
Lionel (Michael Lebron) on Randy Credico (05/22/2017)

May 25th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Excerpt from "Live on the Fly" hosted by Randy Credico, featuring Lionel (stage name for Michael Lebron). Broadcast date: May 22, 2017.
  5. File link:
  7. Excerpt runs from 48:52 to 56:02.
  10. Alright so, Wikileaks put out this, Julian Assange re-tweeted this. "Wikileaks has disclosed...dis- Wikileaks has disclosed never...never source [sic]. Never. Sources sometimes take to other parties [sic], but identities never emerge from Wikileaks." And then there's a hashtag, "#SethRich". Well maybe our legal and media expert and critic, Lionel, will give us, you know, a little insight into that tweet. Lionel? Do we have Lionel?
  12. LIONEL
  13. Mr. Credico!
  16. Yes sir.
  18. LIONEL
  19. First of all, god bless John Pilger [guest in the first part of the show]. I don't think anybody- Well, I hope people realize how great he is. Let's get down to brass tacks, Randy, and bring people up to speed on why the Seth Rich case should mean something. Very simply: Seth Rich was a twenty seven year old man, who was a director of voter expansion data, at the Democratic National Committee, the DNC in Washington. On July 10, 2016, 4:20 AM, he was killed, shot twice in the back, by an unknown assailant, or assailants. In what was called by the police "a botched robbery". A botched robbery. Notwithstanding the fact that there were no wallets taken, money, items, watch, jewellery, nothing. Shot twice in the back, as a botched robbery. Now. What people are suspicious of...and the following accusations have been made, and you must bear with me, because sometimes on the internet people don't understand the difference between suspicion and proof. But what with such luminaries as Kim Dotcom, you know him from internet fame and others...they were suggesting, and intimating, that perhaps he might have been the source of the DNC leaks. To Wikileaks. And others. That he might have been responsible for all of these horrible and very embarrassing, and by the way, easy to obtain emails, from Podesta and others. And that, it was suggested, hypothesized, by some, that perhaps maybe this was retribution. Sending a message to people. Sending a message that of course this isn't a robbery. Randy, if anybody wants to cover something up, if you really want to kill somebody, and make it look like a robbery, _you make it look like a robbery_. When things are left, when nothing is taken, that is, it is hypothesized, that is to send a message to people. That is to make a statement.
  21. Now. The bottom line is simply this: Sean Hannity and Fox News and others have been expressing concerns over this, and we now have the family members of Seth Rich begging, pleading, please stop, don't go any further. And, you know I'm always suspect- By the way, we must honor the grief they must be experiencing. But you know Randy, when you have family members, who are very reluctant to advance what happened, find out why, remember when here in New York, the poor girl was mowed down in Times Square...her father came and demanded justice. Most family members demand justice! I'm always suspicious when family members say "Wait wait wait, back off, back off." Kindof like when the Kennedys never talk about JFK or RFK, that the royal family never talks about Diana. It's weird, it's as though almost they're told, "Whatever you do, we don't talk about this." Let me get to the bottom line. Imagine Randy, you have the facts in there that I just gave you. Instead of Seth Rich working for the DNC, let's assume he worked for the Trump organization. And let's just change the facts. Imagine if it was alleged he was leaking information that was embarrassing to Trump. And the Trump campaign. And he was shot twice in the back. In "a botched robbery." Everybody from Rachel Maddow to the other members of the MSDNC [sic], MS-13 [sic], CNN, you name it! Everybody would be screaming! For an investigation. Because remember Randy, there is no Russian connection too tenuous, there is no information too- too flimsy, too, uh, too tenuous. Too- too- uh, unsubstantiated, when it comes to Donald Trump. But when you have a man who looks as though, perhaps, he may be...there might be something going on, this is why a grand jury is necessary, and demanded. Now. What happens is, when you bring something up, as is the case, Randy, you've been around long enough, when you advance something, when you say, "Hey, you know, I think maybe- I think maybe Medgar Evers, I think Malcolm X, I think-" Go down the list. Pick the assassinated person of your choice. When those individuals don't like where you're going with it, when they perhaps secretly maybe agree with the offing and dispatching of a human being, they refer to you as a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy nut. A lunatic. Just like they do to Assange. He's crazy, he's a rapist, he's this, he's that. They try to destroy you personally. I always hearken back to Gore Vidal, the great Gore Vidal, who said, "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a conspiracy analyst." And as a former prosecutor, and has been involved in the criminal justice system one way or another, throughout my entire adult life...I'm telling you right now, Randy, if I was the lead detective of this, and I said, I said "This case stinks to high heaven and I want to know more about what happened," because this is not proof that the Clintons or DNC involvement, or the Democrats, or anything. Of course not. But this gives you either a prima facie case, or at least the open invitation to pursue this more. You don't have to be Columbo to realize, that when you have somebody who was shot twice in the back, and they say it was a robbery, something should be looked at. Then: you also have a number of people, and Randy: I want people to understand something. And you are to be credited for this. You see, Americans think, for the most part, that unless you're on MSNBC, or CNN, or CBS, that you're not a journalist. That you're not of note. If you have a blog post, if you have a website, if you're Kim Dotcom, or you're John McAfee, or somebody, who has a following, that is ENORMOUS, unless you're on TV, they say, wow, you're not really of the same caliber. Balderdash and bunkum. Poppycock.
  24. [does Columbo voice] Thank you very much, this is Detective Columbo, and I gotta [inaudible] try to raise some money. That's Lionel. Lionel, thank you very much. Lionel media. And that was really a wonderful thing. [goes out of Columbo] Alright? Thank you, Lionel. We'll talk to you soon.
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