
Dream: 9/25/19

Sep 26th, 2019
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  1. k so I was really bored one night after work, so I checked nico and nobody was one. Then I checked twitch and noticed I had three new Japanese runners in my following list. They were running squeak any%!!! I was so excited and then realized that the game looked... really weird. These 3 runners discovered a glitch where you could control kirby with the touch screen (the actual game was still on the top screen) but by sliding the screen kirby would jump across an entire room in less than a second, or you could use it to fastfall (I think watching my dad play MKT was the cause of this dream). I was fucking pissed because now all other runs were obsolete so I made a thumbnail for a youtube video. Thankfully I started to make this right after the dream so it looked exactly like this:
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