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Sep 21st, 2014
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  1. TEATIME Jersshhh: hey termo
  2. TEATIME Jersshhh: was just wondering what you thought about triple multi ubers
  3. TEATIME Jersshhh: to just get in and get position
  4. TEATIME Jersshhh: not really looking to do anything with the uber (caus it'll be so short)
  5. TEATIME Jersshhh: but if you get like better pos for post
  6. TEATIME Jersshhh: we noticed 4G doing alot of those style of pushes
  7. termo is now Online.
  8. termo: yep
  9. termo: so first
  10. termo: if you want to analyze what teams are doing
  11. termo: you have to look at what they have actually done (which you have) ie. triple multi uber
  12. termo: but then you also need to look at what the situation is
  13. termo: that they are doing it in
  14. TEATIME Jersshhh: mm
  15. TEATIME Jersshhh: so it's more a push you'd with player ad + uber ad
  16. termo: well is that what they are doing?
  17. termo: whenever you look at things that top teams are doing
  18. termo: you cant just look at it from a general point of view
  19. termo: you really need to take a microscope
  20. termo: and look at the specific situation
  21. termo: and in general thats how you should be thinking of the game
  22. termo: because if you just start doing triple multi ubers in random situations
  23. termo: its just a recipe for disaster
  24. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah true
  25. termo: instead try and understand why they are doing it!
  26. termo: so maybe go back into the demo
  27. termo: or whatever
  28. termo: and go and look at SPECIFICALLY
  29. termo: what situation they are playing like this
  30. TEATIME Jersshhh: alright
  31. termo: with the multi ubering a lot thing
  32. termo: if you want my opinion of it
  33. termo: ill say like
  34. termo: I dont think its something you want to be doing
  35. termo: when you are just doing a regular uber v uber push
  36. termo: because it creates a situation where
  37. termo: you have used your uber very quickly
  38. termo: to little effect
  39. termo: and then they have their uber
  40. termo: which they can come in and crush you
  41. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah
  42. TEATIME Jersshhh: defs a uber ad push
  43. termo: yeah
  44. termo: so now with that
  45. termo: you can start thinking
  46. termo: hmm
  47. termo: what situations with uberadv can this be good in
  48. termo: why am I multi ubering 3 people
  49. termo: instead of 1-2
  50. termo: is it to
  51. termo: a) get kills
  52. termo: b) take position
  53. termo: you know?
  54. termo: like
  55. termo: this is how you should b e thinking
  56. TEATIME Jersshhh: but just the idea of using the uber to get as much of your team into the last to have a better post
  57. TEATIME Jersshhh: is intresting
  58. TEATIME Jersshhh: you'd have to be confident in your team fights
  59. termo: its great to have a focus on the POST uber instead of the during
  60. termo: because if you think about it
  61. termo: thats when all the kills happens
  62. termo: that when you win a game or lose it
  63. termo: so if you can setup well for the post uber
  64. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah
  65. termo: and it means
  66. termo: not trying to do TOO MUCH
  67. termo: with the uber
  68. termo: and instead just focus on playing well / collapsing well / falling back whtaever the correct decision is POST UBER
  69. termo: maybe a specific example
  70. termo: as a soldier getting ubered
  71. termo: maybe you just hvae a little bit of uber left
  72. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah i have found myself overextending lately to try make up for crap ubers
  73. termo: so you can go for that kill on the scout
  74. TEATIME Jersshhh: and it just puts us in a worse spot
  75. termo: which you might get
  76. termo: but then you might just die straight away
  77. termo: OR
  78. termo: you can use the last bit of your uber to jump up into some good position
  79. termo: and just play from ther
  80. termo: with the rest of your team fighting
  81. termo: like
  82. termo: stuff like that
  83. termo: think in general you should try and morph your way of thinking to being very analytical and looking at the finer detail i guess
  84. termo: like theres always a reason
  85. termo: based on the situation
  86. termo: player adv/disadv
  87. termo: uber adv/disadv
  88. termo: where players are on the map
  89. termo: respawn times
  90. termo: health on mplayers
  92. termo: that help you come to a conclusion about what the best decision is
  93. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah
  94. termo: and whenever you're playing
  95. termo: thats the goal
  96. termo: making the best decisions possible
  97. termo: individually and as a team
  98. termo: thats how you get good
  99. termo: you're making these decisions thats above everyone else
  100. termo: you do this
  101. termo: so i do THIS
  102. termo: and i beat you
  103. termo: you know?
  104. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah constant counters
  105. termo: but yeah
  106. termo: if you really want to understand
  107. termo: why 4G are doing multi ubers
  108. termo: you need to go back to the demo
  109. termo: and really look at
  110. termo: what situation they are doing it in
  111. termo: and that tells you
  112. TEATIME Jersshhh: i think our comms are the biggest thing that need work atm
  113. termo: so they are doing it in X situation sometimes
  114. termo: and that helps you come to your own conclusions
  115. termo: about why
  116. termo: do you think its good
  117. termo: etc
  118. termo: can you implement it into your own team/game
  119. termo: cant stress that enough
  120. termo: if you can get your whole team thinking like that
  121. termo: that way of thinking
  122. termo: and just improve from there
  123. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah
  124. TEATIME Jersshhh: well obvs i'm the least experienced on the team
  125. TEATIME Jersshhh: my reactions and choices aren't as fast as they need to be yet
  126. TEATIME Jersshhh: well can always be better but mines not a div 1 standard yet
  127. termo: just focus on looking at the game from a detailed perspective
  128. termo: and you'll be fine
  129. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah i'll work on it
  130. termo: and when you have a question for now on
  131. termo: I dont want to hear it
  132. TEATIME Jersshhh: it'd be awesome to watch over one of our stvs with you or something
  133. termo: unless it applies to a specific situation in the game
  134. termo: well
  135. termo: still ask it
  136. termo: lol
  137. termo: but
  138. termo: yeah
  139. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah i know what you mean
  140. termo: its like
  141. termo: yo TERMO
  142. termo: I noticed teams are holding forward in badalnds lobby alot?
  143. termo: ...
  144. termo: if you actually look at the situations that its occurring in
  145. termo: ie. uber disadvantage
  146. termo: it almost answers it for you
  147. termo: OH
  148. termo: they are BUYING TIME
  149. termo: to get uber
  150. termo: by stopping the enemy team from coming into lobby straight away
  151. termo: you know?
  152. TEATIME Jersshhh: yah
  153. TEATIME Jersshhh: make them walk up spire
  154. TEATIME Jersshhh: + get good spam on them left balc
  155. termo: yeah
  156. termo: thats something yo ucan do
  157. termo: but the underlying reason
  158. termo: is to buy time to get uber
  159. TEATIME Jersshhh: yeah
  160. termo: and everyone knows that situation
  161. termo: because its been done a lot
  162. termo: and
  163. termo: it has a very powerful effect
  164. termo: but
  165. termo: its no different to any other sitaution
  166. termo: that you can learn
  167. termo: and execute
  168. termo: that others dont know
  169. termo: so
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