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Jul 6th, 2010
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  1. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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  3. <meta name="description" content="Editable JavaScript TreeGrid - TreeView or DataGrid with formatting, editing, dragging, scrolling, filtering, sorting, searching, export, Gantt chart and other capabilities"/>
  4. <meta name="keywords" content="treeview,treegrid,tree,grid,webgrid,datagrid,data,javascript,ajax,asp,net,java,xml,php,soap,saaj,submit,form,filter,validating,editable,drag,drop,dragging,rows,columns,stringgrid,excel,calculate,search,gantt,chart,sort"/>
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  34. <div class="TopVersion">Version 6.5</div>
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  49. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Gantt.html'>TreeGrid Gantt home</a></div>
  50. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href=''><b>Original EJS TreeGrid web</b></a></div>
  51. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href=''>Old EJS TreeGrid version <b>5.9</b></a></div>
  52. </div>
  54. <div id='MenuScroll' class='MenuScroll'>
  55. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='News.html'>News</a></div>
  56. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Description.html'>Description</a></div>
  58. <!-- Examples Gantt -->
  59. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='ExamplesGantt.html'>Live examples - charts</a></div>
  60. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Gantt/Gantt.html'>Gantt chart - project schedule</a></div>
  61. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Gantt/GanttSimple.html'>Simple Gantt chart</a></div>
  62. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Gantt/GanttBig.html'>Big Gantt chart with 1000 rows</a></div>
  63. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Gantt/GanttTree.html'>Gantt chart tree by grouping</a></div>
  64. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Gantt/GanttResources.html'>Resources usage chart</a></div>
  65. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/Run/Run.html'>Run chart - service schedule</a></div>
  66. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../ExamplesGantt/Html/LineChart/Chart.html'>Line chart and XY charts</a></div>
  68. <!-- Examples grid -->
  69. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Examples.html'>Live examples - grids</a></div>
  70. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/BasicAjax/First.html'>Complex grid - first example</a></div>
  71. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/BasicAjax/Books.html'>Multiline and images - books</a></div>
  72. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='ExamplePaging.html'>Large table with paging</a></div>
  73. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/BasicAjax/Large.html'>Large table without paging</a></div>
  74. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/ExtObjects/Flash.html'>Dynamic Adobe Flash</a></div>
  75. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/ExtObjects/SilverLight.html'>Dynamic Microsoft SilverLight</a></div>
  76. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Html/AppPivotTable/PivotTable.html'>PivotTable - dynamic creating</a></div>
  77. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='ExampleSchools.html'>Schools - list and ratings</a></div>
  78. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='ExampleBrowser.html'>File and directory browser</a></div>
  79. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='ExampleSharing.html'>Sharing and synchronisation</a></div>
  80. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href='Example1M.html'>1 000 000 rows table</a></div>
  82. <!-- Documentation -->
  83. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='../Doc/Index.html'>Online documentation</a></div>
  84. <div class='C' onclick='Expand(this)'><div class='N' onclick='Expand(this,1)'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html'>Documentation index</a></div></div>
  85. <div class='LevelHidden'>
  86. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Create'>Creating grid</a></div>
  87. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Cells'>Cells</a></div>
  88. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Types'>Individual cell types</a></div>
  89. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Columns'>Columns</a></div>
  90. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Rows'>Rows</a></div>
  91. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Features'>Features</a></div>
  92. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Gantt'>Gantt chart</a></div>
  93. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Chart'>Line and XY charts</a></div>
  94. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Paging'>Paging in grid</a></div>
  95. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Menu'>Popup menus and dialogs</a></div>
  96. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Index.html#Global'>Global settings</a></div>
  97. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Examples/Jsp/Framework/TreeGridFrameworkDoc.html'>JSP (Java) framework</a></div>
  98. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href='../Grid/Help.html'>User help</a></div>
  99. </div>
  100. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/SearchAttr.html'>Search attributes</a></div>
  101. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href='../Doc/Changes6.htm'>Upgrading from 5.9 to 6.0</a></div>
  104. <!-- Other -->
  105. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Download.html'>Download</a></div>
  106. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Download/'>Trial version with all examples</a></div>
  107. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='Modules.html'>Trial core compiled modules</a></div>
  108. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='../Download/'>Free version, core only</a></div>
  109. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href='RegModules.html'>Registered updates</a></div>
  111. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Prices.html'>Licensing and prices</a></div>
  112. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='Prices.html#Licensing'>Licensing</a></div>
  113. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='Prices.html#Prices'>Price list</a></div>
  114. <div class='T'><a class='L2' href='Prices.html#Support'>Support</a></div>
  115. <div class='L'><a class='L2' href='Prices.html#Resellers'>Resellers</a></div>
  117. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Purchase.html'>Purchase online</a></div>
  118. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='References.html'>References</a></div>
  119. <div class='D'><a class='L1' href='Contacts.html'>Contacts</a></div>
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  121. <div id='MenuFooter' class='MenuFooter'>
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  137. <!-- News and Brief --->
  138. <table id='News' cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td class='Box1TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box1TR'>
  140. <!-- News -->
  141. <h3>News</h3>
  142. <p>On <b>10th May</b> was released new version <b>TreeGrid <b style='color:red;'>6.5</b></b>. <br/>
  143. Main updates are <b>new compiler</b> producing smaller code with faster decompression<br /> and
  144. <b>three horizontal scrolable and resizable sections</b> - to have more horizontal scrollbars, one for chart and next for other columns.
  145. <a href="News.html"><i>See&nbsp;what&nbsp;is&nbsp;new</i></a><br />
  146. </p>
  149. </td><td class='Width14'></td><td class='Box1TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box1TR Width418'>
  151. <!-- Brief -->
  152. <h3>Brief description</h3>
  153. <p class="webpage">
  154. TreeGrid Gantt chart is application core to build online (web based) <b>project management software</b> like <b>MS Project</b> or <b>Primavera</b>. <br />
  155. Or to display and control any data in <b>row and bar based chart</b>.<br />
  156. <br/>
  157. <i>It is the <b>most complex web Gantt chart</b> on the Internet.</i><br />
  158. </p>
  160. </td></tr><tr><td class='Box1BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box1BR'>&nbsp;</td><td></td><td class='Box1BL'></td><td class='Box1BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
  162. <script type="text/javascript">
  163. //<![CDATA[
  164. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. // --- Gantt ---
  166. // --- To specify grouping by Complete, differ only 100%, 0% and others ---
  167. Grids.OnGetSortValue = function(G,row,col,val,desc,group){
  168. if("Gantt" && group && col=='C') {
  169. if(val=="100%") return 100;
  170. if(val=="0%") return 0;
  171. return "50";
  172. }
  173. return val;
  174. }
  176. // --- Shows a date of Gantt part as tooltip ---
  177. Grids.OnTip = function(G,row,col,tip,cx,cy,x,y){
  178. if(!="Gantt" || col!="G" || row.Kind=="Header") return tip; // Tip only for Gantt column
  179. var A = G.GetGanttXY(row,col,x,y), t = ""; if(!A) return null;
  180. if(A.Flag) t = G.GetString(row,"M").split(";")[A.FlagIndex];
  181. else if(A.Flow) t = G.GetString(row,"F").split(";")[A.FlowIndex].replace('~'," - ");
  182. else if(A.Main) t = G.GetString(row,"S") + " - " + G.GetString(row,"E");
  183. return (t?"<div style='color:#00F;'>"+t+"</div>":"") + (tip&&t?"<div style='height:5px;overflow:hidden;'></div>":"") + (tip?tip:"");
  184. }
  186. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. function SpecResize(){
  188. var G1 = document.getElementById('G1'), G2 = document.getElementById('G2'), N = document.getElementById("News");
  189. if(!N) return;
  190. var w = N.offsetWidth-20;
  191. if(w>10){
  192. if(G1) { = w+"px"; if(Grids[0]) Grids[0].Update(); }
  193. if(G2) = w+"px";
  194. }
  195. }
  196. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. //]]>
  198. </script>
  200. <!-- First examples -->
  201. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR'>
  203. <a href="#RunExample" class="MoreExamples"></a>
  204. <h3>Gantt chart example</h3>
  205. <div id="G1" class="Height550"><script>
  206. Resize();
  207. TreeGrid(
  208. '<bdo Sync="1" Cache="1" SuppressMessage="1"'
  209. +'Layout_Url="GanttDef.xml" Layout_Bonus="&lt;Grid>&lt;Cfg Style=\'GM\' NoVScroll=\'1\'/>&lt;Header GTip=\'Zoom to date by left click&amp;lt;br>Unzoom by right click&amp;lt;br>Zoom to date range by mouse dragging\'/>&lt;/Grid>" '
  210. +'Data_Url="GanttData.xml" '
  211. +'></bdo>',"G1");
  212. </script>
  213. </div>
  214. </td></tr><tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
  216. <!-- All information --->
  217. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top">
  219. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="950">
  220. <tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR Width310'>
  222. <!-- Browsers -->
  223. <h3>Supported browsers</h3>
  224. <table class="Width310">
  225. <tr><td class='BIE'>Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7, IE8), all compatibility modes</td></tr>
  226. <tr><td class='BFF'>Mozilla Firefox (FF1.5, FF2, FF3, FF3.5, FF3.6)</td></tr>
  227. <tr><td class='BGoogle'>Google Chrome (CH3, CH4)</td></tr>
  228. <tr><td class='BSafari'>Safari (S3, S4)</td></tr>
  229. <tr><td class='BOpera'>Opera (O9, O9.5, O10)</td></tr>
  230. <tr><td><i>And all IE, Mozilla and WebKit engine clones</i></td></tr>
  231. </table>
  233. </td></tr>
  234. <tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  236. <tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR Width310'>
  238. <!-- Basic features -->
  239. <h3>Web grid grid features</h3>
  240. <div>TreeGrid Gantt and Run charts support also all standard and many extended web grid features like:</div>
  241. <br />
  242. <div class='I2'><b>tree </b> capability, unlimited levels of nesting</div>
  243. <div class='I2'><b>sorting </b> rows by one or more columns</div>
  244. <div class='I2'><b>grouping </b> rows to tree, unlimited levels</div>
  245. <div class='I2'><b>filtering </b> rows by one or more columns like MS Excel</div>
  246. <div class='I2'><b>searching </b> in grid like by Google or by expression</div>
  247. <div class='I2'>Extended <b>calculations </b> and formulas like MS Excel</div>
  248. <div class='I2'><b>updating </b> changes to server by <b>AJAX </b><br /> or by page / form <b>submit </b> (HTTP POST)</div>
  249. <div class='I2'><b>adding </b>, <b>deleting </b> and <b>moving</b> (dragging) rows</div>
  250. <div class='I2'><b>column resizing</b>, column <b>hiding </b> / displaying</div>
  251. <div class='I2'><b>fixed </b>(frozen) <b>columns and rows </b> on all sides</div>
  252. <div class='I2'><b>client paging</b> and paging in tree</div>
  253. <div class='I2'>various <b>cell types </b> like text, number, check box, textarea, combo box, image, link</div>
  254. <div class='I2'>extended <b>formatting values </b> for display and edit, according to the type and format string.</div>
  255. <div class='I2'><b>printing </b> capabilities</div>
  256. <div class='I2'><b>master / detail </b> relationship</div>
  257. <div class='I2'>External objects in cells like <b>Flash</b> or <b>SilverLight</b></div>
  258. <div class='I2'>Complex <b>popup menu</b> system, submenus, collapsible tree, more columns, edit controls</div>
  259. <div class='I2'><b>localization </b> possible to any language</div>
  261. </td></tr>
  262. <tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  264. <tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR Width310'>
  266. <!-- Server side support -->
  267. <h3>Server side support</h3>
  268. <div>TreeGrid Gantt Chart distribution contains many examples and predefined code for server side scripts:</div>
  269. <br />
  270. <div class='I3'><b>ASP </b>(VBScript)</div>
  271. <div class='I3'><b>ASP.NET </b>(C#, Visual Basic)</div>
  272. <div class='I3'><b>JSP </b>(Java)</div>
  273. <div class='I3'><b>PHP </b></div>
  274. <div class='I3'><b>HTML </b>(all other)</div>
  275. <br />
  276. <div><i>TreeGrid can be used also in any other server script environment that can handle and process XML data.</i></div>
  277. </td></tr>
  278. <tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  279. </table>
  281. </td><td class='Width14'></td><td valign="top">
  283. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="950"><tr>
  284. <td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR'>
  286. <!-- Gantt features -->
  287. <h3>Main Gantt chart features</h3>
  288. <div class='I1'>Usable especially for <b>project management</b> - <b>planning and scheduling tasks</b></div>
  289. <div class='I1'>It can be used as core of applications providing features of <b>Microsoft Project</b> or <b>Primavera</b> online on web</div>
  290. <div class='I1'><b>Tasks</b> set by duration or end date or both (mirrored), with percentage of completion</div>
  291. <div class='I1'><b>Milestones</b> with 0 duration</div>
  292. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart is <b>project management tool</b> to build gantt charts online on web </div>
  293. <div class='I1'><b>Resources</b> for tasks, possible filtering rows by resources</div>
  294. <div class='I1'><b>Discrete bars</b> for real flow - actual completion of the task, usable along the task bars.</div>
  295. <div class='I1'><b>Flags</b> - any custom icons shown on exact date with defined tooltip</div>
  296. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart provides all basic features for <b>project management</b> like <b>Primavera</b> or <b>Microsoft Project</b> </div>
  297. <div class='I1'><b>Dependencies</b> between tasks as <b>descendants</b> (<b>successors</b>) or <b>ancestor</b> (<b>predecessors</b>) or both (mirrored)</div>
  298. <div class='I1'><b>Dependency types</b> end-start (<b>fs</b>), end-end (<b>ff</b>), start-start (<b>ss</b>), start-end (<b>sf</b>)</div>
  299. <div class='I1'>Possible more dependencies between two tasks (ss + ff)</div>
  300. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart is online replacement of project planning and scheduling software like Microsoft Project or Oracle Primavera</div>
  301. <div class='I1'><b>Dependency lags</b> in any time units like hours, days or elapsed days</div>
  302. <div class='I1'><b>Dependency constraints</b> define available span between dependency start+lag and end</div>
  303. <div class='I1'>Checking <b>circular dependencies</b></div>
  304. <div class='I1'>Automatic <b>correcting dependencies</b> after task move or resize or dependency change, moving the dependent tasks</div>
  305. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart is core for <b>project charter</b> to create project schedules and plans </div>
  306. <div class='I1'>Possible correcting dependencies only on demand, showing the <b>incorrect dependencies</b> in red</div>
  307. <div class='I1'><b>Automatic checking</b> all entered inputs and changes in chart if they are correct</div>
  308. <div class='I1'>Excluded <b>holidays</b> - any defined dates, date ranges or repeated dates </div>
  309. <div class='I1'>The <b>holidays</b> are excluded from Gantt calculations and can be also hidden from the chart</div>
  310. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart can be used for various project plans or schedules with Gantt chart</div>
  311. <div class='I1'>Project <b>baseline</b> date constraint, tasks cannot be moved before or the first tasks are forced to start on</div>
  312. <div class='I1'>Task <b>date constraints</b> for <b>early start</b> date, <b>early finish</b> date, <b>late start</b> date, <b>late finish</b> date</div>
  313. <div class='I1'>All the <b>date constraints</b> are shown in Gantt chart as icons and be added, deleted and moved directly in the chart</div>
  314. <div class='I1'>Highlighted custom dates or date ranges in background or foreground</div>
  315. <div class='I1'>Fully customizable <b>Gantt headers</b>, defining any date formats in one or more header lines</div>
  316. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart can do also specialties like <b>engineering project management systems</b> online on web </div>
  317. <div class='I1'>The <b>Gantt chart is fully interactive</b>, all items can be changed directly in the chart by mouse</div>
  318. <div class='I1'>The Gantt behavior is fully customizable by defining <b>key and mouse action schema</b></div>
  319. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart can be used for various <b>task management</b>, <b>project templates</b> or <b>process management</b> softwares</div>
  320. <div class='I1'>Gantt <b>popup menu</b> (customizable) with all available features accessible from the menu on right click</div>
  321. <div class='I1'><b>Smooth zoom</b> to date range selected by mouse dragging in header or by click to exact date in header</div>
  322. <div class='I1'>Custom <b>zoom levels</b> with different dates and formats in header, size constraints and backgrounds</div>
  323. <div class='I1'>Custom <b>CSS styles</b>, every cell can display completely different bars (shapes and colors).</div>
  324. <div class='X1'>TreeGrid Gantt Chart can be used also for online web tasks like <b>time management</b>, <b>IT project management</b> or <b>online project management</b> </div>
  325. <div class='I1'><b>API events and methods</b> to extend the Gantt features by custom JavaScript</div>
  326. <div class='I1'><b>RTL </b> version for Middle East languages plus <b>Hirji</b> dates and calendar</div>
  328. </td></tr>
  329. <tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  331. <tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR'>
  333. <!-- Main Run chart -->
  334. <h3>Main Run chart features</h3>
  335. <div class='I1'>Usable especially for <b>services or resources management</b></div>
  336. <div class='I1'><b>More independent bars</b> in one cell</div>
  337. <div class='I1'>Every bar can have its own <b>type</b>, <b>width</b>, <b>caption</b>, <b>color</b>, <b>class</b> and <b>tooltip</b> </div>
  338. <div class='I1'>Various types of <b>bars with different features</b>, like normal, empty, not movable, not resizable, start/end, ... </div>
  339. <div class='I1'>All the bar setting can be changed by a user from popup menu or in another custom way </div>
  340. <div class='I1'>The bars can <b>overlap each other</b>, in this case they can be marked as error with different color and class</div>
  341. <div class='I1'>The bars can be defined independently by their start dates and width or end date</div>
  342. <div class='I1'>Or the bars can be defined by one start date and bar widths</div>
  343. <div class='I1'>The <b>bars are fully interactive</b>, can be created, resized, moved and deleted by mouse dragging</div>
  344. <div class='I1'>Many possibilities of <b>moving behavior</b>, the bars can be shifted or resized to create room for the new bar</div>
  345. <div class='I1'>Bars can be moved between rows or between grids or can be dropped to any other custom place</div>
  346. <div class='I1'><b>Joined bars</b>, moving the joined bars together, possible splitting and joining bars by dragging</div>
  347. <div class='I1'><b>API events and methods</b> to extend the Gantt features by custom JavaScript</div>
  348. <div class='I1'>Other Gantt features like <b>header</b>, <b>zoom</b>, <b>dependencies</b> or <b>resources</b> can be also used with Run bars</div>
  349. <div class='I1'>Other Gantt objects like <b>flags</b>, <b>flow</b>, <b>tasks</b> or <b>milestones</b> can be also shown along Run bars with one cell</div>
  351. </td></tr>
  352. <tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  353. </table>
  355. </td></tr></table>
  357. <!-- Run example -->
  358. <a name='RunExample'></a>
  359. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td class='Box2TL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2TR'>
  360. <a href="ExamplesGantt.html" class="MoreExamples"></a>
  361. <h3>Run chart example</h3>
  362. <div id="G2" class="Height350">
  363. <bdo Cache="1" SuppressMessage="1"
  364. Layout_Url="RunDef.xml" Layout_Bonus="<Grid><Cfg Style='Borders'/><Panel Visible='0'/><Cols><C Name='R' Width='80'/></Cols></Grid>"
  365. Data_Url="RunData.xml"
  366. ></bdo>
  367. </div>
  369. </td></tr><tr><td class='Box2BL'>&nbsp;</td><td class='Box2BR'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
  371. <!-- BodyEnd -->
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  375. var Stat =\.|treegrid\.|tgantt\./i)>=0;
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  380. if(Stat){
  381. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
  382. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
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  386. if(Stat) {
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  388. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-6408602-1");
  389. pageTracker._trackPageview();
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