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a guest
Feb 10th, 2012
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text 1.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. app-admin/conky
  2. app-admin/sudo
  3. app-arch/deb2targz
  4. app-arch/file-roller
  5. app-cdr/xfburn
  6. app-editors/leafpad
  7. app-emulation/virtualbox-bin
  8. app-emulation/virtualbox-modules
  9. app-emulation/wine
  10. app-misc/calculate-meta
  11. app-misc/mc
  12. app-office/libreoffice-bin
  13. app-text/evince
  14. dev-lang/php
  15. dev-util/geany
  16. gnome-base/gdm
  17. gnome-extra/gcalctool
  18. gnome-extra/gnome-commander
  19. lxde-base/lxpanel
  20. mail-client/thunderbird-bin
  21. media-gfx/eog
  22. media-gfx/feh
  23. media-gfx/gimp
  24. media-gfx/imagemagick
  25. media-gfx/mypaint
  26. media-gfx/pinta
  27. media-video/vlc
  28. net-ftp/gftp
  29. net-im/qutim
  30. net-misc/dhcp
  31. net-misc/dropbox
  32. net-misc/easytether
  33. net-misc/wicd
  34. sys-kernel/module-rebuild
  35. www-client/epiphany
  36. www-client/firefox
  37. www-client/w3m
  38. www-plugins/adobe-flash
  39. www-servers/apache
  40. x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
  41. x11-misc/gxneur
  42. x11-misc/lxmed
  43. x11-misc/obconf
  44. x11-misc/pcmanfm
  45. x11-misc/xcompmgr
  46. x11-misc/xscreensaver
  47. x11-terms/terminal
  48. x11-themes/blueglass-xcursors
  49. x11-themes/commonbox-styles
  50. x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors
  51. x11-themes/gnome-themes-extras
  52. x11-themes/golden-xcursors
  53. x11-themes/gtk-engines-qtcurve
  54. x11-themes/gtk-theme-switch
  55. x11-themes/qtcurve-qt4
  56. x11-themes/silver-xcursors
  57. x11-themes/tango-icon-theme
  58. xfce-base/xfce4-meta
  59. xfce-extra/xfce4-clipman-plugin
  60. xfce-extra/xfce4-mixer
  61. xfce-extra/xfce4-screenshooter
  62. xfce-extra/xfce4-volumed
  63. xfce-extra/xfce4-weather-plugin
  64. xfce-extra/xfce4-xkb-plugin
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