
Millennia - Part 1

Oct 25th, 2012
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  1. >You collapse to your knees and hands without any knowledge of what previous stance or position you were previously in.
  2. >You take what feels like the first take of breath you’ve had in millennia.
  3. >Why do you feel that way?
  4. >As you catch your breath, your senses return to you.
  5. >First, you’re not wet so you weren’t drowning or anything of the sort.
  6. >Second, everything is white.
  7. >What you’re kneeling on, what’s above, what near and far.
  8. >Everything is a flat, stark white.
  9. >It isn’t blinding in the least despite the bright color.
  10. >You’re confused.
  11. >Then you notice the lack of shadows. You desperately search the ground and any part of your body for one, but there are none to be found.
  12. >It isn’t a large, lit room. How can there be shadows when there’s no light? Simple… Okay, not so simple. You can’t explain it.
  13. >The emptiness of this place finally sinks in.
  14. >Is this heaven? Are you dead?
  15. >Or is this purgatory?
  16. >How much time has passed since you woke up?
  17. >Were you ever asleep? You were never actually lying down.
  18. >These questions only inflate the fear growing inside you.
  19. >If this is a dream, it’s an oddly surreal and tangible one.
  20. >You start to panic and pace in circles.
  21. >At least you think you’re going in circles. Everything feels off when you try to gather a sense of direction.
  22. >After all it’s the same in every direction.
  23. >At this point you’ve had enough.
  24. >You take your thumbs and apply a great amount of pressure onto your temples. You’re unsure of what will happen, but you’re hoping it helps you think, wake up, magically teleport you out of here.
  25. >Whatever.
  26. >You feel a sudden cold snap around you as you feel a presence appear from behind.
  28. >You slowly turn, scared half to death of what lurks in the emptiness of this realm.
  29. >As whatever it is comes into view, a black that heavily contrasts everything else floods your senses.
  30. >Not just sight, but it SMELLS AND SOUNDS like the polar opposite of… here.
  31. >It comes into full view, and once your eyes adjust to the swallowing darkness, terror consumes you.
  32. >”What are you?”
  33. >You take a leap back and trip on your heel.
  34. >After falling on your ass, you get a good view of what exactly you’re with.
  35. >A large… hoofbeast? It looks like a horse of some kind, but it has wings and a unicorn horn.
  36. >Its coat is pitch black with a starry mane. It also wears some sort of metal armor on its skull and hooves.
  37. >What is the most jarring is the odd grain covering her and the large black area behind her.
  38. >It’s as if her existence creates a colorless scar in this realm
  39. >Then she steps forward.
  40. >”What are you?” She repeats.
  41. >It speaks.
  42. >It speaks!
  43. >Why wouldn’t it? Why would it?
  44. >You don’t know but it’s asking you a question!
  45. “Um… Anonymous.”
  46. >She takes a step off to the side.
  47. >Her step causes the ground to scar more, while the area furthest behind her seemed to heal.
  48. >”What is an Anonymous?”
  49. “Me. I-I’m Anonymous.”
  50. >She continues to look at you with a cautious glare.
  51. >”And what are you doing here, Anonymous?”
  52. “… I don’t know.”
  54. >”You don’t know?”
  55. >Oh, no, no, no! It’s walking towards you!
  56. >You scramble further and further back with every step she takes.
  57. “I don’t!”
  58. >She gives a menacing chuckle at your fear.
  59. >”You have nothing to fear. We cannot do anything here.”
  60. “Um…”
  61. >You nervously rub your arm.
  62. “Where is… ‘Here’?”
  63. >”Ah, there are countless answers to that question. A crossroads. Inbetween. The null. The nether. And our favorite…” She looks out into the distance. “Nowhere.”
  64. “Our? Who are you talking about?”
  65. >”Mmm, old habit. Hard to break.”
  66. >This… Thing acts civil and sentient enough. Your fear of it falters a little and you manage to push yourself back to your feet.
  67. “Um… Why am I here?”
  68. >”You were summoned. By who or what and to what purpose, we do not know.”
  69. “So…” You rub your hands together. “Someone wanted me here?”
  70. >”No, this is merely what lies in between space, time and dimension.”
  71. >What?
  72. >You’ve been following along well enough up until now.
  73. “Excuse me? Dimension? I’m in another DIMENSION?!”
  74. >The being stomps.
  75. >”Do not raise you voice to us, worm!” She hisses.
  76. >You take a few steps back and wait for her to calm down.
  77. >Once you’ve seen she’s cool down a little, you speak again.
  78. “I’m sorry if I’m annoying, or whatever… I’m just really, really confused.”
  79. >She takes a deep breath before addressing you again.
  80. >”You have nothing to worry about. You shall be leaving soon enough, once you arrive.”
  81. “Arrive? Where am I supposed to go?”
  82. >”You are already travelling. As we said, this is the realm between.”
  83. >You look at your feet.
  84. >She knows what you’re thinking and answers your question before you can ask it.
  85. >”Walking will get you nowhere. Space and time aren’t things here.”
  86. “I… I don’t think I understand.”
  87. >”You are not supposed to.”
  89. “Ugh.”
  90. >You wrap your hands around your head and take a few steps away.
  91. “UGH!”
  92. >”Your reaction is very similar to ours, when we first arrived.”
  93. “And how long have you been here?”
  94. >You look back at her. She’s giving you an annoyed look.
  95. “What?”
  96. >”Time. Does not. Exist here! The best answer we can give you is that we are scorched into this realm until it somehow ends, or we find our own way out.”
  97. “Scorched?”
  98. >”Yes, we believe that is the most accurate description. It is a cruel banishment. Much more terrible than being banished inside the moon.” She says with malice.
  99. “What happened, exactly?”
  100. >”Hmph!” She turns away. “If you are indeed being summoned to Equestria, than you shall find out on your own easily enough. If that is not your destination, you need not concern yourself with it.”
  101. “Equestria, what’s th—What in the…”
  102. >A sinking feeling cuts you off. A literal one.
  103. >”You have arrived it seems. We wish you luck on your travels, Anonymous.”
  104. “Wait!” You attempt to grab her, but you’ve already sunken far out of reach. “What’s your name!?”
  105. >”It does not matter. But if your destination is what we believe it is, then the Princess known as Luna will find you. She will guide you from there.”
  106. >You attempt to give her a response, but no sound comes out of your mouth.
  107. >The bright white infinite fades to black as to descend further and further.
  108. >Stars begin dot up around you.
  109. >The gentle sinking feeling is soothing.
  110. >The minor acceleration goes unnoticed by you at first.
  111. >Once your clothes begin swaying a little more violently, you notice.
  112. >But the appearance of a great white moon distracts you from it.
  114. >The moon looks exactly like your own.
  115. >Perhaps this is home. Earth.
  116. >It seems absurd, given the size of the moon, but the thought lingers long enough to make you forget that you’re sinking at a freefall speed.
  117. >Once the sounds of wind whipping against your clothes begin, that’s when it hits you.
  118. >You’re no longer sinking.
  119. >You’re plummeting down to where ever you’ve been summoned.
  120. “Oh nononononono! What do I… Fuck! I don’t… Aaaaugh!”
  121. >You struggle helplessly in the air, hoping something will cause you to float instead of fall.
  122. >No dice. You’re just flailing about in the air as you fall to your death.
  123. >You pass through a thick layer of clouds and see the ground for the first time.
  124. >Well, now you know roughly how long you have until you die.
  125. >Not long.
  126. >You try struggling once more, but only out of desperation.
  127. >You know you can’t do anything to stop.
  128. >The only option is to accept death.
  129. >Or just get really angry about this whole mess.
  130. >The ladder is more your style in this kind of situation.
  131. >You continuously yell obscenities into the night.
  133. >Meanwhile, in Canterlot.
  134. >The echoes of a dark past ring through the halls of the castle.
  135. >Guards mistake it as wind.
  136. >The Princess of the Night knows though. These howls torment her every night. Ever since she was released from the curse caused by her selfishness and greed.
  137. >They go ignored, most of the time. They’re only garbled demands of freedom.
  138. >Tonight is different, however. No threats. No demands.
  139. >Only a warning.
  140. >A warning that the Princess has trouble believing.
  141. >An… ‘Anonymous?’ will die without her help?
  142. >She questions what that is. Where it is? Why should she believe her darker side?
  143. >No response. It can never respond.
  144. >The Princess does not wait another moment.
  145. >Without warning, she flies in the first direction her gut tells her to.
  146. >She questions why she’s bothering with this. She is looking for a needle in a haystack here.
  147. >That isn’t even close to an accurate comparison. The search is impossible.
  148. >And what if this ends up being a trap? It seems impossible, but caution is something that should be well exercised.
  149. >The Princess grows tired of this quickly.
  150. >She’s ready to forget about what she, no, IT said and return to her throne.
  151. >But as soon as she begins to slow down, she sees a figure tumbling out of the sky.
  153. >The ground approaches faster and faster.
  154. >Last decision, Anonymous. Do you want to die with your eyes closed or open?
  155. >…
  156. >Closed. You never liked seeing people get hurt. Why would you like the see that split second where all your bones break?
  157. >You shut your eyes tight. It doesn’t make you feel any better, but it allows you to accept your inevitable death a little easier.
  158. >Then you feel a stiff impact a few seconds earlier than you expected.
  159. >Pain. Tons of pain in your stomach.
  160. >Pain shouldn’t carry over into death! That is crap, whoever wrote these rules!
  161. >And… No, no wait.
  162. >You feel something under you and you no longer feel like your falling. More like… floating.
  163. >You’re in too much pain to open your eyes.
  164. >So you just black out instead.
  165. >Not on purpose, though.
  166. >It feels instantaneous how quickly you wake up.
  167. >You’re able to open your eyes.
  168. >The first thing you see is the green ground slowly moving under you while quickly approaching it.
  169. >You’re still disoriented to know how you feel. Except disoriented.
  170. >And nauseous. You feel VERY nauseous.
  171. >Once you deem the ground below within a reasonable distance, you slide off whatever it is you’re floating on and get down on your hands and knees.
  172. >Then comes the vomit…
  174. >As you unload your gut all over the grass, whatever it was that saved you lands a few yard behind you.
  175. >It eyes you cautiously, wondering what in the world it saved.
  176. >You finish up and roll onto you back, making sure to avoid your previous stomach content.
  177. >Opening your eyes, you focus on what saved you.
  178. >It looked somewhat similar to the thing you saw in the… Nowhere.
  179. >Tall horse like thing with a horn and wings. This was a deep blue tint, but it shared the same mane and tail.
  180. >”What… What are you?”
  181. >You try to speak, but only a cough comes out.
  182. >Okay, let’s try that again.
  183. “Anonymous…”
  184. >Your voice comes out similar to a toad’s croak, but it was intelligible.
  185. “What… What about yours?”
  186. >She hesitates for a moment before responding.
  187. >”I am Princess Luna of Canterlot! I lord over the moon and all ponies who sleep under it!”
  188. >Oh. Hey, that was an easy search.
  189. “Lunaaaa. I have something to tell you…”
  190. >It’ll have to wait, because you black out once again.
  191. >This time for a while.
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