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Apr 11th, 2012
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  2. Country Number of Hosts
  3. United States 7955
  4. Germany 1365
  5. Russian Federation 1154
  6. Canada 1056
  7. United Kingdom 1016
  8. Australia 593
  9. Poland 548
  10. Ukraine 481
  11. Netherlands 424
  12. Sweden 356
  13. China 341
  14. European Union 298
  15. France 267
  16. Finland 252
  17. Italy 208
  18. Spain 186
  19. Brazil 184
  20. Switzerland 156
  21. Czech Republic 147
  22. Bulgaria 141
  23. Romania 138
  24. Argentina 132
  25. Norway 132
  26. Austria 121
  27. Denmark 121
  28. New Zealand 111
  29. Israel 95
  30. Belgium 90
  31. Belarus 88
  32. Ireland 87
  33. Malaysia 80
  34. Mexico 79
  35. South Africa 77
  36. Portugal 73
  37. Hungary 70
  38. Greece 61
  39. Serbia 58
  40. Thailand 56
  41. Lithuania 55
  42. Slovenia 52
  43. Hong Kong 51
  44. Japan 48
  45. India 48
  46. Singapore 44
  47. Indonesia 39
  48. Latvia 39
  49. Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic) 39
  50. Colombia 37
  51. Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC) 33
  52. Estonia 33
  53. Philippines 30
  54. Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska) 29
  55. Venezuela 27
  56. Viet Nam 27
  57. Bosnia and Herzegowina 23
  58. Kazakhstan 23
  59. Chile 22
  60. Korea Republic of 22
  61. Georgia 21
  62. Turkey 20
  63. Moldova Republic of 19
  64. Luxembourg 18
  65. United Arab Emirates 16
  66. Iceland 14
  67. Cyprus 14
  68. Macedonia 12
  69. Saudi Arabia 10
  70. Peru 10
  71. Egypt 9
  72. Dominican Republic 9
  73. Nicaragua 8
  74. Nigeria 8
  75. Macau 7
  76. Kuwait 7
  77. Pakistan 7
  78. Ecuador 6
  79. Trinidad and Tobago 6
  80. Bangladesh 5
  81. Guatemala 5
  82. Montenegro 5
  83. Kenya 5
  84. Panama 4
  85. Paraguay 4
  86. Lebanon 4
  87. El Salvador 4
  88. Albania 4
  89. Ghana 4
  90. Qatar 4
  91. Brunei Darussalam 4
  92. Malta 4
  93. Reserved 3
  94. Guam 3
  95. Algeria 3
  96. Belize 3
  97. Mongolia 3
  98. Costa Rica 3
  99. Sri Lanka 3
  100. Jersey 3
  101. Bolivia 3
  102. Tunisia 3
  103. Bahamas 3
  104. Puerto Rico 2
  105. Barbados 2
  106. Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of) 2
  107. Senegal 2
  108. Jordan 2
  109. Armenia 2
  110. Zimbabwe 2
  111. French Polynesia 2
  112. Jamaica 2
  113. Kyrgyzstan 1
  114. Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1
  115. Syrian Arab Republic 1
  116. Oman 1
  117. Guyana 1
  118. Netherlands Antilles 1
  119. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 1
  120. Yemen 1
  121. San Marino 1
  122. Greenland 1
  123. Myanmar 1
  124. Faroe Islands 1
  125. Guernsey 1
  126. Cameroon 1
  127. Palestinian Territory Occupied 1
  128. Gibraltar 1
  129. New Caledonia 1
  130. Antigua and Barbuda 1
  131. Isle of Man 1
  132. Cambodia 1
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