
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 3

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >The store is luckily not that far away, and the two blocks will probably go by faster with some company
  2. >Or, so you thought
  3. >But you simply can't come up with anything to say
  4. ''So, uh.''
  5. >''Yeah?''
  6. ''How do you like the neighborhood?''
  7. >She suppresses a grimace as she looks around at the overflowing trashcans and dilapidated entrances around her
  8. >''It's, uh, picturesque? Yeah. Picturesque.''
  9. >You chuckle and light a new cigarette
  10. ''Come on, I know it's a dump. Been for as long as I've stayed here, at least.''
  11. >''Oh come on, it's not that bad.''
  12. >She gives you a smile of encouragement
  13. ''Whatever you say.''
  14. >You walk in silence for a while, all the while blowing thick clouds of smoke
  15. >''Hey, I was meaning to ask you…''
  16. ''Fire away.''
  17. >''Well, when we were talking on the balcony, I think you said you're unemployed.''
  18. >She grimaces at her own words
  19. ''Mm-hmm?''
  20. >''Well, I'm just wondering if I can help you out in any way.''
  21. ''Nah, it's okay.''
  22. >Honestly it wasn't, but you sure as hell weren't going to have your guest pay for your food
  23. >You may not have a job, but you still have your pride
  24. >She looks away again
  25. >''Well, if you say so. I don't want to jeopardize your… situation.''
  26. ''Situation, huh?''
  27. >You don't know why you suddenly feel angry at her
  28. ''What's that supposed to mean?''
  29. >You ask with more aggression than intended
  30. >''Nothing.''
  31. >She replies a little too quickly
  32. >''I'm sorry if I offended you.''
  33. ''No problem.''
  34. >You grunt noncommittally and blow a smoke ring
  35. >The silence reigns, this time to your relief
  36. >She breaks it again
  37. >So, what have you been doing since college?''
  38. >She gives a smile again
  39. >You look away and find your hand occupied by your neck again
  40. ''Well, uh, you know. This and that.''
  41. >You sure as hell weren't going to tell her that you'd been dealing drugs for years
  42. >Sometimes to the kids from her High School no less
  43. >You shudder slightly, worried that she's going to press further
  44. >''This and that, huh?''
  45. ''Yeah. You know. Stuff.''
  46. >''Right.''
  47. >She trails off, suspicion evident in her tone
  48. ''Just odd jobs, really.''
  49. >''Okay.''
  50. >The ensuing silence is as awkward as before
  51. ''So, why'd you lose your job?''
  52. >She gives a bitter laugh
  53. >''I have no idea. Didn't get an explanation, just a pink slip and an apology.''
  54. ''No shit.''
  55. >''Yep. Maybe I wouldn't mind as much if they'd at least have given me a reason.''
  56. >She shrugs and blows a long breath of air from between her teeth, clearly frustrated
  57. >''I mean, I would've understood last year, what with a student blowing half the school into rubble and all, but now? It doesn't make sense!''
  58. ''Yep.''
  59. >You doubt she even hears what you say
  60. >She clearly needs to vent
  61. >''It doesn't make any damn sense! First I get fired and lose my home, and now I can't even contact my sister! Nobody from the faculty has even heard of her since Friday, and…''
  62. >Her voice trails off and she stops, leaning against the wall while covering her forehead with her hand
  63. >''And I'm scared, Anon. I'm scared, and I'm tired. Why now? I mean-''
  64. >She sniffles and wipes at her eye
  65. >You can clearly see tears beginning to form in her eyes
  66. >Her voice is thickening, the dam holding all her worries and fears finally broken
  67. >You do the only thing you can
  68. >You pull her into a warm embrace beneath the balcony of a condemned tenement
  69. >You squeeze her to your chest, and finally notice how small she seemed compared to the High School days
  70. >Back then she was always imposing, towering over everyone as if vested with some magical authority
  71. >Now, it seemed like whatever kept her going had finally stopped, and let loose a stream of sorrow
  72. ''Hey now, none of that, okay?''
  73. >You reassure her in the warmest voice you can muster, the resentment you felt towards her just a moment ago gone
  74. ''You're gonna stay with me for a few days, send in some applications to schools and stuff, and before you know it, you'll be back on your feet again.''
  75. >You break off the hug after a minute of her burying her face into your chest, look her warmly in the eyes, and squeeze her shoulder in what you hope is a reassuring way
  76. ''Pick yourself up, Celestia. Everything's gonna be alright, okay? I'm here for you.''
  77. >She sniffles and wipes her eyes while giving you a slight smile
  78. >''Th-thanks, Anon. I really needed that. Heh.''
  79. >She chuckles mirthlessly and blushes, clearly embarrassed with herself
  80. >Now you realize that you're standing pretty close to each other
  81. >Scratch that, very close
  82. >As you look at her bloodshot eyes, her slightly frazzled hair and her beautiful lips, you realize another thing
  83. >She is incredibly beautiful
  84. >And you're close enough to-
  85. ''So, uh, store's just around the corner.''
  86. >''Yeah.''
  87. ''So we should, uh, probably…''
  88. >''Yeah.''
  89. >Both of your voices sound hollow, almost grating
  90. >And you feel like the biggest idiot in the world right now
  91. >Both of you start walking again, the silence heavier than ever
  92. >''So, uh, thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on. Heh.''
  93. >She gives another sad chuckle
  94. ''No problem.''
  95. >The rest of your walk is silent
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