
Vor v Zakone Code of Conduct

Jun 15th, 2014
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  1. The Thieves Code of the Vor v Zakone
  2. 1. As a thief, you are opposed to the state. You exist outside of the state. You must never own any property under your real name, nor can you sign a document with your real name, nor must you submit to any biometric identification such as a SIN. The exception is fake SINs. You are permitted to own property, licenses, or as many fake SINs as you want as long as you are using a fake SIN for the information.
  3. 2. Do not snitch. Snitching sells out your brothers and sisters in crime to the state, and as a result is cooperation with the state and forsaking of your status as a thief-in-law.
  4. 3. Never have a legitimate job, survive entirely from your ill-gotten gains as a thief*, or by gambling.
  5. 4. Help other thieves who ask for your assistance. Make good on promises to other thieves. Never gamble if you are unable to cover your losses.
  6. 5. Rule and arbitrate in the criminal world.
  7. 6. In situations where you are unable to avoid arrest and imprisonment, take responsibility for your brother's crime as well. This buys him time to escape and hide.
  8. 7. Take a life only when it is necessary. Do not kill other criminals or police officers casually.
  9. 8. Teach the criminal way to youth with potential.
  10. 9. Be able to keep your reasoning and wits with you even while intoxicated.
  11. 10. Never deny your status as a thief-in-law directly. If you are asked by the state, you must show pride in your criminality.
  13. *Thief, in this sense, means any criminal action, including selling drugs, running guns, running brothels, etc.
  15. Benefits: While upholding the code, gain the benefits of the Guts and Local Fame qualities.
  16. Drawbacks: Gain double the normal notoriety for murder.
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