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Apr 20th, 2015
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  1. [17:55] Maxwell Rodgers: anywho, you like my title?
  2. [17:55] Maxwell Rodgers: its a literal title
  3. [17:55] Nashua Click: Which Gods have you killed
  4. [17:56] Maxwell Rodgers: all
  5. [17:56] Mama Miel: how?
  6. [17:56] Maxwell Rodgers: and any who stand in my way
  7. [17:56] Mama Miel: maybe mankind can benefit from it . . . if you show them how to?
  8. [17:56] Maxwell Rodgers: well, you see, all God or Gods are based on a belief system
  9. [17:56] Maxwell Rodgers: its true that it can help
  10. [17:56] Maxwell Rodgers: and benifit mankind
  11. [17:57] Maxwell Rodgers: but if abused or used for personal gain, then its not a good thing
  12. [17:57] Maxwell Rodgers: so
  13. [17:57] Mama Miel: don't you think death is a bad thing as well
  14. [17:57] Maxwell Rodgers: death is a part of living
  15. [17:57] Mama Miel: the death of ideas . . . . . . . .
  16. [17:58] Mama Miel: ah. i see. yes.
  17. [17:58] Maxwell Rodgers: i feel that people can have their ideas
  18. [17:58] Maxwell Rodgers: its part of being alive and sentient
  19. [17:58] Mama Miel: that's right. that's very true.\
  20. [17:58] Maxwell Rodgers: i believe in the truth
  21. [17:59] Maxwell Rodgers: lemme put it this way
  22. [17:59] Maxwell Rodgers: everything has a source
  23. [17:59] Maxwell Rodgers: would you agree?
  24. [17:59] Mama Miel: Yeah. definitely.
  25. [17:59] Maxwell Rodgers: what if you could talk to that exact source
  26. [18:00] Mama Miel: hmm. I don't know.
  27. [18:00] Mama Miel: what if?
  28. [18:00] Maxwell Rodgers: well, i can
  29. [18:00] Maxwell Rodgers: and have
  30. [18:00] Mama Miel: wow?
  31. [18:00] Mama Miel: tell me more
  32. [18:00] Maxwell Rodgers: well, its very simple, it only wants to better us as a life form
  33. [18:00] Mama Miel: what does it plan to do.
  34. [18:00] Mama Miel: will it hurt us. . . ?
  35. [18:00] Maxwell Rodgers: not us as humans, but as out souls
  36. [18:01] Maxwell Rodgers: not at all
  37. [18:01] Mama Miel: wow.
  38. [18:01] Maxwell Rodgers: it wont intervene either
  39. [18:01] Mama Miel: did it tell you
  40. [18:01] Mama Miel: how we can improve
  41. [18:01] Maxwell Rodgers: says we have to learn
  42. [18:01] Mama Miel: what can we learn. . . . .
  43. [18:01] Maxwell Rodgers: the exact words were "in time"
  44. [18:01] Mama Miel: no!
  45. [18:01] Mama Miel: i want to know now!
  46. [18:02] Maxwell Rodgers: cant, then we wouldnt have learned anything
  47. [18:02] Mama Miel: ):
  48. [18:02] Mama Miel: why?
  49. [18:02] Maxwell Rodgers: cause we need to learn and experenxe for ourselvs
  50. [18:02] Mama Miel: I hope I can find the truth
  51. [18:02] Maxwell Rodgers: our human bodies only go so far
  52. [18:03] Maxwell Rodgers: our souls/concousness will move on
  53. [18:03] Pascal 'The Omega' Lambert: o-o
  54. [18:03] Mama Miel: I'm scared.
  55. [18:03] Maxwell Rodgers: matter of fact, our brains are VERY primative
  56. [18:03] Maxwell Rodgers: i perosnally hate it
  57. [18:03] Maxwell Rodgers: so damn limited
  58. [18:03] Mama Miel: wow
  59. [18:04] Mama Miel: I didn't know
  60. [18:04] Mama Miel: what could we do
  61. [18:04] Maxwell Rodgers: we used to be able to move mountins just with a thought
  62. [18:04] Mama Miel: if we reached our true potential . . . ?
  63. [18:04] Mama Miel: ugh. what happened?
  64. [18:04] Maxwell Rodgers: and we comunicated by sharing our thoughts and emotions
  65. [18:04] Maxwell Rodgers: we never had written word
  66. [18:04] Maxwell Rodgers: well
  67. [18:04] Mama Miel: I can communicate by sharing my thoughts and emotions. can other people not do this?
  68. [18:04] Maxwell Rodgers: what happened is, we tripped
  69. [18:05] Maxwell Rodgers: yes
  70. [18:05] Maxwell Rodgers: many can
  71. [18:05] Maxwell Rodgers: we tripped and fell down
  72. [18:05] Mama Miel: from where?
  73. [18:05] Maxwell Rodgers: from enlighten ment
  74. [18:05] Maxwell Rodgers: it was such a fall that we forgot everything
  75. [18:05] Mama Miel: I hope we can get back. i want to turn into a dragon
  76. [18:06] Maxwell Rodgers: lol, well the next world you can do or be anything
  77. [18:06] Mama Miel: :)
  78. [18:06] Mama Miel: cool
  79. [18:06] Maxwell Rodgers: the first batch was in 1930
  80. [18:06] Maxwell Rodgers: the second batch was in 2012
  81. [18:06] Mama Miel: o.o
  82. [18:07] Maxwell Rodgers: batch for enlightenment
  83. [18:07] Maxwell Rodgers: to move on
  84. [18:07] Maxwell Rodgers: to ascend
  85. [18:07] Maxwell Rodgers: the funny thing is, people want proof, its all around us, where do you think people get these great ideas about fantasy things
  86. [18:07] Mama Miel: good point
  87. [18:09] Maxwell Rodgers: whelp, you have anice day V^___^V
  88. [18:09] Mama Miel: thanks for the enlightenment
  89. [18:09] Mama Miel: I feel blessed today
  90. [18:09] Maxwell Rodgers: YUP YUP
  91. [18:09] Mama Miel: i'm going to go pray
  92. [18:09] Maxwell Rodgers: V^___^V
  93. [18:09] Maxwell Rodgers: what ever floats your rootbeer
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