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Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. (11:41) < mod6> i started my new blockchain pull at the same time as trying to update urbit.
  2. (11:41) < mod6> i'm on block 180,000. if that finishes ad gets up to block 260,00 i'll laugh
  3. (11:42) < mod6> or cry for you maybe :>
  4. (11:42) < mod6> s/26,000/260,000/
  5. (11:42) (!) jtauber [~jtauber@] has joined #urbit
  6. (11:46) ��� mnemnion would like to see Ripple integration in Urbit ASAP
  7. (11:46) < mnemnion> ~foobar-bazbux owes ~lusnec-texbad 500 Simoleons
  8. (11:47) < fftw> allrighta, after re-cloning and re-making I have the ~zod's answer
  9. (11:47) < jpt4> I prefer colored coin over Ripple as a generic means of exchange.
  10. (11:47) < fftw> or rather "Waiting...." absence :)
  11. (11:47) < mod6> xrp?! eek
  12. (11:47) < mtp> zod, yes, but how about doznec
  13. (11:47) < mod6> why not btc?!?!
  14. (11:47) < mod6> xrp is a scam
  15. (11:48) < mnemnion> cash is kinda boring. credit is interesting.
  16. (11:48) < mnemnion> xrp is perhaps the weak point. we'll see.
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