;
  11166. class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets;
  11167. class 2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug: 8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug
  11168. {
  11169. displayName="2Rnd. Slug";
  11170. count=2;
  11171. descriptionShort="Caliber: 12 gauge <br/>Rounds: 2 <br/>Used in: M1014";
  11172. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\2shells_slugshot.p3d";
  11173. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_2shells_slugshot_CA.paa";
  11174. class ItemActions
  11175. {
  11176. class ReloadMag
  11177. {
  11178. text="Combine to 8 rounds";
  11179. script="spawn player_reloadMag;";
  11180. use[]=
  11181. {
  11182. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",
  11183. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",
  11184. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",
  11185. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug"
  11186. };
  11187. output[]=
  11188. {
  11189. "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug"
  11190. };
  11191. };
  11192. };
  11193. };
  11194. class 2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets: 8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets
  11195. {
  11196. displayName="2Rnd. Pellets";
  11197. count=2;
  11198. descriptionShort="Caliber: 12 gauge <br/>Rounds: 2 Pellets<br/>Used in: M1014";
  11199. model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\2shells_pellet.p3d";
  11200. picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_2shells_pellet_CA.paa";
  11201. class ItemActions
  11202. {
  11203. class ReloadMag
  11204. {
  11205. text="Combine to 8 rounds";
  11206. script="spawn player_reloadMag;";
  11207. use[]=
  11208. {
  11209. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets",
  11210. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets",
  11211. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets",
  11212. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets"
  11213. };
  11214. output[]=
  11215. {
  11216. "8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets"
  11217. };
  11218. };
  11219. };
  11220. };
  11221. };
  11222. class CfgLoot
  11223. {
  11224. trash[]=
  11225. {
  11227. {
  11228. "TrashTinCan",
  11229. "TrashJackDaniels",
  11230. "ItemSodaEmpty"
  11231. },
  11232. {1,0.1,0.5}
  11233. };
  11234. civilian[]=
  11235. {
  11237. {
  11238. "TrashTinCan",
  11239. "TrashJackDaniels",
  11240. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  11241. "ItemSodaCoke",
  11242. "ItemSodaPepsi",
  11243. "FoodCanBakedBeans",
  11244. "FoodCanSardines",
  11245. "FoodCanFrankBeans",
  11246. "FoodCanPasta",
  11247. "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",
  11248. "7Rnd_45ACP_1911",
  11249. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",
  11250. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets",
  11251. "ItemBandage",
  11252. "ItemPainkiller"
  11253. },
  11254. {0.090000004,0.090000004,0.090000004,0.12,0.090000004,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.07,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.059999999,0.059999999}
  11255. };
  11256. food[]=
  11257. {
  11259. {
  11260. "TrashTinCan",
  11261. "TrashJackDaniels",
  11262. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  11263. "ItemSodaCoke",
  11264. "ItemSodaPepsi",
  11265. "FoodCanBakedBeans",
  11266. "FoodCanSardines",
  11267. "FoodCanFrankBeans",
  11268. "FoodCanPasta",
  11269. "ItemBandage",
  11270. "FoodCanTourist",
  11271. "FoodCanMilk"
  11272. },
  11273. {0.2,0.2,0.13,0.079999998,0.13,0.079999998,0.079999998,0.079999998,0.079999998,0.039999999,0.059999999,0.059999999}
  11274. };
  11275. generic[]=
  11276. {
  11278. {
  11279. "TrashTinCan",
  11280. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  11281. "ItemSodaCoke",
  11282. "ItemSodaPepsi",
  11283. "TrashJackDaniels",
  11284. "FoodCanBakedBeans",
  11285. "FoodCanSardines",
  11286. "FoodCanFrankBeans",
  11287. "FoodCanPasta",
  11288. "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled",
  11289. "ItemWaterbottle",
  11290. "ItemBandage",
  11291. "7Rnd_45ACP_1911",
  11292. "10x_303_RX",
  11293. "6Rnd_45ACP",
  11294. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",
  11295. "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets",
  11296. "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",
  11297. "15Rnd_W1866_Slug",
  11298. "WoodenArrow",
  11299. "HandRoadFlare",
  11300. "ItemPainkiller",
  11301. "HandChemGreen",
  11302. "HandChemBlue",
  11303. "HandChemRed",
  11304. "ItemHeatPack",
  11305. "15Rnd_9x19_LUGER",
  11306. "9Rnd_9x19_LUGER"
  11307. },
  11308. {0.059999999,0.059999999,0.059999999,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.11,0.029999999,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.050000001,0.050000001,0.090000004,0.02,0.039999999,0.07,0.02,0.0099999998,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.039999999,0.02,0.039999999}
  11309. };
  11310. medical[]=
  11311. {
  11313. {
  11314. "ItemBandage",
  11315. "ItemPainkiller",
  11316. "ItemMorphine",
  11317. "ItemEpinephrine",
  11318. "ItemHeatPack",
  11319. "ItemAntibiotic"
  11320. },
  11321. {1,0.5,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.029999999}
  11322. };
  11323. hospital[]=
  11324. {
  11326. {
  11327. "ItemBandage",
  11328. "ItemPainkiller",
  11329. "ItemMorphine",
  11330. "ItemEpinephrine",
  11331. "ItemBloodbag",
  11332. "ItemAntibiotic",
  11333. "ItemChloroform"
  11334. },
  11335. {0.43000001,0.17,0.13,0.090000004,0.17,0.039999999,0.029999999}
  11336. };
  11337. military[]=
  11338. {
  11340. {
  11341. "TrashTinCan",
  11342. "ItemSodaEmpty",
  11343. "ItemSodaCoke",
  11344. "ItemSodaPepsi",
  11345. "ItemBandage",
  11346. "ItemPainkiller",
  11347. "ItemMorphine",
  11348. "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",
  11349. "17Rnd_9x19_glock17",
  11350. "15Rnd_9x19_M9",
  11351. "30Rnd_762x39_AK47",
  11352. "30Rnd_545x39_AK",
  11353. "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug",
  11354. "1Rnd_HE_M203",
  11355. "FlareWhite_M203",
  11356. "FlareGreen_M203",
  11357. "1Rnd_Smoke_M203",
  11358. "HandGrenade_west",
  11359. "SmokeShell",
  11360. "SmokeShellRed",
  11361. "SmokeShellGreen",
  11362. "8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets",
  11363. "30Rnd_9x19_MP5",
  11364. "HandChemGreen",
  11365. "HandChemBlue",
  11366. "HandChemRed",
  11367. "ItemHeatPack",
  11368. "30Rnd_762x39_SA58",
  11369. "20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",
  11370. "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon",
  11371. "15Rnd_9x19_LUGER",
  11372. "9Rnd_9x19_LUGER",
  11373. "30Rnd_56x45_GP90",
  11374. "20Rnd_762x55_SWISS_P_AP"
  11375. },
  11376. {0.18000001,0.090000004,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.050000001,0.02,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.02,0.02,0.039999999,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.02,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998}
  11377. };
  11378. policeman[]=
  11379. {
  11381. {
  11382. "ItemBandage",
  11383. "7Rnd_45ACP_1911",
  11384. "6Rnd_45ACP",
  11385. "15Rnd_W1866_Slug",
  11386. "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug",
  11387. "HandRoadFlare",
  11388. "15Rnd_9x19_LUGER",
  11389. "9Rnd_9x19_LUGER"
  11390. },
  11391. {1,0.80000001,0.30000001,0.30000001,0.5,0.30000001,0.059999999,0.1}
  11392. };
  11393. hunter[]=
  11394. {
  11396. {
  11397. "ItemBandage",
  11398. "7Rnd_45ACP_1911",
  11399. "10x_303_RX",
  11400. "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled",
  11401. "WoodenArrow",
  11402. "ItemHeatPack"
  11403. },
  11404. {1,0.2,0.5,0.2,1,0.2}
  11405. };
  11406. bloodbags[]=
  11407. {
  11409. {
  11410. "ItemBloodbag",
  11411. "HandRoadFlare",
  11412. "HandChemGreen",
  11413. "HandChemBlue",
  11414. "HandChemRed"
  11415. },
  11416. {0.5,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12}
  11417. };
  11418. bandages[]=
  11419. {
  11421. {
  11422. "ItemBandage",
  11423. "HandRoadFlare",
  11424. "HandChemGreen",
  11425. "HandChemBlue",
  11426. "HandChemRed"
  11427. },
  11428. {0.5,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12}
  11429. };
  11430. };
  11431. class CfgMarkers
  11432. {
  11433. class Cricle01
  11434. {
  11435. name="Marker description";
  11436. icon="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\cricle_01_raw.paa";
  11437. color[]={1,0,0,1};
  11438. size=32;
  11439. shadow=1;
  11440. scope=0;
  11441. };
  11442. class Cricle02
  11443. {
  11444. name="Marker description";
  11445. icon="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\cricle_02_raw.paa";
  11446. color[]={1,0,0,1};
  11447. size=32;
  11448. shadow=1;
  11449. scope=0;
  11450. };
  11451. class Cross01
  11452. {
  11453. name="Marker description";
  11454. icon="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\cross_01_raw.paa";
  11455. color[]={1,0,0,1};
  11456. size=32;
  11457. shadow=1;
  11458. scope=0;
  11459. };
  11460. class Cross02
  11461. {
  11462. name="Marker description";
  11463. icon="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\cross_02_raw.paa";
  11464. color[]={1,0,0,1};
  11465. size=32;
  11466. shadow=1;
  11467. scope=0;
  11468. };
  11469. class Questionmark
  11470. {
  11471. name="Marker description";
  11472. icon="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\questionmark_raw.paa";
  11473. color[]={1,0,0,1};
  11474. size=32;
  11475. shadow=1;
  11476. scope=0;
  11477. };
  11478. };
  11479. class CfgAmmo
  11480. {
  11481. class Bolt;
  11482. class WoodenArrow: Bolt
  11483. {
  11484. model="\dayz_weapons\models\bolt";
  11485. hit=8;
  11486. caliber=0.33000001;
  11487. };
  11488. class Melee;
  11489. class Machete_Swing_Ammo: Melee
  11490. {
  11491. hit=9;
  11492. simulation="shotBullet";
  11493. };
  11494. };
  11495. class CA_Title;
  11496. class RscIGUIListBox;
  11497. class CA_Black_Back;
  11498. class RscMapControl;
  11499. class RscListNBox;
  11500. class IGUIBack;
  11501. class RscIGUIText;
  11502. class RscHTML;
  11503. class RscObject;
  11504. class RscIGText;
  11505. class RscPicture;
  11506. class RscButton;
  11507. class CA_IGUI_Title;
  11508. class RscText;
  11509. class RscControlsGroup;
  11510. class RscLineBreak;
  11511. class RscIGUIShortcutButton;
  11512. class RscGearShortcutButton;
  11513. class RscShortcutButtonMain;
  11514. class RscActiveText;
  11515. class RscPictureKeepAspect;
  11516. class RscStandardDisplay;
  11517. class RscProgress;
  11518. class RscProgressNotFreeze;
  11519. class RscButtonTextOnly;
  11520. class RscDisplayLoading
  11521. {
  11522. class Variants
  11523. {
  11524. class LoadingOne
  11525. {
  11526. class controls
  11527. {
  11528. class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
  11529. {
  11530. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
  11531. };
  11532. };
  11533. };
  11534. };
  11535. };
  11536. class RscDisplayStart
  11537. {
  11538. class controls
  11539. {
  11540. class LoadingPic: RscPictureKeepAspect
  11541. {
  11542. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
  11543. };
  11544. };
  11545. };
  11546. class RscDisplayDebriefing: RscStandardDisplay
  11547. {
  11548. class controls
  11549. {
  11550. delete Debriefing_MissionTitle;
  11551. delete CA_MissionTitle;
  11552. delete CA_TextVotingTimeLeft;
  11553. delete CA_MissionResult;
  11554. delete CA_DebriefingTextGroup;
  11555. delete CA_DebriefingObjectivesGroup;
  11556. delete CA_DebriefingStatsGroup;
  11557. delete ButtonStatistics;
  11558. delete ButtonRetry;
  11559. };
  11560. class ControlsBackground
  11561. {
  11562. delete Mainback;
  11563. };
  11564. };
  11565. class RscDisplayMPInterrupt: RscStandardDisplay
  11566. {
  11567. movingEnable=0;
  11568. enableSimulation=1;
  11569. onLoad="_dummy = [""Init"", _this] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\pauseLoadinit.sqf""";
  11570. onUnload="private ['_dummy']; _dummy = ['Unload', _this] execVM '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseOnUnload.sqf';";
  11571. class controlsBackground
  11572. {
  11573. class Mainback: RscPicture
  11574. {
  11575. idc=1104;
  11576. x=0.045000002;
  11577. y=0.17;
  11578. w=0.627451;
  11579. h=0.83660102;
  11580. text="\ca\ui\data\ui_background_mp_pause_ca.paa";
  11581. };
  11582. };
  11583. class controls
  11584. {
  11585. class MissionTitle: RscText
  11586. {
  11587. idc=120;
  11588. x=0.050000001;
  11589. y=0.81800002;
  11590. text="";
  11591. };
  11592. class DifficultyTitle: RscText
  11593. {
  11594. idc=121;
  11595. x=0.050000001;
  11596. y=0.77200001;
  11597. text="";
  11598. };
  11599. class Paused_Title: CA_Title
  11600. {
  11601. idc=523;
  11602. x=0.086999997;
  11603. y=0.192;
  11604. text="$STR_DISP_MAIN_MULTI";
  11605. };
  11606. class CA_B_SAVE: RscShortcutButtonMain
  11607. {
  11608. idc=103;
  11609. y="0.2537 + 0.101903 * 0";
  11610. x=0.050999999;
  11611. text="$STR_DISP_INT_SAVE";
  11612. default=0;
  11613. };
  11614. class CA_B_Skip: CA_B_SAVE
  11615. {
  11616. idc=1002;
  11617. text="$STR_DISP_INT_SKIP";
  11618. };
  11619. class CA_B_REVERT: CA_B_SAVE
  11620. {
  11621. idc=119;
  11622. y="0.2537 + 0.101903 * 1";
  11623. text="$str_disp_revert";
  11624. default=0;
  11625. };
  11626. class CA_B_Respawn: CA_B_SAVE
  11627. {
  11628. idc=1010;
  11629. onButtonClick="if ((alive player) && (r_fracture_legs)) then { player SetDamage 1;};";
  11630. y="0.2537 + 0.101903 * 2";
  11631. text="$STR_DISP_INT_RESPAWN";
  11632. default=0;
  11633. };
  11634. class CA_B_Options: CA_B_SAVE
  11635. {
  11636. idc=101;
  11637. y="0.2537 + 0.101903 * 3";
  11638. text="$STR_DISP_INT_OPTIONS";
  11639. default=0;
  11640. };
  11641. class CA_B_Abort: CA_B_SAVE
  11642. {
  11643. idc=104;
  11644. y="0.2537 + 0.101903 * 4";
  11645. onButtonClick="call dayz_forceSave; if (!canAbort) then { private [""_display"",""_cancel""]; if (canAbortForce) exitWith {}; cutText [""You cannot abort right now!"",""PLAIN DOWN"",2]; _display = findDisplay 49; _display closeDisplay 0; _display closeDisplay 1; _display closeDisplay 2; _cancel = _display displayCtrl 2; ctrlActivate _cancel;};";
  11646. text="$STR_DISP_INT_ABORT";
  11647. default=0;
  11648. };
  11649. class ButtonCancel: RscShortcutButton
  11650. {
  11651. idc=2;
  11652. shortcuts[]=
  11653. {
  11654. "0x00050000+1",
  11655. "0x00050000+8"
  11656. };
  11657. default=1;
  11658. x=0.1605;
  11659. y=0.8617;
  11660. text="$STR_DISP_INT_CONTINUE";
  11661. };
  11662. };
  11663. };
  11664. class RscDisplayDSinterface: RscStandardDisplay
  11665. {
  11666. idd=155;
  11667. movingEnable=0;
  11668. enableDisplay=0;
  11669. onLoad="private [""_display""]; closeDialog 0; closeDialog 155; _display = findDisplay 155; _display closeDisplay 0;";
  11670. };
  11671. class RscDisplayHostSettings: RscStandardDisplay
  11672. {
  11673. class controlsBackground
  11674. {
  11675. delete MainbackFaded1;
  11676. delete MainbackFaded2;
  11677. delete Mainback;
  11678. };
  11679. class controls
  11680. {
  11681. delete Title;
  11682. delete TextName;
  11683. delete ValueName;
  11684. delete TextPassword;
  11685. delete ValuePassword;
  11686. delete TextMaxPlayers;
  11687. delete ValueMaxPlayers;
  11688. delete TextPrivate;
  11689. delete ValuePrivate;
  11690. delete TextPort;
  11691. delete ValuePort;
  11692. delete B_OK;
  11693. delete B_Cancel;
  11694. delete CA_SetHost_Title;
  11695. delete CA_TextName;
  11696. delete CA_ValueName;
  11697. delete CA_TextPort;
  11698. delete CA_ValuePort;
  11699. delete CA_TextMaxPlayers;
  11700. delete CA_ValueMaxPlayers;
  11701. delete CA_TextPassword;
  11702. delete CA_ValuePassword;
  11703. delete CA_TextPrivate;
  11704. delete CA_ValuePrivate;
  11705. delete ButtonContinue;
  11706. delete ButtonCancel;
  11707. };
  11708. };
  11709. class RscDisplayMultiplayer: RscStandardDisplay
  11710. {
  11711. class controlsbackground
  11712. {
  11713. delete CA_New;
  11714. };
  11715. };
  11716. class RscDisplayLive: RscStandardDisplay
  11717. {
  11718. class controls
  11719. {
  11720. delete CreateDed;
  11721. };
  11722. };
  11723. class RscDisplayMissionFail: RscStandardDisplay
  11724. {
  11725. class controls
  11726. {
  11727. delete CA_TextVotingTimeLeft;
  11728. delete CA_MissionResult;
  11729. delete CA_DebriefingTextGroup;
  11730. delete CA_DebriefingObjectivesGroup;
  11731. delete CA_DebriefingStatsGroup;
  11732. delete BRetry;
  11733. };
  11734. class ControlsBackground
  11735. {
  11736. delete Mainback;
  11737. };
  11738. };
  11739. class CA_TextLanguage;
  11740. class RscXListBox;
  11741. class RscDisplayGameOptions
  11742. {
  11743. onUnload="call ui_changeDisplay;";
  11744. class controls
  11745. {
  11746. class CA_TextUIDisplay: CA_TextLanguage
  11747. {
  11748. x=0.159803;
  11749. y="(0.420549 + 4*0.069854)";
  11750. text="DayZ UI:";
  11751. };
  11752. class CA_ValueUIDisplay: RscXListBox
  11753. {
  11754. idc=140;
  11755. x=0.400534;
  11756. y="(0.420549 + 4*0.069854)";
  11757. w=0.30000001;
  11758. onLBSelChanged="(uiNamespace setVariable ['DZ_displayUI', (_this select 1)]);";
  11759. };
  11760. };
  11761. };
  11762. class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
  11763. {
  11764. class controlsBackground
  11765. {
  11766. class Mainback;
  11767. class CA_ARMA2: RscPicture
  11768. {
  11769. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
  11770. };
  11771. };
  11772. onLoad="((_this select 0) displayCtrl 138) ctrlEnable false;";
  11773. class controls
  11774. {
  11775. class CA_Version;
  11776. class DAYZ_Version: CA_Version
  11777. {
  11778. idc=-1;
  11779. text="DayZ Redux 1.2.1";
  11780. y="(SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY) - (1 - 0.95)";
  11781. };
  11782. class CA_TitleMainMenu;
  11783. class CA_SinglePlayer;
  11784. class CA_MP;
  11785. class CA_Options;
  11786. class CA_PlayerProfile;
  11787. class CA_Expansions;
  11788. class CA_Exit;
  11789. };
  11790. };
  11791. class RscDisplayDiary
  11792. {
  11793. idd=129;
  11794. movingEnable=0;
  11795. class Controls
  11796. {
  11797. delete Diary;
  11798. delete DiaryIndex;
  11799. delete B_Quit;
  11800. delete B_Add;
  11801. delete DiaryPage;
  11802. delete DiaryTitle;
  11803. delete DiaryBackground;
  11804. };
  11805. class CA_MainBackground: IGUIBack
  11806. {
  11807. idc=1020;
  11808. x="SafeZoneX + 0.010 * SafeZoneW";
  11809. y="SafeZoneY + 0.031";
  11810. w="0.98*SafeZoneW";
  11811. h=0.082000002;
  11812. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  11813. };
  11814. class CA_TopicsBackground: IGUIBack
  11815. {
  11816. idc=1021;
  11817. x="0.010*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11818. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  11819. w="0.146*SafeZoneW";
  11820. h=0.52999997;
  11821. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  11822. };
  11823. class CA_SubTopicsBackground: IGUIBack
  11824. {
  11825. idc=1022;
  11826. x="0.16*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11827. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  11828. w="0.283*SafeZoneW";
  11829. h=0.52999997;
  11830. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  11831. };
  11832. class CA_ContentBackground: IGUIBack
  11833. {
  11834. idc=1023;
  11835. x="0.446*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11836. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  11837. w="SafeZoneW * 0.544";
  11838. h=0.83200002;
  11839. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  11840. };
  11841. class CA_PlayerName: RscIGUIText
  11842. {
  11843. idc=111;
  11844. style=1;
  11845. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11846. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  11847. w="SafeZoneW * 0.96";
  11848. h=0.041000001;
  11849. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11850. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  11851. text="$STR_DIARY_PLAYER_NAME";
  11852. };
  11853. class CA_PlayerRank: RscIGUIText
  11854. {
  11855. idc=116;
  11856. style=2;
  11857. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11858. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  11859. w="SafeZoneW * 0.96";
  11860. h=0.041000001;
  11861. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11862. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  11863. text="";
  11864. };
  11865. class CA_MissionName: RscText
  11866. {
  11867. idc=112;
  11868. style=1;
  11869. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11870. y="SafeZoneY + 0.033";
  11871. w="0.96 * SafeZoneW";
  11872. h=0.041000001;
  11873. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11874. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  11875. text="$STR_DIARY_MISSION_NAME";
  11876. };
  11877. class CA_CurrentTaskLabel: RscText
  11878. {
  11879. style=0;
  11880. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11881. y="SafeZoneY + 0.033";
  11882. w="0.96 * SafeZoneW";
  11883. h=0.041000001;
  11884. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11885. text="$STR_DIARY_CURRENT_TASK";
  11886. };
  11887. class CA_CurrentTask: RscText
  11888. {
  11889. idc=113;
  11890. style=0;
  11891. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11892. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  11893. w="0.96*SafeZoneW";
  11894. h=0.041000001;
  11895. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  11896. text="";
  11897. };
  11898. class DiaryList: RscIGUIListBox
  11899. {
  11900. idc=1001;
  11901. onLBSelChanged="[ _this select 0, _this select 1, 'List' ] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts\Client\GUI\GUI_logEH.sqf';";
  11902. default=1;
  11903. x="0.010*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11904. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  11905. w="0.146*SafeZoneW";
  11906. h=0.60000002;
  11907. };
  11908. class CA_DiaryIndex: RscIGUIListBox
  11909. {
  11910. idc=1002;
  11911. onLBSelChanged="[_this select 0, _this select 1, 'Index'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts\Client\GUI\GUI_logEH.sqf';";
  11912. default=0;
  11913. x="0.16*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11914. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  11915. w="0.283*SafeZoneW";
  11916. h=0.60000002;
  11917. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11918. };
  11919. class CA_DiaryGroup: RscControlsGroup
  11920. {
  11921. idc=1013;
  11922. x="0.446*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  11923. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  11924. w="0.534*SafeZoneW";
  11925. h=0.71799999;
  11926. class VScrollbar
  11927. {
  11928. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  11929. autoScrollDelay=5;
  11930. autoScrollRewind=0;
  11931. color[]={1,1,1,1};
  11932. width=0.0099999998;
  11933. };
  11934. class HScrollbar
  11935. {
  11936. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  11937. height=0.001;
  11938. };
  11939. class Controls
  11940. {
  11941. class CA_Diary: RscHTML
  11942. {
  11943. idc=1003;
  11944. cycleLinks=0;
  11945. cycleAllLinks=0;
  11946. default=0;
  11947. x="0.01*SafeZoneW";
  11948. y=0;
  11949. w="0.514*SafeZoneW";
  11950. h=1.807;
  11951. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  11952. class H1
  11953. {
  11954. font="Zeppelin32";
  11955. fontBold="Zeppelin32";
  11956. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11957. };
  11958. class P
  11959. {
  11960. font="Zeppelin32";
  11961. fontBold="Zeppelin32";
  11962. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  11963. };
  11964. };
  11965. };
  11966. };
  11967. };
  11968. class RscButtonActionMenu: RscButton
  11969. {
  11970. SizeEx=0.02674;
  11971. colorBackground[]={0.44,0.69999999,0.44,1};
  11972. colorBackgroundActive[]={0.23999999,0.5,0.23999999,1};
  11973. colorBackgroundDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  11974. colorFocused[]={0.2,0.5,0.2,1};
  11975. colorShadow[]={1,1,1,0};
  11976. borderSize=0;
  11977. w="0.095 * safezoneW";
  11978. h="0.025 * safezoneH";
  11979. };
  11980. class RscDisplayGenderSelect
  11981. {
  11982. idd=6902;
  11983. enableDisplay=1;
  11984. class controls
  11985. {
  11986. class GenderPic_Man: RscActiveText
  11987. {
  11988. idc=-1;
  11989. style=48;
  11990. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\gender_menu_man.paa";
  11991. x="0.28 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  11992. y="0.24 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  11993. w="0.117188 * safezoneW";
  11994. h="0.542373 * safezoneH";
  11995. color[]={0.5,0.5,0.5,1};
  11996. colorActive[]={1,1,1,1};
  11997. action="closeDialog 0;dayz_selectGender = 'S2_RX';";
  11998. };
  11999. class GenderPic_Woman: RscActiveText
  12000. {
  12001. idc=-1;
  12002. style=48;
  12003. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\gender_menu_woman.paa";
  12004. x="0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12005. y="0.24 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12006. w="0.117188 * safezoneW";
  12007. h="0.542373 * safezoneH";
  12008. color[]={0.5,0.5,0.5,1};
  12009. colorActive[]={1,1,1,1};
  12010. action="closeDialog 0;dayz_selectGender = 'SW2_RX';";
  12011. };
  12012. class Gender_Title: RscStructuredText
  12013. {
  12014. idc=-1;
  12015. text="$STR_UI_GENDER_TITLE";
  12016. x="0.4 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12017. y="0.221864 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12018. w="0.2 * safezoneW";
  12019. h="0.05 * safezoneH";
  12020. colorBackground[]={-1,-1,-1,0};
  12021. };
  12022. class Gender_Description: RscStructuredText
  12023. {
  12024. idc=-1;
  12025. text="$STR_UI_GENDER_DESC";
  12026. x="0.4 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12027. y="0.366134 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12028. w="0.2 * safezoneW";
  12029. h="0.3 * safezoneH";
  12030. colorBackground[]={-1,-1,-1,0};
  12031. };
  12032. };
  12033. };
  12034. class RscIGUIListNBox: RscListNBox
  12035. {
  12036. style="0 + 0x10";
  12037. shadow=2;
  12038. color[]={1,1,1,1};
  12039. colorText[]={1,1,1,0.75};
  12040. colorScrollbar[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  12041. colorSelect[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  12042. colorSelect2[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  12043. colorSelectBackground[]={0.80000001,0.80000001,0.80000001,1};
  12044. colorSelectBackground2[]={0.80000001,0.80000001,0.80000001,1};
  12045. period=0;
  12046. colorBackground[]={0,0,0,1};
  12047. columns[]={0.1,0.69999999,0.1,0.1};
  12048. class ScrollBar
  12049. {
  12050. color[]={1,1,1,0.60000002};
  12051. colorActive[]={1,1,1,1};
  12052. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0.30000001};
  12053. thumb="\ca\ui\data\igui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";
  12054. arrowFull="\ca\ui\data\igui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";
  12055. arrowEmpty="\ca\ui\data\igui_arrow_top_ca.paa";
  12056. border="\ca\ui\data\igui_border_scroll_ca.paa";
  12057. };
  12058. };
  12059. class RscDisplayGear
  12060. {
  12061. idd=106;
  12062. enableDisplay=1;
  12063. onUnLoad="call player_gearSync; call dayz_forceSave;";
  12064. class controls
  12065. {
  12066. class CA_Filter_Icon: RscPicture
  12067. {
  12068. idc=148;
  12069. style="0x30 + 0x800";
  12070. x=0.039999999;
  12071. y=0.54409802;
  12072. w=0.458;
  12073. h=0.075000003;
  12074. text="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_1_ca.paa";
  12075. };
  12076. class CA_Filter_Left_Icon: RscPicture
  12077. {
  12078. idc=1301;
  12079. style="0x30 + 0x800";
  12080. x=0.050000001;
  12081. y=0.54509801;
  12082. w=0.035999998;
  12083. h=0.075000003;
  12084. text="\ca\ui\data\arrow_left_ca.paa";
  12085. };
  12086. class CA_Filter_Right_Icon: RscPicture
  12087. {
  12088. idc=1302;
  12089. style="0x30 + 0x800";
  12090. x=0.45300001;
  12091. y=0.54509801;
  12092. w=0.035999998;
  12093. h=0.075000003;
  12094. text="\ca\ui\data\arrow_right_ca.paa";
  12095. };
  12096. class CA_Filter_Arrow_Left: RscButton
  12097. {
  12098. idc=150;
  12099. colorText[]={1,1,1,0};
  12100. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12101. colorBackground[]={1,1,1,0};
  12102. colorBackgroundDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12103. colorBackgroundActive[]={1,1,1,0};
  12104. colorShadow[]={1,1,1,0};
  12105. colorFocused[]={1,1,1,0};
  12106. x=0.041000001;
  12107. y=0.54509801;
  12108. w=0.056000002;
  12109. h=0.075000003;
  12110. text="";
  12111. };
  12112. class CA_Filter_Arrow_Right: RscButton
  12113. {
  12114. idc=151;
  12115. colorText[]={1,1,1,0};
  12116. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12117. colorBackground[]={1,1,1,0};
  12118. colorBackgroundDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12119. colorBackgroundActive[]={1,1,1,0};
  12120. colorShadow[]={1,1,1,0};
  12121. colorFocused[]={1,1,1,0};
  12122. x=0.44299999;
  12123. y=0.54509801;
  12124. w=0.056000002;
  12125. h=0.075000003;
  12126. text="";
  12127. };
  12128. class CA_Filter_Icon1: RscButton
  12129. {
  12130. idc=149;
  12131. colorText[]={1,1,1,0};
  12132. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12133. colorBackground[]={1,1,1,0};
  12134. colorBackgroundDisabled[]={1,1,1,0};
  12135. colorBackgroundActive[]={1,1,1,0};
  12136. colorShadow[]={1,1,1,0};
  12137. colorFocused[]={1,1,1,0};
  12138. x=0.098999999;
  12139. y=0.54509801;
  12140. w=0.34099999;
  12141. h=0.075000003;
  12142. text="";
  12143. };
  12144. class Gear_Title: CA_IGUI_Title
  12145. {
  12146. idc=1001;
  12147. x=0.047634002;
  12148. y=-0.0010294101;
  12149. text="Gear";
  12150. };
  12151. class Unit_Title: RscText
  12152. {
  12153. idc=101;
  12154. style=2;
  12155. x=0.50241899;
  12156. y=0.0492156;
  12157. w=0.456;
  12158. };
  12159. class Available_items_Text: RscText
  12160. {
  12161. idc=156;
  12162. x=0.0433014;
  12163. y=0.052696601;
  12164. w=0.389709;
  12165. h=0.029412;
  12166. };
  12167. class CA_ItemName: Available_items_Text
  12168. {
  12169. idc=1101;
  12170. x=0.041670401;
  12171. y=0.627451;
  12172. text="Gear of the unit:";
  12173. };
  12174. class CA_Money: RscText
  12175. {
  12176. idc=1102;
  12177. style=1;
  12178. show=0;
  12179. x=-2.5040901;
  12180. y=-2.8578401;
  12181. w=0.228;
  12182. text="Money:";
  12183. };
  12184. class CA_Money_Value: RscText
  12185. {
  12186. idc=1103;
  12187. x=-2.7279401;
  12188. y=-2.8578401;
  12189. w=0.228;
  12190. text="0";
  12191. };
  12192. class ListboxArrows: RscControlsGroup
  12193. {
  12194. x=0.039999999;
  12195. y=0.089244701;
  12196. w=0.47999999;
  12197. h=0.449;
  12198. idc=155;
  12199. class VScrollbar
  12200. {
  12201. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  12202. autoScrollDelay=5;
  12203. autoScrollRewind=0;
  12204. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12205. width=0.001;
  12206. };
  12207. class HScrollbar
  12208. {
  12209. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12210. height=0.001;
  12211. };
  12212. class Controls
  12213. {
  12214. class CA_B_Add: RscGearShortcutButton
  12215. {
  12216. idc=146;
  12217. x=-2;
  12218. style=2048;
  12219. onSetFocus="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onFocus""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12220. onButtonClick="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onLBListSelChanged""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12221. text="&lt;";
  12222. };
  12223. class Available_items: RscIGUIListNBox
  12224. {
  12225. idc=105;
  12226. columns[]={0.075000003,0.175,0.81,0.67000002};
  12227. drawSideArrows=1;
  12228. idcRight=147;
  12229. idcLeft=146;
  12230. colorPlayerItem[]={0.87840003,0.84710002,0.65100002,1};
  12231. onKeyDown="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onKeyDown"",0,107,0,107] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12232. onLBSelChanged="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onLBSelChanged""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12233. onLBListSelChanged="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onLBListSelChanged""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12234. onKillFocus="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onKillFocus""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12235. x=0;
  12236. y=0;
  12237. w=0.46000001;
  12238. h=0.449;
  12239. canDrag=1;
  12240. };
  12241. class CA_B_Remove: CA_B_Add
  12242. {
  12243. idc=147;
  12244. x=-2;
  12245. onSetFocus="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onFocus""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12246. onButtonClick="private [""_dummy""]; _dummy = [_this,""onLBListSelChanged""] execVM ""\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf""; _dummy;";
  12247. text=">";
  12248. };
  12249. };
  12250. };
  12251. class CA_CustomDescription: RscStructuredText
  12252. {
  12253. idc=1106;
  12254. x=0.041496899;
  12255. y=0.66364098;
  12256. w=0.458;
  12257. h=0.152;
  12258. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  12259. class Attributes
  12260. {
  12261. font="Zeppelin32";
  12262. color="#F2F2F2";
  12263. align="left";
  12264. shadow=1;
  12265. };
  12266. };
  12267. class CA_Item_Picture: RscPicture
  12268. {
  12269. idc=1104;
  12270. style="0x30 + 0x800";
  12271. x=0.330883;
  12272. y=0.785541;
  12273. w=0.156863;
  12274. h=0.104575;
  12275. text="";
  12276. };
  12277. class G_Interaction: RscControlsGroup
  12278. {
  12279. idc=6902;
  12280. x=0.50199997;
  12281. y="0.250 * safezoneH";
  12282. w="0.145 * safezoneW";
  12283. h=0;
  12284. onMouseMoving="_this call gear_ui_offMenu;";
  12285. class VScrollbar
  12286. {
  12287. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  12288. autoScrollDelay=5;
  12289. autoScrollRewind=0;
  12290. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12291. width=0.001;
  12292. };
  12293. class HScrollbar
  12294. {
  12295. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12296. height=0.001;
  12297. };
  12298. class Controls
  12299. {
  12300. class RscButton_1600: RscButtonActionMenu
  12301. {
  12302. idc=1600;
  12303. text="";
  12304. x=0;
  12305. y="0 * safezoneH";
  12306. };
  12307. class RscButton_1601: RscButtonActionMenu
  12308. {
  12309. idc=1601;
  12310. text="";
  12311. x=0;
  12312. y="0.025 * safezoneH";
  12313. };
  12314. class RscButton_1602: RscButtonActionMenu
  12315. {
  12316. idc=1602;
  12317. text="";
  12318. x=0;
  12319. y="0.05 * safezoneH";
  12320. };
  12321. class RscButton_1603: RscButtonActionMenu
  12322. {
  12323. idc=1603;
  12324. text="";
  12325. x=0;
  12326. y="0.075 * safezoneH";
  12327. };
  12328. class RscButton_1604: RscButtonActionMenu
  12329. {
  12330. idc=1604;
  12331. text="";
  12332. x=0;
  12333. y="0.1 * safezoneH";
  12334. };
  12335. class RscButton_1605: RscButtonActionMenu
  12336. {
  12337. idc=1605;
  12338. text="";
  12339. x=0;
  12340. y="0.125 * safezoneH";
  12341. };
  12342. class RscButton_1606: RscButtonActionMenu
  12343. {
  12344. idc=1606;
  12345. text="";
  12346. x=0;
  12347. y="0.15 * safezoneH";
  12348. };
  12349. class RscButton_1607: RscButtonActionMenu
  12350. {
  12351. idc=1607;
  12352. text="";
  12353. x=0;
  12354. y="0.175 * safezoneH";
  12355. };
  12356. class RscButton_1608: RscButtonActionMenu
  12357. {
  12358. idc=1608;
  12359. text="";
  12360. x=0;
  12361. y="0.2 * safezoneH";
  12362. };
  12363. class RscButton_1609: RscButtonActionMenu
  12364. {
  12365. idc=1609;
  12366. text="";
  12367. x=0;
  12368. y="0.225 * safezoneH";
  12369. };
  12370. };
  12371. };
  12372. class G_GearItems: RscControlsGroup
  12373. {
  12374. idc=160;
  12375. x=0.50199997;
  12376. y=0.090000004;
  12377. w=0.463;
  12378. h=0.77600002;
  12379. class VScrollbar
  12380. {
  12381. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  12382. autoScrollDelay=5;
  12383. autoScrollRewind=0;
  12384. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12385. width=0.001;
  12386. };
  12387. class HScrollbar
  12388. {
  12389. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12390. height=0.001;
  12391. };
  12392. class Controls
  12393. {
  12394. class CA_Gear_slot_primary: RscActiveText
  12395. {
  12396. idc=107;
  12397. x="0.502 - 0.502";
  12398. y="0.244 - 0.09";
  12399. w=0.28600001;
  12400. h=0.15000001;
  12401. style="0x30 + 0x800";
  12402. onMouseButtonDown="_this call player_selectSlot;";
  12403. soundDoubleClick[]=
  12404. {
  12405. "",
  12406. 0.1,
  12407. 1
  12408. };
  12409. color[]={1,1,1,1};
  12410. colorBackground[]={0.87840003,0.84710002,0.65100002,1};
  12411. colorBackgroundSelected[]={0.87840003,0.84710002,0.65100002,1};
  12412. colorFocused[]={0,0,0,0};
  12413. canDrag=1;
  12414. };
  12415. class CA_Gear_slot_secondary: CA_Gear_slot_primary
  12416. {
  12417. idc=108;
  12418. y="0.398 -0.09";
  12419. };
  12420. class CA_Gear_slot_item1: CA_Gear_slot_primary
  12421. {
  12422. idc=109;
  12423. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12424. y="0.244 - 0.09";
  12425. w=0.055;
  12426. h=0.074000001;
  12427. };
  12428. class CA_Gear_slot_item2: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12429. {
  12430. idc=110;
  12431. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12432. y="0.244 - 0.09";
  12433. };
  12434. class CA_Gear_slot_item3: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12435. {
  12436. idc=111;
  12437. x="0.904366 - 0.502";
  12438. y="0.244 - 0.09";
  12439. };
  12440. class CA_Gear_slot_item4: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12441. {
  12442. idc=112;
  12443. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12444. y="0.321 - 0.09";
  12445. };
  12446. class CA_Gear_slot_item5: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12447. {
  12448. idc=113;
  12449. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12450. y="0.321 - 0.09";
  12451. };
  12452. class CA_Gear_slot_item6: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12453. {
  12454. idc=114;
  12455. x="0.904366 - 0.502";
  12456. y="0.321 - 0.09";
  12457. };
  12458. class CA_Gear_slot_item7: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12459. {
  12460. idc=115;
  12461. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12462. y="0.398 - 0.09";
  12463. };
  12464. class CA_Gear_slot_item8: CA_Gear_slot_item7
  12465. {
  12466. idc=116;
  12467. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12468. y="0.398 - 0.09";
  12469. };
  12470. class CA_Gear_slot_item9: CA_Gear_slot_item7
  12471. {
  12472. idc=117;
  12473. x="0.904366 - 0.502";
  12474. y="0.398 - 0.09";
  12475. };
  12476. class CA_Gear_slot_item10: CA_Gear_slot_item7
  12477. {
  12478. idc=118;
  12479. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12480. y="0.474 - 0.09";
  12481. };
  12482. class CA_Gear_slot_item11: CA_Gear_slot_item7
  12483. {
  12484. idc=119;
  12485. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12486. y="0.474 - 0.09";
  12487. };
  12488. class CA_Gear_slot_item12: CA_Gear_slot_item7
  12489. {
  12490. idc=120;
  12491. x="0.904366 - 0.502";
  12492. y="0.474 - 0.09";
  12493. };
  12494. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun: CA_Gear_slot_primary
  12495. {
  12496. idc=121;
  12497. x="0.560 - 0.502";
  12498. y="0.551 - 0.09";
  12499. w=0.113;
  12500. h=0.15000001;
  12501. };
  12502. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12503. {
  12504. idc=122;
  12505. x="0.674 - 0.502";
  12506. y="0.551 - 0.09";
  12507. w=0.055;
  12508. h=0.074000001;
  12509. };
  12510. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item2: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1
  12511. {
  12512. idc=123;
  12513. x="0.733 - 0.502";
  12514. y="0.551 - 0.09";
  12515. };
  12516. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item3: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1
  12517. {
  12518. idc=124;
  12519. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12520. };
  12521. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item4: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1
  12522. {
  12523. idc=125;
  12524. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12525. };
  12526. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1
  12527. {
  12528. idc=126;
  12529. x="0.674 - 0.502";
  12530. y="0.628 - 0.09";
  12531. };
  12532. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5
  12533. {
  12534. idc=127;
  12535. x="0.733 - 0.502";
  12536. y="0.628 - 0.09";
  12537. };
  12538. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5
  12539. {
  12540. idc=128;
  12541. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12542. y="0.628 - 0.09";
  12543. };
  12544. class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5
  12545. {
  12546. idc=129;
  12547. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12548. y="0.628 - 0.09";
  12549. };
  12550. class CA_Gear_slot_special1: CA_Gear_slot_item1
  12551. {
  12552. idc=130;
  12553. x="0.502 - 0.502";
  12554. y="0.09 - 0.09";
  12555. w=0.113;
  12556. h=0.15000001;
  12557. };
  12558. class CA_Gear_slot_special2: CA_Gear_slot_special1
  12559. {
  12560. idc=131;
  12561. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12562. y="0.09 - 0.09";
  12563. w=0.113;
  12564. h=0.15000001;
  12565. };
  12566. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory1: CA_Gear_slot_special1
  12567. {
  12568. idc=134;
  12569. x="0.560 - 0.502";
  12570. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12571. w=0.055;
  12572. h=0.074000001;
  12573. };
  12574. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory2: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12575. {
  12576. idc=135;
  12577. x="0.617 - 0.502";
  12578. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12579. };
  12580. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory3: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12581. {
  12582. idc=136;
  12583. x="0.674 - 0.502";
  12584. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12585. };
  12586. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory4: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12587. {
  12588. idc=137;
  12589. x="0.733 - 0.502";
  12590. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12591. };
  12592. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory5: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12593. {
  12594. idc=138;
  12595. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12596. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12597. };
  12598. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory6: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12599. {
  12600. idc=139;
  12601. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12602. y="0.705 - 0.09";
  12603. };
  12604. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1
  12605. {
  12606. idc=140;
  12607. x="0.560 - 0.502";
  12608. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12609. };
  12610. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory8: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12611. {
  12612. idc=141;
  12613. x="0.617 - 0.502";
  12614. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12615. };
  12616. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory9: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12617. {
  12618. idc=142;
  12619. x="0.674 - 0.502";
  12620. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12621. };
  12622. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory10: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12623. {
  12624. idc=143;
  12625. x="0.733 - 0.502";
  12626. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12627. };
  12628. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory11: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12629. {
  12630. idc=144;
  12631. x="0.790 - 0.502";
  12632. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12633. };
  12634. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory12: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12635. {
  12636. idc=145;
  12637. x="0.847 - 0.502";
  12638. y="0.782 - 0.09";
  12639. };
  12640. class CA_Gear_slot_inventory13: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7
  12641. {
  12642. idc=1122;
  12643. x=10.1;
  12644. y=10.1;
  12645. };
  12646. };
  12647. };
  12648. class BagItemsGroup: RscControlsGroup
  12649. {
  12650. x=0.50199997;
  12651. y=0.090000004;
  12652. w=0.463;
  12653. h=0.77600002;
  12654. idc=159;
  12655. magW=0.055;
  12656. magH=0.074000001;
  12657. weaponW=0.226;
  12658. weaponH=0.15000001;
  12659. gunW=0.113;
  12660. gunH=0.15000001;
  12661. spacing=0.0020000001;
  12662. text="";
  12663. color[]={1,1,1,1};
  12664. colorBackground[]={1,1,1,1};
  12665. colorBackgroundSelected[]={1,1,1,1};
  12666. colorFocused[]={1,1,1,1};
  12667. soundPush[]=
  12668. {
  12669. "",
  12670. 0.1,
  12671. 1
  12672. };
  12673. soundClick[]=
  12674. {
  12675. "",
  12676. 0.1,
  12677. 1
  12678. };
  12679. soundDoubleClick[]=
  12680. {
  12681. "",
  12682. 0.1,
  12683. 1
  12684. };
  12685. class VScrollbar
  12686. {
  12687. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  12688. autoScrollDelay=5;
  12689. autoScrollRewind=0;
  12690. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12691. width=0.001;
  12692. };
  12693. class HScrollbar
  12694. {
  12695. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  12696. height=0.001;
  12697. };
  12698. class ScrollBar
  12699. {
  12700. color[]={1,1,1,0.60000002};
  12701. colorActive[]={1,1,1,1};
  12702. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0.30000001};
  12703. thumb="\ca\ui\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";
  12704. arrowFull="\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";
  12705. arrowEmpty="\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa";
  12706. border="\ca\ui\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa";
  12707. };
  12708. class Controls
  12709. {
  12710. };
  12711. };
  12712. class Break_7: RscLineBreak
  12713. {
  12714. };
  12715. class ButtonFilters: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12716. {
  12717. idc=148;
  12718. shortcuts[]=
  12719. {
  12720. "0x00050000 + 3"
  12721. };
  12722. x=0.333336;
  12723. y=0.89706701;
  12724. text="Filter";
  12725. };
  12726. class ButtonRearm: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12727. {
  12728. idc=132;
  12729. shortcuts[]=
  12730. {
  12731. "0x00050000 + 2"
  12732. };
  12733. x=0.55474299;
  12734. y=0.89706701;
  12735. text="Rearm";
  12736. };
  12737. class ButtonOpenBag: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12738. {
  12739. idc=157;
  12740. shortcuts[]=
  12741. {
  12742. "0x00050000 + 2"
  12743. };
  12744. x=0.55474299;
  12745. y=0.89706701;
  12746. text="Open bag";
  12747. };
  12748. class ButtonCloseBag: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12749. {
  12750. idc=158;
  12751. shortcuts[]=
  12752. {
  12753. "0x00050000 + 2"
  12754. };
  12755. x=0.55474299;
  12756. y=0.89706701;
  12757. text="Close bag";
  12758. };
  12759. class ButtonContinue: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12760. {
  12761. idc=1;
  12762. shortcuts[]=
  12763. {
  12764. "0x00050000 + 0",
  12765. 28,
  12766. 57,
  12767. 156
  12768. };
  12769. x=0.77614999;
  12770. y=0.897066;
  12771. default=1;
  12772. };
  12773. class ButtonClose: RscIGUIShortcutButton
  12774. {
  12775. idc=2;
  12776. shortcuts[]=
  12777. {
  12778. "0x00050000 + 1"
  12779. };
  12780. x=0.0392216;
  12781. y=0.897066;
  12782. text="Close";
  12783. };
  12784. };
  12785. class Filters
  12786. {
  12787. class All
  12788. {
  12789. name="All";
  12790. mask=-1;
  12791. image="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_1_ca.paa";
  12792. };
  12793. class Primary
  12794. {
  12795. name="Primary";
  12796. mask=769;
  12797. image="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_2_ca.paa";
  12798. };
  12799. class Secondary
  12800. {
  12801. name="Secondary";
  12802. mask=516;
  12803. image="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_3_ca.paa";
  12804. };
  12805. class HandGun
  12806. {
  12807. name="HandGun";
  12808. mask=18;
  12809. image="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_4_ca.paa";
  12810. };
  12811. class Items
  12812. {
  12813. name="Items";
  12814. mask=135168;
  12815. image="\ca\ui\data\igui_gear_filter_5_ca.paa";
  12816. };
  12817. };
  12818. movingEnable=1;
  12819. emptyGun="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_gun_gs.paa";
  12820. emptySec="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_sec_gs.paa";
  12821. emptyEq="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_eq_gs.paa";
  12822. emptyMag="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_mag_gs.paa";
  12823. emptyMag2="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_mag2_gs.paa";
  12824. emptyHGun="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_hgun_gs.paa";
  12825. emptyHGunMag="\ca\ui\data\ui_gear_hgunmag_gs.paa";
  12826. onLoad="[] spawn object_monitorGear; call gear_ui_init;if (isNil('IGUI_GEAR_activeFilter')) then { IGUI_GEAR_activeFilter = 0;}; private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'; _dummy = [_this,'onLoad'] execVM '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'; _dummy;";
  12827. class ControlsBackground
  12828. {
  12829. class Mainback: RscPicture
  12830. {
  12831. idc=1005;
  12832. x=0.039999999;
  12833. y=0.0099999998;
  12834. w=1.2549;
  12835. h=1.6732;
  12836. moving=1;
  12837. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\ui\igui_background_gear_ca.paa";
  12838. };
  12839. };
  12840. };
  12841. class DZ_ItemInteraction
  12842. {
  12843. idd=6901;
  12844. movingEnable=0;
  12845. class controlsBackground
  12846. {
  12847. };
  12848. class objects
  12849. {
  12850. };
  12851. class controls
  12852. {
  12853. };
  12854. };
  12855. class RscTitles
  12856. {
  12857. class Default
  12858. {
  12859. idd=-1;
  12860. movingEnable=0;
  12861. duration=4;
  12862. };
  12863. class playerKillScore
  12864. {
  12865. idd=6902;
  12866. movingEnable=0;
  12867. duration=5;
  12868. name="playerKillScore";
  12869. onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_kills', _this select 0];";
  12870. class ControlsBackground
  12871. {
  12872. class RscPicture_1201: RscPictureGUI
  12873. {
  12874. idc=1400;
  12875. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\stats_kills_human_ca.paa";
  12876. x="0.044687 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12877. y="0.934779 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12878. w=0.059999999;
  12879. h=0.079999998;
  12880. };
  12881. class RscPicture_1200: RscPictureGUI
  12882. {
  12883. idc=1401;
  12884. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\stats_kills_zombie_ca.paa";
  12885. x="0.044687 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12886. y="0.876025 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12887. w=0.059999999;
  12888. h=0.079999998;
  12889. };
  12890. };
  12891. class Controls
  12892. {
  12893. class RscText1: RscStructuredTextGUI
  12894. {
  12895. idc=1410;
  12896. text="10";
  12897. x="(0.044687 * safezoneW + safezoneX) - 0.01";
  12898. y="0.934779 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12899. w=0.079999998;
  12900. h=0.079999998;
  12901. };
  12902. class RscText2: RscStructuredTextGUI
  12903. {
  12904. idc=1411;
  12905. text="1000";
  12906. x="(0.044687 * safezoneW + safezoneX) - 0.01";
  12907. y="0.876025 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12908. w=0.079999998;
  12909. h=0.079999998;
  12910. };
  12911. };
  12912. };
  12913. class playerStatusWaiting
  12914. {
  12915. idd=6901;
  12916. movingEnable=0;
  12917. duration=100000;
  12918. name="playerStatusWaiting";
  12919. onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_waiting', _this select 0];";
  12920. class ControlsBackground
  12921. {
  12922. class RscText_1402: RscPictureGUI
  12923. {
  12924. idc=1402;
  12925. text="#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
  12926. x="0.473572 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12927. y="0.418158 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12928. w="0.0634286 * safezoneW";
  12929. h="0.136829 * safezoneH";
  12930. colorText[]={1,1,1,1};
  12931. };
  12932. class RscText_1400: RscPictureGUI
  12933. {
  12934. idc=1400;
  12935. text="#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
  12936. x="0.473572 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12937. y="0.418158 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12938. w="0.0634286 * safezoneW";
  12939. h=0;
  12940. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
  12941. };
  12942. };
  12943. class Controls
  12944. {
  12945. class RscPicture_1401: RscPictureGUI
  12946. {
  12947. idc=1401;
  12948. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_waiting_ca.paa";
  12949. x="0.434999 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12950. y="0.392207 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12951. w="0.141 * safezoneW";
  12952. h="0.188013 * safezoneH";
  12953. colorText[]={0.38,0.63,0.25999999,1};
  12954. };
  12955. };
  12956. };
  12957. class playerStatusGUI
  12958. {
  12959. idd=6900;
  12960. movingEnable=0;
  12961. duration=100000;
  12962. name="statusBorder";
  12963. onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];";
  12964. class ControlsBackground
  12965. {
  12966. class RscPicture_1201: RscPictureGUI
  12967. {
  12968. idc=1201;
  12969. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_food_border_ca.paa";
  12970. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12971. y="0.93 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12972. w=0.059999999;
  12973. h=0.079999998;
  12974. };
  12975. class RscPicture_1200: RscPictureGUI
  12976. {
  12977. idc=1200;
  12978. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_blood_border_ca.paa";
  12979. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12980. y="0.86 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12981. w=0.059999999;
  12982. h=0.079999998;
  12983. };
  12984. class RscPicture_1202: RscPictureGUI
  12985. {
  12986. idc=1202;
  12987. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_thirst_border_ca.paa";
  12988. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12989. y="0.79 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12990. w=0.059999999;
  12991. h=0.079999998;
  12992. };
  12993. class RscPicture_1208: RscPictureGUI
  12994. {
  12995. idc=1208;
  12996. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_temp_outside_ca.paa";
  12997. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  12998. y="0.72 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  12999. w=0.059999999;
  13000. h=0.079999998;
  13001. };
  13002. class RscPicture_1207: RscPictureGUI
  13003. {
  13004. idc=1207;
  13005. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_combat_border_ca.paa";
  13006. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  13007. y="0.65 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  13008. w=0.059999999;
  13009. h=0.079999998;
  13010. };
  13011. class RscPicture_1203: RscPictureGUI
  13012. {
  13013. idc=1203;
  13014. text="\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status_fracture_ca.paa";
  13015. x="0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX";
  13016. y="0.58 * safezoneH + safezoneY";
  13017. w=0.059999999;
  13018. h=0.079999998;
  13019. colorText[]={1,1,1,1};
  13020. };
  13021. class RscPicture_1204: RscPictureGUI
  13022. {
  13023. idc=1204;
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  13105. class RscPicture_1303: RscPictureGUI
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  13133. class RscPicture_1307: RscPictureGUI
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  13242. };
  13243. };
  13244. };
  13245. class CfgBuildingLoot
  13246. {
  13247. class Default
  13248. {
  13249. zombieChance=0.2;
  13250. minRoaming=0;
  13251. maxRoaming=2;
  13252. zombieClass[]=
  13253. {
  13254. "zZambie_Base",
  13255. "z_hunter",
  13256. "z_teacher",
  13257. "z_suit1",
  13258. "z_suit2",
  13259. "z_worker1",
  13260. "z_worker2",
  13261. "z_worker3",
  13262. "z_villager1",
  13263. "z_villager2",
  13264. "z_villager3"
  13265. };
  13266. lootChance=0;
  13267. lootPos[]={};
  13268. itemType[]={};
  13269. itemChance[]={};
  13270. hangPos[]={};
  13271. vehPos[]={};
  13272. };
  13273. class Master
  13274. {
  13275. weapons[]=
  13276. {
  13277. "SMAW",
  13278. "Javelin",
  13279. "G36C",
  13280. "Stinger"
  13281. };
  13282. };
  13283. class Hunting: Default
  13284. {
  13285. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  13286. minRoaming=1;
  13287. maxRoaming=3;
  13288. zombieClass[]=
  13289. {
  13290. "z_hunter",
  13291. "z_hunter",
  13292. "z_hunter"
  13293. };
  13294. lootChance=1;
  13295. lootPos[]={};
  13296. itemType[]=
  13297. {
  13299. {
  13300. "huntingrifle",
  13301. "weapon"
  13302. },
  13304. {
  13305. "M9",
  13306. "weapon"
  13307. },
  13309. {
  13310. "M16A2",
  13311. "weapon"
  13312. },
  13314. {
  13315. "M16A2GL",
  13316. "weapon"
  13317. },
  13319. {
  13320. "AK_74",
  13321. "weapon"
  13322. },
  13324. {
  13325. "AKS_74_U",
  13326. "weapon"
  13327. },
  13329. {
  13330. "AK_47_M",
  13331. "weapon"
  13332. },
  13334. {
  13335. "M1014",
  13336. "weapon"
  13337. },
  13339. {
  13340. "M4A1",
  13341. "weapon"
  13342. },
  13344. {
  13345. "UZI_EP1",
  13346. "weapon"
  13347. },
  13349. {
  13350. "Remington870_lamp",
  13351. "weapon"
  13352. },
  13354. {
  13355. "glock17_EP1",
  13356. "weapon"
  13357. },
  13359. {
  13360. "MP5A5",
  13361. "weapon"
  13362. },
  13364. {
  13365. "Binocular",
  13366. "weapon"
  13367. },
  13369. {
  13370. "ItemFlashlightRed",
  13371. "military"
  13372. },
  13374. {
  13375. "ItemKnife",
  13376. "military"
  13377. },
  13379. {
  13380. "ItemMap",
  13381. "military"
  13382. },
  13384. {
  13385. "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",
  13386. "object"
  13387. },
  13389. {
  13390. "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",
  13391. "object"
  13392. },
  13394. {
  13395. "DZ_Backpack_EP1",
  13396. "object"
  13397. },
  13399. {
  13400. "",
  13401. "medical"
  13402. },
  13404. {
  13405. "",
  13406. "generic"
  13407. },
  13409. {
  13410. "",
  13411. "military"
  13412. },
  13414. {
  13415. "ItemEtool",
  13416. "weapon"
  13417. },
  13419. {
  13420. "ItemSandbag",
  13421. "magazine"
  13422. },
  13424. {
  13425. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  13426. "magazine"
  13427. },
  13429. {
  13430. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  13431. "magazine"
  13432. }
  13433. };
  13434. itemChance[]={0.02,0.1,0.050000001,0.0099999998,0.1,0.079999998,0.050000001,0.15000001,0.02,0.050000001,0.15000001,0.15000001,0.1,0.059999999,0.1,0.07,0.050000001,0.039999999,0.02,0.0099999998,0.1,1.5,3,0.039999999,0.050000001,0.0099999998,0.0099999998};
  13435. };
  13436. class Residential: Default
  13437. {
  13438. zombieChance=0.30000001;
  13439. maxRoaming=2;
  13440. zombieClass[]=
  13441. {
  13442. "zZambie_Base",
  13443. "z_hunter",
  13444. "z_teacher",
  13445. "z_villager1",
  13446. "z_villager2",
  13447. "z_villager3"
  13448. };
  13449. lootChance=0.44999999;
  13450. lootPos[]={};
  13451. itemType[]=
  13452. {
  13454. {
  13455. "ItemSodaMdew",
  13456. "magazine"
  13457. },
  13459. {
  13460. "ItemWatch",
  13461. "generic"
  13462. },
  13464. {
  13465. "ItemCompass",
  13466. "generic"
  13467. },
  13469. {
  13470. "ItemMap",
  13471. "generic"
  13472. },
  13474. {
  13475. "Makarov",
  13476. "weapon"
  13477. },
  13479. {
  13480. "Colt1911",
  13481. "weapon"
  13482. },
  13484. {
  13485. "ItemKnife",
  13486. "generic"
  13487. },
  13489. {
  13490. "ItemMatchbox",
  13491. "generic"
  13492. },
  13494. {
  13495. "",
  13496. "generic"
  13497. },
  13499. {
  13500. "revolver_EP1",
  13501. "weapon"
  13502. },
  13504. {
  13505. "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1",
  13506. "object"
  13507. },
  13509. {
  13510. "DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch",
  13511. "object"
  13512. },
  13514. {
  13515. "WeaponHolder_ItemTent",
  13516. "object"
  13517. },
  13519. {
  13520. "",
  13521. "military"
  13522. },
  13524. {
  13525. "",
  13526. "trash"
  13527. },
  13529. {
  13530. "Crossbow_DZ",
  13531. "weapon"
  13532. },
  13534. {
  13535. "Binocular",
  13536. "weapon"
  13537. },
  13539. {
  13540. "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar",
  13541. "object"
  13542. },
  13544. {
  13545. "MR43",
  13546. "weapon"
  13547. }
  13548. };
  13549. itemChance[]={0.0099999998,0.1,0.050000001,0.07,0.16,0.050000001,0.090000004,0.07,2,0.039999999,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.0099999998,0.029999999,1.5,0.07,0.059999999,0.079999998,0.1};
  13550. };
  13551. class Office: Residential
  13552. {
  13553. maxRoaming=3;
  13554. zombieClass[]=
  13555. {
  13556. "z_suit1",
  13557. "z_suit2"
  13558. };
  13559. };
  13560. class Industrial: Default
  13561. {
  13562. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  13563. zombieClass[]=
  13564. {
  13565. "z_worker1",
  13566. "z_worker2",
  13567. "z_worker3"
  13568. };
  13569. maxRoaming=2;
  13570. lootChance=0.40000001;
  13571. lootPos[]={};
  13572. itemType[]=
  13573. {
  13575. {
  13576. "",
  13577. "generic"
  13578. },
  13580. {
  13581. "",
  13582. "trash"
  13583. },
  13585. {
  13586. "WeaponHolder_PartGeneric",
  13587. "object"
  13588. },
  13590. {
  13591. "WeaponHolder_PartWheel",
  13592. "object"
  13593. },
  13595. {
  13596. "WeaponHolder_PartFueltank",
  13597. "object"
  13598. },
  13600. {
  13601. "WeaponHolder_PartEngine",
  13602. "object"
  13603. },
  13605. {
  13606. "WeaponHolder_PartGlass",
  13607. "object"
  13608. },
  13610. {
  13611. "WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan",
  13612. "object"
  13613. },
  13615. {
  13616. "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet",
  13617. "object"
  13618. },
  13620. {
  13621. "ItemKnife",
  13622. "generic"
  13623. },
  13625. {
  13626. "ItemToolbox",
  13627. "weapon"
  13628. },
  13630. {
  13631. "PartNails",
  13632. "trash"
  13633. },
  13635. {
  13636. "ItemWire",
  13637. "magazine"
  13638. },
  13640. {
  13641. "ItemTankTrap",
  13642. "magazine"
  13643. }
  13644. };
  13645. itemChance[]={0.31,0.31,0.029999999,0.050000001,0.0099999998,0.02,0.039999999,0.039999999,0.07,0.039999999,0.029999999,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.039999999};
  13646. };
  13647. class Factory: Default
  13648. {
  13649. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  13650. zombieClass[]=
  13651. {
  13652. "z_worker1",
  13653. "z_worker2",
  13654. "z_worker3"
  13655. };
  13656. maxRoaming=3;
  13657. lootChance=0.30000001;
  13658. lootPos[]={};
  13659. itemType[]=
  13660. {
  13662. {
  13663. "",
  13664. "generic"
  13665. },
  13667. {
  13668. "",
  13669. "trash"
  13670. },
  13672. {
  13673. "WeaponHolder_PartGeneric",
  13674. "object"
  13675. },
  13677. {
  13678. "WeaponHolder_PartWheel",
  13679. "object"
  13680. },
  13682. {
  13683. "WeaponHolder_PartFueltank",
  13684. "object"
  13685. },
  13687. {
  13688. "WeaponHolder_PartEngine",
  13689. "object"
  13690. },
  13692. {
  13693. "WeaponHolder_PartGlass",
  13694. "object"
  13695. },
  13697. {
  13698. "WeaponHolder_PartVRotor",
  13699. "object"
  13700. },
  13702. {
  13703. "WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan",
  13704. "object"
  13705. },
  13707. {
  13708. "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet",
  13709. "object"
  13710. },
  13712. {
  13713. "ItemKnife",
  13714. "generic"
  13715. },
  13717. {
  13718. "ItemToolbox",
  13719. "weapon"
  13720. },
  13722. {
  13723. "PartNails",
  13724. "trash"
  13725. },
  13727. {
  13728. "ItemWire",
  13729. "magazine"
  13730. },
  13732. {
  13733. "ItemTankTrap",
  13734. "magazine"
  13735. }
  13736. };
  13737. itemChance[]={0.31,0.31,0.039999999,0.050000001,0.02,0.029999999,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.07,0.039999999,0.029999999,0.0099999998,0.039999999,0.039999999};
  13738. };
  13739. class Farm: Default
  13740. {
  13741. zombieChance=0.30000001;
  13742. maxRoaming=3;
  13743. zombieClass[]=
  13744. {
  13745. "zZambie_Base",
  13746. "z_hunter",
  13747. "z_hunter",
  13748. "z_hunter",
  13749. "z_villager1",
  13750. "z_villager2",
  13751. "z_villager3"
  13752. };
  13753. lootChance=0.40000001;
  13754. lootPos[]={};
  13755. itemType[]=
  13756. {
  13758. {
  13759. "WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan",
  13760. "object"
  13761. },
  13763. {
  13764. "",
  13765. "generic"
  13766. },
  13768. {
  13769. "LeeEnfield_RX",
  13770. "weapon"
  13771. },
  13773. {
  13774. "Winchester1866",
  13775. "weapon"
  13776. },
  13778. {
  13779. "",
  13780. "trash"
  13781. },
  13783. {
  13784. "Crossbow_DZ",
  13785. "weapon"
  13786. },
  13788. {
  13789. "PartWoodPile",
  13790. "magazine"
  13791. },
  13793. {
  13794. "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet",
  13795. "object"
  13796. },
  13798. {
  13799. "MR43",
  13800. "weapon"
  13801. },
  13803. {
  13804. "WeaponHolder_ItemMachete",
  13805. "object"
  13806. }
  13807. };
  13808. itemChance[]={0.059999999,0.40000001,0.059999999,0.050000001,0.22,0.090000004,0.15000001,0.12,0.1,0.12};
  13809. };
  13810. class Supermarket: Default
  13811. {
  13812. lootChance=0.5;
  13813. minRoaming=2;
  13814. maxRoaming=6;
  13815. zombieChance=0.30000001;
  13816. zombieClass[]=
  13817. {
  13818. "zZambie_Base",
  13819. "zZambie_Base",
  13820. "z_teacher",
  13821. "z_suit1",
  13822. "z_suit2"
  13823. };
  13824. itemType[]=
  13825. {
  13827. {
  13828. "ItemSodaMdew",
  13829. "magazine"
  13830. },
  13832. {
  13833. "ItemWatch",
  13834. "generic"
  13835. },
  13837. {
  13838. "ItemCompass",
  13839. "generic"
  13840. },
  13842. {
  13843. "ItemMap",
  13844. "generic"
  13845. },
  13847. {
  13848. "Makarov",
  13849. "weapon"
  13850. },
  13852. {
  13853. "Colt1911",
  13854. "weapon"
  13855. },
  13857. {
  13858. "p220",
  13859. "weapon"
  13860. },
  13862. {
  13863. "ItemKnife",
  13864. "generic"
  13865. },
  13867. {
  13868. "ItemMatchbox",
  13869. "generic"
  13870. },
  13872. {
  13873. "",
  13874. "generic"
  13875. },
  13877. {
  13878. "revolver_EP1",
  13879. "weapon"
  13880. },
  13882. {
  13883. "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1",
  13884. "object"
  13885. },
  13887. {
  13888. "DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch",
  13889. "object"
  13890. },
  13892. {
  13893. "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",
  13894. "object"
  13895. },
  13897. {
  13898. "WeaponHolder_ItemTent",
  13899. "object"
  13900. },
  13902. {
  13903. "",
  13904. "food"
  13905. },
  13907. {
  13908. "",
  13909. "trash"
  13910. },
  13912. {
  13913. "Crossbow_DZ",
  13914. "weapon"
  13915. },
  13917. {
  13918. "Binocular",
  13919. "weapon"
  13920. },
  13922. {
  13923. "MR43",
  13924. "weapon"
  13925. }
  13926. };
  13927. itemChance[]={0.0099999998,0.1,0.029999999,0.050000001,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.050000001,0.60000002,0.0099999998,0.029999999,0.02,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.2,0.15000001,0.02,0.050000001,0.02};
  13928. };
  13929. class HeliCrash: Default
  13930. {
  13931. zombieChance=0;
  13932. maxRoaming=2;
  13933. zombieClass[]=
  13934. {
  13935. "z_soldier_pilot"
  13936. };
  13937. lootChance=0.40000001;
  13938. lootPos[]={};
  13939. itemType[]=
  13940. {
  13942. {
  13943. "ItemGPS",
  13944. "weapon"
  13945. },
  13947. {
  13948. "Binocular_Vector",
  13949. "military"
  13950. },
  13952. {
  13953. "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",
  13954. "weapon"
  13955. },
  13957. {
  13958. "M16A4_ACG",
  13959. "weapon"
  13960. },
  13962. {
  13963. "FN_FAL",
  13964. "weapon"
  13965. },
  13967. {
  13968. "Mk_48_DZ",
  13969. "weapon"
  13970. },
  13972. {
  13973. "ch_minimi",
  13974. "weapon"
  13975. },
  13977. {
  13978. "M249_DZ",
  13979. "weapon"
  13980. },
  13982. {
  13983. "M40A3",
  13984. "weapon"
  13985. },
  13987. {
  13988. "Sa58V_RCO_EP1",
  13989. "weapon"
  13990. },
  13992. {
  13993. "SCAR_H_CQC_CCO",
  13994. "weapon"
  13995. },
  13997. {
  13998. "AK_107_pso",
  13999. "weapon"
  14000. },
  14002. {
  14003. "",
  14004. "military"
  14005. },
  14007. {
  14008. "",
  14009. "medical"
  14010. },
  14012. {
  14013. "MedBawx0",
  14014. "object"
  14015. },
  14017. {
  14018. "NVGoggles",
  14019. "weapon"
  14020. },
  14022. {
  14023. "AmmoBawxSmall_762_556_545",
  14024. "object"
  14025. },
  14027. {
  14028. "MP5SD",
  14029. "weapon"
  14030. },
  14032. {
  14033. "M9SD",
  14034. "weapon"
  14035. },
  14037. {
  14038. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14039. "magazine"
  14040. },
  14042. {
  14043. "Skin_Bait1_DZ",
  14044. "magazine"
  14045. },
  14047. {
  14048. "Skin_Uniform1_DZ",
  14049. "magazine"
  14050. },
  14052. {
  14053. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  14054. "magazine"
  14055. }
  14056. };
  14057. itemChance[]={0.050000001,0.029999999,0.02,0.02,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,1.1,0.25,0.25,0.0099999998,0.5,0.02,0.02,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1};
  14058. };
  14059. class HeliCrash_No50s: Default
  14060. {
  14061. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  14062. maxRoaming=2;
  14063. zombieClass[]=
  14064. {
  14065. "z_soldier_pilot"
  14066. };
  14067. lootChance=0.5;
  14068. lootPos[]={};
  14069. itemType[]=
  14070. {
  14072. {
  14073. "ItemGPS",
  14074. "weapon"
  14075. },
  14077. {
  14078. "Binocular_Vector",
  14079. "military"
  14080. },
  14082. {
  14083. "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",
  14084. "weapon"
  14085. },
  14087. {
  14088. "M16A4_ACG",
  14089. "weapon"
  14090. },
  14092. {
  14093. "FN_FAL",
  14094. "weapon"
  14095. },
  14097. {
  14098. "Mk_48_DZ",
  14099. "weapon"
  14100. },
  14102. {
  14103. "M249_DZ",
  14104. "weapon"
  14105. },
  14107. {
  14108. "M40A3",
  14109. "weapon"
  14110. },
  14112. {
  14113. "AK_107_pso",
  14114. "weapon"
  14115. },
  14117. {
  14118. "",
  14119. "military"
  14120. },
  14122. {
  14123. "",
  14124. "medical"
  14125. },
  14127. {
  14128. "MedBawx0",
  14129. "object"
  14130. },
  14132. {
  14133. "NVGoggles",
  14134. "weapon"
  14135. },
  14137. {
  14138. "AmmoBawxSmall_762_556_545",
  14139. "object"
  14140. },
  14142. {
  14143. "MP5SD",
  14144. "weapon"
  14145. },
  14147. {
  14148. "M9SD",
  14149. "weapon"
  14150. },
  14152. {
  14153. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14154. "magazine"
  14155. },
  14157. {
  14158. "Skin_Bait1_DZ",
  14159. "magazine"
  14160. },
  14162. {
  14163. "Skin_Uniform1_DZ",
  14164. "magazine"
  14165. },
  14167. {
  14168. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  14169. "magazine"
  14170. }
  14171. };
  14172. itemChance[]={0.050000001,0.029999999,0.02,0.02,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,1,0.25,0.25,0.0099999998,0.5,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.30000001,0.30000001,0.1,0.1};
  14173. };
  14174. class BHCrash: Default
  14175. {
  14176. zombieChance=0;
  14177. maxRoaming=0;
  14178. zombieClass[]={};
  14179. lootChance=0;
  14180. lootPos[]={};
  14181. itemType[]=
  14182. {
  14184. {
  14185. "ItemGPS",
  14186. "weapon"
  14187. },
  14189. {
  14190. "NVGoggles",
  14191. "weapon"
  14192. },
  14194. {
  14195. "",
  14196. "bloodbags"
  14197. },
  14199. {
  14200. "M9",
  14201. "weapon"
  14202. },
  14204. {
  14205. "sapr_aimpoint",
  14206. "weapon"
  14207. },
  14209. {
  14210. "glock17_EP1",
  14211. "weapon"
  14212. },
  14214. {
  14215. "Skin_Bait1_DZ",
  14216. "magazine"
  14217. },
  14219. {
  14220. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14221. "magazine"
  14222. }
  14223. };
  14224. itemChance[]={0.15000001,0.039999999,0.5,0.75,0.15000001,0.5,0.30000001,0.25};
  14225. };
  14226. class MyAteCrash: Default
  14227. {
  14228. zombieChance=0;
  14229. maxRoaming=0;
  14230. zombieClass[]={};
  14231. lootChance=0;
  14232. lootPos[]={};
  14233. itemType[]=
  14234. {
  14236. {
  14237. "",
  14238. "food"
  14239. },
  14241. {
  14242. "",
  14243. "bandages"
  14244. },
  14246. {
  14247. "M9",
  14248. "weapon"
  14249. },
  14251. {
  14252. "glock17_EP1",
  14253. "weapon"
  14254. },
  14256. {
  14257. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14258. "magazine"
  14259. }
  14260. };
  14261. itemChance[]={0.75,0.75,0.25,0.25,0.1};
  14262. };
  14263. class BlimpTooCrash: Default
  14264. {
  14265. zombieChance=0;
  14266. maxRoaming=0;
  14267. zombieClass[]={};
  14268. lootChance=0;
  14269. lootPos[]={};
  14270. itemType[]=
  14271. {
  14273. {
  14274. "G36A_camo",
  14275. "weapon"
  14276. },
  14278. {
  14279. "M9SD",
  14280. "weapon"
  14281. },
  14283. {
  14284. "FN_FAL",
  14285. "weapon"
  14286. },
  14288. {
  14289. "sg551_commando_lg97_aim_camo",
  14290. "weapon"
  14291. },
  14293. {
  14294. "DZ_British_ACU",
  14295. "object"
  14296. },
  14298. {
  14299. "M4A1_Aim",
  14300. "weapon"
  14301. },
  14303. {
  14304. "Binocular",
  14305. "weapon"
  14306. },
  14308. {
  14309. "",
  14310. "medical"
  14311. },
  14313. {
  14314. "Skin_Uniform1_DZ",
  14315. "magazine"
  14316. },
  14318. {
  14319. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14320. "magazine"
  14321. }
  14322. };
  14323. itemChance[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.40000001,0.2,0.69999999,1,0.2,0.30000001};
  14324. };
  14325. class HumCrash: Default
  14326. {
  14327. zombieChance=0;
  14328. maxRoaming=0;
  14329. zombieClass[]={};
  14330. lootChance=0;
  14331. lootPos[]={};
  14332. itemType[]=
  14333. {
  14335. {
  14336. "AKS_74_kobra",
  14337. "weapon"
  14338. },
  14340. {
  14341. "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",
  14342. "object"
  14343. },
  14345. {
  14346. "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",
  14347. "weapon"
  14348. },
  14350. {
  14351. "glock17_EP1",
  14352. "weapon"
  14353. },
  14355. {
  14356. "Binocular",
  14357. "weapon"
  14358. },
  14360. {
  14361. "",
  14362. "medical"
  14363. },
  14365. {
  14366. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14367. "magazine"
  14368. }
  14369. };
  14370. itemChance[]={0.25,0.34999999,0.02,0.34999999,0.34999999,0.75,0.1};
  14371. };
  14372. class LilBCrash: Default
  14373. {
  14374. zombieChance=0;
  14375. maxRoaming=0;
  14376. zombieClass[]={};
  14377. lootChance=0;
  14378. lootPos[]={};
  14379. itemType[]=
  14380. {
  14382. {
  14383. "ItemFlashlightRed",
  14384. "military"
  14385. },
  14387. {
  14388. "Binocular",
  14389. "weapon"
  14390. },
  14392. {
  14393. "glock17_EP1",
  14394. "weapon"
  14395. },
  14397. {
  14398. "ItemCompass",
  14399. "generic"
  14400. },
  14402. {
  14403. "",
  14404. "medical"
  14405. },
  14407. {
  14408. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  14409. "magazine"
  14410. }
  14411. };
  14412. itemChance[]={0.25,0.25,0.40000001,0.25,0.25,0.039999999};
  14413. };
  14414. class Hospital: Default
  14415. {
  14416. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  14417. minRoaming=2;
  14418. maxRoaming=6;
  14419. zombieClass[]=
  14420. {
  14421. "z_doctor",
  14422. "z_doctor",
  14423. "z_doctor"
  14424. };
  14425. isHospital=1;
  14426. lootChance=0.69999999;
  14427. lootPos[]={};
  14428. itemType[]=
  14429. {
  14431. {
  14432. "",
  14433. "trash"
  14434. },
  14436. {
  14437. "",
  14438. "hospital"
  14439. },
  14441. {
  14442. "MedBawx0",
  14443. "object"
  14444. }
  14445. };
  14446. itemChance[]={0.2,0.5,0.25};
  14447. };
  14448. class Military: Default
  14449. {
  14450. zombieChance=0.30000001;
  14451. maxRoaming=6;
  14452. zombieClass[]=
  14453. {
  14454. "z_soldier",
  14455. "z_soldier_heavy",
  14456. "z_policeman"
  14457. };
  14458. lootChance=0.40000001;
  14459. lootPos[]={};
  14460. itemType[]=
  14461. {
  14463. {
  14464. "M9",
  14465. "weapon"
  14466. },
  14468. {
  14469. "M16A2",
  14470. "weapon"
  14471. },
  14473. {
  14474. "M16A2GL",
  14475. "weapon"
  14476. },
  14478. {
  14479. "AK_74",
  14480. "weapon"
  14481. },
  14483. {
  14484. "AKS_74_U",
  14485. "weapon"
  14486. },
  14488. {
  14489. "AK_47_M",
  14490. "weapon"
  14491. },
  14493. {
  14494. "M1014",
  14495. "weapon"
  14496. },
  14498. {
  14499. "M4A1",
  14500. "weapon"
  14501. },
  14503. {
  14504. "UZI_EP1",
  14505. "weapon"
  14506. },
  14508. {
  14509. "Remington870_lamp",
  14510. "weapon"
  14511. },
  14513. {
  14514. "glock17_EP1",
  14515. "weapon"
  14516. },
  14518. {
  14519. "p226",
  14520. "weapon"
  14521. },
  14523. {
  14524. "MP5A5",
  14525. "weapon"
  14526. },
  14528. {
  14529. "Sa58P_EP1",
  14530. "weapon"
  14531. },
  14533. {
  14534. "Binocular",
  14535. "weapon"
  14536. },
  14538. {
  14539. "ItemFlashlightRed",
  14540. "military"
  14541. },
  14543. {
  14544. "ItemKnife",
  14545. "military"
  14546. },
  14548. {
  14549. "ItemMap",
  14550. "military"
  14551. },
  14553. {
  14554. "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",
  14555. "object"
  14556. },
  14558. {
  14559. "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",
  14560. "object"
  14561. },
  14563. {
  14564. "DZ_Backpack_EP1",
  14565. "object"
  14566. },
  14568. {
  14569. "",
  14570. "medical"
  14571. },
  14573. {
  14574. "",
  14575. "generic"
  14576. },
  14578. {
  14579. "",
  14580. "military"
  14581. },
  14583. {
  14584. "ItemEtool",
  14585. "weapon"
  14586. },
  14588. {
  14589. "ItemSandbag",
  14590. "magazine"
  14591. },
  14593. {
  14594. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14595. "magazine"
  14596. },
  14598. {
  14599. "Skin_Uniform1_DZ",
  14600. "magazine"
  14601. },
  14603. {
  14604. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  14605. "magazine"
  14606. }
  14607. };
  14608. itemChance[]={0.050000001,0.050000001,0.0099999998,0.1,0.079999998,0.050000001,0.15000001,0.02,0.050000001,0.15000001,0.15000001,0.1,0.1,0.079999998,0.059999999,0.1,0.07,0.050000001,0.039999999,0.02,0.0099999998,0.1,1.5,5.5,0.039999999,0.029999999,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998};
  14609. };
  14610. class MilitarySpecial: Default
  14611. {
  14612. zombieChance=0.40000001;
  14613. minRoaming=2;
  14614. maxRoaming=6;
  14615. zombieClass[]=
  14616. {
  14617. "z_soldier_heavy"
  14618. };
  14619. lootChance=0.30000001;
  14620. lootPos[]={};
  14621. itemType[]=
  14622. {
  14624. {
  14625. "M16A2",
  14626. "weapon"
  14627. },
  14629. {
  14630. "M16A2GL",
  14631. "weapon"
  14632. },
  14634. {
  14635. "RPG7V",
  14636. "weapon"
  14637. },
  14639. {
  14640. "AK_74",
  14641. "weapon"
  14642. },
  14644. {
  14645. "M4A1_Aim",
  14646. "weapon"
  14647. },
  14649. {
  14650. "AKS_74_kobra",
  14651. "weapon"
  14652. },
  14654. {
  14655. "AKS_74_U",
  14656. "weapon"
  14657. },
  14659. {
  14660. "AK_47_M",
  14661. "weapon"
  14662. },
  14664. {
  14665. "M1014",
  14666. "weapon"
  14667. },
  14669. {
  14670. "M4A1",
  14671. "weapon"
  14672. },
  14674. {
  14675. "UZI_EP1",
  14676. "weapon"
  14677. },
  14679. {
  14680. "Remington870_lamp",
  14681. "weapon"
  14682. },
  14684. {
  14685. "glock17_EP1",
  14686. "weapon"
  14687. },
  14689. {
  14690. "M16A4_ACG",
  14691. "weapon"
  14692. },
  14694. {
  14695. "BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo",
  14696. "weapon"
  14697. },
  14699. {
  14700. "bizon_silenced",
  14701. "weapon"
  14702. },
  14704. {
  14705. "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",
  14706. "weapon"
  14707. },
  14709. {
  14710. "M4A3_CCO_EP1",
  14711. "weapon"
  14712. },
  14714. {
  14715. "sg552_mp_aimpoint",
  14716. "weapon"
  14717. },
  14719. {
  14720. "AmmoBawxSmall_762_556_545",
  14721. "object"
  14722. },
  14724. {
  14725. "NVGoggles",
  14726. "weapon"
  14727. },
  14729. {
  14730. "Binocular",
  14731. "weapon"
  14732. },
  14734. {
  14735. "ItemFlashlightRed",
  14736. "military"
  14737. },
  14739. {
  14740. "ItemKnife",
  14741. "military"
  14742. },
  14744. {
  14745. "ItemGPS",
  14746. "weapon"
  14747. },
  14749. {
  14750. "ItemMap",
  14751. "military"
  14752. },
  14754. {
  14755. "Binocular_Vector",
  14756. "military"
  14757. },
  14759. {
  14760. "DZ_British_ACU",
  14761. "object"
  14762. },
  14764. {
  14765. "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",
  14766. "object"
  14767. },
  14769. {
  14770. "DZ_Backpack_EP1",
  14771. "object"
  14772. },
  14774. {
  14775. "",
  14776. "medical"
  14777. },
  14779. {
  14780. "",
  14781. "generic"
  14782. },
  14784. {
  14785. "",
  14786. "military"
  14787. },
  14789. {
  14790. "Skin_Camo1_DZ",
  14791. "magazine"
  14792. },
  14794. {
  14795. "Skin_Bait1_DZ",
  14796. "magazine"
  14797. },
  14799. {
  14800. "Skin_Uniform1_DZ",
  14801. "magazine"
  14802. },
  14804. {
  14805. "Skin_Sniper1_DZ",
  14806. "magazine"
  14807. }
  14808. };
  14809. itemChance[]={0.15000001,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.2,0.02,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.25,0.15000001,0.2,0.15000001,0.25,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.050000001,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.050000001,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.15000001,0.050000001,0.15000001,0.02,0.039999999,0.0099999998,0.029999999,0.029999999,0.02,0.30000001,3,5,0.0099999998,0.029999999,0.0099999998,0.0099999998};
  14810. };
  14811. class Church: Residential
  14812. {
  14813. minRoaming=1;
  14814. maxRoaming=3;
  14815. zombieClass[]=
  14816. {
  14817. "z_priest",
  14818. "z_priest",
  14819. "z_priest"
  14820. };
  14821. };
  14822. class Land_HouseV_1I4: Residential
  14823. {
  14824. lootPos[]=
  14825. {
  14826. {-0.40014601,-3.87695,-2.76879},
  14827. {-3.67749,-2.52002,-2.7655101},
  14828. {-0.472168,3.1970201,-2.7202101}
  14829. };
  14830. };
  14831. class Land_kulna: Residential
  14832. {
  14833. lootPos[]=
  14834. {
  14835. {0.50439501,0.218262,-1.11643},
  14836. {-0.496582,1.93262,-1.12826}
  14837. };
  14838. };
  14839. class Land_Ind_Workshop01_01: Industrial
  14840. {
  14841. lootPos[]=
  14842. {
  14843. {0.59521502,-2.43115,-1.29412},
  14844. {1.24365,0.46386701,-1.295},
  14845. {-0.66357398,-0.50292999,-1.29837}
  14846. };
  14847. };
  14848. class Land_Ind_Garage01: Industrial
  14849. {
  14850. lootPos[]=
  14851. {
  14852. {-0.58007801,-1.49707,-1.23483},
  14853. {-0.83447301,2.7578101,-1.22563},
  14854. {2.47754,-1.1289099,-1.2371401},
  14855. {1.31934,1.63086,-1.23228}
  14856. };
  14857. };
  14858. class Land_Ind_Workshop01_02: Industrial
  14859. {
  14860. lootPos[]=
  14861. {
  14862. {1.1543,-0.55224597,-1.42943},
  14863. {-1.18665,-0.178223,-1.4286799},
  14864. {-0.66162097,1.104,-1.42682}
  14865. };
  14866. };
  14867. class Land_Ind_Workshop01_04: Industrial
  14868. {
  14869. lootPos[]=
  14870. {
  14871. {-1.37415,4.1889601,-1.53123},
  14872. {0.69543499,4.2456102,-1.52934},
  14873. {-1.06677,2.6953101,-1.53062},
  14874. {0.79247999,-4.60742,-1.49341},
  14875. {-1.84424,-6.1708999,-1.44427},
  14876. {-1.05566,-4.0839801,-1.5192699},
  14877. {1.43774,-6.5942402,-1.41742}
  14878. };
  14879. hangPos[]=
  14880. {
  14881. {-0.54174799,4.0122099,-2.0306799}
  14882. };
  14883. };
  14884. class Land_Ind_Workshop01_L: Industrial
  14885. {
  14886. lootPos[]=
  14887. {
  14888. {-3.2617199,4.7543898,-1.30246},
  14889. {0.175781,3.91748,-1.30766},
  14890. {-2.3789101,2.35303,-1.30405},
  14891. {4.1054702,-4.1079102,-1.31345},
  14892. {0.727539,-2.61621,-1.31418},
  14893. {2.54688,-2.1772499,-1.3148201},
  14894. {1.52344,-3.79443,-1.31332}
  14895. };
  14896. };
  14897. class Land_Hangar_2: Industrial
  14898. {
  14899. lootPos[]=
  14900. {
  14901. {10.1245,-6.4872999,-2.56317},
  14902. {11.9387,7.91113,-2.56317},
  14903. {1.7951699,7.1269498,-2.56317},
  14904. {-11.8948,10.5449,-2.56317},
  14905. {-8.9702101,-4.3476601,-2.56317},
  14906. {-0.56274402,-7.59375,-2.56317},
  14907. {5.98804,-2.6122999,-2.56317}
  14908. };
  14909. };
  14910. class Land_hut06: Residential
  14911. {
  14912. lootPos[]=
  14913. {
  14914. {0.328125,2.2695301,-1.57786},
  14915. {-0.55236799,-0.0620117,-1.53837}
  14916. };
  14917. };
  14918. class Land_stodola_old_open: Farm
  14919. {
  14920. lootPos[]=
  14921. {
  14922. {-3.0683601,8.6318398,-5.0805402},
  14923. {2.5258801,10.5261,-5.0805101},
  14924. {4.76758,5.0085402,-0.99349999},
  14925. {-2.7846701,10.2368,-0.99349999},
  14926. {4.6259799,10.4983,-0.993469},
  14927. {2.0908201,10.8425,2.9644799},
  14928. {-0.440918,10.3091,2.9644499},
  14929. {-2.5883801,-5.91821,-5.0805402},
  14930. {4.1108398,-10.9302,-5.0805402},
  14931. {-2.6284201,-6.5551801,-1.0158401},
  14932. {2.5053699,-10.741,2.9644499},
  14933. {0.041015599,-11.0596,2.9644499}
  14934. };
  14935. hangPos[]=
  14936. {
  14937. {-1.50537,5.3447299,-5.08813},
  14938. {0.49414101,9.4272499,-5.0901599},
  14939. {2.5947299,-6.2119098,-5.0805502},
  14940. {-1.74854,-2.3984399,-1.14301}
  14941. };
  14942. };
  14943. class Land_A_FuelStation_Build: Industrial
  14944. {
  14945. lootChance=0.40000001;
  14946. zombieClass[]=
  14947. {
  14948. "zZambie_Base",
  14949. "zZambie_Base",
  14950. "z_teacher",
  14951. "z_suit1",
  14952. "z_suit2"
  14953. };
  14954. lootPos[]=
  14955. {
  14956. {-1.31958,-0.65515101,-1.5744801},
  14957. {1.82349,0.76965302,-1.57458},
  14958. {1.67871,-0.91870099,-1.57458},
  14959. {-1.23242,1.26794,-1.57458}
  14960. };
  14961. };
  14962. class Land_A_GeneralStore_01a: Supermarket
  14963. {
  14964. lootPos[]=
  14965. {
  14966. {-6.9321299,1.0707999,-1.20155},
  14967. {-7.2958999,-2.6821301,-1.20155},
  14968. {-3.4140601,-4.3930702,-1.20155},
  14969. {-1.28809,-2.5786099,-1.20155},
  14970. {0.90380901,-4.3598599,-1.20155},
  14971. {3.1377001,-3.4077101,-1.20155},
  14972. {7.5341802,-2.6997099,-1.20154},
  14973. {13.9653,-4.5034199,-1.20155},
  14974. {10.2617,0.109863,-1.20155},
  14975. {10.5869,-3.84375,-1.20155},
  14976. {7.8452101,-0.137207,-1.20154},
  14977. {3.5747099,0.035644501,-1.20154},
  14978. {-0.37060499,5.1767602,-1.20155},
  14979. {4.7778301,5.57617,-1.20155},
  14980. {13.0874,4.3564501,-1.20155},
  14981. {12.9932,6.3168898,-1.20155},
  14982. {7.3632798,3.00928,-1.20155},
  14983. {1.93091,2.1723599,-1.20154},
  14984. {-3.8271501,5.3334999,-1.20155},
  14985. {-7.5502901,8.5419903,-1.20154},
  14986. {-4.4240699,8.9663095,-1.20154},
  14987. {3.7270501,8.3608398,-1.20155},
  14988. {9.8403301,8.3374004,-1.20155},
  14989. {-2.9091799,1.32031,-1.20155}
  14990. };
  14991. };
  14992. class Land_A_GeneralStore_01: Supermarket
  14993. {
  14994. lootPos[]=
  14995. {
  14996. {-9.3896503,-3.30371,-1.20155},
  14997. {-3.7753899,-3.86865,-1.20155},
  14998. {1.31836,1.46631,-1.20155},
  14999. {9.01367,3.8457,-1.20155},
  15000. {13.3008,-1.77832,-1.20155},
  15001. {9.8105497,1.43213,-1.20155},
  15002. {1.65039,5.1435499,-1.20155},
  15003. {0.75390601,-3.6953101,-1.20155},
  15004. {13.3125,-7.65137,-1.20155},
  15005. {11.168,-3.73682,-1.20155},
  15006. {8.8945303,-8.3740196,-1.20155},
  15007. {-2.04492,-7.5810499,-1.20155},
  15008. {-7.8476601,-5.73633,-1.20155},
  15009. {-8.2246103,-7.3242202,-1.20155},
  15010. {3.79004,-5.6933599,-1.20155},
  15011. {-9.38379,4.4619098,-1.20155},
  15012. {-3.5752001,4.4653301,-1.20155},
  15013. {-3.3378899,0.61279303,-1.20155},
  15014. {10.5918,-9.9457998,-1.21082},
  15015. {0.105469,-9.6084003,-1.21082},
  15016. {-4.8603501,-10.4209,-1.21082},
  15017. {-6.8085899,-1.23975,-1.20155},
  15018. {1.12207,-1.58887,-1.20155}
  15019. };
  15020. };
  15021. class Land_Farm_Cowshed_a: Farm
  15022. {
  15023. lootPos[]=
  15024. {
  15025. {-1.06836,-5.9216299,-3.08763},
  15026. {1.69043,-4.9108901,-3.08763},
  15027. {5.8832998,-6.15381,-3.08763},
  15028. {8.8398399,-5.6027799,-3.08763},
  15029. {9.7402296,-2.4865699,-3.08763},
  15030. {2.88428,-2.3454599,-3.08763},
  15031. {7.8803701,2.9421401,-3.08763}
  15032. };
  15033. };
  15034. class Land_stodola_open: Farm
  15035. {
  15036. lootPos[]=
  15037. {
  15038. {-2.60303,5.3166499,-4.1280398},
  15039. {-2.5815401,-0.530029,-4.17349},
  15040. {-0.0478516,-4.8898902,-4.1360002},
  15041. {0.98339802,6.2048302,-4.1114302}
  15042. };
  15043. hangPos[]=
  15044. {
  15045. {-0.93261701,-3.3596201,-4.1644602},
  15046. {-2.01563,-0.115112,-4.1949201}
  15047. };
  15048. };
  15049. class Land_Barn_W_01: Farm
  15050. {
  15051. lootPos[]=
  15052. {
  15053. {4.93188,-17.044399,-2.63063},
  15054. {-3.82813,-18.669901,-2.6303599},
  15055. {-4.46387,16.6665,-2.6365099},
  15056. {5.7871099,18.9473,-2.6368999},
  15057. {3.9540999,4.8842802,-2.63446},
  15058. {-2.99072,-4.16748,-2.63287}
  15059. };
  15060. };
  15061. class Land_Hlidac_budka: Residential
  15062. {
  15063. lootPos[]=
  15064. {
  15065. {-2.3185999,1.5127,-0.78363001},
  15066. {2.02075,0.444336,-0.78363001},
  15067. {-0.46093801,1.75879,-0.78363001}
  15068. };
  15069. };
  15070. class Land_HouseV2_02_Interier: Residential
  15071. {
  15072. lootPos[]=
  15073. {
  15074. {7.2309599,5.3720698,-5.5306702},
  15075. {8.5500498,0.75488299,-5.5306702},
  15076. {5.2016602,-1.54004,-5.5306702},
  15077. {3.3491199,1.9707,-5.5306702},
  15078. {-3.6259799,3.05371,-5.5306702},
  15079. {-5.4812002,-0.029296899,-5.5306702},
  15080. {-5.83325,3.26563,-5.5306702},
  15081. {-5.7104502,5.4941401,-5.5306702}
  15082. };
  15083. };
  15084. class Land_a_stationhouse: Military
  15085. {
  15086. lootChance=0.30000001;
  15087. lootPos[]=
  15088. {
  15089. {-2.6992199,-7.5742202,-9.4705801},
  15090. {-0.89257801,-5.7168002,-9.4705801},
  15091. {-3.2416999,-6.6191401,-4.6489},
  15092. {-1.35645,-8.3622999,-4.6489},
  15093. {-1.70801,-7.8544898,-0.043792699},
  15094. {-3.39502,-7.8828101,-0.043792699},
  15095. {-1.396,-7.79883,4.4114099},
  15096. {-1.37939,-5.7910199,4.4114099},
  15097. {1.5127,1.9648401,-9.4705801},
  15098. {18.9058,-4.06738,-9.4705801}
  15099. };
  15100. };
  15101. class Land_Mil_ControlTower: Military
  15102. {
  15103. lootChance=0.34999999;
  15104. lootPos[]=
  15105. {
  15106. {10.0703,3.76367,-9.6286898},
  15107. {3.8984399,3.4345701,-5.4636798},
  15108. {1.75195,5.6816401,-5.4636798},
  15109. {6.66113,-0.62548798,-1.0687},
  15110. {2.6396501,-0.191406,-1.0687},
  15111. {6.7226601,3.2338901,-1.0687}
  15112. };
  15113. };
  15114. class Land_SS_hangar: Military
  15115. {
  15116. maxRoaming=3;
  15117. lootPos[]=
  15118. {
  15119. {11.7344,-17.165001,-5.87253},
  15120. {-11.7158,-18.9541,-5.87253},
  15121. {-14.2461,23.0439,-5.87253}
  15122. };
  15123. };
  15124. class Land_A_Pub_01: Residential
  15125. {
  15126. zombieChance=0.2;
  15127. lootPos[]=
  15128. {
  15129. {1.83398,0.39379901,-5.7462001},
  15130. {-1.7651401,0.33447301,-5.7462201},
  15131. {-6.6220698,-6.55371,-5.7462201},
  15132. {-4.63623,-0.100586,-5.7462201},
  15133. {-5.7592802,-3.0502901,-5.7462201},
  15134. {-2.0820301,0.92285198,-1.76122},
  15135. {-4.7651401,-5.8908701,-1.76122},
  15136. {-6.94385,-1.9375,-1.76122},
  15137. {-4.0522499,-0.77978498,-1.76122},
  15138. {1.3979501,-1.73779,-1.76122},
  15139. {3.13867,-2.78564,-1.76122},
  15140. {3.58301,-0.59130901,-1.76122},
  15141. {3.0302701,-4.0434599,-1.76122},
  15142. {1.94092,3.18799,-1.76122},
  15143. {-0.096191399,6.22437,-1.76122},
  15144. {5.3046899,7.5595698,-1.76122},
  15145. {6.7255902,-2.7270501,-1.76122},
  15146. {2.56885,-4.6001,-5.7462101},
  15147. {4.06738,5.4140601,-5.7462201},
  15148. {0.75341803,2.2997999,-5.7462201}
  15149. };
  15150. };
  15151. class Land_HouseB_Tenement: Office
  15152. {
  15153. lootPos[]=
  15154. {
  15155. {5.4057598,9.8955097,-20.7845},
  15156. {5.9902301,14.1689,-20.7845},
  15157. {12.9609,14.0718,-20.7845},
  15158. {14.6069,8.92383,-20.7845},
  15159. {-2.75635,-2.0859399,-20.7845}
  15160. };
  15161. };
  15162. class Land_A_Hospital: Hospital
  15163. {
  15164. lootChance=0.80000001;
  15165. lootPos[]=
  15166. {
  15167. {0.80712903,-1.16333,-7.3396602},
  15168. {-7.2338901,-2.6364701,-7.3396602},
  15169. {-16.3687,-2.40381,-7.3396602},
  15170. {-12.2847,-3.1960399,-7.3396602},
  15171. {4.4067402,-3.5051301,-7.3396602},
  15172. {-3.2665999,-0.92529303,-7.3396602},
  15173. {6.8569298,-2.7514601,-7.3396602},
  15174. {11.0151,-3.95435,-7.3396602},
  15175. {16.819799,-4.7111802,-7.3396602},
  15176. {-1.12793,3.7841799,-7.4493899},
  15177. {12.7476,0.142822,3.2918401},
  15178. {10.2661,-1.21558,3.2918401}
  15179. };
  15180. };
  15181. class Land_Panelak: Office
  15182. {
  15183. lootPos[]=
  15184. {
  15185. {-2.7690401,-6.2656298,0.071422599},
  15186. {-2.9389601,-1.3916,0.071422599},
  15187. {-5.42065,-3.13184,0.071422599},
  15188. {-6.8112798,-6.1552701,0.0714221},
  15189. {-4.00879,2.5302701,0.071422599},
  15190. {-0.73095697,-3.20117,2.77144},
  15191. {3.9790001,-7.0893602,2.77144},
  15192. {2.4960899,2.93701,2.77144},
  15193. {6.7372999,1.63281,2.77144},
  15194. {6.3852501,-2.3915999,2.77144},
  15195. {6.80615,-5.7729502,2.77144},
  15196. {3.75122,-0.803711,2.77144},
  15197. {-0.82421899,1.86914,1.32865}
  15198. };
  15199. };
  15200. class Land_Panelak2: Office
  15201. {
  15202. lootPos[]=
  15203. {
  15204. {-0.72949201,-3.00635,-2.6285901},
  15205. {-0.76464802,1.36279,-1.37137},
  15206. {-0.30127001,3.6503899,1.32864},
  15207. {0.73584002,-3.2221701,2.7109699},
  15208. {-0.63085902,1.8476599,4.0524402},
  15209. {3.6892099,-7.3354502,5.4366498},
  15210. {2.26807,2.9409201,5.4366498},
  15211. {6.7002001,2.68994,5.4366498},
  15212. {6.8784199,-1.45947,5.4366498},
  15213. {6.09619,-5.9482398,5.4366498},
  15214. {4.45508,-1.64893,5.4366498},
  15215. {2.76367,0.44580099,5.4366498}
  15216. };
  15217. };
  15218. class Land_Shed_Ind02: Industrial
  15219. {
  15220. lootPos[]=
  15221. {
  15222. {-2.28174,-5.6723599,-4.6259899},
  15223. {4.54529,9.6665001,-4.6259899},
  15224. {4.41223,2.64941,-1.2795399},
  15225. {-0.437866,11.6943,-1.27641},
  15226. {-3.4448199,12.2119,-1.27704}
  15227. };
  15228. };
  15229. class Land_Shed_wooden: Residential
  15230. {
  15231. lootPos[]=
  15232. {
  15233. {1.26807,-0.36132801,-1.29153},
  15234. {-0.34277299,1.0293,-1.29153}
  15235. };
  15236. };
  15237. class Land_Misc_PowerStation: Industrial
  15238. {
  15239. lootPos[]=
  15240. {
  15241. {4.0988798,4.89746,-1.2674299},
  15242. {4.2282701,-1.19873,-1.2681}
  15243. };
  15244. };
  15245. class Land_HouseBlock_A1_1: Residential
  15246. {
  15247. lootPos[]=
  15248. {
  15249. {-3.52881,0.15893599,-4.74365},
  15250. {-3.5615201,-2.3348401,-4.73106}
  15251. };
  15252. };
  15253. class Land_Shed_W01: Industrial
  15254. {
  15255. lootPos[]=
  15256. {
  15257. {-1.52637,-0.246094,-1.41129}
  15258. };
  15259. };
  15260. class Land_HouseV_1I1: Residential
  15261. {
  15262. lootPos[]=
  15263. {
  15264. {0.181641,-1.97314,-2.8227501}
  15265. };
  15266. };
  15267. class Land_Tovarna2: Industrial
  15268. {
  15269. lootPos[]=
  15270. {
  15271. {-11.6309,7.2052002,-5.55933},
  15272. {-12.0674,2.5690899,-5.55933},
  15273. {-4.8935499,6.6394,-5.55933},
  15274. {-3.74121,2.9039299,-3.8966501},
  15275. {-12.8672,1.44519,-2.2313499},
  15276. {-12.415,8.1310997,-2.2313499},
  15277. {-12.7236,4.1125498,-2.2313499},
  15278. {-3.99805,8.9800997,-2.23156},
  15279. {-7.3310499,8.4421396,-2.23156},
  15280. {-4.55371,5.22644,-2.23156},
  15281. {-11.4746,2.92114,1.66661},
  15282. {-11.0703,8.1381798,1.66661},
  15283. {-4.6757798,7.3267798,1.62174},
  15284. {-2.68262,3.4476299,3.4243},
  15285. {-13.1953,-8.9586201,3.4243},
  15286. {-8.8085899,-0.443481,0.40122601},
  15287. {-12.1328,-0.149414,0.42429799},
  15288. {-2.0341799,6.61414,-5.55933},
  15289. {0.23925801,1.72278,-5.59793},
  15290. {6.2246099,-3.948,-4.6182499},
  15291. {-6.3935499,-8.2435303,-5.5954099},
  15292. {-10.8496,-6.9121099,-5.5657201},
  15293. {-6.77637,-1.73083,-5.5601902}
  15294. };
  15295. };
  15296. class Land_rail_station_big: Office
  15297. {
  15298. lootPos[]=
  15299. {
  15300. {-4.9726601,4.5573702,-5.0443802},
  15301. {0.458496,4.8522902,-5.0443802},
  15302. {2.4624,2.2185099,-5.0443802},
  15303. {-1.32373,-2.60571,-5.0443802},
  15304. {-3.29443,-0.121826,-5.0443802},
  15305. {-1.0776401,2.3664601,-5.0443802},
  15306. {7.4604502,-3.4152801,-5.0443802},
  15307. {8.9340801,3.1189001,-5.0443802},
  15308. {-8.1635704,-5.1284199,-5.0443802}
  15309. };
  15310. };
  15311. class Land_Ind_Vysypka: Industrial
  15312. {
  15313. lootPos[]=
  15314. {
  15315. {0.48608401,4.9545898,-4.9686098},
  15316. {1.08032,-0.40673801,-4.9680099},
  15317. {-0.035400402,-10.8208,-4.9668598},
  15318. {-5.0778799,-16.4624,-4.9675899},
  15319. {-6.3029799,2.9296899,-4.96838},
  15320. {-6.26685,26.7349,-4.9772},
  15321. {1.64697,23.403799,-4.9709702},
  15322. {7.14575,3.9252901,-4.9697199},
  15323. {4.6359901,-12.1621,-4.9697099}
  15324. };
  15325. };
  15326. class Land_A_MunicipalOffice: Residential
  15327. {
  15328. zombieChance=0;
  15329. minRoaming=3;
  15330. maxRoaming=9;
  15331. zombieClass[]=
  15332. {
  15333. "z_soldier",
  15334. "z_soldier_heavy",
  15335. "z_policeman"
  15336. };
  15337. lootChance=0.40000001;
  15338. lootPos[]=
  15339. {
  15340. {-4.66113,-6.2717299,-18.429001},
  15341. {3.3164101,-5.7741699,-18.429001},
  15342. {-0.20751999,-6.4868202,-18.429001},
  15343. {-9.7241201,-4.8874502,-3.7890301},
  15344. {-9.5781298,3.55615,-3.7890301},
  15345. {-7.1679702,11.0737,-3.7890301},
  15346. {5.0742202,11.1838,-3.7890301},
  15347. {9.3207998,5.38623,-3.7890301},
  15348. {9.6533203,-4.82056,-3.7890301},
  15349. {3.2353499,-0.105957,-0.169027},
  15350. {4.8520498,-3.6901901,-0.169027},
  15351. {-0.80127001,-7.8908701,-0.169027},
  15352. {-4.4081998,-4.9177198,-0.169027},
  15353. {-4.9077101,-2.2316899,-0.169027}
  15354. };
  15355. };
  15356. class Land_A_Office01: Office
  15357. {
  15358. lootPos[]=
  15359. {
  15360. {-2.5039101,-2.46948,-4.5279999},
  15361. {4.2353501,-0.336914,-4.5279999},
  15362. {4.11133,6.1122999,-4.5279999},
  15363. {0.24218801,6.0629902,-4.5279999},
  15364. {4.3164101,3.7402301,-4.5279999},
  15365. {5.08887,0.21972699,-4.5279999},
  15366. {11.6504,-1.5647,-4.5279999},
  15367. {14.5811,-4.1122999,-4.5279999},
  15368. {13.8545,-0.74902302,-4.5279999},
  15369. {-7.7627001,5.5908198,-4.5279999},
  15370. {1.81152,0.99340802,-2.0280001},
  15371. {4.9316401,4.3198199,-2.0280001},
  15372. {1.18945,6.0703101,-2.0280001},
  15373. {2.2314501,3.76563,-2.0280001},
  15374. {-4.76367,-2.5122099,-2.0280001},
  15375. {-14.5596,-3.4072299,-2.0280001},
  15376. {-15.2705,5.9277301,-2.0280001},
  15377. {-10.9063,6.04175,0.47200799},
  15378. {-6.30762,3.3007801,0.47200599},
  15379. {7.6416001,6.38696,0.47200099},
  15380. {13.6729,6.5956998,0.47199899},
  15381. {13.1924,-2.58691,0.47199801},
  15382. {3.0918,2.4375,6.2049098},
  15383. {-1.4570301,-2.28369,6.2049098},
  15384. {-2.12988,4.5158701,0.47200501},
  15385. {4.7441401,-4.6015601,-2.0148599},
  15386. {8.3457003,-1.10718,-2.0280001},
  15387. {9.9472704,-3.7414601,-2.0280001},
  15388. {7.13867,-2.5073199,-2.0280001},
  15389. {12.8701,4.7092299,-2.0280001},
  15390. {15.3721,3.42383,-2.0280001}
  15391. };
  15392. };
  15393. class Land_A_Office02: Office
  15394. {
  15395. lootPos[]=
  15396. {
  15397. {4.7226601,-5.74121,-8.1510801},
  15398. {0.96142602,-5.1694298,-8.1507597}
  15399. };
  15400. };
  15401. class Land_A_BuildingWIP: Factory
  15402. {
  15403. lootChance=0.40000001;
  15404. lootPos[]=
  15405. {
  15406. {-4.62573,4.5234399,-6.4526801},
  15407. {-12.6377,0.49414101,-6.4924202},
  15408. {-14.6023,-8.6284199,-6.4996099},
  15409. {-16.0005,-9.8095703,-6.50423},
  15410. {-15.5627,-5.1772499,-6.5052299},
  15411. {0.94458002,-2.30371,-6.4304299},
  15412. {7.28125,3.2089801,-6.4404202},
  15413. {9.7570801,10.1138,-6.4082699},
  15414. {14.771,7.2968798,-6.47756},
  15415. {15.4504,-0.31494099,-6.5297899},
  15416. {20.4895,2.3183601,-4.5257101},
  15417. {17.3123,-3.1001,-2.5329101},
  15418. {10.707,-6.5161099,-2.5325501},
  15419. {2.2253399,-9.2158203,-2.5339999},
  15420. {-8.9194298,-7.1889601,-2.5331299},
  15421. {-16.3179,-8.3564501,-2.5335701},
  15422. {-21.3064,-6.7915001,-2.5318201},
  15423. {-21.601801,-1.79541,-2.5318201},
  15424. {-17.580799,6.14746,-2.5318201},
  15425. {-23.198,8.4472704,-2.5318201},
  15426. {-17.1973,9.5859404,-2.5318201},
  15427. {-4.9902301,9.8095703,-2.5318201},
  15428. {14.0872,7.4409199,-2.5267601},
  15429. {10.5796,-6.8491201,1.48116},
  15430. {-3.19116,-2.4946301,1.49403},
  15431. {-13.8186,3.9897499,1.4982899},
  15432. {-15.9502,-6.17383,1.4880199},
  15433. {-20.699699,-16.976101,1.50282},
  15434. {-15.415,-13.3901,5.4668298}
  15435. };
  15436. };
  15437. class Land_Church_01: Church
  15438. {
  15439. lootPos[]=
  15440. {
  15441. {-6.92102,-0.38281301,-4.2133899}
  15442. };
  15443. };
  15444. class Land_Church_03: Church
  15445. {
  15446. lootPos[]=
  15447. {
  15448. {5.1533198,-6.96875,-14.3021},
  15449. {-1.79053,-7.6801801,-14.3021},
  15450. {-0.026367201,-2.98438,-14.3021},
  15451. {-0.0034179699,2.02246,-14.3021},
  15452. {5.4987798,7.20508,-14.3021},
  15453. {5.3889198,3.4043,-14.3021},
  15454. {3.2365699,2.76074,-14.3021},
  15455. {-1.51001,7.6630902,-14.3021},
  15456. {-7.6416001,4.8125,-14.3021},
  15457. {-6.5659199,-4.59131,-14.3021},
  15458. {9.552,2.22363,-13.7588},
  15459. {9.93262,-3.85254,-13.7588}
  15460. };
  15461. hangPos[]=
  15462. {
  15463. {1.72168,-8.3977098,-0.17256901},
  15464. {2.0883801,-14.4236,-0.27535999},
  15465. {-13.7158,-10.4808,-0.795174},
  15466. {-12.9072,-16.4105,-0.89506501}
  15467. };
  15468. };
  15469. class Land_Church_02: Church
  15470. {
  15471. lootPos[]={};
  15472. maxRoaming=2;
  15473. };
  15474. class Land_Church_02a: Church
  15475. {
  15476. lootPos[]={};
  15477. maxRoaming=2;
  15478. };
  15479. class Land_Church_05R: Church
  15480. {
  15481. lootPos[]={};
  15482. maxRoaming=2;
  15483. };
  15484. class Land_Mil_Barracks_i: MilitarySpecial
  15485. {
  15486. lootPos[]=
  15487. {
  15488. {5.3903799,-1.75684,-1.09824},
  15489. {1.46753,-0.131836,-1.09824},
  15490. {1.29395,-2.1621101,-1.09824},
  15491. {-1.78394,-0.168945,-1.09824},
  15492. {-1.80615,-1.97656,-1.09824},
  15493. {-4.77881,0.048828099,-1.09824},
  15494. {-5.39258,-2.11816,-1.09824},
  15495. {-5.4704599,2.5810499,-1.09824},
  15496. {-8.3259296,-0.144531,-1.09824},
  15497. {-9.1496601,-2.5585899,-1.09824},
  15498. {-1.95288,2.5771501,-1.09824},
  15499. {5.4636202,2.57813,-1.09824}
  15500. };
  15501. };
  15502. class Land_A_TVTower_Base: Industrial
  15503. {
  15504. lootPos[]=
  15505. {
  15506. {-0.98242199,-1.92627,-2.21573},
  15507. {-2.0178199,-4.2417002,-2.2191801},
  15508. {-0.75927699,1.4213901,-2.21573}
  15509. };
  15510. };
  15511. class Land_Mil_House: Military
  15512. {
  15513. vehPos[]=
  15514. {
  15515. {13.439,3.25244,-5.71244,84}
  15516. };
  15517. lootPos[]=
  15518. {
  15519. {12.457,1.4248,-5.8143902},
  15520. {11.0391,4.8527799,-5.8143902},
  15521. {13.667,4.4213901,-5.8143902}
  15522. };
  15523. };
  15524. class Land_Misc_Cargo1Ao: Industrial
  15525. {
  15526. lootPos[]=
  15527. {
  15528. {0.48877001,-1.61377,-1.09224},
  15529. {0.012207,2.1926301,-1.09224},
  15530. {0.0097656297,0.19043,-1.09224}
  15531. };
  15532. };
  15533. class Land_Misc_Cargo1Bo: Industrial
  15534. {
  15535. lootPos[]=
  15536. {
  15537. {-0.32202101,1.68555,-1.0922199},
  15538. {0.54858398,-1.96289,-1.0922199},
  15539. {0.223389,-0.58007801,-1.0922199}
  15540. };
  15541. };
  15542. class Land_Nav_Boathouse: Industrial
  15543. {
  15544. lootPos[]=
  15545. {
  15546. {5.2758799,5.5195298,3.9203},
  15547. {5.4960899,0.106445,4.1940799},
  15548. {1.68945,7.5166001,3.80288},
  15549. {-5.03613,6.1914101,3.9109299},
  15550. {-5.6303701,-1.27246,4.4148102},
  15551. {-6.9877901,5.5244098,3.9814},
  15552. {-2.9223599,9.2002001,3.73014},
  15553. {6.9946299,7.8085899,3.8066299},
  15554. {7.0034199,-2.0742199,4.3192902}
  15555. };
  15556. };
  15557. class Land_ruin_01: Residential
  15558. {
  15559. lootPos[]=
  15560. {
  15561. {-4.3193402,-0.115234,-1.45578},
  15562. {3.41309,0.27050799,-1.71365},
  15563. {3.0029299,3.4277301,-1.55765},
  15564. {0.62207001,-1.73779,-1.4904799}
  15565. };
  15566. };
  15567. class Land_wagon_box: Industrial
  15568. {
  15569. lootPos[]=
  15570. {
  15571. {0.54296899,-3.8945301,-0.77667898},
  15572. {0.47997999,-0.60839802,-0.77663797},
  15573. {0.51538098,3.0385699,-0.77659202}
  15574. };
  15575. };
  15576. class Land_HouseV2_04_interier: Residential
  15577. {
  15578. lootPos[]=
  15579. {
  15580. {7.4946299,5.8374,-5.7390199},
  15581. {7.5098901,-0.93017602,-5.7417598},
  15582. {1.95532,4.1640601,-5.7393799},
  15583. {2.1087601,6.6064501,-5.7385998},
  15584. {-2.3001699,4.2246099,-5.7393599},
  15585. {-5.13306,6.74365,-5.7385602},
  15586. {-4.7465801,2.6845701,-5.73985}
  15587. };
  15588. };
  15589. class Land_HouseV2_01A: Residential
  15590. {
  15591. lootPos[]=
  15592. {
  15593. {-3.52881,-3.1689501,-5.6034598},
  15594. {-1.62988,-3.25439,-5.66887}
  15595. };
  15596. };
  15597. class Land_psi_bouda: Residential
  15598. {
  15599. maxRoaming=4;
  15600. lootPos[]=
  15601. {
  15602. {-1.77002,-1.45166,1.95942}
  15603. };
  15604. };
  15605. class Land_KBud: Residential
  15606. {
  15607. zombieChance=0;
  15608. maxRoaming=0;
  15609. lootPos[]=
  15610. {
  15611. {-0.017089801,0.0114746,-0.66367}
  15612. };
  15613. };
  15614. class Land_A_Castle_Bergfrit: Residential
  15615. {
  15616. lootPos[]=
  15617. {
  15618. {0.018554701,1.91602,-2.8364},
  15619. {1.1914099,-1.43848,-2.8364},
  15620. {-2.36816,3.3227501,-0.62857097},
  15621. {2.36133,3.8676801,1.83972},
  15622. {2.48438,-3.20557,3.8554101},
  15623. {-2.0947299,-3.44873,6.3190298},
  15624. {-1.15918,3.13867,8.7669096},
  15625. {1.74707,1.26807,8.7669096},
  15626. {-0.540039,-2.35254,8.7669096},
  15627. {-1.62207,-4.2797899,13.4801},
  15628. {-2.2304699,4.8247099,16.856001},
  15629. {1.6757801,-0.82519501,16.8505}
  15630. };
  15631. };
  15632. class Land_A_Castle_Stairs_A: Residential
  15633. {
  15634. lootPos[]=
  15635. {
  15636. {0.69799799,-1.79395,0.72692901},
  15637. {8.3937998,0.890625,0.87512201},
  15638. {8.1726103,1.48926,7.0258799}
  15639. };
  15640. };
  15641. class Land_A_Castle_Gate: Residential
  15642. {
  15643. lootChance=0.60000002;
  15644. lootPos[]=
  15645. {
  15646. {0.244141,-4.4848599,-3.14362},
  15647. {-1.25293,2.9877901,-3.0702801},
  15648. {4.5068402,-3.3115201,-2.9488499},
  15649. {4.5517602,3.2983401,-2.94858},
  15650. {7.9482398,1.4082,-2.9100299}
  15651. };
  15652. };
  15653. class Land_Mil_Barracks: Military
  15654. {
  15655. lootPos[]={};
  15656. };
  15657. class Land_Mil_Barracks_L: Military
  15658. {
  15659. lootPos[]={};
  15660. };
  15661. class Land_Barn_W_02: Farm
  15662. {
  15663. lootPos[]=
  15664. {
  15665. {3.16504,5.5654302,-2.31409},
  15666. {3.35938,-0.152344,-2.31305},
  15667. {2.53613,-5.8945298,-2.3095701},
  15668. {-2.94629,-5.01367,-2.31006},
  15669. {-2.84375,0.212891,-2.31183},
  15670. {-5.6328101,4.8291001,-2.3136301}
  15671. };
  15672. };
  15673. class Land_sara_domek_zluty: Residential
  15674. {
  15675. maxRoaming=1;
  15676. lootPos[]=
  15677. {
  15678. {2.9570301,3.0073199,-2.4337001},
  15679. {7.06738,2.95557,-2.4337001},
  15680. {6.36304,-0.23632801,-2.4337499},
  15681. {0.62768602,-0.586914,-2.4338701},
  15682. {-0.65991199,2.05371,-2.4337001},
  15683. {-2.7751501,0.75195301,-2.4337201},
  15684. {-5.0766602,3.04492,-2.43361},
  15685. {-6.1713901,-2.33691,-2.43382},
  15686. {-3.7529299,-3.54688,-2.43382}
  15687. };
  15688. };
  15689. class Land_HouseV_3I4: Residential
  15690. {
  15691. maxRoaming=3;
  15692. lootPos[]={};
  15693. };
  15694. class Land_Shed_W4: Residential
  15695. {
  15696. maxRoaming=3;
  15697. lootPos[]={};
  15698. };
  15699. class Land_HouseV_3I1: Residential
  15700. {
  15701. maxRoaming=3;
  15702. lootPos[]={};
  15703. };
  15704. class Land_HouseV_1L2: Residential
  15705. {
  15706. maxRoaming=3;
  15707. lootPos[]={};
  15708. };
  15709. class Land_HouseV_1T: Residential
  15710. {
  15711. maxRoaming=3;
  15712. lootPos[]={};
  15713. };
  15714. class Land_telek1: Industrial
  15715. {
  15716. maxRoaming=3;
  15717. lootPos[]={};
  15718. };
  15719. class Land_Rail_House_01: Industrial
  15720. {
  15721. lootPos[]=
  15722. {
  15723. {2.8115201,3.61426,-1.28266},
  15724. {-1.82178,3.1054699,-1.28266},
  15725. {0.487793,3.38867,-1.28266}
  15726. };
  15727. };
  15728. class Land_HouseV_2I: Default
  15729. {
  15730. maxRoaming=3;
  15731. lootPos[]={};
  15732. };
  15733. class Land_Misc_deerstand: Hunting
  15734. {
  15735. zombieChance=0.30000001;
  15736. lootChance=0.44999999;
  15737. maxRoaming=3;
  15738. lootPos[]=
  15739. {
  15740. {-0.92382801,-0.80859399,1.08539},
  15741. {0.41992199,-0.237305,1.08539}
  15742. };
  15743. };
  15744. class Camp: Military
  15745. {
  15746. maxRoaming=1;
  15747. lootPos[]=
  15748. {
  15749. {0.83325201,-1.52246,-1.15955},
  15750. {0.38501,0.96386701,-1.15955}
  15751. };
  15752. };
  15753. class CampEast: Military
  15754. {
  15755. maxRoaming=1;
  15756. lootPos[]=
  15757. {
  15758. {-1.05713,-1.80762,-1.31049},
  15759. {0.62744099,1.83398,-1.31049}
  15760. };
  15761. };
  15762. class CampEast_EP1: Military
  15763. {
  15764. maxRoaming=1;
  15765. lootPos[]=
  15766. {
  15767. {-0.67089802,0.95459002,-1.31049},
  15768. {1.68506,-2.43384,-1.31049},
  15769. {-1.76318,-1.62646,-1.31049}
  15770. };
  15771. };
  15772. class MASH: Hospital
  15773. {
  15774. maxRoaming=1;
  15775. lootChance=0.40000001;
  15776. lootPos[]=
  15777. {
  15778. {1.18213,-1.65039,-1.17793},
  15779. {0.24707,0.79931599,-1.17803}
  15780. };
  15781. };
  15782. class MASH_EP1: MASH
  15783. {
  15784. };
  15785. class HooeyC_RX: Military
  15786. {
  15787. zombieClass[]=
  15788. {
  15789. "z_soldier_pilot",
  15790. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15791. };
  15792. zombieChance=0;
  15793. lootChance=0;
  15794. minRoaming=4;
  15795. maxRoaming=8;
  15796. lootPos[]={};
  15797. };
  15798. class LilBC_RX: Military
  15799. {
  15800. zombieClass[]=
  15801. {
  15802. "z_soldier_pilot",
  15803. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15804. };
  15805. zombieChance=0;
  15806. lootChance=0;
  15807. minRoaming=2;
  15808. maxRoaming=3;
  15809. lootPos[]={};
  15810. };
  15811. class BHC_RX: Military
  15812. {
  15813. zombieClass[]=
  15814. {
  15815. "z_soldier_pilot",
  15816. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15817. };
  15818. zombieChance=0;
  15819. lootChance=0;
  15820. minRoaming=5;
  15821. maxRoaming=10;
  15822. lootPos[]={};
  15823. };
  15824. class MyAteC_RX: Military
  15825. {
  15826. zombieClass[]=
  15827. {
  15828. "z_soldier_pilot",
  15829. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15830. };
  15831. zombieChance=0;
  15832. lootChance=0;
  15833. minRoaming=4;
  15834. maxRoaming=8;
  15835. lootPos[]={};
  15836. };
  15837. class BlimpTooC_RX: Military
  15838. {
  15839. zombieClass[]=
  15840. {
  15841. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15842. };
  15843. zombieChance=0;
  15844. lootChance=0;
  15845. minRoaming=3;
  15846. maxRoaming=6;
  15847. lootPos[]={};
  15848. };
  15849. class HumC_RX: Military
  15850. {
  15851. zombieClass[]=
  15852. {
  15853. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15854. };
  15855. zombieChance=0;
  15856. lootChance=0;
  15857. minRoaming=3;
  15858. maxRoaming=6;
  15859. lootPos[]={};
  15860. };
  15861. class USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital: MASH
  15862. {
  15863. minRoaming=1;
  15864. maxRoaming=3;
  15865. zombieClass[]=
  15866. {
  15867. "z_soldier",
  15868. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15869. };
  15870. lootPos[]=
  15871. {
  15872. {-3.52246,-5.03931,1.14726},
  15873. {2.36621,-4.5229502,1.1478601},
  15874. {1.39063,-0.423096,1.14746},
  15875. {1.14258,5.0095201,1.1478},
  15876. {3.7124,1.8979501,1.14788}
  15877. };
  15878. };
  15879. class Klen_USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital: USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital
  15880. {
  15881. zombieClass[]={};
  15882. zombieChance=0;
  15883. minRoaming=0;
  15884. maxRoaming=0;
  15885. lootChance=0.34999999;
  15886. };
  15887. class SeaOneDirty_RX: MilitarySpecial
  15888. {
  15889. zombieClass[]=
  15890. {
  15891. "z_soldier_pilot",
  15892. "z_soldier_heavy"
  15893. };
  15894. zombieChance=0;
  15895. minRoaming=5;
  15896. maxRoaming=10;
  15897. lootPos[]=
  15898. {
  15899. {-1.13477,-17.566401,-4.85953},
  15900. {0.75,-17.0322,-5.0478201},
  15901. {-0.211914,-12.9463,-4.7898598},
  15902. {-0.17285199,-10.0098,-4.6838698},
  15903. {-0.30468801,-5.2158198,-4.7463398},
  15904. {1.16,-20.375999,-5.41324}
  15905. };
  15906. };
  15907. class Klen_Fort_Barracks_USMC: Military
  15908. {
  15909. zombieClass[]={};
  15910. zombieChance=0;
  15911. minRoaming=0;
  15912. maxRoaming=0;
  15913. lootChance=0.30000001;
  15914. lootPos[]=
  15915. {
  15916. {1.02637,-0.66552699,1.0943},
  15917. {1.03223,-3.3808601,1.09433},
  15918. {5.70996,-4.4126,1.00467}
  15919. };
  15920. };
  15921. class Land_Ind_Shed_02_main: Default
  15922. {
  15923. zombieChance=0;
  15924. maxRoaming=3;
  15925. };
  15926. class HouseRoaming: Residential
  15927. {
  15928. lootChance=0;
  15929. zombieChance=0;
  15930. maxRoaming=2;
  15931. };
  15932. class FarmRoaming: Farm
  15933. {
  15934. lootChance=0;
  15935. zombieChance=0;
  15936. maxRoaming=2;
  15937. };
  15938. class Land_Shed_W03: HouseRoaming
  15939. {
  15940. };
  15941. class Land_HouseV_1I3: HouseRoaming
  15942. {
  15943. };
  15944. class Land_HouseV_1L1: HouseRoaming
  15945. {
  15946. };
  15947. class Land_HouseV_1I2: HouseRoaming
  15948. {
  15949. };
  15950. class Land_HouseV_2L: HouseRoaming
  15951. {
  15952. };
  15953. class Land_HouseV_2T1: HouseRoaming
  15954. {
  15955. };
  15956. class Land_houseV_2T2: HouseRoaming
  15957. {
  15958. };
  15959. class Land_HouseV_3I2: HouseRoaming
  15960. {
  15961. };
  15962. class Land_HouseV_3I3: HouseRoaming
  15963. {
  15964. };
  15965. class Land_HouseBlock_A1: HouseRoaming
  15966. {
  15967. };
  15968. class Land_HouseBlock_A1_2: HouseRoaming
  15969. {
  15970. };
  15971. class Land_HouseBlock_A2: HouseRoaming
  15972. {
  15973. };
  15974. class Land_HouseBlock_A2_1: HouseRoaming
  15975. {
  15976. };
  15977. class Land_HouseBlock_A3: HouseRoaming
  15978. {
  15979. };
  15980. class Land_HouseBlock_B1: HouseRoaming
  15981. {
  15982. };
  15983. class Land_HouseBlock_B2: HouseRoaming
  15984. {
  15985. };
  15986. class Land_HouseBlock_B3: HouseRoaming
  15987. {
  15988. };
  15989. class Land_HouseBlock_B4: HouseRoaming
  15990. {
  15991. };
  15992. class Land_HouseBlock_B5: HouseRoaming
  15993. {
  15994. };
  15995. class Land_HouseBlock_B6: HouseRoaming
  15996. {
  15997. };
  15998. class Land_HouseBlock_C1: HouseRoaming
  15999. {
  16000. };
  16001. class Land_HouseBlock_C2: HouseRoaming
  16002. {
  16003. };
  16004. class Land_HouseBlock_C3: HouseRoaming
  16005. {
  16006. };
  16007. class Land_HouseBlock_C4: HouseRoaming
  16008. {
  16009. };
  16010. class Land_HouseBlock_C5: HouseRoaming
  16011. {
  16012. };
  16013. class Land_HouseV2_01B: HouseRoaming
  16014. {
  16015. };
  16016. class Land_Misc_Cargo1D: HouseRoaming
  16017. {
  16018. };
  16019. class Land_HouseV2_03: HouseRoaming
  16020. {
  16021. };
  16022. class Land_Ind_Shed_01_end: HouseRoaming
  16023. {
  16024. };
  16025. class Land_A_statue01: HouseRoaming
  16026. {
  16027. zombieClass[]=
  16028. {
  16029. "zZambie_Base",
  16030. "zZambie_Base",
  16031. "z_teacher",
  16032. "z_suit1",
  16033. "z_suit2",
  16034. "z_soldier",
  16035. "z_soldier_heavy",
  16036. "z_policeman"
  16037. };
  16038. minRoaming=2;
  16039. maxRoaming=8;
  16040. };
  16041. class Land_Shed_W02: FarmRoaming
  16042. {
  16043. };
  16044. class Grave: HouseRoaming
  16045. {
  16046. maxRoaming=3;
  16047. };
  16048. class GraveCross1: HouseRoaming
  16049. {
  16050. maxRoaming=2;
  16051. };
  16052. class GraveCross2: HouseRoaming
  16053. {
  16054. maxRoaming=2;
  16055. };
  16056. class GraveCrossHelmet: Military
  16057. {
  16058. maxRoaming=4;
  16059. };
  16060. };
  16061. class CfgChernarusRedux
  16062. {
  16063. class AntiExploit
  16064. {
  16065. buildings=8;
  16066. class Object0
  16067. {
  16068. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16069. position[]={10527.229,2272.0225,9.726656};
  16070. direction=53.1647;
  16071. onFire=0;
  16072. };
  16073. class Object1
  16074. {
  16075. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16076. position[]={10525.773,2273.9651,9.7258101};
  16077. direction=53.1647;
  16078. onFire=0;
  16079. };
  16080. class Object2
  16081. {
  16082. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16083. position[]={6803.8755,2689.9001,9.7480316};
  16084. direction=131.95267;
  16085. onFire=0;
  16086. };
  16087. class Object3
  16088. {
  16089. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16090. position[]={6805.4976,2691.7065,9.7471867};
  16091. direction=131.95267;
  16092. onFire=0;
  16093. };
  16094. class Object4
  16095. {
  16096. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16097. position[]={6427.0928,2747.7019,9.7039824};
  16098. direction=38.526897;
  16099. onFire=0;
  16100. };
  16101. class Object5
  16102. {
  16103. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16104. position[]={6425.1768,2749.1934,9.7104816};
  16105. direction=37.935932;
  16106. onFire=0;
  16107. };
  16108. class Object6
  16109. {
  16110. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16111. position[]={11943.836,9107.5977,9.6667109};
  16112. direction=130.99178;
  16113. onFire=0;
  16114. };
  16115. class Object7
  16116. {
  16117. type="Concrete_Wall_EP1";
  16118. position[]={11945.41,9109.4355,9.6723528};
  16119. direction=131.09962;
  16120. onFire=0;
  16121. };
  16122. };
  16123. class NEAF
  16124. {
  16125. buildings=7;
  16126. class Object0
  16127. {
  16128. type="Land_Hlidac_budka";
  16129. position[]={12272.317,12561.488,0.15740329};
  16130. direction=200.02344;
  16131. onFire=0;
  16132. noTilt=1;
  16133. };
  16134. class Object1
  16135. {
  16136. type="Land_Mil_House";
  16137. position[]={12056.794,12782.481,0.24154176};
  16138. direction=-159.58997;
  16139. onFire=0;
  16140. noTilt=1;
  16141. };
  16142. class Object2
  16143. {
  16144. type="MASH_EP1";
  16145. position[]={12226.781,12585.786,-0.013550611};
  16146. direction=23.865517;
  16147. onFire=0;
  16148. noTilt=1;
  16149. };
  16150. class Object3
  16151. {
  16152. type="Land_Mil_Barracks_i";
  16153. position[]={12176.23,12739.997,0.020691892};
  16154. direction=111.31061;
  16155. onFire=0;
  16156. noTilt=1;
  16157. };
  16158. class Object4
  16159. {
  16160. type="Land_SS_hangar";
  16161. position[]={12302.049,12574.638,0.38168988};
  16162. direction=199.25938;
  16163. onFire=0;
  16164. noTilt=1;
  16165. };
  16166. class Object5
  16167. {
  16168. type="Land_a_stationhouse";
  16169. position[]={12145.026,12748.866,0.099753752};
  16170. direction=20.991638;
  16171. onFire=0;
  16172. noTilt=1;
  16173. };
  16174. class Object6
  16175. {
  16176. type="Land_SS_hangar";
  16177. position[]={12379.273,12545.46,1.5258789e-005};
  16178. direction=199.25938;
  16179. onFire=0;
  16180. noTilt=1;
  16181. };
  16182. };
  16183. class ThreeRivers
  16184. {
  16185. buildings=4;
  16186. class Object0
  16187. {
  16188. type="Land_kulna";
  16189. position[]={13338.021,5462.6382,0.18255684};
  16190. direction=1.3382521;
  16191. onFire=0;
  16192. noTilt=1;
  16193. };
  16194. class Object1
  16195. {
  16196. type="Land_Shed_W01";
  16197. position[]={13349.646,5464.3491,-4.7683716e-006};
  16198. direction=0.20957819;
  16199. onFire=0;
  16200. noTilt=1;
  16201. };
  16202. class Object2
  16203. {
  16204. type="Land_Rail_House_01";
  16205. position[]={13356.57,5405.0361,-3.8146973e-006};
  16206. direction=88.515503;
  16207. onFire=0;
  16208. noTilt=1;
  16209. };
  16210. class Object3
  16211. {
  16212. type="Land_HouseV_1I1";
  16213. position[]={13352.331,5476.813,0.70312637};
  16214. direction=180.15427;
  16215. onFire=0;
  16216. noTilt=1;
  16217. };
  16218. };
  16219. class Kamenka
  16220. {
  16221. buildings=12;
  16222. class Object0
  16223. {
  16224. type="Land_HouseV2_04_interier";
  16225. position[]={1685.1271,2226.8096,0.0054663019};
  16226. direction=379.9054;
  16227. onFire=0;
  16228. noTilt=1;
  16229. };
  16230. class Object1
  16231. {
  16232. type="Land_HouseV2_02_Interier";
  16233. position[]={1692.6708,2191.7485,0.061768498};
  16234. direction=-161.31595;
  16235. onFire=0;
  16236. noTilt=1;
  16237. };
  16238. class Object2
  16239. {
  16240. type="Land_Barn_W_02";
  16241. position[]={1741.0625,2381.1526,-0.028625099};
  16242. direction=-90.327469;
  16243. onFire=0;
  16244. noTilt=1;
  16245. };
  16246. class Object3
  16247. {
  16248. type="Land_Barn_W_01";
  16249. position[]={1731.7255,2353.2876,0.12459792};
  16250. direction=-102.26754;
  16251. onFire=0;
  16252. noTilt=1;
  16253. };
  16254. class Object4
  16255. {
  16256. type="Land_Shed_Ind02";
  16257. position[]={1829.5992,2122.634,0.27117249};
  16258. direction=-20.201952;
  16259. onFire=0;
  16260. noTilt=1;
  16261. };
  16262. class Object5
  16263. {
  16264. type="Land_Hangar_2";
  16265. position[]={1827.6089,2061.3687,0.82274479};
  16266. direction=252.33374;
  16267. onFire=0;
  16268. noTilt=1;
  16269. };
  16270. class Object6
  16271. {
  16272. type="Land_rail_station_big";
  16273. position[]={1865.7992,2172.1011,-0.1223555};
  16274. direction=-374.26489;
  16275. onFire=0;
  16276. noTilt=1;
  16277. };
  16278. class Object7
  16279. {
  16280. type="Land_Hangar_2";
  16281. position[]={1948.6863,2126.8062,0.73895651};
  16282. direction=162.2473;
  16283. onFire=0;
  16284. noTilt=1;
  16285. };
  16286. class Object8
  16287. {
  16288. type="Land_Shed_M01_EP1";
  16289. position[]={1947.5253,2146.5593,-0.13898018};
  16290. direction=-558.94318;
  16291. onFire=0;
  16292. noTilt=1;
  16293. };
  16294. class Object9
  16295. {
  16296. type="Land_HouseV2_02_Interier";
  16297. position[]={1824.2853,2294.1689,-0.098212264};
  16298. direction=-161.31595;
  16299. onFire=0;
  16300. noTilt=1;
  16301. };
  16302. class Object10
  16303. {
  16304. type="Land_A_GeneralStore_01";
  16305. position[]={1998.0872,2274.0637,-0.31506118};
  16306. direction=-185.60802;
  16307. onFire=0;
  16308. noTilt=1;
  16309. };
  16310. class Object11
  16311. {
  16312. type="Land_stodola_old_open";
  16313. position[]={1657.1998,2345.1323,0.10961188};
  16314. direction=-73.19854;
  16315. onFire=0;
  16316. noTilt=1;
  16317. };
  16318. };
  16319. class KamenkaWest
  16320. {
  16321. buildings=6;
  16322. class Object0
  16323. {
  16324. type="Land_stodola_old_open";
  16325. position[]={1277.2791,2472.6418,5.2452087e-006};
  16326. direction=112.91479;
  16327. onFire=0;
  16328. noTilt=1;
  16329. };
  16330. class Object1
  16331. {
  16332. type="Land_A_FuelStation_Build";
  16333. position[]={1121.4937,2364.3958,0.018682646};
  16334. direction=-208.98444;
  16335. onFire=0;
  16336. noTilt=1;
  16337. };
  16338. class Object2
  16339. {
  16340. type="Land_Ind_TankSmall2";
  16341. position[]={1117.3778,2362.5317,-0.16952585};
  16342. direction=-118.75862;
  16343. onFire=0;
  16344. noTilt=1;
  16345. };
  16346. class Object3
  16347. {
  16348. type="CampEast_EP1";
  16349. position[]={1089.0657,2621.8931,0.10005677};
  16350. direction=43.429131;
  16351. onFire=0;
  16352. };
  16353. class Object4
  16354. {
  16355. type="CampEast_EP1";
  16356. position[]={1080.9136,2629.2349,0.12312183};
  16357. direction=41.931217;
  16358. onFire=0;
  16359. };
  16360. class Object5
  16361. {
  16362. type="Land_HouseV2_02_Interier";
  16363. position[]={1227.407,2415.665,0.041580822};
  16364. direction=4.3695817;
  16365. onFire=0;
  16366. noTilt=1;
  16367. };
  16368. };
  16369. class WestFactory
  16370. {
  16371. buildings=92;
  16372. class Object0
  16373. {
  16374. type="Land_A_BuildingWIP";
  16375. position[]={3242.9209,7269.0698,0.74423325};
  16376. direction=-1043.1234;
  16377. onFire=0;
  16378. };
  16379. class Object1
  16380. {
  16381. type="Land_Ind_BoardsPack1";
  16382. position[]={3285.4924,7255.6548,6.1035156e-005};
  16383. direction=-590.40466;
  16384. onFire=0;
  16385. };
  16386. class Object2
  16387. {
  16388. type="Land_Ind_BoardsPack2";
  16389. position[]={3216.7024,7243.0786,0.045426279};
  16390. direction=-414.30804;
  16391. onFire=0;
  16392. };
  16393. class Object3
  16394. {
  16395. type="Land_Ind_Workshop01_04";
  16396. position[]={3217.6848,7246.4907,9.1552734e-005};
  16397. direction=-774.16266;
  16398. onFire=0;
  16399. };
  16400. class Object4
  16401. {
  16402. type="Land_ConcreteRamp";
  16403. position[]={3219.637,7269.5405,-2.7684627};
  16404. direction=-414.42734;
  16405. onFire=0;
  16406. };
  16407. class Object5
  16408. {
  16409. type="Land_ConcreteRamp";
  16410. position[]={3217.6555,7258.6455,-2.7320225};
  16411. direction=-504.10168;
  16412. onFire=0;
  16413. };
  16414. class Object6
  16415. {
  16416. type="Land_ConcreteRamp";
  16417. position[]={3235.2283,7248.7046,-2.8853955};
  16418. direction=-502.29541;
  16419. onFire=0;
  16420. };
  16421. class Object7
  16422. {
  16423. type="Land_ConcreteRamp";
  16424. position[]={3255.7988,7246.7837,-3.0022984};
  16425. direction=-503.00659;
  16426. onFire=0;
  16427. };
  16428. class Object8
  16429. {
  16430. type="Land_ConcreteRamp";
  16431. position[]={3266.0979,7244.9614,-3.0332024};
  16432. direction=-592.82355;
  16433. onFire=0;
  16434. };
  16435. class Object9
  16436. {
  16437. type="Land_ConcreteBlock";
  16438. position[]={3232.0549,7257.8867,-0.74379164};
  16439. direction=-683.03259;
  16440. onFire=0;
  16441. };
  16442. class Object10
  16443. {
  16444. type="Land_ConcreteBlock";
  16445. position[]={3238.9116,7252.7397,-0.75811642};
  16446. direction=-682.38037;
  16447. onFire=0;
  16448. };
  16449. class Object11
  16450. {
  16451. type="Land_ConcreteBlock";
  16452. position[]={3245.9341,7247.4429,-0.78202003};
  16453. direction=-683.44556;
  16454. onFire=0;
  16455. };
  16456. class Object12
  16457. {
  16458. type="RampConcrete";
  16459. position[]={3253.7041,7242.7427,-0.63055247};
  16460. direction=-594.41644;
  16461. onFire=0;
  16462. };
  16463. class Object13
  16464. {
  16465. type="RampConcrete";
  16466. position[]={3253.4363,7242.3857,-0.63667494};
  16467. direction=-594.41644;
  16468. onFire=0;
  16469. };
  16470. class Object14
  16471. {
  16472. type="Land_Misc_Scaffolding";
  16473. position[]={3229.8384,7286.688,0.018902494};
  16474. direction=-683.0899;
  16475. onFire=0;
  16476. };
  16477. class Object15
  16478. {
  16479. type="Land_Misc_Scaffolding";
  16480. position[]={3268.1204,7261.1416,0.00012207031};
  16481. direction=-863.51868;
  16482. onFire=0;
  16483. };
  16484. class Object16
  16485. {
  16486. type="Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1";
  16487. position[]={3243.3582,7244.9697,6.1035156e-005};
  16488. direction=-682.8855;
  16489. onFire=0;
  16490. };
  16491. class Object17
  16492. {
  16493. type="Land_Ind_Timbers";
  16494. position[]={3257.5828,7287.0781,0.00015258789};
  16495. direction=-549.94739;
  16496. onFire=0;
  16497. };
  16498. class Object18
  16499. {
  16500. type="Paleta2";
  16501. position[]={3261.9365,7278.3608,6.1035156e-005};
  16502. direction=-549.94739;
  16503. onFire=0;
  16504. };
  16505. class Object19
  16506. {
  16507. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16508. position[]={3275.24,7257.2842,0};
  16509. direction=-603.44836;
  16510. onFire=0;
  16511. };
  16512. class Object20
  16513. {
  16514. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16515. position[]={3240.1191,7288.9028,9.1552734e-005};
  16516. direction=-503.05469;
  16517. onFire=0;
  16518. };
  16519. class Object21
  16520. {
  16521. type="Land_Toilet";
  16522. position[]={3267.8799,7236.9951,3.0517578e-005};
  16523. direction=-951.68262;
  16524. onFire=0;
  16525. };
  16526. class Object22
  16527. {
  16528. type="Land_Ind_Workshop01_04";
  16529. position[]={3281.2827,7248.0449,0};
  16530. direction=-682.48663;
  16531. onFire=0;
  16532. };
  16533. class Object23
  16534. {
  16535. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16536. position[]={3270.2988,7277.4912,0};
  16537. direction=-549.94739;
  16538. onFire=0;
  16539. };
  16540. class Object24
  16541. {
  16542. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16543. position[]={3245.5366,7294.4404,0};
  16544. direction=-514.2262;
  16545. onFire=0;
  16546. };
  16547. class Object25
  16548. {
  16549. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16550. position[]={3213.9009,7274.5137,0};
  16551. direction=-613.7077;
  16552. onFire=0;
  16553. };
  16554. class Object26
  16555. {
  16556. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16557. position[]={3216.812,7254.7974,0};
  16558. direction=-462.01602;
  16559. onFire=0;
  16560. };
  16561. class Object27
  16562. {
  16563. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16564. position[]={3225.9358,7294.9541,0};
  16565. direction=-456.70459;
  16566. onFire=0;
  16567. };
  16568. class Object28
  16569. {
  16570. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16571. position[]={3250.0137,7236.6621,0};
  16572. direction=-549.94739;
  16573. onFire=0;
  16574. };
  16575. class Object29
  16576. {
  16577. type="Land_Misc_IronPipes_EP1";
  16578. position[]={3273.8416,7237.6372,0};
  16579. direction=-549.94739;
  16580. onFire=0;
  16581. };
  16582. class Object30
  16583. {
  16584. type="Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1";
  16585. position[]={3263.7573,7271.6011,0};
  16586. direction=-549.94739;
  16587. onFire=0;
  16588. };
  16589. class Object31
  16590. {
  16591. type="Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1";
  16592. position[]={3289.3855,7256.9756,0};
  16593. direction=-549.94739;
  16594. onFire=0;
  16595. };
  16596. class Object32
  16597. {
  16598. type="Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1";
  16599. position[]={3210.7607,7247.6929,0};
  16600. direction=-549.94739;
  16601. onFire=0;
  16602. };
  16603. class Object33
  16604. {
  16605. type="Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1";
  16606. position[]={3217.1648,7264.7393,0};
  16607. direction=-549.94739;
  16608. onFire=0;
  16609. };
  16610. class Object34
  16611. {
  16612. type="Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1";
  16613. position[]={3248.4392,7242.3164,0};
  16614. direction=-549.94739;
  16615. onFire=0;
  16616. };
  16617. class Object35
  16618. {
  16619. type="Land_Crates_stack_EP1";
  16620. position[]={3223.4358,7255.3633,0};
  16621. direction=-507.18127;
  16622. onFire=0;
  16623. };
  16624. class Object36
  16625. {
  16626. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16627. position[]={3291.7715,7246.269,0};
  16628. direction=-563.13507;
  16629. onFire=0;
  16630. };
  16631. class Object37
  16632. {
  16633. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16634. position[]={3261.0776,7273.4155,0};
  16635. direction=-502.89575;
  16636. onFire=0;
  16637. };
  16638. class Object38
  16639. {
  16640. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16641. position[]={3230.8728,7254.356,0};
  16642. direction=-503.13528;
  16643. onFire=0;
  16644. };
  16645. class Object39
  16646. {
  16647. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16648. position[]={3220.7048,7235.7642,0};
  16649. direction=-549.94739;
  16650. onFire=0;
  16651. };
  16652. class Object40
  16653. {
  16654. type="Land_Misc_GContainer_Big";
  16655. position[]={3220.6052,7274.5078,0};
  16656. direction=-593.76263;
  16657. onFire=0;
  16658. };
  16659. class Object41
  16660. {
  16661. type="Land_Toilet";
  16662. position[]={3266.6021,7235.3672,0.00015258789};
  16663. direction=-951.68262;
  16664. onFire=0;
  16665. };
  16666. class Object42
  16667. {
  16668. type="Land_Toilet";
  16669. position[]={3265.3669,7233.8247,9.1552734e-005};
  16670. direction=-951.68262;
  16671. onFire=0;
  16672. };
  16673. class Object43
  16674. {
  16675. type="Land_Toilet";
  16676. position[]={3264.2456,7232.2988,0.00021362305};
  16677. direction=-951.68262;
  16678. onFire=0;
  16679. };
  16680. class Object44
  16681. {
  16682. type="Land_Toilet";
  16683. position[]={3263.0378,7230.7397,3.0517578e-005};
  16684. direction=-951.68262;
  16685. onFire=0;
  16686. };
  16687. class Object45
  16688. {
  16689. type="Land_Ind_Timbers";
  16690. position[]={3289.0137,7243.1387,3.0517578e-005};
  16691. direction=-701.01617;
  16692. onFire=0;
  16693. };
  16694. class Object46
  16695. {
  16696. type="Paleta2";
  16697. position[]={3218.9424,7241.813,0.00012207031};
  16698. direction=-549.94739;
  16699. onFire=0;
  16700. };
  16701. class Object47
  16702. {
  16703. type="Paleta2";
  16704. position[]={3209.8979,7253.8066,6.1035156e-005};
  16705. direction=-650.67798;
  16706. onFire=0;
  16707. };
  16708. class Object48
  16709. {
  16710. type="Paleta2";
  16711. position[]={3211.5234,7275.5356,3.0517578e-005};
  16712. direction=-549.94739;
  16713. onFire=0;
  16714. };
  16715. class Object49
  16716. {
  16717. type="Paleta2";
  16718. position[]={3228.0388,7297.7451,6.1035156e-005};
  16719. direction=-582.24438;
  16720. onFire=0;
  16721. };
  16722. class Object50
  16723. {
  16724. type="Paleta2";
  16725. position[]={3236.1287,7292.2017,0.00015258789};
  16726. direction=-560.79407;
  16727. onFire=0;
  16728. };
  16729. class Object51
  16730. {
  16731. type="Paleta2";
  16732. position[]={3266.1431,7231.1133,3.0517578e-005};
  16733. direction=-747.12762;
  16734. onFire=0;
  16735. };
  16736. class Object52
  16737. {
  16738. type="Paleta2";
  16739. position[]={3270.3533,7236.3535,0.00012207031};
  16740. direction=-549.94739;
  16741. onFire=0;
  16742. };
  16743. class Object53
  16744. {
  16745. type="Paleta2";
  16746. position[]={3268.0347,7231.8994,0.00018310547};
  16747. direction=-594.55115;
  16748. onFire=0;
  16749. };
  16750. class Object54
  16751. {
  16752. type="Paleta2";
  16753. position[]={3269.1367,7235.0122,9.1552734e-005};
  16754. direction=-506.81543;
  16755. onFire=0;
  16756. };
  16757. class Object55
  16758. {
  16759. type="Paleta2";
  16760. position[]={3234.0068,7253.1597,0};
  16761. direction=-594.55115;
  16762. onFire=0;
  16763. };
  16764. class Object56
  16765. {
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  16767. position[]={3273.7991,7241.8657,3.0517578e-005};
  16768. direction=-771.82104;
  16769. onFire=0;
  16770. };
  16771. class Object57
  16772. {
  16773. type="Land_Ind_Timbers";
  16774. position[]={3259.459,7293.2402,0.00012207031};
  16775. direction=-570.99988;
  16776. onFire=0;
  16777. };
  16778. class Object58
  16779. {
  16780. type="Misc_TyreHeap";
  16781. position[]={3273.1921,7234.4604,9.1552734e-005};
  16782. direction=-549.94739;
  16783. onFire=0;
  16784. };
  16785. class Object59
  16786. {
  16787. type="Misc_TyreHeap";
  16788. position[]={3267.4556,7228.0767,3.0517578e-005};
  16789. direction=-597.85266;
  16790. onFire=0;
  16791. };
  16792. class Object60
  16793. {
  16794. type="HMMWVWreck";
  16795. position[]={3291.8296,7310.8882,0.00015258789};
  16796. direction=-407.36948;
  16797. onFire=0;
  16798. };
  16799. class Object61
  16800. {
  16801. type="datsun02Wreck";
  16802. position[]={3257.8948,7316.7358,0.00012207031};
  16803. direction=-526.42542;
  16804. onFire=0;
  16805. };
  16806. class Object62
  16807. {
  16808. type="datsun01Wreck";
  16809. position[]={3282.2161,7320.2593,0};
  16810. direction=-899.66724;
  16811. onFire=0;
  16812. };
  16813. class Object63
  16814. {
  16815. type="hiluxWreck";
  16816. position[]={3294.2573,7296.0503,-6.1035156e-005};
  16817. direction=-549.94739;
  16818. onFire=0;
  16819. };
  16820. class Object64
  16821. {
  16822. type="SKODAWreck";
  16823. position[]={3259.1072,7300.9189,0.00030517578};
  16824. direction=-391.04379;
  16825. onFire=0;
  16826. };
  16827. class Object65
  16828. {
  16829. type="UralWreck";
  16830. position[]={3275.1279,7295.688,0.00012207031};
  16831. direction=-678.87933;
  16832. onFire=0;
  16833. };
  16834. class Object66
  16835. {
  16836. type="Land_Fire_barrel_burning";
  16837. position[]={3212.7371,7276.3774,3.0517578e-005};
  16838. direction=-549.94739;
  16839. onFire=0;
  16840. };
  16841. class Object67
  16842. {
  16843. type="Land_Ind_BoardsPack2";
  16844. position[]={3286.2598,7258.3149,0};
  16845. direction=-549.94739;
  16846. onFire=0;
  16847. };
  16848. class Object68
  16849. {
  16850. type="Misc_concrete_High";
  16851. position[]={3241.688,7310.2334,6.1035156e-005};
  16852. direction=-632.84363;
  16853. onFire=0;
  16854. };
  16855. class Object69
  16856. {
  16857. type="Land_Misc_ConcPipeline_EP1";
  16858. position[]={3260.686,7290.2998,0.0070643071};
  16859. direction=-630.04022;
  16860. onFire=0;
  16861. };
  16862. class Object70
  16863. {
  16864. type="Land_transport_crates_EP1";
  16865. position[]={3268.4949,7256.5967,3.0517578e-005};
  16866. direction=-549.94739;
  16867. onFire=0;
  16868. };
  16869. class Object71
  16870. {
  16871. type="UAZWreck";
  16872. position[]={3282.4937,7324.4307,3.0517578e-005};
  16873. direction=-754.06311;
  16874. onFire=0;
  16875. };
  16876. class Object72
  16877. {
  16878. type="Land_transport_crates_EP1";
  16879. position[]={3223.1448,7277.3257,0.00012207031};
  16880. direction=-499.75497;
  16881. onFire=0;
  16882. };
  16883. class Object73
  16884. {
  16885. type="Land_transport_crates_EP1";
  16886. position[]={3240.3438,7247.3223,9.1552734e-005};
  16887. direction=-592.24133;
  16888. onFire=0;
  16889. };
  16890. class Object74
  16891. {
  16892. type="Land_Misc_Coil_EP1";
  16893. position[]={3259.2788,7282.8433,0.0002746582};
  16894. direction=-549.94739;
  16895. onFire=0;
  16896. };
  16897. class Object75
  16898. {
  16899. type="Land_Misc_Coil_EP1";
  16900. position[]={3213.4297,7238.4106,9.1552734e-005};
  16901. direction=-549.94739;
  16902. onFire=0;
  16903. };
  16904. class Object76
  16905. {
  16906. type="Land_Misc_Coil_EP1";
  16907. position[]={3251.9233,7231.4116,3.0517578e-005};
  16908. direction=-549.94739;
  16909. onFire=0;
  16910. };
  16911. class Object77
  16912. {
  16913. type="Land_Misc_ConcPipeline_EP1";
  16914. position[]={3284.1089,7268.4912,6.1035156e-005};
  16915. direction=-574.7207;
  16916. onFire=0;
  16917. };
  16918. class Object78
  16919. {
  16920. type="Land_Misc_ConcPipeline_EP1";
  16921. position[]={3242.8147,7224.4141,3.0517578e-005};
  16922. direction=-662.47681;
  16923. onFire=0;
  16924. };
  16925. class Object79
  16926. {
  16927. type="Misc_concrete_High";
  16928. position[]={3274.8809,7291.1865,9.1552734e-005};
  16929. direction=-585.63568;
  16930. onFire=0;
  16931. };
  16932. class Object80
  16933. {
  16934. type="Misc_concrete_High";
  16935. position[]={3259.9009,7315.353,3.0517578e-005};
  16936. direction=-603.16168;
  16937. onFire=0;
  16938. };
  16939. class Object81
  16940. {
  16941. type="HMMWVWreck";
  16942. position[]={3295.5435,7310.5132,9.1552734e-005};
  16943. direction=-648.96289;
  16944. onFire=0;
  16945. };
  16946. class Object82
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  16948. type="hiluxWreck";
  16949. position[]={3258.6895,7222.4854,9.1552734e-005};
  16950. direction=-625.74854;
  16951. onFire=0;
  16952. };
  16953. class Object83
  16954. {
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  16956. position[]={3257.2629,7221.1421,6.1035156e-005};
  16957. direction=-549.94739;
  16958. onFire=0;
  16959. };
  16960. class Object84
  16961. {
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  16963. position[]={3275.7786,7292.8325,0.00012207031};
  16964. direction=-549.94739;
  16965. onFire=0;
  16966. };
  16967. class Object85
  16968. {
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  16970. position[]={3284.3306,7238.3501,0};
  16971. direction=-563.71973;
  16972. onFire=0;
  16973. };
  16974. class Object86
  16975. {
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  16977. position[]={3237.3145,7299.54,-3.0517578e-005};
  16978. direction=-658.04401;
  16979. onFire=0;
  16980. };
  16981. class Object87
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  16984. position[]={3235.1475,7301.2612,-0.0061340332};
  16985. direction=-617.58655;
  16986. onFire=0;
  16987. };
  16988. class Object88
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  16990. type="Land_Ind_BoardsPack1";
  16991. position[]={3207.1086,7261.5693,6.1035156e-005};
  16992. direction=-579.91553;
  16993. onFire=0;
  16994. };
  16995. class Object89
  16996. {
  16997. type="Land_Ind_BoardsPack2";
  16998. position[]={3203.322,7263.5938,0.074554443};
  16999. direction=-539.45819;
  17000. onFire=0;
  17001. };
  17002. class Object90
  17003. {
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  17005. position[]={3269.4973,7269.0361,-2.7858474};
  17006. direction=-682.58313;
  17007. onFire=0;
  17008. };
  17009. class Object91
  17010. {
  17011. type="Land_Fire_barrel_burning";
  17012. position[]={3242.6812,7271.25,12.939546};
  17013. direction=-549.23401;
  17014. onFire=0;
  17015. };
  17016. };
  17017. class KlenBase
  17018. {
  17019. buildings=255;
  17020. class Object0
  17021. {
  17022. type="Land_HBarrier5";
  17023. position[]={11409.548,11333.713,0};
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  17025. onFire=0;
  17026. };
  17027. class Object1
  17028. {
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  17030. position[]={11414.23,11330.472,9.1552734e-005};
  17031. direction=34.96648;
  17032. onFire=0;
  17033. };
  17034. class Object2
  17035. {
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  17039. onFire=0;
  17040. };
  17041. class Object3
  17042. {
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  17046. onFire=0;
  17047. };
  17048. class Object4
  17049. {
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  17052. direction=35.488949;
  17053. onFire=0;
  17054. };
  17055. class Object5
  17056. {
  17057. type="Land_HBarrier5";
  17058. position[]={11432.722,11317.434,0};
  17059. direction=35.193485;
  17060. onFire=0;
  17061. };
  17062. class Object6
  17063. {
  17064. type="Land_HBarrier5";
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  17066. direction=34.96648;
  17067. onFire=0;
  17068. };
  17069. class Object7
  17070. {
  17071. type="Land_HBarrier5";
  17072. position[]={11442.146,11310.939,0.022831762};
  17073. direction=34.584091;
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  17082. };
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  17089. };
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  17096. };
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  17101. direction=-55.653912;
  17102. onFire=0;
  17103. };
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  17110. };
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  17117. };
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  17124. };
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  17131. };
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  17138. };
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  17145. };
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  17152. };
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  17159. };
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  17166. };
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  17173. };
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  17180. };
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  17187. };
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  17194. };
  17195. class Object25
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  17201. };
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  17208. };
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  17215. };
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  17222. };
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  17229. };
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  17236. };
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  17243. };
  17244. class Object32
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  17248. direction=-325.03394;
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  17250. };
  17251. class Object33
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  17257. };
  17258. class Object34
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  17264. };
  17265. class Object35
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  17271. };
  17272. class Object36
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  17278. };
  17279. class Object37
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  17285. };
  17286. class Object38
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  17289. position[]={11476.462,11349.495,0.10921806};
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  17292. };
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  17299. };
  17300. class Object40
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  17306. };
  17307. class Object41
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  17320. };
  17321. class Object43
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  17327. };
  17328. class Object44
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  17334. };
  17335. class Object45
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  17341. };
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  17369. };
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  17705. };
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  17733. };
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  17735. {
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  17748. class Object104
  17749. {
  17750. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17751. position[]={11512.814,11231.606,0};
  17752. direction=0;
  17753. onFire=0;
  17754. };
  17755. class Object105
  17756. {
  17757. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17758. position[]={11587.083,11307.222,0};
  17759. direction=0;
  17760. onFire=0;
  17761. };
  17762. class Object106
  17763. {
  17764. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17765. position[]={11595.935,11342.816,0};
  17766. direction=0;
  17767. onFire=0;
  17768. };
  17769. class Object107
  17770. {
  17771. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17772. position[]={11576.886,11371.293,0};
  17773. direction=0;
  17774. onFire=0;
  17775. };
  17776. class Object108
  17777. {
  17778. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17779. position[]={11424.31,11447.679,0};
  17780. direction=0;
  17781. onFire=0;
  17782. };
  17783. class Object109
  17784. {
  17785. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  17786. position[]={11419.935,11371.264,3.0517578e-005};
  17787. direction=0;
  17788. onFire=0;
  17789. };
  17790. class Object110
  17791. {
  17792. type="SeaOneDirty_RX";
  17793. position[]={11568.626,11336.544,3.0517578e-005};
  17794. direction=0;
  17795. onFire=0;
  17796. };
  17797. class Object111
  17798. {
  17799. type="HMMWVWreck";
  17800. position[]={11419.271,11373.841,0.00015258789};
  17801. direction=0;
  17802. onFire=0;
  17803. };
  17804. class Object112
  17805. {
  17806. type="Mass_grave";
  17807. position[]={11470.688,11391.612,-0.017918048};
  17808. direction=-86.212646;
  17809. onFire=0;
  17810. };
  17811. class Object113
  17812. {
  17813. type="Land_fort_bagfence_corner";
  17814. position[]={11433.312,11374.689,0};
  17815. direction=33.357586;
  17816. onFire=0;
  17817. };
  17818. class Object114
  17819. {
  17820. type="Land_fort_bagfence_corner";
  17821. position[]={11426.553,11366.488,0};
  17822. direction=-233.56743;
  17823. onFire=0;
  17824. };
  17825. class Object115
  17826. {
  17827. type="Land_fortified_nest_big";
  17828. position[]={11440.083,11383.44,0.17242041};
  17829. direction=-235.8765;
  17830. onFire=0;
  17831. };
  17832. class Object116
  17833. {
  17834. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  17835. position[]={11387.326,11274.854,-3.0517578e-005};
  17836. direction=41.503223;
  17837. onFire=0;
  17838. };
  17839. class Object117
  17840. {
  17841. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  17842. position[]={11393.813,11270.113,-0.00067138672};
  17843. direction=41.503223;
  17844. onFire=0;
  17845. };
  17846. class Object118
  17847. {
  17848. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  17849. position[]={11383.074,11278.847,-0.00021362305};
  17850. direction=41.503223;
  17851. onFire=0;
  17852. };
  17853. class Object119
  17854. {
  17855. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  17856. position[]={11377.442,11283.56,-0.0002746582};
  17857. direction=41.503223;
  17858. onFire=0;
  17859. };
  17860. class Object120
  17861. {
  17862. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  17863. position[]={11398.643,11265.426,0};
  17864. direction=41.503223;
  17865. onFire=0;
  17866. };
  17867. class Object121
  17868. {
  17869. type="Land_fortified_nest_big";
  17870. position[]={11504.279,11337.594,0.060339022};
  17871. direction=-56.984444;
  17872. onFire=0;
  17873. };
  17874. class Object122
  17875. {
  17876. type="Land_HBarrier3";
  17877. position[]={11498.572,11346.45,6.1035156e-005};
  17878. direction=33.71331;
  17879. onFire=0;
  17880. };
  17881. class Object123
  17882. {
  17883. type="Land_Fire_barrel_burning";
  17884. position[]={11437.495,11360.565,0.080344357};
  17885. direction=0.71017414;
  17886. onFire=0;
  17887. };
  17888. class Object124
  17889. {
  17890. type="HeliHRescue";
  17891. position[]={11462.806,11330.827,-9.1552734e-005};
  17892. direction=34.412941;
  17893. onFire=0;
  17894. };
  17895. class Object125
  17896. {
  17897. type="Haystack_small";
  17898. position[]={11351.901,11347.285,0.00012207031};
  17899. direction=-24.22349;
  17900. onFire=0;
  17901. };
  17902. class Object126
  17903. {
  17904. type="Loudspeakers_EP1";
  17905. position[]={11440.179,11387.963,0};
  17906. direction=-414.46744;
  17907. onFire=0;
  17908. };
  17909. class Object127
  17910. {
  17911. type="Land_HBarrier3";
  17912. position[]={11434.161,11377.671,-9.1552734e-005};
  17913. direction=-55.345188;
  17914. onFire=0;
  17915. };
  17916. class Object128
  17917. {
  17918. type="Loudspeakers_EP1";
  17919. position[]={11509.042,11340.318,0};
  17920. direction=-229.07863;
  17921. onFire=0;
  17922. };
  17923. class Object129
  17924. {
  17925. type="Loudspeakers_EP1";
  17926. position[]={11475.152,11286.956,0};
  17927. direction=-241.53371;
  17928. onFire=0;
  17929. };
  17930. class Object130
  17931. {
  17932. type="Loudspeakers_EP1";
  17933. position[]={11403.4,11337.305,0};
  17934. direction=-57.933826;
  17935. onFire=0;
  17936. };
  17937. class Object131
  17938. {
  17939. type="Land_HBarrier3";
  17940. position[]={11467.088,11293.265,-6.1035156e-005};
  17941. direction=-144.2688;
  17942. onFire=0;
  17943. };
  17944. class Object132
  17945. {
  17946. type="Land_HBarrier3";
  17947. position[]={11478.025,11293.072,0};
  17948. direction=-56.69733;
  17949. onFire=0;
  17950. };
  17951. class Object133
  17952. {
  17953. type="Haystack_small";
  17954. position[]={11346.481,11318.197,0};
  17955. direction=19.496902;
  17956. onFire=0;
  17957. };
  17958. class Object134
  17959. {
  17960. type="Haystack_small";
  17961. position[]={11355.015,11290.553,0};
  17962. direction=-113.10127;
  17963. onFire=0;
  17964. };
  17965. class Object135
  17966. {
  17967. type="Haystack_small";
  17968. position[]={11486.604,11201.296,0};
  17969. direction=0;
  17970. onFire=0;
  17971. };
  17972. class Object136
  17973. {
  17974. type="Haystack_small";
  17975. position[]={11308.77,11423.487,0};
  17976. direction=-22.446409;
  17977. onFire=0;
  17978. };
  17979. class Object137
  17980. {
  17981. type="Haystack_small";
  17982. position[]={11377.711,11477.752,0};
  17983. direction=0;
  17984. onFire=0;
  17985. };
  17986. class Object138
  17987. {
  17988. type="Haystack_small";
  17989. position[]={11407.573,11455.397,0};
  17990. direction=-57.447781;
  17991. onFire=0;
  17992. };
  17993. class Object139
  17994. {
  17995. type="Haystack_small";
  17996. position[]={11445.458,11435.604,0};
  17997. direction=-112.66224;
  17998. onFire=0;
  17999. };
  18000. class Object140
  18001. {
  18002. type="Haystack_small";
  18003. position[]={11517.472,11411.371,0};
  18004. direction=0;
  18005. onFire=0;
  18006. };
  18007. class Object141
  18008. {
  18009. type="Haystack_small";
  18010. position[]={11541.396,11379.887,0};
  18011. direction=-27.944418;
  18012. onFire=0;
  18013. };
  18014. class Object142
  18015. {
  18016. type="Haystack_small";
  18017. position[]={11586.59,11367.021,0};
  18018. direction=-82.725227;
  18019. onFire=0;
  18020. };
  18021. class Object143
  18022. {
  18023. type="Haystack_small";
  18024. position[]={11591.96,11322.807,0};
  18025. direction=-65.705681;
  18026. onFire=0;
  18027. };
  18028. class Object144
  18029. {
  18030. type="Haystack_small";
  18031. position[]={11499.719,11216.421,0};
  18032. direction=31.260378;
  18033. onFire=0;
  18034. };
  18035. class Object145
  18036. {
  18037. type="Haystack_small";
  18038. position[]={11567.643,11289.7,0};
  18039. direction=0;
  18040. onFire=0;
  18041. };
  18042. class Object146
  18043. {
  18044. type="Haystack_small";
  18045. position[]={11526.004,11251.816,0};
  18046. direction=-14.127966;
  18047. onFire=0;
  18048. };
  18049. class Object147
  18050. {
  18051. type="Haystack_small";
  18052. position[]={11467.058,11209.11,0};
  18053. direction=-33.2831;
  18054. onFire=0;
  18055. };
  18056. class Object148
  18057. {
  18058. type="Haystack_small";
  18059. position[]={11437.168,11242.659,0};
  18060. direction=-34.531673;
  18061. onFire=0;
  18062. };
  18063. class Object149
  18064. {
  18065. type="Haystack_small";
  18066. position[]={11413.793,11255.558,0};
  18067. direction=51.920433;
  18068. onFire=0;
  18069. };
  18070. class Object150
  18071. {
  18072. type="Haystack_small";
  18073. position[]={11553.894,11272.86,0};
  18074. direction=-92.955368;
  18075. onFire=0;
  18076. };
  18077. class Object151
  18078. {
  18079. type="Haystack_small";
  18080. position[]={11435.302,11199.4,0};
  18081. direction=0;
  18082. onFire=0;
  18083. };
  18084. class Object152
  18085. {
  18086. type="Haystack_small";
  18087. position[]={11410.735,11399.356,0};
  18088. direction=0;
  18089. onFire=0;
  18090. };
  18091. class Object153
  18092. {
  18093. type="Haystack_small";
  18094. position[]={11351.507,11396.021,0};
  18095. direction=-28.953913;
  18096. onFire=0;
  18097. };
  18098. class Object154
  18099. {
  18100. type="Haystack_small";
  18101. position[]={11272.086,11486.116,0};
  18102. direction=-50.523048;
  18103. onFire=0;
  18104. };
  18105. class Object155
  18106. {
  18107. type="Haystack_small";
  18108. position[]={11323.346,11473.803,0};
  18109. direction=32.930439;
  18110. onFire=0;
  18111. };
  18112. class Object156
  18113. {
  18114. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18115. position[]={11415.817,11363.658,0};
  18116. direction=8.1164055;
  18117. onFire=0;
  18118. };
  18119. class Object157
  18120. {
  18121. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18122. position[]={11411.239,11378.065,0};
  18123. direction=41.85643;
  18124. onFire=0;
  18125. };
  18126. class Object158
  18127. {
  18128. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18129. position[]={11427.74,11381.153,0};
  18130. direction=29.054689;
  18131. onFire=0;
  18132. };
  18133. class Object159
  18134. {
  18135. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18136. position[]={11414.735,11393.277,0.011291504};
  18137. direction=0;
  18138. onFire=0;
  18139. };
  18140. class Object160
  18141. {
  18142. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18143. position[]={11428.998,11392.521,0.01864624};
  18144. direction=29.054689;
  18145. onFire=0;
  18146. };
  18147. class Object161
  18148. {
  18149. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18150. position[]={11431.59,11386.802,-0.0013122559};
  18151. direction=0;
  18152. onFire=0;
  18153. };
  18154. class Object162
  18155. {
  18156. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18157. position[]={11413.518,11357.805,-6.1035156e-005};
  18158. direction=-102.48907;
  18159. onFire=0;
  18160. };
  18161. class Object163
  18162. {
  18163. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18164. position[]={11410.015,11352.27,-0.078643799};
  18165. direction=0;
  18166. onFire=0;
  18167. };
  18168. class Object164
  18169. {
  18170. type="Land_fort_bagfence_long";
  18171. position[]={11424.044,11364.158,0};
  18172. direction=125.66735;
  18173. onFire=0;
  18174. };
  18175. class Object165
  18176. {
  18177. type="Land_Fire_barrel_burning";
  18178. position[]={11459.297,11316.894,0.43218106};
  18179. direction=0;
  18180. onFire=0;
  18181. };
  18182. class Object166
  18183. {
  18184. type="Land_Fire_barrel_burning";
  18185. position[]={11475.917,11343.235,0.44573605};
  18186. direction=0;
  18187. onFire=0;
  18188. };
  18189. class Object167
  18190. {
  18191. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18192. position[]={11450.223,11374.389,6.1035156e-005};
  18193. direction=-324.08466;
  18194. onFire=0;
  18195. };
  18196. class Object168
  18197. {
  18198. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18199. position[]={11425.329,11343.257,9.1552734e-005};
  18200. direction=-420.89767;
  18201. onFire=0;
  18202. };
  18203. class Object169
  18204. {
  18205. type="BRDMWreck";
  18206. position[]={11436.409,11371.526,-0.00033569336};
  18207. direction=-196.0565;
  18208. onFire=0;
  18209. };
  18210. class Object170
  18211. {
  18212. type="Body";
  18213. position[]={11555.358,11306.311,-9.1552734e-005};
  18214. direction=0;
  18215. onFire=0;
  18216. };
  18217. class Object171
  18218. {
  18219. type="Body";
  18220. position[]={11554.201,11306.409,-0.006652832};
  18221. direction=0;
  18222. onFire=0;
  18223. };
  18224. class Object172
  18225. {
  18226. type="Body";
  18227. position[]={11554.619,11308.925,0};
  18228. direction=0;
  18229. onFire=0;
  18230. };
  18231. class Object173
  18232. {
  18233. type="Body";
  18234. position[]={11555.852,11308.818,-0.0067138672};
  18235. direction=0;
  18236. onFire=0;
  18237. };
  18238. class Object174
  18239. {
  18240. type="Body";
  18241. position[]={11557.218,11308.768,-0.0418396};
  18242. direction=0;
  18243. onFire=0;
  18244. };
  18245. class Object175
  18246. {
  18247. type="Body";
  18248. position[]={11556.461,11306.301,3.0517578e-005};
  18249. direction=0;
  18250. onFire=0;
  18251. };
  18252. class Object176
  18253. {
  18254. type="Body";
  18255. position[]={11557.517,11306.172,0.0075683594};
  18256. direction=0;
  18257. onFire=0;
  18258. };
  18259. class Object177
  18260. {
  18261. type="Body";
  18262. position[]={11554.689,11304.05,-0.18560791};
  18263. direction=0;
  18264. onFire=0;
  18265. };
  18266. class Object178
  18267. {
  18268. type="Body";
  18269. position[]={11556.201,11303.874,-0.13253784};
  18270. direction=0;
  18271. onFire=0;
  18272. };
  18273. class Object179
  18274. {
  18275. type="Body";
  18276. position[]={11557.159,11303.861,-0.14477539};
  18277. direction=0;
  18278. onFire=0;
  18279. };
  18280. class Object180
  18281. {
  18282. type="GraveCross1";
  18283. position[]={11555.778,11310.612,0};
  18284. direction=0;
  18285. onFire=0;
  18286. };
  18287. class Object181
  18288. {
  18289. type="hiluxWreck";
  18290. position[]={11404.888,11384.38,0.0002746582};
  18291. direction=0;
  18292. onFire=0;
  18293. };
  18294. class Object182
  18295. {
  18296. type="datsun02Wreck";
  18297. position[]={11393.073,11400.122,-3.0517578e-005};
  18298. direction=0;
  18299. onFire=0;
  18300. };
  18301. class Object183
  18302. {
  18303. type="SKODAWreck";
  18304. position[]={11445.063,11210.872,3.0517578e-005};
  18305. direction=120.50844;
  18306. onFire=0;
  18307. };
  18308. class Object184
  18309. {
  18310. type="Hedgehog_EP1";
  18311. position[]={11406.111,11384.313,3.0517578e-005};
  18312. direction=0;
  18313. onFire=0;
  18314. };
  18315. class Object185
  18316. {
  18317. type="SKODAWreck";
  18318. position[]={11538.08,11363.722,-6.1035156e-005};
  18319. direction=153.5045;
  18320. onFire=0;
  18321. };
  18322. class Object186
  18323. {
  18324. type="Haystack_small";
  18325. position[]={11379.127,11398.607,6.1035156e-005};
  18326. direction=-22.693108;
  18327. onFire=0;
  18328. };
  18329. class Object187
  18330. {
  18331. type="Land_HBarrier3";
  18332. position[]={11501.688,11330.806,6.1035156e-005};
  18333. direction=-56.69733;
  18334. onFire=0;
  18335. };
  18336. class Object188
  18337. {
  18338. type="Klen_USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital";
  18339. position[]={11483.62,11329.386,0};
  18340. direction=33.932827;
  18341. onFire=0;
  18342. };
  18343. class Object189
  18344. {
  18345. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18346. position[]={11362.215,11416.707,-6.1035156e-005};
  18347. direction=0;
  18348. onFire=0;
  18349. };
  18350. class Object190
  18351. {
  18352. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18353. position[]={11364.291,11413.323,-6.1035156e-005};
  18354. direction=111.09581;
  18355. onFire=0;
  18356. };
  18357. class Object191
  18358. {
  18359. type="Body1";
  18360. position[]={11432.698,11372.397,0};
  18361. direction=0;
  18362. onFire=0;
  18363. };
  18364. class Object192
  18365. {
  18366. type="Body2";
  18367. position[]={11431.164,11373.403,-6.1035156e-005};
  18368. direction=0;
  18369. onFire=0;
  18370. };
  18371. class Object193
  18372. {
  18373. type="Body2";
  18374. position[]={11432.758,11366.383,-6.1035156e-005};
  18375. direction=-52.966507;
  18376. onFire=0;
  18377. };
  18378. class Object194
  18379. {
  18380. type="Body2";
  18381. position[]={11432.847,11370.606,0};
  18382. direction=143.55557;
  18383. onFire=0;
  18384. };
  18385. class Object195
  18386. {
  18387. type="Body1";
  18388. position[]={11434.269,11370.733,0};
  18389. direction=-70.808884;
  18390. onFire=0;
  18391. };
  18392. class Object196
  18393. {
  18394. type="Body1";
  18395. position[]={11427.141,11368.672,0};
  18396. direction=0;
  18397. onFire=0;
  18398. };
  18399. class Object197
  18400. {
  18401. type="Body1";
  18402. position[]={11429.392,11366.982,0};
  18403. direction=32.697037;
  18404. onFire=0;
  18405. };
  18406. class Object198
  18407. {
  18408. type="Body2";
  18409. position[]={11366.356,11415.81,-3.0517578e-005};
  18410. direction=0;
  18411. onFire=0;
  18412. };
  18413. class Object199
  18414. {
  18415. type="Body2";
  18416. position[]={11359.779,11416.725,-0.00015258789};
  18417. direction=103.54214;
  18418. onFire=0;
  18419. };
  18420. class Object200
  18421. {
  18422. type="Body1";
  18423. position[]={11365.538,11417.744,-0.00024414063};
  18424. direction=0;
  18425. onFire=0;
  18426. };
  18427. class Object201
  18428. {
  18429. type="Body1";
  18430. position[]={11364.971,11414.509,-0.00018310547};
  18431. direction=-45.745163;
  18432. onFire=0;
  18433. };
  18434. class Object202
  18435. {
  18436. type="datsun01Wreck";
  18437. position[]={11397.254,11390.797,-0.032514319};
  18438. direction=143.66005;
  18439. onFire=0;
  18440. };
  18441. class Object203
  18442. {
  18443. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18444. position[]={11427.55,11378.994,-3.0517578e-005};
  18445. direction=-586.51483;
  18446. onFire=0;
  18447. };
  18448. class Object204
  18449. {
  18450. type="Hanged_MD";
  18451. position[]={11476.213,11395.507,0.030202152};
  18452. direction=-1.7476851;
  18453. onFire=0;
  18454. };
  18455. class Object205
  18456. {
  18457. type="Body1";
  18458. position[]={11374.654,11408.84,0.24914551};
  18459. direction=-78.456665;
  18460. onFire=0;
  18461. };
  18462. class Object206
  18463. {
  18464. type="Body2";
  18465. position[]={11373.36,11407.544,0.24490356};
  18466. direction=-78.456665;
  18467. onFire=0;
  18468. };
  18469. class Object207
  18470. {
  18471. type="Body2";
  18472. position[]={11380.553,11407.698,0.14068604};
  18473. direction=-131.42323;
  18474. onFire=0;
  18475. };
  18476. class Object208
  18477. {
  18478. type="Body2";
  18479. position[]={11376.438,11408.629,0.23483276};
  18480. direction=65.098915;
  18481. onFire=0;
  18482. };
  18483. class Object209
  18484. {
  18485. type="Body1";
  18486. position[]={11376.597,11410.048,0.25457764};
  18487. direction=-149.26559;
  18488. onFire=0;
  18489. };
  18490. class Object210
  18491. {
  18492. type="Body1";
  18493. position[]={11379.301,11404.519,0.21847534};
  18494. direction=-45.759655;
  18495. onFire=0;
  18496. };
  18497. class Object211
  18498. {
  18499. type="Body1";
  18500. position[]={11421.044,11369.147,0.15014423};
  18501. direction=111.90501;
  18502. onFire=0;
  18503. };
  18504. class Object212
  18505. {
  18506. type="Body2";
  18507. position[]={11422.55,11370.194,-0.0082419887};
  18508. direction=111.90501;
  18509. onFire=0;
  18510. };
  18511. class Object213
  18512. {
  18513. type="Body2";
  18514. position[]={11415.442,11371.326,0.27258077};
  18515. direction=58.938503;
  18516. onFire=0;
  18517. };
  18518. class Object214
  18519. {
  18520. type="Body2";
  18521. position[]={11419.331,11369.671,0.18838274};
  18522. direction=255.46057;
  18523. onFire=0;
  18524. };
  18525. class Object215
  18526. {
  18527. type="Body1";
  18528. position[]={11418.919,11368.306,0.29226458};
  18529. direction=41.09613;
  18530. onFire=0;
  18531. };
  18532. class Object216
  18533. {
  18534. type="Body1";
  18535. position[]={11417.251,11374.231,0.11755148};
  18536. direction=144.60205;
  18537. onFire=0;
  18538. };
  18539. class Object217
  18540. {
  18541. type="Body1";
  18542. position[]={11432.246,11340.545,0.10003237};
  18543. direction=0;
  18544. onFire=0;
  18545. };
  18546. class Object218
  18547. {
  18548. type="Body2";
  18549. position[]={11430.71,11341.549,-0.033695739};
  18550. direction=0;
  18551. onFire=0;
  18552. };
  18553. class Object219
  18554. {
  18555. type="Body2";
  18556. position[]={11432.305,11334.529,0.058782235};
  18557. direction=-52.966507;
  18558. onFire=0;
  18559. };
  18560. class Object220
  18561. {
  18562. type="Body2";
  18563. position[]={11432.394,11338.752,0.17272514};
  18564. direction=143.55557;
  18565. onFire=0;
  18566. };
  18567. class Object221
  18568. {
  18569. type="Body1";
  18570. position[]={11433.816,11338.88,0.25863227};
  18571. direction=-70.808884;
  18572. onFire=0;
  18573. };
  18574. class Object222
  18575. {
  18576. type="Body1";
  18577. position[]={11428.938,11335.13,0.21352723};
  18578. direction=32.697037;
  18579. onFire=0;
  18580. };
  18581. class Object223
  18582. {
  18583. type="Body1";
  18584. position[]={11477.436,11337.554,0.035252973};
  18585. direction=0;
  18586. onFire=0;
  18587. };
  18588. class Object224
  18589. {
  18590. type="Body2";
  18591. position[]={11475.905,11338.561,-0.016809529};
  18592. direction=0;
  18593. onFire=0;
  18594. };
  18595. class Object225
  18596. {
  18597. type="Body2";
  18598. position[]={11477.497,11331.54,0.1956228};
  18599. direction=-52.966507;
  18600. onFire=0;
  18601. };
  18602. class Object226
  18603. {
  18604. type="Body2";
  18605. position[]={11477.586,11335.767,0.086675048};
  18606. direction=143.55557;
  18607. onFire=0;
  18608. };
  18609. class Object227
  18610. {
  18611. type="Body1";
  18612. position[]={11479.009,11335.892,0.19470726};
  18613. direction=-70.808884;
  18614. onFire=0;
  18615. };
  18616. class Object228
  18617. {
  18618. type="Body1";
  18619. position[]={11474.132,11332.142,0.021794723};
  18620. direction=32.697037;
  18621. onFire=0;
  18622. };
  18623. class Object229
  18624. {
  18625. type="Body1";
  18626. position[]={11445.34,11357.28,3.0517578e-005};
  18627. direction=0;
  18628. onFire=0;
  18629. };
  18630. class Object230
  18631. {
  18632. type="Body2";
  18633. position[]={11441.342,11357.582,0.053871594};
  18634. direction=0;
  18635. onFire=0;
  18636. };
  18637. class Object231
  18638. {
  18639. type="Body2";
  18640. position[]={11445.401,11351.267,0.16030884};
  18641. direction=-52.966507;
  18642. onFire=0;
  18643. };
  18644. class Object232
  18645. {
  18646. type="Body2";
  18647. position[]={11444.363,11354.521,0.045440674};
  18648. direction=143.55557;
  18649. onFire=0;
  18650. };
  18651. class Object233
  18652. {
  18653. type="Body1";
  18654. position[]={11446.913,11355.618,0.15310669};
  18655. direction=-70.808884;
  18656. onFire=0;
  18657. };
  18658. class Object234
  18659. {
  18660. type="Body1";
  18661. position[]={11448.08,11354.552,-0.0078430176};
  18662. direction=32.697037;
  18663. onFire=0;
  18664. };
  18665. class Object235
  18666. {
  18667. type="Body1";
  18668. position[]={11464.691,11320.611,0};
  18669. direction=-64.448959;
  18670. onFire=0;
  18671. };
  18672. class Object236
  18673. {
  18674. type="Body2";
  18675. position[]={11463.129,11319.658,-0.14080811};
  18676. direction=-64.448959;
  18677. onFire=0;
  18678. };
  18679. class Object237
  18680. {
  18681. type="Body2";
  18682. position[]={11470.14,11318.073,0.2076416};
  18683. direction=-117.41544;
  18684. onFire=0;
  18685. };
  18686. class Object238
  18687. {
  18688. type="Body2";
  18689. position[]={11466.36,11319.967,0.012090991};
  18690. direction=79.106621;
  18691. onFire=0;
  18692. };
  18693. class Object239
  18694. {
  18695. type="Body1";
  18696. position[]={11466.865,11321.305,0.16497803};
  18697. direction=-135.2579;
  18698. onFire=0;
  18699. };
  18700. class Object240
  18701. {
  18702. type="Body1";
  18703. position[]={11468.149,11315.292,0.046722412};
  18704. direction=-31.751913;
  18705. onFire=0;
  18706. };
  18707. class Object241
  18708. {
  18709. type="Body1";
  18710. position[]={11447.598,11319.873,-6.1035156e-005};
  18711. direction=0;
  18712. onFire=0;
  18713. };
  18714. class Object242
  18715. {
  18716. type="Body2";
  18717. position[]={11446.067,11320.88,-0.13140869};
  18718. direction=0;
  18719. onFire=0;
  18720. };
  18721. class Object243
  18722. {
  18723. type="Body2";
  18724. position[]={11438.338,11326.781,0.25979614};
  18725. direction=-52.966507;
  18726. onFire=0;
  18727. };
  18728. class Object244
  18729. {
  18730. type="Body2";
  18731. position[]={11444.507,11327.244,0.069122314};
  18732. direction=143.55557;
  18733. onFire=0;
  18734. };
  18735. class Object245
  18736. {
  18737. type="Body1";
  18738. position[]={11449.171,11318.211,0.15530396};
  18739. direction=-70.808884;
  18740. onFire=0;
  18741. };
  18742. class Object246
  18743. {
  18744. type="Body1";
  18745. position[]={11448.272,11316.923,0.14657593};
  18746. direction=32.697037;
  18747. onFire=0;
  18748. };
  18749. class Object247
  18750. {
  18751. type="Klen_Land_Misc_deerstand";
  18752. position[]={11518.439,11392.913,3.0517578e-005};
  18753. direction=-324.88452;
  18754. onFire=0;
  18755. };
  18756. class Object248
  18757. {
  18758. type="Body1";
  18759. position[]={11568.375,11353.788,0};
  18760. direction=-64.448959;
  18761. onFire=0;
  18762. };
  18763. class Object249
  18764. {
  18765. type="Body2";
  18766. position[]={11566.813,11352.836,0.0083146356};
  18767. direction=-64.448959;
  18768. onFire=0;
  18769. };
  18770. class Object250
  18771. {
  18772. type="Body2";
  18773. position[]={11573.824,11351.25,0.17651367};
  18774. direction=-117.41544;
  18775. onFire=0;
  18776. };
  18777. class Object251
  18778. {
  18779. type="Body2";
  18780. position[]={11570.043,11353.144,0.053955078};
  18781. direction=79.106621;
  18782. onFire=0;
  18783. };
  18784. class Object252
  18785. {
  18786. type="Body1";
  18787. position[]={11570.549,11354.482,0.15524292};
  18788. direction=-135.2579;
  18789. onFire=0;
  18790. };
  18791. class Object253
  18792. {
  18793. type="Body1";
  18794. position[]={11571.833,11348.469,-0.0035705566};
  18795. direction=-31.751913;
  18796. onFire=0;
  18797. };
  18798. class Object254
  18799. {
  18800. type="ClutterCutter_small_EP1";
  18801. position[]={11450.26,11339.442,0};
  18802. direction=0;
  18803. onFire=0;
  18804. };
  18805. };
  18806. class zelenoBase
  18807. {
  18808. buildings=8;
  18809. class Object0
  18810. {
  18811. type="MASH_EP1";
  18812. position[]={2476.4666,5084.8398,-1.5258789e-005};
  18813. direction=56.32555;
  18814. onFire=0;
  18815. };
  18816. class Object1
  18817. {
  18818. type="MASH_EP1";
  18819. position[]={2481.5808,5077.5659,-1.5258789e-005};
  18820. direction=56.32555;
  18821. onFire=0;
  18822. };
  18823. class Object2
  18824. {
  18825. type="HeliHRescue";
  18826. position[]={2494.8633,5091.8286,-4.5776367e-005};
  18827. direction=-393.62851;
  18828. onFire=0;
  18829. };
  18830. class Object3
  18831. {
  18832. type="CampEast";
  18833. position[]={2507.4175,5109.4341};
  18834. direction=55.140976;
  18835. onFire=0;
  18836. };
  18837. class Object4
  18838. {
  18839. type="CampEast";
  18840. position[]={2515.9246,5096.7715,-0.029805351};
  18841. direction=55.140976;
  18842. onFire=0;
  18843. };
  18844. class Object5
  18845. {
  18846. type="PowGen_Big";
  18847. position[]={2511.2556,5103.1777,1.5258789e-005};
  18848. direction=53.937569;
  18849. onFire=0;
  18850. };
  18851. class Object6
  18852. {
  18853. type="Camp_EP1";
  18854. position[]={2489.6343,5107.4336,1.5258789e-005};
  18855. direction=144.43239;
  18856. onFire=0;
  18857. };
  18858. class Object7
  18859. {
  18860. type="Camp_EP1";
  18861. position[]={2481.7903,5102.1172,1.5258789e-005};
  18862. direction=144.43239;
  18863. onFire=0;
  18864. };
  18865. class Object8
  18866. {
  18867. type="Land_fort_rampart";
  18868. position[]={2455.7881,5106.3516,0.41972083};
  18869. direction=-103.73354;
  18870. onFire=0;
  18871. };
  18872. class Object9
  18873. {
  18874. type="Land_HBarrier_large";
  18875. position[]={2336.8105,5261.6685,0.11917596};
  18876. direction=59.349693;
  18877. onFire=0;
  18878. };
  18879. class Object10
  18880. {
  18881. type="Misc_cargo_cont_net2";
  18882. position[]={2494.9756,5117.7515,-1.5258789e-005};
  18883. direction=0;
  18884. onFire=0;
  18885. };
  18886. class Object11
  18887. {
  18888. type="Misc_concrete_High";
  18889. position[]={2484.5544,5072.1309,-0.26034766};
  18890. direction=0;
  18891. onFire=0;
  18892. };
  18893. class Object12
  18894. {
  18895. type="Misc_concrete_High";
  18896. position[]={2488.3452,5066.2686,-0.20296618};
  18897. direction=-210.15285;
  18898. onFire=0;
  18899. };
  18900. class Object13
  18901. {
  18902. type="HMMWVWreck";
  18903. position[]={2523.2227,5086.8369};
  18904. direction=92.158646;
  18905. onFire=0;
  18906. };
  18907. class Object14
  18908. {
  18909. type="USMC_WarfareBContructionSite";
  18910. position[]={2491.5566,5064.8784,-0.075202405};
  18911. direction=55.845348;
  18912. onFire=0;
  18913. };
  18914. class Object15
  18915. {
  18916. type="USMC_WarfareBContructionSite1";
  18917. position[]={2496.6924,5060.7461,-0.073571742};
  18918. direction=-33.338867;
  18919. onFire=0;
  18920. };
  18921. class Object16
  18922. {
  18923. type="Base_WarfareBContructionSite";
  18924. position[]={2527.6191,5076.5869,-0.082194753};
  18925. direction=60.323608;
  18926. onFire=0;
  18927. };
  18928. class Object17
  18929. {
  18930. type="Sign_Checkpoint_US_EP1";
  18931. position[]={2521.8918,5048.0811,-0.099054337};
  18932. direction=-65.795303;
  18933. onFire=0;
  18934. };
  18935. class Object18
  18936. {
  18937. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18938. position[]={2513.5476,5054.2466,-0.095101967};
  18939. direction=57.286171;
  18940. onFire=0;
  18941. };
  18942. class Object19
  18943. {
  18944. type="Land_GuardShed";
  18945. position[]={2518.9758,5049.7896,0};
  18946. direction=-32.529079;
  18947. onFire=0;
  18948. };
  18949. class Object20
  18950. {
  18951. type="Sign_Checkpoint_US_EP1";
  18952. position[]={2527.9993,5052.4497,-1.5258789e-005};
  18953. direction=-7.1848273;
  18954. onFire=0;
  18955. };
  18956. class Object21
  18957. {
  18958. type="ZavoraAnim";
  18959. position[]={2521.6812,5049.0366,-1.5258789e-005};
  18960. direction=145.67616;
  18961. onFire=0;
  18962. };
  18963. class Object22
  18964. {
  18965. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18966. position[]={2529.1152,5072.9814,-0.064199612};
  18967. direction=-31.717268;
  18968. onFire=0;
  18969. };
  18970. class Object23
  18971. {
  18972. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18973. position[]={2502.356,5055.9141,-0.17297229};
  18974. direction=-31.576075;
  18975. onFire=0;
  18976. };
  18977. class Object24
  18978. {
  18979. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18980. position[]={2532.5337,5083.6011,-0.064459577};
  18981. direction=-121.97787;
  18982. onFire=0;
  18983. };
  18984. class Object25
  18985. {
  18986. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18987. position[]={2532.5337,5083.6011,-0.064459577};
  18988. direction=-121.97787;
  18989. onFire=0;
  18990. };
  18991. class Object26
  18992. {
  18993. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  18994. position[]={2524.1519,5097.001,-0.23065968};
  18995. direction=-121.97787;
  18996. onFire=0;
  18997. };
  18998. class Object27
  18999. {
  19000. type="UralWreck";
  19001. position[]={2517.6631,5072.6655,-0.15839215};
  19002. direction=18.12393;
  19003. onFire=0;
  19004. };
  19005. class Object28
  19006. {
  19007. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  19008. position[]={2515.8174,5110.2075,-0.23257388};
  19009. direction=-121.97787;
  19010. onFire=0;
  19011. };
  19012. class Object29
  19013. {
  19014. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier5x";
  19015. position[]={2509.731,5120.0991,-0.2319622};
  19016. direction=56.750393;
  19017. onFire=0;
  19018. };
  19019. class Object30
  19020. {
  19021. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier5x";
  19022. position[]={2492.4243,5049.8501,-0.26570606};
  19023. direction=-29.952065;
  19024. onFire=0;
  19025. };
  19026. class Object31
  19027. {
  19028. type="Misc_cargo_cont_net2";
  19029. position[]={2495.99,5120.8418,0.009138111};
  19030. direction=-26.312235;
  19031. onFire=0;
  19032. };
  19033. class Object32
  19034. {
  19035. type="Land_CamoNet_EAST";
  19036. position[]={2471.0293,5110.8057,-0.3143149};
  19037. direction=-19.897068;
  19038. onFire=0;
  19039. };
  19040. class Object33
  19041. {
  19042. type="Mass_grave";
  19043. position[]={2470.9402,5110.1079,-0.070633642};
  19044. direction=78.451927;
  19045. onFire=0;
  19046. };
  19047. class Object34
  19048. {
  19049. type="Land_HBarrier1";
  19050. position[]={2488.6096,5047.4468,-0.22254181};
  19051. direction=56.553539;
  19052. onFire=0;
  19053. };
  19054. class Object35
  19055. {
  19056. type="Land_HBarrier1";
  19057. position[]={2487.2322,5046.6226,-0.2266899};
  19058. direction=56.553539;
  19059. onFire=0;
  19060. };
  19061. class Object36
  19062. {
  19063. type="Land_HBarrier1";
  19064. position[]={2507.2974,5123.8989,-0.15526646};
  19065. direction=154.18748;
  19066. onFire=0;
  19067. };
  19068. class Object37
  19069. {
  19070. type="Land_HBarrier1";
  19071. position[]={2506.6821,5124.8887,-0.15071738};
  19072. direction=160.70088;
  19073. onFire=0;
  19074. };
  19075. class Object38
  19076. {
  19077. type="Land_HBarrier1";
  19078. position[]={2505.9773,5125.9448,-0.15589157};
  19079. direction=73.077614;
  19080. onFire=0;
  19081. };
  19082. class Object39
  19083. {
  19084. type="T72Wreck";
  19085. position[]={2505.9648,5076.8267,-0.036877852};
  19086. direction=-66.36837;
  19087. onFire=0;
  19088. };
  19089. class Object40
  19090. {
  19091. type="T72WreckTurret";
  19092. position[]={2502.3977,5072.1021,-0.039120257};
  19093. direction=0;
  19094. onFire=0;
  19095. };
  19096. class Object41
  19097. {
  19098. type="Base_WarfareBBarrier10x";
  19099. position[]={2526.1904,5062.4111,1.5258789e-005};
  19100. direction=57.286171;
  19101. onFire=0;
  19102. };
  19103. class Object42
  19104. {
  19105. type="Land_GuardShed";
  19106. position[]={2528.0037,5055.5322,-1.5258789e-005};
  19107. direction=-32.529079;
  19108. onFire=0;
  19109. };
  19110. };
  19111. };
  19112. class RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup: RscStandardDisplay
  19113. {
  19114. west="ca\ui\data\flag_bluefor_ca.paa";
  19115. east="ca\ui\data\flag_opfor_ca.paa";
  19116. guer="ca\ui\data\flag_indep_ca.paa";
  19117. civl="ca\ui\data\flag_civil_ca.paa";
  19118. none="ca\ui\data\flag_civil_ca.paa";
  19119. westUnlocked="ca\ui\data\flag_bluefor_ca.paa";
  19120. westLocked="ca\ui\data\flag_bluefor_ca.paa";
  19121. eastUnlocked="ca\ui\data\flag_opfor_ca.paa";
  19122. eastLocked="ca\ui\data\flag_opfor_ca.paa";
  19123. guerUnlocked="ca\ui\data\flag_indep_ca.paa";
  19124. guerLocked="ca\ui\data\flag_indep_ca.paa";
  19125. civlUnlocked="ca\ui\data\flag_civil_ca.paa";
  19126. civlLocked="ca\ui\data\flag_civil_ca.paa";
  19127. disabledAllAI="$STR_DISP_MULTI_ENABLE_AI";
  19128. enabledAllAI="$STR_DISP_MULTI_DISABLE_AI";
  19129. hostLocked="$STR_DISP_MULTI_UNLOCK";
  19130. hostUnlocked="$STR_DISP_MULTI_LOCK";
  19131. colorNotAssigned[]={0.40000001,0.40000001,0.40000001,1};
  19132. colorAssigned[]={0.77999997,0.38999999,0,1};
  19133. colorConfirmed[]={0,1,0,1};
  19134. class controlsbackground
  19135. {
  19136. class MP_roles_TitleBorder: RscText
  19137. {
  19138. style=64;
  19139. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
  19140. x="(02/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
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  19143. h="(06/100) * SafeZoneH";
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  19145. class TextBack: RscText
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  19148. y="(9.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
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  19150. h="(6/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19151. colorBackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.41999999};
  19152. };
  19153. class TextBorder: RscText
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  19155. style=64;
  19156. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
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  19160. h="(6/100) * SafeZoneH";
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  19163. {
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  19165. y="(20/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
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  19167. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19168. colorBackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.41999999};
  19169. };
  19170. class SidesBorder: RscText
  19171. {
  19172. style=64;
  19173. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
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  19177. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19178. };
  19179. class ValueRolesBack: RscText
  19180. {
  19181. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19182. y="(20/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
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  19184. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19185. colorBackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.41999999};
  19186. };
  19187. class ValueRolesBorder: RscText
  19188. {
  19189. style=64;
  19190. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
  19191. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19192. y="(20/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19193. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19194. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
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  19199. y="(20/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
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  19201. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19202. colorBackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.41999999};
  19203. };
  19204. class ValuePoolBorder: RscText
  19205. {
  19206. style=64;
  19207. colorText[]={0,0,0,1};
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  19209. y="(20/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19210. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19211. h="(73/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19212. };
  19213. };
  19214. class controls
  19215. {
  19216. class B_Civilian
  19217. {
  19218. };
  19219. class B_Guerrila
  19220. {
  19221. };
  19222. class B_East
  19223. {
  19224. };
  19225. class B_West
  19226. {
  19227. };
  19228. class B_Side
  19229. {
  19230. };
  19231. class B_OK
  19232. {
  19233. };
  19234. class B_Cancel
  19235. {
  19236. };
  19237. class B_Kick
  19238. {
  19239. };
  19240. class B_EnableAll
  19241. {
  19242. };
  19243. class B_Lock
  19244. {
  19245. };
  19246. class TextDescription
  19247. {
  19248. };
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  19250. {
  19251. };
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  19253. {
  19254. };
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  19256. {
  19257. };
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  19259. {
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  19261. class TextParam2
  19262. {
  19263. };
  19264. class ValueParam1
  19265. {
  19266. };
  19267. class ValueParam2
  19268. {
  19269. };
  19270. class ValuePool
  19271. {
  19272. };
  19273. class B_Params
  19274. {
  19275. };
  19276. class Title
  19277. {
  19278. };
  19279. class CA_MP_roles_Title: CA_Title
  19280. {
  19281. idc=1001;
  19282. style=2;
  19283. x="(02/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19284. y="(02/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19285. w="(96/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19286. h="(06/100) * SafeZoneH";
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  19288. {
  19289. "49/255",
  19290. "36/255",
  19291. "25/255",
  19292. "173/255"
  19293. };
  19294. text="$STR_DISP_MPSETUP_TITLE";
  19295. };
  19296. class CA_TextVotingTimeLeft: CA_MP_roles_Title
  19297. {
  19298. idc=121;
  19299. style=1;
  19300. x="(50/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19301. y="(02/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19302. w="(45/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19303. colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0};
  19304. };
  19305. class TextMission: RscText
  19306. {
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  19308. x="(02/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19309. y="(9.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19310. w="(18/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19311. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19312. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19313. text="$STR_DISP_SRVSETUP_NAME";
  19314. };
  19315. class ValueMission: RscText
  19316. {
  19317. idc=101;
  19318. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19319. y="(9.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19320. w="(40/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19321. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19322. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19323. };
  19324. class CA_TextDescription: RscText
  19325. {
  19326. idc=1004;
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  19329. w="(18/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19330. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19331. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19332. text="$STR_DISP_SRVSETUP_DESC";
  19333. };
  19334. class CA_ValueDescription: RscText
  19335. {
  19336. idc=103;
  19337. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19338. y="(12.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19339. w="(78/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19340. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19341. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19342. };
  19343. class TextIsland: RscText
  19344. {
  19345. idc=1003;
  19346. x="(60/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19347. y="(9.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19348. w="(5/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19349. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19350. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19351. text="$STR_DISP_SRVSETUP_ISLAND";
  19352. };
  19353. class ValueIsland: RscText
  19354. {
  19355. idc=102;
  19356. x="(65/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19357. y="(9.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19358. w="(33/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19359. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19360. SizeEx=0.029999999;
  19361. };
  19362. class TextSide: RscText
  19363. {
  19364. idc=1005;
  19365. style=2;
  19366. x="(02/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
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  19368. w="(16/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19369. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19370. SizeEx=0.039209999;
  19371. text="$STR_DISP_MPSETUP_SIDE";
  19372. };
  19373. class TextRoles: RscText
  19374. {
  19375. style=2;
  19376. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19377. y="(16.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19378. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19379. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19380. SizeEx=0.039209999;
  19381. text="$STR_DISP_MPSETUP_SIDE";
  19382. };
  19383. class CA_B_West: RscActiveText
  19384. {
  19385. x="(4.15/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19386. y="(21/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19387. w="(11.7/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19388. h="(7/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19389. style="0x02 + 0x100 + 0x40";
  19390. type=11;
  19391. colorActive[]={1,1,1,1};
  19392. colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0.15000001};
  19393. colorShade[]={1,1,1,1};
  19394. colorText[]={1,1,1,1};
  19395. pictureWidth=1;
  19396. pictureHeight=1;
  19397. textHeight=0.38;
  19398. sideDisabled="ca\ui\data\flag_none_ca.paa";
  19399. sideToggle="ca\ui\data\flag_side_toggle_ca.paa";
  19400. idc=104;
  19401. color[]={1,1,1,0.55000001};
  19402. text="$STR_WEST";
  19403. picture="\ca\ui\data\flag_bluefor_ca.paa";
  19404. };
  19405. class CA_B_East: CA_B_West
  19406. {
  19407. idc=105;
  19408. y="(31/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19409. text="$STR_EAST";
  19410. picture="\ca\ui\data\flag_opfor_ca.paa";
  19411. };
  19412. class CA_B_Guerrila: CA_B_West
  19413. {
  19414. idc=106;
  19415. y="(41/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19416. text="$STR_GUERRILA";
  19417. picture="\ca\ui\data\flag_indep_ca.paa";
  19418. };
  19419. class CA_B_Civilian: CA_B_West
  19420. {
  19421. idc=107;
  19422. y="(51/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19423. text="$STR_CIVILIAN";
  19424. picture="\ca\ui\data\flag_civil_ca.paa";
  19425. };
  19426. class CA_ValueRoles: RscIGUIListBox
  19427. {
  19428. idc=109;
  19429. style=16;
  19430. x="(20/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19431. y="(20.5/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19432. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19433. h="(72/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19434. color[]={1,1,1,1};
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  19439. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19440. colorPlayer[]={1,1,0,1};
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  19442. colorNobody[]={0.40000001,0.40000001,0.40000001,1};
  19443. enabledAI="ca\ui\textures\ai2_on.paa";
  19444. disabledAI="ca\ui\textures\ai2_off.paa";
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  19446. class TextPool: RscText
  19447. {
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  19452. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
  19453. h="(3/100) * SafeZoneH";
  19454. SizeEx=0.039209999;
  19455. text="$STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_POOL";
  19456. };
  19457. class CA_ValuePool: RscIGUIListBox
  19458. {
  19459. idc=114;
  19460. style=16;
  19461. x="(60/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
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  19463. w="(38/100) * SafeZoneW";
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  19470. canDrag=1;
  19471. };
  19472. class CA_B_EnableAll: RscShortcutButton
  19473. {
  19474. idc=117;
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  19482. right=0.0049999999;
  19483. bottom=0.0049999999;
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  19485. default=0;
  19486. };
  19487. class CA_B_Lock: RscShortcutButton
  19488. {
  19489. idc=118;
  19490. x="(39/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19491. y="(93/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19492. w=0.183825;
  19493. };
  19494. class CA_B_Params: RscShortcutButton
  19495. {
  19496. idc=128;
  19497. x="(53/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19498. y="(93/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19499. w=0.203825;
  19501. };
  19502. delete CA_B_DSinterface;
  19503. class CA_B_Kick: RscShortcutButton
  19504. {
  19505. idc=116;
  19506. default=0;
  19507. shortcuts[]=
  19508. {
  19509. "0x00050000+2"
  19510. };
  19511. x="(83/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19512. y="(14/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19513. text="$STR_DISP_MP_KICKOFF";
  19514. };
  19515. class CA_ButtonContinue: RscShortcutButton
  19516. {
  19517. idc=1;
  19518. default=1;
  19519. shortcuts[]=
  19520. {
  19521. "0x00050000+0",
  19522. 28,
  19523. 57,
  19524. 156
  19525. };
  19526. x="(83/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19527. y="(93/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19528. text="$STR_DISP_OK";
  19529. };
  19530. class CA_ButtonCancel: RscShortcutButton
  19531. {
  19532. idc=2;
  19533. default=0;
  19534. shortcuts[]=
  19535. {
  19536. "0x00050000+1"
  19537. };
  19538. x="(68/100) * SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19539. y="(93/100) * SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY";
  19540. w=0.203825;
  19541. text="$STR_DISP_BACK";
  19542. };
  19543. };
  19544. };
  19545. class RscDisplayMainMap
  19546. {
  19547. saveParams=1;
  19548. class controlsBackground
  19549. {
  19550. class Map
  19551. {
  19552. };
  19553. class CA_Black: CA_Black_Back
  19554. {
  19555. };
  19556. class CA_Map: RscMapControl
  19557. {
  19558. x="SafeZoneXAbs";
  19559. y="SafeZoneY";
  19560. w="SafeZoneWAbs";
  19561. h="SafeZoneH";
  19562. };
  19563. };
  19564. class controls
  19565. {
  19566. class DiaryIndex
  19567. {
  19568. };
  19569. class DiaryAdd
  19570. {
  19571. };
  19572. class DiarySort
  19573. {
  19574. };
  19575. class DiaryFilter
  19576. {
  19577. };
  19578. class Diary
  19579. {
  19580. };
  19581. class CA_MainBackground: IGUIBack
  19582. {
  19583. idc=1020;
  19584. x="SafeZoneX + 0.010 * SafeZoneW";
  19585. y="SafeZoneY + 0.031";
  19586. w="0.98*SafeZoneW";
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  19594. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  19595. w="0.146*SafeZoneW";
  19596. h=0.52999997;
  19597. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  19598. };
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  19603. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  19604. w="0.283*SafeZoneW";
  19605. h=0.52999997;
  19606. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
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  19612. y="SafeZoneY + 0.117";
  19613. w="SafeZoneW * 0.544";
  19614. h=0.83200002;
  19615. colorbackground[]={0.1961,0.1451,0.094099998,0.85000002};
  19616. };
  19617. class CA_PlayerName: RscIGUIText
  19618. {
  19619. idc=111;
  19620. style=1;
  19621. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19622. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  19623. w="SafeZoneW * 0.96";
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  19625. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19626. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19627. text="$STR_DIARY_PLAYER_NAME";
  19628. };
  19629. class CA_PlayerRank: RscIGUIText
  19630. {
  19631. idc=116;
  19632. style=2;
  19633. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19634. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  19635. w="SafeZoneW * 0.96";
  19636. h=0.041000001;
  19637. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19638. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19639. text="";
  19640. };
  19641. class CA_MissionName: RscText
  19642. {
  19643. idc=112;
  19644. style=1;
  19645. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19646. y="SafeZoneY + 0.033";
  19647. w="0.96 * SafeZoneW";
  19648. h=0.041000001;
  19649. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19650. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19651. text="$STR_DIARY_MISSION_NAME";
  19652. };
  19653. class CA_CurrentTaskLabel: RscText
  19654. {
  19655. style=0;
  19656. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19657. y="SafeZoneY + 0.033";
  19658. w="0.96 * SafeZoneW";
  19659. h=0.041000001;
  19660. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19661. text="$STR_DIARY_CURRENT_TASK";
  19662. };
  19663. class CA_CurrentTask: RscText
  19664. {
  19665. idc=113;
  19666. style=0;
  19667. x="0.02*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19668. y="SafeZoneY + 0.07";
  19669. w="0.96*SafeZoneW";
  19670. h=0.041000001;
  19671. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19672. text="";
  19673. };
  19674. class DiaryList: RscIGUIListBox
  19675. {
  19676. idc=1001;
  19677. onLBSelChanged=" [ _this select 0 , _this select 1 , 'List' ] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts\Client\GUI\GUI_logEH.sqf'; ";
  19678. default=1;
  19679. x="0.010*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19680. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  19681. w="0.146*SafeZoneW";
  19682. h=0.60000002;
  19683. };
  19684. class CA_DiaryIndex: RscIGUIListBox
  19685. {
  19686. idc=1002;
  19687. onLBSelChanged="[_this select 0, _this select 1, 'Index'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts\Client\GUI\GUI_logEH.sqf';";
  19688. default=0;
  19689. x="0.16*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19690. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  19691. w="0.283*SafeZoneW";
  19692. h=0.60000002;
  19693. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19694. };
  19695. class CA_DiaryGroup: RscControlsGroup
  19696. {
  19697. idc=1013;
  19698. x="0.446*SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX";
  19699. y="SafeZoneY + 0.137";
  19700. w="0.534*SafeZoneW";
  19701. h=0.71799999;
  19702. class VScrollbar
  19703. {
  19704. autoScrollSpeed=-1;
  19705. autoScrollDelay=5;
  19706. autoScrollRewind=0;
  19707. color[]={1,1,1,1};
  19708. width=0.0099999998;
  19709. };
  19710. class HScrollbar
  19711. {
  19712. color[]={1,1,1,0};
  19713. height=0.001;
  19714. };
  19715. class Controls
  19716. {
  19717. class CA_Diary: RscHTML
  19718. {
  19719. idc=1003;
  19720. cycleLinks=0;
  19721. cycleAllLinks=0;
  19722. default=0;
  19723. x="0.01*SafeZoneW";
  19724. y=0;
  19725. w="0.514*SafeZoneW";
  19726. h=1.807;
  19727. colorText[]={0.94999999,0.94999999,0.94999999,1};
  19728. class H1
  19729. {
  19730. font="Zeppelin32";
  19731. fontBold="Zeppelin32";
  19732. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19733. };
  19734. class P
  19735. {
  19736. font="Zeppelin32";
  19737. fontBold="Zeppelin32";
  19738. sizeEx=0.034000002;
  19739. };
  19740. };
  19741. };
  19742. };
  19743. class HC_tooltip_back: IGUIBack
  19744. {
  19745. idc=1124;
  19746. x=0;
  19747. y=0;
  19748. w=0;
  19749. h=0;
  19750. colorBackground[]={0.2,0.15000001,0.1,0.80000001};
  19751. };
  19752. class HC_tooltip_text: RscStructuredText
  19753. {
  19754. idc=1125;
  19755. x=0;
  19756. y=0;
  19757. w=0;
  19758. h=0;
  19759. size=0.035;
  19760. class Attributes
  19761. {
  19762. font="Zeppelin32";
  19763. color="#B6F862";
  19764. align="left";
  19765. shadow=1;
  19766. };
  19767. };
  19768. };
  19769. class objects
  19770. {
  19771. class Watch: RscObject
  19772. {
  19773. model="\ca\ui\Watch.p3d";
  19774. x=0.079999998;
  19775. xBack=0.40000001;
  19776. y=0.92500001;
  19777. yBack=0.5;
  19778. z=0.20999999;
  19779. zBack=0.11;
  19780. enableZoom=1;
  19781. direction[]={0,1,7.1999998};
  19782. up[]={0,0,-1};
  19783. scale=0.40000001;
  19784. };
  19785. class Compass: RscObject
  19786. {
  19787. model="\ca\ui\Compass.p3d";
  19788. selectionArrow="";
  19789. x=0.16;
  19790. xBack=0.60000002;
  19791. y=0.92500001;
  19792. yBack=0.5;
  19793. z=0.2;
  19794. zBack=0.1;
  19795. enableZoom=1;
  19796. direction[]={1,0,0};
  19797. up[]={0,1,0};
  19798. scale=0.34999999;
  19799. };
  19800. class GPS: RscObject
  19801. {
  19802. model="\ca\ui\gps.p3d";
  19803. x=0.36000001;
  19804. xBack=0.69999999;
  19805. y=0.92500001;
  19806. yBack=0.5;
  19807. z=0.22;
  19808. zBack=0.12;
  19809. scale=0.30000001;
  19810. class Areas
  19811. {
  19812. class Display
  19813. {
  19814. class controls
  19815. {
  19816. class GPSSquare: RscText
  19817. {
  19818. idc=75;
  19819. x=0;
  19820. y=0.56;
  19821. w=1;
  19822. h=0.5;
  19823. colorText[]={0.2314,0.2588,0.1373,1};
  19824. sizeEx=0.40000001;
  19825. };
  19826. class GPS_ALT: RscText
  19827. {
  19828. idc=77;
  19829. x=0.25;
  19830. y=0.31;
  19831. w=1;
  19832. h=0.30000001;
  19833. colorText[]={0.2314,0.2588,0.1373,1};
  19834. sizeEx=0.23;
  19835. };
  19836. class GPS_Heading: RscText
  19837. {
  19838. idc=78;
  19839. x=0.25;
  19840. y=0.072999999;
  19841. w=1;
  19842. h=0.30000001;
  19843. colorText[]={0.2314,0.2588,0.1373,1};
  19844. sizeEx=0.23;
  19845. };
  19846. };
  19847. };
  19848. };
  19849. };
  19850. class WalkieTalkie: RscObject
  19851. {
  19852. model="\ca\ui\radio.p3d";
  19853. x=0.56;
  19854. xBack=0.80000001;
  19855. y=0.92500001;
  19856. yBack=0.5;
  19857. z=0.22;
  19858. zBack=0.12;
  19859. scale=0.15000001;
  19860. class Areas
  19861. {
  19862. class Papir
  19863. {
  19864. class controls
  19865. {
  19866. class RscRadioText: RscActiveText
  19867. {
  19868. sizeEx=0.17;
  19869. x=0.0049999999;
  19870. y=0.02;
  19871. h=0.1;
  19872. };
  19873. class RadioAlpha: RscRadioText
  19874. {
  19875. y=0.050000001;
  19876. };
  19877. class RadioBravo: RscRadioText
  19878. {
  19879. y=0.17;
  19880. };
  19881. class RadioCharlie: RscRadioText
  19882. {
  19883. y=0.28999999;
  19884. };
  19885. class RadioDelta: RscRadioText
  19886. {
  19887. y=0.41;
  19888. };
  19889. class RadioEcho: RscRadioText
  19890. {
  19891. y=0.52999997;
  19892. };
  19893. class RadioFoxtrot: RscRadioText
  19894. {
  19895. y=0.64999998;
  19896. };
  19897. class RadioGolf: RscRadioText
  19898. {
  19899. y=0.76999998;
  19900. };
  19901. class RadioHotel: RscRadioText
  19902. {
  19903. y=0.88999999;
  19904. };
  19905. class RadioIndia: RscRadioText
  19906. {
  19907. y=1.01;
  19908. };
  19909. class RadioJuliet: RscRadioText
  19910. {
  19911. y=1.13;
  19912. };
  19913. };
  19914. };
  19915. };
  19916. };
  19917. };
  19918. };
  19919. class CfgActions
  19920. {
  19921. class None;
  19922. class TakeBag: None
  19923. {
  19924. show=0;
  19925. };
  19926. class Rearm: None
  19927. {
  19928. show=0;
  19929. };
  19930. class HideBody: None
  19931. {
  19932. show=0;
  19933. };
  19934. };
  19935. class CfgSurvival
  19936. {
  19937. class Inventory
  19938. {
  19939. class Default
  19940. {
  19941. magazines[]=
  19942. {
  19943. "ItemBandage",
  19944. "ItemPainkiller"
  19945. };
  19946. weapons[]=
  19947. {
  19948. "ItemFlashlight"
  19949. };
  19950. backpackWeapon="";
  19951. backpack="";
  19952. };
  19953. };
  19954. class Meat
  19955. {
  19956. class Default
  19957. {
  19958. yield=2;
  19959. rawfoodtype="FoodmeatRaw";
  19960. };
  19961. class Cow: Default
  19962. {
  19963. yield=6;
  19964. rawfoodtype="FoodbeefRaw";
  19965. };
  19966. class Cow01: Cow
  19967. {
  19968. };
  19969. class Cow02: Cow
  19970. {
  19971. };
  19972. class Cow03: Cow
  19973. {
  19974. };
  19975. class Cow04: Cow
  19976. {
  19977. };
  19978. class Goat: Default
  19979. {
  19980. yield=4;
  19981. rawfoodtype="FoodmuttonRaw";
  19982. };
  19983. class Sheep: Default
  19984. {
  19985. yield=4;
  19986. rawfoodtype="FoodmuttonRaw";
  19987. };
  19988. class WildBoar: Default
  19989. {
  19990. yield=4;
  19991. rawfoodtype="FoodbaconRaw";
  19992. };
  19993. class Hen: Default
  19994. {
  19995. yield=2;
  19996. rawfoodtype="FoodchickenRaw";
  19997. };
  19998. class Rabbit: Default
  19999. {
  20000. yield=1;
  20001. rawfoodtype="FoodrabbitRaw";
  20002. };
  20003. };
  20004. };
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