
The Schiit

Jun 23rd, 2020
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  1. Open letter to Schiit Audio:
  3. Subject: Loki, Magic, and Difference between Retail and B-Stock
  5. Hi,
  7. I am interested in the Loki Mini.
  9. I listen to a lot of live shows and there is great joy in being able to tune the different equalizer bands to improve the sound,... and do it with my hands at the convenience of a knob.
  11. During COVID-19, I have had to make my home office more enjoyable and when I am at the computer, programming for long hours, I need music but I can’t be distracted by stupid software based EQs — I need to be able to make an adjustment to an unpleasant sound or boost a song that gets me into a really good mood without taking my eyes off of the computer or switching foreground applications or moving my mouse (all things that will slow down my ability to maintain focus and drive). My work is very demanding.
  13. I spent 2 weeks researching EQ solutions. I was
  15. I saw this review of your product:
  18. And then I was convinced that I should stay away from the multi-purpose units such as pre-amps and amps with tone control. I also was not convinced that a 31-bar slider would deliver on my needs as it would sap too much of my attention at the time that I want to make a small adjustment and just go back to focusing on what I was doing.
  20. That review really helped me make a decision. Before watching it, I was all but convinced that tuning control built into another device would function just as well, and as-such, was actually searching for a headphone amp with built-in tune control *and* a 1/4 (6.35mm) headphone jack on the front (and ideally a 1/8th input in the back to come from stereo out of a laptop).
  22. Ok, I bet that last (parenthetical) statement probably made you cringe. Taking already-mastered audio from a laptop’s 1/8 mini-DIN output and shaping it with an equalizer … I have been told this is less than ideal and that (just as Z Reviews in the above video recommends toward the end) a DAC that interfaces with the computer via USB would be much better.
  24. But here’s my situation — and perhaps you may find a lot of potential customers in my situation — the laptop that I want to connect all this to is a work laptop that is locked-down with what is known as “End-Point Protector.” EPP, as it is known, is a software used by employers, installed on employee laptops, to prevent the connection of unauthorized USB, thunderbolt, and sundry equipment.
  26. That USB thumb drive? Nope. Not gonna happen.
  27. The USB DAC? Haha, you’re kidding right?
  28. Oh, you wanted to install software to perform automatic parametric equalization given certain presets for quick access?
  30. None of those things are happening.
  32. I basically have two options:
  34. 1. Connect to the audio output of the company-approved Elgato docking station
  38. 2. Connect to the 1/8th-inch mini-DIN headphone connector directly on the laptop
  40. There is no controlling anything with software.
  42. So, the Loki Mini looks like my best bet, best sound, best everything. And it only cost $149?
  44. Are you insane? No, no, I take it back, that price point really opened up possibilities.
  46. I actually feel stupid asking if there is a difference between the $129 B-stock model (which your website says you have 6 of) and the $149 no-discount, non-B-stock purchase when I order a Loki tomorrow! I mean, I’d actually rather pay more because $20 is nothing to me and I’d rather someone that $20 matters-to be able to find the B-stock lower price and be able to make the purchase if $20 really matters to them.
  48. So to recap:
  50. 1. Asking difference (if any) between B-stock and non-B-stock (I presume B-stock simply means back-stock and there is no difference)
  52. 2. Asking mildly, would it be better to connect to the Elgato or directly?
  54. 3. Opening the door to a discussion about anything I’m doing “wrong” (I am not an audiophile, … COVID-19 forced this on me … without truly enjoyable music I could not focus … the dam neighbors might as well be beavers — with ALL of us working from home these days, condominiums have become noisy places and we all still need to be able to zone out, tune in, and code-on).
  56. Cheers,
  57. Devin
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