
ReLive: The Unreasonable Routes To Redeeming The Villainess (ch5)

Aug 23rd, 2020
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  3. Now the story really begins. Claudine will have to begin bullying her friends and establish herself as the villainess.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ------------
  9. Chapter 5. The Villainess Is Born
  12. When Claudine wakes, she doesn't feel as though an entire night has passed, but rather it feels like only a few hours. Perhaps because her sleep had been entirely restless, and her mind hadn't actually calmed down or stopped buzzing for longer than a moment at a time.
  14. When she does come to, she can't make sense of how much time has actually gone by in this world, nor can she translate that amount to how much time may have gone by in her own world back at Seishou.
  16. But it's odd. Even though that world is her true world, it doesn't feel that way right now. After all, her friends are here in this one, and even if they are trapped and don't recall who they really are, Claudine feels she would much rather be here with them than anywhere else in the world. No matter the cost.
  18. She'd reviewed the events of the play in her mind many times last night. She knows it by heart, and she understands the major pivotal events that must occur in order to bring 'Ashes of the Phoenix' to its completion and free everyone.
  20. Today is their first day of magic classes here at the Academy. The Viscountess shares all of her classes with the other eight main characters. And Claudine's smallest source of solace is that her nasty deeds won't begin until a few days from now, when the dragon will break free, Karen's character will defend everyone, and Maya's will start to fall for her, thus causing the Viscountess' jealousy.
  22. But until then… Claudine can do her best to be kind to them all - as kind as possible - in order to make up for the terrible things she will ultimately have to do.
  24. Presently, she sits herself up in bed, bringing a hand to her forehead. She closes her eyes and lets out a long, slow breath, as though she's about to jump off a plane without fully knowing if her parachute will function or not.
  26. /I can do this. I have to... Or else we're all doomed…/
  28. She doesn't even want to consider how immense that pressure is. She doesn't want to get distracted.
  30. Claudine gets out of bed and retreats to the bathroom joined with her suite before putting on another of her character's trademark black dresses. Today, she is not yet the villainess of the play, but merely another student at the Magic Academy. She already possesses great knowledge of magic and spell-casting, due to how her character had trained all her life to become skilled, thanks to her deep-rooted admiration of the Duchess.
  32. Claudine can use little spells around her room without even really thinking. She brings her hair brush to her palm from where it sits on her dresser with but a snap of her fingers, and she can even change the colors of her dress at will. But ultimately, she keeps it black to match the actions she will soon be taking up against the others.
  34. When it's time, she takes her school bag already pre-packed with magic textbooks and heads out the door, locking it with a spell rather than a key.
  36. She makes her way down the hallway toward the cafeteria of the dorms for breakfast. She isn't sure how much time has truly passed in her world, but in this one it's been at least one whole night, and her stomach is still empty.
  38. Claudine acts fairly normal in the cafeteria, less like the boasting, rude girl she'll soon have to become. She doesn't speak to anyone, but she does smile here or there. As she receives her tray of food and brings it to an empty table, she searches the room for her friends' characters.
  40. Futaba and Kaoruko are seated together, with the latter having the former feed her like a princess. Though Claudine supposes, in this world, Kaoruko might truly be more akin to a princess and more deserving of such treatment. And Futaba obeys her as always with a smile that shows she isn't just doing it out of obligation, but because she enjoys it.
  42. Junna and Nana are seated together as well, chatting and smiling pleasantly, though Nana seems to be encouraging her companion to eat rather than steal glances at the book in her lap.
  44. Claudine recalls those four are roommates in their respective pairs in this world, and eventually - if they aren't already - become romantically-involved.
  46. /Speaking of which…/
  48. She finds Hikari at the same table as Mahiru, but they aren't yet acquainted or very aware of one another. That won't happen until Karen's character saves them from the dragon in a few days.
  50. Karen doesn't seem to even be here yet, which doesn't surprise Claudine, considering the character she plays isn't too far off in terms of personality from her genuine self.
  52. Lastly, Claudine spots Maya, seated alone at a table eating her food as though she doesn't mind the vacant chairs around her.
  54. It's really very difficult for Claudine to remember not to call out to any of them by name, because even if she knows them, they don't know her.
  56. Plus, she isn't even certain if they remember or use their own names in this world, or if they only know themselves by their titles of Baroness, Dame, Heiress, and so on. Likewise, Claudine must be certain not to give her own name away unless it becomes absolutely necessary and clearly permissible by the play's standards.
  58. She eats her food for now, finding it to be rather tasteless and unsatisfying, and she isn't sure if it's due to the fact that she doesn't truly belong in this world, or simply because she's just so anxious about all of this that her taste buds aren't registering anything.
  60. She eats whatever she can stomach before a sudden little commotion draws hers and everyone else's attention to the cafeteria doors.
  62. Karen is just rushing in now, hair frazzled and clearly having just overslept. Claudine can hear her nervously-excited voice past the din of chatter.
  64. "I made it! Phew, that was a close one!"
  66. The Village Girl does start out having a few minor mishaps of her own, such as being late here or there. But it's her charisma, her hardworking personality, and her unwavering belief in herself and her magic that quickly bring everyone to like her - and the Viscountess to detest her.
  68. A murmur about "the Village Girl" travels throughout the room, but Karen skips onto line for her food without a care in the world.
  70. Kaoruko turns her nose up and wants nothing to do with a commoner, while Futaba seems indifferent. Hikari and Mahiru steal looks of mild interest, but nothing more for the moment. Junna seems not to care either, but Nana is smiling, clearly enjoying the girl's energy and spunk. Lastly, Claudine notes that Maya is watching Karen already.
  72. /This is good. They'll end up together in the end, so it's reassuring to see Tendo Maya is already taking an interest in her./
  74. That's how the play is meant to be, after all.
  76. Once Karen has gotten her food, she turns around to find almost every chair in the cafeteria is taken. Only Maya and Claudine are seated at tables with open seats.
  78. This is where Claudine makes her first lapse in judgement.
  80. It would be best for Karen to sit with Maya right now, in order for them to begin talking and getting to know one another to kindle the sparks of an eventual romance.
  82. But Claudine's own heart can't bare to see a look of such confusion and nervousness on one of her friend's faces. The fear of ridicule and judgement for already being late on the first day, of being a commoner, of not having any friends to sit with…
  84. Claudine doesn't think. She just waves her hand to get Karen's attention. When Karen looks her way, Claudine smiles and motions her over invitingly. Karen lights up with relief and happily bounds her over.
  86. Only then does Claudine realize her blunder.
  88. /No! What am I doing-?/ She quickly shakes herself off, drawing in a deep breath. /No, wait. This can still work. I'll befriend her now so that when I betray her and start to bully her later, it will hurt her even more. She'll go running to Maya for comfort, and that will be that./
  90. She brushes off the little mistake and justifies it as such.
  92. Karen reaches her at the table and takes the open seat across from her with a grin.
  94. "Thanks! There are almost no other seats left!"
  96. "Think nothing of it," Claudine smiles back. "It's the least I can do to offer a place to sit to a commoner such as yourself."
  98. /Mean, but subtle. That's the way to start things off./
  100. But to her surprise, Karen just laughs off the comment.
  102. "Yeah, you really saved me! What's your name?"
  104. "Asking others when you haven't yet introduced yourself?" Claudine purrs.
  106. "Oh, you're right! I'm sorry!" Karen dips her head. "My name is Karen Aijou! But everyone knows me as the Village Girl, so I don't mind being called that either! It's like my own title! I came to this school to shine the brightest I possibly can!"
  108. Claudine can only find comfort in her familiar grin for a moment, because she's too preoccupied by the fact that Karen had given her real name. It was Claudine's belief that her friends wouldn't have or remember their real names, but simply know themselves by their titles alone.
  110. /So is this just the stage allowing them to have their names in this world as well? Or could it be that they remember themselves to some degree…?/
  112. She can't be certain, but she does know that she rather likes the idea that they might not have forgotten themselves completely. As such, Claudine feels she can give her name as well.
  114. "A pleasure," she says curtly. "Claudine. Viscountess Claudine Saijou." It feels a little odd to put her given name first, but that's how things work in this world. She'll have to make sure not to use any honorifics by accident.
  116. "Wow!" Karen beams. "That's such a pretty name! Can I call you Claudy?"
  118. "Eh?" Claudine blinks. It's a bit similar to her other nickname - her real one - and hearing it said now sends an ache through her heart. But she reminds herself she'd invited Karen over to gain her trust and friendship, only so that the sting of betrayal would hurt her all the more later on. So Claudine ignores the pain in her chest and agrees. "Very well. Then I'll call you Karen."
  120. "Great!" Karen's smile lights up the whole cafeteria. "Wow! I can't believe I already made my first friend! This is amazing!"
  122. "Indeed."
  124. Claudine breathes a sigh of relief that her plan had worked. She really is happy right now that she can talk to Karen like this, even if Karen doesn't know who she really is. Claudine is going to take as much joy as possible in the beginning of the play when she can still be kind to everyone before she has to show her true colors.
  126. Karen is still grinning to herself, but a glance at the time has Claudine snapping the girl out of it.
  128. "Karen? Maybe you should eat your breakfast before classes begin."
  130. "Oh! You're right! Sorry, I was just so excited about making my first friend that I totally forgot how hungry I was!" She begins wolfing down her food now, and though Claudine wears a neutral expression on her face, her heart feels warm.
  132. She glances around the room to where all the others are beginning to clean up their food and get ready to head to the main building for classes. Even if they don't know who they are, Claudine is certain she'd much rather be more or less trapped in this world with them than living in blissful ignorance in her own, having forgotten them entirely.
  134. The warning bell rings for dismissal from the cafeteria, and Karen hurries to throw away her trash before scurrying back to Claudine's side.
  136. "Claudy! Let's walk to our first class together!"
  138. Claudine rolls her eyes, but agrees.
  140. "Fine. I suppose it couldn't hurt."
  142. And that's pretty much how the rest of their first day goes.
  144. Karen sticks to her like glue throughout all of their classes, where the others remain as they had in the lunchroom; Kaoruko and Futaba together, Junna and Nana together, and then Hikari, Mahiru, and Maya on their own.
  146. As they go about their classes, Claudine doesn't pay much attention to the lessons and the magic, as her character already has a pre-established knowledge of all of it. She's much more interested in her friends.
  148. She does note they all steal glances at Karen and herself throughout the day, and Karen is certain to make sure everyone knows about her, that's for sure. She greets and smiles at everyone at every chance she gets, already testing herself by learning everyone's names. And through her saying everyone else's names so much, the others subconsciously begin learning them as well.
  150. Claudine remains haughty, but not yet rude throughout the day, making sure everyone is aware of her presence and her closeness to Karen.
  152. /This way, they'll all start to hate me once I have to turn on her./
  154. She plans out her path to becoming this world's villainess very carefully. It's all for the sake of saving them in the end.
  156. And while all of her friends are playing titled characters, Claudine mainly keeps an eye on her fellow lead roles and enemies, Karen and Maya.
  158. Maya doesn't speak a word to her all day beyond the mandatory greeting, but Claudine catches her stealing glances at her and Karen at every chance she gets.
  160. It's good to know she's already taking an interest in the Village Girl.
  162. By the time classes have finished and Claudine returns to her dorm, she feels rather accomplished.
  164. /I can do this. As long as I'm aware of what I'm doing and plan things out accordingly, I'll be able to become this world's villainess in no time./
  166. That night, as she lies down for bed, she even begins planning out things she should do in future days to bully Karen's character.
  168. /Though in the play we read at school, the Viscountess does some really terrible things like trying to burn or poison her…/
  170. Claudine knows that anything that happens to them in the play shouldn't affect their bodies in real life, but even so, she can't bear the thought of doing anything that might actually risk causing Karen real pain.
  172. So she plans out her pranks and mulls them over ahead of time, so that when she'll need to begin acting them out, she'll be ready.
  174. . . .
  176. The next day is very similar to the first, with Karen clinging to Claudine's side and the others gradually taking an interest in the both of them, though mainly it's Karen they're drawn to. Her bubbly and hardworking personality make even the stoic Lady Kagura and the timid Dame Tsuyuzaki smile. Which is good, because Claudine knows those three must eventually become close friends and roommates.
  178. But more than that, it's Maya's affections for Karen that matter the most.
  180. The Duchess stays silent for most of their classes, but Claudine does note her smiling whenever she glances their way.
  182. /Good. Even if she's being quiet about it, she's still taking an interest in Karen./
  184. They'll just have to wait for some of the major events to start happening before any real progression can be made in terms of furthering anyone's relationships.
  186. Several days and nights pass by in this manner, with the title characters growing closer and closer by the day. Karen begins branching out to talk to the others a little more, and when Claudine does speak to any of them, she keeps things brief and conceited; she doesn't want them to hate her just yet, but she wants it to be easy for them to rue her when the time comes.
  188. But then one day, Karen urges Claudine to sit elsewhere with her at lunch, and to her astonishment, Karen has gathered up all seven of the other titled characters at a single table.
  190. "Ta-da!" Karen sings with her arms spread wide. "I've noticed that the nine of us are in every single class together! So I figured we should all sit together at lunch too!"
  192. Claudine grimaces.
  194. "Don't you think we see enough of each other already then?" It's meant to be rude, but somehow, the others all seem to smile.
  196. "Huh," Junna says. "You've actually got a sense of humor, don't you Viscountess?"
  198. "Not at all. I meant it."
  200. "Sure you did."
  202. "Come sit!" Nana takes Claudine by the wrist and has her sit down before Claudine can yank herself away. At the very least Maya is on Karen's other side, so Claudine hopes they'll get some good conversation in like this.
  204. "Now then," Junna says. "Have we all been properly introduced to one another?"
  206. "Only like a dozen times," Futaba sighs. "Like the Village Idiot said, we have every class together, don't we?"
  208. "Village Idiot," Claudine snickers. "That is rather fitting." Again, it's intended to be much meaner than Futaba's passive comment. But somehow, Karen laughs it off.
  210. "Aha! How did you guys know my old nickname? You're so smart!"
  212. Claudine sputters, and actually feels bad now. But the cruel name doesn't seem to bother Karen at all.
  214. "S-So then…" Mahiru speaks up nervously. "Your name is Karen, right…?"
  216. "Yup! You can just call me by my first name if you want!"
  218. "Then… you can call me by mine too," Mahiru blushes.
  220. "Really? Awesome! Okay, Mahiru!"
  222. "On that note," Hikari speaks up. "My first name is Hikari."
  224. "Hikari! Nice to meet you!"
  226. The others all go around giving their first names, and Karen tries each of them out. When they get to Maya, however, it's different. The Duchess gives her first name.
  228. "Maya," she says. "It is a pleasure to make everyone's acquaintance, even outside of class."
  230. "Always the charmer, that one," Kaoruko giggles.
  232. Karen seems to be mustering up the courage to say Maya's first name, and Claudine is actually a little eager to hear it, since she's never really said it back at Seishou either. But probably due to the royal and important air Maya gives off, she can't bring herself to do it in the end.
  234. "Then… Duchess Tendo, for now!" Karen decides.
  236. Maya simply dips her head.
  238. "Very well, Village Girl Aijou."
  240. "Yeah, that's fine!" Karen then leans over to wrap an arm around Claudine's shoulders. "And everyone knows the Viscountess Claudine Saijou, right?"
  242. Claudine takes the opportunity to swat Karen off of herself.
  244. "I can introduce myself, thank you very much!"
  246. "Oh, indeed," Maya says. Claudine blinks at her in surprise. Maya is looking at her with a calm smile. "I know of the Viscountess. She has worked herself very hard in order to make it to this academy. She is quite honorable."
  248. And the way she talks is so like Maya's usual way of speaking - praise that almost sounds like an insult - it throws Claudine off guard. For a second, she nearly wonders if Maya still retains the memory of who she is. But when Claudine flashes a glance at her eyes, she finds the same dullness in them as all the others'. With a sigh, she snaps herself back into character.
  250. "Don't patronize me, Duchess."
  252. "My, it was never my intention to do such a thing."
  254. "All right, sheesh!" Futbaa interjects. "Enough flirtin' you two."
  256. "F-Flirting-?!" Claudine shrieks. "We weren't-!"
  258. "Why not?" Kaoruko hums. "You're both nobles, yes? It'd be a perfect match~"
  260. "Why?" Junna scoffs. "Just because they're nobles?"
  262. "That's all that matters, isn't it?"
  264. "Heiress Hanayagi…"
  266. Claudine feels heat in her cheeks for more than one reason. Firstly because just the idea of Maya potentially flirting with her causes her body to react on instinct as it would normally, even outside of a play. But she knows this isn't really Maya's conscious who knows her, just a body and a voice on the stage for now.
  268. And secondly, her face is hot with frustration because hers and Maya's characters aren't meant to be friendly at all. Maya has to fall for Karen in the end, or else the play won't be fulfilled.
  270. /But then again…/ Claudine considers. /The Viscountess does have feelings for the Duchess, even if they aren't reciprocated… So I guess it's all right to be a little bashful around her for now./
  272. And Kaoruko has helped put in a crucial piece as well. The Heiress' main quip with the Duchess and the Village Girl's relationship was that the latter wasn't of noble blood and would thus be tainting the reputation of one of the three purebreds. This little conversation had pushed that point nicely in developing the Heiress for her future pettiness of where she will try to pursue Karen out of spite for Maya's supposed lapse in judgement.
  274. The Heiress almost becomes a minor antagonist of sorts of her own at first until she eventually is confessed to by the Knight, and leaves the Village Girl and the Duchess in peace.
  276. But her pettiness will be crucial for Claudine.
  278. Because when the audience will think that the Heiress' antics are bad, it will be nothing compared to the heinous acts the Viscountess will later commit.
  280. Claudine mulls over her thoughts in silence as everyone else breaks off into conversation. She's glad to see Karen and Maya actually talking now, and the reserved Mahiru and Hikari are speaking up a lot more as well.
  282. They are all being drawn in by Karen's character, as it should be. Everyone will soon come to love Karen and despise Claudine.
  284. /And that's just how it has to be…/
  286. -----------
  288. A/N: It was tough deciding how the girls would address one another. I just chose to use formal titles, last names, or first names as each addresses the others based on which honorifics or names they used for each other in canon dialogue.
  290. Claudine is slowly beginning to adhere to her role...
  292. Please review!!
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