
Andrew Huberman Podcasts Notes

Oct 9th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools
  4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. -Write down the time you wake up to know your temperature minimum, it will be around 2 hours before your average wake up time
  6. -Take a walk/bike in the morning to generate optic flow and to get natural light for 5-30 mins in your eyes, you time the pulse of
  7. cortisol by viewing sunlight/bright light, important that it happens early in the day
  8. -If you can't view natural light, view a bright blue light(generally good for alertness, put it in front of you while working)
  9. -Hydrate correctly, drink a bottle of (salty) water early after waking up
  10. -Delay caffeine 90-120 minutes after waking to avoid an afternoon crash(Good caffeine sources instead of coffee: yerba mate, guayusa
  11. tea)
  12. -Don't eat until (at least) noon
  14. -Filled bladder increases alertness(don't go pee while working unless you really have to)
  15. -Do a few 90-minute work blocks (Ultradian rhythm)
  16. -If you wake up at 7:00, your temperature minimum will be at 5:00
  17. -Your best work is going to be done 4-6 hours after your temperature minimum (in this case at around 9-11 would be optimal), but
  18. you could even do it after waking up if it works for you. Aim to do the hardest work in this first 90-minute work block
  19. -You need to catch the steepest temperature rise in your body
  20. -You can do more work outside of these blocks, but these will be the periods of the 3-4 hours of deep work state
  21. (Even if you work all day, it will only be around 3-4 hours deep work on average)
  22. -Put all distractions away
  23. -Listen to low volume white noise while working
  24. -Looking up increases alertness(and looking down makes you more tired), position your monitor so that you are looking slightly up
  26. -Exercise at least 5 days a week in a 3:2 ratio, for 60 +- 15 minutes
  27. -For 10-12 weeks, 3 resistance 2 endurance workouts, then the next 10-12 weeks 2 endurance 3 resistance workouts
  28. -Resistance training should be ~80% not until failure, ~20% can be higher intensity, to failure
  29. -Endurance training similarly, ~80% below muscle "burn" threshold, ~20% above
  30. -Try to do these workouts fasted, optimally after your first 90-minute work block
  31. -You need sufficient electrolytes(for working out and in general), drink water with salt before working out(or an electrolyte drink
  32. like LMNT)
  33. -Try not to take stimulants before working out(if you do, consider Alpha-GPC, it will increase cognitive function too)
  35. -If you want to be able to think, you can't ingest large volumes into your gut
  36. -Try to eat lower amounts of carbs for lunch(or if you haven't exercised before, try avoiding it)
  37. -Eating carbs(starches)can make you sleepier(around 25% of people are unaffected by this because of specific genes)
  38. -Supplement omega-3 if you don't get enough, fish oil/algae pills
  39. -Ingest enough selenium(brazil nuts)
  40. -Get sufficient cholesterol for optimal testosterone and estrogen production
  41. -(400mg a day of Tongkat Ali can help increase levels of free testosterone, Fadogia agrestis can help with T and E too)
  42. -Take a short walk(5-30min) after your noon meal, good for metabolism, nutrient utilization, and outside light exposure(for your inner
  43. rhythm)
  45. -Practice Non-sleep deep rest(NSDR), this can be for example meditation, yoga nidra or optimally hypnosis (
  46. -Takes 10-15 mins, can be done after the walk
  47. -Naps should be 90 minutes or less
  49. -Viewing sunlight in the evening hours (5-30 minutes) will make your eyes less sensitive to light at night, also supports sleep +
  50. dopamine
  51. -Don't view bright light from 10 PM-4 AM (very bad)
  52. -Don't use blue light blockers, just don't view bright light ~1 hour before sleeping
  54. -Eat starchy carbohydrates for dinner(non-refined carbs), increases the amount of serotonin and helps to sleep better, also replenishes
  55. glycogen stores
  56. -To help accelerate the transition to lower body temperature to fall asleep easier, take a hot bath/shower/sauna (sauna also increases
  57. growth hormone, just 20 minutes or cycles of 20 minutes - cooling)
  58. -Keep the room very dark and cool, get under warm blankets
  59. -Don't supplement melatonin, if you want to supplement you can take different forms of magnesium(300-400mg magnesium bis-glycinate,
  60. magnesium threonate), 50 mg apigenin and 100-200mg theanine 30-60 mins before sleep, alone or in combination
  61. -If you wake up in the middle of the night, go to bed earlier or view bright light at 8-9 pm to inhibit melatonin
  62. -Keep the lights dim if you turn them on
  63. -If you can't fall back asleep, do NSDR(yoga Nidra/hypnosis)
  65. -Having 1 day a week where you do nothing structured and just relax can be beneficial, but do these things every day: Get morning sunlight and regular sleep
  66. -Even if you go to sleep late, try to wake up at your regular waking uptime
  67. -Even if you didn't get much sleep the night before, don't go to sleep earlier, go at your regular bed-time
  69. -You don't have to follow the example schedule detailed here, it is just one possibility, feel free to fit it to your own needs
  74. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. Using Failures, Movement & Balance to Learn Faster
  77. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. -
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