
Idea for automating trivial updates NETKAN

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. [16:49] <Murdabenne> here some some updates
  2. [16:49] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1788: StockFuelSwitch-1.1 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...StockFuelSwitch)
  3. [16:50] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1789: FASALaunchClamps-5.34 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...FASALaunchClamps)
  4. [16:50] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1790: DMagicOrbitalScience-1.0.4 override min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...DMagicOrbitalScience)
  5. [16:50] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1791: StarTrekTOSSpaceSuits-1.2 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...StarTrekTOSSpaceSuits)
  6. [16:51] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1792: CrewPortraits-1.1 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...CrewPortraits)
  7. [16:51] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1793: KerbalRPNCalculator-1.4 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...KerbalRPNCalculator)
  8. [16:51] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1794: , override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...Achievements)
  9. [16:51] -github:#ckan- [NetKAN] Murdabenne opened pull request #1795: SAVE-1.0.1-672 override ksp min=1.0.2 max=1.0.4 (master...S_A_V_E)
  10. [16:51] <p6-away> Murdabenne you beast :p
  11. [16:52] <Murdabenne> that ought ta help a bit
  12. [16:53] == p6-away has changed nick to plague006
  13. [16:53] <Murdabenne> honestly I have a script just about ready to automate this except for submitting the pull requests.
  14. [16:54] <plague006> mind adding a homepage for CrewPortraits since you already have a PR for it?
  15. [16:54] <checkpoint> [ [Plugin] [0.90]Crew Portraits[1.1](2/10/2015) ] -
  16. [16:54] <Probus> Sweet, Murdabenne!
  17. [16:55] <Murdabenne> bacially algorithm is look at highest version CKAN file, make sure its checked for 1.0.2, then create the branch with that name, use a SED script to add the override, build it with netkan.exe, and if that's all clean, move the resultant CKAN file into a review dirrectory just in case, then commit the changes, and checkout the master, push the branch from local to github.
  18. [16:56] == blnk2007 [~blnk2007@2606:a000:56e7:b700:a5e6:fea3:d87a:516f] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  19. [16:57] <Murdabenne> once that's done, I open the ckan file for review, if it looks sane, then I would do the PR. In this case I did all the conversions then checked them - then pushed it all to my fork, and just clicked away at the PR button
  20. [16:58] <Murdabenne> If there is an easy way to test the CKAN file then I could probably automate the whole thing. Just have it run thru a list of mods to check.
  21. [16:59] <plague006> manually verifying which mods are compatible? (manually as in look at threads, etc.)
  22. [16:59] <Murdabenne> even better, generate the list by finding all the mods that list compatibility with a specific version Im looking to override, and make the list form that. That way weo could automatically override something like the 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 safe patch
  23. [17:00] <Murdabenne> but not 1.0.2 -> 1.0.4 until the authors or forums agree its stable
  24. [17:00] <plague006> gotcha
  25. [17:00] <Murdabenne> Anyway, at least for hotfixes, it should help.
  26. [17:01] <Murdabenne> thanks for that list - I was working in it, thats what gave me the idea
  27. [17:01] <plague006> awesome =)
  28. [17:01] <Murdabenne> netka#1773
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