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a guest
Jun 17th, 2012
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  1. Opt('MouseCoordMode', 0)
  2. Opt('PixelCoordMode', 0)
  3. HotKeySet('{END}', 'Quit')
  4. HotKeySet('{SPACE}', 'Pause')
  5. Global $Paused
  6. Global $Picked = False
  7. Global $DebugOn = True
  8. Global $Run = 1
  9. Global $CountSell = 0
  10. Global $selltime = 100
  11. $LootRares = True ; Change this to false if you don't want the bot to pick up rares (good for legendary/set only, recommend setting LootGems to False)
  12. $LootGems = False ; Change this to true if you want to pick up gems (messy, can fill up bag with whites/blues)
  13. $LootMagic = True
  14. $BluesPickedUp = 0
  15. $MaxBluesBeforeSell = 10
  16. $Amethyst = 0xB06DF6
  17. $Ruby = 0xFF6A75
  18. $Emerald = 0x95FF62
  19. $Topaz = 0xFFFF82
  20. $i = 0
  22. $selltime = 100
  23. ;$j = 0
  25. ;Global $ItemColors[5] = ["0xFFFF00", "0x6969FF", "0xBF642F", "0x00FF00", "0xFFFFFF"]
  26. ;FFFFFF-white
  27. ;FFFF00-yellow
  28. ;6969FF-blue
  29. ;0xBF642F-legendary
  30. ;0x00FF00-green set
  34. $walktime = 2600 ; time in ms the script waits for you to enter and load the cellar. Slow this down for slower move speeds and loading times
  35. $tptime = 6900 ; time in ms the script waits for teleport before exiting the game
  36. $loadtime = 3200 ; time in ms the script waits for the game to load before it starts pathfinding. Slow this down for slower hard drives
  38. ;bot starts paused. press space to start.
  39. Pause()
  41. WinActivate('Diablo III')
  42. Call("Route")
  43. Func Route()
  44. DEBUG("starting")
  45. ;$Run+= 1
  46. DEBUG($Run)
  47. If WinActive('Diablo III') Then
  48. ;start
  49. Sleep(9000)
  50. ;Click(134, 255) ;resume
  51. MouseClick('left',134, 255,1,0)
  52. ;MouseMove(330, 338) ;moves cursor over to the window so the proper red pixel becomes highlighted
  53. ;$Pixel3 = PixelSearch(310,348, 700, 300, 0x2B0E0C, 1)
  54. ;If Not @error Then
  55. ;Sleep(2000)
  56. ;MouseClick("left", 400, 380)
  57. ;Debug("Waiting 10 minutes and trying again.")
  58. ;Sleep(60000)
  59. ;Debug("Waiting 9 minutes and trying again.")
  60. ;Sleep(60000)
  61. ;Debug("Waiting 8 minutes and trying again.")
  62. ;Sleep(60000)
  63. ;Debug("Waiting 7 minutes and trying again.")
  64. ;Sleep(60000)
  65. ;Debug("Waiting 6 minutes and trying again.")
  66. ;Sleep(60000)
  67. ;Debug("Waiting 5 minutes and trying again.")
  68. ;Sleep(60000)
  69. ;Debug("Waiting 4 minutes and trying again.")
  70. ;Sleep(60000)
  71. ;Debug("Waiting 3 minutes and trying again.")
  72. ;Sleep(60000)
  73. ;Debug("Waiting 2 minutes and trying again.")
  74. ;Sleep(60000)
  75. ;Debug("Waiting 1 minute and trying again.")
  76. ;Sleep(60000)
  77. ;Else
  78. Sleep(5500) ;load
  79. If Mod($Run, 20) = 0 Then
  80. Call("GoSell")
  81. EndIf
  82. $repair = PixelSearch(569,39,597,84,0xFFF000) ;searches top right screen for yellow of broken armor
  83. If Not @error Then
  84. DEBUG("Going to repair")
  85. Send("t")
  86. Sleep($tptime)
  87. Call("CheckDead")
  88. Sleep(40)
  89. MouseClick("left", 710, 40) ;begin movement towards merchant
  90. Sleep(2400)
  91. MouseClick("left", 480, 140) ;NPC Merchant to the right of cain's home
  92. Sleep(3000)
  93. Call("Sell")
  94. Sleep(3000)
  95. MouseClick("left", 280, 275) ;button to open up repair menu
  96. Sleep(1500)
  97. MouseClick("left", 140, 330) ;button to pay for repairs
  98. Sleep(1500)
  99. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  100. Sleep(1000)
  101. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  102. Sleep(1000)
  103. MouseClick("left", 400, 350) ;button to leave game
  104. Sleep(2400)
  105. Call("Route")
  106. Else
  107. ;route start
  108. If $CountSell >= 20 Then
  109. $CountSell = 0
  110. Send("t")
  111. Sleep(8000)
  112. MouseClick("left", 710, 40) ;begin movement towards merchant
  113. Sleep(2400)
  114. MouseClick("left", 480, 140) ;NPC Merchant to the right of cain's home
  115. Sleep(3000)
  116. Call("Sell")
  117. Sleep(3000)
  118. MouseClick("left", 280, 275) ;button to open up repair menu
  119. Sleep(1500)
  120. MouseClick("left", 140, 330) ;button to pay for repairs
  121. Sleep(1500)
  122. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  123. Sleep(1000)
  124. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  125. Sleep(1000)
  126. MouseClick("left", 400, 350) ;button to leave game
  127. Sleep(2400)
  128. Call("Route")
  130. EndIf
  131. $CountSell = $CountSell + 1
  132. MouseClick("middle", 110, 145) ;starts the run [waypoint 1]
  133. Sleep(900)
  134. Send("2")
  135. Sleep(300)
  136. MouseClick("middle", 10, 320) ;waits ~1 second then [waypoint 2]
  137. Sleep(1400)
  138. MouseClick("middle", 10, 320) ;middle of courtyard [waypoint 3]
  139. Sleep(1400)
  140. MouseClick("middle", 170, 215) ;near cellar entrance[waypoint 4]
  141. Sleep(40)
  142. Send("2")
  143. Sleep(20)
  144. Send("3")
  145. Sleep(600)
  146. Send("1")
  147. Sleep(300)
  148. Call("CheckDead")
  149. Sleep(100)
  150. MouseMove(205, 135, 1) ;moves cursor over to the cellar so the proper blue pixel becomes highlighted
  151. Sleep(1000)
  152. $Pixel2 = PixelSearch(0,0, 702, 302, 0x63A8EE, 3) ;checks for open cellar (in a 700x300 box from the top left - where it should always be)
  153. If Not @error Then
  154. MouseClick("left", 205, 135) ;Entrance to cellar
  155. Sleep(3000)
  156. MouseClick("middle", 10, 500) ;moves to doorway leading to rare inside cellar
  157. Sleep(1100)
  158. MouseClick("middle", 290, 270) ;moves to doorway leading to rare inside cellar
  159. Sleep(800)
  160. MouseMove(225, 140, 1) ;hovers over the rare Sarkoth
  161. Call("CheckDead")
  162. Sleep(10)
  163. Send("4")
  164. Send("{SHIFTDOWN}")
  165. MouseDown("left") ;attack middle
  166. Sleep(8000)
  167. MouseUp("left")
  168. MouseDown("right")
  169. Sleep(4000)
  170. MouseUp("right")
  171. MouseMove(80, 160, 1) ;attack left
  172. Sleep(40)
  173. MouseDown("right")
  174. Sleep(2800)
  175. MouseUp("right")
  176. MouseMove(280, 90, 1) ;attack right
  177. MouseDown("right")
  178. Sleep(1800)
  179. MouseUp("right")
  180. Send("{SHIFTUP}")
  181. Sleep(400)
  182. Send("4")
  183. Sleep(10)
  184. MouseClick("middle", 210, 190) ;location of sarkoth after death
  185. Sleep(5000)
  186. Call("CheckDead")
  187. Debug("Checkloot")
  188. Call("CheckLoot")
  189. Send("4")
  190. Sleep(1000)
  191. Send("t")
  192. $Run+= 1
  193. Sleep($tptime)
  194. Else
  195. DEBUG("starting here")
  196. Sleep(10)
  197. MouseClick("middle", 460, 380) ;moves between caltrops for safety before teleporting back to town
  198. Sleep(200)
  199. Send("1")
  200. Sleep(620)
  201. Send("2")
  202. Sleep(40)
  203. Send("t")
  204. Sleep($tptime)
  205. EndIf
  206. EndIf
  207. ;route end
  208. DEBUG("quitting")
  209. Sleep(40)
  210. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  211. Sleep(1000)
  212. MouseClick("left", 400, 350) ;button to leave game
  213. $Picked = True
  214. Sleep(5000)
  215. Call("Route")
  216. EndIf
  217. EndFunc
  219. Func Move($x, $y)
  220. If Not $Picked Then
  221. FindItems()
  222. EndIf
  223. If Not $Picked Then
  224. ;MouseClick('middle', Random($x - 3, $x + 3), Random($y - 3, $y + 3), 1, Random(0, 1))
  225. MouseClick('middle',$x,$y,1,0)
  226. ;Sleep(Random(2000, 2500))
  227. Sleep(2000)
  228. EndIf
  229. EndFunc ;==>Move
  231. Func Click($x, $y)
  232. If Not $Picked Then
  233. FindItems()
  234. EndIf
  235. If Not $Picked Then
  236. ;MouseClick('left', Random($x - 3, $x + 3), Random($y - 3, $y + 3), 1, Random(0, 1))
  237. MouseClick('left',$x,$y,1,0)
  238. ;Sleep(Random(1000, 1500))
  239. Sleep(1000)
  240. EndIf
  241. EndFunc ;==>Click
  243. Func Shoot($x, $y)
  244. If Not $Picked Then
  245. FindItems()
  246. EndIf
  247. If Not $Picked Then
  248. ;MouseClick('right', Random($x - 2, $x + 2), Random($y - 2, $y + 2), 1, 0)
  249. MouseClick('right',$x,$y,1,0)
  250. ;Sleep(Random(550, 700))
  251. Sleep(550)
  252. EndIf
  253. EndFunc ;==>Shoot
  255. Func CheckDead()
  256. Sleep(500)
  257. ;Local $dead = PixelSearch(200, 190, 240, 230, 0xFFFFFF, 2)
  258. Local $dead = PixelSearch(220, 210, 221, 211, 0xFFFFFF, 1)
  259. If Not @error Then
  260. DEBUG("U Died Bro")
  261. Send("{ESC}")
  262. MouseClick('left', 400, 350)
  263. Sleep(13000)
  264. Call("Route")
  265. EndIf
  266. EndFunc
  268. Func CheckLoot()
  269. ;send("{ALTDOWN}")
  270. Sleep(Random(500,2000))
  271. send("{ALT}")
  272. $SL = PixelSearch(366, 294, 456,346, 0x00FF00, 8) ; set loot
  273. If Not @error Then
  274. MouseClick ('left', $SL[0], $SL[1])
  275. Debug("Set")
  276. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  277. $i+= 1
  278. If $i <= 8 Then
  279. EndIf
  280. EndIf
  281. ;send("{ALT}")
  282. $LL = PixelSearch(366, 294, 456,346, 0xBF642F, 2) ; legendary loot
  283. If Not @error Then
  284. MouseClick ('left', $LL[0], $LL[1])
  285. Debug("Set")
  286. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  287. $i+= 1
  288. If $i <= 8 Then
  289. EndIf
  290. EndIf
  291. send("{ALT}")
  292. If $LootRares Then
  293. $RL = PixelSearch(366, 294, 456,346, 0xFFFF00, 2) ; rare loot (darker for compatibility)
  294. If Not @error Then
  295. MouseClick ('left', $RL[0], $RL[1])
  296. Debug("Rare")
  297. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  298. $i+= 1
  299. If $i <= 8 Then
  300. EndIf
  301. EndIf
  302. EndIf
  303. send("{ALT}")
  304. If $LootRares Then
  305. $ML = PixelSearch(366, 294, 456,346, 0x6969FF, 2) ; magic loot
  306. If Not @error Then
  307. MouseClick ('left', $ML[0], $ML[1])
  308. Debug("Magic")
  309. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  310. $i+= 1
  311. If $i <= 8 Then
  312. EndIf
  313. EndIf
  314. EndIf
  315. send("{ALTUP}")
  318. ;original ;send("{ALT}")
  319. ; $SetLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0x02CE01, 8) ; set loot
  320. ; If Not @error Then
  321. ; MouseClick ('left', $SetLoot[0], $SetLoot[1])
  322. ; Debug("Set")
  323. ; Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  324. ; $i+= 1
  325. ; If $i <= 8 Then
  326. ; EndIf
  327. ; EndIf
  328. ; $LegendaryLoot= PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0xAC5B2C, 8) ; legendary loot
  329. ; If Not @error Then
  330. ; MouseClick ('left', $LegendaryLoot[0], $LegendaryLoot[1])
  331. ; Debug("Legendary")
  332. ; Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  333. ; $i+= 1
  334. ; If $i <= 8 Then
  335. ; EndIf
  336. ; EndIf
  337. ; If $LootRares Then
  338. ; $RareLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0xBBBB00, 2) ; rare loot (darker for compatibility)
  339. ; If Not @error Then
  340. ; MouseClick ('left', $RareLoot[0], $RareLoot[1])
  341. ; Debug("Rare")
  342. ; Sleep(Random(700,900))
  343. ; $i+= 1
  344. ; If $i <= 8 Then
  345. ; EndIf
  346. ; EndIf
  347. ; EndIf
  348. ;end of original
  350. send("{ALT}")
  351. $SetLoot = PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0x00FF00, 8) ; set loot
  352. If Not @error Then
  353. MouseClick ('left', $SetLoot[0], $SetLoot[1])
  354. Debug("Set")
  355. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  356. $i+= 1
  357. If $i <= 8 Then
  358. EndIf
  359. EndIf
  360. $SetLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0x00FF00, 8) ; set loot
  361. If Not @error Then
  362. MouseClick ('left', $SetLoot[0], $SetLoot[1])
  363. Debug("Set")
  364. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  365. $i+= 1
  366. If $i <= 8 Then
  367. EndIf
  368. EndIf
  369. send("{ALT}")
  370. $LegendaryLoot= PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0xBF642F, 2) ; legendary loot
  371. If Not @error Then
  372. MouseClick ('left', $LegendaryLoot[0], $LegendaryLoot[1])
  373. Debug("Legendary")
  374. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  375. $i+= 1
  376. If $i <= 8 Then
  377. EndIf
  378. EndIf
  379. $LegendaryLoot= PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0xBF642F, 2) ; legendary loot
  380. If Not @error Then
  381. MouseClick ('left', $LegendaryLoot[0], $LegendaryLoot[1])
  382. Debug("Legendary")
  383. Sleep(Random(800,1200))
  384. $i+= 1
  385. If $i <= 8 Then
  386. EndIf
  387. EndIf
  388. send("{ALT}")
  389. If $LootRares Then
  390. $RareLoot = PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0xFFFF00, 2) ; rare loot (darker for compatibility)
  391. If Not @error Then
  392. MouseClick ('left', $RareLoot[0], $RareLoot[1])
  393. Debug("Rare")
  394. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  395. $i+= 1
  396. If $i <= 8 Then
  397. EndIf
  398. EndIf
  399. EndIf
  400. If $LootRares Then
  401. $RareLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0xFFFF00, 2) ; rare loot (darker for compatibility)
  402. If Not @error Then
  403. MouseClick ('left', $RareLoot[0], $RareLoot[1])
  404. Debug("Rare")
  405. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  406. $i+= 1
  407. If $i <= 8 Then
  408. EndIf
  409. EndIf
  410. EndIf
  411. If $LootRares Then
  412. $MagicLoot = PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0x6969FF, 2) ; magic loot
  413. If Not @error Then
  414. MouseClick ('left', $MagicLoot[0], $MagicLoot[1])
  415. Debug("Magic")
  416. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  417. $i+= 1
  418. If $i <= 8 Then
  419. EndIf
  420. EndIf
  421. EndIf
  422. If $LootRares Then
  423. $MagicLoot = PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0x6969FF, 2) ; magic loot
  424. If Not @error Then
  425. MouseClick ('left', $MagicLoot[0], $MagicLoot[1])
  426. Debug("Magic")
  427. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  428. $i+= 1
  429. If $i <= 8 Then
  430. EndIf
  431. EndIf
  432. EndIf
  433. If $LootRares Then
  434. $MagicLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0x6969FF, 2) ; magic loot
  435. If Not @error Then
  436. MouseClick ('left', $MagicLoot[0], $MagicLoot[1])
  437. Debug("Magic")
  438. Sleep(Random(700,900))
  439. $i+= 1
  440. If $i <= 8 Then
  441. EndIf
  442. EndIf
  443. EndIf
  444. ;send("{ALT}")
  445. ;If $LootRares Then
  446. ; $WhiteLoot = PixelSearch(700, 400, 150,200, 0xFFFFFF, 2) ; White loot
  447. ; If Not @error Then
  448. ; MouseClick ('left', $WhiteLoot[0], $WhiteLoot[1])
  449. ; Debug("White")
  450. ; Sleep(Random(700,900))
  451. ; $i+= 1
  452. ; If $i <= 8 Then
  453. ; EndIf
  454. ; EndIf
  455. ; EndIf
  456. ;If $LootRares Then
  457. ; $WhiteLoot = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, 0xFFFFFF, 2) ; White loot
  458. ; If Not @error Then
  459. ; MouseClick ('left', $WhiteLoot[0], $WhiteLoot[1])
  460. ; Debug("White")
  461. ; Sleep(Random(700,900))
  462. ; $i+= 1
  463. ; If $i <= 8 Then
  464. ; EndIf
  465. ; EndIf
  466. ; EndIf
  467. EndFunc
  470. Func CheckGems()
  471. If $LootGems Then
  472. $AmethystDrop = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,700, $Amethyst,8)
  473. If Not @error Then
  474. MouseClick("left", $AmethystDrop[0], $AmethystDrop[1])
  475. Debug("Amethyst")
  476. Sleep(Random(900,1400))
  477. $i+= 1
  478. If $i <= 10 Then
  479. EndIf
  480. EndIf
  481. $RubyDrop = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, $Ruby,10)
  482. If Not @error Then
  483. MouseClick("left", $RubyDrop[0], $RubyDrop[1])
  484. Debug("Ruby")
  485. Sleep(Random(900,1400))
  486. $i+= 1
  487. If $i <= 10 Then
  488. EndIf
  489. EndIf
  490. $EmeraldDrop = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, $Emerald,20)
  491. If Not @error Then
  492. MouseClick("left", $EmeraldDrop[0], $EmeraldDrop[1])
  493. Debug("Emerald")
  494. Sleep(Random(900,1400))
  495. $i+= 1
  496. If $i <= 10 Then
  497. EndIf
  498. EndIf
  499. $TopazDrop = PixelSearch(150, 200, 700,400, $Topaz,20)
  500. If Not @error Then ; change to 'If Not @error Then' if you want to search for topazes
  501. MouseClick("left", $TopazDrop[0], $TopazDrop[1])
  502. Debug("Topaz")
  503. Sleep(Random(900,1400))
  504. $i+= 1
  505. If $i <= 10 Then
  506. EndIf
  507. EndIf
  508. EndIf
  509. EndFunc
  511. Func RandomSleep()
  512. If $Timer And Random(1,20) = 20 Then
  513. Sleep(Random(30000,60000)
  514. EndIf
  515. EndFunc
  517. Func Quit()
  518. Exit
  519. EndFunc ;==>Quit
  521. Func Pause()
  522. $Paused = Not $Paused
  523. While $Paused
  524. Sleep(100)
  525. ToolTip('Paused...', 0, 0)
  526. WEnd
  527. ToolTip("")
  528. EndFunc ;==>Pause
  530. Func DEBUG($MESSAGE)
  531. If $DebugOn Then
  532. ToolTip($MESSAGE, 0, 0)
  533. EndIf
  534. EndFunc ;==>Debug Info
  537. Func GoSell()
  538. DEBUG("Going to sell")
  539. $Run+= 1
  540. Send("t")
  541. Sleep(8000)
  542. MouseClick("left", 710, 40) ;begin movement towards merchant
  543. Sleep(2400)
  544. MouseClick("left", 480, 140) ;NPC Merchant to the right of cain's home
  545. Sleep(3000)
  546. Call("Sell")
  547. Sleep(3000)
  548. MouseClick("left", 280, 275) ;button to open up repair menu
  549. Sleep(1500)
  550. MouseClick("left", 140, 330) ;button to pay for repairs
  551. Sleep(1500)
  552. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  553. Sleep(1000)
  554. Send("{ESC}") ;opens menu
  555. Sleep(1000)
  556. MouseClick("left", 400, 350) ;button to leave game
  557. Sleep(2400)
  558. Call("Route")
  559. EndFunc
  561. Func Sell()
  562. ;sell first column
  563. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 370) ;row 1
  564. ;Sleep($selltime)
  565. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 395) ;row 2
  566. ;Sleep($selltime)
  567. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 423) ;row 3
  568. ;Sleep($selltime)
  569. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 448) ;row 4
  570. ;Sleep($selltime)
  571. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 475) ;row 5
  572. ;Sleep($selltime)
  573. ;MouseClick ("right", 538, 501) ;row 6
  574. ;Sleep($selltime)
  576. ;this part may be for future development to cut out tons of lines
  577. ;now sell the other 9 columns
  578. ;$j = 0
  579. ;while $j < 10
  580. ;$j += 1
  581. ;sell column 2
  582. MouseClick ("right", 565, 370) ;row 1
  583. Sleep($selltime)
  584. MouseClick ("right", 565, 395) ;row 2
  585. Sleep($selltime)
  586. MouseClick ("right", 565, 423) ;row 3
  587. Sleep($selltime)
  588. MouseClick ("right", 565, 448) ;row 4
  589. Sleep($selltime)
  590. MouseClick ("right", 565, 475) ;row 5
  591. Sleep($selltime)
  592. MouseClick ("right", 565, 501) ;row 6
  593. Sleep($selltime)
  594. ;sell column 3
  595. MouseClick ("right", 592, 370) ;row 1
  596. Sleep($selltime)
  597. MouseClick ("right", 592, 395) ;row 2
  598. Sleep($selltime)
  599. MouseClick ("right", 592, 423) ;row 3
  600. Sleep($selltime)
  601. MouseClick ("right", 592, 448) ;row 4
  602. Sleep($selltime)
  603. MouseClick ("right", 592, 475) ;row 5
  604. Sleep($selltime)
  605. MouseClick ("right", 592, 501) ;row 6
  606. Sleep($selltime)
  607. ;sell column 4
  608. MouseClick ("right", 619, 370) ;row 1
  609. Sleep($selltime)
  610. MouseClick ("right", 619, 395) ;row 2
  611. Sleep($selltime)
  612. MouseClick ("right", 619, 423) ;row 3
  613. Sleep($selltime)
  614. MouseClick ("right", 619, 448) ;row 4
  615. Sleep($selltime)
  616. MouseClick ("right", 619, 475) ;row 5
  617. Sleep($selltime)
  618. MouseClick ("right", 619, 501) ;row 6
  619. Sleep($selltime)
  620. ;sell column 5
  621. MouseClick ("right", 646, 370) ;row 1
  622. Sleep($selltime)
  623. MouseClick ("right", 646, 395) ;row 2
  624. Sleep($selltime)
  625. MouseClick ("right", 646, 423) ;row 3
  626. Sleep($selltime)
  627. MouseClick ("right", 646, 448) ;row 4
  628. Sleep($selltime)
  629. MouseClick ("right", 646, 475) ;row 5
  630. Sleep($selltime)
  631. MouseClick ("right", 646, 501) ;row 6
  632. Sleep($selltime)
  633. ;sell column 6
  634. MouseClick ("right", 673, 370) ;row 1
  635. Sleep($selltime)
  636. MouseClick ("right", 673, 395) ;row 2
  637. Sleep($selltime)
  638. MouseClick ("right", 673, 423) ;row 3
  639. Sleep($selltime)
  640. MouseClick ("right", 673, 448) ;row 4
  641. Sleep($selltime)
  642. MouseClick ("right", 673, 475) ;row 5
  643. Sleep($selltime)
  644. MouseClick ("right", 673, 501) ;row 6
  645. Sleep($selltime)
  646. ;sell column 7
  647. MouseClick ("right", 700, 370) ;row 1
  648. Sleep($selltime)
  649. MouseClick ("right", 700, 395) ;row 2
  650. Sleep($selltime)
  651. MouseClick ("right", 700, 423) ;row 3
  652. Sleep($selltime)
  653. MouseClick ("right", 700, 448) ;row 4
  654. Sleep($selltime)
  655. MouseClick ("right", 700, 475) ;row 5
  656. Sleep($selltime)
  657. MouseClick ("right", 700, 501) ;row 6
  658. Sleep($selltime)
  659. ;sell column 8
  660. MouseClick ("right", 727, 370) ;row 1
  661. Sleep($selltime)
  662. MouseClick ("right", 727, 395) ;row 2
  663. Sleep($selltime)
  664. MouseClick ("right", 727, 423) ;row 3
  665. Sleep($selltime)
  666. MouseClick ("right", 727, 448) ;row 4
  667. Sleep($selltime)
  668. MouseClick ("right", 727, 475) ;row 5
  669. Sleep($selltime)
  670. MouseClick ("right", 727, 501) ;row 6
  671. Sleep($selltime)
  672. ;sell column 9
  673. MouseClick ("right", 754, 370) ;row 1
  674. Sleep($selltime)
  675. MouseClick ("right", 754, 395) ;row 2
  676. Sleep($selltime)
  677. MouseClick ("right", 754, 423) ;row 3
  678. Sleep($selltime)
  679. MouseClick ("right", 754, 448) ;row 4
  680. Sleep($selltime)
  681. MouseClick ("right", 754, 475) ;row 5
  682. Sleep($selltime)
  683. MouseClick ("right", 754, 501) ;row 6
  684. Sleep($selltime)
  685. ;sell column 10
  686. MouseClick ("right", 781, 370) ;row 1
  687. Sleep($selltime)
  688. MouseClick ("right", 781, 395) ;row 2
  689. Sleep($selltime)
  690. MouseClick ("right", 781, 423) ;row 3
  691. Sleep($selltime)
  692. MouseClick ("right", 781, 448) ;row 4
  693. Sleep($selltime)
  694. MouseClick ("right", 781, 475) ;row 5
  695. Sleep($selltime)
  696. MouseClick ("right", 781, 501) ;row 6
  697. Sleep($selltime)
  698. ;WEnd
  699. EndFunc
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