
Endtown RPG Session #28

Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Heyo!
  2. Martin Baron: Hey GM
  3. Ernest Gillett: Hello GM!
  4. Clayton R.: yo GM
  5. DJ-Max: Yo
  6. GM (GM): I didn't get a yo out of that guy!
  7. M. Walker: What guy?
  8. Everett Pillory: Me?
  9. GM (GM): Darn right!
  10. Everett Pillory: I'm "That Guy"?
  11. You hurt me
  12. GM (GM): (
  13. Sorry, I'm setting up the next map here.
  14. Everett Pillory: (Ah okay)
  15. Alrighty
  16. Martin Baron: ( Cool. )
  17. ( So can we add Punished Topsider to our list of "returnable villains"? )
  18. GM (GM): Yeah, sure.
  19. Martin Baron: ( The only other entry is Pirate Dog )
  20. Clayton R.: And he gets an APEX robot arm he argues with
  21. GM (GM): About that. I asked Aaron about how flame resistance of topsider suits and it was abit interesting.
  22. Martin Baron: ( I'm guessing about as well as a hazmat suit? )
  23. GM (GM): We basically got our first inconsistency official in the game.
  24. Clayton R.: Oh
  25. So how resistant are they then?
  26. GM (GM): In the comic, not really flame resistant but in the rpg, where things are much more action packed they would be flame resistant.
  27. At least up to 2000 degrees.
  28. Everett Pillory: ... yeah GM like
  29. Ernest Gillett: Huh..
  30. Everett Pillory: That makes Everett's backstory a bit BS in RPG terms
  31. GM (GM): How so?
  32. I don't think lighting up topsiders is pivotal to a character.
  33. Martin Baron: We could just say that they're somewhat flame retardant, say to normal flames for a few seconds, but in napalm they're bread in an oven.
  34. Everett Pillory: Tru
  35. Let's stick to that
  36. GM (GM): Eh, I don't know.
  37. The suits actually do give protection against the strongest weapon in the game.
  38. Eh, 'iron bubble'
  39. Excuse me a minute, I've got to grab lunch.
  40. Everett Pillory: You mean MP Loss?
  41. Because I'd vote that the strongest weapon
  42. Martin Baron: Not immediately the strongest though.
  43. Clayton R.: well, can't fire and energy weapons be characterized as 2 different things? I mean, the greatest weapon in the game is energy based right? Because heat damage can do a lot, and... iunno. It just sort of feels weird as an inconsistency. M
  44. I have yet to experience the real pain of MP loss. Martin is a real pro though... how many times do you think you've skirted insanity Martin?
  45. Everett Pillory: But in all honesty
  46. Fire in every RPG is deadly unless you have fire-resistant stuff which is either magical or bulky
  47. Martin Baron: More than 5 times I'd say
  48. Ernest Gillett: Huh..
  49. Everett Pillory: I think I only went into negatives twice
  50. But it was just a little
  51. GM (GM): Many wounds, last one kills, etc. etc.
  52. Martin Baron: Let's see: Shot, attacked by a bull, and killed a fish-man in one day (count that as 1 time), the ditto encounter at the missile silo, the stab fight in the alley way in Endtown, the second ditto encounter in New Persia, and smaller incidents spread across the whole campaign with various injuries and murders.
  53. I'm struggling to think of why Martin would still stay with this group after so much crap he went through.
  54. Everett Pillory: Yeah
  55. I already planned to have Everett quit few times
  56. But I'm figuring that his mental state is getting worse
  57. Martin Baron: Oh and GM? Unlike previous games where I could stretch the time a bit past 5, this time I absolutely can't stay for long after 5. I have to go and eat then prepare for an improv show at 7, have to practice at 6 for kid and adult show.
  58. Clayton R.: Well, he was prepared on some random person in Deep City
  59. Everett might just be losing himself over time then.
  60. Martin Baron: Kind of like you Suule, I'm considering dropping Martin to test out some other character types. But I'm also considering stretching out Martin as long as I can
  61. Heh yeah, Everett's losing it gradually, Martin loses his mind in bursts.
  62. GM (GM): That sounds like alot of fun martin!
  63. DJ-Max: I personally always run characters till they lose out myself. Kinda funny considering that DJ seems to be doing well enough. (Knock on wood)
  64. GM (GM): Okay let's get rolling.
  66. Changes:
  67. Martin Baron: Only bad thing I can recall that happened to you was the 1 HP incident. Otherwise, he's been on a lucky streak.
  68. GM (GM): Crash damage is now 2d10 per 10mph
  69. Everett Pillory: Well he is getting more aggressive, more mouthy, more brutal. I love how a timid academic is getting his animal side getting the best of him.
  70. GM (GM): Serpents of course, that's new.
  71. Martin Baron: Are there humanoid serpents or just the garden snake variety?
  72. GM (GM): Aaron says Ethel is useless in combat unless someone actually uses her as a whip
  73. Everett Pillory: Snakes... why would it always have to be snakes
  74. Martin Baron: ((Like this: ))
  75. GM (GM): No, you are snake. You do not get arms
  76. If you did you would not be snake!
  77. Clayton R.:
  78. Martin Baron: Hahah. But I'm guessing they're stuck with being the smarty pants or runner, since fighter is somewhat out of the question.
  79. GM (GM): Pretty much. Have to be fair.
  80. But there is always that one player who wants a challenge.
  81. Anyway
  82. We begin!
  83. you all dramatically walk away from battle victorious.
  84. Martin Baron: (( Previously a wrestler, now a balboa python. He kills Topsiders using wrestling moves and pinning them. ))
  85. Your cohort and compatriot, Juan, fled in yellow bellied terror.
  86. Ernest Gillett: ((How did he even pin them though))
  87. ((*does))
  88. GM (GM): ((They call him... Three count Theodore.))
  89. Martin Baron: (( Wrapping around him of course. ))
  90. GM (GM): ((He lays on them. The same way all wrestlers do it.))
  91. Everett Pillory is still pissed off at Clayton and continues to yell at him as he walks "And forget about making you more napalm if you can't handle the heat of it. And thanks to you, Juan is gone and possibly a shot at curing the deteriorating illness. I'm not giving you a cut of the cash me and Martin's gonna earn. You almost torched our poor hare."
  92. GM (GM): And himself.
  93. So it kind of cancels out.
  94. Martin Baron is still visibly upset over Clayton's mistake. He looks to the direction Juan fled towards, trying to spot him in the distance.
  95. Martin Baron: (( Roll perception? ))
  96. DJ-Max was going off to try and see if he could find Juan nearby.
  97. GM (GM): ((Roll perception!))
  98. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  99. (100)= 100
  100. (( WOW LAD ))
  101. Ernest Gillett: ((DANGG))
  102. Clayton R. tires his best not to take a swing at Everett. His half melted armor clings to him.
  103. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  104. (64)+40= 104
  105. Clayton R.: (( You're right on top of him MArtin.))
  106. Martin Baron: (( I SEE ALL ))
  107. M. Walker sighs, brushing dust out of her curly fur from the tumble earlier
  108. GM (GM): Lizard sighting, due north!
  109. Clayton R.: (( how far? ))
  110. GM (GM): It looks like he's running to a group of people!
  111. Martin Baron: (( Do I see anything else with my elf eyes? ))
  112. Everett Pillory growls and tosses his ruined pants right into Clay's face "Here's your fucking medal for friendly fire."
  113. Ernest Gillett seem to be glaring at Clayton for moment, before looking over at the others.
  114. GM (GM): Almost 2 miles away. Specs in the distance.
  115. Everett Pillory: (( Seriously though, Martin is super good at spotting ))
  116. Martin Baron: (( Specs? ))
  117. (( Oh, gotcha. ))
  118. Clayton R. tosses the pants back over his head, and he begins peeling ruined bits of armor off of him.
  119. GM (GM): Using specs you see, 5 people. Juan and 4 other individuals.
  120. Actions?
  121. Martin Baron forgetting what insult he was going to sling into Clayton, he points North to Juan for the others to see. He prepares to call until he sees something else in the distance.
  122. Martin Baron: (( Pull out binoculars and view specs? ))
  123. (( Could be deadly specs. ))
  124. GM (GM): Yes you did.
  125. Martin Baron: "Guys... Guys!" Martin says, looking back towards the group. "I see Juan, but there's something else out there. Four... people, I think."
  126. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow. He notices than Juan is now missing once it was pointed out. Clayton moves a few feet from Martin, waiting for details.
  127. Everett Pillory reloads his double-barrel "Oh Christ..."
  128. Martin Baron: (( Oh, I used the binoculars on the perception roll? So can't see what the specs are then. ))
  129. DJ-Max: "Maybe they're cool!"
  130. Clayton R. rolls his eyes
  131. GM (GM): ((Well, you crit'd so at this point you did whatever you say you did.
  132. Martin Baron: (( Alright, thanks. ))
  133. Martin Baron ignores the others and runs after Juan, not wanting him to possibly get into trouble with the four newcomers.
  134. Everett Pillory turns to Max "Well maybe. Just keep our pyromaniac away from them if they're friend... HEY WAIT UP MARTIN!" and starts running after him
  135. Pursue Juan?
  136. DJ-Max shall pursue him as long as he is not named Lubu.
  137. Clayton R. makes a mental not of Everett's insult. He pursues behind the others without a word
  138. Ernest Gillett follows behind them, not entirely happy of Martin suddenly running off.
  139. GM (GM): You have pursued them!
  140. Clayton R.: (( Oh boy, whisperman. ))
  141. Martin Baron: (( Wait, is that the 2 cat guards I stole guns from? ))
  142. You have encountered those jerk-bags from New Persia!
  143. Martin Baron: "Juan! Juan, come back!" Martin yells out, stopping in his tracks once he saw the familiar faces.
  144. Everett Pillory: (...))
  145. Everett Pillory freezes in his tracks, terrified.
  146. Juan turns to you and says, "Out of the fire into the fire guys!
  147. DJ-Max: "Wait... don't we know those guys?" he asks placing his hand over his eyes to see better.
  148. Martin Baron: "What? What are you talking about, get away from them!"
  149. GM (GM): ((Well, it was dark...))
  150. Martin Baron: (( Wait, is it nighttime? ))
  151. GM (GM): The guards speak:
  152. "Hey, you're that hog-wild jeep crew. The endtowners, right?"
  153. Clayton R. prepares his flamethrower, a bit hesitant to fire after his mistake
  154. Martin Baron: "Yeah? What of it?"
  155. Everett Pillory slowly pulls out of a bomb out of his backpack, scared as fuck.
  156. DJ-Max: "That's us, brah. Wha' about it?"
  157. M. Walker nods warily, keeping her eyes on him
  158. Martin Baron holds his hand near his pocket, ready to draw the Colt at any sign of hostility.
  159. Guard: You get to be messenger. We have z-bomb and we want control of your colony.
  160. You saw Persia, you know what's up.
  161. Clayton R. wonders how would even know the location of Endtown.
  162. Clayton R.: *how they would even know
  163. Everett Pillory hates to be right about that "Whisperman" stole it...
  164. GM (GM): ((Everyone knows about Endtown! It's like New York City!))
  165. Martin Baron: (( Not wanting to seem crude here, but we could just shoot them. ))
  166. Everett Pillory: (( What will that accomplish though? ))
  167. Martin Baron: (( No Z-Bomb blowing up stuff. ))
  168. (( Whatever a Z-Bomb is. ))
  169. GM (GM): ((Well, It would solve the whole people threatening you problem.
  170. Martin Baron: "Z-Bomb?"
  171. Everett Pillory whispers into Martin's ear "...I hate to sound like a smart ass. But I was right about them ransacking the TRASK facility."
  172. Guard: Z-Bomb, straight out of the old days. You know, what caused all this?" He waves his hand in all directions.
  173. Martin Baron: (( Exactly. MP loss sure, but no blowing up civilizations. ))
  174. DJ-Max: "Oh! Tha' stuff. The Zero stuff."
  175. Guard: That stuff.
  176. Clayton R. eyes the strange figure behind the guards, trying to study him
  177. Martin Baron: (( Think they also controlled the dittos? ))
  178. Ernest Gillett stays close to the group, looking over at the two cat guards.
  179. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+30
  180. (51)+30= 81
  181. Everett Pillory looks around and takes a step forward, between two groups. "We'll deliver the message. Just give us back Juan." he says reaching out for him to come here.
  182. Martin Baron: (( What was the boost to perception? +10 per level? ))
  183. GM (GM): The cats are armed with the following:
  184. Each have .256 Ruger assault rifles.
  185. Martin Baron: (( And a rat ))
  186. Clayton R.: (( What about the big skull icon in the back? ))
  187. GM (GM): The are wearing riot vests
  188. Clayton R.: (( What's he doing? ))
  189. GM (GM): They appear to have some grenades on their belts although they don't look like explosives
  190. ((Sorry, slow typiing.))
  191. Everett Pillory: (( I'll try to see if thy're looking grenadey enough to be used))
  192. A rat appears.
  193. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  194. (4)+20= 24
  195. Martin Baron: (( Don't tell me that's a 2nd whisper man. ))
  196. Everett Pillory: (CYKA BLYAT)
  197. GM (GM): You can tell that they are cyclinder shaped.
  198. But besides that they could be anything.
  199. Martin Baron: (( Gas or fire? Should be careful. ))
  200. DJ-Max blinks a bit. Another Rat? Oh this is either great or terrible.
  201. Ernest Gillett: ((You wouldn't mind if I try rolling to inspect the rat?))
  202. GM (GM): ((Ah c'mon, every mystery has to have a second killer!))
  203. Martin Baron: (( I think I'll roll perception too, see if I can spot anything as well. What's the boost to perception again? ))
  204. GM (GM): ((Sure.
  205. ((If this was a superman campaign, these guys would be melted cheese by now.
  206. ((Sherlocke levels of perceiving up in here.))
  207. The Rat starts.
  208. Ernest Gillett turns her head and notices a rat. Hoo boy, this isn't good. She inspects the rat from a distance.
  209. Rat: You seven, I see your guns and I'll save you some trouble by saying you ain't got nothing on us!
  210. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  211. (88)= 88
  212. DJ-Max shrugs "Alright. I'll bite. Why?"
  213. Rat: We got a whole colony to role over without using a shot, because we got the only shot that matters.
  214. Clayton R.: (( Don't forget to add mind bonus to perception Ernest. ))
  215. Martin Baron: (( So that's a 103))
  216. (( No wait, that's my bonus, fuck. ))
  217. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  218. (58)+35= 93
  219. Martin Baron: (( Ernest's is like, 60 or something ridiculous.))
  220. "Which is...?"
  221. GM (GM): A ICBM missle appears, a topsider transport appears to have formed a flatbed to haul it behind.
  222. Ernest Gillett: ((I thought the mind bonus wasn't added onto the perception, then again.. not really sure to be honest.))
  223. Martin Baron: (( Well that's not good. ))
  224. DJ-Max: "..."
  225. Erenest's perception
  226. Martin Baron: (( Dammit, it's dittos isn't it. ))
  227. Everett Pillory ducks back behind Walker, pulls out his colour-contraption and looks where the WMD was tryin to light it up
  228. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, what's your total roll Ernest? ))
  229. Clayton R. 's eyes widen as the ICBM appears./ He glances around to his compatriots. If there was a time to secure the bomb, it would be here...
  230. the rat is short and homely. Appears to be wearing some red and purple robe, clearly of some religious affilation but likely one he made up. He has scarring patching out his fur. A dull tint in his eyes shows that he likes smoke and drinking.
  231. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay, it would basically be a 88 still, since the 60 bonus is suppose to be for skill rolls.))
  232. GM (GM): ((This is alot to keep up with!
  233. What color do you have it set to Everett?
  234. This is important! (Not really.)
  235. Everett Pillory: (( Blue ))
  236. GM (GM): ((Paste, error, please hold.))
  237. The WMD, TP, and a giant mass has been made visible.
  238. Martin Baron: (( aaa ))
  239. (( AAA ))
  240. Ernest Gillett: ((oh))
  241. ((Ohhhh))
  242. DJ-Max: "Everyone, I'm so sorry."
  243. M. Walker flinches back at the sight of, THEM again...!
  244. The Rat is visibly upset.
  245. Martin Baron withdraws his hand, looking just as frightened as Everett was earlier.
  246. GM (GM): afk
  247. Clayton R. frowns, having to restrain himself from firing his flamethrower right away.
  248. Ernest Gillett takes a step back, noticing the sight of.. those things..
  249. Martin Baron: (( Should we go with the ultimate Joestar technique? AKA, run the fuck away? ))
  250. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah I would go with that.))
  251. Everett Pillory: (( Only if you'll yell OH MY GODDDDDDDDD all the way ))
  252. Martin Baron: (( Deal ))
  253. (( Or a SUN OF DA BICH! ))
  254. GM (GM): Back
  255. DJ-Max: (OOOOOH NOOOOO)
  256. Everett Pillory: (( And HORY SHEET ))
  257. Martin Baron: (( GM, I believe our current objective is: Run the hell away while screaming english words in a japanese accent. ))
  258. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah. ))
  259. ( Also all of this is the work of an enemy stand )
  260. GM (GM): Crude, emergency electrical. brb.
  261. Martin Baron: (( GM's dealing with the Bastet stand. ))
  262. Clayton R.: (( Well, the missile is right in front of us. It's not like they could fire the warhead without a rocket. ))
  263. Everett Pillory: (( I have a bomb ))
  264. Martin Baron: (( I don't know if we can shoot these guys with guns, like the rat said. He might be implying the dittos are shielding him. ))
  265. Clayton R.: (( And there is only 3 of them. Skull guy was a ditto construct. ))
  266. (( and fire works good on dittos))
  268. Clayton R.: (( The one here disappeared when you used the camera thing. ))
  269. (( and he was covered up with a ditto tile. ))
  270. Martin Baron: (( What if it's his shield? He's underneath the dittos. ))
  271. Clayton R.: (( It's possible., but then again, they are dittos. Mostly for show, not much actual defense. ))
  272. (( With some coordination, we would destroy the dittos and kill the them if we call our shots right. (ex. Clayton calls out rat, destroys dittos, others shoot rat with no dittos.) ))
  273. Martin Baron: (( You still got napalm? Could just take out both with one nice spray. ))
  274. (( Just lob the gel over towards the group and they'll be roasted. ))
  275. Everett Pillory: ( Everett has a shotgun and a bomb... ))
  276. Clayton R.: (( That works too, if others don't get mad at Clayton as soon as he uses it. ))
  277. Everett Pillory: (( What else do we have?))
  278. Martin Baron: (( Oh, y'all can use both. Everett throws the bomb and Clayton throws some fire. ))
  279. (( Fiery explosion ))
  280. DJ-Max: (DUEL TECH)
  281. Martin Baron: (( I got a spear, a wooden club, a pistol, a machine gun, and a taser. Nothing else unfortunately. ))
  282. Clayton R.: (( What do you think our priorities should be guys? ))
  283. Martin Baron: (( Whoever has guns. ))
  284. Ernest Gillett: ((All I got is a 9mm Mongel and hand scythes.))
  285. Clayton R.: (( I think the guards may make a run for the vehicle.))
  286. Martin Baron: (( Both cats do, don't know what the rat is equipped with. But Clayton, you can spray some AoE fire at the cats and hit both of them in one shot. The rest of us can focus fire on whoever's left. ))
  287. Clayton R.: (( You saying I should fire here? ))
  288. Martin Baron: Yeah
  289. Clayton R.: (( AoE is a 3x3 square. ))
  290. Martin Baron: (( Everett, you can save your bomb for the whisper man if he's still here. ))
  291. (( Perhaps the rat if he draws in close. ))
  292. Everett Pillory: (( Aright, I'll probably use the shotty first )
  293. The rat guy, yeah?
  294. Martin Baron: (( We got a running plan and a fighting plan. We're good to go.))
  295. GM (GM): He is super mad right now.
  296. Great.!
  297. Clayton R.: (( I say we take the initiative and attack before he does. ))
  298. GM (GM): Alittle late for that.
  299. Martin Baron: (( If it's too much, remember, we can always pull back. ))
  300. GM (GM): He shouts some very mean things that basically come down to 'get them.'
  301. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  302. (49)+30= 79
  303. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  304. (43)+50= 93
  305. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  306. (78)+20= 98
  307. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100+65
  308. (95)+65= 160
  309. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+60
  310. (20)+60= 80
  311. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+40
  312. (23)+40= 63
  313. Clayton R.: (( Walker? ))
  314. GM (GM): Walker?
  315. Waaaaaalker!
  316. rolling 1d100
  317. (60)= 60
  318. rolling 1d00+20
  319. (0)+20= 20
  320. Martin Baron: (( Bad rolls on the enemies. Good, we can make our SPECIAL ATTACK plan go into motion! ))
  321. Clayton R.: (( Whelp looks like Whisperman was real. ))
  322. Martin Baron: (( I can tase one of them if possible, perhaps we can interrogate them afterwards. Maybe have our characters find out more about the dittos and if there are other Z-Bombs. ))
  323. Ernest's turn!
  324. Everett Pillory: (( Kill them, kill them all))
  325. DJ-Max: (Shadow the Hedgehog intensifies)
  326. GM (GM): ((For I sec I read that as 'taste.'
  327. Martin Baron: (( Of course. ))
  328. (( What do dittos taste like? ))
  329. GM (GM): Probably fantastic.
  330. Clayton R.: (( Well Walker is gone. D/c I guess. ))
  331. Martin Baron: (( ))
  332. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay.. What to do.. what to do.. I could try firing at one of them with the 9mm mongel?))
  333. Everett Pillory: (( I was going more towards Apocalypse Now ))
  334. Martin Baron: (( Just do what you think works out. Maybe fly? ))
  335. Ernest Gillett: ((Hmm, I could do that while firing.))
  336. I should not that the combatants are using dittos as cover (-30 to hit.)
  337. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohh.))
  338. Martin Baron: (( Thought so. Don't think it'll matter with Clayton aiming at an area though. ))
  339. DJ-Max: (aoe burst is strong)
  340. Ernest Gillett: ((Guess I could still fire at one of them (likely one of the guard cats), maybe as a distraction perhaps?))
  341. GM (GM): Sure!
  342. roll for it!
  343. Ernest Gillett: ((Alright!))
  344. GM (GM): In this case it's 1d100+[weapon skill]-30(cover)
  345. Ernest Gillett holds onto her 9mm Mongel. She spreads her wings to fly forward, heading at some distance towards the two cat guards.
  346. GM (GM): Okay, flying.
  347. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay, I'm gonna get closer towards the cat guards. I need to figure out what's the distance between though))
  348. GM (GM): Measuring tool is below the glass tool.
  349. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah, thanks.))
  350. GM (GM): Speed = one tile on this map.
  351. Sorry, Agility stat = 1 tile.
  352. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah, okay))
  353. ((Alright, that's my first action.))
  354. GM (GM): Next action?
  355. Ernest Gillett: ((My second action is firing at the cat guard in front of me.))
  356. Martin Baron: (( Ping it. ))
  357. Everett Pillory: (( Good thing this time Everett has his vest on ))
  358. (( Bad thing is this time he forgot his pants to battle ))
  359. GM (GM): ((Everyone observes the above the belt rule, right? Right?!))
  360. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh yeah, forgot. Gonna fire a round of it at the guard))
  361. DJ-Max: (He doesn't need pants.)
  362. Martin Baron: (( My armor is hanging by a thread, just 19 points left in it. ))
  363. GM (GM): Shoot!
  364. DJ-Max: (12 over here.DJ is just moving out of the way.)
  365. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100-30
  366. (34)-30= 4
  367. GM (GM): Zip!
  368. Ernest Gillett: ((welp))
  369. GM (GM): Fast rat!
  370. Everett Pillory: (( I'm gonna throw that bomb first thing I think. ))
  371. DJ-Max will move to the side a bit and get IN POSITION. He can see Everett and Fireman planning something.
  372. GM (GM): Endturn (2 actions left.)?
  373. DJ-Max is also a CLOSE RANGE FIGHTER. So. END TURN.
  374. GM (GM): Hot head!
  375. Clayton R.: (( I'm gonna take a shot here. That catches them all in the AoE right?
  376. GM (GM): About that.
  377. Martin Baron: (( Clayton and Everett combine their turns for one mega attack! 「B U R N T H E E A R T H」 ))
  378. Clayton R.: Hmm?
  379. GM (GM): BRB, back to fuses and electical.
  380. DJ-Max: (DUAL TECHS SON)
  381. GM (GM): back back
  382. So roll damage
  383. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  384. (5+9+7+9+7)+50= 87
  385. GM (GM): Okay, they've coverd in fire
  386. Clayton R. frowns as the cats raise their weapons, he lests loose a stream of napalm to break their formation
  387. Clayton R.: (I'm unsure whether I should hit the rat or the cats again.))
  388. How much health/armor do the cat's have?
  389. Martin Baron: (( Maybe the rats, Everett can bomb the rat's dittos away and I can deal with him. ))
  390. (( *Cats ))
  391. GM (GM): Their armor is gone.
  392. Clayton R.: (( Alright, I'll burn them again then
  393. Everett Pillory: I know where to hit them
  394. I calculated it
  395. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  396. (68)+20= 88
  397. Everett Pillory: (( FFS... why can't I ping? ))
  398. GM (GM): You have 4 in heavy weapons?
  399. Clayton R.: Oh sorry, I thought it was a +10 bonus
  400. I have 2 in heavy weapons
  401. GM (GM): So +10 then
  402. Clayton R.: just subtract it from the roll I guess
  403. GM (GM): Still a hit.
  404. Clayton R.: D/C Everett?
  405. GM (GM): Only for a sec
  406. Anyway, damage?
  407. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  408. (4+8+2+7+10)+50= 81
  409. GM (GM): That killed them.
  410. Martin Baron: (( Hahaha! There aren't even gonna be bones left! ))
  411. Ernest Gillett: ((There goes the cats. Now we just got the rat left.))
  412. Clayton R.: (( is it okay if I tally MP loss at the end of battle, or is it instant? ))
  413. Martin Baron: (( Add some more fire to the fire, just spread some over to him. ))
  414. GM (GM): end of battle, always
  415. Martin Baron: (( Adrenaline keeps you from realizing what you've done before it really hits.))
  416. Clayton R.: (( Alright thanks for clarification. I think I'll disperse the dittos in the back))
  417. GM (GM): Abouthere?
  418. Clayton R.: (( I'm debating hitting where whisperman was. ))
  419. I'll hit inbetween
  420. Martin Baron: (( I think the whole group forgives you for accidentally spraying napalm on us for this fight. ))
  421. Everett Pillory: (( Not Everett!! ))
  422. Clayton R.: (( Those pants were his favorite! ))
  423. Everett Pillory: (( Well yeah the only thing he still has from his old job is the tie ))
  424. GM (GM): Roll damage
  425. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  426. (10+10+7+2+3)+50= 82
  427. Martin Baron: (( Very consistent damage, Clayton. Nice. ))
  428. Ernest Gillett: ((Ooh, nice damage.))
  429. Clayton R.: (( Yay. not insults. ))
  430. GM (GM): Whispy is exposed!
  431. Edge panda!
  432. Clayton R. smiles underneath his mask, glad to have disrupted the enemy so efficiently. Now the biggest threat was exposed.
  433. Ernest Gillett: ((Pfft))
  434. Martin Baron: (( Try bombing the rat, then I can try killing him or maybe tasing him for questioning.))
  435. Everett Pillory: Can't ping...
  436. Martin Baron: (( Weird. ))
  437. GM (GM): Just hold down with the pointer tool
  438. Clayton R.: (( You in ruler mode? ))
  439. Martin Baron: (( Exit and come back in? ))
  440. (( There you go ))
  441. Everett Pillory: (( Okay so there is where I want to toss it... ))
  442. Clayton R.: (( multiple contacts! Pings everywhere! ))
  443. Martin Baron: (( Multi bomb! ))
  444. Everett Pillory: (( 50 feet... ))
  445. (( Should be good right? ))
  446. Clayton R.: (( Who are you aiming for? ))
  447. DJ-Max: (If not you can toss it to DJ and he can chuck it. Like its Resonnence of Fate.)
  448. Everett Pillory: (( Oh shit... I just had the wildest idea of tossing it at DJ and DJ kicking it at the Whisperman ))
  449. GM (GM): Excuse me a sec
  450. Martin Baron: (( Sounds crazy as hell. Nice. ))
  451. DJ-Max: (I had that idea 20 minutes ago)
  452. (Supremely Ulitmate DJ shot.)
  453. Clayton R.: (( GM must really have it tough with power right now. ))
  454. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah, hope GM's doing okay over there.))
  455. DJ-Max: (Gotta hand it to him. Dealing with electric stuff while doing this)
  456. Martin Baron: (( Same here. ))
  457. (( *Respect him for keeping this going. ))
  458. (( Well shit, GM down. ))
  459. Ernest Gillett: ((Welp))
  460. Clayton R.: (( GM down! Abort! Abort! ))
  461. GM (GM): Back, tripping fuses, etc.
  462. Martin Baron: (( Phew. You doing OK over there? ))
  463. (( Probably not since we disappeared again. ))
  464. (( *he ))
  465. GM (GM): Back back.
  466. Martin Baron: (( Spooking us here GM ))
  467. GM (GM): (Hey, guess what circuit we need to test in the middle of your test? Jesus.))
  468. Martin Baron: (( Want to wrap this up as soon as the fight's done? ))
  469. GM (GM): Yeah.
  470. Okay!
  471. Martin your turn!
  472. Martin Baron: (( -20 to hit? ))
  473. GM (GM): -30
  474. Martin Baron: (( Hmm. ))
  475. Clayton R.: (( Wait, Suule disappeared too? ))
  476. Martin Baron: (( Probably for a bathroom break or something short. ))
  477. GM (GM): He has lost faith in me!
  478. Everett Pillory: (( Here here ))
  479. (( Sorry ))
  480. (( Anyway... ))
  481. Clayton R.: (( You need to lob ur bumb buddy ))
  482. Martin Baron: (( GM, I'm OK with Everett doing his turn before mine. ))
  483. GM (GM): Everett! You've been tag back in the ring!
  484. Everett Pillory: (( Oh you haven't seen us talking. We were thinking of tossing the bomb to DJ who would kick if over to... here ))
  485. (( Doable? ))
  486. DJ-Max: (I was joking.)
  487. (Although tossing it to him to throw again works. )
  488. Martin Baron: (( Doesn't make it any less of a good idea. ))
  489. Everett Pillory: (( DUnno what my range is with it ))
  490. (( 80 feet I belive ))
  491. GM (GM): What's your strength?
  492. Everett Pillory: (( 4 ))
  493. GM (GM): Correct, so 80 ft.
  494. Everett Pillory: (( Okay let's toss it there then ))
  495. GM (GM): Okay.
  496. Everett Pillory: (( I don't really have a marker for the explosion ))
  497. GM (GM): ((
  498. Well, roll
  499. 1d100+Ag
  500. There ish, right?
  501. Also just use the paint tool.
  502. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  503. (43)+20= 63
  504. GM (GM): Okay!
  505. Damage!
  506. Martin Baron: (( A ghost has taken over your paint tool, Suule. ))
  507. Everett Pillory: rolling 30+3d10
  508. 30+(2+7+2)= 41
  509. ( 30+3d10 I believe was it)
  510. GM (GM): The grenade goes off kicking up dust and dittos everywhere.
  511. Endturn?
  512. Everett Pillory: (Oh hell no. gonna shoot double barreled at anything I can get a clear shot at)
  513. (( How many actions I still have ?))
  514. GM (GM): 1
  515. Sure, you've got a shot at the rat
  516. Whisper man is behind afew people.
  517. So it would be 60 or better to hit.
  518. Everett Pillory: (Alright... what is the roll again... right )
  519. rolling 1d100
  520. (19)= 19
  521. ((FUck my rolls today ))
  522. GM (GM): Shot wide
  523. Martin!
  524. (Combat is pretty brutal when heavy comes into the equation.
  525. Martin Baron: (( I'm considering tasing the rat. ))
  526. Ernest Gillett: ((Ye, that would be a good idea, if you can get close to him.))
  527. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna go Advent Peacekeeper style and run directly into his face to give him a big shock of fuck you. ))
  528. Ernest Gillett: ((I mean, he has the dittos protecting him though.))
  529. GM (GM): I've got a soft spot for xcom.
  530. Martin Baron: (( Really need to put down the range on the taser. Anyway, I'm gonna spend 1 action to move into range. ))
  531. (( 9 Speed, 9 tiles. ))
  532. Everett Pillory: (( Please don't die, Martin ))
  533. GM (GM): 7 feet.
  534. two tiles
  535. Martin Baron: (( Pardon? ))
  536. Everett Pillory: (( Tile is 5 feet ))
  537. GM (GM): The range of a prong taser
  538. Martin Baron: (( Oh, thank you. ))
  539. (( Works for me. ))
  540. Everett Pillory: (( The tazer is 7 feet rounded up ))
  541. GM (GM): Yeah, I didn't scale the tiles this map so we'll round up.
  542. Martin Baron: (( But I move here. ))
  543. (( And shoot the taser. If I miss, then I retreat or continue firing. ))
  544. GM (GM): Well, this is a range attack so 40 or higher
  545. Martin Baron: (( Still under cover? ))
  546. GM (GM): From this angle, yeah.
  547. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-30
  548. (63)-30= 33
  549. (( Damn ))
  550. GM (GM): Prongs fly in wrong directions.
  551. Martin Baron: (( Guessing I can't fire again. ))
  552. GM (GM): Unless you want to reload.
  553. Martin Baron: (( No, I got a, somewhat dumb, idea. I'll dodge and end turn. ))
  554. GM (GM): Really, range tasers suck if you don't hit.
  555. Endturn?
  556. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  557. (20)+45= 65
  558. (( Please for the love of god dice. ))
  559. (( Dodge, end turn. ))
  560. GM (GM): Rat turn!
  561. Everett Pillory: (( Wait... why wasn't the rat hurt by the blast? ))
  562. GM (GM): ((You're still sitting on 2 actions, DJ.))
  563. Martin Baron grimaces in anger as the taser misses. He dodges in preparation for an attack.
  564. GM (GM): The rat screams
  565. Hershel! Get off your butt!
  566. the rat waves his hands.
  567. Ernest Gillett: ((ohhhh nooooo))
  568. Clayton R.: (( Walker can't make her role. ))
  569. GM (GM): The dittos swarm!
  570. Martin Baron: (( ))
  571. DJ-Max blinks. "Oh no, I'm ready for this" he says wanting to spend one of those actions to kick this thing once it gets to him.
  572. GM (GM): ((She'll be fine.))
  573. The rat covers himself in dittos
  574. Whisperman's turn!
  575. Everett Pillory shakes his hand "WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOU WILL HAVE TO PEE SITTING DOWN LIKE A GIRL!"
  576. Martin Baron: (( Fuck, Clayton's gonna get whacked ))
  577. Clayton R.: (( Man, whisperman has a lot of mobility. ))
  578. GM (GM): He screams bloody and runs straight through the group!
  579. He attacks Clay, targeting his face!
  580. Clayton R.: (( Oh... ))
  581. GM (GM): He's another one of those guys that has all stats.
  582. Also, crazy.
  583. Martin Baron: (( OH NO HIS MASK ))
  584. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  585. (87)+25= 112
  586. DJ-Max: (OH NOOOOOO)
  587. Clayton R.: please tell me that's just for a hit
  588. Ernest Gillett: ((OHHH NOOO))
  589. Everett Pillory: (( It's for the hit... ))
  590. (( The pain that comes later ))
  591. GM (GM): rolling 3d10+60
  592. (6+3+6)+60= 75
  593. Martin Baron: (( No Clayton, his attack is just as high ))
  594. GM (GM): He slashes you face for 75
  595. That is all his turns.
  596. Clayton R.: (( Well, I don't think my Armor can take that huh.? ))
  597. Everett Pillory: (( ...I'm seeing that Clay's and Everett's fates are somehow connected ))
  598. GM (GM): Did you have armor on your head?
  599. Clayton R.: (( Nope, just a mask. ))
  600. Everett Pillory: (( Uhh... fuck will he get decapitated ??))
  601. DJ-Max: (Or does he just lose the mask?)
  602. Everett Pillory: (( That would be extremly painful ))
  603. GM (GM): (Oh I try not to be so colorful.
  604. Martin Baron: (( Still, that's 75 damage to the face. I think something would hit his mask ))
  605. Clayton goes down, he has a severe throat wound!
  606. And a face wound
  607. Martin Baron: (( SUNUVABITCH ))
  608. Clayton R.: (( Wait. Throat, not head? ))
  609. (( oh. ))
  610. Clayton R. is taken aback as the whisperman corners him. He's unable to react as the he is slashed down the middle of his mask, destroying it, and leaving its tattered remains clinging to his head.
  611. Everett Pillory: (( Lemme show you a diagram of how bad he slashes ))
  612. (( This bad ))
  613. Clayton R. screams louder than he ever has before.
  614. GM (GM): ((For the record the his stats are 6-7-2
  615. DJ-Max: "Clayton?!"
  616. Martin Baron: "Clayton!" Martin yells out, just briefly catching sight of the brutal attack.
  617. GM (GM): Juan hunkers down.
  618. Clayton R.: (( At least if I survive this, I'll get a cool scar on my head. ))
  619. GM (GM): Ernest! Your turn, sorry if it took awhile!
  620. Everett Pillory yells out "EVERYTHING YOU GOT ON THE CRAZY BIRD. "
  621. Ernest Gillett turns toward the direction of where Clayton is while flying. She starts swearing under her breath.
  622. GM (GM): ((Interestingly, you notice that he isn't a bird at all, he's some guy in a feathered get up and some metal clawed gloves.
  623. Everett Pillory: (( Thoought so ))
  624. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay gonna fire 3 rounds on this whisperman.))
  625. Martin Baron: (( That could be an actual bird mutant skull though ))
  626. Clayton R.: (( The legend never dies ))
  627. GM (GM): ((Nope, cheap halloween mask.))
  628. DJ-Max: (Fire up the base cannon)
  629. GM (GM): ((The guy runs around dittos, did you think he was sane at all?))
  630. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  631. (44)= 44
  632. GM (GM): That's a hit!
  633. Ernest Gillett: ((Keeping the 15 for damage))
  634. GM (GM): Okay!
  635. Ernest Gillett: ((And it's a 9mm mongel, so it's 2d10+20, right?))
  636. Martin Baron: (( Yes ))
  637. GM (GM): The pistol or the automatic?
  638. Well, yeah, okay.
  639. Martin Baron: (( Automatic ))
  640. Ernest Gillett: ((The automatic))
  641. Clayton R.: (( How much health does whisperman even have? ))
  642. Martin Baron: (( I have one too, that's the right die ))
  643. GM (GM): Right, okay
  644. Martin Baron: (( Too many ))
  645. GM (GM): 2d10+20+15
  646. Ernest Gillett: rolling 2d10+20+15
  647. (9+10)+20+15
  648. = 54
  649. ((Yesss))
  650. GM (GM): You fire round and they catch him center mass.
  651. Any other actions?
  652. Ernest Gillett: ((How much health do he even have?))
  653. Clayton R.: (( Kill him until he is dead. ))
  654. Martin Baron: (( Can't figure that out, just keep shooting till there's nothing left. ))
  655. Ernest Gillett: ((Aye.))
  656. GM (GM): 50 health and 50 armor
  657. Clayton R.: (( We're so close. Time to end this. ))
  658. GM (GM): That feather suit looks like a riot jacket with black feathers on it, someone went throw a linkin' park phase with a beadazzler.
  659. Everett Pillory: (( I want to kill him... ))
  660. Clayton R.: (( Everett should get a grudge bonus. ))
  661. DJ-Max: (I remember that phase. That was a dark time in my life.)
  662. Everett Pillory: (( Wait so already most of his armour was gone. All that is left is. ))
  663. (( 5 HP? ))
  664. GM (GM): ((Oh, you're only saying that because he has almost given you a emergency pancreotomy.
  665. Martin Baron: (( No, I think that's what he has currently. ))
  666. Everett Pillory: (( Well Clay, remember that Everett is really pissed off at him. ))
  667. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay, gonna fire another 3 rounds at the feather suit guy.))
  668. Clayton R.: (( He took 81 from napalm, 54 from the pistol, and he's on fire. ))
  669. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  670. (73)= 73
  671. GM (GM): He has abnormal hitpoints. He's really a level 3.
  672. Martin Baron: (( Very niceu, Ernest-chan ))
  673. GM (GM): Ah, right!
  674. He is on fire.
  675. Roll damage Ernie
  676. rolling 2d10
  677. (10+9)= 19
  678. Ernest Gillett: rolling 2d10+20+15
  679. (9+6)+20+15= 50
  680. Clayton R.: and +20 right?
  681. Martin Baron: (( Noice ))
  682. Clayton R.: (( oh nevermind ))
  683. Martin Baron: (( Oh yeah, bad news: You're now a murderer Ernest ))
  684. his armor kicks up feathers and falls in taters.
  685. GM (GM): DJ!
  686. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh yeah, and Ernest gotta have regrets on that, so yayy MP loss likely))
  687. GM (GM): Wait!
  688. Martin Baron: (( Never mind then ))
  689. DJ-Max is dealing wit- waiting.
  690. Martin Baron: (( Aw dammit ))
  691. DJ-Max: >Also. DJ attempted to use one of his actions to attack the dittos in front of him before, got missed.
  692. the Transporter skid starts and barrels torwards you!
  693. GM (GM): okay, you can go DJ
  694. Martin Baron: (( DJ! Suplex the transporter! ))
  695. Everett Pillory: (DJ, jump onto the transporter ))
  697. DJ-Max: (I'm not Rameriez)
  698. Everett Pillory: ( DO EVERYTHING )
  699. Ernest Gillett: ((DJ! Flip that transporter!))
  700. DJ-Max is giving two kicks to the dittos in front of him anyway. 2 actions
  701. GM (GM): Always comes down to the fast, guy, huh?
  702. DJ-Max: First!
  703. rolling 1d100 + 40
  704. (40)+40= 80
  705. GM (GM): "Save us flash!"-Batman!
  706. That's a hit
  707. DJ-Max: rolling 1d10 + 8
  708. (8)+8= 16
  709. Martin Baron: (( Gonna have to leave in 11 minutes ))
  710. GM (GM): The ditto mass is solid here, so about 30 hp
  711. DJ-Max: Second!
  712. rolling 1d100 + 40
  713. (71)+40= 111
  714. GM (GM): hit
  715. DJ-Max: rolling 1d10 + 8
  716. (9)+8= 17
  717. And lets throw a third as well.
  718. Oh wait. I just did the math
  719. Everett Pillory: (That's all there is, chief )
  720. GM (GM): It's dispursed violently on your second kick.
  721. Martin Baron: (( Zoom punch the other dittos ))
  722. DJ-Max can probably do that. Lets find out. He'll JUMP KICK the one attack Juan.
  723. GM (GM): Okay.
  724. DJ-Max: Acrobatics first or just roll to hit?
  725. GM (GM): 2d10+10
  726. +str, of course
  727. DJ-Max: Right. Well Rolling to hit anyways then damage
  728. rolling 1d100 + 40
  729. (73)+40= 113
  730. rolling 2d10 + 10
  731. (10+7)+10= 27
  732. Everett Pillory: (( DJ, Kenshiro of our group ))
  733. DJ-Max: and strength is +8 to physical damage.
  734. So... 35
  735. Martin Baron: (( Nice, Juan is safe. ))
  736. DJ-Max: "I ain' got TIME for this"
  737. GM (GM): Ditto smasher achievement!
  738. Clay--Yeah.
  739. Everett Pillory: How bad is Clay doing
  740. DJ-Max: "Is Clayton alright?!"
  741. Everett Pillory: ( GUESS BAD )
  742. GM (GM): Everett!
  743. Everett Pillory: 2 of my actions... gonna be pummeling the whisperman with bullets
  744. DJ-Max is Focusing on getting to Clayton and shall destroy things in his way to do so.
  745. Martin Baron: (( Through the dittos? ))
  746. GM (GM): Okay then.
  747. Clayton R. is furious and in immense pain.
  748. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah, Everett is too pissed off to care about the dittos, unless he's not being able to see the Whisperman, then he will try to engage him ))
  749. Clayton R.: (( OI think I want to put some distance between me and whisperman.))
  750. GM (GM): Takes 3 actions to reload so You'll have 1 next round, arlight?
  751. Clayton R.: reload?
  752. Everett Pillory: (Oh damn it...)
  753. GM (GM): His shotgun is a double barrel break action.
  754. Everett Pillory: (( Also I fire both barrels ))
  755. GM (GM): AKA, open pop reload pop fire.
  756. Martin Baron: (( I can try shooting the whisperman from here with my pistol, make sure he doesn't gut anyone else. ))
  757. Everett Pillory: (( Alright, I'm gonna reload. ))
  758. Clayton R. focuses on Whisperman. "I'll scorch you to death!"
  759. Clayton R.: (( Wait, did I miss my turn? ))
  760. GM (GM): Your head is 0
  761. Clayton R.: ((Oh....
  762. GM (GM): You are down, horribly in need of medical care!
  763. Clayton R.: (( So I'm just out then huh? ))
  764. GM (GM): Martin's turn!
  765. Well, it's that or flat out dead.
  766. And that is very mean to just one shot you.
  767. Clayton R.: (( Disregard my post then, I'm just clutching the tattered ramins of my mask, writhing on the ground in pain. ))
  768. Martin Baron: (( Can I shoot the whisperman from this angle? ))
  769. GM (GM): Sure.
  770. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  771. (56)= 56
  772. GM (GM): You gotta go soon so let's skip the hassle.
  773. Hit
  774. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+30
  775. (4+4)+30= 38
  776. Everett Pillory: (( Martin... on the side note? HOP ONTO THE TRANSPORT ))
  777. (( It's gonna get away ))
  778. Martin Baron: (( Will do ))
  779. GM (GM): That last round rip into him pretty badly!
  780. Martin Baron draws the pistol and fires a round onto the whisperman, trying to save the others from his attack!
  781. Martin Baron: (( Still up? ))
  782. Martin Baron: (( And the fire die is? ))
  783. GM (GM): So critically wounded
  784. Ah, yeah, that hits his turn
  785. Martin Baron: (( What's the die? 2d10? ))
  786. GM (GM): So, there is a 60% chance he'll just die from the flames
  787. Actually it's 3d10 this turn.
  788. It's progressive.
  789. Martin Baron: (( How many actions will it take to jump onto the transport ))
  790. GM (GM): One.
  791. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna jump on top of it, then fire one last round onto the whisperman. ))
  792. GM (GM): As a rabbit, you could make that in one jump from where you are.
  793. Martin Baron: (( Nice ))
  794. Martin Baron takes a leap and successfully lands on top of the transport, making sure he can keep track of it if it tries to escape.
  795. GM (GM): In speed and mastery you leap over the bodies, napalm, dittos, and through an open door.
  796. Martin Baron: (( Oh into it? Alright. I'm still gonna shoot the bird man. ))
  797. GM (GM): There is no one in the cabin of the transporter
  798. Okay, roll.
  799. Wait.
  800. Martin Baron: (( Yes? ))
  801. GM (GM): Eh, sure roll away.
  802. Martin Baron: (( Ok then. ))
  803. rolling 1d100
  804. (39)= 39
  805. (( Damn ))
  806. GM (GM): ((I had rules for shooting a moving vehicle but not shooting from a moving vehicle.))
  807. Shot wide!
  808. Martin Baron tries to finish the job, but just barely misses the Whisperman due to the moving transporter!
  809. Martin Baron: (( Maybe have it be the same? I mean, the target is technically moving from where I'm standing. ))
  810. GM (GM): The rat is retreating. Trying to conceal himself in the colored dittos
  811. Martin Baron: (( We got the Z-Bomb though. His threat is somewhat neutralized for now. He's now the 3rd returnable villain. ))
  812. GM (GM): In his drive to not die, he has recalled the swarm!
  813. Everett Pillory: (( How many edgelord points would Iget for aiming the bomb at them? ))
  814. Clayton R.: I don't are if he leaves at this point. The whisperman needs to die. ))
  815. GM (GM): All the points!
  816. Martin Baron: (( I hope the guns haven't melted when Clayton roasted the cats. I really want some stuff to hoard. ))
  817. Everett Pillory: (( In all honesty though, M.A.D. seems reasonable ))
  818. GM (GM): With the last of his strength the loony tries to dodge roll!
  819. rolling 1d100+35
  820. (27)+35= 62
  821. Martin Baron: (( And the fire damage? ))
  822. GM (GM): Ah yeah.
  823. Clayton R.: (( Oh man, it's a low roll, we can still get him. ))
  824. GM (GM): rolling 3d10
  825. (8+4+2)= 14
  826. Martin Baron: (( He dead ))
  827. GM (GM): Okay, not dodge, just fall down and die.
  828. Martin Baron: (( I hope the transporter doesn't keep driving, separating me from the group. Don't know if I'd last for long. ))
  829. (( No no, he still does the flip, but dies in mid air. ))
  830. Everett Pillory witnesses the fall of the Whisperman... and he aims his shotty at where the rat is.
  831. Clayton R.: (( I say we try and end the battle here then. We have injured, and the big bomb. I think we can afford the rat leaving. ))
  832. Everett Pillory: (( I want to at least save Clay with First Aid ))
  833. DJ-Max is literally already on it.
  834. GM (GM): The transport circles the crew.
  835. Mantis!
  836. Martin Baron: (( That's good, it isn't leaving the scene with me in it. ))
  837. Everett Pillory: (( Hey GM, you said I was supposed to have first shot this turn... ))
  838. Ernest Gillett: ((Ok, is the whisperman dead, or still alive?))
  839. GM (GM): I said you'd get one action his turn.
  840. Dead
  841. Everett Pillory: (( Right... ))
  842. GM (GM): Pretty dead.
  843. Shotguns are hard to reload.
  844. Build an autoloader!
  845. Clayton R. watches the whisperman fall through the shattered visor of his broken mask. He can't feel a greater satisfaction than watching him burn. It doesn't last long as pain quickly overrides it, and Clayton clutches his face with both of his hands.
  846. GM (GM): Seriously, Clayton has about 1min 30 before he dies.
  847. Martin Baron: (( So 2 turns? ))
  848. GM (GM): Pretty much.
  849. Everett Pillory: (( I CAN FIRST AID. ))
  850. Clayton R.: (( Turns alre only a couple seconds real time right? ))
  851. Martin Baron: (( I can throw some bandages to him from the transporter. ))
  852. Everett Pillory: (( Clay has my pants still ))
  853. DJ-Max: (I have first aid as well actually.)
  854. GM (GM): Yeah, typically 5 to 15 seconds
  855. Clayton R.: (( Blood is EVERYWHERE> ))
  856. Martin Baron: (( Taser stuns are 1 minute per die hit, which is also 1 turn per die hit. I thought it'd be the same. ))
  857. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay, I can fly over to Clayton, land, and get him to someone who knows first aid, so likely to Everett.))
  858. GM (GM): Sure.
  859. What's your strength?
  860. Ernest Gillett: ((Um.. 1))
  861. Martin Baron: (( Pff ))
  862. (( You can barely lift a rock let alone a person ))
  863. DJ-Max: (A shame.)
  864. GM (GM): You can get to Clayton but unless he losses 145lbs he's too big.
  865. Clayton R. is desperately trying to cover his face. "I won't turn dammit! I won't become a fucking monster!"
  866. Ernest Gillett: (Welp, cripe then)
  867. GM (GM): Clayton worries about becoming a zombie, er, monster.
  868. Okay, we are running low on time.
  869. Clayton R.: (( Just try and stop the bleeding... I guess. ))
  870. Ernest Gillett: ((Guess I'll stay by Clayton then and end my turn.))
  871. ((Ohh yeah, and land, if that's okay.))
  872. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, I seriously have to leave, and I'm stuck in a fucking Topsider vehicle. ))
  873. GM (GM): So let's stop here and end it next week.
  874. Ernest Gillett: ((Ahh, alright then.))
  875. Clayton R.: (( We should proabably just skip around turns to stabilize Clayton and end the session. ))
  876. DJ-Max is still running over to help Clayton though
  877. GM (GM): Yeah alright.
  878. Martin Baron: (( ))
  879. GM (GM): Everett! roll f aid!
  880. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+2-
  881. (64)= 64
  882. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, skip to Everett, have him rush to Clayton and prevent him from having a face like Rando's,))
  883. Everett Pillory: (+20)
  884. (That should be enough )
  885. GM (GM): His head is on 4 hp
  886. Martin Baron: (( Go over XP and MP next week? ))
  887. (( Still technically in a fight. ))
  888. Clayton R.: (( Do we have control of the transporter? ))
  889. Martin Baron: (( Oh and Clayton, now we can see your beautiful, bloody mug. ))
  890. Everett Pillory mutters "I swear to God, Clayton. You're not only ruining my pants but ALSO I'm using them to hold your FUCKING HEAD together, now stop acting like a baby and squirming. You're damn fucking IMMUNE you fucking ass."
  891. Martin Baron: (( Absolutely not. ))
  892. GM (GM): We'll go over that next time.
  893. Martin Baron: (( I'm surprised it hasn't tried fleeing alongside the rat. ))
  894. GM (GM): I gotta go rip wires out of a wall.
  895. Everett Pillory is at this point tired, pissed off as he was robbed off his revenge and desperately trying to save a fallen comrade
  896. Martin Baron: (( I gotta eat in 10 minutes and prepare for improv. ))
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