
Silver Tongue Journal

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. Day 1:
  2. >Well this is interesting, seems I've ended up in a land of technicolor ponies, perhaps I was beaten into a coma by one of those nooks I swindled over.
  3. >Well I suppose I should integrate myself as quickly as possible, get into the merchant/trading game, just like before, lets just hope my quick wit still works.
  4. >Lets head on to whoever the hell is running this place eh?
  5. pt2
  6. >I have 'procured' a train ticket to this budding town that rumor has it is created by ponies who have similar arrivals to this land as me.
  7. > I boarded train 2 to this new town, a rather uneventful affair
  8. >The conductor is kind of a bitch, kept looking at me like I was gonna snag the entire train and put it in my pocket
  9. >managed to find an older stallion to chat up, get some info on this place, seems the nation is known as Equestria, among some other things.
  10. >looks like the train is pulling in, seems to be mid-afternoon now.
  11. >Off to the mayor or whatever the hell runs this town.
  12. pt3
  13. >After speaking with some of the towns folk regarding my 'more admirable' skill set I was given a tent and a blanket to sleep on.
  14. >After making sure my residence was in order I went about town looking for needs and supplies ponies could use.
  15. >Seems medical supplies are in rather short supply, a good lucrative business for me to get into.
  16. >Time to start sending letters out to medical supply depots and some 'shady' friends I met in my time in Canterlot
  18. Journal Day 3
  20. Pt1
  21. >After securing my right to my plot of land, I began clearing it off.
  22. >I encountered my future nemesis the Giant rock that was stuck on my plot of land
  23. >This rock refuses to be shoved and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to start digging it out.
  24. >Lets get started shall we?
  25. Pt2
  26. >After several long and excruciating hours, including be forced to use my teeth to take dirt up, i got the rock out and away.
  27. >Now to building the stall,
  28. >I went to the work line and acquired the help of several Ponies including Lonely Heart to help build my stall
  29. >It seems to be coming along quite nicely.
  31. Journal Day 4
  32. Pt1
  33. >Well today's the day, my shop is finally finished, but alas I have nothing to sell
  34. >Hmm, perhaps I could be the middleman to some of the laborers in this town and sell there wares while coleecting a small fee for my services, 25% seems good
  35. >Well it seems this Pegasus had a similar Idea, Rain Drop approached me about acting as a broker and selling her Excess crops upon the end of the harvest, and easy enough feat, it shouldn't be too hard to find prospective buyers for the always necessary food stuffs.
  36. >There's also the possibility of me using these crops as bartering material for some Medical supplies, a necessary ware around the town, and one of the items i plan to sell in the future.
  38. Journal day 5
  39. Pt1
  40. >My house is being built near the cemetary, rather creepy, but i do like a degree of privacy.
  41. >I've now taken up jobs helping out Able Tome and am now on my way to collect medical waste left behind by a "Doc Hospik"
  42. >I took some pincers with me, god forbid i touch something and get a disease.
  43. >Ah here comes the dump, i see quite a few old syringes and IV bags, as well as a large amount of bedpans.
  44. >Oh dear god it smells here, lets try and get this over with quickly.
  46. Pt2
  47. "Well this is perhaps the the worst job ive done so far, th amount of bodily fluids left amongst this waste is in short nothing less then terrifying.
  48. >I am litteraly resisting the urge to burn this place to the ground and blaming some random pony i saw in town by slipping the matches on him.
  49. >Either way i've collected a fairly large amount of supplies that i've stored in an old sack i found by the road
  50. >Among the supplies i've gathered theres dozens of old syringes, a dozen old IV bags, a lot of plastic tubing, 2 steel bed pans, and i found 4 IV blood bags full of blood, must have been tossed by accident, i suppose this should satisfy and need that Able needs.
  51. >My watch says it's about 6 now, killed about 4 hours here trying to find relatively decent quality stuff, now to maneuver my way out with out contracting Super Aids or something.
  52. >After escaping the waste dump, i visited my half done house, seems like it's coming along vaguely nicely, 2 more days til it's ready i believe. maybe more if the weather shifts.
  53. >And off to Able I go.
  55. Pt3
  56. >After my dealings with Able i was sent off to the embassy to collect a worker to help explain the writing system of Equestria
  57. >I'm shooting for a female since I have missed interacting with any so far outside of employees at the train station, haven't really bothered with townsfolk too much, i'll have to change that.
  58. >The town really does seem to be coming together nicely as well.
  59. >Ah theres the Embassy, lets go in shall we?
  61. Pt 4
  62. >Well i must say this embassy is a fairly nice place, certainly beats the hell out of anything we have up at the moment, i might liberate a painting from here to decorate my house.
  63. >I'm getting ahead of myself lets get on to getting this worker to help us with the alphabet system, it may be a little difficult, but these natives should be more than receptive if the rumors are to be believed.
  64. >Ah finally my turn to speak to the receptionist here, seems a fair number of towns folk have come through here asking for help.
  65. >Well it seems the embassy was more then willing to help, telling me to wait and they'd have a worker coming along soon enough to help me.
  66. >Well as I wait i'll look at some magazines. Seems the Wonderbolts are still on top of this place in terms of vaguely sports related teams.
  67. >That reminds me, we should start up a sports league around here, when were all settled and what not. I'd be more then happy to start up some hockey games come winter time, i'd have to learn to skate again, and teach the others, but that's trivial to the rules of hockey.
  68. >Ah here comes the worker, a nice female Pegasus, seems the gods do listen to prayers of the desperate.
  69. >Well off to Able's to continue helping the first vaguely friend i've made in this town.
  71. Night Pt1
  72. >I have ingested Ables potion on the spot in the lab
  73. >I have no troubles in the world, everything seems so nice
  74. >Huh my body seems to have gone numb, and i can't think properly, but its no biggie.
  75. >I am now starting to sway and i'm drooling a little bit, but things are fine
  76. >Oh my, Ables turned into a giant fish, maybe this wasn't so smart... nah this is fine
  77. >And no i seem to be experianc ing an erection in the middle of the lab, this is awkward, maybe the fish can make it stop.
  79. Pt 2
  80. Journal night 5 Cont.
  81. >The fish is giving me another drink, should I drink it? i dunno but it seems fine
  82. >Oh dear there go my legs and blackness is starting to seep in from the sides
  83. >The erection is still there, and i was hit in the base of the neck when i fell by some wierd plastic bug
  84. >My eyes are going blind! make it stop, my body is responding now.
  85. >Oh dear i hit the fish before going numb again
  86. >Time for a little nap
  88. Day 13
  89. Pt1
  90. >Well Journal it's been a long time since we've spoken hasn't it?
  91. >EIther way i got back yesterday and Brought the seeds and books i promised, other stuff is gonna take a while
  92. >I went on an adventure as well which was a nice change of pace from my boring trade shit
  93. >We went out hunting for ores and such
  94. >We fought and killed a giant lizard quickly, i took samples and meat for some of the others in town
  95. >We made it to a nearby cave following Glimmers map, me and Glimmer took first night watch, and heard some voices, we went in and i sent her back to wake the others
  96. >When the others arrived, we discovered it was a shade, and boy was it pissed
  97. >I still feel that bastards chest in my innards
  98. >Either way we killed it and got some weps and supplies, i got me a new sword
  100. Pt2
  101. >We pushed in further and found this amazing fungal growth, i took more samples obviously
  102. >We went down a path and i nearly feel to my doom, thank god for Lucyne, i gotta buy her a few rounds as payment for that
  103. >We ended up fighting a mushroom beast and killing that as well
  104. >Eventually we found a crystal Golem, summarily executed as well
  105. >We all got some pretty shards as trophies, might make mine into a necklace with the lizard teeth i took
  106. >We came back and i met up with Drew and we chatted for a while, it was a nice pleasant talk
  107. > We decided to heat to my place and have some dinner, i made some catfish i caught, and we had some cake i picked up in my trip
  108. >After that can only be described as one of the most wonderful and passionate nights i've had in a very long time
  109. >We went on for hours, but afterwards we both felt better afterwards, Drew suggesting a friends with Benefits policy for the moment, sounds cool
  110. >Afterwards i went to the bar and got into a drinking contest with Ivan, Bob, and Green Sleeves, I vaguely remember hitting on Ivan and urinating, alot
  111. >Only other thing i remember is pulling my sword on True Strike
  112. >God booze fucks me up sometimes
  114. Pt3
  115. >Well all in all a fun day, i should probably deliver these seeds and books
  116. >Talk to ya later Journal
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