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#school4lulz -- How to Read a Wiki

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Aug 27th, 2011
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  1. --- Log opened Tue Aug 16 22:09:44 2011
  2. 22:09 :: Irssi: #school4lulz: Total of 84 nicks (5 ops, 1 halfops, 1 voices, 77 normal)
  3. 22:09 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o d1zzY) by Lulzboat
  4. 22:09 :: Irssi: Join to #school4lulz was synced in 1 secs
  5. 22:09 <~Fox> So, you get a voice right?
  6. 22:09 <~Fox> You say something stupid. That happens.
  7. 22:10 <@d1zzY> lol
  8. 22:10 <~Fox> Anyways, d1zzY PM him for voice
  9. 22:10 <@Bratty> something stupid
  10. 22:10 <@d1zzY> questions?? PM me or bratty for Voice
  11. 22:10 <@Bratty> ;x
  12. 22:10 <~Fox> Bratty is our sexretary.
  13. 22:10 :: Bratty was kicked from #school4lulz by Fox (Abuse.)
  14. 22:10 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o Bratty) by Lulzboat
  15. 22:10 <@Bratty> lolol
  16. 22:10 <~Fox> Now, moving along since these douchebags are finished.
  17. 22:10 <~Fox> Tonights class is on encryption, virtual machines, hiding things
  18. 22:10 <~Fox> General 101, of making shit hard for other people.
  19. 22:11 <~Fox> We've done this a couple times before, but at the requests of some people
  20. 22:11 <~Fox> we're going over it again, with a lot of new content,
  21. 22:11 <~Fox> some more step-by-step,
  22. 22:11 <~Fox> and a little less tin-foil hat.
  23. 22:11 <~Fox> So, with that lets begin.
  24. 22:11 <~Fox> Right now, my personal preference of setup, is pretty simple.
  25. 22:12 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v _1lluminat1_) by d1zzY
  26. 22:12 <+_1lluminat1_> and specific operating systems? or is this open discussion
  27. 22:12 <~Fox> Linux box, with encrypted home partition (lukscrypt),
  28. 22:12 :: mode/#school4lulz (-v _1lluminat1_) by d1zzY
  29. 22:12 <~Fox> I'll cover quite a bit for you
  30. 22:12 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v turbopinko) by d1zzY
  31. 22:13 <~Fox> Also, revoice him, but please put your questions to them, to funnel up to me, for logs cleanliness.
  32. 22:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v diesl0w) by Fox
  33. 22:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v _1lluminat1_) by d1zzY
  34. 22:13 <~Fox> Anyways,
  35. 22:13 <+diesl0w> wrd.
  36. 22:13 <~Fox> Linux box, with encrypted home partition (lukscrypt),
  37. 22:13 <~Fox> Then from there, I am a fan of truecrypt in some ways,
  38. 22:13 <~Fox> Most of my documentation is kept within a regular truecrypt partition that I label /data
  39. 22:14 <~Fox> from there, a hidden partition within that of /data/secure
  40. 22:14 <~Fox> Thats where I keep my Virtual Machines, and other sensitive nastiness.
  41. 22:14 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v case) by d1zzY
  42. 22:14 <~Fox> From there, my VMs are based upon the needs of the day.
  43. 22:14 <~Fox> Am I wrecking shit?
  44. 22:14 <~Fox> Or am I just chilling on IRC, and handling business.
  45. 22:15 <~Fox> Now, I'm getting lit up about truecrypt.
  46. 22:15 <~Fox> NOTHING. IS. INFALLIABLE.
  47. 22:15 <@d1zzY> _1lluminat1_ asks: Why does one keep their VMs in a secure area?
  48. 22:15 <~Fox> Know tihs.
  49. 22:15 <~Fox> I'll get to that
  50. 22:15 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v redrock) by d1zzY
  51. 22:15 <~Fox> Truecrypt does have known flaws, but still as esc mentioned
  52. 22:16 <~Fox> the ability to cascade different sets of encryption is a function that to my knowledge is unparalleled.
  53. 22:16 <~Fox> Plus, I mean fuck.
  54. 22:16 <~Fox> You're gonna go through an enc home partition
  55. 22:16 <~Fox> a fuckin truecrypt volume
  56. 22:16 <~Fox> PLUS A HIDDEN?
  58. 22:17 <~Fox> ffs.
  59. 22:17 <~Fox> I'm not that bad.
  60. 22:17 <~Fox> And if you're here, you're certainly not.
  61. 22:17 :: mrbroadcloak is now known as C21H26O2
  62. 22:17 <~Fox> Anyways
  64. 22:18 <~Fox> Fuck that.
  65. 22:18 <~Fox> right?
  66. 22:18 <~Fox> Password difficulty is a pretty fickle thing.
  67. 22:18 <~Fox> Anyone here see the XKCD article?
  68. 22:18 <~Fox> *cartoon
  69. 22:18 <~Fox> whatever.
  70. 22:18 <~Fox> On password entropy?
  71. 22:18 <+case> ye
  72. 22:18 <~Fox> Got passed around here a lot, someone able to get that link?
  73. 22:19 <+redrock>
  74. 22:19 <@d1zzY> redrock wants to know why you encrypt /home and not the entire system?
  75. 22:19 <~Fox> Thank you.
  76. 22:19 <@d1zzY> TehSushi wants to know best linux distro besides gentoo
  77. 22:19 <~Fox> redrock makes a good point.
  78. 22:20 <+case> and how much the encryption/decryption thing slows everything down?
  79. 22:20 <+redrock> -boot of course
  80. 22:20 <~Fox> Honestly, because I'm already putting in PWs anyways.
  81. 22:20 <@d1zzY>
  82. 22:20 <@d1zzY> whoops
  83. 22:20 <@d1zzY>
  84. 22:20 <~Fox> Like, those file volumes, and types, are pretty grimy.
  85. 22:20 <~Fox> Like any cryptographer would be like fml.
  86. 22:20 <~Fox> Just plain and simple.
  87. 22:21 <~Fox> I could, but why hide my configs and etc,
  88. 22:21 <~Fox> You know?
  89. 22:21 <~Fox> Nothing in there is going to be so revealing that it's gonna make a bit of difference.
  90. 22:21 <+_1lluminat1_> when running a VM, why is is smart to hide it in a secure location?
  91. 22:21 <@d1zzY> ^^he said he'd get to that lol
  92. 22:22 <~Fox> And I promise I will
  93. 22:22 <+_1lluminat1_> k, my bad
  94. 22:22 <~Fox> also linux distros, I'll probably be fucking castrated for it, but I've always been a fan of CentOS, RHEL, and Ubuntu.
  95. 22:22 <@d1zzY> Fox: shit like sqlmap stores dumps in /opt/ or /usr/
  96. 22:22 <~Fox> d1zzY: hence the vms..
  97. 22:22 <@d1zzY> but then again, i guess you're hackin on the VM and not your box...nevermind
  98. 22:22 <~Fox> Asshat.
  99. 22:22 <~Fox> But no, I'm not a distro elitest...
  100. 22:23 <~Fox> but if you don't ever brew your own..
  101. 22:23 <~Fox> you're kind of a faggot.
  102. 22:23 <~Fox> Just saying.
  103. 22:23 <~Fox> Like, you need the struggle
  104. 22:23 <~Fox> of wanting to put your fist
  105. 22:23 <~Fox> through a screen
  106. 22:23 <~Fox> over dependencies.
  107. 22:23 <@d1zzY> My input: I think best distro ='s not bloated w/ shit like ubuntu and doesn't come w/ open ports default but isn't gentoo pos
  108. 22:23 <~Fox> d1zzY is a retard.
  109. 22:23 <~Fox> please disregard him.
  110. 22:23 <~Fox> gentoo pos....
  111. 22:23 <+turbopinko> coughBSDcough
  112. 22:23 <~Fox> ....
  113. 22:24 <~Fox> sacrelidge.
  114. 22:24 <+redrock> bloat mattered when we had 64mb of ram
  115. 22:24 <+turbopinko> BSD is the most secure out of the box *nix distro
  116. 22:24 <+diesl0w> ubuntu is like a pink fluffy bunny
  117. 22:24 <@d1zzY> yeah, i just read about how BSD is like, so many years behind everything else...
  118. 22:24 <~Fox> turbopinko makes a great point. BSD is for those whom have a strong constitution.
  119. 22:24 <+turbopinko> yeah it really is
  120. 22:24 <~Fox> Anyways
  121. 22:24 <~Fox> not here for distro argument
  122. 22:24 <~Fox> use what you use. read, research
  123. 22:25 <~Fox> don't just take my advice as word of god.
  124. 22:25 <~Fox> please fucking christ, don't do that
  125. 22:25 <~Fox> I'm here to guide, and educate
  126. 22:25 <@d1zzY> lmao
  127. 22:25 <~Fox> not be final word.
  128. 22:25 <~Fox> Anyways
  129. 22:25 <~Fox> moving on the line,
  130. 22:25 <~Fox> As d1zzY has pointed out, I was stolen by the gentoo cult a while back.
  131. 22:26 <~Fox> I still taste other flavors, but the school crew has always hit the gentoo kool aid hard.
  132. 22:26 <~Fox> So, moving back over to password entropy and shit like that.
  133. 22:26 <~Fox> Take this example
  134. 22:27 <~Fox> correcthorsebatterystaple
  135. 22:27 <~Fox> Now, although it does fucking great
  136. 22:27 <~Fox> combine the two.
  137. 22:27 <~Fox> c0rr3cth0r53b4tt3ryst4pl3
  138. 22:27 <~Fox> c0rr3cth0r53b4tt3ryst4pl3!!1!#
  139. 22:27 <~Fox> Oh shit.
  140. 22:27 <~Fox> I just made something that I can most likely fucking remember
  141. 22:28 <~Fox> that now is exponentially more difficult, by at least a few more passes.
  142. 22:28 <~Fox> People say shit like OH MEMORIZE A PASSWORD HASHED IN LIKE 12 DIFFERENT METHODS
  143. 22:28 <~Fox> I literally dare anyone right now, that has a hash memorized, to speak up.
  144. 22:29 <~Fox> I'll wait a minute.
  145. 22:29 <~Fox> Exactly.
  146. 22:29 <~Fox> No one does that,
  147. 22:29 <~Fox> because it is insane.
  148. 22:29 <~Fox> I am not insane.
  149. 22:29 <~Fox> I will never tell you to do that.
  150. 22:30 <@orbital> i got pi remembered to 300 digits I CAN DO IT /insane
  151. 22:30 <~Fox> Now, you want to be supercool, you can throw keyfiles in the mix
  152. 22:30 <~Fox> So, now your boots looking like that
  153. 22:30 <~Fox> *this
  154. 22:30 <~Fox> boot - pw for enc /home
  155. 22:30 <~Fox> pop in sd card (OR IF YOUR PRO, MAKE FS ON SD CARD.) with keyfiles.
  156. 22:31 <~Fox> Unlock enc volume, or enc sd card,
  157. 22:31 <~Fox> sd card holds keyfiles which are just bullshit from dev/urandom
  158. 22:31 <~Fox> Everyone here DOES know what dev urandom is right?
  159. 22:32 <~Fox> Seriously.
  160. 22:32 <~Fox> Looking for input
  161. 22:32 <@d1zzY> yeas
  162. 22:32 <@d1zzY> yeah*
  163. 22:32 <~Fox> Everyone here knows?
  164. 22:32 <@d1zzY> nobody is PMin me asking?
  165. 22:32 <+_1lluminat1_> explain please
  166. 22:32 <+redrock> Yes
  167. 22:32 <~Fox> Ok
  168. 22:32 <~Fox> so
  169. 22:32 <~Fox> if you don't know what /dev/urandom is
  170. 22:32 <~Fox> please type in this
  171. 22:32 <~Fox> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
  172. 22:32 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v sark) by d1zzY
  173. 22:33 <~Fox> That will show you
  174. 22:33 <~Fox> exactly what I'm talking about.
  175. 22:33 <~Fox> Please run that right now, if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  176. 22:33 <~Fox> Anyways, moving along, you have your randomized garbage keys
  177. 22:33 <~Fox> stash em.
  178. 22:33 <~Fox> Your use copy
  179. 22:33 <~Fox> your backup
  180. 22:33 <~Fox> cause, there is literally nothing worse
  181. 22:33 <~Fox> than fucking up
  182. 22:34 <~Fox> wasting all these hours worth of encryption
  183. 22:34 <~Fox> and losing your shit
  184. 22:34 <+redrock> aside: lulz at terminal command
  185. 22:34 <~Fox> Anyways
  186. 22:34 <~Fox> Lets get into the meat huh?
  187. 22:35 <~Fox> I got some stuff pulled up cookie cutter for you kids
  188. 22:35 <~Fox> Anyone here not know how to handle their kernel?
  189. 22:36 <@d1zzY> what do you mean by "handle"
  190. 22:36 <~Fox> Cause there is no fucking way, I'm going through kernel recompiles with you guys right now.
  191. 22:36 <@d1zzY> lol
  192. 22:36 <~Fox> Like, that is a hell, you must face on your own.
  193. 22:36 <~Fox> Ya know
  194. 22:36 <~Fox> Like, we'll provide input and troll you
  195. 22:36 <~Fox> but, I can't just sit and go over all the potentials, and blah blah blah blah
  196. 22:36 <~Fox> That you shitbirds will ask
  197. 22:37 <~Fox> so going to -m for a second
  198. 22:37 <~Fox> who knows, who doesnt.
  199. 22:37 :: mode/#school4lulz (-m) by Fox
  200. 22:37 <~Fox> go.
  201. 22:37 <@d1zzY> How useful is GrSec for a personal comp?
  202. 22:37 < AndroUser> yes.
  203. 22:37 <~Fox> Very.
  204. 22:37 <+sark> <-- knows
  205. 22:38 <~Fox> Ooooh... broad sms....
  206. 22:38 <~Fox> sec.
  207. 22:38 <@d1zzY> soo
  208. 22:38 <+redrock> d1zzy: updated kernels will provide aslr by default but there are some addition features from pax that help
  209. 22:38 <@d1zzY> how many people ran the dd command?
  210. 22:39 :: d1zzY was kicked from #school4lulz by Fox (you have no idea you fucking derp.)
  211. --- Log closed Tue Aug 16 22:39:00 2011
  212. --- Log opened Tue Aug 16 22:39:17 2011
  213. 22:39 :: Irssi: #school4lulz: Total of 88 nicks (5 ops, 1 halfops, 7 voices, 75 normal)
  214. 22:39 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o d1zzY) by Lulzboat
  215. 22:39 :: Irssi: Join to #school4lulz was synced in 1 secs
  216. 22:39 <~Fox> :>
  217. 22:39 <@d1zzY> fuckin up my logs nigga
  218. 22:39 <~Fox> Moving along
  219. 22:39 <@d1zzY> lol
  220. 22:39 <~Fox> I aint gonna be doing anything fancy for you all on the meat and potatoes.
  221. 22:40 <~Fox> sec while I get mah
  222. 22:40 <~Fox> TEECHIN
  223. 22:40 <~Fox> UTILITY.
  224. 22:40 <~Fox>
  225. 22:40 <~Fox> Boom.
  226. 22:40 <~Fox> Warning: This would save your data only, you'd get killed either way. If the data is more important than your life it would be stupid for you to rely on the information presented in this document.
  227. 22:41 <~Fox> So this right here
  228. 22:41 <~Fox> will walk you through the steps
  229. 22:41 <~Fox> top to bottom
  230. 22:41 <~Fox> In order to get this setup running right
  231. 22:41 <~Fox> you're most likely going to be chrooting
  232. 22:41 <~Fox> and setting shit up yourself.
  233. 22:42 <~Fox> So lets see, where are you all gonna fuck this up.
  234. 22:43 <+sark> Leaving my passphrase on a slip of paper in my desk?
  235. 22:43 :: Shaggy|away is now known as Shaggy
  236. 22:43 <~Fox> Thats a big fucking up.
  237. 22:43 <@d1zzY> lol
  238. 22:43 <~Fox> now, note
  239. 22:43 <~Fox> this right here
  240. 22:44 <~Fox> will let you PICK YOUR FLAVOR OF CRAZY
  241. 22:45 <~Fox> So anyways, am I going to go over this doc top bottom
  242. 22:45 <~Fox> no you faggots
  243. 22:45 <~Fox> you can read
  244. 22:45 <~Fox> so, first things first
  245. 22:45 <~Fox> FOLLOW THIS.
  246. 22:45 <~Fox> READ, RE READ
  247. 22:45 <~Fox> READ A FUCKIN GAIN
  248. 22:45 <~Fox> Anyone here
  249. 22:45 <~Fox> that has done dirt, or admin work will tell you
  250. 22:45 <~Fox> there is nothing worse
  251. 22:45 <~Fox> than thinking you are the shit
  252. 22:46 <~Fox> and finding out, without an internet connection, and a non-working boot, that you are wrong.
  253. 22:46 <~Fox> Show of !'s who's done it.
  254. 22:46 :: mode/#school4lulz (-m) by Fox
  255. 22:46 <+redrock> !
  256. 22:46 < Steve2> done tihnking ?
  257. 22:46 <~Fox> Lying fucks.
  258. 22:46 < Steve2> thinking too
  259. 22:46 < Halcium> !!!
  260. 22:46 < Steve2> i try not to think, it hurts
  261. 22:46 <+redrock> reading doc pages on an old nokia fucking sucks
  262. 22:46 < V3r4eX> !
  263. 22:46 <~Fox> K.
  264. 22:47 <~Fox> See.
  265. 22:47 <~Fox> lol
  266. 22:47 <~Fox> .
  267. 22:47 <~Fox> anyways, sec, intermission
  268. 22:47 <~Fox> I need a piss and a cigarette afterwards.
  269. 22:47 <+sark> !
  270. 22:48 <~Fox> for the record
  271. 22:48 <~Fox> stop ircing from your own machine
  272. 22:49 <+case> from where then
  273. 22:49 < OpMonsanto> the moon oO
  274. 22:49 <@d1zzY> ssh
  275. 22:49 <~Fox> from a server you cunt
  276. 22:49 < alpha> Phone
  277. 22:49 * Steve2 has always ircd from his own machine
  278. 22:49 <@d1zzY> Fox: like a VPS?
  279. 22:49 <~Fox> yup
  280. 22:49 <@d1zzY> what if using like...i2p?
  281. 22:49 <~Fox> i'm a fan of amazon ec2 + vpn
  282. 22:49 < Halcium> please explain fox?
  283. 22:49 <+case> what's the cost ?
  284. 22:49 <~Fox> cost of vpn
  285. 22:50 <~Fox> lol
  286. 22:50 <@d1zzY> lol
  287. 22:50 <+case> wat
  288. 22:50 <~Fox> amazon ec2 tiny ami instances
  289. 22:50 <~Fox> are free.
  290. 22:50 <+redrock>
  291. 22:50 <@d1zzY> i was gonna say, is a free vps a bad idea for IRC?
  292. 22:50 < issue313> Any decent small shell services?
  293. 22:50 <~Fox> perfect for irssi
  294. 22:50 <@d1zzY> yeah thats what i mean
  295. 22:50 <~Fox> not with vpn support tmk
  296. 22:50 < Halcium> shell bad?
  297. 22:51 <~Fox> idk imho
  298. 22:51 * d1zzY is gonna need to format soon
  299. 22:51 <@d1zzY> =)
  300. 22:51 <~Fox> I'd rather know what they're seeing
  301. 22:52 <~Fox> than vice versa.
  302. 22:52 <~Fox> Admins are nosy fucks.
  303. 22:52 * Steve2 is an admin as is nosy as fuck
  304. 22:52 <~Fox> Indeed.
  305. 22:52 < Steve2> s/as/and
  306. 22:53 < Halcium> A nosey admin cost me my job a couple years ago, I think it was Steve2..
  307. 22:53 <~Fox> Anyways faggots
  308. 22:53 <~Fox> shush
  309. 22:54 :: mode/#school4lulz (+m) by Fox
  310. 22:54 <~Fox> Back in session
  311. 22:54 <~Fox> so who's even bothered to look at the wiki?
  312. 22:54 <@d1zzY> !
  313. 22:54 * sark raises hand.
  314. 22:54 <+case> !
  315. 22:54 <~Fox> Cool,
  316. 22:54 <~Fox> so that right there is your step by step
  317. 22:54 <~Fox> That includes full encryption
  318. 22:54 <~Fox> top-bottom
  319. 22:55 <~Fox> happy paranoid fags?
  320. 22:55 :: Steve2 is now known as I_havent
  321. 22:55 <~Fox> so, once again, as we love to say
  322. 22:55 :: I_havent is now known as Steve2
  323. 22:55 <~Fox> EAT YOUR FUCKING SD CARD
  324. 22:55 <~Fox> It sounds fucking weird.
  325. 22:55 <~Fox> But if you are not a HUGE threat
  326. 22:55 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v Steve2) by d1zzY
  327. 22:55 <~Fox> (IE: Fucking major corps, or Govt shit that is sensitive)
  328. 22:55 <~Fox> you'll do just dandy.
  329. 22:55 <~Fox> Eat the card
  330. 22:56 <~Fox> they'll throw some shit at it
  331. 22:56 <~Fox> as long as your password is long and relevant
  332. 22:56 <~Fox> and you keyfile
  333. 22:56 <~Fox> and be a dick
  334. 22:56 <~Fox> You'll do just fine
  335. 22:56 <~Fox> they will sweat
  336. 22:56 <~Fox> the ever
  337. 22:56 <~Fox> loving
  338. 22:56 <+redrock> <MissWonderful> fuckin asshole says, if you dont know what dev/urandom is, type dd if or
  339. 22:56 <~Fox> bejesus out of you
  340. 22:56 <~Fox> DID YOU DO IT?
  341. 22:56 <~Fox> Oh shit
  342. 22:56 <~Fox> hold up
  343. 22:56 :: mode/#school4lulz (-m) by Fox
  344. 22:56 <~Fox> please god
  345. 22:56 <~Fox> tell me thats what you did
  346. 22:56 <+Steve2> oh, hey, thats better
  347. 22:56 <+redrock> hahahahaha
  348. 22:57 <+redrock> he is bitching in #school
  349. 22:57 <~Fox> MissWonderful:
  350. 22:57 < MissWonderful> YES!~ u ass
  351. 22:57 <~Fox> HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  352. 22:57 <+Steve2> where is this wiki which you speak of ?
  353. 22:57 <+redrock> <MissWonderful> fucking fox..
  354. 22:57 <~Fox> HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  355. 22:57 <+sark> Sweet!
  358. 22:57 <@d1zzY> he ran it
  359. 22:57 < r3dd3r> lmfao
  360. 22:57 <~Fox> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  361. 22:57 <@d1zzY> lololol
  362. 22:57 <+sark> Nice one, Miss!
  363. 22:57 <~Fox> YOU ARE A FAGGOT
  364. 22:57 :: MissWonderful was kicked from #school4lulz by Fox (LOLOLOLOLOLOL I AM LAUGHING. IN REAL LIFE.)
  365. 22:57 < MissWonderful> hehe
  366. 22:57 < r3dd3r> hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  367. 22:57 <@d1zzY> lmao
  368. 22:57 <~Fox> OH MAN.
  369. 22:57 < sc> i've done it once too, trying to copy a live cd to a flash drive, but chose the hdd instead
  370. 22:57 <~Fox> THAT IS FANTASTIC.
  371. 22:57 < k4n0n> this tut will be on pastebin?
  372. 22:57 <~Fox> Yes it will
  373. 22:57 < k4n0n> koo
  374. 22:57 < r3dd3r> amazing
  375. 22:57 <@d1zzY> k4n0n: in the link in topic
  376. 22:57 < sc> now you get to learn about forensics : )
  377. 22:57 <~Fox> sec, I am tweeting this.
  378. 22:57 <~Fox> So amazing.
  379. 22:58 <@d1zzY> lmaooo
  380. 22:58 < sc> recovering your own data
  381. 22:58 < overlord> what did miss wonderful do?
  382. 22:58 <@d1zzY> got punked
  383. 22:58 < MissWonderful> glad to brighten your day!
  384. 22:58 <@d1zzY> redrock ++
  385. 22:58 <@d1zzY> you're such a punk talk so much smack on them here...
  386. 22:58 <@d1zzY> lmao
  387. 22:58 <+redrock> haha
  388. 22:59 <~Fox> Man
  389. 22:59 * d1zzY getting logs
  390. 22:59 <~Fox> So happy.
  391. 22:59 :: mode/#school4lulz (+m) by Fox
  392. 22:59 <~Fox> class.
  393. 22:59 <~Fox> in session
  394. 22:59 <~Fox> whew.
  395. 22:59 <~Fox> That is great.
  396. 22:59 <~Fox> Anyways
  397. 22:59 <~Fox> Make sure that is in logs
  398. 22:59 <@d1zzY> will do
  399. 22:59 <~Fox> emblazoned in internet forever.
  400. 22:59 <@d1zzY> lolol
  401. 22:59 <~Fox> Kay
  402. 23:00 <~Fox> so where the fuck was I
  403. 23:00 <~Fox> I just derailed the whole fucking class over that.
  404. 23:00 <~Fox> Oh fed shit.
  405. 23:00 <~Fox> Yeah, like anyone here that has had dealings with you will tell you, these guys talk MAD GAME
  406. 23:00 <~Fox> They will say they have you strung up like some kiddie rape fuck
  407. 23:01 <~Fox> you know
  409. 23:01 <~Fox> SO
  410. 23:01 <~Fox> SNITCH
  411. 23:01 <~Fox> OR GO TO JAIL
  412. 23:01 <~Fox> FOR
  413. 23:01 <~Fox> 02343089-23942-39432094-320942-3853094t6830583095820942305982509275109uwokerngfoeiur20rj YEARS
  414. 23:01 <~Fox> FAGGOT
  415. 23:01 <~Fox> Keep a cool head
  416. 23:01 <~Fox> Lawyer up
  417. 23:01 <~Fox> You should be fine.
  418. 23:01 <~Fox> So derailed.
  419. 23:01 <~Fox> So so derailed.
  420. 23:01 <~Fox> Fuck
  421. 23:01 :: mode/#school4lulz (-m) by Fox
  422. 23:01 <~Fox> Open forum
  423. 23:01 <~Fox> ask questions
  424. 23:01 < k4n0n> lol
  425. 23:01 <~Fox> Get answers.
  426. 23:02 <@d1zzY> <== go fuckin RETWEET
  427. 23:02 <+sark> Ok, I have a question.
  428. 23:02 <@d1zzY> lolol
  429. 23:02 < sc> thats my password
  430. 23:02 <@d1zzY> omg..that fucked me all up
  431. 23:02 <+sark> I don't understand the layering between VPN and VPS that you mentioned. How does that work?
  432. 23:02 <~Fox> k
  433. 23:02 <~Fox> SO
  434. 23:02 <~Fox> so
  435. 23:03 <~Fox> VPN
  436. 23:03 <~Fox> covers all traffic
  437. 23:03 <~Fox> right?
  438. 23:03 <+sark> ok
  439. 23:03 < sc> dns leaks
  440. 23:03 <~Fox> So
  441. 23:03 <+redrock> shouldn't with a vpn
  442. 23:03 <~Fox> it's better then just fucking connecting straight out
  443. 23:03 < sc> or something regarding vpn and tor
  444. 23:03 <~Fox> I hate tor.
  445. 23:03 <~Fox> I really do.
  446. 23:03 <~Fox> I wont go into that further
  447. 23:03 < Halcium> its too slow
  448. 23:04 <~Fox> but just I really fucking hate it.
  449. 23:04 <~Fox> Leave it at that
  450. 23:04 <~Fox> so
  451. 23:04 <~Fox> srak
  452. 23:04 <~Fox> sark
  453. 23:04 <~Fox> you got it?
  454. 23:04 < smrt> tunnel ssh? ovpn? ipsec?
  455. 23:04 <~Fox> take your pick.
  456. 23:04 < DecryptedMatrix> how much machine does one need to run MULTIPLE VMs at once?
  457. 23:04 <+sark> So tunnel to the VPS and then it looks like all traffic originates there . . .
  458. 23:04 <~Fox> DecryptedMatrix: I dont usually run multiples at the same time
  459. 23:04 <+redrock> decryptedmatrix: depends on what the vm's are doing, you can run most os on really fuckin low ram if they are just sitting there testing network daemons
  460. 23:04 <~Fox> but Core2Duo 2.2 8g ram on a lappy does fine
  461. 23:05 <~Fox> +1 redrock
  462. 23:05 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v God) by Fox
  463. 23:05 <+God> +1 Fox
  464. 23:05 < DecryptedMatrix> thats what i figured. Confusing to hear that Topiary had SIXTEEN running??
  465. 23:05 < DecryptedMatrix> is that possible?
  466. 23:05 <~Fox> DecryptedMatrix: that was a lie.
  467. 23:05 <+redrock> decryptedmatrix: you are limited by io, cpu and memory
  468. 23:05 <~Fox> He only had 2
  469. 23:05 <+God> what did i miss i was late for class, the bus driver was slow today
  470. 23:05 <~Fox> both of them were running lemonparty.
  471. 23:05 <~Fox> Topiary Forever.
  472. 23:05 <~Fox> Glitter Dragons
  473. 23:06 <~Fox> Forever.
  474. 23:06 <@d1zzY> lmao @ lemonparty
  475. 23:06 <+sark> I saw one news story that claimed he had 16 physical machines in his bedroom!
  476. 23:06 <+redrock> decryptedmatrix: too much io they run like shit, too much cpu use it runs like shit, too much memory use you'll crash
  477. 23:06 <+sark> But later, read about the VMs and realized the reporter's lie.
  478. 23:06 <~Fox> who knows maybe he did
  479. 23:06 <~Fox> but who gives a shit
  480. 23:06 <~Fox> cause im not
  481. 23:06 <+Steve2> decrypted : it really depends on the resources of the host server - for example, we have a sun box here running around 9 VMs at the same time, limited really by memory and HDD space
  482. 23:06 <~Fox> and your probably not
  483. 23:06 <@d1zzY> 16 VMs running probably means he had 16VMs to choose from...
  484. 23:06 < sc> im too poor for 16 computers : (
  485. 23:06 <+case> tooopic
  486. 23:06 <@d1zzY> anywayyyyyyy
  487. 23:06 <+Steve2> (tho, it DOES have a cpu with 128 cores)
  488. 23:07 < DecryptedMatrix> thanks all
  489. 23:07 < k4n0n> i heard he had like 20 computers though
  490. 23:07 <@d1zzY> ^no
  491. 23:07 <+redrock> whys it matter
  492. 23:07 <@d1zzY> ./join #freetopiary
  493. 23:07 <+redrock> if he has 20 he's retarded anyway, just get a few more powerful ones and virtualize all that shit
  494. 23:07 <@d1zzY> ^
  496. 23:07 < TehSushi> Why would you need that many VMs anyway? :|
  497. 23:08 <+God> i heard he was a computer a cyborg genetic organism to be exact
  498. 23:08 <+redrock> tehsushi: I have.. a lot
  499. 23:08 < k4n0n> LOL
  500. 23:08 <+case> i've heard we should return on topic :(
  501. 23:08 < TehSushi> and why do you need them redrock?
  502. 23:08 <@d1zzY> that aiin't shit...Kevin Mitnick wasn't allowed phone calls in jail because he could whistle nuclear launch codes!!!!11
  503. 23:08 <+redrock> tehsushi: whole networks with virtualized routers
  504. 23:08 <~Fox> case I lost the topic
  505. 23:08 <~Fox> lol
  506. 23:08 < DecryptedMatrix> Is there any need to randomize the MAC if using a disposable VM?
  507. 23:08 < o0o0o0o0o> Fox: you never went over cold boot prevention
  508. 23:08 <+redrock> decryptedmatrix: open a terminal and run "macchanger --help"
  509. 23:08 < k4n0n> hacked the Interpol, Google, the CIA, nd area 51 with a motorola startac
  510. 23:08 <@d1zzY> DecryptedMatrix
  511. 23:08 < Halcium> kevin mitnick likes weiner
  512. 23:08 <@d1zzY> yes because your MAC == your MAC
  513. 23:08 < DecryptedMatrix> already use it.. just not in VM
  514. 23:08 <+redrock> tehsushi: testing, practice, and simulating potential victim machines
  515. 23:09 <+sark> OR: how about dead-man switches?
  516. 23:09 <@d1zzY> edit your init file and macchanger -r <interface> at boot
  517. 23:09 < r3dd3r> i ran into mitnick in manhattan today hahaha
  518. 23:09 <@d1zzY> lol...
  519. 23:09 <+God> macchanger wlan0 -r
  520. 23:09 <+God> wewt
  521. 23:09 <@d1zzY> Fox: class over? we still rollin?
  522. 23:09 < DecryptedMatrix> i randomize for up, and down actually
  523. 23:09 <~Fox> o0o0o0o0o: you are right
  524. 23:09 < o0o0o0o0o> i.e. turn off your computer
  525. 23:09 < DecryptedMatrix> was told that is best in case of disconnect
  526. 23:09 <+God> why would you ever turn off your computer?
  527. 23:10 <~Fox> o0o0o0o0o: nigga
  528. 23:10 <@d1zzY> lol
  529. 23:10 < ZZ> someone already covered cold boot in past lessons
  530. 23:10 <~Fox> I could talk about this for days
  531. 23:10 <~Fox> and yes
  532. 23:10 <~Fox> check our logs
  533. 23:10 * Steve2 really doesnt see why you'd want to change your MAC address
  534. 23:10 <@d1zzY> Steve2: google why
  535. 23:10 < sc> what about live cd programs like tails that "clean" the ram when shutting down
  536. 23:10 <+Steve2> just the fact it can be changed runs to your advantage in court
  537. 23:10 < k4n0n> because a comp can be traced back to you
  538. 23:10 <+redrock> steve2: uh, what
  539. 23:10 <+redrock> steve2: that's retarded
  540. 23:10 <~Fox> Nigga god DAMN
  541. 23:10 <~Fox> I GIVE YOU SHIT
  542. 23:10 <~Fox> AND YOU ALL ARE LIKE
  544. 23:11 <+God> Nigga fox damn
  545. 23:11 <@d1zzY>
  546. 23:11 < MissWonderful> derp
  547. 23:11 <+Steve2> no lawyer is going to convict you based on evidence that could be fabricated
  548. 23:11 < sc> :<
  550. 23:11 <+redrock> steve2: lol what
  552. 23:11 <@yngjungian> lol
  553. 23:11 < k4n0n> so when the Vans come from you and see that your laptop matches the MAC that hacked the gibson you will take a long ride
  554. 23:11 <@d1zzY> Steve2:
  555. 23:11 < Halcium> ya no shit
  556. 23:11 < o0o0o0o0o> i feel like if you're out of the house, and you left your computer on, and you get raided
  557. 23:11 <~Fox> Be thankful you bastards.
  558. 23:11 <@d1zzY> he was stealing his neighbor's wi-fi trying to get them framed for CP...
  559. 23:11 < o0o0o0o0o> your are fucked.
  560. 23:11 <~Fox> o0o0o0o0o:
  561. 23:11 <+God> what if you have no HD and only boot from memory how do you recover then
  562. 23:11 <~Fox> THEN DONT LEAVE WITH IT ON.
  563. 23:11 < o0o0o0o0o> just saying
  564. 23:12 <@d1zzY> they came, traced it back to the MAC (read: MAC ADDRESS)
  565. 23:12 <+Steve2> d1zzy : um, if you admit to something then changing your mac or not doesnt mean squat
  566. 23:12 < o0o0o0o0o> That's my point, I was just saying it for the noobs
  567. 23:12 <@d1zzY> God: Cold boot
  568. 23:12 <~Fox> Oh
  569. 23:12 <~Fox> word
  570. 23:12 <~Fox> so
  571. 23:12 <@d1zzY> Steve2: then why the fuck are you goin to admit?
  572. 23:12 < k4n0n> confessions are bullshit anyway
  573. 23:12 <~Fox> NIGGERS
  574. 23:12 <~Fox> DONT
  575. 23:12 <+Steve2> also, a mac in wifi networks is irrelevant
  576. 23:12 <~Fox> FUCKING
  577. 23:12 <~Fox> DO SHIT
  578. 23:12 <~Fox> AND THEN BE LIKE
  579. 23:12 <+redrock> steve2 you are fucking retarded
  580. 23:12 <~Fox> DERRRRRRRRRP
  581. 23:12 <@d1zzY> if yo admit to anything, all of this talk is pointless
  582. 23:12 <~Fox> IMA GONNA GO GET ICEY CREAMS!
  583. 23:12 <~Fox> AND LEAVE YOUR SHIT ON
  584. 23:12 < MissWonderful> yummy
  585. 23:12 :: Steve2 was kicked from #school4lulz by d1zzY (
  586. 23:12 <~Fox> FAGGOTS
  587. 23:12 :: d1zzY was kicked from #school4lulz by Fox (I LIKED HIM)
  588. --- Log closed Tue Aug 16 23:12:54 2011
  589. --- Log opened Tue Aug 16 23:13:01 2011
  590. 23:13 :: Irssi: #school4lulz: Total of 82 nicks (5 ops, 1 halfops, 7 voices, 69 normal)
  591. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o d1zzY) by Lulzboat
  592. 23:13 :: Irssi: Join to #school4lulz was synced in 1 secs
  593. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o Steve2) by Fox
  594. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (-o Steve2) by d1zzY
  595. 23:13 <+redrock> look, none of you motherfuckers are in aqap, nobody gives THAT MUCH of a fuck about you to track you down through all this fucking shit. You don't need 10/10 security, 6/10 is going to fuck up the kids coming at you
  596. 23:13 < Steve2> there are far more reliable ways to trace something back than using a mac address, which can be proven to be unreliable (due to the fact anyone can change it)
  597. 23:13 <@d1zzY> lol
  598. 23:13 <@d1zzY> i see waht you did there
  599. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+v Steve2) by d1zzY
  600. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+o Steve2) by Fox
  601. 23:13 <~Fox> sec
  602. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (+a Steve2) by Fox
  603. 23:13 <~Fox> Oooh...
  604. 23:13 <@d1zzY> lol
  605. 23:13 :: mode/#school4lulz (-o Steve2) by Fox
  606. 23:13 <+redrock> hahaha
  607. 23:14 :: mode/#school4lulz (-a Steve2) by Fox
  608. 23:14 < FxHnd> Am I missing something? I thought MAC addresses weren't transmitted over the internet. They stopped at your LAN.
  609. 23:14 * Steve2 blinks at all the mass modes
  610. 23:14 <@d1zzY> lmao
  611. 23:14 <+redrock> fxhnd: mac addresses are supposed to only transfer to the next hop
  612. 23:14 <+Steve2> fx : yeah, and they are recycled quite a bit as well
  613. 23:14 < sc> i think they hit the first hop
  614. 23:14 <~Fox> d1zzY:
  615. 23:14 <+redrock> fxhnd: what happens if the next hop logs?
  616. 23:14 <~Fox> Wrap it up
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