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a guest
Sep 18th, 2014
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text 5.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Inclusive Own
  2. function #calls time memory time memory
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. get_defined_constants 393 0.0684 160364936 0.0684 160364936
  5. module_list 3726 0.1168 119336712 0.0848 115933624
  6. _menu_router_cache 620 0.0671 84421952 0.0587 84421504
  7. array_merge 12998 0.1571 65996496 0.1571 65996496
  8. views_plugin_display->option_definition 922 0.0536 54523256 0.0422 54442824
  9. drupal_load 221 0.1779 58478768 0.1108 43424504
  10. unserialize 4582 0.0821 32489672 0.0804 32474088
  11. ctools_plugin_api_include 50 0.1124 30221632 0.0701 29900608
  12. array_keys 18016 0.1729 26329760 0.1729 26329760
  13. module_load_include 5054 0.4331 26878912 0.1778 24482296
  14. func_get_args 5715 0.0607 21424904 0.0607 21424904
  15. str_replace 39632 0.3760 19595512 0.3760 19595512
  16. PDOStatement->execute 1948 0.4862 17863864 0.4862 17863864
  17. preg_match_all 393 0.0261 15225392 0.0261 15225392
  18. views_object->_set_option_defaults 6692 0.3317 19738008 0.1442 14398800
  19. explode 5681 0.0623 12338464 0.0623 12338464
  20. _registry_check_code 103 0.0877 18660688 0.0310 10674232
  21. _field_info_collate_types 10884 0.1775 9957144 0.1154 9010448
  22. module_hook_info 1117 0.0471 8006272 0.0239 7603256
  23. drupal_array_merge_deep_array 225 0.5600 7228664 0.1979 7211248
  24. field_views_field_default_views_data 213 0.7085 8930944 0.0598 6808056
  25. install_begin_request 1 0.2385 12292808 0.0150 6601216
  26. views_handler_field->option_definition 188 0.0114 7292264 0.0058 6436360
  27. preg_split 8504 0.0860 6322680 0.0860 6322680
  28. views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane->option_definition 423 0.0345 32046240 0.0102 5905552
  29. views_plugin_display->set_option 754 0.0329 5817744 0.0148 5749760
  30. _field_sql_storage_schema 213 0.0246 5612296 0.0126 5417840
  31. serialize 4490 0.1220 5547880 0.1178 5396816
  32. get_defined_functions 2 0.0039 5378328 0.0039 5378328
  33. variable_get 2928 0.0360 5369112 0.0360 5369112
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