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LaTeX code for Dan

a guest
Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. \documentclass[12pt]article \usepackagepalatino,url \begindocument \section*My first document This is a short example of a \LaTeX\ document I wrote on \today. It shows a few simple features of automated typesetting, including \beginitemize \item setting the default font size to 12pt; \item specifying ‘article’ type formatting; \item using the Palatino typeface; \item adding special formatting for URIs; \item formatting a heading in ‘section’ style; \item using the \LaTeX\ logo; \item generating today’s date; \item formatting a list of items; \item centering and italicizing; \item autonumbering the pages. \enditemize \subsection*More information This example was taken from ‘Formatting Information’, which you can download from \url and use as a teach-yourself guide. \begincenter \textitHave a nice day! \endcenter \enddocument
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