
(AiE) Dreamscape - Part 1

May 4th, 2014
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  1. prose:
  3. ----
  4. >Ba-Thump
  5. >Ba-Thump
  6. >Ba-Thump
  7. >You catch the small ball in your hand and toss it back against the marble wall.
  8. >Ba-Thump
  9. "Uuugh. Why is this so boring!"
  10. >You lay back in your bed, adorned in fabric of the highest quality, in a room that could be big enough to be it's own small apartment.
  11. >Tossing the ball into the air over your head, you catch it in your right hand without really focusing on it.
  12. >Let's review the basics again; you think to yourself.
  13. >One, your name is Anonymous.
  14. >You throw the ball into the air with one hand and catch it with the opposite hand.
  15. >Two, at your very fingertips is any sort of food that you would want, an endless supply of classic literature, as well as the resources to begin attempting any hobby that you could possibly want.
  16. >With a light toss, the ball bounces off the golden headboard of your bed, emblazoned with an insignia of the sun and the moon, and lands on your stomach.
  17. >Three, you live in a magical world of colored ponies that all love you and want nothing more than to talk to you.
  18. >Plus, the ruler of the country, Princess Celestia, is pretty cool.
  19. >Her sister, Princess Luna, is cute too.
  20. >Most of the time, they are off doing their Princess duties.
  21. >Whatever -that- is.
  22. >Which leaves you alone most of the time.
  23. >You toss the ball against the post of the bed, but instead of bouncing back to you, it rolls out the door of the bedroom and into the hall.
  24. >Great.
  25. >Now you have to get up.
  26. >Rising to your feet, you step out into the hall and pocket the ball.
  27. >Maybe a walk around the castle would be what you need to get some sort of mental stimulation.
  28. >Walking through the decorated, ornate halls of Canterlot castle is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, that most ponies in this world travel far and wide to experience just once.
  29. >You just call the layout confusing as hell.
  30. >Seriously!
  31. >Who in their right mind keeps the kitchen so far away from the bedrooms.
  32. >What are these ponies? Animals?
  33. >You remind yourself not to answer your own question.
  34. >It's not healthy.
  35. >As you stroll through the halls, you notice two guards walking past.
  36. "Hey fellas."
  37. >"Yes sir, Anonymous."
  38. "Guys. I've already told you, call me Anon."
  39. >The guards look to each other in confusion.
  40. >"Uh, sir, no you haven't."
  41. "Well shit, I can't tell any of you apart. You all look the same to me. What's your name?" you ask, pointing to the closer guard.
  42. >"Uhm. It's Brave, sir. Brave-"
  43. "I'm going to call you Dude from now on. Alright dude?"
  44. >The other guard snickers as Dude furrows his brow.
  45. >"Sure thing Anon."
  46. "Perfect. Anyway, how many days has it been since Celestia left?"
  47. >The guards look to each other.
  48. >"Uh. She just left this morning."
  49. >You stare at them silently.
  50. "I don't like it when you lie to me dude."
  51. >"Sir, I'm serious."
  52. >You shake your head and rub your forehead.
  53. "Fine. I'll just find something to do to occupy my time."
  54. >"Sir, we would like to remind you that the Princess specifically ordered to not let you into the kitchens."
  55. "Yeah, yeah. I know. No cooking. I get it."
  57. >You examine a chicken egg closely.
  58. >How DO you get these things open.
  59. >Look down at the pan.
  60. >Back to the egg.
  61. >Pan.
  62. >Egg.
  63. >Easy.
  64. >You smash the egg in the pan, shattering the shell and splattering egg white on the stove.
  65. "Perfect!"
  66. >Stupid guards.
  67. >You aren't -that- bad of a cook.
  68. >How were you supposed to know that cooking a cake at 700 for ten minutes, isn't the same as 350 for 20 minutes.
  69. >It's simple math.
  70. >You bet that they have made the same mistake .
  71. >It will be fine though, you can't possibly mess up your current plan.
  72. >Eggs and toast.
  73. >What could possibly go wrong?
  75. "I DIDN'T DO IT!"
  76. >You run screaming from the kitchen as the fire burns out of control and the guards run in with water hoses.
  77. >"Anonymous! Get back here!" The guards call as they chase after you.
  78. >As you nope your way down the hall, you enter the first set of double doors out of the sight of the guards.
  79. >Slamming them shut, you hold your back against the door as tightly as you hold your breath.
  80. >You close your eyes and focus your hearing.
  81. >Listening outside, you hear the guards gallop by and stop, looking around.
  82. >"Where'd he go!" One masculine voice calls out.
  83. >"Spread out, he can't have gone far," another replies.
  84. >Sliding down the door, you sit quietly, hoping they don't hear you.
  85. >If they caught you, that means there might be punishment for your actions.
  86. >A severe punishment.
  87. >Like cleaning.
  88. >You hate cleaning.
  89. >Almost as much as you hate being bored.
  90. >Opening your eyes, you look around the room that you've entered.
  91. >It seems to be a small private study, with a few well padded chairs, a desk and walls lined with books.
  92. >One well-placed fireplace and a few tasteful animal heads and you might think that this room was out of some murder-mystery story.
  93. >"Good Morning Anonymous," States a cool, feminine tone.
  94. >You place a finger to your lips, as you look at Princess Luna, who sits quietly, reading a book.
  95. >"Are they searching for -you-, Anonymous?" She asks in a more reserved tone.
  96. "Naaww. I just wanted to have a run around the castle a bit. Get some exercise. Read some books and be a productive member of society."
  97. >"Did you go into the kitchen again?" Luna asks bluntly.
  98. >With a groan, you listen closely as the hoofsteps begin to die down.
  99. "Why does nobody want me to cook?!" You whisper in annoyance.
  100. >Luna rises from her seat and strolls to the doors of the room and picks you up with her magic.
  101. >The cold, tingly sensation sends shivers down your skin.
  102. "Hey! Put me down." You attempt to command the Princess of the Night.
  103. >Luna opens the doors and steps outside.
  104. >"Guards. We have found him," She confidently shouts to everypony in a fifty mile radius.
  105. "DAMN IT LUNA. Screw you and your third person references!" you proclaim.
  106. >The guards immediately approach her, out of breath and bowing.
  107. >"Thank you, Princess. We can handle it from here."
  108. "Oh come on dude, cut me some slack."
  109. >"I thought I was dude." One guard says disappointedly.
  110. >"Look! Now you hurt his feelings. Luna, let us take this human to the dungeon," The head guard asks.
  111. >"We do not believe that should be necessary. We shall handle the human's punishment."
  112. >The guards nod.
  113. >"Yes, your highness," They answer in unison.
  114. >With a deep reverent bow, they leave you to struggle and wave your arms as you hang in mid-air.
  115. >"Stop struggling."
  116. "No!"
  117. >"Stop."
  118. "No!"
  119. >"Please?" She asks politely.
  120. >With a groan, you fold your arms as you hang upside down in mid-air.
  121. "Fine."
  122. >Luna steps back inside, levitating you along with her and closing the doors behind you.
  123. "Alright. So what do I have to do? If it's cleaning I'll stage a revolution like the sort you've never-"
  124. >"Like when we tried to rebel against our sister over 1000 years ago Anonymous?" Luna teases.
  125. "Better than that!"
  126. >"We are sure you mean the truth," The Princess smiles with a hint of sarcasm, letting you float back to the ground.
  127. >Standing back up, you stretch to try and shake off the feeling that magic leaves on your skin.
  128. >It's almost like being coated in some form of cold, tingly lotion.
  129. >"No Anonymous. We... I simply wish to speak with you," Luna states clearly, sitting back down in her chair.
  130. >She motions you to sit in the chair across from you and instantly something feels wrong.
  131. >This doesn't seem right.
  132. >The princess of the night wants to talk to you.
  133. >One on one.
  134. >While her sister is away and right after you turned the kitchens into a fiery inferno of eggs and toast.
  135. >She must want the D.
  136. >You strut to the chair and sit down, folding your legs and placing your head in your hands in a way that seems non-nonchalant, but you are exposing your good side.
  137. "Ask me anything. It's my privilege," You reply in a sultry tone.
  138. >"Alright then. First, you have to stop that. It's ridiculous," She states, suppressing a giggle the best she can.
  139. >She resisted your god-like charm!
  140. >This is truly a mare of great tastes.
  141. >You like that.
  142. "Alright. What's up."
  143. >"What do you do for... -fun- around here," She asks innocently.
  144. >Your eyes open wide and you stare at her.
  145. "Uh. Seriously?" You ask.
  146. >She nods her head sincerely.
  147. "Well. Uh. I dunno. I try to find things to do all the time, but I mean, you can only prank Celestia so much until her hair catches on fire like the sun, and-"
  148. >"You've -pranked- my sister?" The Princess asks, shocked.
  149. "Oh yeah. Loads of times. Like..."
  151. >You do your best to contain a giggle as you watch Celestia being served her morning meal.
  152. >"Thank you," She states reverently to the waitress pony that brings out the silver platter.
  153. >The silver platter is lifted slowly to reveal a medley of mixed greens.
  154. >Using her golden magic, she lifts the salt and pepper shaker to her breakfast, just like every other morning.
  155. >Carefully, she tips the salt shaker towards the mixed greens and lightly seasons the morning meal.
  156. >Your smile is wider than it should be for a normal morning, so you bury your face with cereal.
  157. >"Did you sleep well Anon?"
  158. "Fwibe," You answer with a mouth full of corn flakes. "You?"
  159. >"Very well," She answers with a calm, happy tone.
  160. >She picks up the fork with her magic and stabs a few green leaves and brings it to her mouth.
  161. >They enter her mouth slowly.
  162. >She bites down.
  163. >Chews for a minute.
  164. >Then swallows.
  165. >The room goes deafly silent.
  166. >"This is exceptional today! I think this will be a great day!"
  167. >She raises a cup of coffee to her lips and takes a deep gulp.
  168. >The cup is then thrown across the room at the speed of sound as she leaps to her hooves.
  169. >"What is this! WHO WOULD DO THIS!" She screams at the top of her lungs, pushing ponies away like basketballs colliding with a freight train.
  170. >Celestia screams bloody murder for a glass of water, as you desperately gasp for breath from laughter.
  172. >"You filled the coffee with hot sauce!" Luna asks in aghast.
  173. "Yep. She totally flipped her lid."
  174. >Luna erupts into a laughter that fills the entire room.
  175. >"That is priceless. Oh how I've missed seeing our sister pranked on occasion. Discord didn't -always- used to be a bad fellow after all," She giggles, wiping a tear from her eye.
  176. "Well, maybe we could totally stage a few pranks when she gets back."
  177. >"Yes. We must," The royal alicorn answers. "I remember one time I pranked dear sister..."
  179. >Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sit serenely in the royal garden, reading peacefully with a small loaf of fresh bread.
  180. >Luna looks up at her sister, who wears a wide smile as she reads letters from her most faithful student.
  181. >A gently navy blue glow as she quietly snickers to herself.
  182. >The moon rises up high over the horizon and covers the sun, shrouding Celestia in dark and leaving you in perfect reading light.
  183. >Celestia looks up to the partial eclipse, then looks back at Luna with a frown on her face.
  184. >"Really?" She asks rhetorically.
  186. "Really?" You ask in surprise.
  187. >"Yes! Her face was priceless," Luna says, laughing at her own joke.
  188. "I'm... surprised," You answer the Princess. "I didn't see you as a practical joker."
  189. >"Neither did I, and it's so dreadfully boring in this castle."
  190. "I know! I mean. I totally didn't wanna say it first, and I don't mean anything against you or Celestia or anything, but this place sucks."
  191. >Luna snickers to herself.
  192. >"I completely understand."
  193. >You furrow your brow for a moment.
  194. >Wait a minute.
  195. "Hold on. Don't you have Princess stuff you should be doing?"
  196. >Luna's bright demeanor dampens as she lets out a sigh.
  197. >"It's remarkable that since my return, sister has been... unwilling to pass down many of her responsibilities. She prefers a more hooves-on approach to ruling Equestria."
  198. >Sitting back in your chair, a new question sits on the tip of your lips.
  199. "Then what do you even do?" You ask.
  200. >"A lot of reading. I have clear responsibilities for the moon, but otherwise I've taken my evening hours to dreamwalk amoung the citizens of Equestria."
  201. "Oh okay. That makes sense. I mean perfectly logical," You state as if you know exactly what she is talking about.
  202. >Luna stares at you as if expecting a question.
  203. >You can't give in.
  204. >Just act like you know.
  205. >"I mean... it's quite fun you know," She eggs you on.
  206. "I can only imagine," You answer flatly.
  207. >A moment of silence passes and Luna lightly sips a cup of tea.
  208. "Okay. What the fuck is dreamwalking?"
  209. >"I thought you would never ask." Luna smiles widely.
  210. >She leans inward to you with a wide smile.
  211. >"Want to try it?" She asks deviously.
  212. "Is this some kind of drug? Crack is whack Luna. Just say no."
  213. >"Oh. Nothing of the sort," She explains. "It's simply magic."
  214. "Not really helping your case."
  215. >Luna laughs and shakes her head.
  216. >"No Anonymous. Using a magic spell I can enter the dreams of other ponies. This way I can help them to learn some sort of truth about themselves or discover something they may never have discovered on their own. Dreams are very interesting things."
  217. "It's a good thing I don't dream then," You scoff.
  218. >She raises her eyebrow with a sly smile.
  219. >"Three nights ago."
  220. "Don't you dare," You warn her, knowing the exact dream she was referring to.
  221. >Luna shakes her head with a smile.
  222. >"It's fine if you think of me that way Anon... I don't mind."
  223. >Beads of sweat form on your brow.
  224. "How many of my dreams have you seen?" You ask fearfully.
  225. >"Oh... not many, but when you sleep talk, I can only get so curious before I go see for myself," She mentions flirtatiously.
  226. >You stare at her stone faced.
  227. "That's a massive invasion of privacy," You state.
  228. >"It's all how you look at it Anonymous," She answers, sipping her tea.
  229. "You do this to just... anyone?"
  230. >"Any-pony," She corrects you.
  231. "Then you play with their dreams."
  232. >Luna nods her head.
  233. >You stare at her even harder.
  234. "That is the god damned coolest thing ever."
  235. >Luna smiles and nods her head.
  236. "I mean. Shit. You could do literally ANYTHING you wanted. You could make the dream ridiculous or terrifying or-"
  237. >"This power cannot be used lightly Anonymous," Luna backtracks.
  238. "You went into my sex dream."
  239. >"You were moaning my name."
  240. >The two of you squint at each other.
  241. "Point taken."
  242. >The two of you sit in silence, awkwardly looking at each other.
  243. "Well. If we can't mess with other ponies dreams. What can we do for fun?" You ask.
  244. >Luna rubs a hoof on her chin and thinks to herself.
  245. >"Well there has been something I've been wanting to try, but it wouldn't be easy."
  246. >You turn and give her your full attention once more.
  247. >"I've wanted to try to enter a lucid dream," She states.
  248. "Oh yeah. That would be really interesting," You answer blankly.
  249. >"You have no idea what that is do you." She smiles.
  250. "What? Is it painted on my face or something? Goddamn."
  251. >She shakes her head.
  252. >"A lucid dream is a dream that the dreamer -knows- they are having. So they can control what happens in it."
  253. >You think to yourself.
  254. "So, essentially, we could both control the dream."
  255. >"Precisely."
  256. "But who would be more powerful in that dream?" You ask.
  257. >"I'm not sure... that's what I want to know. My powers are strong... but are they stronger than the dreamer's mind?" She asks openly.
  258. >You stare at her.
  259. >She stares at you.
  260. "Well, how do I have a lucid dream?"
  263. >"Are you sure you are ready to try this Anonymous?" Luna asks, standing in your room next your bed.
  264. "It's not like we got anything better to do than test my very limits of my sanity by letting someone into my mind and attempt to control my thoughts."
  265. >She stares at you curiously, then shrugs her shoulders.
  266. >"Alright. Just like I taught you," She calmly says.
  267. >You close your eyes and attempt to visualize the area you want to go.
  268. >Just a boring white room.
  269. >A simple cube with no doors or windows.
  270. >Start there.
  271. >You feel your body become heavy, as if the gravitational pull on you were stronger.
  272. >Every aspect of this room feels real to you.
  273. >The size, the shape, where you are standing.
  274. >Just focus on your breathing.
  275. >Soon, your body begins to feel light.
  276. >Gently, you reopen your eyes and you find yourself in a simple white room, with no distinguishable features.
  277. >Spinning around, you are surprised that Luna had not joined you in the dream yet.
  278. >Oh well.
  279. >You can always have some fun in the meantime.
  280. >Mustering the majority of your mental power, you strain yourself to envision an object.
  281. >Taking a deep breath in, you focus on the items existence.
  282. >It's shape, it's feel, the way it acts remain focused and resolute in your mind.
  283. >With a deep breath out, you envision the object in your hand.
  284. >Then it is.
  285. >A small ball sits in your hand.
  286. >Perfect.
  287. >You toss the ball at a nearby wall.
  288. >Ba-Thump
  289. >Ba-Thump
  290. >Ba-Thump
  291. >"You have the realm of infinite possibilities at your fingertips and you make a ball." Princess Luna asks in amazement.
  292. "So what?" You answer.
  293. >Ba-Thump
  294. >Then it registers.
  295. "About time you got here. What should we try first?"
  296. >"Well, I propose a duel."
  297. >Ba-Thump
  298. "Go on," You reply.
  299. >"You begin to create a part of the dream, then I will attempt to change it."
  300. >Ba-Thump
  301. "Alright. What determines the winner?"
  302. >"If I can't change a part of your dream, you are the winner. Otherwise, I am the winner." Luna answers confidently.
  303. >Ba-Thump
  304. "Fair enough. What are the stakes?"
  305. >"Stakes?"
  306. >You turn to Luna with a sly smile.
  307. "Right. What happens if I win."
  308. >Luna thinks hard to herself, darting her eyes around.
  309. >"If I win... You have to clean my room."
  310. "Nope. Too dangerous."
  311. >"But I haven't even-"
  312. "Can't risk it. Deal off."
  313. >"Anon-"
  314. "I'm not cleaning your room."
  315. >"Then take me on a date!"
  316. >You stare at the blushing navy blue alicorn, who looks away.
  317. >"I-I mean. If you win, I suppose I'll go on a date with you."
  318. >With a raised eyebrow and an adequate prize in sight, a little cleaning might be worth the effort.
  319. "Deal."
  320. >You reel your arm back and throw the ball as hard as you can at the white floor.
  321. >On impact, the white floor shatters like glass and leaves the two of you falling through black space.
  322. >The two of you fall faster and faster as Luna folds her hooves, waiting for you to impress her.
  323. >Focusing your thoughts, the two of you slow your descent and softly land on a small patch of grass in the dark.
  324. >You extend your hand to Luna, still focusing your vision.
  325. "A twirl?"
  326. >Luna smiles and takes your hand.
  327. >She stands on two hooves as you twirl her slowly.
  328. >As she does, you bring the meadow filled with white flowers to life, underneath a star studded night sky and illuminated by a bright full moon.
  329. >Luna looks around at the vast unending landscape and smiles.
  330. >"Starting out easy I see?"
  331. "Hold on."
  332. >A light breeze flows through the meadow, causing each individual flower to sway in it's own particular pattern.
  333. >Ripples appear in the waves of blooming white plants.
  334. >"What flowers are these?" Luna asks you.
  335. "On Earth, scientists called them Daturas."
  336. >Luna looks over them carefully, picking one up.
  337. "However, they only bloom at night, so I call them moonflowers."
  338. >Luna picks one up and sniffs it.
  339. >"I will remember these... moon flowers," She smiles.
  340. >Luna levitates the flower in midair and it multiplies into a full bouquet.
  341. >"But still, an easy dream to change. You will have to try harder if you want to win Anon."
  342. "Oh, trust me. We've only just started.
  343. >Reaching your hand up, you grab the moon with your hand, and pull it down to you.
  344. >It's really only about the size of your hand.
  345. >You spin the moon on your finger as you raise one of your hands up in the sky.
  346. >Over the horizon, the sun slowly rises, basking the field in a warm orange glow.
  347. >"Simple tricks aren't going to get you anywhere Anon~" Luna teases.
  348. >She takes the moon from your hands with her magic and pushes it back into the sky, next to the sun.
  349. >With her magic, she pushes the two together and creates a blinding solar eclipse.
  350. >You shield your eyes from the bright light.
  351. >Reaching up to grab the moon again, you find it's out of reach.
  352. >Luna yawns on her royal horseshoe and shines it on her soft fur.
  353. >"Give up?"
  354. "Not even close."
  355. >Pulling another ball from your hand, you aim to the sky and throw the ball as hard as you can.
  356. >The ball rockets into the sky, and seems to freeze.
  357. >A small black shadow remains in the sky in the shadow of the solar eclipse.
  358. >Gravity does it's job and returns it back to your position, but it grows larger and larger as it nears the ground.
  359. >The small meteor begins to blaze with fire as it comes closer and closer to where you stand.
  360. >You and Luna simply stand, watching each other in a game of chicken.
  361. >It's a dream.
  362. >It can't actually hurt you.
  363. >Or at least, you will feel it in the dream, but as long as you remember it's a dream, it won't hurt you.
  364. >The fiery ball collides with the earth and the ground beneath you tremors.
  365. >As the ground shakes, it elevates, pushing you and Luna high into the sky on a newly forming hill.
  366. >The center of the hill begins to hollow out and fill with hot, red molten magma.
  367. >Smoke floats from the magma into the air, making the princess blink soot out of her eyes.
  368. >Taking the opportunity, you grab the moon and throw it to the other side of the sky, removing the blinding light from the scenery.
  369. >The landscape lies parted between half day and half night, with an active volcano marking the center between the two lands.
  370. >Luna steps out of the way of the smoke and looks over the land you have created.
  371. >She nods to herself.
  372. >"Not bad. Very complex, two ecosystems combined with day and night at the same time. I'll concede one point to you."
  373. >Bowing deeply with a smirk, you attest to your creation.
  374. "Why thank you."
  375. >"But, creating the dream is only a small part of the challenge." Luna adds.
  376. >Her horn glows in dark blue magic as the magma inside the volcano bubbles viciously.
  377. >A deep guttural roar sounds from deep within the volcano and the ground resumes it's shaking.
  378. >Turning to view the center of the creation, a massive dark red form launches from the inside into the air.
  379. >With two massive spiked wings and a long red tail, it flies into the sky and shrouds itself in the smoke.
  380. >A dragon?
  381. >That's the biggest dragon you've ever seen!
  382. >The massive beast hovers in the air and lets out another ear-splitting roar.
  383. >Well, it's the only dragon you've ever seen, but that's not the point.
  384. >Looks like you have to slay this thing.
  385. >Luna smiles and watches as she controls the dragon's movements with her horn.
  386. >You quickly imagine yourself a set of armor with two small holes in the back as well as a ridiculously oversized greatsword for your combat.
  387. >Picking up the sword, it feels as light as air.
  388. >Perfect.
  389. >If you are going to imagine things, you might as well as imagine it in your favor.
  390. >Just one last thing.
  391. >You sprint to the Princess of the night and firmly grip her wings.
  392. "Hey, I'm going to barrow these. Kay thanks."
  393. >"What?"
  394. >With a tug, her wings pop off with ease and you attach them to your back.
  395. >"Anon! You reattach those this-"
  396. "Don't care. Kill a dragon."
  397. >Grabbing your sword, you flap your new wings and take off into the sky.
  398. >The air breezes by you as you ascend higher and higher into the air.
  399. >The dragon roars at you and swipes it's claws, narrowly missing you.
  400. >Luna's powerful wings allow you to navigate the air on a dime and evade the dragon's attacks with ease.
  401. >The beast roars, while swinging it's massive spiked tail at you.
  402. >You gasp when you finally see the attack.
  403. >In an attempt to evade the spikes, you dive down.
  404. >A large gust of air signals that you just barely avoided the attack.
  405. >Swinging your sword, you flap your wings and head straight on towards the dragon while it's back is turned.
  406. >As you reach the base of the wing, you bring the sword down on the tightly knit scales.
  407. >The metal sinks through and you feel the softness of the dragon's flesh underneath, as it leaks a light green blood.
  408. >The beast roars in anger, and his left wing can't flap with the same power that it was able to.
  409. >Leaping off the dragon, you see the tail swing back to slap it's back.
  410. >You deftly avoid the blow as it smashes into where you just stood.
  411. >The beast spins in the air and breaths in deep.
  412. >It points it's face at you as you attempt to put some distance between you and your enemy.
  413. >A torrent of fire erupts from the dragon's mouth, forcing you to dive lower to evade the blast.
  414. >The intense heat warms your skin as the attack edges closer and closer to you.
  415. >Flapping your wings as hard as you can, you manage to evade the attack as the dragon runs out of breath.
  416. >Seizing your opportunity, you fly around to the dragon's back one last time.
  417. >Targeting the already damaged wing, you sink your sword inside and push it through to the other side.
  418. >A deafening roar fills your ears as you leap off the dragon.
  419. >The air flies by you as you attempt to get out of attack range of the beast.
  420. >It attempts to stay afloat with his one usable wing, but falls steadily from the sky.
  421. >With a mighty quake, the dragon collides with the side of the volcano, and lies still.
  422. "YEAH! Get wrecked nerd," You yell at your slain foe.
  423. >You dive back to the volcano, as Luna scoffs.
  424. "How was that."
  425. >"A lucky break."
  426. >You smirk at the Princess of the Night.
  427. "So is that a point for me then?"
  428. >Suddenly, you are engulfed in a fiery inferno of fire, covering your skin in black soot and royally messing up your hair.
  429. >Luna laughs haughtily as you blink from the unexpected attack.
  430. >"Always finish your opponent Anon. Point to me."
  431. >You groan and shake yourself off.
  432. >Planting your weapon in the ground, you fold your arms.
  433. "Alright. Winner take all then. What's next?"
  434. >"The wings first Anon." Luna says flatly.
  435. >You flap Luna's wings on your back and examine them.
  436. "But I was just starting to like them."
  437. >With a pop, Luna's magic removes them from your back and returns them to their proper home.
  438. >"Ahhh. Much better. Now then," She answers, flapping her returned wings.
  439. >"Lastly, We will try misdirection."
  440. >Luna walks away from you, but begins to grow two more horns.
  441. >Which turns into three heads.
  442. >Then three necks...
  443. >Three identical Lunas stand directly in front of you.
  444. >You groan.
  445. "This is going to suck."
  446. >With a wave of your hand, the delicately crafted landscape disappears and you and the three Lunas are replaced in the solid, white room.
  447. >"So, Anon. Which Luna is the real one?" The three say in unison.
  448. >You look over the three very carefully, walking around each of them in circles.
  449. >All of them are navy blue.
  450. >All of them have the same starry mane.
  451. >All of them wear the same jewelery.
  452. >As well as have dat ass.
  453. >You stand in front of them, as the three each eye you carefully.
  454. "You all look exactly the same."
  455. >One of the Luna's smile, another giggles while the other watches you with a stone-faced expression.
  456. "So, I have to figure out a way to lure it out of you."
  457. >You reach into your pocket and pull out a small ball.
  458. >Tossing it on the ground, it ricochets back into your hand.
  459. >Ba-thump.
  460. "What city do you all live in?"
  461. >"Canterlot," They answer in unison.
  462. >Ba-thump.
  463. "Well that won't work."
  464. >"What's wrong Anon?"
  465. >"Not sure?" A different one asks.
  466. >"Ready to give up?" The last Luna asks teasingly.
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