
Anon Vs. Adoption 8

Oct 30th, 2016
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >A clock on your dingy bedrooms wall indicates the clock to be 9:30
  3. >Plenty of nighttime to plan and execute your little excursion
  4. >You could hide a lot of things in your mane but you didn't want to get caught with all these fireworks and carrying a bunch explosives in your hair seems like a bad idea
  5. >Plus you really don't want to go through another day of kindergarten
  6. “Fuck that”
  7. >You don't know what that word means but hearing you say it feels right somehow
  8. >Maybe in time you'll start to remember stuff
  9. >Anyway back to planning
  10. >You had to be a stealthy filly
  11. >But hooves aren't quiet
  12. >You rip apart the bedsheet and fasten some improvised socks
  13. >Better than nothing
  14. >Probably
  15. >Now what to do with all these fireworks?
  16. >A distraction of some kind maybe?
  17. >Although that roman candle could be used as some sort of weapon
  18. >And could cause a few fires and accidentally burn down the orphanage
  19. >Meh, it was worth the risk
  20. >There were also the smoke bombs to consider
  21. >They probably don't cause enough smoke to vanish in but a half a dozen of them at once ought to smoke out a room
  22. >No idea what you could really use the bottle rockets for but whatever
  23. >Okay then, inventory taken what were you going to actually do?
  24. >Sneak into Strict's office and find something incriminating, and if you don't find anything you snoop through her quarters for it
  25. >If you don't find anything...
  26. >There has to be something, don't worry about it
  27. >It was late enough
  28. >Lets do it
  29. >You secure your saddlebags full of low grade explosives and make sure your socks are secure before leaving
  30. >That done you sneak out of your room to the staircase, moonlight shining brightly through the huge open window at the top of the stairs
  31. >You go down the stairs as quietly as possible
  32. >Which was pretty darn quiet all things considered
  33. >The socks really seem to work
  34. >Stop thinking about socks and FOCUS
  35. >Right
  36. >As you get to the first floor landing you hear hoofsteps coming!
  37. >You hide as behind a part of the staircase just in time to see a mare with a lantern in her mouth slowly walk by
  38. >That was close
  39. >At least they weren't being subtle about patrolling the hallways
  40. >Sticking to one of the walls you head in the direction of Strict's office
  41. >Making sure to peak before taking a corner and ducking into a classroom or closet whenever you hear somepony approach
  42. >It was actually getting kind of repetitive really
  43. >It's a good thing nopony seemed to lock any doors here
  44. >You finally manage to get to Stricts office
  45. >Well more specifically her secretaries office but it was right through it so whatever
  46. >As you enter the secretarial office you are greeted by some soft snoring
  47. >It seems like her secretary has fallen asleep at her desk
  48. >Her head lying on a stack of papers
  49. >It was pretty cute
  50. >You'd take a picture if you had a camera or something
  51. >Best not to try and wake her
  52. >You creep past the sleeping pony towards Strict's office door
  53. >It's locked
  54. >Of fucking course
  55. >The one locked door in the entire building
  56. >Maybe there was a key nearby?
  57. >The secretary probably had a key to her bosses office
  58. >That makes sense right?
  59. >Making sure to not make any noise you look through every drawer and filing cabinet you can reach
  60. >You found nothing but a bunch of paperwork and one little plastic baggie of what appears to be table salt in the back of one of the filing cabets
  61. >Shit
  62. >Hey you remembered another swear word!
  63. >Small victory, but it gave you hope you'd remember everything eventually
  64. >There was nowhere else to look other than the sleeping pony's desk
  65. >At this point theres really not that much to lose
  66. >You look through her desk as best as you could
  67. >You couldn't quite get them all the drawers because the sleepy pone is in the way
  68. >Just as you were starting to give up your search here you see that up close the pony has a keyring on her neck with a couple of keys on it
  69. >One of those had to be the one!
  70. >How to get them without waking her though?
  71. >The keyring was just made of string so you could really only cut it off or pull her head through it
  72. >Well you did have that wicked sharp letter opener
  73. >It was practically a dagger
  74. >Come to think about it was more like a dagger pretending to be a letter opener really
  75. >You very carefully get up on the desk, nearly slipping on some papers in the process
  76. >After just barely catching yourself you calmly grab the keys, being sure not to tug on the string around her neck
  77. >Taking a sitting position you take out the silver letter opener and holding it in your other hoof you attempt to cut the string
  78. >Critical success!
  79. >Happy with your victory you put the keys in your mouth and jump off the desk
  80. >Your landing makes a not-so-quiet 'Whoomp!' and you hear the mare jump awake
  81. >”Whattzat?”
  82. >Thinking quickly you hide on the other side of her desk
  83. >”Huh mustv'e imagined it” She finishes her sentence with a yawn
  84. >You hear her get off of her chair
  85. >”How late did I stay this time?”
  86. >A short pause
  87. >”11pm!” Buck I need to go home!”
  88. >Sounds of a pony making a quick exit and a door slam indicate you are now alone
  89. >Everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
  90. >What did that mean?
  91. >Ugh
  92. >You look at your prize
  93. >4 keys and a piece of string
  94. >Amazing
  95. >Without further ado you try each key until you open the door
  96. >It's the 4th key
  97. >Always
  98. >With a satisfying 'click' you open the door and begin your search
  99. >Huh, you'd think a pony named 'Strict Rules' would be more neat
  100. >And frankly her office was a mess
  101. >Sure it didn't look dirty, but all the paperwork was just sort of haphazardly shoved in drawers everywhere
  102. >Whatever, you start looking through some paperwork for something interesting
  103. >It's mostly adoption paperwork from what you can make out
  104. >After looking through boring paperwork for what feels like an hour you decide to take a break
  105. >Also it would be fun to trash her office bit since you had the chance
  106. >Starting with those expensive looking vases holding wilted flowers by the window
  107. >You push over a chair and climb up to the windowsill
  108. >With no small amount of satisfaction you knock over all three vases onto the floor
  109. >They all break with a satisfying crash
  110. >Petty revenge, but breaking things is always quite therapeutic
  111. >As you look at the mess you made you see something strange among the wilted lilies and broken ceramic
  112. >It looks like a giant gem of some kind
  113. >Huh, weird
  114. >Well it had to be something important if she had hidden it
  115. >Avoiding the broken vase shards you pick up the gem and go to Strict's desk to take a closer look at it
  116. >I looks like a giant piece of costume jewelry, there's no way a warden could have a diamond this large just lying around
  117. >It seems to take on a faint glow as you study it closer
  118. >Then the world seems to fall away
  120. >Be Anon still
  121. >But not Anon also
  122. >It was weird
  123. >You couldn't fell your body at all
  124. >Did that stupid gem thing kill you or something?
  125. >You can still see though
  126. >Though you couldn't look around or anything
  127. >You see a familiar small bathroom
  128. >Wait this was your bathroom!
  129. >The fuck?
  130. >What the hell was going one
  131. >Before you can begin to panic a filly walks into the bathroom
  132. >A green filly with a black mane
  133. >That was you!
  134. >This raises further questions
  135. >You see yourself hop onto the toilet and start examining herself in the mirror
  136. >Which is exactly where you're seeing her from
  137. >It was like you were looking directly in your own eyes
  138. >Kinda surreal
  139. >Wait you remember this!
  140. >This is the time when you-
  141. >Oh no
  142. >You watch yourself get more and more depressed before finally exclaiming “Fuck!”
  143. >Your voice really was cute
  144. >Then you start presenting your filly bits to yourself
  145. >Yep, that was a vagina all right
  146. >Yours to be precise
  147. >Fortunately the horror had dimmed a bit for you
  148. >Still uncomfortable as shit to witness this again though
  149. >Then you see yourself move a hoof and accidentally punch herself in the snatch
  150. >Yeah that really fricking hurt
  151. >You'd wince if you still had a body to control
  152. >Then you see yourself fall off the toilet
  153. >That hurt too
  154. >As you hear yourself moan pathetically in pain your senses start to fade a bit
  156. >Be Anon
  157. >You could feel your body again
  158. >You were lying face-first on Strict's desk
  159. >”Enjoy the show?”
  160. >You jump at the voice
  161. >Oh shit Strict is right in front of you!
  162. >”When I felt my ward warn me of somepony snooping around I wasn't really expecting for it to be you”
  163. “What the hell is that gem? Why does it have me on it?!”
  164. >That gem was perfect as a evidence, you had to get it back somehow
  165. >”Oh this recording gem? I was recording it for a client of mine, but the little show you put on was too good to just use once so I'm trying to get a spell to copy it”
  166. >You did not want to become a filly pornstar, especially with that as your premiere video
  167. “I'm guessing your not just going to give that back and let me on my merry way?
  168. >”You guess correctly my dear, were you going to give it to Summer? Funnily enough I was going to do the same thing”
  169. >She makes a faked panicked voice “Oh officer it's horrible, my own employees doing something so profane under my watch! Ha! That ought to get her off my tail!”
  170. >Well that's not good
  171. >”Now as for you, I have something special just for you”
  172. >Out of nowhere music starts to play
  173. >”You see my dear, when you're under my care and under my roof you must comply”
  174. >She's singing
  175. >What is this I don't even
  176. >”I even have some toys for you to try”
  177. >She leaves her office, dragging you with her with her magic
  178. >”I'm sure after breaking you in a bit you'll even get to enjoy it too, maybe even as much as I do!”
  179. >Strict does not have a voice for singing, and why is she singing so loudly about this?
  180. >”I used to be such a straightforward mare you know, but the years haven't been kind and my love of children certainly hasn't grown”
  181. >Ignoring her awful singing explaining her life story and how she plans to sodomize you later you weigh your options
  182. >You still had your saddlebags loaded with goodies
  183. >And that letter opener
  184. >You could just barely move as she was floating you along
  185. >She also seemed to be pretty distracted with her whole singing and dancing number
  186. >”Now when I was your age my daddy taught me this little trick that always put me into a sort of fit, but what once caused pain now brings pleasure that I'll be sure to show you at my leisure”
  187. >Yeah no
  188. >You prepared some bottle rockets, hopefully that would distract her well enough for her to drop you
  189. >You just had to wait for the right moment
  190. >”Now I'm a mare of action I'll have you know, but every once and a while I like to take it slow”
  191. >She starts trotting up the stairs with you still close behind in
  192. >“And once everypony here suspects Summer instead of me my joy will only grow”
  193. >You've reached the top floor with the large window overlooking the playground
  194. >She leans out the window to dramatically finish her song
  195. >”And everypony will have to respect the mistress because I'll be-”
  196. “A fucker!!”
  197. >You had lit a bottle rocket and aimed it at her head
  198. >She looks at you just in time for the rocket to hit directly in the horn
  199. >The music abruptly stops and she drops you as she lets out a wail of pain
  200. >You run up to her as she makes to rub her horn and shank her with the letter opener where you assume a ponys heart is
  201. >”Augh”
  202. >Must've hit something important cause she didn't seem able to talk anymore
  203. >Only one thing to do really
  204. >You pull out the letter opener and push her out the window
  205. >She was already halfway there anyway
  206. >You just gave her a little nudge
  207. >You watch her fall
  208. >It's not graceful and she lands like a sack of really bloody potatoes
  209. >Well that's revenge if you've ever seen it
  210. “Dumbass”
  212. >You hear some giggling behind you
  213. >Surprised you quickly turn around
  214. >A white filly continues giggling into her hoof as you gape at her
  215. >She just saw you kill Strict!
  216. >”That was awesome!”
  217. “Uh.... thanks?”
  218. >”I couldn't have asked for a more perfect revenge”
  219. >Still flabbergasted by the fillies reaction, you retort with your usual amount of eloquence
  220. “Huh?”
  221. >”You haven't noticed? Well I can't really blame you, take a closer look at me”
  222. >To confused to do anything else, you comply
  223. >She's a white earth pony about your age
  224. >She's also transparent
  225. “You're a-!”
  226. >”Ghost? Yup! Pretty cool huh?”
  227. >An actually goddamn ghost!
  228. “I didn't even think ghosts existed”
  229. >”Normally there aren't, unless of course you're holding the weapon somepony was murdered with”
  230. “You mean-?”
  231. >”Yeah... a couple of years ago Strict murdered me with that same letter opener you're still holding
  232. “Doesn't that mean Strict is in there now too?”
  233. >The ghost floats over to the window and looks down at Strict's cooling body
  234. >”Nah, I think it's the fall that killed her”
  235. “So Strict's spirit is now in the pavement?”
  236. >Ghost filly shrugs
  237. >”I dunno, maybe? Look what's important now is that you avenged me and I owe you one before I can finally pass on. And I don't want to rush you but I've been here for far to long”
  238. >Huh, a ghost owes you a favor
  239. “Could you get me my memories back? Some assholes got rid of my memories”
  240. >”Uh, I could try? Let me take a look in you mind real quick”
  241. >She jumps into you before you can react
  242. >You feel a strange numbness overcome you
  243. “Huh, they didn't really get rid of your memories. They just suppressed them really deep, I think I can get you to remember them much faster. But not all at once”
  244. >You had talked in her voice, she had possessed you!
  245. >Oh fuck!
  246. “Hey don't freak out on me now I just wanna help! I'll be done in a moment”
  247. >You force yourself to calm down a bit
  248. >You also feel a pressure relieve itself in your mind that you didn't notice was there
  249. >The filly jumps out of you and looks back at you
  250. >”That should do it, you'll remember everything after a bit”
  251. “Warn a guy next time!”
  252. >”There won't be a next time, I'm all set to move on now. You're welcome by the way”
  253. “Oh, uh. Thanks”
  254. >She smiles sadly at you, then sits down and looks at the ground forlornly
  255. >”I didn't want to die, I had so much I wanted to do you know. I wanted to be a singer as long as I can remember. I'll never have the chance now”
  256. “What was your name?”
  257. >”My name was Graceful Melody”
  258. “It's a nice name”
  259. >It was a pretty silly name really but all pony names sound kinda dumb to you anyway
  260. >”Thanks”
  261. >Without another word she disappears in a small burst of light
  262. “Well that was weird, I think I've had enough weirdness for today. I'm going to bed now”
  263. >And go to bed you do
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