
tear it up

Jan 15th, 2017
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  1. -- [00:48:54.67 -0500] Addison Clarke: /me pistons his hips back and forth, palms sweaty as he reigns Anton in by the firm grip on his hair. Each surge forward saws cock back and forth along tongue, cheek, lips, plowing past all barriers and sheathing its crown deep within Anton's throat. There's a white hot pleasure rippling through his body, from the balls of his feet to the very maximum of his skull. He's grunting, mind fixated upon the sensations that only Anton allows, the ones physical, mental, emotional, and that's when the light flooding behind his eyelids come to a stop. Eyes snap open once more, gaze dreamy as he stares down at the love of his life. [sub]"I'm going to..."[/sub] He doesn't finish the sentence, but he's sure the sentiment will reach him as long as their gazes remain locked amidst sloppy throatfuck. Nipples hard as diamonds, Addison makes love to Anton's mouth with eyes locked, lip caught between his teeth, and then suddenly his world comes to a halt when he climaxes on a growl. Muscles tense, back ripples powerfully, and he's standing at his tallest, coincidentally working his cock to the deepest reaches of Anton's throat possible. Large hands caress large balls as they draw up against his body and unleash a torrent through the tip of his cock, pumping heaps of potent seed directly past his lover's tiers. Shaft engorges while it fires off, stretching Anton's lips further during its sequential release. Addison's usual scowl has been completely wiped away and replaced with a blissful grin, teeth still holding his lips prisoner while he gives all of himself and the next in a climax that his rendered him momentarily speechless. He communicates in a gaze, withdrawing his hips slowly and capturing Anton's chin with one sweaty hand. He reels his drenched cock in from Anton's throat, length sheened with a thick film of spit and cum and whatever else. Even when he's completely drawn out of the sheathe he made of Anton's mouth, the very spearhead of his shaft remains connected to Anton's used mouth by strands of saliva. [sub]"Swallow."[/sub] It's a bit of a grunt, a bit of a command, but it's the only thing he needs.
  2. -- [00:49:47.29 -0500] skinnysteve: /me [sub]coughs, sips from his own juice box.[/sub]
  3. -- [00:49:52.07 -0500] Gabriel Archangel: [sub]....[/sub]
  4. -- [00:50:28.50 -0500] American: ...
  5. -- [00:50:49.40 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me needs a drink after that one.
  6. -- [00:51:01.00 -0500] American: /me coughs.
  7. -- [00:51:29.68 -0500] Ven: /me crawls under a blanket, sleepy dragon.
  8. -- [00:52:04.26 -0500] F E R A L: /me [sub]liked it...[/sub]
  9. -- [00:52:42.18 -0500] Addison Clarke: /me shrugs, watches BMs go up and chills.
  10. -- [00:53:08.64 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me Zayn tho
  11. -- [00:53:34.02 -0500] American: [sub]Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought Bowl Movement?[/sub]
  12. -- [00:53:41.23 -0500] American: Bowel*^
  13. -- [00:53:54.55 -0500] Krishna Samudra: [sub]steven pls[/sub]
  14. -- [00:54:06.37 -0500] Addison Clarke: I respect your scat fetish. No shaming here.
  15. -- [00:54:44.15 -0500] Tony Snark: /me snickers.
  16. -- [00:54:47.87 -0500] Gabriel Archangel: [sub].....yes, you were. Sorry.[/sub]
  17. -- [00:54:48.99 -0500] F E R A L: /me prepares tea, cause he's pretty sure Addison and Anton will need some after that.
  18. -- [00:55:30.00 -0500] Renn Sakuya: /me entered with a grin upon his lips, along with a bit of red staining the soft tiers. His pale fingers slipped into his white hair, dragging them through the soft locks to push the hair away from his face, on;y to have it fall into his eyes once again. He gave a soft little growl of annoyance and moved towards a couch, seating himself upon the edge of one, he pulled a cigarette from his leather jacket and putting it between his bloodied lips, he lit the end and took a long drag.
  19. -- [00:55:35.70 -0500] Addison Clarke: I would if there were any relevance there.
  20. -- [00:55:41.27 -0500] American: [sub]I--waitwhat.[/sub]
  21. -- [00:55:44.20 -0500] Milo North: /me streeeeetches.
  22. -- [00:55:53.76 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me pats Steve on the back. There, there.
  23. -- [00:56:05.15 -0500] American: /me hates his life.
  24. -- [00:57:04.48 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me can give him a new one, for a price.
  25. -- [00:58:28.68 -0500] Addison Clarke: /me [sub]phone is dying.[/sub]
  26. -- [00:59:02.62 -0500] skinnysteve: [sub]it's probably having the same reaction we are[/sub]
  27. -- [00:59:38.26 -0500] Addison Clarke: I didn't know I was posting for you.
  28. -- [01:00:19.72 -0500] American: [sub]Who said it was a bad thing?[/sub]
  29. -- [01:00:35.39 -0500] F E R A L: /me returns with yet another mug of tea for himself, humming quietly. Glances at the vampire now occupying the couch and grunts. Sips his tea and opts for the chair instead, curling legs underneath himself. Sip.
  30. -- [01:00:37.61 -0500] Addison Clarke: Missing the point...
  31. -- [01:01:12.23 -0500] American: Uh...what was it?
  32. -- [01:01:39.23 -0500] Addison Clarke: Missed. Just told ya.
  33. -- [01:01:46.91 -0500] skinnysteve: [sub]I mean no complaints, just need a glass of water. Or whiskey.[/sub]
  34. -- [01:01:56.26 -0500] Lars Van Beek: God I almost fell asleep.
  35. -- [01:01:58.59 -0500] American: [sub]..confused.[/sub]
  36. -- [01:02:18.14 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me slides a tentacle up Lars' leg.
  37. -- [01:02:44.40 -0500] Lars Van Beek: /me just tries to get Krishna to move his tentacle----fuck.
  38. -- [01:02:45.18 -0500] Langley Gorman: /me yawns.
  39. -- [01:03:50.24 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me slides it up his pants leg instead. Skin on... skin(?) contact.
  40. -- [01:05:05.30 -0500] Tony Snark: Oh
  41. -- [01:05:08.49 -0500] Tony Snark: You can drink but I can't?
  42. -- [01:06:23.19 -0500] F E R A L: I'm so fucking hungry
  43. -- [01:06:28.10 -0500] F E R A L: Fuckkkkkk
  44. -- [01:07:31.21 -0500] skinnysteve: [sub]Shush, Tony. Joking. No drinking for anyone.[/sub]
  45. -- [01:07:37.16 -0500] Anton Morar: The look that crossed his lover's face was one he'd seen before - one that spoke of what was soon to come for him - and it was one of his absolute favorite looks to see on the boy. There was no closing his eyes at that point, even against the brief bits of discomfort that came with those particularly rough thrusts. Addison had caught his gaze and there was no way he could break it, even if he wanted to. It was just as commanding as the boy's words could be and he was still submitting himself fully to the younger male. A shudder passed down his spine again the moment he saw it all finally hit, watching intently as the pleasure completely took his lover over and, at the same time, left his mouth flooded with thick fluids. He held perfectly still, keeping the movements of his tongue suppressed to prevent bringing any kind of discomfort to tender flesh. There wasn't an ounce of hesitation when issued that newest command, simply closing his mouth to do as told and swallow down every last drop given to him. Only after did he allow a grin to find his lips, hands slipping free from their places of teasing at the same moment so he could use one to wipe the excess mess from his lips and chin. "Better, boss?"
  46. -- [01:08:33.82 -0500] Gabriel Archangel: [sub]this night took an interesting turn.[/sub]
  47. -- [01:09:10.35 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me takes pictures tbh
  48. -- [01:11:28.59 -0500] Tony Snark: Okay flist,
  49. -- [01:14:55.57 -0500] Krishna Samudra: /me gives Tony some glue
  50. -- [01:15:13.66 -0500] F E R A L: /me has bagels. Is a happy glowworm
  51. -- [01:15:32.11 -0500] Tony Snark: /me thank you.
  52. -- [01:18:20.02 -0500] Mero: Sweg.
  53. -- [01:19:25.96 -0500] Ven: /me sniffs Mero.
  54. -- [01:20:18.30 -0500] Mero: Don't do that.
  55. -- [01:20:32.70 -0500] Anton Morar: /me lost Addison to a dead battery. RIP in peace.
  56. -- [01:20:42.26 -0500] F E R A L: You should beat him up
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