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The Vanguard

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Jun 17th, 2016
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  1. >You are now a Earth Pony knight
  2. >You protect your village from the other, greedy pony tribes with your trusty longsword
  3. >You are currently standing outside of Mayor Pudding Head's house, and your full-plate armor is chilled from the everlasting winter, and uncomfortably presses against your coat
  4. >Suddenly, you see a hoofprint appear in the snow in front of you, though nopony is there
  5. >You take a step back, quickly unsheathing your steel blade from your side
  6. >"Who goes there!? This is a restricted area!" You yell, though your voice seems lost in the cold night
  7. >Nothing
  8. >Your green eyes scan the snowy village in front of you, and the lone hoofprint in the snow bank
  9. >You see another appear in front of it, though it seems sloppy and panicked
  10. >"I gave you a chance!" You yell, and charge forward, blade gleaming in the moonlight
  11. >You feel your blade connect with soft flesh, followed by a spurt of blood and a yelp
  12. >Suddenly, a unicorn mare drops to the snowy ground, clad in leather armor and a hood
  13. >Most of her features are obscured by her armor and hood, though you can clearly see her deep yellow eyes
  14. >They were almost...pretty
  15. >You shake your head at the thought, now is not the time
  16. >"What in Tartarus are you doing here, you damn pointy head!?" You demand, lowering your blade to her throat
  17. >She seems to whimper and try to stammer something out, though it only sounds like weeping
  18. >For a moment, you feel a pang of pity, though you quickly shove it down
  19. > "I said talk!"
  20. >"O-ok! Just please don't hurt me!" She moans, blood still pouring from her shoulder
  21. >"I was a scout sent by Princess Platinum! I was supposed to report on what Pudding Head was up too!"
  22. >Just as you suspected
  23. >"You know that is an offence punishable by execution, right?" You say, though your voice does not seem satisfied, or even happy to have caught a spy
  24. >Quite the opposite in fact, for some reason, you feel pity for this unicorn spy
  25. >Her yellow eyes seem to shrink at your words though, and soon cold tears begin to drip from them
  26. >"No, please! I don't want to die! I'll do anything I'll-"
  27. >"Just be quiet!" You cut her off, raising your weapon from her throat
  28. >"How about I...How about I tell Pudding head that you were just trespassing on our territory? That is only a prison sentence."
  29. >"Why are you doing this?" The unicorn asks, bringing her hoof to her wounded shoulder
  30. >You let your green eyes sweep the snowy ground, you have no idea why you are doing this
  31. >"Because...because my honor will not allow me to let a maiden be killed. Yeah! that's it." You stumble out, sheathing your weapon and extending a hoof down to her
  32. >Even though she is bleeding, you can see the sly grin appear underneath her hood
  33. >"Oh, I see how it is." She says as she takes your brown hoof, pulling herself to her hooves
  34. >"See how what is?" You reply, feeling your cheeks slightly redden, the feeling odd in the stinging cold
  35. >"Oh, nothing." The unicorn chuckles, then dramatically puts a hoof over her forehead
  36. >"Oh no, I have been captured! Gods save me!" She shrieks, loud enough for the entire village to hear her
  37. >You raise an eyebrow underneath your full helm, what was this unicorn doing?
  38. >You hear the clamor of armor from inside Pudding Head's house, and the sight of several half armored ponies spilling out into the street
  39. >The unicorn gives you a quick, sly glance and suddenly collapses back to the snowy ground
  40. >"Oh knight of the Earth Ponies, you have defeated me!" The unicorn dramatically wails, curling up into a ball
  41. >You hear confused murmuring behind you, and the clanking sound of an armored figure approaching
  42. >Out of the corner of your vision you see a red mare in chainmail standing next to you
  43. >It was your superior officer, Parry
  44. >"Vanguard? What's going on?" She asks, giving the you and the unicorn a confused glance
  45. >"I uh..well" You stutter out, not sure what to say
  46. >You are suddenly cut off by a crying unicorn
  47. >"This knight dealt me a mighty blow while I was trespassing on your lands! And he said that he would interrogate me personally to find out why I was here!"
  48. >You catch confused expressions cross the faces of several guards, a few even sheathing their weapons
  49. >Parry looks from you to the Unicorn, her face incredulous
  50. >"Why him?" Parry asks the unicorn, raising an eyebrow
  51. >"The honor of house demands that only the one who defeated me can interrogate me!" She quickly replies, lying as easy as she breaths
  52. >You barely suppress a grin, she was pulling the honor excuse, just like you did mere moments ago
  53. >"By the gods, not one of these damn 'House Honor' wacko unicorns again" Parry sighs, taking a few steps away from the unicorn
  54. >"You know what...fine. Let Vanguard interrogate you, I don't care."
  55. >Parry turns around, her chainmail making her sound like a metal wind chime, and begins walking back to Pudding Head's manor.
  56. >Though as she nears you, she quietly whispers something into your ear.
  57. >"Just take her to the tower and execute her" She coldly states, taking her guards back into the manor with her
  58. >You let your gaze travel through the cold air up to the tower looming at the edge of town, looking like a spike jutting from the cold earth
  59. >The unicorn causally gets to her hooves, though she slightly winces at her wound
  60. >"Let's go, shall we?" She says, already trotting ahead
  61. >"Stay with me, uh, prisoner!" You yell as she moves ahead, though she suddenly stops
  62. >"Oh, of course...sir" She replies, though the way she says "sir" makes the collar of your armor feel hot
  63. >You slowly begin to trot forward through the thick snow, keeping an eye on the unicorn as you move forward
  64. >You may intend to save her from death, but you're not just going to let her go
  65. >After a few minutes, you arrive at the tower, it's black metal gate looming in front of you
  66. >"After you." The unicorn says, giving a fake, submissive bow
  67. >You bang on the tarnished lever next to the gate, and watch as it slowly ascends into the old structure
  68. >As you move into the old building, the stench of carrion assaults you
  69. >You merely scrunch up your nose as move forward, though you hear a gagging sound behind you
  70. >You see the unicorn holding her hoof up to her face, which is still mainly concealed by her hood
  71. >"What is THAT?" She gags, flipping her head back as she gags, inadvertently throwing off her hood and revealing her face.
  72. >She has those deep yellow eyes, and a striking white coat, her elegant blonde hair delicately curling around her thin horn
  73. >She's...beautiful
  74. >You force yourself to bring your face back to a neutral expression and open one of the old wooden doors to a prison cell
  75. >"Just...get in" You say, working hard not to stare at the unicorn
  76. >She delicately moves from the hallway into the room, still covering her nose and mouth
  77. >You have no idea what you're doing
  78. >The prison cell is crude, with no windows and the flow covered in old, rotting hay and...crusted splotches of red
  79. >Regardless, both of you slowly trot in
  80. >The mare finds her way to the center of the dark room, and sits down, causing some hay to slowly drift through the air as it's disturbed
  81. >You attempt to sit in front of her, though you merely ram your armor into your backside, and remain standing
  82. >"Now that we're in a private place, I can tell you why I'm really here" The unicorn says, her voice oddly confidant
  83. >"My name is Night Blade, and I am here to take advantage of a coup."
  84. >You feel your entire body go numb, and you mouth slightly go agape
  85. >"A-a coup?"
  86. >Night Blade gives a small nod, a movement which disrupts her elegant hair
  87. >"For the past year, we have been spying on your superior officer, Parry, and we have found that she plans to assassinate Pudding Head and take control then she wants to..."
  88. >The unicorn's eyes suddenly take on a fearful glint
  89. >"...She wants to declare war on the Pegasi and the Unicorns."
  90. >You give a deep sigh, letting your eyes sweep the ground
  91. >You should not be trusting the word of this unicorn, but you find it hard to disbelieve her
  92. >Parry was always a warmonger, still lusting for the old days of bloodshed and brutality between the 3 pony tribes
  93. >You couldn't let her restart the war, it was your responsibility
  94. >"And you were sent her to stop her?" You ask, meeting Night Blade's eyes
  95. >The Unicorn gives a slight nod
  96. >"Are you willing to help me?"
  97. >You take a step back, concern etched on your face underneath your helmet
  98. >Letting a unicorn who deserves a death sentence off with a prison sentence is one thing...but direct treason is completely another
  99. >"How about this, you present proof to Mayor Pudding Head, and she has her executed?" you suggest
  100. >"That could wo-" Night Blade begins, though she is cut off by a loud banging noise
  101. >The door shakes as a hoof pounds against it
  102. >"Vanguard? Have you killed her yet?" The voice of Parry seems to reverberate throughout the tower
  103. >Night Blade draws the thin dagger from her leather bracer, and gives you a concerned look
  104. >She knows you know, she's here to kill you, the sudden realization flares to life in your head
  105. >WIthout a word, you draw your longsword, and cautiously trot towards the entrance
  106. >You stand in front of the door, your longsword nervously clenched in your mouth
  107. >With a cry, you slam into the door, sending chips of wood and rust flying through the stale air
  108. >You hear wood connect with soft flesh and chainmail on the other side of the door
  109. >"What in the gods names?!" You heard Parry scream as the door falls on top of her
  110. >You leap over the door and ready your longsword to strike
  111. >"Traitor!" You yell, aiming for the center of the door, where her heart should be
  112. >Your well-maintained blade strikes into the door, though it only sends chips of wood flying through the air
  113. >You missed
  114. >Suddenly, the door bucked upwards, slamming into the roof after Parry's strong buck
  115. >"You fool!" She cries before unsheathing her large bastard sword from her back
  116. >You both stand face to face, weapons drawn and adrenaline pumping
  117. >You both swing
  118. >The blades connect with a ring, sending you and Parry momentarily stumbling back
  119. >In your heavy armor, you struggle to reposition yourself, while Parry bounces back like a ball
  120. >She thrusts at you, still unprepared for the blow, and sends it through on of your legplates
  121. >The weapon tears a hole in your forehoof, sending a dark gout of blood surging out
  122. >She pulls out, positioning herself for the killing blow
  123. >Not today
  124. >You savagely swing your helmeted head forward, sending your steel fullhelm crashing into her skull
  125. >She gags as it connects, dropping to one hoof on the bloody ground
  126. >You stand there, motionless
  127. >Parry..had to be tried, you couldn't be judge, jury and executioner here
  128. >You sheath your sword, and begin to extend a hoof to the wounded Parry
  129. >Suddenly, you see a red line appear on her throat, followed by a spurt of blood
  130. >Night Blade's invisibility spell wears off as she murders Parry
  131. >You stand amazed at her brutality, your green eyes wide
  132. >"What was that for!? We could have..." You begin to say, though you are cut off by the unicorn's horn flaring yellow
  133. >Suddenly, you feel your body relax, and your eyes meet hers
  134. >They seem so deep and beautiful, almost...perfect
  135. >You feel like you're falling into them, and you feel as if everything but her is...ceasing to matter
  136. >Everything goes black
  138. >You are now Night Blade
  139. >The stupid mud pony knight stands fascinated in front of you, staring into your eyes like a lusty suitor
  140. >Stupid savages, so easy to hypnotise
  141. >"You will follow me, alright?" You tell Vanguard, who slowly and stupidly nods
  142. >You grin as you pull your head back up, everything for the attack was now set up
  143. >Unicornia would now own the mud ponies most prized possessions, their founding village Earth and their fool of a leader...Pudding Head
  144. >You stare down at the village from the mouth of your green, elegant tent
  145. >Nopony is out, and the night seems calm
  146. >Soon though, that would change
  147. >Unicorn mages would bombard the town, and unicorn swordponies would cut a swath through unprepared knights and soldiers
  148. >You almost feel a pang of guilt as you think about it, though you quickly dismiss it
  149. >You merely did your job, and the commander was very pleased with you
  150. >She said you'd have a promotion, and you could even keep Vanguard to yourself
  151. >You gave a slight smile at the the thought of Vanguard
  152. >Even though he was the enemy, and a filthy mud pony, you couldn't help but like him
  153. >His naivety and "morals" were all very...cute
  154. >You felt yourself jump as a hoof is placed on your shoulder, warm but trembling
  155. >You look over to see Vanguard, stripped of his armor and weapons, though his eyes no longer glinted with hypnosis
  156. >"I saved you, you can't just do this! I-I can make you a deal!" Vanguard says, his voice tinged with desperation
  157. >If you didn't feel guilt before, now you did
  158. >"It's not my choice" you growl back, brushing his hoof off your shoulder
  159. >"I can give you the name of all of the Earth Pony commanders! Please, spare my village!"
  161. >You are now Vanguard
  162. >You hope that this bluff works
  164. >You are Night Blade again
  165. >"A-all of the Earth Pony commanders?" You say, astonished
  166. >"Yeah, just take me back to Platinum's Castle with you, and I'll tell you everything!"
  167. >You give a considering "Hmmm" and let you gaze drop to the ground
  168. >"Under one condition." You say, your voice slightly nervous
  169. >"W-What Vanguard says, his frame still trembling
  170. >"I get to keep you" You say, and you visibly see him deflate
  171. >"Fine! Just spare them!" He begs, his eyes meeting yours
  172. >You walk towards the commander's tent, a smile on your face
  173. >You, and the Unicorn Empire just made a massive score
  174. >You are now Vanguard
  175. >The soft silk sheets underneath you feel like you're laying on wind
  176. >Night Blade lays next to you, her hoof wrapped around yours and a satisfied smile on her sleeping face
  177. >It took so long for her to fall asleep, to give you a chance to escape this castle before you were brought before Princess Platinum for information you don't have
  178. >Slowly, you unwrap Night Blade from you, and stand up from her bed
  179. >You could kill her, you think, though you shake your head at the notion
  180. >Even though she was the enemy you can't deny that there was...something about her
  181. >You slowly creep out of her chamber, wondering why the guards even consented to let you sleep in her chambers and not in a prison cell
  182. >As you make your way out of the castle, one thought races through your mind
  183. >The unicorns wanted war, and almost got it
  184. >Now you needed to warn the other two tribes...before it's too late
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