
Superman Story

Dec 18th, 2012
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  1. -Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! ("Look! Up in the sky!" "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's Superman!")... Yes, it's Superman ... strange visitor from another planet, who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! Superman ... who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way! -
  4. It was another day for Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for the Daily Star. He woke up, bathed, got dressed and ate his breakfast. But, he then heard the signal from his friend’s watch. “Jimmy’s in trouble,” said Clark. Clark knew better than anybody that trouble never sleeps, but neither does Superman’s quest to stop trouble wherever it may be. He changed out of his civilian clothes and doned his heroic costume. Superman soared out of his apartment window to the source of the distress signal. The source, as it always was, was his friend, Jimmy Olsen, in dire peril. He was being held hostage by one of Superman’s most dastardly foes, Major Disaster.
  6. “Ah, Superman, I expected you would arrive to save your ‘best pal’, Mr. Olsen,” said Major Disaster with a grin.
  8. “That’s right, Major,” said Superman “And you’ll be on your way to Stryker’s Island where you belong.”
  10. “Not today, Superdunce!” yelled Major Disaster, brandishing his Kryptonite Laser Gun. Major Disaster shot at Superman with the laser, but thanks to Superman’s quick thinking, jumped out the way of the Kryptonite laser blast and drop kicked Major Disaster, knocking him out.
  12. “Thanks Superman,” said Jimmy as Superman freed him from the adimantium chains that held him. “Anything for my best pal, Jimmy. Now, let’s get you back to the Star and put the Major in the brig,” Superman said with a confident smile. Jimmy hopped on to Superman's back and held on tight. Superman carried Major Disaster off by the back of his collar and flew off.
  14. On his way to drop off Jimmy, he dropped the Major off at Stryker’s Island, a prison for all of the superciminals in Metropolis. The most notorious of all the inmates, Lex Luthor, had escaped recently. But Superman wasn't worried. He knew that he can take on anything that Lex can throw at him. And if he’s ever in a jam, he can use his Justice Society communicator to call for back-up.
  16. He dropped off Jimmy and finds a nearby telephone booth. He entered and changed back into mild-mannered reporter, Clark Kent in a flash. Clark arrived at his office on the seventh floor of the Daily Star newspaper firm. He sat at his desk and began typing the latest Superman story on his typewriter. His boss and Chief Editor, Perry White, never understood why Clark preferred a clunky, old fashioned typewriter. Clark said it was because the typewriter was a memento from his father, who taught him how to write on that very same typewriter. He stuck out that way; in fact, he stuck out in many ways from the other writers and reporters at the Daily Star and in Metropolis in general. He was a tall, wide man with a naïve view of the big city. He was clumsy and tended to stumble over his words. He was, for all intents and purposes, a fish out of water. However, this was all a clever ruse to throw people off about the truth that he was Superman. He got the idea from reading comics when he was a child in Smallville. How Hyperman, a being not too different from Clark, disguised himself from the populace by acting the exact opposite from how he would normally and putting on clothes that were big, baggy and wearing glasses and a hat. Clark did just that in the big city, and it worked just like it did in the comics. To Clark, it made all those years and dimes worth it.
  18. In the middle of him typing his story, the beautiful Lois Lane nudged his shoulder.
  19. “Hey Kent,” said Lois as she leaned on Clark's desk right next to his typewriter, “Are you free Saturday night? Lenard walked out on my date and we already have reservations at the Silver Platter.”
  21. “Sure, Lois,” said Clark, “I’d love to join you.”
  23. Lois smiled. “Great, be at my apartment at seven and no later. I know how you are with your time management there, space cadet.”
  25. Clark laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. “No need to worry, I’ll make extra sure to be on time.”
  27. Lois nodded and walked off. To Clark, Lois was the woman he’d been dreaming of. A woman with killer looks, strong, tough, wouldn't take no for answer, but sweet and kind. Clark just daydreamed for a while until Jimmy popped up.
  29. “Hey, Clark” said Jimmy, enthusiasm leaking out of his words.
  31. “Hey Jimmy,” said Clark, a small, shy smile.
  33. “Writing the new Superman story?” asked Jimmy.
  35. “Yeah,” said Clark “he told me all about it. But maybe you can tell me what happened too. Like why and how did Major Disaster capture you?”
  37. Jimmy pulled up a chair and sat in the seat, slicking his hair back, putting on his red sunglasses and put on his best cool voice. This always happened when he asked Jimmy answer questions He would try his best to be “cool”, even though he really wasn't. Jimmy's a goofball. But he's also the greatest column writer and investigative journalist in the Daily Star and possibly the world. He could pull off all kinds of disguises! He even fooled Clark, despite his superpowers. Jimmy gave him the whole story. Major Disaster was using him as bait so that he could lure Superman in to a trap where he would blast him with Green K radiation and use a “secret weapon” to finish Superman off, once and for all. Clark was glad he ended it the way he did or he’d be the Corpse of Steel. Clark thanked Jimmy for the information, and Jimmy left.
  39. Clark sighed and took the finished story to Perry, who was yelling rather loudly at another reporter. From what Clark overheard, he hadn't got the full story. Some botched plutonium robbery in Gotham City, stopped by Batman. Poor guy didn't get witness testimony, it was a beginner's mistake. Clark gave the guy a pat on the back as he exited Perry's office. The reporter shot him a smile and continued on his way.
  41. "Kent! Just the man I wanted to see! Olsen said you got me the latest Superman story." Perry said with a big grin, a cigar wedged in between his jaws.
  43. "That I do, Mister White, sir." said Clark, stumbling in to Perry White's office, story in hand. Perry took the sheets of paper from Clark and read them over. He nodded in approval and puffed a thick ring of smoke in to the air. It lingered for a bit before dissapating. Perry turned to Clark and gave him a grin, "This is why you're our star reporter, Kent. You get stories and get them in full!"
  45. Clark looked away and fumbled with his hands. "Gosh, Mister White-"
  47. Perry threw an arm over Clark shoulders and gave a hearty laugh. "Please, Kent. Call me Perry!"
  49. "Ah-uh-alright, Perry. That was awfully flattering of you." Clark said, fixing his hair.
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