
Leeroy Jenkins fails to revive Brofessor

Sep 15th, 2015
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  1. [19:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Alright, so"
  2. [19:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Where is this cave, anyway?"
  3. [19:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Augh lemme think"
  4. [19:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that way"
  5. [19:06] * Alexander_Pyrite points away from the house
  6. [19:07] * Lyra_Bel goes that way
  7. [19:07] * Alexander_Pyrite flies after her
  8. [19:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Hey lyra, I was thinking"
  9. [19:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Mm?"
  10. [19:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "this shield is great and all, but that conversation with byron made me realize"
  11. [19:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I need to hit stuff harder"
  12. [19:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Can you make me a weapon or something?"
  13. [19:07] * Lyra_Bel frowns
  14. [19:08] <Lyra_Bel> "That's not at all the takeaway message I got from that"
  15. [19:08] <Lyra_Bel> "But I guess I don't see why not. Whaddaya need?"
  16. [19:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I mean, other than the fact that byron is a weirdo
  17. [19:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Is he?"
  18. [19:08] <Lyra_Bel> "I mean"
  19. [19:09] <Lyra_Bel> "That poor guy"
  20. [19:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah, I know"
  21. [19:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I knew of some of the fucked up things going on in my time but..."
  22. [19:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I ran away just so i could not see them, ya know?"
  23. [19:10] <Lyra_Bel> "That's another thing, yeah"
  24. [19:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  25. [19:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "anyway, lets move on from that topic"
  26. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Right"
  27. [19:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Whatever is really heavy and does a ton of damage"
  28. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Sledgehammer?"
  29. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Battleaxe?"
  30. [19:12] <Alexander_Pyrite> battleaxe, i cant hold a sledgehammer in one hand
  31. [19:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Battleaxe it is"
  32. [19:12] * Lyra_Bel makes a battleaxe
  33. [19:13] <Lyra_Bel> "That's not what I meant, though"
  34. [19:13] <Lyra_Bel> "About Byron. We... we really freaked him out, eh?"
  35. [19:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah..."
  36. [19:14] <Lyra_Bel> "S'like"
  37. [19:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "maybe the whole "IM INVINCIBLE" shtick wasnt the best idea"
  38. [19:14] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh"
  39. [19:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "anyway"
  40. [19:14] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs the axe
  41. [19:14] * Alexander_Pyrite hefts it
  42. [19:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((voices, can we have this statted by chance?))
  43. [19:17] <Voices> < You can make some kind of half axe for 1d8 that requires 1 hand >
  44. [19:18] <Lyra_Bel> ((Pen conjurations scale to the tier of my armour))
  45. [19:19] <Voices> < 3d8+STR >
  46. [19:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Thoughts?"
  47. [19:20] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Looking good"
  48. [19:20] <Alexander_Pyrite> "this will do"
  49. [19:20] <Alexander_Pyrite> "looks like we're here"
  50. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> "You know where we're going?"
  51. [19:21] <Alexander_Pyrite> "in that cave, if i remember right"
  52. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Well yeah, but once we're in, you can find the spot again?"
  53. [19:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah i think"
  54. [19:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i dont remember there being any other paths"
  55. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Easy enough"
  56. [19:23] * Lyra_Bel descends
  57. [19:23] * Alexander_Pyrite follows
  58. [19:26] <Voices> You come across a room full of shattered stone coffins and a large shattered stone statue, fragments of dull grey Crystal line the ground
  59. [19:26] <Voices> Through one of the other coffins the entrance to another room extends
  60. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> "Man"
  61. [19:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "onward, i gues"
  62. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> "This place is like a graveyard"
  63. [19:27] * Lyra_Bel kicks a fragment of crystal on her way past it
  64. [19:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah i was in that coffin at some point"
  65. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> "Hah, nice"
  66. [19:27] * Alexander_Pyrite points to a particuarly shattered coffin"
  67. [19:29] <Voices> Ahead you walk into the room where the imps helped you fight the other statue
  68. [19:30] <Voices> Silence fills the air as the only noise are your footsteps crunching on stone shards
  69. [19:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Is it weird that walking through a crypt for sentient rocks doesn't even feel strange anymore?"
  70. [19:31] * Alexander_Pyrite laughs
  71. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "It sure was weird the first time i was here"
  72. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "That's what I mean, yeah"
  73. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "This'd have been crazy a week ago"
  74. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Now we don't even care"
  75. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> "I mean, this is my first time here at least, and it's nothing special"
  76. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "imagine living statues and imps fighting them"
  77. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "and that one"
  78. [19:33] * Alexander_Pyrite points to the telekinetic statue"
  79. [19:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "hurlin shit around like magic"
  80. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay that actually does sound pretty cool"
  81. [19:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah, except that was the first time i scraped death"
  82. [19:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "got knocked out"
  83. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Fun"
  84. [19:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "when i woke up, bro wa here though"
  85. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> "And the spiked shield?"
  86. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "laying next to him"
  87. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "on that table thing"
  88. [19:36] * Alexander_Pyrite motions to the marble thing
  89. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((it was like a raised marble slab))
  90. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Huh"
  91. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay so"
  92. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "What's the plan?"
  93. [19:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Uh, I would have grabbed the shield, mayeb fought some mosnters on the way"
  94. [19:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "but uh"
  95. [19:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I guess not"
  96. [19:42] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  97. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Great"
  98. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Any backup plans?"
  99. [19:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "not really"
  100. [19:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I was kinda hoping for a fight"
  101. [19:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "This axe is cool"
  102. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> "Anything for a fight, yeah"
  103. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> "Still haven't given up hope on that army of mind flayers"
  104. [19:45] * Alexander_Pyrite chuckles
  105. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> "Well, this clearly ain't working"
  106. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> "Next best thing I can think of would be to ask Regent"
  107. [19:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "which one again?"
  108. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "The book"
  109. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Or Reggie might help too"
  110. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> "They'll know better than Lanased would"
  111. [19:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im not totally sure why we went to lanased in the first place"
  112. [19:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "But yeah, might as well ask"
  113. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno, desperation?"
  114. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> "He knew at least a little bit about the crystals"
  115. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "S'pose this explains why he was so opposed to crafting them into armour, too"
  116. [19:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  117. [19:50] * Alexander_Pyrite looks sad
  118. [19:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "poor bro"
  119. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "He's gonna be okay"
  120. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Got it?"
  121. [19:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  122. [19:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Alright lets ask the book"
  123. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Except..."
  124. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Faerzen's got it."
  125. [19:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "alright, we have a party to go to anyway"
  126. [19:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Right, that was a thing"
  127. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Almost forgot"
  128. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, crumbs"
  129. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Nickolai's present is in my other Sylladex"
  130. [19:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "wow both of our gifts are unattainable"
  131. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> "We suck at this"
  132. [19:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i want to make nick a nice gold shirt but i dont have enough grist to make it"
  133. [19:56] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  134. [19:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, hey"
  135. [19:56] * Lyra_Bel tries to draw the Brofessor
  136. [19:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "hm?"
  137. [19:56] <Voices> Oh hey you made a sheild
  138. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Ugh. Worth a try"
  139. [19:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "darn"
  140. [19:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "well what now?"
  141. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno"
  142. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> "I guess we, uh..."
  143. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, there was another thing I meant to get done"
  144. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Could deal with that I guess"
  145. [20:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Sure
  146. [20:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "road trip!"
  147. [20:01] <Lyra_Bel> "Back to my place?"
  148. [20:02] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Cool"
  149. [20:02] * Lyra_Bel flies back up to the gate and through into LOTAD
  150. [20:02] * Alexander_Pyrite follows
  151. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh hey, actually..."
  152. [20:03] * Lyra_Bel approaches the carved city
  153. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "HEY!"
  154. [20:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what"
  155. [20:05] <Lyra_Bel> "You things talk or what!?"
  156. [20:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What"
  157. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> "Horses"
  158. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> "NPCs"
  159. [20:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ah"
  160. [20:07] <Voices> No response
  161. [20:07] <Voices> Where even are the pony people?
  162. [20:08] * Lyra_Bel grumbles a bit then tries to get into one of the buildings
  163. [20:08] <Voices> How do
  164. [20:08] <Voices> You can't phase through the wall
  165. [20:08] <Voices> No teleports
  166. [20:08] <Voices> Maybe the ant-
  167. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> By pushing the door open
  168. [20:08] <Voices> Oh yeah
  169. [20:09] <Voices> That'd make sense too
  170. [20:09] <Voices> The door is locked
  171. [20:09] * Lyra_Bel tries a different door
  172. [20:10] <Voices> Locked
  173. [20:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "so what are you doing"
  174. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> Any windows to speak of?
  175. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> "Conscripting backup"
  176. [20:10] <Voices> Any that exist are closed with black curtains drawn
  177. [20:10] * Lyra_Bel bangs a fist on one of them
  178. [20:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "well alrighty then
  179. [20:11] <Voices> No response
  180. [20:12] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm trying to convince myself that it's not worth blowing a hole through the doors"
  181. [20:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Thoughts?"
  182. [20:15] <Voices> Alex
  183. [20:16] <Voices> You begin to think that Lyra may actually be a bit on the crazy and dangerous end of things
  184. [20:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra"
  185. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> "Mm?"
  186. [20:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I think you may be a bit on the crazy and dangerous end of things"
  187. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> "Ya don't say?"
  188. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> "What clued you in?"
  189. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "well i always knew"
  190. [20:18] <Voices> Alex, you know that NPCs live here
  191. [20:18] <Voices> You should probably stop her
  192. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "but it was just made painfully obvious here once you decided to blow up a house with npc's in it"
  193. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you can not do this"
  194. [20:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, I know"
  195. [20:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Bluh"
  196. [20:21] <Voices> maybe you should you know
  197. [20:21] <Voices> Not use explosives anymore
  198. [20:21] <Voices> Especially after
  199. [20:21] <Voices> You know
  200. [20:21] <Voices> Killing Brofessor with them
  201. [20:26] * Alexander_Pyrite looks at the door
  202. [20:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((what is it made of?))
  203. [20:27] <Voices> < Stone >
  204. [20:27] * Alexander_Pyrite takes the axe and tries to slice through the lock
  205. [20:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> roll 1d20+9 athletics?
  206. [20:27] <`DM> Alexander_Pyrite rolled 1d20+9 athletics? [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
  207. [20:28] <Voices> Nope
  208. [20:28] <Voices> Internal lock
  209. [20:28] * Alexander_Pyrite attempts to hack through the door
  210. [20:28] <Alexander_Pyrite> roll 1d20+9
  211. [20:28] <`DM> Alexander_Pyrite rolled 1d20+9 [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
  212. [20:29] <Voices> It's a slab of stone
  213. [20:29] <Voices> It's not going anywhere
  214. [20:29] * Alexander_Pyrite grunts
  215. [20:30] <Lyra_Bel> "No luck?"
  216. [20:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "no brute force here
  217. [20:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Screw it. Didn't expect this to work anyway"
  218. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Next thing on the list"
  219. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Bed rocks"
  220. [20:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Bed rocks?"
  221. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> "You die on them and then you get back up"
  222. [20:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sounds good to know about"
  223. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Wanna go die on it?"
  224. [20:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Um"
  225. [20:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "not particuarly"
  226. [20:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "why would this benefit me"
  227. [20:36] <Lyra_Bel> "Sorry, bad choice of words. I meant like hypothetically"
  228. [20:36] <Lyra_Bel> "I'LL be the one dying on it"
  229. [20:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "You'll be doing what now?"
  230. [20:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "You are going to kill yourself"
  231. [20:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "On a rock"
  232. [20:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "and trust that you'll come back"
  233. [20:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Worked for Byron"
  234. [20:37] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  235. [20:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "like that guy is any good for information"
  236. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> "He's as good a source as anyone else is"
  237. [20:41] <Lyra_Bel> "He's as good a source as anyone else is"
  238. [20:41] <Alexander_Pyrite> "If you push trhough the ramblings and useless shit"
  239. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> "I s'pose"
  240. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Actually, wait, no."
  241. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not useless"
  242. [20:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what isnt?"
  243. [20:45] <Lyra_Bel> "The stuff he talks about"
  244. [20:45] <Lyra_Bel> "S'like"
  245. [20:46] <Lyra_Bel> "Back there, we were laughing about letting him stab you"
  246. [20:46] <Lyra_Bel> "And he was all freaked out by how nonchalant we were about the whole thing, yeah?"
  247. [20:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> "...yeah"
  248. [20:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Dude"
  249. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm wearing a chainmail vest made out of dead spider, over some ancient dress I looted from a warehouse that a mass-murderer in a crow mask showed me."
  250. [20:48] * Alexander_Pyrite looks down at his clothes
  251. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> "And somehow I've got a pair of wings sticking through all that or something?"
  252. [20:49] * Lyra_Bel shakes her head
  253. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> "You're apparently bulletproof"
  254. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> "That's not normal"
  255. [20:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah..."
  256. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "S'the same thing I was so worried about with Nickolai's mask, back when I thought it was *just* a sell-your-soul type deal"
  257. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Adapted to learn to function in the new world"
  258. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "But to survive life in The Abyss, you give up your humanity, because there's no room for it"
  259. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Adapt or die"
  260. [20:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "was that a quote or something?"
  261. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "A reference"
  262. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Not important, but it's been accurate enough so far"
  263. [20:52] <Lyra_Bel> "My point is... he hasn't adapted"
  264. [20:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Sabath forces people to grow, and he's refused"
  265. [20:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Never realized how far gone we were until I saw someone normal"
  266. [20:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Are you saying that byron is normal?"
  267. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm saying he hasn't accepted Sabath's rules"
  268. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Hasn't accepted that making stuff is the way to go"
  269. [20:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "So why have we?"
  270. [20:54] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  271. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Because it's easier than staying normal"
  272. [20:55] * Alexander_Pyrite scoffs
  273. [20:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Like this game is ever going to be easy
  274. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Welcome to Sabath"
  275. [20:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "maybe it'd be better if we just... stopped going with the flow"
  276. [20:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Start to fight back"
  277. [20:56] * Lyra_Bel gives Alex a funny look
  278. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "How?"
  279. [20:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "no fucking idea"
  280. [20:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "lets fly to derse, fuck up the queen"
  281. [20:59] * Lyra_Bel laughs
  282. [20:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "why not?"
  283. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Admittedly, that sounds pretty good right about now"
  284. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Anything for a chance to do some damage"
  285. [21:01] <Lyra_Bel> "But I s'pose we've gotta get ready for the party too, eh?"
  286. [21:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "right"
  287. [21:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "That too"
  288. [21:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I figure that could be fighting back too"
  289. [21:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "we're not supposed to be happy according to you, right?"
  290. [21:01] <Lyra_Bel> "Actually, yeah, that's right"
  291. [21:01] * Lyra_Bel grins
  292. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> "Screw the world. Let's have an awesome time."
  293. [21:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Just gotta find Other-Me and Kek"
  294. [21:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sure"
  295. [21:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "lead the way"
  296. [21:04] <Lyra_Bel> "Um..."
  297. [21:04] <Lyra_Bel> "I have no idea where that idiot brought her"
  298. [21:04] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay new plan"
  299. [21:04] * Lyra_Bel fly-hops up to the roof
  300. [21:05] * Alexander_Pyrite follows
  301. [21:06] <Lyra_Bel> "Grabbed this stuff from Lanased's caves. If the other stuff doesn't work out, they should be close enough to a gift"
  302. [21:06] * Lyra_Bel gestures to the various trinkets she looted from the crystalline bedroom
  303. [21:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ah"
  304. [21:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "If we dont find any grist, you mind if i give him that golden chainmail?"
  305. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> ((I didn't get a description beyond "various trinkets", so go nuts with whatever you wanna find))
  306. [21:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "It's sorta similar to a gold shirt, but it's actually armored"
  307. [21:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I'd hate to lose it"
  308. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Hey, anything's fine by me"
  309. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, there's also Faerzen's remote surveillance necklace"
  310. [21:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably oughtta return it one of these days"
  311. [21:09] * Lyra_Bel captchalogues
  312. [21:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What does that do?"
  313. [21:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Faerzen can turn it on to let them watch you, like on Sabath's viewport"
  314. [21:12] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Stalker necklace, got it"
  315. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh, basically"
  316. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not that useful when we've got Pesterchum, but I mean hey"
  317. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Worth noting, right?"
  318. [21:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah
  319. [21:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "damn why is it that there's nowhere to fight things?"
  320. [21:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I need some grist dammit"
  321. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> "I hear ya"
  322. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> "... Actually..."
  323. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> "If the ponies aren't willing to help, there's a sidequest I'd been meaning to deal with"
  324. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Kek obviously can't be trusted to pull it off"
  325. [21:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "which one?"
  326. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "I froze to death a while ago"
  327. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Like, a long while ago"
  328. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "I wanna go loot the body"
  329. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> :P
  330. [21:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Oh"
  331. [21:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "right that"
  332. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Seriously, I had stuff with me down there"
  333. [21:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what stuff?"
  334. [21:16] <Lyra_Bel> "Nothing *too* important"
  335. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> "It's the principle of the thing"
  336. [21:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "isnt it weird"
  337. [21:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "brb guys gonna go loot myown corpse!"
  338. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> "It's Sabath"
  339. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Nothing's weird except Byron"
  340. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> "And that's because he's normal"
  341. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> "... sorta"
  342. [21:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I guess"
  343. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> "I had stuff in my Sylladex when I started playing. Reminders of home."
  344. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> "I want them back."
  345. [21:19] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Sure, no problem"
  346. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Awesome"
  347. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, wait"
  348. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> "S'cold down there"
  349. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Really cold"
  350. [21:21] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Right"
  351. [21:21] <Alexander_Pyrite> "All i have is a t-shirt"
  352. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah you're gonna want something warmer"
  353. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Time to visit Lanased again"
  354. [21:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh yeah, time to look spiffy"
  355. [21:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Also deals with the issue of party outfits. Two birds, one giant spider"
  356. [21:22] * Alexander_Pyrite laughs
  357. [21:23] <Alexander_Pyrite> "alright lets get going"
  358. [21:23] * Lyra_Bel and Alexander_Pyrite return to Lanased
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