
The Leaders and the Lead I

May 7th, 2012
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  1. >Man, that was a good fishing trip.
  2. >You wish you were still out on the lake instead of a block away from your house.
  3. >Your reverie ends when you see the catastrophic state of your lawn.
  4. >Huge patches of it are nothing but dirt.
  5. >No... as you get closer you can see more detail in the patches.
  6. >They're nothing but dirt and animal shit.
  7. >What the blueberry fuck is going on?
  8. >Your driveway is full of shit, so you park at the curb.
  9. >Picking your way over the lawn, you can hear muted, high-pitched murmuring from inside your house.
  10. >The big front room French window that used to have a large crack is broken.
  11. >The glass shards still in the frame are tipped with dried blood and various bits of pastel fuzz.
  12. >Fuck.
  13. >Fluffy ponies broke into your house.
  15. >Looking in reveals the bedlam you expect, but it's still sobering.
  16. >Directly inside the window is a bloody fluffy pony on its side, twitching occasionally among a large pile of window glass.
  17. >It whimpers, "Weggies pwease move... hewp fwuffy. Fwuffy so hungwy, weggies."
  18. >You're not sure if it's severed its tendons or if it's weak from bleeding out.
  19. >Bloody circles populate the floor around it, then lead off in various directions; hoofprints?
  20. >Looks like there are more ponies.
  21. >You quietly step inside.
  22. >The murmuring is coming from the kitchen.
  23. >You poke your head through the doorframe and examine the kitchen.
  24. >Five ponies are inside.
  25. >Four are rifling through any cabinet they can reach while chattering volubly.
  26. >One is so rounded with pregnancy that she just sits there, whining, "Need foodies! Bwing foodies fo' fwuffy!"
  28. >One gray unicorn has gotten into the cleaning supplies cabinet under the sink, and spilled Comet on its face.
  29. >It's crying and trying to rub it off with its hooves and anything else it bumps into.
  30. >The copious tears are only making the Comet more abrasive.
  31. >"Why mean eyes huwt fwuffy?" it demands, "Fwuffy good cowt!"
  32. >Another pony waddles over to him and chirps, "Fwiend huwt? Need hugs?"
  33. >He replies in the affirmative, and the second pony takes his face between its hooves and hugs him, nuzzling his head in its fluff.
  34. >As the fluff scours his face with the Comet, he lets out a partially-muffled scream.
  35. >The other pony spooks and pisses on itself and him, then backs away and starts to shiver.
  36. >"Why fwiend yeww at fwuffy?" it asks, piteously. "Fwuffy onwy twyin' hewp!"
  37. >The first one goes back to rubbing at his eyes more furiously than ever, crying all the while.
  38. >Dead pony walking.
  40. >At this point, one of the ponies notices you.
  41. >"Big munsta hewe! Hewp!"
  42. >A dirty pink unicorn that's so scarred as to be almost ugly comes out of an open cabinet and stands in front of you.
  43. >A long horizontal slash covers one closed eye, its horn is chipped, and its coat is matted.
  44. >It puffs out its cheeks and glares at you with its remaining eye.
  45. >"Big munsta weave now! Smawty fwiend find dis pwace! Dis pwace bewong to fwuffies now!" it announces.
  46. >"This is my house. It belongs to me, not you. I've been living here for six years," you counter.
  47. >"Don't cawe!" it interrupts. "Behbies comin' soon, big munsta go 'way now! Behbies mowe 'portant!"
  48. >We got a badass here.
  49. >A black hate fills your mind at being dismissed so coldly, and you briefly entertain the thought of smashing them all to paste with your waders.
  50. >But you start thinking about the filial love displayed by the grizzled fluffy for the unborn foals.
  51. >A lightless smile spreads across your face.
  52. >You withdraw coolly as the fluffies cheer the smarty for getting rid of the "munsta".
  54. >You head back to the car and fetch your tackle box out.
  55. >Hell, may as well take the fish in now too, no sense wasting them.
  56. >You enter the kitchen a second time and the pink unicorn accosts you once again.
  57. >"Smawty tow' you go 'way, big munsta! Give owchies if you no weave fwuffies awone!"
  58. >You spare him hardly a glance as you step past him and set the box and cooler on the counter.
  59. >He puffs his cheeks again and tries to butt your leg with his horn and kick you.
  60. >You barely even feel it through the waders.
  61. >You ignore him as you address the other cowering ponies.
  62. >"Hey fluffies, who's hungry? You guys want some food?"
  63. >All of the fluffies quickly emerge from their hiding places and voice their assent, except for the irate smarty friend.
  64. >And the one that's still crying weakly and pawing at his ruined face, of course.
  66. >You search through the fridge for something to feed the ponies.
  67. >You've got soda... purple stuff... ooh!
  68. >Casserole dish full of baked beans and sweet potatoes from last week's family reunion.
  69. >That'll do.
  70. >You take out the dish and set it on the counter, then get out five plates.
  71. >You spoon out three portions, then set those plates down on the floor.
  72. >The smarty friend is still puffing his ugly face at you.
  73. >You grab him by the scruff of his neck and slap him across the face lightly.
  74. >"I don't like you, pony," you begin, "but I'm thinking about the babies right now. Now, be quiet and eat the food I was nice enough to give you."
  75. >You drop him back to the floor from about waist-high.
  76. >He glares at you hatefully, but his herdmates' hearts have already gone over to you as they scarf the sweet food.
  78. >You pick up Cometface next, and carry him to the sink.
  79. >You pin his hooves to his belly with some masking tape, then force his eyes open as he whimpers.
  80. >Completely destroyed; this pony will never see again.
  81. >You grab the sprayer from beside the sink and turn the water on, just a trickle.
  82. >Then you tape his mouth shut.
  83. >A double layer of tape.
  84. >Holding his eyelid away from the eye, you spray a gentle flow of warm water into it at an angle to rinse out the cleaning agent.
  85. >He tries to scream but can't open his mouth.
  86. >You repeat on the other eye, he repeats the scream.
  87. >Then you wash the Comet off the rest of his face.
  88. >When he stops screaming through the tape in favor of more quiet sobbing, you peel it off slowly, then wash away the last of the Comet.
  89. >May as well leave the hooves taped for now though, it's not like he can see where he's going.
  90. >You serve out another portion of food and set it on the counter, then put him next to it.
  91. >You push his head down into the food until he gets the message and starts eating, crying all the while.
  93. >At this point every pony is eating except the dam, even the pink bastard.
  94. >You serve a portion of beans and potatoes onto the last plate.
  95. >Then you pop open your tackle box.
  96. >Rooting around in the bottom, you find what you were looking for.
  97. >Those old lead sinkers of your grandfather's that you've never had the heart to throw out.
  98. >You take one out and set it on the counter.
  99. >You head out of the kitchen and to the storage closet.
  100. >Opening your tool kit, you pull out a file and head back to the kitchen.
  101. >The pregnant dam tried to roll herself over to the food plates, crying "Wan foodies!"
  102. >Or you think that's what she's crying; she only managed to roll her face into the floor, so what actually comes out is "Wab foodib!"
  103. >You hold the sinker over the last plate and file it vigorously.
  104. >Once the food is coated with a liberal helping of lead filings, you stir it up and set it in front of the dam.
  105. >You tilt her head down so she can eat and she starts gobbling noisily.
  106. >She pauses to look at you and say "Fank 'oo munsta!" though.
  107. >With her mouth full; what bad manners.
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