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Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. 1:23 AM - sprog: still awake?
  2. 9:07 AM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: sup
  3. 10:40 AM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer is now Offline.
  4. 10:40 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  5. 10:40 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  6. 10:40 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  7. 10:40 AM - mix^ enigma has changed their name to sprog.
  8. 10:41 AM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer is now Away.
  9. 11:17 AM - sprog: okay
  10. 11:17 AM - sprog: so me and kalkin would like to come on fully charged
  11. 11:18 AM - sprog: to talk address the two problems robin brought up about our community/gamemode
  12. 11:18 AM - sprog: that
  13. 11:18 AM - sprog: 1) the game is too far removed from public play
  14. 11:19 AM - sprog: 2) the metagame shifts are too microscopic for the average player/viewer to appreciate (robin)
  15. 11:19 AM - sprog: and potential solutions to these problems and a process through which we can test these solutions
  16. 11:21 AM - sprog: the basic idea is to attempt the following changes
  17. 11:21 AM - sprog: 1) increase the variety in the map pool (2 of each type: ad/cp/koth/pl)
  18. 11:21 AM - sprog: 2) loosen class restrictions to 2 each
  19. 11:21 AM - sprog: 3) unban all unlocks by default
  20. 11:22 AM - sprog: we then TEST these changes in a new experimental tftv league
  21. 11:22 AM - sprog: which i have no doubt i can get people to sign up/participate in
  22. 11:22 AM - sprog: and to calm the debbie downers
  23. 11:23 AM - sprog: we iterate the point that this ruleset isn't necessarily final
  24. 11:23 AM - sprog: but rather a baseline we should use to reevaluate the way we play the game
  25. 11:23 AM - sprog: because we haven't taken a look at our fundamental ruleset in over 5 years
  26. 11:23 AM - sprog: even though the game has changed so much from when the rules were first set in place
  27. 11:24 AM - sprog: we pitch all this to you guys/the audience
  28. 11:25 AM - sprog: and address concerns/whatever
  29. 1:19 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: ok i wont be in town this week
  30. 1:19 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: poke cbear about it
  31. 1:19 PM - sprog: okay
  32. 1:19 PM - sprog: will you be here next?
  33. 1:19 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: possibly
  34. 1:19 PM - sprog: or the week after, ratehr
  35. 1:19 PM - sprog: what's your take on it
  36. 1:20 PM - sprog: would robin pay attention?
  37. 1:20 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: im fine with experimenting
  38. 1:20 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: i think robin wont pay attention to much except the results, especially if we can get one centralized, concise mechanism for collecting that
  39. 1:20 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: he might watch one or two but idk
  40. 1:21 PM - sprog: the idea is to use the league as proof-of-concept
  41. 1:21 PM - sprog: that that format _functions_ competitively
  42. 1:21 PM - sprog: and because it's not a big departure from the pub format
  43. 1:21 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: yeah its a good idea
  44. 1:21 PM - sprog: that it's worthwhile putting a 6v6 lobby system into the game
  45. 1:21 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: although imo
  46. 1:21 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: 1 of each class instead of 2
  47. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: but im sure youve thought about it
  48. 1:22 PM - sprog: i have
  49. 1:22 PM - sprog: there are ups and downs to both formats
  50. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: 2 meds?
  51. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: 2 demos?
  52. 1:22 PM - sprog: 2 meds is the furthest thing from my mind
  53. 1:22 PM - sprog: 2 demos is the biggest problem
  54. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: but would it be allowed is the question
  55. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: yeah
  56. 1:22 PM - sprog: and that could be alleviated by a very very simple nerf
  57. 1:22 PM - sprog: that should be in place already anyways
  58. 1:22 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: ?
  59. 1:22 PM - sprog: which is a 6 sticky max clip
  60. 1:23 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: ahh
  61. 1:23 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: yeah
  62. 1:23 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: could see htat.
  63. 1:23 PM - sprog: it makes absolutely no god damn sense that the demo has that much ammo at his disposal
  64. 1:23 PM - sprog: in 1 reload
  65. 1:23 PM - sprog: and it's something that's universally agreed upon
  66. 1:23 PM - sprog: by anyone in any context
  67. 1:23 PM - sprog: pubbers, competitive players, whoever
  68. 1:23 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: yeah
  69. 1:23 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: welp im all for it
  70. 1:24 PM - sprog: i just need someone vocal with a closer ear to valve
  71. 1:24 PM - sprog: so i'm hoping to wait until you can host a fully charged
  72. 1:24 PM - sprog: not just cbear alone
  73. 1:24 PM - sprog: if i wrote an email to robin directly, would he respond?
  74. 1:25 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: i dont know.
  75. 1:27 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: i would try making an email to him
  76. 1:27 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: and we can unveil the thing in 1.5 weeks on fc
  77. 1:27 PM - sprog: ok
  78. 1:27 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: get it all ready to go
  79. 1:27 PM - sprog: was planning on writing an article/proposal for all of this
  80. 1:27 PM - sprog: and release it before the FC same day
  81. 1:27 PM - sprog: but this just gives more time and hopefully affirmation from robin
  82. 1:28 PM - Viceroy Bubbles von Salamancer: indeed
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