
Nudity Taboo: Rainbow Dash #1

Apr 9th, 2014
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  1. >"C'mon, Anon! Top of this hill, you can do it!"
  2. >Rainbow Dash hovers at the top of a hill that may as well have been a mountain at this point.
  3. >She had been something of a personal trainer to you for the last few years.
  4. >You weren't happy with the shape you were in and she offered to help one day.
  5. >Cresting the hilltop, you collapse onto your back.
  6. >Lungs scream for oxygen and heart pounds out a death metal drumline.
  7. >Sweat pours down your face. Your shirt has giant stains around the neck and armpits.
  8. >Rainbow flits down and stands over you
  9. "I'm gonna..." pant "die..." wheeze
  10. >She gives you a minute to compose yourself. Finally, your breathing relaxes.
  11. >"You know, you'd probably feel a lot better if you didn't wear all that clothing while exercising."
  12. >You take a few more gulps of air before climbing to your feet and wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
  13. "I can't just run around naked, Rainbow."
  14. >"Why not?"
  15. >You sigh. You had figured someone would eventually ask. After all, ponies hardly wore clothing and you were the oddball for wearing it all the time.
  16. "It's just not something people did where I come from. Public nudity was frowned upon and, depending on where you went, was usually illegal."
  17. >"Public nudity? So you mean..."
  18. >The pegasus suddenly looks concerned and you notice her tail lowering slightly.
  19. >Shit, you didn't mean to make her uncomfortable.
  20. "No, no! It's different with you guys. I mean... that is..."
  21. >You fumble over your words while looking for a rational explanation.
  22. >She looks at you quizzically.
  23. "I guess it never bothered me because you're not human. My society has worn clothing for thousands of years, so it's just... natural, I guess. Old habits die hard."
  24. >A slightly uncomfortable silence hangs between the two of you for a while.
  25. "I mean, I suppose I could take my shirt off. That wasn't illegal."
  26. >"So why don't you, then? It's gotta be more comfortable than having a sweat-soaked shirt hanging around your neck all day."
  27. >You fidget.
  28. "W-Well, I was never comfortable going without a shirt. Where I came from, I was made fun of for my weight."
  29. >It was true. When you first arrived in Equestria, you were fairly overweight.
  30. >Hell, it's why you've spent so much time exercising under Rainbow Dash's guidance.
  31. >"You've been here for how long? And have you met anyone here who would do that?"
  32. "Well... no, but some things stick with you."
  33. >Rainbow sighed and turned to gaze up into the sky.
  34. >"Anon, I'm going to tell you something I've almost never told anyone. I'm only telling you because I felt the same way as you. And if you tell anyone else, I'm going to deny it."
  35. >She takes a few deep breaths and turns back to you, a stern expression on her face.
  36. >"When I was just a filly on her way to flight school, I could barely fly. A few colts thought it would be funny to call me Rainbow Crash because I kept messing up."
  37. >Her expression softens.
  38. >"But as you can see, that's no longer the case. Hasn't been for a long, long time. They still kept calling me Rainbow Crash all the way up until the Best Young Flyer's competition the other year, though."
  39. >She smirks.
  40. >"I shut them up, though, when I pulled off that sonic rainboom. Haha! Point is, Anon, you can't let things like that get to you, especially when you've improved so much since then."
  41. >Rainbow trots over and pokes you in the ribs.
  42. >"You're nearly in perfect shape compared to when you first showed up here, and I'd say that's a big improvement."
  43. >You ball your fists up in frustration, more at yourself than anything. You may have been pretty tubby a few years ago, but there was only a slight pudge on you now.
  44. "You... you know what? You're right. You're absolutely right! I'm not on Earth anymore. I'm not surrounded by a bunch of bullies anymore. Why should I let any of that keep bothering me?"
  45. >Filled with a surge of self-confidence, you grab the bottom of your shirt and pull it off over your head.
  46. >Rainbow looks pleased.
  47. >"See!? That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
  48. >You start laughing.
  49. "Thanks, Rainbow. I guess I really needed that pep talk. And the breeze does feel pretty good now."
  50. >"You know it. Now we just need to take care of this."
  51. >She leans in to grab the waistband of your pants, but you leap back with a surprised yelp.
  52. "R-Rainbow! What are you doing?"
  53. >"What? I thought we were making progress here. You'll be a lot more comfortable without those pants."
  54. "Maybe so... and maybe some day I'll think about it, b-but..."
  55. >You stammer embarassedly, face already burning.
  56. "Y-You don't know the implications of what you were about to do where I'm from."
  57. >The pegasus once again looks at you quizzically.
  58. >"What's wrong?"
  59. "Well, people typically only undressed for others they liked. And for someone else to undress them..."
  60. >A few moments pass before it clicks in Rainbow's head and she begins to blush.
  61. >"I-I think I understand. I'm sorry!"
  62. "No, don't... don't worry about it, Rainbow. You didn't know. It's just how things were on Earth."
  63. >Another uncomfortable silence passes between the two of you for a while.
  64. >Rainbow finally breaks the silence, glancing everywhere around you except at you.
  65. >"W-Well, you said you'd und... undress for someone you liked, right?"
  66. "I guess. But what are you—"
  67. >Wait. Is she saying what you think she's saying?
  68. >You both look at each other for a split second.
  69. >Rainbow averts her gaze and the red in her face seems to grow.
  70. >"You know... I mean, I know y-you're a human and I'm a... a pony, and..."
  71. >She continues to ramble.
  72. >Oh my god, does she "like" like you? Admittedly, the thought of romance in Equestria hadn't ever crossed your mind.
  73. >They ARE ponies, after all.
  74. >But for some reason, it didn't bother you to think that you could also have feelings for this pony in front of you.
  75. >You weren't sure if it was right, but it didn't feel completely wrong.
  76. >A flustered Rainbow keeps trying to explain herself, in her mind surely digging herself a deeper hole.
  77. >"... and you never gave up, and I guess that was hot, and you probably think I'm nuts, but—"
  78. >You put your hand over her mouth and cut her short.
  79. "Rainbow, I had no idea. I don't know if it's right and I don't know if it's wrong, but..."
  80. >She stares expectantly at you. You take a deep breath — this is it.
  81. "But if you really feel that way, we could give it a shot and see where it goes."
  82. >You smile warmly and Rainbow's distraught expression melts into a smile as well.
  83. >She reaches out and pulls you into a hug, which you happily return.
  84. >You stay in each other's embrace for a while. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash pulls away.
  85. >"You know, Anon... I usually get pretty worked up when I work out."
  86. >She turns and flicks her tail, casting a coy look at you.
  87. "Whoa."
  88. >Maybe the workout got you going, too, because there was a sudden tension in your pants.
  89. >If Equestria has a Hell, you're sure you're going there for the thoughts now entering your head.
  90. >Then again, it has been years since you got any tail. It's not like there were any human girls around.
  91. >Now you have the chance to get some literal tail. You're not sure if the lack of internal disagreement should have you concerned or not.
  92. >Fuck it. They're practically human in everything but shape anyway.
  93. "Are you sure about this, Rainbow?"
  94. >Silently answering your question, she once again leans in to unfasten your pants.
  95. >This time, you raise no objection as the garment comes undone and falls around your ankles.
  96. >Your underwear soon follows suit to reveal Anon Junior at half mast.
  97. >"So this is a human's..."
  98. >Her words trail off as she nuzzles your rod. It quickly responds and soon stands at full attention.
  99. >Pleased, Rainbow lays back on the grass and presents her glistening marehood to you.
  100. "Are you ready, Rainbow?"
  101. >She nods and you kneel down, preparing to bury yourself within the pegasus and mentally apologizing to your dear old mother for the recent turn of events in your life.
  102. >Just as you're about to make the plunge, however, you notice tears beginning to roll down Rainbow's face.
  103. "Rainbow? What's wrong?"
  104. >She gives you a not wholly sincere smile.
  105. >"N-Nothing. Nothing's wrong, Anon. What are you waiting for?"
  106. >You can tell she's hiding something. On the other hand, sweet temptation lies mere inches ahead.
  107. >Dammit. You're going to end up with the worst blue balls. You just know it.
  108. "No, Rainbow. I know something's up. You're crying. C'mon, tell me what's wrong."
  109. >The pegasus bites her lip and glances to the side for a moment.
  110. >"I... I don't really want to do it, Anon. I'm sorry."
  111. >Fuck. You knew it.
  112. >You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
  113. "Why would you force yourself to do something you don't want to?"
  114. >Rainbow rolls onto her stomach and stays silent for a few moments.
  115. >Finally, she looks back at you with a sigh.
  116. >"I guess I should tell you something else, since I tried roping you into this and all."
  117. >You move to sit next to her, ignoring the unscratchable itch between your legs.
  118. >God dammit, you're going to have to take care of business when you get home.
  119. >"Ever since I was young, they called me a filly fooler. Those jerks from flight school, I mean."
  120. >At your apparently questioning expression, she explains what filly fooling is.
  121. >"And I guess I thought if I could just prove them wrong one day..."
  122. >She sniffed and wiped a hoof under each eye.
  123. >"But I never found any colts. None who would stay, anyway."
  124. >Rainbow looks up at you.
  125. >"So I thought that maybe we... you know... you didn't ditch me."
  126. >She looks down at the ground and stays silent for a while.
  127. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I'm sorry that I tried to use you like that."
  128. >She stands up and takes a few steps away, staring into the sky.
  129. >"Maybe they were right. Maybe I am a filly fooler."
  130. >Picking yourself up, you walk over and lay a hand on Rainbow's withers reassuringly.
  131. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Who cares if you like guys or girls? Hell, maybe you like both."
  132. >"Both?"
  133. "Yeah. You don't have to like just one or the other. I don't know what you call it here, but where I came from, we called it 'bisexual' and there were plenty of people like that."
  134. >"Well, you know, I... I wasn't lying when I said I like you. But when we were about to do it, it just didn't feel right."
  135. "Things could have just moved too quickly. If you still feel the same way, we can take it slower until you're ready to go further."
  136. >"I think that sounds awesome, Anon."
  137. >Rainbow smiles up at you and you ruffle her mane playfully.
  138. >"And hey, guess what. You've been naked this whole time!"
  139. "Wh— fuck!"
  140. >You scramble to put your pants back on while your new girlfriend laughs at you.
  141. >"Aw, c'mon! I told you nopony is going to care!"
  142. >You stick your tongue out as you zip your pants up, safe behind the barrier of social construct once more.
  143. >Maybe some day you'll try it.
  144. >But until then, she'll be the only one who gets to see.
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