

Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. Gender ought to be as simple as looking at one's anatomy, and coming to an obvious conclusion... the fact that it's not, for many people, is indicative of a deep, deep problem in the psyche of our culture - we've replaced facts with feelings. Gender identity (and many other things) has become a shield behind which people hide from responsibility, and themselves.
  3. Rather than look at the world objectively and come to terms with what is, people are increasingly preferring to come up with their own "truth", and then attempting to materialize it. "Gender identity" (the whole SJW ethos, really) is merely one expression of humanity's systemic allergic reaction to reality. The Trump administration is another one, equally vile and ugly... forcing their despicable narrative above the stupefyingly obvious truth every single time.
  5. Anyone's internal perception or experience, including my own, cannot have more authority than objectively verifiable evidence and data; when subjective opinions are allowed to solidify into the rules we all live by, be them legal or simply cultural, we collectively drift away from the truth as a society, and into chaos (which you can see happening all around you). That goes as much for the left's "gender identity" as it does for the right's "racism"... or Islam, or Christianity, or feng shui, or fucking veganism... it doesn't matter. Ideology of any kind is not a long-term stable structure for society to be built on top of; we must build on top of the truth first, and empathy second.
  7. Those are my thoughts, anyway. ^_^
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