

Mar 18th, 2011
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  1. * dwm returns from the HWN DWM DRM
  2. <dwm> Uh, *RWM
  3. <RedHillian> WAT?
  4. <Pufferfish> BB|wfh: It might however be that the fabric was dyed in a way taht made it faster on one side of the roll than the other.
  5. * Pufferfish copy=protects dwm
  6. tea 'copies' dwm
  7. Beornwulf goes to shower
  8. --- Beornwulf is now known as HWNwulf
  9. <hikari> chmod 0666 dwm ?
  10. * dwm feels replicated.
  11. <dwm> hikari: The permissions mask of the beast.
  12. <hikari> It is indeed.
  13. <tea> hm. if I have a copy of dwm, I can presumably do perverse things with the copy and not have to worry about damaging the original
  14. <Tetsubin> tea: Is the a copy turing complete ?
  15. <dwm> ...
  16. <ZenGwen> Tetsubin: Got an email address you want me to send this to?
  17. <Tetsubin> ZenGwen:
  18. <ZenGwen> cool
  19. * Tetsubin bounces, soon comes taking over the world!
  20. <ZenGwen> sent
  21. <Penny> someone with a more sensible IRC client should quote that copying dwm conversation
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