
James and Shelly's origin

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. Shelly's father, Franklin Herns, was a renounced scientist in animal genetics and nuclear physics, able to create new animals. James worked as a body guard during this time. Franklin's wife, who he neglected, died and left him Shelly. He had James watch over her most of the time. Franklin wanted to create a new animal, one that can be used be used to power cities, nuclear rodents, but Franklin wanted something, bigger, child sized. A few days later, when James walked in to ask where Shelly has been for the past few days, he saw what she had become, and naturally was angry. He attacked Franklin. During the fight, James was giving a shot made to add pig DNA. However this gave James a boost, letting him Grab Shelly and run. Forced to go into hiding because Franklin used his public image to make everyone think James kidnapped Shelly. They came to Neon later, and, somehow, James felt like he had to go somewhere. Finding a secret way to Argon, he and Shelly live there now.
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