

Jun 28th, 2016
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  1. local Player = game.Players.Friaza
  2. repeat wait() until Player.Character
  3. Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 250
  4. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 250
  5. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Health") then Player.Character.Health:Destroy() end
  6. local hp = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health
  7. local reflex = false
  8. local logiaheal = false
  9. effects ="Sparkles")
  10. effects.SparkleColor =, 166/255, 236/255)
  11. trans = 0.8
  12. function Logia(Part)
  13. print("flex")
  14. reflex = true
  15. Update()
  16. end
  18. print("ok")
  19. function Update()
  20. print("update")
  21. print(logiaheal)
  22. if logiaheal == false then
  23. if Player.Character.Humanoid.Health > hp then
  24. hp = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health
  25. end
  26. print(reflex)
  27. print(Player.Character.Humanoid.Health)
  28. if reflex == true and Player.Character.Humanoid.Health < hp then
  29. logiaheal = true
  30. print("healtime")
  31. st = Player.Character:GetChildren()
  32. for i = 1, #st do
  33. if st[i].ClassName == "Part" and st[i].Transparency < 1 then
  34. if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LogiaFly") then st[i].Transparency = trans end
  35. ef = effects:clone()
  36. ef.Name = "LogiaEffect"
  37. ef.Parent = st[i]
  38. st[i].Material = "Neon"
  39. st[i].BrickColor ="Carnation pink")
  40. end
  41. end
  42. tim = ((hp -Player.Character.Humanoid.Health) /60)
  43. wait(0.2 +(tim /1.8))
  44. tim = ((hp -Player.Character.Humanoid.Health) /3)
  45. hp = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health
  46. local tim2 = 0
  47. repeat wait()
  48. if tim2 == 0 then wait(0.15) end
  49. tim2 = tim2 +1
  50. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health +1.3
  51. hp = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health
  52. until (tim2 >= tim and (Player.Character.Humanoid.Health >= hp )) or Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Dark") or Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Kairoseki")
  54. st = Player.Character:GetChildren()
  55. for i = 1, #st do
  56. if st[i].ClassName == "Part" then
  57. if st[i]:FindFirstChild("LogiaEffect") then
  58. st[i].LogiaEffect:Destroy()
  59. st[i].Transparency = 0
  60. end
  61. if st[i].Anchored == false then
  62. st[i].Material = "Plastic"
  63. if st[i].Name == "Head" then st[i].Transparency = 0 st[i].BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].HeadColor end
  64. if st[i].Name == "Left Arm" then st[i].Transparency = 0 st[i].BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].LeftArmColor end
  65. if st[i].Name == "Right Arm" then st[i].Transparency = 0 st[i].BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].RightArmColor end
  66. if st[i].Name == "Left Leg" then st[i].Transparency = 0 st[i].BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].LeftLegColor end
  67. if st[i].Name == "Right Leg" then st[i].Transparency = 0 st[i].BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].RightLegColor end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. end
  71. logiaheal = false
  72. reflex = false
  73. end
  74. end
  75. wait()
  76. end
  78. Player.Character.Humanoid.Changed:connect(Update)
  79. Player.Character["Left Arm"].Touched:connect(Logia)
  80. Player.Character["Right Arm"].Touched:connect(Logia)
  81. Player.Character["Left Leg"].Touched:connect(Logia)
  82. Player.Character["Right Leg"].Touched:connect(Logia)
  83. Player.Character.Torso.Touched:connect(Logia)
  84. Player.Character.Head.Touched:connect(Logia)
  85. Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Touched:connect(Logia)
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