
And Everything Nice Pt. 8

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. >You are now Rarity.
  2. >You sigh contently as you leave the spa, about ten or so minutes after Femanon took off.
  3. >You smile at the thought of her.
  4. >Such a nice human.
  5. >And so cute that she's managed to catch the eye of Pinkie Pie...
  6. >...Or...
  7. >You exhale a little bit.
  8. >Or has she?
  9. >You begin taking steps away from the spa, allowing your hooves to move on their own as you think.
  10. >Femanon, the poor girl... trying so hard to get Pinkie Pie to notice her.
  11. >And you SWEAR, with recent events, she HAS to...
  12. >But Pinkie Pie is just so...
  13. >...So Pinkie Pie.
  14. >You can't imagine how discouraging it must be for the poor girl.
  15. >She's trying so hard.
  16. >...What if she's being led on?
  17. >Your eyelids sink back, reflecting the look of worry.
  18. >You've reassured her so many times that Pinkie must feel the same...
  19. >But what if she doesn't?
  20. >What if she's just being her jolly, eccentric self?
  21. >Femanon would be crushed...
  22. >Or what if she does? And Femanon gives up too early?
  23. >You can't let that happen, Rarity...
  24. >...
  25. >You snap back to it, glancing to your surroundings.
  26. >...Oh.
  27. >You gaze up to the candy-decorated building, the setting sun sitting just behind it, giving it a silhouette-like appearance.
  28. >Must have subconsciously took yourself here.
  29. >...Well, better late than never.
  30. >You take a breath, then lift up your white hoof and push open the door.
  31. >As you enter the restaurant establishment, you spot Mr. and Mrs. Cake counting their inventory.
  32. >Their ears perk up to the sound of the door.
  33. >"Sorry," Mr. Cake starts, "but we've just closed for the--"
  34. >He notices the p0ny in question.
  35. >"Ah, Rarity, I didn't know it was you," he says, putting down his list. "Are you here for Pinkie?"
  36. >You smile and nod.
  37. >"She's just up the stairs in her room. Go right ahead."
  38. >You thank him, and continue across the room and up the stairs.
  39. >Your hooves knock the wood rhythmically as you progress down the hall toward Pinkie's quarters.
  40. >You approach the door, and the sound of her trademark giggles echo out into the hall.
  41. >With a smile put on, you give a knock.
  42. >"Come in!" The cheerful pink pone chirps with a chuckle.
  43. >You push open the door to see Pinkie Pie joyfully playing with her pet alligator, Gummy.
  44. >She tosses him in the air, allowing him to do all sorts of flips, before catching him again and rethrowing.
  45. >The alligator's expression is completely deadpan the entire time.
  46. >Like he has no idea what he's doing at any point during any of this.
  47. >Pinkie turns to you and smiles.
  48. >"Oh, hiya Rarity!" she cheers, catching Gummy once more and placing him down.
  49. >The creature stands in place for a moment, then rolls over onto his back.
  50. "Hello, Darling."
  51. >You say with a smile, walking into the room and closing the door behind you.
  52. >"Gummy and I were just having some QT together!"
  53. >The alligator blinks.
  54. >"Whatcha doin' around here?" she asks.
  55. >You walk up to her.
  56. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd stop by and see my good friend,"
  57. >You say, waving around your hoof conversationally.
  58. "And maybe..."
  59. >You start, smiling somewhat awkwardly.
  60. >You avert your eyes a little bit.
  61. "...Talk with you about Femanon?"
  62. >Pinkie beams.
  63. >"Ooh, Emmy? I LOVE talking about Emmy! The only thing I might love more is actually BEING with Emmy!"
  64. >You swallow and reestablish eye contact.
  65. "Oh, that's good! Exactly what I was hoping you'd say!"
  66. >She nods and grins.
  67. >"So what about Emmy?"
  68. >Your heart rate picks up just a little bit.
  69. >It's somewhat of an awkward conversation to have...
  70. "W-Well... "
  71. >You start, clearing your throat to try and cover your stammer,
  72. "how do you feel about her...?"
  73. >"I LOVE her!" she exclaims, closing her eyes and smiling.
  74. >You chuckle.
  75. "Well yes, darling, I believe you've said that already, but... what does that mean?"
  76. >She opens her eyes and looks at you, continuing her smile.
  77. >"What do you mean, Rarity?"
  78. >Your heart pangs just a little.
  79. >Is it hot in here?
  80. >You smile again and clear your throat.
  81. "Love is a broad term, Pinkie... and, well... do you love her in a..."
  82. >You pause, observing Pinkie.
  83. >Still smiling and listening.
  84. >You avert your eyes.
  85. "...In a... r-romantic kind of way?"
  86. >The word hardly clears your throat.
  87. >You look back to Pinkie Pie.
  88. >She's still just looking at you with that smile.
  89. >She's silent for a moment.
  90. >...
  91. >"What?"
  92. >You groan.
  93. "Pinkie Pie!"
  94. >She giggles, then turns to her upside-down alligator, picking him up.
  95. >"I'm not sure exactly what you mean, silly!" she says, springing over to Gummy's tiny little bed and tucking him in.
  96. >Your mouth may be gaping.
  97. "H-How can you not know what I... I don't think it can be any clearer the way I..."
  98. >Nop0ny can be this ignorant.
  99. >She finishes tucking Gummy in, then observes him.
  100. >Her eyes trail to the bedding he has, and she presses her hoof into the soft fabric.
  101. >"Well, we're Snuggle Buddies, that's for sure!"
  102. >You walk over to her slowly, looking into Gummy's little bed.
  103. >The spacey alligator is settled nicely into the comfortable looking sheets.
  104. >...The night of the party.
  105. >She remembers the cuddles?
  106. "Snuggle Buddies?"
  107. >You reiterate, looking over to her.
  108. >She pats Gummy on the head, then turns to face you.
  109. >"Yup! Snuggle Buddies! We snuggle with each other, and spend time together, and sometimes even shower together!"
  110. >Your cheeks somewhat flush at how openly she admitted that last part.
  111. "P-Pinkie..."
  112. >You say as she begins springing over to the other side of the room.
  113. "You do realize that's all very... well, that's something that sounds a lot like a... relationship..."
  114. >She turns to you with her smile questioningly.
  115. >"Like a 'romantic' relationship?"
  116. >Your eyes widen.
  117. "Y-Yes! Like a romantic relationship!"
  118. >She closes her eyes happily and smiles wider.
  119. >"Then maybe it is!"
  120. >...What?
  121. >You're in a mild form of shock, almost.
  122. >Did she admit it?
  123. "S-So,"
  124. >you start, trotting over to her,
  125. "do you have feelings for Femanon?"
  126. >"I told you, I LOVE Emmy!"
  127. >Ugh!
  128. >...Well, this is a start.
  129. >A VERY good start.
  130. >A big step in the right direction.
  131. >Time to follow it up.
  132. "Does Femanon know you feel this way?"
  133. >She shrugs.
  134. >"I HOPE so."
  135. >Is that all!?
  136. "Pinkie Pie, you HOPE?"
  137. >You frantically grip her shoulders with your front hooves and lock eyes with her.
  138. "Pinkie, the poor girl can't make heads or tails of you!"
  139. >Pinkie stares at you for a moment.
  140. "She feels the same way about you!"
  141. >...Does she?
  142. >Depends on what Pinkie Pie's unique feelings actually are.
  143. >But no time for that! Roll with it!
  144. "But she might not for long if you don't let her know she isn't wasting her time going after you!"
  145. >Pinkie's expression changes to confusion.
  146. "You might have just driven her away! And with Fluttershy trying to keep her for herself--!"
  147. >You catch yourself.
  148. >Pinkie really looks lost now.
  149. >Maybe you shouldn't have said that...
  150. >"Fluttershy?" she asks, putting a hoof to her mouth. "Why would Fluttershy want to keep my Snuggle Buddy all to herself?"
  151. >...Wait.
  152. >Roll with this, Rarity.
  153. >You release her from your grip.
  154. "Pinkie Pie... Fluttershy has had a... well, an 'eye' for Femanon since she came here..."
  155. >You glance away for a moment.
  156. "If Femanon doesn't know how you feel, she might give up on you and look somewhere else... and with Fluttershy so infatuated with her..."
  157. >...She wouldn't.
  158. >There's no way.
  159. >You wouldn't let it, even if she did. Not after what Fluttershy did to her.
  160. >But you need all the ammo you can get, and you might just be getting through to her.
  161. >Pinkie Pie taps her hoof to her chin and rolls her eyes, as if thinking.
  162. >Then smiles.
  163. >"Okie dokie then!" she says with a cheer, then trots to the door.
  164. >W-Wait--
  165. "Darling, where are you going?"
  166. >You ask, simply watching her move.
  167. >She pushes open the door.
  168. >"To tell Emmy how I feel, silly! If you think it's so important..."
  169. >Joy rapidly wells in your chest faster than you can react.
  170. "I do! I do!"
  171. >You can barely contain hopping up and down.
  172. "Go, Pinkie! Find her and tell her how you feel!"
  173. >She smiles.
  174. >"Okay then, I will, don't worry!"
  175. >And with that, she opens the door and leaves.
  176. >You sit in silence for a moment, basking in the absolute joyous feeling of success and happiness.
  177. >Oh, Femanon...
  178. >Your smile stretches from ear to ear.
  179. >Your darling Pinkie Pie is on her way to confess to you~!
  181. >You are now Femanon.
  182. >You and Fluttershy have been walking together for a bit of time.
  183. >Out in the fields near her house, by the stream, but not talking very much.
  184. >She wanted to save her talk for a certain place.
  185. >Your shoes sink into the damp, grassy soil by the bank of the river, the yellow pegasus fluttering next to you.
  186. >You press your tongue against the inside of your cheek.
  187. >The silence is killing you.
  188. "So, how much longer, Fluttershy?"
  189. >She hides a bit behind her mane.
  190. >"N-Not too much farther..." she stutters.
  191. >You exhale a little and smile.
  192. >She's a cute one, that's for sure.
  193. >All of these p0nies really are.
  194. >You two share another minute or two of silence, broken only by the beautiful stirring of the stream beside you, when finally--
  195. >"Ah, we're here," she says with content, dropping to the ground.
  196. >Over a small hill rests a white and red patterned blanket.
  197. >Small critters are setting up plates and utensils.
  198. >A bear sets down a picnic basket.
  199. [spoiler]>He better not take it...[/spoiler]
  200. >You smile.
  201. "Awh, Fluttershy,"
  202. >You say, the animals taking notice of you two and scurrying away,
  203. "did you plan a picnic for us?"
  204. >She meekly turns away, nodding with a bashful smile.
  205. "That's so sweet of you."
  206. >You both approach the set-up, established under an oak tree.
  207. >The sun is just about setting, embracing the land with a beautiful twilight.
  208. >Fluttershy settles down at one side of the blanket, and you sit down cross-legged at the other.
  209. >You smile as you reach into the basket and take out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  210. "Would you like one?"
  211. >She smiles and nods..
  212. >You hand her a sandwich as well, and you both begin to happily eat your snacks.
  213. "Well then,"
  214. >You begin once more,
  215. "what is this discussion about?"
  216. >Fluttershy's eyes widen a bit, and she almost chokes.
  217. >But she catches herself, averts her eyes, and swallows.
  218. >"Uhm..."
  219. >She takes another bite of her sandwich.
  220. >"Well, it's kind of, uhm... well... *mumble.*"
  221. >You chew a couple more times, then place your hand to your ear.
  222. >She notices this,
  223. >"Ah! Well, you see... I think that I... well, *mumble.*"
  224. >You swallow, and laugh softly.
  225. "Fluttershy, we're friends, you don't need to be so shy around me."
  226. >She glances her eyes at everything around her before dragging her pupils to you.
  227. >You meet her eyes with a smile.
  228. >She nods, and takes a deep breath.
  229. >"W-Well, we've been friends these past couple of days, a-and we've... really gotten to know each other..."
  230. >You smile.
  231. >"I th-think you're an amazing p0ny, oh, um... 'person,' and I, uhm..."
  232. >She clears her throat just a little.
  233. >It's adorable.
  234. >"Femanon, I... I think that I may... well... y-you..."
  235. >You continue smiling at her.
  236. >The words haven't sunk in yet.
  237. >Then, like a cracking whip.
  238. "Wh-What?"
  239. >You bumble.
  240. >She glances away, face flushed, one forehoof rubbing the other.
  241. "W-Wait, like..."
  242. >Oh man...
  243. "Like... IN love?"
  244. >She stares off into the distance, continuing to stroke her hoof.
  245. >She softly nods.
  246. >Your mouth gapes a bit.
  247. >Ohh boy...
  248. >You clear your throat a little.
  249. "F-For how long...?"
  250. >She turns her head and glances to her other side, still avoiding eye contact.
  251. >"S-S-Since I m-met you..."
  252. >Your heart races.
  253. >Ohh no.
  254. >Fluttershy...
  255. >She's such a sweet and kind p0ny...
  256. >But you don't feel that way about her...
  257. >How can you word this?
  258. >You look to her, face changed from yellow to almost completely red.
  259. >The poor thing is so shy and timid...
  260. >Will you crush her?
  261. "I...I..."
  262. >You stumble over your words.
  263. "I'm... flattered. Fluttershy. Really..."
  264. >Think back to your high school breakups and letdowns.
  265. "You're a great... beautiful, erm... p0ny..."
  266. >Fluttershy's mouth curls ever so slightly upward.
  267. >You grit your teeth, feeling your own face flush.
  268. >Your heart rate has skyrocketed.
  269. "B-But I don't think that I can return those same feelings..."
  270. >Her mouth drops.
  271. >Her head turns straight toward you.
  272. >But her eyes still refuse to look at you.
  273. >"But... But..."
  274. "You're an amazing friend, really..."
  275. >Ohh man...
  276. >She lowers her head slowly.
  277. "But I don't think I can be any more than that for you..."
  278. >She continues to stare at the ground.
  279. >There's a long silence...
  280. >...You awkwardly fumble with the sandwich in your hands.
  281. >You take a bite.
  282. >...Delicious.
  283. >The peanut butter and jelly stick to the roof of your mouth, but a quick tongue scraping takes care of that.
  284. >...
  285. >Man, is it quiet here or what?
  286. "Uh, uhm..."
  287. >"I thought," she starts, interrupting the beginning of your incomprehensible babble, "that you felt the same... that you loved me too..."
  288. >You shift a little in place.
  289. "I... I do love you, Fluttershy... just..."
  290. >You sigh.
  291. "Just not the same way..."
  292. >There's a little more silence.
  293. >You avert your eyes from her, looking down to the food in your hands.
  294. >...You're not hungry anymore.
  295. >...
  296. >"M-Maybe..."
  297. >You look back up.
  298. >She still gazes in front of her.
  299. >"Maybe there's a way I could... sh-show you...?"
  300. >You raise your eyebrow.
  301. "...What do you mean?"
  302. >"I mean..." she sits up a little more, "maybe if I show you how much I care, y-your thoughts can change...?"
  303. >You don't say anything.
  304. >What is she getting at...?
  305. >She raises her head at last, and her teal eyes finally meet yours.
  306. >"D-Do you have a... a f-f-fetish?"
  307. >...What!?
  308. "Fluttershy... no, please. That won't do anything."
  309. >You push your bangs away from your eyes.
  310. >How does such a sweet, innocent p0ny like this even know what a fetish is?
  311. >She sits up higher.
  312. >"N-No, that has to work!" she exclaims, suddenly more excited. It takes you aback a bit. "There must be a fetish you have! Please, let me show you!"
  313. >You scooch back just a little bit, shaking your head.
  314. "Fluttershy, I--"
  315. >"You do! You must!"
  316. >Her eyes glance across your body.
  317. >"What about those things on your chest!?"
  318. >You instinctively shield your torso.
  319. "M-My breasts?"
  320. >"Yes, your breasts!"
  321. >She's going a mile a minute.
  322. >"I'm sure I could do something with those to make you feel good! You loved it last time I showed you!"
  323. >You bring your hand up.
  324. "Fluttershy, please! There's no need to get worked up over--"
  325. >You stop yourself.
  326. >...
  327. "Wait, Fluttershy... what did you just say?"
  328. >"I said I can make you feel good with your chest! Last time, you--"
  329. >She eeps, and clasps her hooves over her mouth.
  330. >You narrow your eyes, a hollow feeling encompassing your heart.
  331. "Last time?"
  332. >You look at the yellow p0ny in front of you.
  333. >She's letting out some sort of soft squeak from behind her hooves, but she tries her best to maintain silence.
  334. >You process this for a bit.
  335. "...What do you mean by 'last time,' Fluttershy?"
  336. >She doesn't say anything, she just shakes her head.
  337. >What does she know about your breasts?
  338. >Last time? Has she fooled around with them before?
  339. >Has this p0ny--
  340. >Your mind suddenly snags a memory from its banks.
  341. >Rarity...
  342. [spoiler]>”Nothing, darling. I just think maybe Fluttershy should be the one to ask about your broken bra. It really only could have happened with her.”[/spoiler]
  343. >The night you were blackout drunk...
  344. >Your eyes widen, and your mouth gapes.
  345. >Fluttershy takes notice of this.
  346. >You look to her, stunned.
  347. >She seems on the verge of tears.
  348. "...My bra."
  349. >Her own eyes shoot open at the word.
  350. "You were the one who broke my bra..."
  351. >Fluttershy finally lets go of her mouth.
  352. >"I... I can explain that, I... I--"
  353. "Did you... Fluttershy, did you..."
  354. >My God...
  355. "Did you... violate me that night? Did you take advantage of me when I was drunk?"
  356. >Tears finally stream down her face.
  357. >"N-No!" she bellows.
  358. >The sudden volume would catch you off guard if you weren't still in shock.
  359. >"I mean, y-yes, maybe I did take a look at your body, b-but I was just curious! A-And I wanted to see if there was anything I could d-do that you would like, and--"
  360. >You can't believe what you're hearing...
  361. >You turn away from Fluttershy, eyes almost glazed over.
  362. >"--and I needed t-to because you wouldn't love me otherwise, a-a-and I wanted to know how other parts of your body worked because I-I wasn't sure if just between your legs worked the same as us because I didn't find out much about it that night at Pinkie Pie's and *EEP!*"
  363. >She slams her hooves over her mouth once more.
  364. >Your eyelids practically rip from your face they widen so quickly.
  365. >Your pupils shrink to pinpricks.
  366. >You turn your head to her quickly.
  367. >Did she just fucking say...?
  368. >She notices your expression.
  369. >"I-I mean, n-not like--"
  370. "When?"
  371. >You demand.
  372. >She eeps again.
  373. "At Pinkie Pie's. When? Did you touch me there too?"
  374. >She audibly sobs, the tears dripping from the bottom of her cheeks.
  375. >Her voice is a mere squeak.
  376. >"Y-Your second night here..."
  377. >You quickly scan your mind to that night.
  378. >Slumber party with Pinkie.
  379. >Baking goods.
  380. >Sleeping on the floor.
  381. >Dream with Pinkie.
  382. >Waking up w--
  383. >!!!
  384. >Your jaw drops slightly.
  385. >...The window was open...
  386. >And your clothes were...
  387. >...You try to say something, but only slight, rough patterns of disembodied voice rumble out of your mouth from the back of your throat.
  388. >Fluttershy sobs.
  389. >"I'm so sorry!"
  390. >You stare away from her, eyes completely glazed over.
  391. >...
  392. >Oh my God...
  393. >The night you woke up wet...
  394. >The night you had the dream about Pinkie Pie...
  395. >Your wetness...
  396. >It wasn't...
  397. >From...
  398. >The...
  399. >...
  400. >You finally blink.
  401. >Your eyes begin to focus again.
  402. >"Femanon..." Fluttershy bumbles, "are you o-okay...?"
  403. >You blink a few more times.
  404. >The dryness of your tongue becomes evident, and you finally close your mouth.
  405. "...Y-Yeah..."
  406. >You say after a bit of time, still staring off into the distance.
  407. "I'm..."
  408. >...
  409. >You trail off.
  410. >So many thoughts swirl in your mind.
  411. >But at the same exact time...
  412. >You're drawing a complete blank.
  413. >Almost the entire time you've spent in Equestria, you've thought that...
  414. >You slowly push the hair in front of your face back behind your ear.
  415. >"F-Femanon...?"
  416. >Your eyes finally drag up, meeting the sunken, soaking wet eyes of Fluttershy.
  417. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine..."
  418. >You look away for a moment.
  419. "I just need..."
  420. >You pause.
  421. >You press your hand to the ground for support and push yourself up to your feet.
  422. "I just need to take a walk..."
  423. >You take your first step away from the picnic, Fluttershy meaninglessly reaching out to you, as if to stop you, before giving up as you slowly trail back down the side of the river.
  424. >She solemnly looks to the ground.
  425. >You step further and further away, until you're back on the path to P0nyville.
  426. >The thoughts in your mind start to become clear.
  427. >This whole time you've been here, you've been chasing this pink p0ny...
  428. >You were attracted to her, right...?
  429. >You mean, she's a horse, yeah, but you felt those feelings for her...
  430. >...Or...
  431. >Have you really...?
  432. >You place your hand over your heart.
  433. >This whole time you thought that dream made you wet.
  434. >But if it was really just Fluttershy...
  435. >How could...?
  436. >Do you really even feel that way about her?
  437. >...
  438. >"Emmy!" you hear called.
  439. >The voice is instantly familiar to you.
  440. >...Out of all the coincidences in this world...
  441. >You slowly raise your head, your deadpan, stupefied face meeting the cheerful eyes of Pinkie Pie.
  442. >You're just at the edge of town by this point.
  443. >The sun has fallen below the landscape, draping the village in darkness.
  444. >"I thought I might find you here, silly!"
  445. >Your expression doesn't change.
  446. >Pinkie still smiles anyway.
  447. >"I have something to tell you!"
  448. >You look at her for a moment more, then to the hand on your chest.
  449. >You slowly bring it back down to the side of your body.
  450. >Something to... tell you, huh?
  451. >...
  452. >You might have been happy to hear this, some hours ago.
  453. >Some ten minutes ago even...
  454. >"...Emmy?"
  455. >But now...
  456. >...
  457. >What do you even feel?
  459. End of Part 8
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