
Gilda RGRE

Aug 4th, 2017
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  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >You're washing dishes from last night while you wait for Gilda to get home.
  3. >You never thought you'd date a griffon, but as fate would have it you are.
  4. >You can still remember when she came to town.
  5. >Most of the ponies treated you like glass, but she didn't.
  6. >She didn't see a walking co-
  7. >…
  8. >Okay she probably did, but that's different now.
  9. >She let you do things most ponies would have had a heart attack if they saw you doing it.
  10. >Hell, she even taught you to properly gut something.
  11. >Mainly because she likes to eat the guts raw and finds it weird you don't.
  12. >You'll never forget the time Twilight saw you cleaning a deer.
  13. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. >”Anonymous! What are you doing!?” She scolded flying up to you.
  15. “Cleaning my dinner, why?”
  16. >She was takein aback by your calmness.
  17. >”Does Gilda have you eating meat!? What happened to those pills I gave you?”
  18. >You think back to were you last saw the disgusting pills you had to chew for them to work.
  19. “Hmm, Oh yeah! I threw them out.”
  20. >She looks at you like you're insane.
  21. >”What!? Why!?”
  22. “They tasted like shit and I like meat.”
  23. >You say nonchalantly.
  24. >This breaks the pony.
  25. >Twilight.ExE is restarting…
  26. >Twilight.ExE is back online.
  27. >She grabs your arm with her magic and begins walking down the road.
  28. >”I should have known this would happen! I should have never invited Gilda to meet you. But I just had to listen to Rainbow.” She rants while she drags you down the road. “Come on. We're getting you more meat supplement pills and you're going to stay in the cas-"
  29. >Twilight is interrupted by Gilda landing in front of her staring her down.
  30. >Her beak has blood on it from her getting into the guts early.
  31. >”What are you doing with -my- colt.” Gilda says with venom coating each word.
  32. >Twilight just realizes what position she's in and lets go of your arm.
  33. >”W-Well I y-you see I-"
  34. “She's kidnapping me.”
  35. >Twilight’s eyes go wide looking at you before quickly going back to Gilda who you swear has fire in her eyes.
  36. >”N-No! I was just taking him back to my castle to make him take some pills!”
  37. >”You WHAT!?”
  38. >Twilight replays her own words in her head.
  39. >”It's not what it sounds like! I-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence as she's cut off by one of Gilda's talons on her chest.
  40. >”Listen here you flying pike! I don't want to see you and your filthy magic around my colt again. Now get out of here!”
  41. >”H-Hey! My magic's not filth-"
  42. >”NOW!”
  43. >The purple princess yelps before taking off to the air as fast as can be.
  44. >Gilda walks up and begins rubbing against your leg purring and cooing.
  45. >You thank god you don't care about the pants you have on, as they are currently being painted red.
  46. >Speaking of.
  47. “You got into your dessert early didn't you.”
  48. >She stops rubbing on your leg for a bit.
  49. >”If I told you no would you believe me?” She says looking up at you hopeful eyes.
  50. “Did you at least save the heart?”
  51. >She gives you a look that says ‘Please tell me you're joking. You know damn well that's the first thing I went for.’
  52. >You sigh before petting her head and head and getting back to work.
  53. ~~~~~~~~~
  54. >You sigh and continue washing the dishes.
  55. >Twilight never did come back to your house.
  56. >You hear the door open and turn to see Gilda dragging a manticore.
  57. >She drops it's head before calling out.
  58. >”Hey loser! I'm home and brought dinner!” She calls before going to drag the manticore through the house.
  59. “Outside and on the hook bird bitch! I just mopped!”
  60. >”Buck you ape boy!” She says dragging it back outside.
  61. “When and where, Love Dove~?”
  62. >She snorts.
  63. >”Food first, sex later~.” She calls back before closing the door.
  64. >You've got a good life.
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