
Younganon fourth day

May 4th, 2012
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  1. >To recap your time thus far: you were brought to the Apples on Saturday, spent Sunday with them, and Monday in class.
  2. >Applejack actually woke you up calmly this time, so there’s something. Breakfast, chores, shower, school and away you go.
  3. >You turned in a majority of your homework all at once. This actually surprised Mrs. Cheerilee.
  4. >”OH, well I didn’t mean for it all to be turned in today. You still have the remainder of the week to get caught up with the remaining work. If you can do this much in a single night, I’m sure you’ll be able to do the year’s end catch up as well!”
  5. >Welp. You’ve played your hand. You aren’t a complete idiot in school for once, and now you’re being held to a higher standard. Insert joke about school systems on Earth here.
  6. >Oh wait, Earth’s school systems ARE a joke.
  7. >And let’s not forget today’s verbal exchange with Thunderlane…
  8. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
  9. >That outta show the brat.
  10. >”Nursery rhymes, huh? I guess that’s cool…for a baby. I guess it was to be expected from that giant blue diaper you’re wearing.”
  11. “It isn’t a diaper!”
  12. >”Oh really? Prove it!”
  13. “How?”
  14. >”Duh, take them off. If you’ve got poop stains, then I guess I’m right, huh?”
  15. “No way!”
  16. >”Aww, ok littow baybee, don’t forget to wipe your diaper later!”
  17. >Well shoot.
  18. >The remainder of the school day passed without incedent. Another fun fact: bits are gold coins! And there’s one hundred cents to a bit. Cents are small silver orbs, kind of like marbles.
  19. >You are now on your way back to Sweet Apple Acres.
  20. >”Excuse me, Anonymous and Applejack, could you wait for a moment?”
  21. >It’s the white unicorn, Rarity.
  22. >”Pardon me for asking, but why do you wear so much clothing?”
  23. “Cause all humans wear clothes?”
  24. >”That seems more like a question than a proper answer, don’t you think? Truly though, why do you wear so much? It is quite into Spring, and it will soon be getting hotter. I can’t fathom why you would subject yourself to such heat.”
  25. “Oh come on, why is everp0ny trying to get me out of my clothes today?”
  26. >Rarity’s eye begins to twitch.
  27. >”Uh Anon, ah think ya’ll should probably just answer tha question without usin’ another question.”
  28. “Well ah wear it because ah do. Ah dunno what the big deal is. Ah don’t really have to wear them. But Granny Smith got them for me so ah’m wearing them, ah guess.”
  29. >”Ah, a gift. I understand, say no more! I had wondered why you would wear something so unfashionable, and so much of it I just had to know! Thank you, and see you tomorrow, I suppose!”
  30. >She then smiles and trots back off towards Ponyville.
  31. >”She had ta track ya down fer fahv minutes jus ta ask ya why ya wore clothes?”
  32. “Guess so. Hey, what’s that thing in front of the farm?”
  33. >”It looks lahk a taxi cab.”
  34. >IT didn’t seem like there were any roads, so why would there be a cab, or any other kind of car?
  35. >As you approach, you find a grey pegasus with a hat tied to the front of the cab. He takes one look at you and snorts, going back to whatever he does.
  36. “Say, Applejack, what’s-”
  37. >”Ma and Pa!”
  38. >She excitedly gallops into the house and you follow suit.
  39. >And you stop at the door.
  40. >Two earth p0nies, one red and one yellow, stand in your way. They don’t react to you much more than a raised eyebrow.
  41. >”Would ya mind moving? We’re already late.”
  42. “Uh, sure.”
  43. >The two p0nies go into the cab, and the pegasus lifts off with the two, one male and one female.
  44. >Applejack is beside you again.
  45. >”That was…”
  46. “Your parents?”
  47. >She nods.
  48. >You know that feel.
  49. >Entering, AJ rushes to Granny Smith, who was carrying a bundle in a saddlebag.
  50. >”Granny Smith, why weren’t they here for longer? Didn’t they come ta visit us?”
  51. >”Not exactly, Applejack. Ah think we’d better siddown fer this. Can ya get Big Macintosh from the orchards?”
  52. >You take a seat at the table and AJ fetches her brother.
  53. >”Applejack, Big Macintosh, yer parents are working real hard, you know that raght?”
  54. >They nod.
  55. >”Well yer parents came by to drop somep0ny off. Ah figgred ah’d introduce y’all to the newest member of the Apple family, Applebloom.”
  56. >She pulls the bundle out of the saddlebag with her mouth, and lays it on the table. She undoes the cloth wrap, revealing a small yellow foal with a red mane and tail.
  57. >Contrary to standard cues in cartooning, the foal just sighs and continues to sleep.
  58. >Oh, come on!
  59. >If you had PTSD, it was of this.
  60. >Did you not just go through this on Earth?
  61. >Well, your little sister wasn’t born that far away from you, but she had pretty much replaced all of your mother’s time with you.
  62. >You just got here, and already you’re replaced by another little…crriminy which gender is it?
  63. >Probably a girl. Whatever, I give up.
  64. >Thanks, brain.
  65. >”Ah’ll be doing th’ majority of th’ raisin as usual. Big Mac, you’re free this tahm. Applejack, I’ll need your help with her.”
  66. >See? Girl.
  67. >Shut up brain, I don’t care about what gender it is. Besides, did you remember that we already replaced someone?
  68. >Yeah, but we didn’t monopolize anyp0ny’s time.
  69. >”How old is she, Granny Smith?”
  70. >”Jus’ a few weeks old, born February 16th.”
  71. >Well isn’t that nice, she was born just a few days off from you.
  72. >You slink off to your room to sit as Granny Smith begins to give AJ the rundown on feeding and diapers and stuff.
  73. >Like some sort of miniature ninja, nop0ny seems to notice you.
  74. >As you close the door, you realize that you have still essentially trapped yourself in. It is still the middle of the day, essentially, and so you’re gonna have to go back down to work outside, seeing as your remaining homework was greatly diminished.
  75. >The window! Nothing could go wrong with this.
  76. >As you slide the window up and put one foot through it, Big Mac opens your door.
  77. >”Hey, Anon, ah wanted to talk to…” you both stare for a good ten seconds “…what in tarnation are ya doin?”
  78. “Uh…going outside for the chores?”
  79. >”Why don’t ya just go downstairs?”
  80. “…Fine. What didja wanna talk to me about?”
  81. >You swing your foot back around and close the window.
  82. >”Well first ah wanted to talk to ya about a letter ya got today.”
  83. “What letter?”
  84. >”Jus’ wait. Then I wanted to talk to ya about Applebloom.”
  85. >You just stare at him.
  86. >”So here’s your letter…” he pulls a scroll out from his mane and passes it to you “…now have a seat, and we’ll talk this issue raght out.”
  87. >Opening the scroll, you read that Princess Celestia is interested in having you spend time with her student over the summer.
  88. >Great, you’ll be able to dodge a few months of being near the baby!
  89. >…but that kind of puts a damper on your original summer plan on exploring this ‘Everfree Forest’.
  90. >Whatever. You can save it for another weekend maybe.
  91. >”Ah can tell when somep0ny has a problem. As soon as ya saw the foal, ya clear froze up! Now ah ain’y the brightest bulb in tha barn, but ah can tell somethin’s eating ya.”
  92. >To tell or not to tell.
  93. “My mom…I had a little sister too…”
  94. >”That doesn’t explain the hatred in those eyes a yours.”
  95. >Come on, how much does this guy know already?
  96. “…well when she was born my mom spent all her time on her instead of me. Nothing I did mattered. Nothing was good enough!”
  97. >Big Mac puts a hoof on your shoulder as you shudder with rage.
  98. >”Ya don’t have to worry about being replaced, Anon.”
  99. “I just don’t want that again.”
  100. >”Listen here, when ah said ah’d be yer brother, ah meant it. Ah’ll stick with ya. ‘Sides, when AJ was born, ah had to help Granny Smith take care of ‘er. Now that Applejack’s the youngest, she has to take care of little Applebloom, you see?”
  101. >You nod, not really sure where it is that he’s going with all this exposition.
  102. >”Well now AJ’s going to lose all of her free tahm just ta take care of the foal. And it’s our responsibility, as brothers, ta help her out, and ta not abandon her. Applejack doesn’t want ta be replaced either.”
  103. >Now you’re starting to get it.
  104. >”So far, we haven’t had to replace anyp0ny when you came along, and we aren’t gonna start now. You wanna come back downstairs and see AJ before helpin me in tha fields today?”
  105. >You take a deep breath to calm down.
  106. “Yeah, let’s go.”
  107. >You travel back down the stairs and stop to see AJ, who is trying to keep some tears in check.
  108. >”Hey now, sis, what’s wrong?”
  109. >”It ain’t fair, Big Mac! Ah only jus’ got mah cutie mark an now ah gotta raise a filly? Why me?”
  110. >”Well Applejack, ah would think you of all p0nies could be responsible enough to help Granny out. Ah should know, after all, ah helped raise you the same way.”
  111. >”Ah guess so, but…ah was just starting ta make friends, an now ah don’t get to spend any tahm with em!”
  112. >She made friends? You would hazard a guess at Rarity.
  113. >”That jus’ means that ya gotta work harder. The sooner she’s raised, the quicker you get tahm to yerself an yer friends.”
  114. >This is very touching and all, but you don’t have anything to contribute to this.
  115. >Or do you?
  116. “You said your special talent was apples right?”
  117. >”Yeah?”
  118. “Well then you’ll do it perfect! Her name’s APPLEbloom, right?”
  119. >Applejack gives you a look. It’s that one look where you just know they think you’re stupid because you forced a pun or some such.
  120. >You kinda did, so you kinda are.
  121. >”Well, me an Anon are gonna hit tha fields, good luck, AJ!”
  122. >Good old Big Mac to the rescue.
  123. >He ushers you out of the door and into the fields.
  124. >After moving the baskets to and fro from the trees Big Mac bucks to the farm, you decide to start up conversation.
  125. “So how does applebucking work anyway?”
  126. >”Well…hm.”
  127. >He stops, and taps a hoof to his chin.
  128. >”Ah haven’t the faintest on how ta explain it to ya. It’s lahk…breathing.”
  129. “Breathing?”
  130. >”Ah don’t think too hard on it an it all works out, y’see? It jus comes naturally.”
  131. “…so do you think I could do it?”
  132. >Big Mac chuckles.
  133. >”Well yer pa couldn’t handle it, so ah doubt you could, bein half his size an all. But go on an give it a try.”
  134. >Nothing to do but to do it.
  135. >You rush the tree, intent on jumping up and slamming into it with a double side kick!
  136. >And you realize just in time that you don’t know how.
  137. >Sure you saw it on Power Rangers once or twice, but those dudes used wires!
  138. >You stop just short of the tree.
  139. >”What’s tha matter, bro?”
  140. “Just thinking.”
  141. >”Ah thought ah said it worked better if ya didn’t think on it?”
  142. “Eeeyup. That ya did.”
  143. >Alright, try again.
  144. >You take a step back.
  145. >Then you step forward and then kick at the tree with the heel of your foot like crushing a ridiculously large, brown and sideways can.
  146. >…nothing.
  147. >”Well tha important part is ya didn’t hurt yerself. Let’s get back to work then.”
  148. >After resuming work for a few hours, it only being around 6PM, for relevance, you’ve had the words on the p0nies from earlier on your mind.
  149. >Why do you wear clothes?
  150. >Its plenty nice outside, and the breeze feels nice against your face. Why not just ditch the shirt?
  151. >You take off your shirt and get back to working with Big Mac, who either doesn’t notice, or more likely doesn’t care.
  152. >Ahhhhhh…that feel. It’s a glorious feel of freedom, the wind on your back as you work on the farm.
  153. >It would be relaxing…if you weren’t lugging baskets around full of apples.
  154. >Speaking of, you try to maintain your back’s position regarding what Granny Smith told you a few days ago about lifting with your legs.
  155. >By the time the sun sets, you and Big Mac finish the tree you were on and bring all the baskets inside.
  156. >Waiting at the door for you is Applejack, her hair frizzled and a thousand yard stare in her eyes.
  157. “Yo Applejack…you alright?”
  158. >She opens her mouth but closes it again, and opts instead to nod.
  159. >”Yeah, she’s gonna be fine. She just had her first experience with a cryin foal, ah’d wager.”
  160. >AJ nods again, eyes slowly closing, and opening.
  161. “We were only gone for a few hours, how bad could it have possibly been?”
  162. >Granny Smith comes downstairs on that cue.
  163. >”Ah, there y’are junior! Ah been meanin to tell ya that we’re gonna set Applebloom up in your room tonight in a crib. IF she wakes, all ya gotta do is fetch me, y’hear?”
  164. >Applejack lets out a rather large sigh, then smiles gleefully in your direction, mouthing ‘yer problem now’.
  165. “Yeah, ah bet.”
  166. >This is what you get for opening your mouth and saying that dreaded phrase.
  167. >”Well now that that’s all settled, let’s eat! Oh, an don’t make too much noise, li’l Applebloom jus fell asleep, after all.”
  168. >…
  169. >You lie in your bed, too worried to fall asleep.
  170. >What if she wakes up the moment you go unconscious?
  171. >No, you refuse to let the fear get to you!
  172. >After just a half an hour of anxious resting, you fall asleep.
  173. >…
  175. “Don’t worry Mario, Yoshi’s coming!”
  176. >You elongate your tongue and rescue the plumber baby from the bubble.
  177. >Phew, just a few seconds more and the toadies would’ve got him!
  179. >Saywut?
  180. “Why are you still crying?”
  181. >You awaken from your dream as it dawns on you that you A:aren’t at home and B:don’t have that Ssuper Nintendo anymore.
  182. >Applebloom woke up!
  183. >The crying continues and you take the covers off and walk to the crib.
  184. “Whyyyyyyy…”
  185. >The foal stops for a few seconds, looking up at you with its small beady little orange eyes.
  186. >That’s kind of creepy.
  187. >Then she begins to bawl again.
  188. “Oh, come on.”
  189. >You aren’t having any of this nonsense.
  190. >You walk down the hall to Granny Smith’s room and knock on the door.
  191. >From the other side you manage to hear a response.
  192. >”Snkkkkkkkkk…shooooooo…snnnkkkkkkk…shooooo…”
  193. >Really? She snores?
  194. >And you can hear it over Applebloom.
  195. >You test the door, and finding it unlocked, enter.
  196. >Granny Smith is asleep in a rocking chair.
  197. >That can’t be comfortable.
  198. >You walk right up to her and nudge her shoulder.
  199. “Granny Smith. Applebloom’s crying.”
  200. >”Snnkkkkk…shooooo…”
  201. “Granny Smith, you told me to wake you up, so ah am! Granny, Applebloom’s crying an ah don’t know what to do!”
  202. >”Snnkkk…soups on…snnnkkkk…shooo…”
  203. >You shake the rocking chair back and forth, desperate to not have to figure this one out on your own.
  205. >You stop, realizing too late that you are dangerously loud.
  206. >Granny Smith has not stirred.
  207. >What is this nonsense?
  208. >”Anon!”
  209. “Huh?”
  210. >Behind you is Applejack, with that look you got from her earlier.
  211. >”Granny Smith is a deep sleeper, you cain’t wake her so easily.”
  212. “Then why did she tell me to wake her up?”
  213. >”Beats me.”
  214. >She grins and walks out back towards your room.
  215. >Turns out she didn’t need her diaper changed, she was just hungry.
  216. >Thirsty.
  217. >Whatever, all babies eat and drink is milk.
  218. >After some difficulty with holding and feeding her, you end up cradling Applebloom while Applejack holds the bottle to Applebloom’s mouth while she drinks.
  219. >After the bottle is finished, you lift her over your shoulder and pat twice, and Applebloom releases a little burp.
  220. >”Now hold on a second, how’d you know to do that?”
  221. “Ah had a little sister, too, y’know.”
  222. >”Huh.”
  223. >AB yawns and curls back up, asleep.
  224. >You set her gently in the crib and go back to bed.
  225. >”Gnight, Anon.”
  226. “Gnight, AJ. Thanks.”
  227. >”No problem.”
  228. >Sleep is peaceful.
  229. >…
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