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a guest
Aug 11th, 2014
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text 103.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. //
  3. //
  4. // sections:
  5. // colors - all the colors used by the scheme
  6. // basesettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls
  7. // fonts - list of all the fonts used by app
  8. // borders - description of all the borders
  9. //
  10. //
  11. Scheme
  12. {
  13. //Name - currently overriden in code
  14. //{
  15. // "Name" "ClientScheme"
  16. //}
  18. //////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
  19. Colors
  20. {
  22. "Tutorial Color" "0 255 0 128"
  24. //rayshud colors
  26. "Ammo In Clip" "205 223 51 255"
  27. "Ammo In Reserve" "28 197 189 255"
  28. "Ammo In Clip Low" "255 42 130 255"
  29. "Ammo In Reserve Low" "255 128 28 255"
  31. //refers to watching stvs/killcam shots
  32. "Spec Health Normal" "235 226 202 255"
  33. "Spec Health Buff" "48 255 48 255"
  34. "Spec Health Hurt" "255 153 0 255"
  36. //alternate colors for flashing values
  37. "Alternate Spec Health Normal" "235 226 202 255"
  38. "Alternate Spec Health Buff" "48 255 48 255"
  39. "Alternate Spec Health Hurt" "255 153 0 255"
  41. //refers to player health/targetids
  42. "Health Normal" "235 226 202 255"
  43. "Health Buff" "48 255 48 255"
  44. "Health Hurt" "255 153 0 255"
  46. //alternate colors for flashing values
  47. "Alternate Health Normal" "235 226 202 255"
  48. "Alternate Health Buff" "48 255 48 255"
  49. "Alternate Health Hurt" "255 153 0 255"
  51. "Uber Bar Color" "235 226 202 255"
  53. //solid color uber disabled by default; to enable, uncomment lines in hudanimations_tf.txt
  54. "Solid Color Uber" "255 50 255 255"
  56. "Flashing Uber Color1" "255 165 0 255"
  57. "Flashing Uber Color2" "255 69 0 255"
  58. //"Ubercharge Amount" "48 255 48 255" // disabled temporarily; currently controlled by ammo in clip color
  60. "Heal Numbers" "48 255 48 255"
  61. "Damage Numbers" "72 255 255 255"
  63. //'Last DamageHeal Info' refers to the number that appears above hp
  64. "Last DamageHeal Info" "72 255 255 255"
  66. //Menu/Color scheme colors
  67. "Base Color" "15 255 255 255"
  68. "Button Color" "72 255 255 255"
  70. "Inactive Tab" "15 100 100 255"
  72. "StatBar1" "15 255 255 128"
  73. "StatBar2" "15 225 225 128"
  74. "StatBar3" "15 195 195 128"
  75. "StatBar4" "15 165 165 128"
  76. "StatBar5" "15 135 135 128"
  77. "StatBar6" "15 105 105 128"
  78. "StatBar7" "15 85 85 128"
  79. "StatBar8" "15 65 65 128"
  80. "StatBar9" "15 45 45 128"
  82. //Rainbow Uber Colors
  84. "ColorRed" "255 0 0 255"
  85. "ColorVermillion" "255 64 0 255"
  86. "ColorOrange" "255 128 0 255"
  87. "ColorYellow" "255 255 0 255"
  88. "ColorLime" "128 255 0 255"
  89. "ColorGreen" "0 255 0 255"
  90. "ColorTeal" "0 255 128 255"
  91. "ColorCyan" "0 255 255 255"
  92. "ColorAqua" "0 128 255 255"
  93. "ColorBlue" "0 0 255 255"
  94. "ColorPurple" "128 0 255 255"
  95. "ColorMagenta" "255 0 255 255"
  96. "ColorRuby" "255 0 128 255"
  97. "ColorBlack" "0 0 0 255"
  98. "ColorGreyDark" "64 64 64 255"
  99. "ColorGreyMid" "128 128 128 255"
  100. "ColorGreyLight" "192 192 192 255"
  101. "ColorWhite" "255 255 255 255"
  103. //end rayshud colors
  105. // base colors
  106. "Orange" "Base Color"
  107. "OrangeDim" "Base Color"
  108. "LightOrange" "188 112 0 128"
  109. "GoalOrange" "255 133 0"
  110. "TFOrange" "145 73 59 255"
  112. "White" "235 235 235 255"
  113. "Red" "192 28 0 140"
  114. "RedSolid" "192 28 0 255"
  115. "Blue" "0 28 162 140"
  116. "Yellow" "251 235 202 255"
  117. "TransparentYellow" "251 235 202 140"
  118. //"Black" "0 0 0 255"
  119. //Changed black to a NTSC safe color
  120. "GreenSolid" "76 107 34 255"
  122. "Black" "46 43 42 255"
  123. "TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 196"
  124. "TransparentLightBlack" "0 0 0 90"
  125. "FooterBGBlack" "52 48 55 255"
  127. "HUDBlueTeam" "104 124 155 127"
  128. "HUDRedTeam" "180 92 77 127"
  129. "HUDSpectator" "124 124 124 127"
  130. "HUDBlueTeamSolid" "104 124 155 255"
  131. "HUDRedTeamSolid" "180 92 77 255"
  132. "HUDDeathWarning" "255 0 0 255"
  133. "HudWhite" "255 255 255 255"
  134. "HudOffWhite" "200 187 161 255"
  135. "HudBlack" "65 65 65 255"
  136. "ProgressBarBlue" "91 122 142 255"
  138. "CreditsGreen" "94 150 49 255"
  140. "Gray" "178 178 178 255"
  142. "Blank" "0 0 0 0"
  143. "ForTesting" "255 0 0 32"
  144. "ForTesting_Magenta" "255 0 255 255"
  145. "ForTesting_MagentaDim" "255 0 255 120"
  147. "HudPanelForeground" "123 110 59 184"
  148. "HudPanelBackground" "123 110 59 184"
  149. "HudPanelBorder" "255 255 255 102"
  151. "HudProgressBarActive" "240 207 78 255"
  152. "HudProgressBarInActive" "140 120 73 255"
  153. "HudProgressBarActiveLow" "240 30 30 255"
  154. "HudProgressBarInActiveLow" "240 30 30 99"
  156. "HudTimerProgressActive" "251 235 202 255"
  157. "HudTimerProgressInActive" "52 48 45 255"
  158. "HudTimerProgressWarning" "240 30 30 255"
  160. // training
  161. "HudTrainingHint" "212 160 23 255"
  163. "TanDark" "117 107 94 255"
  164. "TanLight" "235 226 202 255"
  165. "TanDarker" "46 43 42 255"
  167. "StoreDarkTan" "131 121 104 255"
  168. "StoreGreen" "76 107 34 255"
  170. // Building HUD Specific
  171. "LowHealthRed" "255 0 0 255"
  172. "ProgressOffWhite" "251 235 202 255"
  173. "ProgressBackground" "250 234 201 51"
  174. "HealthBgGrey" "72 71 69 255"
  176. "ProgressOffWhiteTransparent" "251 235 202 128"
  178. "LabelDark" "48 43 42 255"
  179. "LabelTransparent" "109 96 80 180"
  181. "BuildMenuActive" "248 231 198 255"
  183. "DisguiseMenuIconRed" "192 56 63 255"
  184. "DisguiseMenuIconBlue" "92 128 166 255"
  186. "MatchmakingDialogTitleColor" "15 255 255 255"
  187. "MatchmakingMenuItemBackground" "46 43 42 255"
  188. "MatchmakingMenuItemBackgroundActive" "15 255 255 255"
  189. "MatchmakingMenuItemTitleColor" "15 255 255 255"
  190. "MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor" "15 255 255 255"
  192. "HTMLBackground" "95 92 101 255"
  194. "ItemAttribLevel" "117 107 94 255"
  195. "ItemAttribNeutral" "235 226 202 255"
  196. "ItemAttribPositive" "153 204 255 255"
  197. "ItemAttribNegative" "255 64 64 255"
  199. "ItemSetName" "225 255 15 255"
  200. "ItemSetItemEquipped" "149 175 12 255"
  201. "ItemSetItemMissing" "139 137 137 255"
  202. "ItemIsotope" "225 255 15 255"
  203. "ItemBundleItem" "149 175 12 255"
  204. "ItemLimitedUse" "0 160 0 255"
  205. "ItemFlags" "117 107 94 255"
  207. "QualityColorNormal" "178 178 178 255"
  208. "QualityColorrarity1" "77 116 85 255"
  209. "QualityColorrarity2" "141 131 75 255"
  210. "QualityColorrarity3" "112 85 15 255"
  211. "QualityColorrarity4" "134 80 172 255"
  212. "QualityColorVintage" "71 98 145 255"
  213. "QualityColorUnique" "255 215 0 255"
  214. "QualityColorCommunity" "112 176 74 255"
  215. "QualityColorDeveloper" "165 15 121 255"
  216. "QualityColorSelfMade" "112 176 74 255"
  217. "QualityColorCustomized" "71 98 145 255"
  218. "QualityColorStrange" "207 106 50 255"
  219. "QualityColorCompleted" "134 80 172 255"
  220. "QualityColorHaunted" "56 243 171 255"
  221. "QualityColorCollectors" "170 0 0 255"
  223. "QualityColorNormal_GreyedOut" "44 44 44 255"
  224. "QualityColorrarity1_GreyedOut" "20 29 21 255"
  225. "QualityColorrarity2_GreyedOut" "35 33 19 255"
  226. "QualityColorrarity3_GreyedOut" "51 51 62 255"
  227. "QualityColorrarity4_GreyedOut" "36 20 43 255"
  228. "QualityColorVintage_GreyedOut" "18 25 36 255"
  229. "QualityColorUnique_GreyedOut" "64 54 0 255"
  230. "QualityColorCommunity_GreyedOut" "28 44 19 255"
  231. "QualityColorDeveloper_GreyedOut" "41 4 30 255"
  232. "QualityColorSelfMade_GreyedOut" "28 44 74 255"
  233. "QualityColorCustomized_GreyedOut" "71 98 19 255"
  234. "QualityColorStrange_GreyedOut" "52 27 13 255"
  235. "QualityColorCompleted_GreyedOut" "34 20 43 255"
  236. "QualityColorHaunted_GreyedOut" "14 61 43 255"
  237. "QualityColorCollectors_GreyedOut" "60 0 0 255"
  239. "SaleGreen" "76 107 34 255"
  241. "LightRed" "200 80 60 255"
  242. "LighterRed" "220 100 80 255"
  243. "LighterDarkBrown" "59 54 48 255"
  244. "DarkBrown" "41 37 38 255"
  246. "UpgradeDefaultFg" "87 82 74 255"
  247. "UpgradeDefaultBg" "111 104 94 255"
  248. "UpgradeArmedFg" "194 96 47 255"
  249. "UpgradeArmedBg" "239 128 73 255"
  250. "UpgradeDepressedFg" "204 106 57 255"
  251. "UpgradeDepressedBg" "249 138 83 255"
  252. "UpgradeSelectedFg" "204 106 57 255"
  253. "UpgradeSelectedBg" "249 138 83 255"
  254. "UpgradeDisabledFg" "64 59 52 255"
  255. "UpgradeDisabledBg" "79 77 68 255"
  256. }
  258. ///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////
  259. // default settings for all panels
  260. // controls use these to determine their settings
  261. BaseSettings
  262. {
  263. // vgui_controls color specifications
  264. ReplayBrowser.BgColor "DarkBrown"
  265. ReplayBrowser.Details.TitleEdit.Carat.FgColor "200 128 255 255"
  266. ReplayBrowser.Button.ArmedBgColor "TFOrange"
  267. ReplayBrowser.Button.DepressedBgColor "TFOrange"
  268. ReplayBrowser.CollectionTitle.FgColor "LightRed"
  269. ReplayBrowser.Warning.FgColor "White"
  270. ReplayBrowser.ScrollBar.SliderButton.FgColor "TransparentYellow"
  271. ReplayBrowser.Search.BgColor "TanDark"
  272. ReplayBrowser.Search.FgColor "White"
  274. Replay.RenderDialog.BgColor "30 30 30 255"
  276. Econ.Dialog.BgColor "Blank"
  277. Econ.Button.BgColor "25 25 25 255"
  278. Econ.Button.FgColor "TanDark"
  279. Econ.Button.ArmedBgColor "35 35 35 255"
  280. Econ.Button.ArmedFgColor "TanLight"
  281. Econ.Button.DepressedBgColor "25 25 25 255"
  282. Econ.Button.DepressedFgColor "TanDark"
  284. Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorFg "15 255 255 255"
  285. Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorFg "15 255 255 255"
  286. Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorFg "15 255 255 255"
  288. Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorBg "25 25 25 255"
  289. Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorBg "50 50 50 255"
  290. Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorBg "25 25 25 255"
  292. Border.Bright "Blank" // the lit side of a control
  293. Border.Dark "Black" // the dark/unlit side of a control
  294. Border.Selection "Gray" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button
  296. Button.TextColor "TanLight"
  297. Button.BgColor "25 25 25 255"
  298. Button.ArmedTextColor "TanLight"
  299. Button.ArmedBgColor "50 50 50 255"
  300. Button.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
  301. Button.SelectedBgColor "25 25 25 255"
  302. Button.DepressedTextColor "TanLight"
  303. Button.DepressedBgColor "50 50 50 255"
  305. CheckButton.TextColor "Yellow"
  306. CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "Yellow"
  307. CheckButton.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  308. CheckButton.Border1 "Yellow" // the left checkbutton border
  309. CheckButton.Border2 "Yellow" // the right checkbutton border
  310. CheckButton.Check "Yellow" // color of the check itself
  311. CheckButton.HighlightFgColor "Yellow"
  313. ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "TanLight"
  314. ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "TanLight"
  315. ComboBoxButton.BgColor "Blank"
  316. ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  318. Frame.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  319. Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "TransparentBlack"
  320. Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
  321. Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
  322. Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
  323. Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
  324. Frame.AutoSnapRange "0"
  325. FrameGrip.Color1 "Blank"
  326. FrameGrip.Color2 "Blank"
  327. FrameTitleButton.FgColor "Blank"
  328. FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank"
  329. FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "Blank"
  330. FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  331. FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank"
  332. FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank"
  333. FrameSystemButton.Icon ""
  334. FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon ""
  335. FrameTitleBar.TextColor "Orange"
  336. FrameTitleBar.BgColor "Blank"
  337. FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "Orange"
  338. FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  340. GraphPanel.FgColor "Orange"
  341. GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  343. Label.TextDullColor "TanDark"
  344. Label.TextColor "TanLight"
  345. Label.TextBrightColor "TanLight"
  346. Label.SelectedTextColor "White"
  347. Label.BgColor "Blank"
  348. Label.DisabledFgColor1 "Blank"
  349. Label.DisabledFgColor2 "Black"
  351. ListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
  352. ListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  353. ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  354. ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
  355. ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "Red"
  356. ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "Orange"
  358. Menu.TextColor "TanLight"
  359. Menu.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  360. Menu.ArmedTextColor "TanDark"
  361. Menu.ArmedBgColor "TanLight"
  362. Menu.TextInset "6"
  364. Chat.TypingText "Orange"
  366. Panel.FgColor "Gray"
  367. Panel.BgColor "Blank"
  369. HTML.BgColor "Blank"
  371. ProgressBar.FgColor "ProgressOffWhite"
  372. ProgressBar.BgColor "ProgressBackground"
  374. CircularProgressBar.FgColor "White"
  375. CircularProgressBar.BgColor "White"
  377. "BuildingHealthBar.BgColor" "HealthBgGrey"
  378. "BuildingHealthBar.Health" "ProgressOffWhite"
  379. "BuildingHealthBar.LowHealth" "LowHealthRed"
  381. PropertySheet.TextColor "Orange"
  382. PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
  383. PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25" // time to change from one tab to another
  385. RadioButton.TextColor "Base Color"
  386. RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
  388. RichText.TextColor "Gray"
  389. RichText.BgColor "Blank"
  390. RichText.SelectedTextColor "Gray"
  391. RichText.SelectedBgColor "Red"
  393. ScrollBarButton.FgColor "Gray"
  394. ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank"
  395. ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "Gray"
  396. ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
  397. ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "Black"
  398. ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
  400. ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "Gray" // nob color
  401. ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "Blank" // slider background color
  403. SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "Orange"
  404. SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank"
  405. SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black"
  406. SectionedListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
  407. SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "Orange"
  408. SectionedListPanel.BgColor "TransparentLightBlack"
  409. SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
  410. SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
  411. SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black"
  412. SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 255 255 32"
  414. Slider.NobColor "108 108 108 255"
  415. Slider.TextColor "127 140 127 255"
  416. Slider.TrackColor "31 31 31 255"
  417. Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "117 117 117 255"
  418. Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "30 30 30 255"
  420. TextEntry.TextColor "Gray"
  421. TextEntry.BgColor "Blank"
  422. TextEntry.CursorColor "Gray"
  423. TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "Gray"
  424. TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
  425. TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
  426. TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "Gray"
  427. TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "Blank"
  428. TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "Blank"
  430. ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
  432. Tooltip.TextColor "TransparentBlack"
  433. Tooltip.BgColor "Red"
  435. TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
  437. WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank"
  439. TimerProgress.Active "HudTimerProgressActive"
  440. TimerProgress.InActive "HudTimerProgressInActive"
  441. TimerProgress.Warning "HudTimerProgressWarning"
  443. HudObjectives.FgColor "HudPanelForeground"
  444. HudObjectives.BgColor "HudPanelBackground"
  445. HudObjectives.BorderColor "HudPanelBorder"
  447. HudProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
  448. HudProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
  450. HudCaptureIcon.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
  451. HudCaptureIcon.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
  452. HudCaptureProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
  453. HudCaptureProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
  455. // scheme-specific colors
  456. "FgColor" "255 180 60 255"
  457. "BgColor" "TransparentBlack"
  459. "ViewportBG" "Blank"
  460. "TeamSpec" "204 204 204 255"
  461. "TeamRed" "255 64 64 255"
  462. "TeamBlue" "153 204 255 255"
  464. "MapDescriptionText" "Gray" // the text used in the map description window
  465. "HudIcon_Green" "0 160 0 255"
  466. "HudIcon_Red" "160 0 0 255"
  468. // CHudMenu
  469. "ItemColor" "255 167 42 200" // default 255 167 42 255
  470. "MenuColor" "233 208 173 255"
  471. "MenuBoxBg" "0 0 0 100"
  473. // weapon selection colors
  474. "SelectionNumberFg" "251 235 202 255"
  475. "SelectionTextFg" "251 235 202 255"
  476. "SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
  477. "SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
  478. "SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 190"
  480. // Hint message colors
  481. "HintMessageFg" "255 255 255 255"
  482. "HintMessageBg" "0 0 0 60"
  484. "ProgressBarFg" "255 30 13 255"
  486. // Top-left corner of the menu on the main screen
  487. "Main.Menu.X" "32"
  488. "Main.Menu.Y" "248"
  490. // Blank space to leave beneath the menu on the main screen
  491. "Main.BottomBorder" "32"
  493. "VguiScreenCursor" "255 208 64 255"
  494. }
  496. //////////////////////// BITMAP FONT FILES /////////////////////////////
  497. //
  498. // Bitmap Fonts are ****VERY*** expensive static memory resources so they are purposely sparse
  499. BitmapFontFiles
  500. {
  501. // UI buttons, custom font, (256x64)
  502. "Buttons" "materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_32.vbf"
  503. }
  506. //
  507. //////////////////////// FONTS /////////////////////////////
  508. //
  509. // describes all the fonts
  510. Fonts
  511. {
  512. // fonts are used in order that they are listed
  513. // fonts listed later in the order will only be used if they fulfill a range not already filled
  514. // if a font fails to load then the subsequent fonts will replace
  515. "Default"
  516. {
  517. "1"
  518. {
  519. "name" "Cerbetica_edited"
  520. "tall" "12"
  521. "antialias" "1"
  522. }
  523. "2"
  524. {
  525. "name" "Cerbetica_bold"
  526. "tall" "72"
  527. "antialias" "1"
  528. }
  531. }
  532. "DefaultUnderline"
  533. {
  534. "1"
  535. {
  536. "name" "Tahoma"
  537. "tall" "12"
  538. "weight" "500"
  539. "underline" "1"
  540. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  541. }
  542. "2"
  543. {
  544. "name" "Arial"
  545. "tall" "11"
  546. "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
  547. "weight" "800"
  548. }
  549. }
  550. "DefaultSmall"
  551. {
  552. "1"
  553. {
  554. "name" "Verdana"
  555. "tall" "12"
  556. "weight" "0"
  557. "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
  558. "yres" "480 599"
  559. }
  560. "2"
  561. {
  562. "name" "Verdana"
  563. "tall" "13"
  564. "weight" "0"
  565. "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
  566. "yres" "600 767"
  567. }
  568. "3"
  569. {
  570. "name" "Verdana"
  571. "tall" "14"
  572. "weight" "0"
  573. "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
  574. "yres" "768 1023"
  575. "antialias" "1"
  576. }
  577. "4"
  578. {
  579. "name" "Verdana"
  580. "tall" "20"
  581. "weight" "0"
  582. "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
  583. "yres" "1024 1199"
  584. "antialias" "1"
  585. }
  586. "5"
  587. {
  588. "name" "Verdana"
  589. "tall" "22"
  590. "weight" "0"
  591. "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
  592. "yres" "1200 6000"
  593. "antialias" "1"
  594. }
  595. "6"
  596. {
  597. "name" "Arial"
  598. "tall" "12"
  599. "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
  600. "weight" "0"
  601. }
  602. }
  605. "DefaultVerySmall"
  606. {
  607. "1"
  608. {
  609. "name" "Verdana"
  610. "tall" "12"
  611. "weight" "0"
  612. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  613. "yres" "480 599"
  614. }
  615. "2"
  616. {
  617. "name" "Verdana"
  618. "tall" "12"
  619. "weight" "0"
  620. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  621. "yres" "600 767"
  622. }
  623. "3"
  624. {
  625. "name" "Verdana"
  626. "tall" "12"
  627. "weight" "0"
  628. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  629. "yres" "768 1023"
  630. "antialias" "1"
  631. }
  632. "4"
  633. {
  634. "name" "Verdana"
  635. "tall" "14"
  636. "weight" "0"
  637. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  638. "yres" "1024 1199"
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  1483. "tall_lodef" "24"
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  1627. "tall" "24"
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  1710. "5"
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  1811. MatchmakingDialogTitle
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  1814. {
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  1821. MatchmakingDialogSessionOptionsTitle
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  1831. MatchmakingDialogMenuLarge
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  1870. {
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  1879. MatchmakingDialogMenuSmall
  1880. {
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  1887. }
  1888. }
  1889. MatchmakingDialogMenuSmallest
  1890. {
  1891. "1"
  1892. {
  1893. "name" "Verdana"
  1894. "tall" "18"
  1895. "tall_lodef" "18"
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  1899. RankingDialogHeaders
  1900. {
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  1939. }
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  1941. "AchievementNotification"
  1942. {
  1943. "1"
  1944. {
  1945. "name" "Trebuchet MS"
  1946. "tall" "14"
  1947. "weight" "900"
  1948. "antialias" "1"
  1949. }
  1950. }
  1951. // Used by scoreboard and spectator UI for names which don't map in the normal fashion
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  1953. {
  1954. "1"
  1955. {
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  1963. "2"
  1964. {
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  1971. }
  1972. "3"
  1973. {
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  1984. {
  1985. "1"
  1986. {
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  2044. "AchievementTracker_Name"
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  2047. {
  2048. "name" "Cerbetica_edited"
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  2065. {
  2066. "1"
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  2072. }
  2073. }
  2076. //
  2077. //////////////////// REPLAY FONTS //////////////////////////////
  2078. //
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  2088. }
  2089. "2"
  2090. {
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  2092. "tall" "12"
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  2094. "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
  2095. "yres" "600 767"
  2096. }
  2097. "3"
  2098. {
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  2115. "5"
  2116. {
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  3130. //////////////////// BORDERS //////////////////////////////
  3131. //
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  3831. // this is the border used for default buttons (the button that gets pressed when you hit enter)
  3832. ButtonKeyFocusBorder
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  3834. "offset" "0 0"
  3835. "color" "blank"
  3836. }
  3838. //ButtonDepressedBorder
  3839. //{
  3840. // "offset" "0 0"
  3841. // "color" "blank"
  3842. //}
  3844. ComboBoxBorder
  3845. {
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  3847. Left
  3848. {
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  3852. "offset" "0 1"
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  3874. Bottom
  3875. {
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  3883. ItemBoxBorder
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  3904. Top
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  3906. "1"
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  3922. TabsBorder
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  3942. "4"
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  3949. "color" "15 255 255 255"
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  3978. "color" "15 255 255 255"
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  3985. "1"
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  3989. }
  3990. "2"
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  4000. "4"
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  4012. DarkComboBoxBorder
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  4024. Right
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  4030. }
  4031. }
  4033. Top
  4034. {
  4035. "1"
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  4040. }
  4042. Bottom
  4043. {
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  4048. }
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  4051. SalePriceBorder
  4052. {
  4053. "inset" "0 0 1 1"
  4054. Left
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  4058. "color" "SaleGreen"
  4059. "offset" "0 1"
  4060. }
  4061. }
  4063. Right
  4064. {
  4065. "1"
  4066. {
  4067. "color" "SaleGreen"
  4068. "offset" "1 0"
  4069. }
  4070. }
  4072. Top
  4073. {
  4074. "1"
  4075. {
  4076. "color" "SaleGreen"
  4077. "offset" "0 0"
  4078. }
  4079. }
  4081. Bottom
  4082. {
  4083. "1"
  4084. {
  4085. "color" "SaleGreen"
  4086. "offset" "0 0"
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  4091. MainMenuSubButtonBorder
  4092. {
  4093. "inset" "0 0 1 1"
  4094. Left
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  4098. "color" "TanDarker"
  4099. "offset" "0 1"
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  4107. "color" "TanDarker"
  4108. "offset" "1 0"
  4109. }
  4110. }
  4111. }
  4113. CrosshatchedBackground
  4114. {
  4115. "bordertype" "image"
  4116. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4117. "image" "loadout_header"
  4118. "tiled" "1"
  4119. }
  4121. OutlinedGreyBox
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  4124. "backgroundtype" "2"
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  4127. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4128. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4129. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4130. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4131. }
  4132. OutlinedBlueBox
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  4134. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4135. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4137. "image" "loadout_round_rect_selected"
  4138. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4139. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4140. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4141. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4142. }
  4143. OutlinedDullGreyBox
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  4145. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4146. "backgroundtype" "2"
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  4149. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4150. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4151. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4152. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4153. }
  4154. OutlinedDullBlueBox
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  4156. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4157. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4159. "image" "loadout_round_rect"
  4160. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4161. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4162. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4163. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4164. }
  4166. TFThinLineBorder
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  4168. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4169. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4171. "image" "../hud/tournament_panel_brown"
  4172. //"image" "../hud/color_panel_browner"
  4173. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4174. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4175. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4176. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4177. }
  4178. TFFatLineBorderOpaque
  4179. {
  4180. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4181. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4183. "image" "../hud/color_panel_brown_opaque"
  4184. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4185. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4186. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4187. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4188. }
  4189. TFFatLineBorder
  4190. {
  4191. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4192. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4194. "image" "../hud/color_panel_brown"
  4195. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4196. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4197. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4198. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4199. }
  4200. TFFatLineBorderRedBGOpaque
  4201. {
  4202. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4203. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4205. "image" "../hud/color_panel_red_opaque"
  4206. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4207. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4208. "draw_corner_width" "5" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4209. "draw_corner_height" "5"
  4210. }
  4211. TFFatLineBorderRedBGOpaque_Store
  4212. {
  4213. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4214. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4216. "image" "../hud/color_panel_red_opaque"
  4217. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4218. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4219. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4220. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4221. }
  4222. TFFatLineBorderRedBG
  4223. {
  4224. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4225. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4227. "image" "../hud/color_panel_red"
  4228. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4229. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4230. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4231. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4232. }
  4233. TFFatLineBorderBlueBG
  4234. {
  4235. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4236. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4238. "image" "../hud/color_panel_blu"
  4239. "src_corner_height" "23" // pixels inside the image
  4240. "src_corner_width" "23"
  4241. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4242. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4243. }
  4245. ToolTipBorder
  4246. {
  4247. "inset" "0 0 1 1"
  4248. Left
  4249. {
  4250. "1"
  4251. {
  4252. "color" "TanDarker"
  4253. "offset" "0 1"
  4254. }
  4255. }
  4257. Right
  4258. {
  4259. "1"
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  4261. "color" "TanDarker"
  4262. "offset" "1 0"
  4263. }
  4264. }
  4266. Top
  4267. {
  4268. "1"
  4269. {
  4270. "color" "TanDarker"
  4271. "offset" "0 0"
  4272. }
  4273. }
  4275. Bottom
  4276. {
  4277. "1"
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  4279. "color" "TanDarker"
  4280. "offset" "0 0"
  4281. }
  4282. }
  4283. }
  4284. OptionsCategoryBorder
  4285. {
  4286. "inset" "0 0 1 1"
  4288. // This border is used just to create a horizontal line, so it only has a bottom border
  4290. Bottom
  4291. {
  4292. "1"
  4293. {
  4294. "color" "TanLight"
  4295. "offset" "0 0"
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  4300. GrayDialogBorder
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  4303. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4305. "image" "loadout_rect"
  4306. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4307. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4308. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4309. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4310. }
  4312. StoreFreeTrialBorder
  4313. {
  4314. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4315. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4317. "image" "loadout_rect_red"
  4318. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4319. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4320. "draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4321. "draw_corner_height" "11"
  4322. }
  4324. EconItemBorder
  4325. {
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  4327. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4329. "image" "loadout_rect"
  4330. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4331. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4332. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4333. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4334. }
  4335. Econ.Button.Border.Default
  4336. {
  4337. "inset" "0 0 0 0"
  4338. Left
  4339. {
  4340. "1"
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  4342. "color" "15 255 255 255"
  4343. "offset" "0 0"
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  4347. Right
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  4356. Top
  4357. {
  4358. "1"
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  4365. Bottom
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  4374. Econ.Button.Border.Armed
  4375. {
  4376. "inset" "0 0 0 0"
  4377. Left
  4378. {
  4379. "1"
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  4381. "color" "15 255 255 255"
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  4386. Right
  4387. {
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  4395. Top
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  4404. Bottom
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  4414. LoadoutItemMouseOverBorder
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  4416. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4417. "backgroundtype" "2"
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  4420. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4421. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4422. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4423. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4424. }
  4425. LoadoutItemPopupBorder
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  4427. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4428. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4430. "image" "button_holder_central"
  4431. "src_corner_height" "32" // pixels inside the image
  4432. "src_corner_width" "32"
  4433. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4434. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4435. }
  4437. // Collector's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4438. BackpackItemBorder_Collectors
  4439. {
  4440. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4441. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4442. "color" "QualityColorCollectors"
  4444. "image" "backpack_rect_color"
  4445. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4446. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4447. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4448. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4449. }
  4450. BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_Collectors
  4451. {
  4452. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4453. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4454. "color" "QualityColorCollectors"
  4456. "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
  4457. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4458. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4459. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4460. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4461. }
  4462. BackpackItemGreyedOutBorder_Collectors
  4463. {
  4464. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4465. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4466. "color" "QualityColorCollectors_GreyedOut"
  4468. "image" "backpack_rect_color"
  4469. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4470. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4471. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4472. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4473. }
  4474. BackpackItemGreyedOutSelectedBorder_Collectors
  4475. {
  4476. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4477. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4478. "color" "QualityColorCollectors_GreyedOut"
  4480. "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
  4481. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4482. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4483. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4484. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4485. }
  4487. BackpackItemGrayedOut
  4488. {
  4489. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4490. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4491. "color" "Black"
  4493. "image" "backpack_rect_color"
  4494. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4495. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4496. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4497. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4498. }
  4500. BackpackItemBorder
  4501. {
  4502. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4503. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4505. "image" "backpack_rect"
  4506. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4507. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4508. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4509. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4510. }
  4511. BackpackItemMouseOverBorder
  4512. {
  4513. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4514. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4515. "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover"
  4516. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4517. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4518. "draw_corner_width" "69420" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4519. "draw_corner_height" "69420"
  4520. }
  4521. BackpackItemSelectedBorder
  4522. {
  4523. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4524. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4526. "image" "backpack_rect_selected"
  4527. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4528. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4529. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4530. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4531. }
  4533. BackpackItemBorder_Unique
  4534. {
  4535. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4536. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4537. "color" "QualityColorUnique"
  4539. "image" "backpack_rect_color"
  4540. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4541. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4542. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4543. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4544. }
  4545. BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_Unique
  4546. {
  4547. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4548. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4549. "color" "QualityColorUnique"
  4551. "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
  4552. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4553. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4554. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
  4555. "draw_corner_height" "0"
  4556. }
  4557. BackpackItemBorder_1
  4558. {
  4559. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4560. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4561. "color" "QualityColorrarity1"
  4563. "image" "backpack_rect_color"
  4564. "src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
  4565. "src_corner_width" "24"
  4566. "draw_corner_width" "0" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
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  4568. }
  4569. BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_1
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  4571. "bordertype" "scalable_image"
  4572. "backgroundtype" "2"
  4573. "color" "QualityColorrarity1"
  4575. "image" "backpack_rect_mouseover_color"
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  4577. "src_corner_width" "24"
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  4580. }
  4581. BackpackItemBorder_2
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  4713. BackpackItemMouseOverBorder_Community
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  5043. MainMenuBGBorderAlpha
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  5457. "8" // Tournament HUD block
  5458. {
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  5463. "9" // Fog's xHairs
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  5467. }
  5468. "10" // Thin Cross
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  5490. "14"
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