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Novell Client for Windows 7,8 #0day

a guest
May 22nd, 2013
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  1. 1.Description:
  3. The nicm.sys kernel driver distributed with Novell Client for Windows 7,8 contains
  4. a hijack of execution vulnerability in the handling of IOCTL 0x143B6B.
  5. Exploitation of this issue allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code
  6. within the kernel.
  7. An attacker would need local access to a vulnerable computer to exploit
  8. this vulnerability.
  10. Affected application: Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows 7,8 (up-to date).
  11. Affected file: nicm.sys version
  13. 2.Vulnerability details:
  15. function at 0x0001205C is responsible for dispatching ioctl codes:
  17. .text:0001205C ioctl_handler proc near ; DATA XREF: sub_17006+8Bo
  18. .text:0001205C
  19. .text:0001205C var_40 = dword ptr -40h
  20. .text:0001205C var_3C = dword ptr -3Ch
  21. .text:0001205C var_38 = dword ptr -38h
  22. .text:0001205C var_34 = dword ptr -34h
  23. .text:0001205C var_30 = dword ptr -30h
  24. .text:0001205C var_2C = dword ptr -2Ch
  25. .text:0001205C var_28 = dword ptr -28h
  26. .text:0001205C MemoryDescriptorList= dword ptr -24h
  27. .text:0001205C BaseAddress = dword ptr -20h
  28. .text:0001205C var_19 = byte ptr -19h
  29. .text:0001205C ms_exc = CPPEH_RECORD ptr -18h
  30. .text:0001205C arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
  31. .text:0001205C
  32. .text:0001205C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT .text:000121EB SIZE 000001C2 BYTES
  33. .text:0001205C
  34. .text:0001205C push 30h
  35. .text:0001205E push offset stru_142E8
  36. .text:00012063 call __SEH_prolog4
  37. .text:00012068 xor ebx, ebx
  38. .text:0001206A call ds:KeEnterCriticalRegion
  39. .text:00012070 mov edi, [ebp+arg_4]
  40. .text:00012073 push edi
  41. .text:00012074 call sub_11F38
  42. .text:00012079 mov [ebp+var_19], al
  43. .text:0001207C mov esi, [edi+60h]
  44. .text:0001207F mov [ebp+var_28], esi
  45. .text:00012082 mov eax, [esi+0Ch]
  46. .text:00012085 sub eax, 143B63h
  47. .text:0001208A jz loc_122B0
  49. [..]
  51. .text:000121A3 mov ecx, eax ; ecx is input buffer
  52. .text:000121A5 mov eax, [ecx] ; get first DWORD from input buffer
  53. .text:000121A7 mov edx, [eax] ; dereference of value in first DWORD of input buffer
  54. .text:000121A9 push ecx
  55. .text:000121AA push eax
  56. .text:000121AB call dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; execution hijack!
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