

Feb 18th, 2017
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  1. [16:54:40] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][ENV:d612] *udane*
  2. [16:54:47] [door] [Kliment DiPretoro] Exits ~r~Rogers ~y~Party
  3. [16:55:21] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][ENV:a38x16] *udało mu się*
  4. [16:55:25] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:a38x16] Pomocy !
  5. [16:55:27] [dmg] [Kaiden Watanabe]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp6.600000 ping50 wuid0 wflags0
  6. [16:55:29] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:a38x16] Policja !
  7. [16:55:51] [dmg] [Kaiden Watanabe]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp6.600000 ping47 wuid0 wflags0
  8. [16:55:52] [dmg] [Kaiden Watanabe]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp6.600000 ping47 wuid0 wflags0
  9. [16:55:53] [dmg] [Kaiden Watanabe]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp6.600000 ping47 wuid0 wflags0
  10. [16:55:55] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][ENV:a38x16] *Mężczyzna jest tak słaby że nie ma sił walczyc, po chwili traci przytomność*
  11. [16:57:15] [door] [Kliment DiPretoro] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 18 people inside)
  12. [16:57:25] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] zapraszam o 500$ !
  13. [16:57:46] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ja
  14. [16:57:50] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) withdraws 300 USD from their bank account
  15. [16:57:55] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro][Service 65] (411079) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Boris Ortega] (377339): Przekazanie Ci 300 USD w gotówce
  16. [16:57:56] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) hands 300 USD over to [Boris Ortega] (377339:223 / 288h, global 150022)
  17. [16:58:47] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  18. [16:58:47] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  19. [16:58:51] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  20. [16:58:51] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  21. [16:58:55] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] xd
  22. [16:58:59] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ale jazda
  23. [16:59:01] [CASH] [Boris Ortega] (377339:223 / 288h, global 150022) hands 540 USD over to [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0)
  24. [16:59:05] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] tego jeszcze nie było
  25. [16:59:08] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] o ile
  26. [16:59:09] [dmg] [Zachery Conti]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp1.320000 ping61 wuid0 wflags0
  27. [16:59:16] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) deposits 540 USD to their bank account
  28. [16:59:21] [dmg] [Zachery Conti]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp1.320000 ping63 wuid0 wflags0
  29. [16:59:24] [dmg] [Zachery Conti]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp1.320000 ping122 wuid0 wflags0
  30. [16:59:31] [dmg] [Zachery Conti]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp1.320000 ping90 wuid0 wflags0
  31. [16:59:43] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 7680391 down on the floor (986.878601, -1304.736816, 22.187999)
  32. [16:59:49] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] prosz xd
  33. [16:59:56] [dmg] [Zachery Conti]>[Kliment DiPretoro] w0 hp1.320000 ping72 wuid0 wflags0
  34. [16:59:59] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (987.571777, -1305.956298, 22.277999)
  35. [17:00:01] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  36. [17:00:19] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ktos o 500 ?
  37. [17:00:32] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ile
  38. [17:01:30] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ile ?
  39. [17:01:39] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ile ??
  40. [17:01:56] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ktoś 500-1000 ?
  41. [17:02:55] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] grasz o 500$ ?
  42. [17:03:38] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] koles 500?
  43. [17:03:45] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) withdraws 500 USD from their bank account
  44. [17:03:49] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro][Service 65] (411079) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Boris Ortega] (377339): Przekazanie Ci 500 USD w gotówce
  45. [17:03:51] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) hands 500 USD over to [Boris Ortega] (377339:223 / 288h, global 150022) [!!!!]
  46. [17:03:52] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] p
  47. [17:04:00] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  48. [17:04:00] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  49. [17:04:04] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ej
  50. [17:04:17] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (981.504943, -1301.572631, 22.288000)
  51. [17:04:19] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  52. [17:04:20] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  53. [17:04:20] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  54. [17:04:22] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] eszke
  55. [17:04:25] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 6 do
  56. [17:04:30] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] do 5 xd
  57. [17:04:34] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] eee
  58. [17:04:37] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] jaki remis
  59. [17:04:46] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] \
  60. [17:04:48] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 4 2 miałem
  61. [17:04:50] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 4 i 2
  62. [17:04:53] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] co pan robi !
  63. [17:05:13] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] ej
  64. [17:05:15] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] przewin se
  65. [17:05:20] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] kurde,co wy robicie
  66. [17:05:37] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] eee
  67. [17:05:40] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] REG !!!
  68. [17:05:44] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] zarząd !
  69. [17:05:45] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] czekaj
  70. [17:05:50] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] no wiem
  71. [17:05:54] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ale mialem 4i 2 !!
  72. [17:05:58] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] REG !
  73. [17:06:14] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] reg !
  74. [17:06:20] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] miałem 4 i 2 kurka !!
  75. [17:06:30] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] MIAŁEM 4 i 2 A ON MI WMAWIA CO INNEGO !!
  76. [17:06:42] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] nie ma walkowerów
  77. [17:06:44] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] pozatm wygralem
  78. [17:06:48] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] japrdl
  79. [17:06:49] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] co za ludzie
  80. [17:07:00] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (981.717163, -1301.798706, 22.288000)
  81. [17:07:02] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  82. [17:07:05] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  83. [17:07:05] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  84. [17:07:07] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  85. [17:07:07] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  86. [17:07:12] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] wcześniej wygrałem !!
  87. [17:07:16] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] kurwa,co za człowiekl
  88. [17:07:35] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  89. [17:07:35] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  90. [17:07:43] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (978.255493, -1302.605590, 22.288000)
  91. [17:07:45] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  92. [17:08:33] [report] [102.Kliment DiPretoro]>[223.Boris Ortega] Prosze o sprawdzenie logow, miałem 4 i 2 , krupier wmawiał mi ze 4 i 1 , i przegrałem , mozecie logi sprawdzic ?
  93. [17:08:57] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 600
  94. [17:09:02] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) withdraws 600 USD from their bank account
  95. [17:09:09] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ktos 600 ?!
  96. [17:09:17] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] za co
  97. [17:09:21] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] no ale miałem 4 i 2
  98. [17:09:24] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] przecie
  99. [17:09:29] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] gm sprawdza logi
  100. [17:09:41] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ktos o 600# ?
  101. [17:09:48] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] zapraszam 600
  102. [17:09:54] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro][Service 65] (411079) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Boris Ortega] (377339): Przekazanie Ci 600 USD w gotówce
  103. [17:09:56] [CASH] [Kliment DiPretoro] (411079:102 / 2h, global 0) hands 600 USD over to [Boris Ortega] (377339:223 / 288h, global 150022) [!!!!]
  104. [17:10:02] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][OOC:d702] teraz robie ss zutu
  105. [17:10:07] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  106. [17:10:07] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  107. [17:10:08] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  108. [17:10:08] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  109. [17:10:33] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] do 7
  110. [17:10:43] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (980.768432, -1301.626831, 22.288000)
  111. [17:10:45] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  112. [17:10:50] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  113. [17:10:50] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  114. [17:10:57] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] drops thing 6240765 down on the floor (981.591186, -1301.573486, 22.288000)
  115. [17:10:59] [CASH][THING] [Kliment DiPretoro] lifts thing 6240765 up. Door 702
  116. [17:11:00] [thing] [Kliment DiPretoro] Uses thing 6240765 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  117. [17:11:00] [info][Kliment DiPretoro] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  118. [17:11:04] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 6 i
  119. [17:11:06] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] 6 i 6
  120. [17:11:10] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] miałem
  121. [17:11:13] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] xd żart
  122. [17:11:19] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] immo vs 700$ ?
  123. [17:11:32] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] zapraszam immo vs 700$ !!
  124. [17:11:46] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] dawaj o immo
  125. [17:11:50] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] słabiak !
  126. [17:11:53] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] cienias!
  127. [17:11:56] [chat] [Kliment DiPretoro][IC:d702] ciota!
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