
Triangles again

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. 18:52 Triangle-Man Neon City! One hellhole of a town, our story begins at a normal parking gara-Oh shit a sports car was just thrown out the wall on the fourth floor. Naturally this caused panic down below. As people looked up to see who did this, they saw a man whose skin looked like the universe itself, holding some sort of staff ax. Next to him slightly in the dark is, Bill?
  2. 18:54 Triangle-Man No wait its Triangle Man, someone only the oldest inhabitants in Neon would recognize. He and his gang laid low after the bank robbing, but now it just seems like they are just causing chaos for the hell of it
  3. 18:55 Universe-Man "Ok, this is just stupid. At least with bank robbing we got something out of it, but this? Throwing cars, just so you can get your rocks off."
  4. 18:56 Triangle-Man "We couldn't rob another Bank, especially after already doing so, it would ruin my name"
  5. 18:57 Universe-Man pushed another car out of the hole he made "The name only the retirement center knows?"
  6. 18:58 Triangle-Man "Hah Hah Hah. Just keep pushing" He sits on the trunk of a truck "We'll have our fun soon enough, I even have Particle Man on stand by if things get too much for you. That metal woman could show up again after all"
  7. 18:59 Universe-Man "Grr. Lets hope so, I have a bone to pick with her"
  8. 18:59 Triangle-Man "You have bones?"
  9. 18:59 Universe-Man "Yes, shut up"
  10. 18:59 Triangle-Man They continue to argue and picker, giving ample time for heroes to show up
  11. 19:04 Tectonic was walking outside the garage, on her phone texting her uncle that has problems with his laptop for the umpteenth time in a week... When a car just flies above her head and lands a few feet from her. Well, whatever caused it, she wants to fight them. And so, she rushed into the garage [after telling her uncle to deal with the problem himself].
  12. 19:05 Tectonic -- Whatever it is, it's going to be one hell of a fight. And Steph needs the adrenaline badly.
  13. 19:08 Oyuun cursed to herself as the building shook. There she was, quietly pocketing a few wads of cash from the apartment of some much more affluent jackass, when the loud boom of a wall going down hit the air. Enough that said jackass who had been too busy doing up his hair in the bathroom to notice a thief was right about to run out to the window. Oh god damn it.
  14. 19:09 Oyuun phased through one of the floors and started scrambling out of the apartment complex, bag of goods held tight over her shoulder.
  15. 19:22 Chloran descended from the ceiling, crashing down into the fray, accompanied by various building materials he isn't very versed seeing as how he didn't major in engineering. He seemed completely unfazed as he quietly rose from the ground, surrounded in his leafy cape and dramatically swung it off revealing his full armor. He looked towards the villains, piercing into their souls with just his eyes...
  16. 19:22 Chloran ...before speaking, "Hey, guys, this is pretty uncool. Please stop."
  17. 19:25 Universe-Man "...Pffffahhahahahahhaa!"
  18. 19:25 Triangle-Man "Not quiet the hero entrance of old is it?"
  19. 19:26 Universe-Man "I can't tell whats better, polity asking us to stop, or the costume he has"
  20. 19:31 Triangle-Man "Certainly not subtle, no doubt what he can do. But, we must wait for others to show up. Just one isn't fun"
  21. 19:32 Oyuun eventually stepped out from the alleyway to where this whole shindig was happening. She looked mighty pissed off, touting the bag over her shoulder and not seeming intimidated by the collection of supers there. "Th'hell is going on out here?!"
  22. 19:33 Oyuun "You're interrupting business and causing a scene. Think you can move this out of town or something?"
  23. 19:35 Tectonic finally reached the source of the flying car and was greeted by a recolor of Batman, a blue man, and a triangle-headed guy. The only other normal human is that little girl with a bag full of shit.
  24. 19:36 Tectonic "Oi, you! What is this, Angry Cartoon People Gathering? Also, why the hell would you just throw a car out from the fourth floor?!"
  25. 19:40 Universe-Man "Ask Pyramid Head"
  26. 19:41 Triangle-Man "Clever nickname. As for you" He looked at Oyuun "I'v been here longer then any of you. If anything you should move, but then again I couldn't have any fun"
  27. 19:42 Oyuun "Is this an immigrant thing because I already did all the goddamn paperwork"
  28. 19:46 Triangle-Man "No No, The more the Merrier in this wonderful town.'
  29. 19:46 Universe-Man "oh god now you've done it, he'll go on for hours about Neon"
  30. 19:47 Triangle-Man "From its beaches to the stor-guh, well Fine. I'll be quiet"
  31. 19:48 Universe-Man "You can be bitchy AFTER you change them"
  32. 19:49 Tectonic "Change us, to what? Cartoons? Anime? What are you guys implying?"
  33. 19:51 Oyuun "Right. That's it. Beating up ya both." She threw her moneybag to the side and started towards them, walking pretty slowly but her body becoming a light blur around the edges while her power revved up.
  34. 19:51 Triangle-Man "Well, now I have to."
  35. 19:52 Triangle-Man pulled a cane from nowhere slamming it on the ground, red energy flowing around him before shooting out at the three heroes
  36. 19:53 Triangle-Man Oyuun felt, heavier, more solid. Maybe she should lay off the sweets? No wait, this is different from being fat
  37. 19:54 Triangle-Man Chloran was suddenly disconnected from the earth, something new filled him with power
  38. 19:56 Triangle-Man Tectonic also felt disconnected from the earth, but much more literal as she felt nothing, the stone she stood on was nothing more then stone to her, a rock she can't move
  39. 20:04 Tectonic is feeling funky. "W-what.. No way, this is not cool.." The slab of concrete she stood on is now nothing more than a piece of immoveable crap. Her feet that was tingling with movements of people around her is now numb, unable to feel the vibrations anymore. She feels useless, nothing, as the power she cherished so much were taken away in a short time.
  40. 20:07 Oyuun was right about to run up and sock this jackass right in his dumb head. Was. What really happened was that she fell over onto her face and made a small impact into the concrete. "WHAT"
  41. 20:08 Universe-Man "The reactions are always my favorite part"
  42. 20:15 Chloran hadn't felt much anything at first as he frantically searched himself for whatever wound could have been afflicted by the previous attack. He curiously looked towards his enemies before his armor began to take on a much different feeling. It felt more leathery, maneuverable, and whole lot more comfortable. He came to realize his suit had lost any sign of plant related elements as it had...
  43. 20:15 Chloran ...become jumpsuit adorned tastefully with fur
  44. 20:16 Tectonic "Well, you're gonna pay for this shit mate. You just fucked me over and this is NOT fun." She flexes her hands, crunching her fingers. If she's going to get bloody for her powers back she will do it.
  45. 20:17 Chloran "I...What is this? You have a thing for putting people in fursuits or what?"
  46. 20:20 Oyuun "EXCUSE ME WHAT" Before she could say much more she crashed right through the floor and to the lower level of the parking garage.
  47. 20:21 Triangle-Man "Think she'll get what happened?"
  48. 20:21 Universe-Man "Maybe, if she doesn't fall to the center of the earth"
  49. 20:26 *** Radiant joined #covenger_rp
  50. 20:28 Triangle-Man "As for the furry, take care of him. Oh and the girl back there"
  51. 20:29 Universe-Man get his ax ready "Lets see what you two can do"
  52. 20:32 Chloran "I resent that." He put his focus on sending a swathe of vines towards them to hopefully ensnare them but felt something wrong. As if his third eye had decorated itself with angsty makeup. His communication and empathy with plant life had suddenly ceased. As a result, he became rather unsettled. "Hey! Just what crap did you pull with that red thing?"
  53. 20:35 Tectonic is rushing towards Universe-Man, right fist ready to punch the blue guy in the face. She's so enraged that she doesn't know slowly a shockwave of air has built around her fist, like a shonen manga. Both of them have no idea what is going to happen.
  54. 20:36 Universe-Man "Honestly I never got what he did eithe-oh shit!" He brought his ax down but was deflected by the air, taking her punch in the gut
  55. 20:42 Radiant The light outside the garage flares for a moment, as if the sun went into overdrive for but a moment. A moment of silence came before a beam of sunlight focused, and burned its way into the garage through the hole. From the burning, strobing beam of solar energy stepped a figure. A 6'5" African-American man with a nice 5'oclock shadow, a vest and button up combo and some clean slacks. He had seen the rumbles from his spot
  56. 20:42 Radiant down on the street where he was feeding the homeless and playing saxophone for the urchin children. He stretched his arms above his head as he yawned. "You know, I'm not big on the hero thing usually, but having to save civvies from flying cars really gets my heart going." He chuckled, but tilted his head as he looked upon the happenings. "Who let out the space cadet and the Silent Hill reject?"
  57. 20:44 Oyuun all the while was running up the ramp to reach the 4th floor again, having finally figured out the best way not to fall into the earth is to turn off her powers. She was righteously pissed.
  58. 20:46 Tectonic "AW YEAH-wait how the fuck did I do that?" Tectonic stared at her fist and then the Universe Man, now laying down somewhere near her. This is all too confusing to her, but she is still happy she's not stuck with the fossil trying to learn technology at her place.
  59. 20:47 Chloran felt himself up, curious to see if he had anything of use on him. A quick search showed he had an arsenal of "TEETH!?" He was rather dumbfounded at the amount of insanely sharp canines on hand but ran into battle anyway. He knew how to fight. He felt throwing them would yield some sort of damage.
  60. 20:48 Triangle-Man "Why hello, and welcome back to you. Universe man, watch out for the teeth."
  61. 20:48 Universe-Man "Teeth? shit" He brings his ax up ready to hit Chloran
  62. 20:54 Chloran closed in on Universe-Man, and felt rather stupid for not calculating the ridiculously large axe. Upon contemplating which parts of his body would be recovered from this fiasco, one of the many odd teeth enlarged into a a blade. He didn't think as he grabbed it immediately and used it to match the mystically colored man's swing.
  63. 20:58 Triangle-Man looked at Radiant "So tell me, what can you do?"
  64. 21:00 Universe-Man Ax and Tooth dagger hit, defecting off one another "Particle Man get in here and take care of the others!"
  65. 21:01 Oyuun "You thought you were all funny, 'haha I know we'll fuck with her powers', but guess what you just made the worst mistake of your life right here!" Half of what she said made no sense, but she started running at triangle man with clear intention to try to mess up his day.
  66. 21:01 *** Particle-Man joined #covenger_rp
  67. 21:02 Particle-Man A large blue cloud flew around Triangle Man forming into a fist to hit Oyuun
  68. 21:03 Chloran fell to the floor upon impact of clashing weaponry. "Fuck with her powers?" He took a second to notice a recurring theme with his new get up. "So that's what you assholes did! I'm some kind of beast man now!"
  69. 21:04 Universe-Man "To be fair I didn't do anything" He moved his Ax down aimed to cut his head off
  70. 21:04 Oyuun "Ha ha, BEHOLD!" She put her arms out to her sides and, while it didn't look like it from the outside, something had certainly changed. The fist must have felt like it was hitting diamond. Or I don't know. Something really sturdy and strong. Oyu fell over but she didn't seem to take a lick of damage, and the concrete under her cratered a little.
  71. 21:05 Tectonic is taking a time-out, figuring out what the hell is going on with her. Aand a blue cloud tries to fuck up with the other gurl. "This is getting fun."
  72. 21:05 Oyuun "THAT WORKED!" Sort of.
  73. 21:06 --- Bud is away (time 4 movie bye bois)
  74. 21:06 Radiant flexed, muscles rippling beneath his clothing as his skin flashed, changing from deliciously smooth chocolate to shining solar energy. He rubbed a hand over his smooth head and smiled, "What, you've never heard of Neon City's own Sun God!? I'll have to educate you before I toss you in a cell." He turned his hand from a point to an open palm, and unleashed a weak stream of sunlight towards Triangle-Man's feet.
  75. 21:08 Triangle-Man shot red energy right back at him "Sun energy? I wonder if your related to good old Uni"
  76. 21:09 Chloran was not prepared to react as he saw the ax go for his neck. Out of pure chance, the animal like cowl upon his head grew a beastly visage and reacted on it's own, catching the axe in it's terrifyingly powerful jaw, as if it were some kind of living armor. "H-Holy shit..."
  77. 21:10 Particle-Man The cloud formed a large wall, surrounding Oyuun and Tectonic, multiple arms and fists growing out of it, getting ready to ORAORAORA the two girls
  78. 21:11 Universe-Man "That, thats just creepy"
  79. 21:12 Tectonic tries to punch the blue wall, and she caught the shockwave in the making. "NOW I know what you fuckers are into."
  80. 21:14 Oyuun "Don't you get it I'm fucking INVINCIBLE!" She sure was talking some big talk. Really she had seemingly, uh, shrunk a few inches. Actually hitting her was almost on level with trying to punch a diamond- no a wall- a wall of diamond. TOUGH.
  81. 21:16 Universe-Man tried pulling the ax back "Hey, let go!"
  82. 21:18 Chloran "Go ahead and fucking make me!" He concentrated on his furry arms until they enlarged into a pair of rather grizzly paws. "Haha, yes, I got this now." He looked up from below Universe-Man and punched him in the stomach as his weapon was occupied by his second mouth.
  83. 21:20 Radiant prepares to sling another blast of shining solar energy, but the red energy shot wings his shoulder, and suddenly his whole body has gone cold. The golden glow faded, slowly being replaced by his normal skin and a weak silver glow in the form of bands around his wrists, biceps, neck and atop his head. His eyes went dark, leaving two small pinpricks of light. He looked down at himself for a second before grimacing
  84. 21:20 Radiant angrily. "What. Did. You. Do?" He growled, before lashing out with his hand again to send a crescent of cold lunar energy at Triangle-Man as he advanced.
  85. 21:24 Triangle-Man dodged backwords, nearly falling out the hole "Moon Ice? Interesting. Actually, you have quiet the body"
  86. 21:25 Universe-Man "GOD DAMN IT." He recoiled in pain "I hate it when you heroes get stronger"
  87. 21:26 Particle-Man The blue cloud punched Oyuun over and over again, not as much to Tectonic but she wasn't being ignored
  88. 21:31 Oyuun shrunk even more until she swung out a hand to the punching arms. Her arm was so heavy that it nearly crushed anything that it fell on!
  89. 21:31 Oyuun "I am the greatest"
  90. 21:31 Tectonic does take several punches, and it's pretty painful. But she's now /kicking/ the cloud. Waves after waves of hardened air is hitting the wall, hoping it'll break through soon.
  92. 21:32 Chloran retracted his cowl and positioned himself for an actual fight. "Get up, don't act like I know what the fuck Im doing. Because I don't."
  93. 21:36 Oyuun swiped her hand through the cloud and as she did it... the spread out particles would start pulling back together. Not only was she making herself more dense, she was making the cloud more dense too!
  94. 21:40 Radiant surged forward in a glide across the ground, gathering white moon beams in his hand for a lunar punch to Triangle-Man's chest. "Too late for compliments now. Whatever you did, I'm going to make you reverse it."
  95. 21:41 Particle-Man The blue cloud swarmed over the two, not punching, it was encasing them, being thin as the air they were Breathing in, and now their lungs hurt
  96. 21:45 Particle-Man The occasional chunk of blue hit them
  97. 21:45 Oyuun "...Nope!" Stamping her foot she decided the best way to escape the cloud was to grab Tectonic and crash right through the floor. Again. Anything to get away from the deathcloud.
  98. 21:47 Tectonic "No, no, no, no, no" were the only words she said as the cloud starts to choke her. In times like these she could just fall to the floor below-Oh, the girl just did that. "Thanks, dude. You.. You saved me from choking to death by that fucker right there."
  99. 21:48 Oyuun reduced her... whatever she would call her power as soon as they hit to the floor. "Thank me later, they might be after us. Get to running. I got absolutely no clue what to do to that"
  100. 21:51 Particle-Man The cloud slowly followed them, chunks of it falling down the hole
  101. 21:52 Tectonic "Okay, let's try figuring that out." She runs up the stairs, and she feel like each step is lighter to her. Or that she's slowly levitating. Well, not full on flying but she was an inch or two above the ground.
  102. 21:52 Triangle-Man was hit them the chest, but then retaliated with aiming to hit Moon Mans head with his cane
  103. 21:53 Oyuun was sprinting alongside Tectonic, huffing as she realized she couldn't speed herself up anymore. Everything she did made her heavier. Useless for this. "Any ideas?"
  104. 21:53 Universe-Man "Well, let me try something new" The Normal ax exploded in energy, flying to him creating new cool Sun Armor, now Chloran is in for it
  105. 21:57 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  106. 21:57 *** F021_ is now known as Tectonic_
  107. 21:57 *** Tectonic quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  108. 21:58 Tectonic_ "Or, in technical terms, wait for him and then kick is cloud ass."
  109. 22:00 Oyuun "Didn't we try that last time?... Wait, do you know what your powers are now?"
  110. 22:02 Tectonic_ "Well, now I'm Aang, the last Airbender. Sort of. I /think/ I can karate kick him in the air."
  111. 22:03 Oyuun "...Okay. So if you can try to contain him in one spot, I can maybe use that to form him back together without us suffocating again"
  112. 22:03 Oyuun pointed them in the direction further down the car lot, a bit away from the rest of the fight. "Just gotta hope his friends don't come too"
  113. 22:04 Radiant The cane gave Radiant a good bonk on the noggin, and he grimaced as his vision shook for a moment. "Well, now I've got to retaliate in kind." With a flick of his wrist, the lunar energy coalesced into a short stick, not unlike Triangle-Man's cane. The then brought it up and took a swing. Time to cane fight, like real gentlemen.
  114. 22:04 Tectonic_ "Okay, I'll try."
  115. 22:05 Triangle-Man "Oh I am really taking a liking to you! En garde"
  116. 22:06 Universe-Man "Well? You want to make the first move?" He stared at Chloran
  117. 22:06 Chloran was disheartened by the sudden transformation, "I'm guessing you guys have a thing for changing wardrobe..." He pulled out his own weapon and prepared for assau-"What"
  118. 22:06 Chloran ""
  119. 22:07 Universe-Man held out his hand
  120. 22:07 Universe-Man An Ax larger then Chloran appeared in a flash of light
  121. 22:10 Tectonic_ runs down to the place Oyuun had pointed earlier. Should be easy, distract the guy, kick his ass, job done.
  122. 22:12 Radiant swung his mooncane for Triangle-Man, trying to hit him in the head before sweeping down for his knee.
  123. 22:15 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  124. 22:15 *** F021_ is now known as Tectonic
  125. 22:16 Triangle-Man used the Pyramid shape of his head to let the cane slip down to his shoulder "You're perfect, the one I need"
  126. 22:16 *** Tectonic_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  127. 22:20 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  128. 22:24 Radiant frowned as the cane slid off the pyramid head, but then brought the cane back down to his leg. "I know I'm quite the catch, but I don't usually swing that way. Especially when you just took away my LIGHT."
  129. 22:25 Universe-Man got tired of waiting so swung the fuck huge Ax, destroying part of the ceiling as it went down shockingly fast
  130. 22:27 Particle-Man The cloud followed suit, dragging a chunk of itself, trying to hit Oyuun and Tectonic
  131. 22:27 Chloran looked at his opponents weapon and looked at his own, "H-Hey wait, give me a minute!" He raised up his measly weapon in a hurry to defend himself and to his luck it grew even larger before clashing with the axe. "This is starting to look like a carton if you don't mind me saying." He began pushing back with as much force as he could muster.
  132. 22:28 Universe-Man "I was thinking Anime personally" He pushed harder
  133. 22:31 Oyuun waited for the cloud to reach the cleared out area, then turned to Tectonic. "Now!"
  134. 22:34 Tectonic isn't so sure, but she stretches both of her hands as fast as possible. A gust of wind is formed, probably with the speed of a small hurricane. It /should/ force the chunks of Particle Man's body together.
  135. 22:35 Tectonic "If I fucked up, I'm the one to blame. Make the hospital bill on my name."
  136. 22:36 Particle-Man Meanwhile up stairs, something gray and shinny flew past the fighters down the hole and up to Tectonic and Oyuun, the source of the Blue Cloud
  137. 22:36 Particle-Man Looks like hes more Particle Bot then Man
  138. 22:39 Oyuun "Great! Time to-" Oyu was a very quick thinker. The machine that appeared. Perhaps it had to do with the particle cloud... "-CHANGE OF PLANS!" Rather than making the particle chunks come further back together, she ran and tried to kick the bot, increasing density at her foot to make the impact more powerful.
  139. 22:41 Particle-Man "BEEP" The robot flew back, damaged but not down for the count
  140. 22:43 Tectonic too, saw the robot coming and she leaped to kick the robot. Like, straight-up flying for a second before hitting the thing.
  141. 22:44 Triangle-Man The bot flew to them again but was kicked in the face /again/
  142. 22:45 Oyuun "Good job!"
  143. 22:46 Tectonic "Thanks! This is more fun than I thought!"
  144. 22:50 Universe-Man "You notice we've been quiet and not fighting much?"
  145. 22:50 Universe-Man He pulls the ax back to hit him again
  146. 22:55 Particle-Man was now mad, collecting all the densed up particles into one big ball, now he has a wreaking ball to hit them
  147. 22:57 Oyuun "New plan...?" Oyu called back to Tectonic as she gulped a little.
  148. 22:58 Tectonic "I... I don't know man, if I have my earth powers I can just make walls to protect us and do shit for us. Welp, it's nice to meet you."
  149. 22:58 Triangle-Man deflected Radiant's cane with his own "Now Now dont lose your head, just yet anyways"
  150. 23:00 Chloran was not very built so taking these swings shook him incredibly. "With how nonchalantly you're taking this I'd imagine you guys are pretty used this this."
  151. 23:07 Tectonic "The best we can do is fight him, and hope our deaths are swift and painless. I'm not sure if the painless part would happen though."
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