
Faerzen/Nick EsperChum Log

Apr 5th, 2015
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  1. [16:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> -- visceralVanguard [VV] began gentlemanly conversing with alluringArtist [AA] --
  2. [16:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Hello? Is this the correct chat handle?
  3. [16:16] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I don't mean to be rude, but I read this handle off of your screen.
  4. [16:16] <Faerzen[aberrant]> My name is Faerzen, and I am the individual who helped you get into this game! I'm in the same position with respect to you as you are to Mr. Doritos Man.
  5. [16:16] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It appears as though I am able to "Build" in your environment, but you are out of Grist.
  6. [16:16] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It seems that Grist is some sort of game construct or currency, but I have yet to find a source of it wherever I am now. It's very lonely here, now that I think about it. :(
  7. [16:16] <Alluring_Artist> ...
  8. [16:17] <Alluring_Artist> you are the one that brought me here?
  9. [16:17] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Well
  10. [16:17] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm not sure I would put it that way
  11. [16:17] <Alluring_Artist> first of all, thanks you....
  12. [16:17] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I was the one who watched you
  13. [16:17] <Alluring_Artist> second, WHO are you
  14. [16:17] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I did not choose for this to happen to you
  15. [16:17] <Alluring_Artist> wait... watch me?
  16. [16:17] <Alluring_Artist> like i watched "mr. dorito man?"
  17. [16:17] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You know how you watched Mr. Dorito Man on your computer screen?
  18. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> That was me to you
  19. [16:18] <Alluring_Artist> yes?
  20. [16:18] <Alluring_Artist> wow...
  21. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I gave you the equipment you needed to enter wherever you are
  22. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I can assure you I didn't choose for any of this to happen to either of us!
  23. [16:18] <Alluring_Artist> so that means you are somewhere in another planet now right?
  24. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm not sure why this all happened, but it did
  25. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Correct!
  26. [16:18] <Alluring_Artist> i know...
  27. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It's very lonely here
  28. [16:18] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But also very beautiful
  29. [16:18] <Alluring_Artist> i don't blame you for any of this.. also, its lonely in here too!
  30. [16:19] <Alluring_Artist> really?
  31. [16:19] <Alluring_Artist> the place i ended uo stranded is somewhat creepy
  32. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yes! It's a land full of rocky spires and orbs of light
  33. [16:19] <Alluring_Artist> can you see it in your screen?
  34. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But everything is over a huge bottomless pit of darkness
  35. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Only a little bit around your house
  36. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Not much else outside of that
  37. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> What is it like?
  38. [16:19] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Have you been able to go on any expeditions?
  39. [16:20] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I've been rather trapped on top of the spire my house is residing on
  40. [16:20] <Alluring_Artist> ... the land is black and grim
  41. [16:20] <Alluring_Artist> and the pinkish sky is littered with crows
  42. [16:20] <Alluring_Artist> i have been walking for what feels like an hour
  43. [16:20] <Faerzen[aberrant]> That's...... ominous?
  44. [16:20] <Alluring_Artist> i know...
  45. [16:20] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Have you found anything of interest?
  46. [16:20] <Alluring_Artist> it gives me... chills down my back
  47. [16:21] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I have been trying to connect the dots with everyone we are connected to to determine what we are supposed to be doing here.
  48. [16:21] <Alluring_Artist> appart from crows and spires i havent found anything... atleast your place sounds cooler
  49. [16:21] <Alluring_Artist> i wonder that too...
  50. [16:21] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Well, it would be if I could go anywhere!
  51. [16:21] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I can't leave my backyard lest I fall off an endless cliff :/
  52. [16:21] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh!
  53. [16:22] <Alluring_Artist> how did you get there anyway?
  54. [16:22] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It was pretty similar to how you did, actually
  55. [16:22] <Alluring_Artist> weird...
  56. [16:22] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Except the game threw a couple of curve balls in my direction
  57. [16:22] <Alluring_Artist> i wonder who was the one that arranged your entrance
  58. [16:23] <Alluring_Artist> how so?
  59. [16:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I have been attempting to get in contact with them
  60. [16:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Ummmmmmmm
  61. [16:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'd prefer to not talk about it in too much detail
  62. [16:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It's not a very pleasant memory
  63. [16:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Let's just say the game created an illusion of my mother and then killed her
  64. [16:23] <Alluring_Artist> ... then lets better not talk about it
  65. [16:24] <Alluring_Artist> oh.
  66. [16:24] <Alluring_Artist> just like with byron?
  67. [16:24] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh, have you been able to contact him?
  68. [16:24] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yes, it does seem to be similar to him
  69. [16:24] <Alluring_Artist> yes...
  70. [16:24] <Alluring_Artist> butwe kinda hate each other
  71. [16:24] <Faerzen[aberrant]> What?!
  72. [16:25] <Faerzen[aberrant]> That's certainly not very much fun
  73. [16:25] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Why haven't you been getting along?
  74. [16:25] <Alluring_Artist> you should see him
  75. [16:25] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Has he been going a bit overboard on his whole MLG schtick?
  76. [16:25] <Alluring_Artist> he blames me for everything
  77. [16:25] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As in this whole game experience?
  78. [16:26] <Alluring_Artist> kinda
  79. [16:26] <Alluring_Artist> ...
  80. [16:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Hmmmm
  81. 16:29] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Last I talked with him he did seem rather aggrivated
  82. [16:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'll talk with him about it
  83. [16:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> While you happened to be the person that got the ball rolling
  84. [16:30] <Nick_varnegs> dont worry
  85. [16:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> None of this was actually your fault
  86. [16:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I still am clueless as to why any of this happened in the first place
  87. [16:30] <Nick_varnegs> thanks you
  88. [16:30] <Nick_varnegs> ...
  89. [16:30] <Nick_varnegs> do you believe in destiny?
  90. [16:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I didn't used to
  91. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And I don't think I do now
  92. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But I'm honestly not sure anymore after all of this!
  93. [16:31] <Nick_varnegs> i do now
  94. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> To have your close family relative be murdered in front of your eyes seemingly because of your actions
  95. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> With no alternative
  96. [16:31] <Nick_varnegs> ,,,
  97. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It's not fun.....
  98. [16:31] <Nick_varnegs> what year are you from
  99. [16:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Destiny does seem to be the only supported explanation at this point
  100. [16:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Though I'm sure there is a more reasonable explanation we simply don't understand yet
  101. [16:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> That's what I'm trying to uncover!
  102. [16:32] <Nick_varnegs> or coincidences...
  103. [16:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> This horrid game was really unfortunate, but having this sort of mystery to solve is an adventure!
  104. [16:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm from the same year as Byron
  105. [16:32] <Nick_varnegs> wow
  106. [16:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I hardly knew him before this
  107. [16:33] <Nick_varnegs> you too are from the future... atleast from my perspective
  108. [16:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But it seems too unlikely that we should just happen to end up playing the same game together
  109. [16:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You certainly are taking this whole situation well being from the time you are!
  110. [16:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> When I put that laptop and machines in your house, you picked up on everything very quickly!
  111. [16:33] <Nick_varnegs> i liked reading about machinations
  112. [16:34] <Nick_varnegs> also... i supposed witchcraft was in effect too
  113. [16:34] <Nick_varnegs> i never really believed in magic you know
  114. [16:35] <Nick_varnegs> but everything's so weird when you suddenly arrive in a different planet in a probably different dimension
  115. [16:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Definitely!
  116. [16:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh!
  117. [16:35] <Nick_varnegs> about the house building
  118. [16:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I can't believe I forgot one of the main things I wanted to talk with you about!
  119. [16:35] <Nick_varnegs> i know what the currency is
  120. [16:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Firstly, you can confirm that the person you connected to is Byron?
  121. [16:35] <Nick_varnegs> yes
  122. [16:36] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm trying to see if there are any patterns in who is connected to who
  123. [16:36] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Excellent.
  124. [16:36] <Nick_varnegs> i will call him mr. dorito man now
  125. [16:36] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Secondly, what do you know about Grist?
  126. [16:36] <Nick_varnegs> grist? that's what its called?
  127. [16:36] <Nick_varnegs> well... i know that its dropped from... "enemies"...
  128. [16:37] <Nick_varnegs> a thing that tried to attack me, an imp, upon diying he dropped a fair amount of it
  129. [16:37] <Nick_varnegs> also, i figured out the purpose of the machines... we can make objects with them, and i suspect that we can combine them too
  130. [16:37] <Nick_varnegs> obviously, this will also cost "grist"
  131. [16:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yes, I tried working with the machines as well!
  132. [16:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Unfortunately, I don't have any grist
  133. [16:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> and it appears as though I don't have a mechanism for obtaining more
  134. [16:39] <Nick_varnegs> ...
  135. [16:39] <Nick_varnegs> what is your weapon?
  136. [16:40] <Nick_varnegs> you need to kill the imps
  137. [16:40] <Nick_varnegs> you will eventually find them
  138. [16:40] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As much as I never thought I would say it, I hope I am assailed by enemies soon. It appears as though I can't do anything without killing them.
  139. [16:40] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I've just been alone on the top of my spire
  140. [16:41] <Nick_varnegs> wow...
  141. [16:41] <Nick_varnegs> this times sure require desperate measures dont they?
  142. [16:42] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Once I obtain grist, I'm looking forward to trying out the equipment!
  143. [16:42] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I know that you can duplicate existing items, but I have some ideas on how to try making other things
  144. [16:42] <Nick_varnegs> .... what do you think that is at the center of your planet?
  145. [16:42] <Nick_varnegs> wait...
  146. [16:42] <Nick_varnegs> how
  147. [16:43] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh, that is an interesting question!
  148. [16:43] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I haven't really thought about what is below the darkness
  149. [16:44] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Eventually I would like to find a way to send all of the glowing orbs down there to illuminate the area
  150. [16:44] <Nick_varnegs> glowing orbs?
  151. [16:44] <Nick_varnegs> in many of the stories i have read, witches used them to travel quickly between places
  152. [16:44] <Nick_varnegs> have you though of that?
  153. [16:45] <Faerzen[aberrant]> There is a giant light bulb
  154. [16:45] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh
  155. [16:45] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Ummmm
  156. [16:45] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You don't know what that is
  157. [16:45] <Nick_varnegs> light bulbs? no
  158. [16:45] <Nick_varnegs> care to shed some light into the subject?
  159. [16:45] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It's a glass sphere that uses power (what makes your computer run that you are interacting with Byron on) and gives off light
  160. [16:46] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I can assure you it is not witchcraft
  161. [16:46] <Nick_varnegs> wow
  162. [16:46] <Nick_varnegs> that sounds amazing
  163. [16:46] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It is simply a device that people can make
  164. [16:47] <Faerzen[aberrant]> They are very commonplace in my time
  165. [16:47] <Nick_varnegs> interesting
  166. [16:47] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Anyways, there is one of those above my house
  167. [16:47] <Nick_varnegs> the future sounds so complex and beautiful
  168. [16:47] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I hope to get my house built up high enough to reach it
  169. [16:47] <Nick_varnegs> WAIT A SECOND
  170. [16:47] <Nick_varnegs> i haven't even asked your name
  171. [16:48] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Now that you mention it, the things I have are something to be thankful for!
  172. [16:48] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh, I thought I introduced myself!
  173. [16:48] <Faerzen[aberrant]> My name is Faerzen.
  174. [16:48] <Nick_varnegs> faerzen...
  175. [16:48] <Nick_varnegs> is a great name
  176. [16:49] <Nick_varnegs> you can call me Nick
  177. [16:49] <Nick_varnegs> short of nickolai
  178. [16:49] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Nice to meet you!
  179. [16:50] <Faerzen[aberrant]> So how can I most help you from my end?
  180. [16:50] <Nick_varnegs> same! its good to know that im not alone with mr. doritos
  181. [16:50] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I can't build on your house because it seems you used the rest of your grist on you excellent feast
  182. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yeah, sorry he's been so irascible
  183. [16:51] <Nick_varnegs> tell me
  184. [16:51] <Nick_varnegs> can you see any imp around my house?
  185. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> When he calms down, he can actually be a lot of fun to talk to
  186. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> No, I can't
  187. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It seems quiet at the moment
  188. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You seem a bit worse for the wear!
  189. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Are you okay?
  190. [16:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> That cut looks painful
  191. [16:51] <Nick_varnegs> me?
  192. [16:51] <Nick_varnegs> i had worse
  193. [16:51] <Nick_varnegs> don't worry
  194. [16:52] <Nick_varnegs> it will heal in a couple days
  195. [16:52] <Nick_varnegs> are you okay though?
  196. [16:52] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Physically, I'm fine
  197. [16:52] <Nick_varnegs> good
  198. [16:52] <Nick_varnegs> emotionally?
  199. [16:53] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Still rattled from this whole ordeal
  200. [16:53] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I watched you and Byron enter
  201. [16:53] <Faerzen[aberrant]> and after how hectic it was, I arranged everything on my end to make it a seamless process
  202. [16:53] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As easy as can be!
  203. [16:54] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But the game seemed to know I was doing that and made everything that could possibly go wrong go wrong
  204. [16:54] <Nick_varnegs> atleast you knew what to do
  205. [16:54] <Nick_varnegs> such is the nature of life
  206. [16:54] <Faerzen[aberrant]> sigh
  207. [16:55] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I suppose that's a lesson to learn!
  208. [16:56] <Nick_varnegs> so... you didn't answer back then
  209. [16:56] <Faerzen[aberrant]> What would you like me to build on your house?
  210. [16:56] <Nick_varnegs> actually yeah
  211. [16:56] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh, what did I forget?
  212. [16:56] <Nick_varnegs> with what do you fight?
  213. [16:56] <Nick_varnegs> its important to know
  214. [16:57] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh!
  215. [16:57] <Nick_varnegs> and maybe we could help eacth other eventually
  216. [16:57] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Am I correct in presuming that you use a strife specibus?
  217. [16:57] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm not sure how things work back in the 12-1300s
  218. [16:57] <Nick_varnegs> yes
  219. [16:58] <Nick_varnegs> the same way they do in the future i suppose
  220. [16:58] <Nick_varnegs> my sylladex is like a journal/sketchbook
  221. [16:58] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Fun!
  222. [16:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I suppose my sylladex probably won't make any sense to you
  223. [16:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Let me think of how to describe it to you
  224. [16:59] <Nick_varnegs> go on
  225. [16:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Hmmmmmmm
  226. [16:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Okay, so basically the world is made up of a large number of events
  227. [16:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> *elements
  228. [16:59] <Nick_varnegs> yes...
  229. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And when you combine different elements in different arrangements, you can get a lot of different materials
  230. [17:00] <Nick_varnegs> i know about that... but i suppose my knowledge is nothing compared to yours
  231. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> like water
  232. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> or oxygen (the gas you need to breathe)
  233. [17:00] <Nick_varnegs> interesting
  234. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Or wax
  235. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And all of these elements (there's about 150 we know about right now!)
  236. [17:00] <Faerzen[aberrant]> have a lot of patterns and you can arrange them in a nice table
  237. [17:01] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Like this!
  238. [17:01] <Faerzen[aberrant]> My sylladex stores items based on what elements they contain
  239. [17:01] <Nick_varnegs> THAT. IS. FASCINATING
  240. [17:01] <Nick_varnegs> i want you to teach me everything faerzen
  241. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'd love to!
  242. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Though it's very complicated
  243. [17:02] <Nick_varnegs> great!
  244. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm not sure right now is the time
  245. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But I love teaching people things :)
  246. [17:02] <Nick_varnegs> but first, we must figure out a way to get to the same place
  247. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'm glad you're so excited about it!
  248. [17:02] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yes, this would almost definitely be much easier than talking over chat
  249. [17:03] <Nick_varnegs> i loved reading back then
  250. [17:03] <Nick_varnegs> it certainly would be easier
  251. [17:03] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I have two strife specibi
  252. [17:03] <Nick_varnegs> me too!
  253. [17:04] <Faerzen[aberrant]> My primary specibus is crossbowkind, but I also have tablekind
  254. [17:04] <Nick_varnegs> ...
  255. [17:04] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I have a periodic table equipped to that, but I've never actually used it to fight anything
  256. [17:04] <Nick_varnegs> crossbows you said?!
  257. [17:04] <Faerzen[aberrant]> >.<
  258. [17:04] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Well, I can assure you it is a much fancier crossbow than you're familiar with
  259. [17:05] <Nick_varnegs> hehehehe.... i just imagined you fighting with a wooden table...
  260. [17:05] <Nick_varnegs> really?
  261. [17:05] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I made a laser sight, aiming system, and ammunition clips and loaders for it
  262. [17:05] <Nick_varnegs> do you have any picture or something?
  263. [17:05] <Nick_varnegs> ammunition loaders?
  264. [17:05] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It's not the most technologically up-to-date
  265. [17:05] <Faerzen[aberrant]> but I think it has a quaint feel :)
  266. [17:05] <Nick_varnegs> i have those too, but i suppose mine is much more... rudimentary
  267. [17:05] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yeah, I can take a picture of it
  268. [17:06] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Once I get this equipment figured out, I can let you know how to make one!
  269. [17:06] <Nick_varnegs> great
  270. [17:06] <Nick_varnegs> also, i had a nice idea foryour second specibus
  271. [17:07] <Nick_varnegs> somehow make an iron or similar table... summon the table for instant covering!
  272. [17:08] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I suppose while that wasn't my original intention with the specibus, that would work too!
  273. [17:08] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I wonder if I could somehow make a periodic TABLE that was actually a physical table rather than some abstract idea
  274. [17:08] <Faerzen[aberrant]> How exciting!
  275. [17:09] <Nick_varnegs> speaking of abstract ideas
  276. [17:10] <Nick_varnegs> have you seen byron fight?
  277. [17:10] <Nick_varnegs> he's the oddest fighter i have ever seen
  278. [17:11] <Faerzen[aberrant]> He told me he uses his keyboard
  279. [17:11] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I suppose I shouldn't be surprised
  280. [17:11] <Faerzen[aberrant]> But it does seem..... moderately ineffective?
  281. [17:12] <Nick_varnegs> exactly
  282. [17:12] <Nick_varnegs> also, i saw him throw food at the imps
  283. [17:12] <Nick_varnegs> i supppose he will find a way to damage things eventually
  284. [17:13] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As long as he doesn't get hurt too badly, I suppose it's okay
  285. [17:13] <Nick_varnegs> we have to find a way to get together quick
  286. [17:13] <Nick_varnegs> i don't want anyone dying
  287. [17:13] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Indeed
  288. [17:14] <Faerzen[aberrant]> This game is far more dangerous than I thought it would be!
  289. [17:14] <Nick_varnegs> about that
  290. [17:14] <Nick_varnegs> why does everyone call this a game
  291. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> So that laptop I gave you
  292. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Since about the year 1990, they have been very common to have
  293. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You can use them for a huge variety of things
  294. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> including working at your job
  295. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> finding information
  296. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> creating art
  297. [17:15] <Faerzen[aberrant]> but also entertainment
  298. [17:17] <Nick_varnegs> ...
  299. [17:19] <Nick_varnegs> so... you suppose this is some kind of entertainment thingy'
  300. [17:22] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Many of us originally got hooked into this under the guise of it being a game
  301. [17:23] <Nick_varnegs> wow...
  302. [17:23] <Nick_varnegs> apparently everyone else didn't have a choice
  303. [17:23] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It depends
  304. [17:24] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I chose to play the game, but I had no idea that it would actually involve real people
  305. [17:24] <Nick_varnegs> atleast we didn't
  306. [17:24] <Nick_varnegs> it was this or diying in a fiery ball of fire and rock
  307. [17:25] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yeah
  308. [17:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> When I was playing what I thought was the game and watching you put out the fire in the library, and avoid the meteros
  309. [17:26] <Nick_varnegs> holy moley
  310. [17:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I gathered that it would happen to me eventually too
  311. [17:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> So I just sat around waiting for someone else to connect to me
  312. [17:26] <Nick_varnegs> i thing i hear something
  313. [17:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> It was actually quite nerve-wracking!
  314. [17:26] <Faerzen[aberrant]> What's wrong??
  315. [17:31] <Nick_varnegs_> i think i heard something faerzen
  316. [17:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> You should go investigate!
  317. [17:31] <Nick_varnegs_> im gonna go check
  318. [17:31] <Nick_varnegs_> wish me luck
  319. [17:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'll let you know what I find out about how we're all connected
  320. [17:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And maybe find some enemies to engage with myself!
  321. [17:32] <Nick_varnegs_> thanks faerzen
  322. [17:32] <Nick_varnegs_> maybe you could investigate about the item combination stuff you said
  323. [17:32] <Nick_varnegs_> anyways
  324. [17:32] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Yes! I have a lot of experiements planned :)
  325. [17:32] <Nick_varnegs_> great!
  326. [17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As soon as I can get my hands on some grist to use
  327. [17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Good luck!
  328. [17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I'll talk with you soon
  329. [17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Hopefully after I've learned more and talked with Byron
  330. [17:33] <Nick_varnegs_> ill go invesstigate, if i find something ill notify you so you can see me fight or something
  331. [17:33] <Nick_varnegs_> it was a pleasure talking to you
  332. [17:33] <Nick_varnegs_> :D
  333. [17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Maybe I can help you fight things from my end!
  334. [17:33] <Nick_varnegs_> how?
  335. 17:33] <Faerzen[aberrant]> <you see a table lift up in the air>
  336. [17:34] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Like this!
  337. [17:34] <Nick_varnegs_> woah
  338. [17:34] <Faerzen[aberrant]> <The table waves around in the air and then forcefully thuds back down to the ground>
  339. [17:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Well good luck, and I shall talk with you soon!
  340. [17:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> -- visceralVanguard [VV] bids farewell to alluringArtist [AA] --
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