

Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Fuck it I'm bored so I'm gonna try to write something.
  3. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and you have been up all night buried in your books at the castle.
  4. >You're just about to call it a night when suddenly the magical map in the middle of the room starts going off like mad.
  5. >What is with this thing?
  6. >You walk over to it to see what appears to some kind of meteorite falling out of the sky and hitting a location near the Everfree Forest.
  7. >Whatever it is, it must be important if the artifact is making such a big deal about it.
  8. >You head over to the window and take a look outside.
  9. >It's so dark out you can barely see the houses around the castle.
  10. >Normally you'd take your friends with you for such an emergency, but you feel like you can handle this one without waking them up and making them grumpy.
  11. >You head outside the castle and light up your horn so you can see where you're going.
  12. >You head towards the area where the map showed the point of impact of the meteorite, just north of the entrance to the Everfree Forest.
  13. >When you get there you discover a pretty deep crater with smoke billowing from it.
  14. >Cautiously, you move towards the edge of the depression and look to see exactly what caused this in the first place.
  15. >It looks like a large metal orb of some kind, about 20 feet in diameter.
  16. >Suddenly, you hear a loud hissing noise as the orb begins to open.
  17. >You ready your magic in case whatever this thing is turns out to be dangerous.
  18. >You're shocked however, when a large bipedal creature falls out of the metal construct.
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