
Some Start

Aug 14th, 2014
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  1. >Ears ringing, head pounding -make that whole body shaking with a pounding pain- you're declaring the lack of a god figure because of it.
  2. >What happened?
  3. >you curse in an attempt to dull the pain, remembering that it's supposed to help.
  4. >Succeeding in making your jaw hurt worse, the dull agony leaves one option:
  5. >Wait for it to pass.
  6. >...
  7. >...
  8. >...
  9. >...'Lord this isn't working!'
  10. >Waiting's a bust, and swearing didn't work.
  11. >As you focus on trying to fight this overwhelming force, you realize your thinking has dulled the harsh sting.
  12. >Not much, but it's enough to try harder.
  13. >So, using thought as your weapon, you ready it's ammo, the wealth of memories you've collected over the years.
  14. >But nothing comes to mind.
  15. >Surely this must be a joke, almost laughing to yourself at your brain's sense of humor, stopped short by pain sinking it's nails back in as you try to think back.
  16. >'Please tell me I haven't forgotten everything...'
  17. >Everything from before this moment is blurred and scarred, just a haze of colors with no definition or reason.
  18. >It's as if you're watching tv, but with a sheet pulled over the screen.
  19. >Slowly, not wanting to acknowledge the idea, you're consumed by a single thought.
  20. >'Nothing about you exists anymore'
  21. >The significance of this statement is spine-tingling and terrifying.
  22. >just as it sliced through your brain, it slices through the pain.
  23. >The implications, unable to be processed due to the sheer absurdity of not knowing anything, causes tears to form in your eyes.
  24. >Whimpering, the tears start to flow through closed eyes, your body shivering as quiet, pained moans escape you.
  25. >The pain, while not gone, is only perceived when you moan.
  26. >An unknown amount of time passes like this until the tears dry up, and with them, the pain recedes.
  27. >Slowly opening your stinging eyes, a soft dusk sky is overhead, hidden here and there by a few trees, contrasting the purplish-blue of the sky with a stark black.
  28. >The stars, slowly coming into view, are dazzlingly bright and numerous.
  29. >Thousands upon thousands in sight, and their number and visibility awe your very being.
  30. >'This is amazing'
  32. >It's as if the heavens became flooded, and pushed through the light-polluted atmosphere to give an unabridged show.
  33. >Slowly, very slowly, you reach an understanding that is one of the most absurd things you've ever thought.
  34. >How you know this eludes you though.
  35. "This isn't earth."
  36. >The odd, scratch your voice carries was shocking to hear, but saying the thought aloud gave it more weight.
  37. >There is very few places on Earth were the stars can be seen in such abundance, with not a hint of light pollution in the sky.
  38. >And still, where this information came from is intangible, but you know it to be true.
  39. >The soft pounding in the back of your head assures this isn't a dream.
  40. "Then what's going on here..?"
  41. >Stronger now, your voice rattles the leaves as a wind stirs around you, blowing pleasantly cool air over your sweaty form.
  42. >'Was it always so hot?'
  43. >Now that the stars have been examined, it's time for the surroundings.
  44. >You're obviously laying down, wearing just a short-sleeved shirt of some dark color and a pair of loose-fitting jeans.
  45. .Sitting up, there is a distinct circle around where you are where the soil is overturned, grass grown thick and unburdened beyond.
  46. >The surrounding area seems light a thin woodland, stretching for a while on all sides.
  47. >The trees, by looking at the silhouette of some of the leaves, seem to be oak, but whether or not that means anything remains to be seen.
  48. >Feeling more alert by the minute, you're not sure whether to stay here or try to find another place to stay.
  49. >Looking to the moon, you try to discern when day will come, but you have no idea on that.
  50. >the ground, while being dirt and pebbles, seems rather comfortable to you.
  51. >Lacking any threatening aura, this woods seem safe enough to stay until morning.
  52. >Laying back down, the soil feels almost cotton-like, soft and fluffy.
  53. >That and the warmth are enough to push you into sleeps welcoming arms.
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