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Shining and Orion, Part 1

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Oct 14th, 2014
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  1. Shining Armor didn't know what to expect when he went up to his Father's study. After being in a great relationship with Cadence for several months, the white unicorn was growing more and more confused about what to do. The last thing he wanted to do was ask his Dad for sex advice (especially since doing so would mean admitting to him that he had sex out of wedlock), but after several sessions with the alicorn beauty, Shining was becoming more and more worried he was doing something wrong. But as soon as he opened the door to Orion's study, the last thing he expected to see was him masturbating.
  3. He especially didn't expect his Father to be doing so to what looked to be an issue of Playmare.
  5. "Woah!" Shining Armor was quick to look away as he turned from the door, as he heard his Dad shriek surprisingly high and toss the magazine of nude stallions back into his desk. Breathing heavily and feeling his heart racing uncontrollably, the last thing Orion wanted was for his own son to see him like this, let alone rat on him for it. Before Shining Armor could make it halfway back into the hallway, Orion quickly used his magic to pull him in, enveloping him in a dark blue aura before slamming the door shut behind them.
  7. Looking terrified, Shining could only stare at his Father in worry as the blue unicorn stared him down, keeping his eyes on him intensely for several seconds in silence. Before his son could say anything, Orion broke the silence in the room with a dark, cold tone of voice.
  8. "You didn't see anything."
  10. Breathing in and out rapidly, Shining could only blink a few times in silence, unsure of what to do or how to react. With a million thoughts flowing through his head in each passing second, the white unicorn could only stare at his Father as he let everything sink in. Not wanting his own son to ruin his marriage, Orion spoke again in a slightly louder tone.
  11. "You did not see anything. Do you understand?!"
  13. As Orion raised his tone, Shining flinched and nodded quickly, keeping a wide-eyed stare as he tried to comprehend what he heck he just witnessed. Even though he didn't want to press this issue any more to prevent himself from being hurt by his own Father (even though he never did so in his life), Shining cleared his throat before he slowly spoke up.
  14. "Um...I..."
  16. Orion kept his cold glare on his son, trying to hide his own worry about anything Shining might have to say. Breathing in deeply, Shining Armor paused before he continued.
  17. "I won't say anything to Mom, I swear."
  19. Orion only blinked a couple times in silence, before his aura loosened and he let his son go. Despite now being free, Shining didn't leave the room, as he only stood frozen at his spot with a worried look on his face. Breathing in deeply, Orion closed his eyes as he put his hooves on the table, trying to calm himself down after what his son just caught him doing. Realizing Shining was waiting for him to respond, Orion looked back up to his son from the desk before he pointed a hoof at him.
  21. "I am not gay!" shouted the unicorn. "I like mares, and I love your Mother more than anything else in the world!"
  23. Shining only nodded slowly, looking back at his Father's desk before he replied in a meek voice. "Yeah...I...I believe you, Dad."
  25. "That magazine doesn't mean anything!" insisted Orion as he kept his gaze on his son, "It's just..."
  27. Looking away from Shining, Orion looked to his side with a solemn look on his face before he went on.
  29. "It's just...physical, alright?"
  31. Feeling confused at what his Dad was saying, Shining Armor cocked his head to the side, waiting in silence for him to explain. Looking back at him, Orion internally winced as he realized his son wasn't going to let this go. Sighing, Orion turned his attention back to his son before going on.
  33. "I love your Mother, Shining. She means absolutely everything to me, and the last thing I want is to get a divorce and break her heart. And I especially don't want you or Twiley to deal with that kind of thing while you're both in school. Understand?"
  35. Shining nodded before his Father kept going.
  37. "But...over the years, I...I realized that I love her more...well...emotionally...than physically."
  39. Shining Armor looked away from his Father, not sure of what to think at hearing this news. He knew that his Father loved Velvet more than anything, but he never would've thought that kind of thing wouldn't include actual physical attraction. Not wanting his Father to think otherwise about anything Shining was thinking right now, the unicorn cleared his throat again before turning to his Father.
  41. "'s alright. I understand.'re still a great husband to Mom. Nothing will change that."
  43. Seeing his Father's tone look a little better at hearing that, Shining decided to keep going and ensure everything was alright.
  44. "And... you're still a great Dad."
  46. Feeling a smile grow on his muzzle, Orion got up from his chair before he went up and hugged Shining Armor, struggling not to cry as his son hugged back. Successfully holding the tears back, Orion was able to muster out a response before letting his son go.
  47. "Thank you. I...I'm sorry this happened."
  49. As Orion stepped back, Shining kept a small smile on his face as he replied.
  50. "It's alright, Dad. If anything, I should be apologizing for not knocking!"
  52. Trying not to laugh, Orion went back to his chair, feeling a little better as he rested himself back in his seat before turning back to Shining.
  54. "So what did you come in here for?"
  56. Suddenly realizing what he was wanting to ask his Father in the first place, Shining felt a weight in his gut as he looked back at him. Unsure of whether to go on, Shining gulped before he looked back at the door, seeing that it was still locked before speaking.
  57. " won't tell Mom anything I tell you, right?"
  59. Orion's face started to look more serious as he saw how worried his son was. Looking back down to his desk, the unicorn sighed as he realized his son decided to ask something at a sore moment.
  60. "Well...I think it's clear to say that if you don't tell, I won't either. Okay?"
  62. Hearing the sincerity in his voice, Shining nodded before he looked back at his Dad, breathing in before he spoke.
  63. "I...I've been having sex with Cadence."
  65. A heavy silence filled the study, as his Father stared at him wide-eyed. He knew his son was a teenager, but he really wasn't wanting to hear something like this. Before Orion could speak up, Shining quickly put a hoof up as he spoke in an insistent tone of voice.
  66. "She's not pregnant, I swear to Celestia!"
  68. Orion sighed in relief as he put his face against his hoof on the table. "Oh thank goodness!" Chuckling a little under his breath, Orion looked back up to his son before speaking in a relieved tone. "Don't scare me like that! I don't want to be a grandparent yet!"
  70. "Don't worry, I've been using a contraceptive spell. We've been really careful."
  72. "Good", said Orion as he started to breathe at a normal rate, as his look became more serious toward his son. "Just stay careful, and I won't tell your Mom about it."
  74. Shining nodded as he bit his lip, waiting until the room was silent before he decided to continue with why he was really here. "Dad, I...I wanted to ask you something about it."
  76. Not expecting to have his own son ask him about sex like this, Orion kept a curious look on his face as he kept his attention on Shining. "Oh? What is it?"
  78. "Well..." While Shining was beginning to have second thoughts about asking his Dad about this sort of thing (especially after finding him jerking off to what looked to be a spread of Soarin from the Wonderbolts), the unicorn kept his composure before looking to his Dad, taking a deep breath before asking.
  80. " it supposed it supposed to be better for her?"
  82. Orion's eyebrows raised a little, not knowing how to react to a question like that. "What...what do you mean?"
  84. "Well..." Shining looked away as he tried to think of how to keep going, not wanting to go into too much detail about his sex life to his own Father. "I...I was just...I noticed that Cadence...she...she REALLY likes it. I mean, she absolutely loves it but..."
  86. "But?" While Orion was glad his son was able to pleasure a mare like that, his son's worried look was making him uneasy as he kept his attention on Shining.
  88. "It just makes me wonder if I'm enjoying it wrong. I mean, it feels really good, I'm not denying that!" said Shining as he put up a hoof in emphasis, "But...I feel like she likes it way more than I do."
  90. "...huh." Even though he wanted to give a more well-rounded reply to his son's problem, Orion honestly didn't know how to react to it. "Well...have you talked with her about it?"
  92. Shining scoffed a little as he looked at his Father with a skewed eyebrow. "Are you kidding me? I don't want to mess this up for us!"
  94. "Well it sounds like this is important enough to warrant a conversation," said Orion as he gave a serious gaze towards his son. "Don't you think?"
  96. "I...I guess so." Shining didn't want to go into details about this with his girlfriend, but he knew his Father had a valid point. Thinking about it, Shining turned back to his Dad as a thought came to his head. "Do you think..."
  98. Scrunching his face a little, Shining was unsure of how to ask this question, but he knew it had to be asked.
  99. "Do you think it's just a female thing?"
  101. Now looking even more confused than before, Orion only blinked as he tried to guess what his son meant. "A...a woman thing?"
  103. "You know," said Shining (mostly to himself) as he began pacing around the room a little, trying to convince himself of something as he started rambling a little. "Like, maybe she enjoys it because women like it better or something! Like...maybe it's better for her because she' it or something."
  105. Orion kept himself silent as he stayed in his seat, realizing what it was his son was implying.
  107. "Maybe...", Shining continued, "Maybe it's just because she's the one taking, and not giving. I dunno..."
  109. As Shining turned back to his Father, Orion looked down to his desk, unsure of what to say as he finally replied.
  110. "Well...that's one theory, I guess."
  112. "Yeah", said Shining with a better tone, feeling slightly better to get this off his chest. "Yeah, I...I gotta go."
  114. "Okay", said Orion as he watched his son start to open the door. "And remember, everything stays in this room."
  116. "Of course", said Shining with a smile as he looked back at his Dad, seeing him smile back before he left the room.
  118. ----
  120. After his conversation with his father last week, Shining Armor was thinking constantly about what it was that was making his relationship with Cadence feel so one-sided. He knew he was attracted to her, so it couldn't be anything close to his Father's problems (if it even was one). Thinking it over, Shining kept thinking about the one theory he brought up: maybe is was because he was giving, and not receiving. Even though he knew better than to ask Cadence to do anything with him in that department, the unicorn had a small idea that kept itching in his head. And after making a quick camouflage spell and visiting a specific store, Shining Armor was quick to take a page from his little sister, and try a little 'experiment' of his own.
  122. Making sure nopony was home, Shining quickly made his way up to the bathroom, making sure all the wrappers and receipts were thrown away beforehand as he held the two items he bought earlier that day: a small-sized vibrator, and a bottle of lubricant. Placing the items on the counter, Shining started the shower with his magic as he looked down at the items. Even though he was nervous with trying something like this out, he also felt slightly excited, hoping that doing this would help alleviate his worries regarding Cadence. If this didn't do it for him, then he would know it was something else. And if it did satisfy him...
  124. Well...that's one to worry about later.
  126. As soon as the water got to the right level of comfort, Shining stepped inside, holding the vibrator and lube by his magic as he prepared. As the water hit his back, Shining didn't notice it one bit as he opened the bottle, applying the lube all over the vibrator to make sure it was slick. Talking a deep breath, Shining lifted his tail, anticipating the moment as he felt the piece of plastic touch his tightened hole. As the lube from the tip began rubbing against him, helping to loosen his point of entry, Shining closed his eyes as he slowly began to push in.
  128. Meanwhile, Orion was able to get off of work early due to the lack of clients. Even though he would've liked to get more buyers for his real estate job, the unicorn was grateful to get back home early before anypony else. As he walked inside and began to savor the moment, Orion realized he wasn't the only one there, as he heard the shower running upstairs. Figuring that Shining Armor was just done with stormball practice earlier than usual, Orion didn't pay much attention as he went up to his study. He heard the water running as he opened his door.
  130. However, Orion quickly froze as he heard a very audible moan coming from the bathroom.
  132. Even though the first moments of penetration hurt quite a bit for Shining Armor, all of those sensations suddenly turned fantastic as soon as it sunk comfortably inside of him. Slowly moving the vibrator in and out with his magic, Shining didn't even need to turn it on to know how amazing this felt. As the smooth plastic moved in and out of his body, the unicorn couldn't hold back his pleasure as he moaned, knowing nopony was home as he kept thrusting the toy in and out. Unaware of his Father listening in, Shining started to move it faster, waiting until he was good and ready before turning it on.
  134. Orion knew that Shining Armor was a teenager, and having been at that age before, he clearly understood the importance of privacy. Even though his wife was hesitant to any closed-door policies, Orion was insistent when he proposed more privacy for their children during their puberty stages. Hearing the moans coming from the bathroom, he knew exactly what his son was doing, and he knew better than to listen in on it like some creep. However, thinking back to what his son told him last week, Orion was slightly curious as well, wondering whether or not he was doing something regarding that...theory...he had.
  136. Feeling his curiosity get the best of him, Orion hesitantly lit his horn as he made his way to his bedroom. Knowing the bathroom was directly across from his bedroom wall, Orion made a small invisibility spell against part of it, allowing him to see into the other side as the shower came into view. Because of the angle and height he put the spell on, Orion's eyes widened as he looked right at his son's rear, thrusting back and fourth as the vibrator moved in and out furiously through his magic. Hearing his moans clearly from his bedroom, Orion was frozen in shock as he realized what it was his son was doing. However, instead of just turning the spell off and going back to his regular business, Orion stayed in that spot, watching his son pleasure himself as he stayed silent on the other side.
  138. As he heard his son's moans of pleasure from being penetrated like that, Orion felt himself start to get hard, as his cock began to grow from his sheath. While he was feeling an incredible amount of shame from being turned on by his own son, the unicorn's body acted differently, as he slowly raised his hoof and moved it back to his erection. As he saw the toy being thrusted in and out of his son's ass, Orion began to stroke himself, feeling a huge wave of pleasure at seeing something like this first-hoof. After all the years of wanting things he never tried getting, and all the hours spent imagining being with a stallion physically, seeing the spectacle in front of him was the closest he's ever been to a stallion in pleasure. Unaware that the spell made the wall invisible both ways, Orion didn't notice Shining falter a little with his pleasuring, or that he noticed the spell on the wall.
  140. Keeping his gaze forward in the shower, Shining Armor stared in disbelief as he looked at the small mirror hanging from the soap rack, seeing the hole behind him that led to his parent's bedroom. Adjusting the mirror with a small part of his magic, Shining was only able to see the lower half of his father, standing there as three hooves kept him on the ground. Seeing where the fourth hoof was, Shining's eyes widened as he saw his Father's cock. Much like his fur, Orion's cock was dark blue, and stood at an impressive length as it grew within his hoof. While he kept moving the toy in and out, all of the unicorn's thoughts were now focused on what he was seeing from the mirror, as he saw his Dad's erect cock slowly stroke itself. Even though he wanted to do something like turn around or yell at him, Shining didn't move his head, and just kept focusing on the mirror. Seeing how large his Father's cock really was in comparison to his own, Shining began to blush, not realizing that he was now moving the toy in and out faster.
  142. While Shining's movements with he toy started to go faster, Orion started to match the movements with his strokes. Imagining he was doing this with a stallion, Orion kept stroking as he heard his son's moans, becoming louder as Shining kept going faster.
  144. While he didn't want to think seeing his Dad jerking off would make him this excited, Shining was starting to feel more waves of pleasure flow through him, as he kept his eyes focused on the the dick in the mirror. Seeing how Orion's strokes were syncing up with his vibrator, Shining decided to go even faster, wanting so see how much would make his Dad come in front of him.
  146. As the magic started moving the vibrator furiously in and out of Shining Armor's ass, Orion couldn't stop stroking as he jerked as fast as he could, feeling himself begin to reach the brink while his eyes were glued on his son.
  148. Shining Armor, who was starting to reach that point as well, decided to turn on his vibrator to speed things up. As soon as the vibrator shook inside of him, the unicorn felt a gigantic blast of pleasure move throughout his whole body. Not even needing to touch himself, Shining immediately came, feeling wave after of wave of pleasure move out of him as his seed spilled onto the floor of the tub. Meanwhile, seeing the point of his son's orgasm also made Orion finally reach his own, as several spurts came out and stained the wall in front of him.
  150. As the cloudy mixture slowly flowed into the drain, Shining kept his gaze on the mirror, feeling surprisingly great after having seen his Father ejaculate to him. Breathing heavily, Shining slowly pulled the toy out from him, turning it off before setting it aside and continuing to wash himself. As he grabbed the bar of soap from the rack, Shining noticed the invisibility spell go away from the mirror, and the wall go back to the state it was before.
  152. Looking down at the strands of semen which now stained his bedroom wall, Orion couldn't have felt worse about himself if he tried. It was bad enough that he was pleasuring himself to guys while married to his wife, but doing it to his own flesh and blood was wrong on a completely different level. As he breathed in and out heavily, Orion kept his head hung in shame, not knowing what he was going to do with himself.
  154. ----
  156. Sitting in his study alone, Orion had no idea what he was going to do. As his hooves tapped on his mahogany desk, the unicorn wasn't able to focus on anything after what happened two days ago. While he didn't want to admit to himself what he just did, he honestly didn't need to. He knew very well what it was he did, as that image of his son raced across his mind like a horrible reminder. Even though that moment brought him one of the best orgasms he felt in a long time, Orion still felt a huge wave of shame envelop him, not wanting to admit to himself that his own son turned him on that much. Looking down to the open bottle of whiskey on his desk, Orion lit his horn as he took another shot.
  158. Meanwhile, Shining Armor was feeling just as confused about everything as his Father. While he certainly didn't want to think of himself as being gay for enjoying that..."experiment" the bathroom, he couldn't deny how exhilarating that moment was for him. That feeling of something inside of him so deep was just pronominal to the unicorn, and he knew that he didn't want to stop doing that sort of thing anytime soon. However, as he recalled that day, his mind went back to the image of his Father's body, pleasuring himself to seeing Shining that way. While he should've felt disgusted that his Dad was like that, Shining honestly didn't know how to react.
  160. Closing his eyes as he laid on the bed, the unicorn thought back to the image of that dark blue cock as it stroked back and fourth in front of his eyes. Without even realizing it, Shining began to stroke himself with a hoof as he thought about his Father, growing harder as he imagined the unicorn's slender body.
  162. Remembering how great that vibrator felt when it was inside of him, Shining couldn't resist thinking about that feeling again. He imagined Orion in that position, holding him down to mount him. Before he realized it, Shining Armor was masturbating furiously, as he imagined getting fucked by his own Dad.
  164. Even with a quarter of the bottle down, Orion couldn't get that feeling of guilt out of his mind. While he wasn't much of a drinker, the unicorn honestly didn't even feel drunk, as his depression just grew deeper through his growing shame. Putting his face to his hooves, Orion tried to clear his mind once more, not noticing Shining Armor who slowly walked into the room. Seeing how upset his Father looked, Shining tried to catch his attention as he spoke.
  166. "D...Dad? Are you alright?"
  168. Hearing his son's voice, Orion shot out of his chair, almost falling on his back as he stumbled onto his hooves. Worried for his Dad's well being, Shining quickly ran over as he held his Father up, noticing how sullen he looked.
  170. "Dad!" shouted Shining as he kept him upright, "What's wrong?"
  172. Orion only stayed silent, keeping his gaze on the floor as he tried not to look at Shining directly. Seeing how bad this was getting, Shining used his magic to move his Dad's head up, forcing him to look at him directly in the eyes.
  174. "Dad, I need you to look at me."
  176. Despite his son's stern tone of voice, Orion kept his eyes shut, breathing deeply as he tried speaking in a shameful whisper.
  177. "I...I can't..."
  179. "Yes you can!" said Shining in a more serious tone. "You can't be like this!"
  181. "But I...." Wanting to avoid his son's gaze, Orion kept his eyes clenched shut, not wanting to explain why he was feeling so horrible, or why he couldn't look at his own child. Breathing in deeply, the blue unicorn could barely let anything resembling a voice come out as he spoke again, only coming out in a faint whisper.
  182. "I...I feel...I feel like a horrible parent..."
  184. Shining's eyes widened in both shock in anger at hearing that. Seeing how distraught Orion was, it didn't take long for his son to figure out that he was like this because of the shower incident; however, the last thing he wanted his Dad to think was that he wasn't a good parent. Without even thinking, Shining moved his head forward as he closed his eyes, hoping to grab his Father's attention as he pressed his lips against his. Orion stayed frozen on the spot with his eyes wide open, as he felt his son give him a tender kiss on the lips. After several seconds, Shining slowly pulled back, opening his eyes to see his Father staring at him in a stunned state. Hoping that would shut him up for a few seconds, Shining kept him close before speaking.
  186. "Dad, you're a great parent. You've always been there for me and Twily, and I'll be damned if you try to say that you've been anything less than great to us! You've always been an amazing Father, and you always will!"
  188. Breathing in heavily, Shining Armor kept his stare on Orion, hoping his words got through to him. Even though he was more taken aback by the fact that his son kissed him like that, Orion knew that he was being sincere with his words. Nodding slowly, Orion lifted himself up as he kept his eyes on Shining, feeling his heart beating like crazy as he tried to think of something to say. Swallowing some excess saliva, Orion breathed in before he spoke in a faint voice to Shining.
  190. "Th-...thanks, son."
  192. Smiling a little, Shining moved in closer as he replied back, his voice coming out just as faint as he looked into his Father's eyes.
  193. "Not a problem, Dad..."
  195. Not realizing it, Orion felt his head begin to move in as well, and he slowly closed his eyes. Not feeling any form of resistance, Shining Armor moved in, and their lips touched once more. Feeling his heart beating faster than ever before, Shining Armor lifted his hooves up as he held his Father's head in place, not wanting this kiss to end anytime soon. Orion's mind felt completely blank as he felt the lips of a stallion on his own, realizing this was the first time this ever happened for him in his life. Not caring that it was his own son, Orion lifted his hooves up as well, holding him as the two stayed in that spot in the study.
  197. While he never would have thought of himself as the kind of guy to like kissing another stallion, Shining felt a huge wave of warmth flow through him as he kissed his Father, which was much different from when he kissed Cadence. Slowly, Shining began moving his tongue out from his mouth, having it meet the outside of Orion's lips as he savored the new taste. Feeling what his son was doing, Orion opened his eyes slightly, unsure of how to react; however, as his mind continued to stay blank, the unicorn closed his eyes again as he savored the taste of another stallion, and he slowly opened his mouth to let Shining's tongue in. Holding him tighter, Shining Armor's tongue entered his Father's mouth, keeping their lips locked as he began exploring the inside of Orion's muzzle. Wanting more of the taste of Shining, Orion re-positioned his lips, making it so that he was now sucking on his son's tongue as it moved around the inside of his mouth.
  199. Slowly, Orion let go of the grasp he had on Shining's tongue between his lips, as his own tongue began to move outward. Feeling his Father's tongue touch his lips, Shining accepted it gladly as he opened his lips apart, letting his Dad taste the inside of his mouth as they kept kissing.
  201. As soon as they started it, the two stallions let their tongues intertwine, moving around each other as they made out within Orion's study. Neither of them were sure of how long they stayed in that spot, kissing deeply and more passionately than either did with their own partners; however, within that space, neither of them seemed to care about anything but each other, as their lips and tongues moved against each other tenderly.
  203. By the time their kiss ended, Orion was feeling even more confused and conflicted than he had before. On one hoof, he just experienced what had to be the best kiss ever in his life; however, his heart still sunk down into his stomach with the guilt that he just made out with his own son. Shining on the other hoof, seemed rather content with himself for what he just participated in; while he hated admitting to himself that kissing his Dad like that was a good thing, he couldn't deny how amazing he felt from doing that. Realizing what could happen from this, Shining Armor put caution to the wind as he finally spoke.
  205. "Ummm...Dad?"
  207. Hearing his son's voice for the first time, Orion's heart hung heavier as he finally looked up to him in shame. "W-...what?"
  209. "I was thinking..." While Shining was still unsure how to bring this up, let alone get his Dad to agree to it, he was sure that he might be able to get this to work after the shower moment and their kiss. Breathing in deeply, Shining looked at his Father as he started to speak. "I was thinking, and...I know this is going to sound insane, but hear me out..."
  211. Looking both confused and worried about what his son was going to say, Orion stayed silent as he listened to him.
  213. "I mean, I know you want to be with a stallion, and I know there's nothing wrong with that, but..." Shining looked away for a moment as he tried to think of the right words, "But I know you couldn't just do anything like start an affair with some random guy, right?"
  215. While he was trying to figure out where Shining was going with this, Orion stayed silent as he nodded to his son.
  217. " already know what I was doing a couple days ago..."
  219. Orion's eyes widened in horror, realizing that his son knew about him being there. Before he could say anything to alleviate his shameful situation, Shining put up a hoof to silence his Dad as he continued.
  221. "And I'm not mad, I swear! I understand why that happened. It's just..."
  223. Shining gulped before he spoke, feeling rather nervous as he tried to explain what he was proposing.
  225. "It's just when I did felt really great! Like...way better than anything I've done with Cadence. So..."
  227. Blushing a little, Shining looked away from his Father, afraid to see his reaction as he kept going.
  229. "I was thinking...since you want to be with a guy...and I...I really liked that feeling......I was thinking......maybe....."
  231. Taking a deep breath, Shining Armor looked back to his Father as he finished, trying to keep a confident tone in his voice as he completed his statement.
  233. "I was thinking maybe you can try it with me."
  235. As a heavy silence hung over in the study, Orion was speechless when he realized what his son was wanting to do with him. Even though that kiss was amazing, Orion couldn't even think of doing something like that with his own child. As Shining stood silent waiting for a reply, Orion only blinked a few times as he tried to process his son's insane request. Shaking his head, Orion struggled to say anything as he stammered out the first thing that came to his head.
  236. "W-...what!?! Are...are you serious?!?"
  238. "I know how it sounds," said Shining as he kept his hoof up, "But I think this might be alright for us."
  240. "Alright?!?" shouted Orion as he started to get more upset, "You seriously think that what you're suggesting is alright?!?!"
  242. "Just think about it," said Shining as he kept his composure in front of his Dad, "You want to be with a guy, but you can't risk your marriage by finding some stallion. Since I know of your situation, and wouldn't mind trying something like that..."
  244. "Are you seriously trying to suggest...incest?!?"
  246. "I know it sounds nuts, but I think we can both benefit from this!"
  248. Orion lit up his horn to open the door to his study, looking like he was just about to kick out his son before his son lit up his. Closing the door back behind them, Shining looked his Dad right in the eyes as he spoke up, keeping a serious composure on his face as he tried to calm him down.
  250. "It's just an idea! Granted, it is a weird one to say the least, but I still think it can do us good. Listen..."
  252. Before Orion could reopen the door, Shining stepped up to him, keeping his face only a few inches from his as he continued to speak.
  254. "You saw what I just did with you a few minutes ago. I don't have any problems with doing something like this. You might be my Dad, that time were just a good kisser. And I know that you enjoyed that too, regardless of me being your son!"
  256. Orion looked away as he tried to hide his embarrassment, realizing Shining had a fair point. While he hated to admit it, Shining felt more a lover than he did a son when he was kissing him.
  258. "I want to do this," said Shining in a stern tone of voice, "And I know that you want to do it too. You can trust me with this, and you know I won't let you down."
  260. Lighting up his horn, Shining opened the door to the study before he began to walk out. As he stood by the doorway, Shining looked back at his Father before he said one final statement.
  262. "Just...just think about it, okay?"
  264. As his son walked out of the study and left Orion alone, the unicorn stood at the spot, frozen in confusion. While he never expected his own son would suggest something that out-of-line, he was actually starting to contemplate whether or not Shining's idea was that off. Before he could seriously think it over, the sound of the shower being turned on caught Orion's attention. Knowing the two were aone in their home, the unicorn gulped as he slowly walked out of the study...
  266. ---
  268. Sticking his head out from the study, Orion saw a light coming from the bathroom door, as it laid only slightly open. Even though some may have misconstrued this as a simple mistake, Orion knew his son well enough to know he didn't accidentally do that. Realizing they were the only ones at home for the moment, as his wife and daughter were off doing errands for the rest of the day, Orion felt his heart racing as he saw what it was his son was trying to do. As steam slowly began to escape from the crack of the open door, Orion gulped as he let the truth sink in.
  270. Despite huge mental objections, Orion's body still moved forward as he slowly walked over to the door. Lifting a hoof, Orion slowly pushed the door open some more, as more steam came pouring out. Standing outside the bathroom, Orion felt his hooves begin to shake as he saw the figure of his son from behind the shower curtain, standing still as the water hit him. Slowly, Shining's head turned toward the curtain, making Orion see that he was spotted.
  272. However, Shining Armor didn't seem to mind, and he moved his body closer to one end of the shower.
  274. Throughout all of this, Orion's mind was racing as he desperately tried to keep himself from doing anything more than this; however, even though his conscience kept yelling 'NO!', his body chose to ignore his mental pleas as he stepped in. As his hooves touched the linoleum floor underneath him, Orion felt his heart beating like a jackhammer, not realizing that Shining closed the door behind his Father with his magic. Before Orion could protest, Shining slid open the curtain, letting the two look at each other face-to-face as the water hit his white-coated body. Without saying a word, Shining gave a light smirk as he eyed his Dad down, before he lifted a hindleg slightly so it rested on the top lid of the tub. As the leg was lifted, Orion was able to see Shining Armor's cock, which was in a slightly darker shade of white than the rest of his coat. Seeing how large it was (even before it began to grow in front of him), Orion couldn't keep his eyes away, not realizing his own cock was beginning to grow out of its sheath. Seeing how turned on his Father was getting without a sound, Shining's grin grew even bigger as he motioned him over, giving him plenty of room in the shower.
  276. Slowly, Orion stepped forward, no longer feeling any mental restraints as he lifted a hoof into the shower. As he stepped inside, feeling the water from the shower head bounce off his son and hit his own blue coat, Orion started breathing heavily as he realized what he was about to do with his own child. However, even though he should've had a panic attack from this spectacle, Shining calmed his Father's nerves as he bent in, pulling Orion's head in as they shared another deep kiss. Tasting his son once more, Orion began to forget about everything as he kissed back, quickly using his tongue to probe his son's mouth again. After a moment of sensual kissing between Father and son, Shining pulled back, grinning slightly as he began to turn his body around.
  278. As he felt himself get even harder, Orion could only watch as his son re-positioned himself, turning his flank to his Father before he lowered his forelegs. Bending over, Shining looked back slightly as the shower water hit his face, grinning a little as he began to present himself to his own Dad. As he saw Orion's eyes growing wide at the sight of his son's smooth body, Shining slowly lifted his tail, moving it aside as he showed him his most private area.
  280. Even with his recent 'experiment', it was obvious that Shining was still a virgin in that region, as Orion looked at the tight hole before him. Puckering his hole a little to show its need for attention, Shining Armor kept his flank in the air as he looked back to his Dad, keeping a sincere look of desire in his eyes as he spoke faintly.
  282. "It's alright", said Shining as he moved his flank a little in front of Orion, "You can do what you want."
  284. Even though being in a shower with another stallion was a fantasy Orion had for years, the unicorn kept his eyes shut as he tried not to think about who it was he was with. As he kept his eyes closed, Orion slowly put out a hoof, feeling the warm fur of his son as he began touching Shining's flank. Raising his other hoof, Orion used it to slowly feel Shining's body, feeling the water pour over the teenager's backside as he made his way to his tail. Feeling his heart beat faster, Orion slowly moved his hoof downward, feeling himself get more erect as he felt the private area of another stallion for the first time in his life. As his hoof grazed Shining Armor's hole, Orion started breathing harder as he kept his eyes closed, hoping to savor this moment while his son laid waiting.
  286. As he felt his Father rub his hoof against his hole, Shining felt a light moan escape his muzzle as he realized how hot this felt for him. No longer caring that this was coming from a stallion, let alone his own Dad, Shining wanted nothing more than for him to do more to his body. As Orion began massaging Shining's eager flank, the white unicorn moaned a little more as his Father used his hooves to spread apart his cheeks, making his tight hole spread out even more for his Dad to enjoy. As he opened his eyes and looked at the entry point to his son's body, Orion's whole body started to feel warmer as he focused on the tight hole, feeling his body begin to take over completely as he lifted himself up.
  288. While Shining was a fairly strong stallion, he didn't expect Orion to be so heavy as he lifted himself onto Shining's back. Propping his legs to the sides of the tub to get good leverage, Shining Armor kept himself secure in place as his Father began to mount him. Using his horn, Orion levitated a bottle lube which was on the counter toward him, opening it as he began to apply the gel onto his cock. After he put the lube on himself, Orion closed his eyes again as he slowly re-positioned himself on top of his son, trying to focus on just being with a stallion as he moved his cock against Shining's flank. Feeling his Father's dick press against his fur, Shining had to keep himself from moaning too loud, feeling the lubed cock rub closer to his waiting hole. Staying silent, Orion kept his eyes shut before his cock felt the entry point, making his entire body feel warmer as he slowly pressed in.
  290. Even though there was a lot of resistance from Shining's virgin hole, Orion's son only moaned slightly as he felt the head of the cock make its way inside of him. Waiting until Shining's body got used to the new sensations and pain from this happening, Orion slowly pushed himself deeper, as he began to penetrate his own son. Shining gasped as he felt the sensations rushing through his body, realizing how amazing it felt to be taking instead of giving. As his Father slowly dug deeper inside of him, the crown of his cock pushing against his son's tight walls, Shining clenched his eyes as he tried to relax his body, wanting to take in as much of his Dad's cock as he could.
  292. Orion restrengthened his grip while his hooves wrapped around him, not wanting either of them to get out of place as he continued to push in. Clenching his eyes shut, he tried to think of anyone, absolutely ANYone, besides his own son as he did this, not wanting this fantasy to be ruined by the horrible reality of it all.
  294. Soon, the medial ridge of his cock began to reach Shining's entrance, making the unicorn realize that he was already nearly halfway inside his own child. Even though he wanted to be disgusted, the way his cock was being tightly wrapped around Shining's walls helped to make his thought process purely minimal.
  296. Meanwhile, Shining felt an immense blend of pleasure and pain as he took in more of his Dad's length, barely able to keep himself from moaning between his heart-racing pants.
  298. He didn't want to say anything, mostly to keep his Dad from being reminded that he's with him instead of a different stallion. However, as soon as he felt the medial ridge press against his twitching ring, he felt him pause, like that was as far as he's willing to go. Shuddering hard in pleasure and desire, Shining's voice came out in a faint, yet eager whisper.
  300. "...Mmmm ...
  302. "More..."
  304. Orion gasped, his eyes reopening as soon as he felt his illusion break from hearing his son's voice. The unicorn started to pant heavily, contemplating whether or not to just stop here. He couldn't believe he was doing this in the first place, and pretending it was different wasn't making this any easier.
  306. Orion opened his muzzle as he looked down, wanting to apologize and try to leave. However, as soon as he looked down at his son's blushing face, he saw nothing but pure intensity and need as he looked back up at him. With his white coat now reddened from blush, Shining's eyes were practically pleading up to him, begging to not stop.
  308. "M-more," repeated Shining in a low and insistent tone. "P... please..."
  310. Seeing how he looked, Orion felt his member twitch a little. Even though he was his son, his own flesh and blood, the way he was looking up at him like that was just so... so...
  312. hot.
  314. Orion almost wanted to stop right then, mostly due to how much he hated himself for even thinking that. However, instead of trying to pull out, or say anything to try to reassure himself that quitting is the right thing, Orion's body decided to act against his brain.
  316. Giving a low grunt, Orion gripped Shining tightly, taking a moment before pushing in even more. The medial ridge of his cock slipped in past his son's hole, letting the remainder of his shaft begin to slide in.
  318. Shining clenched his eyes shut as he moaned even louder, feeling the deepest reaches of his body start to become filled by his Father's cock. It may have been his Dad, but Shining refused to let that get in the way of how incredible this felt. Gritting his teeth, the teenage unicorn strengthened his stance in the shower as he pushed back, wanting more of Orion's cock to fill him.
  320. "Y... yeah..." moaned Shining hoarsely as he realized his Dad was nearly balls-deep. "C... c'mon..."
  322. Orion wanted to tell his son to stop talking, just to keep him from thinking about this too much. But despite his insistence, his muzzle refused to say anything. With each word that his son uttered, he felt himself shudder a bit in... pleasure? Was that it? Was hearing his son's voice like really so damn enticing? Did he... did he really enjoy hearing Shining like this?
  324. Not wanting to think to much about it, Orion made one last puch inside his son, letting how own balls tap Shining's softly. Upon realizing that he was full-length inside another stallion, Oiron sighed in pleasure, trying not to think that it was his own child that he penetrated.
  326. Shining gritted his teeth as he felt the large member inside of him, his body shaking as he tried to process this amazing feeling from within him. After taking a deep breath, exhaling loud enough to make his Father shudder again, Shining slowly clenched his body around Orion's cock, savoring its girth to make him grunt in satisfaction.
  328. After releasing his grip, Shining kept his lowered stance, submitting to his pleasure as he waited for his Dad to begin.
  330. Orion could feel his heart racing, unsure whether it was by his growing lust or shame. Nevertheless, as soon as he felt his hips touch his son's flank, he knew that he couldn't stop now. Even if he wanted to put an end to this debauchery, he was far too turned on to even contemplate quitting.
  332. Because of that, Orion took a quick breath before slowly pulling back, making Shining below him moan out loudly from that filling sensation escaping his body.
  334. But strangely enough, Orion didn't mind hearing his son's voice then. In fact, he could feel his cock twitch in approval, still halfway inside his child before pausing. Closing his eyes to savor this moment, Orion collected his breath, only thinking about this for a moment before pushing himself back in.
  336. "AaaaAAAAHHH!!!" Shining's eyes shot open as he felt his Father ram himself back in. Thrusting in hard enough to make their balls slap rather loudly, Shining felt an immense wave of pleasure flow through him as soon as his Dad went in full length again. Feeling his Father's cock push against his prostate, nearly making him come right then and there, Shining could only say one thing in response.
  338. "Oh... oh yeah..."
  340. Orion hissed slightly at hearing Shining say that. Despite it being his son, hearing another stallion moan like that was absolutely incredible to the unicorn. And disturbingly enough, the fact that it was his child somehow made it feel a bit more... enticing... Like the taboo feeling of this was making the experience that much more heart-racing and incredible.
  342. With his body now working without his morality's consent, Orion pulled back out, reaching the medial ridge before thrusting in again. And as soon as that loud smack of their flesh was heard, Shining once more moaned in ecstasy.
  344. That sound... that sound of his voice... his SON'S voice, just made him exhale deeply in pleasure. He wanted it again. He wanted to hear more.
  346. He pulled out once more, letting his son's body hug his cock tightly before pushing back in. And with each loud mew from his son, Orion felt his heart race faster as he did it again...
  348. And again...
  350. And again...
  352. Before long, Shining no longer tried to keep his forehooves upright, and just laid himself on the floor of the shower as his Father's thrusts became faster. Soon enough, Shining's mouth was hung open as he laid with his face against the wet porcelain below him, barely able to contain himself as his Dad continually rutted his raised backside. With each loud slap of their balls emanating within the bathroom, Shining's cock swung freely between his spread legs, leaking pre as it dripped with each hard thrust Orion made.
  354. Shining clenched his eyes shut, savoring this feeling as he felt his whole body envelop in an amazing warmth. With all his nerves seemingly being set ablaze with pleasure with each of his Father's thrusts, Shining felt no regrets or displeasure at doing this. In fact, he had to obligation to his Dad doing this; if this is supposed to be wrong, the unicorn didn't want to be right.
  356. Feeling the head of his Dad's cock start to swell inside his body, Shining gritted his teeth in anticipation, wanting that thick rod to fill just as much as he's done with Cadence.
  358. "Y... yeah!" moaned Shining loudly, not wanting his Dad to hold back in any way. "H... harder! Harder, please!"
  360. Orion felt no hesitation at hearing his son's request, and gladly oblidged. Gritting his teeth, Orion's hooves gripped his son tightly as he thrusted even harder into his child. With each loud of their slap coming out even louder, Orion could feel himself getting close with each hard stroke his cock felt against his son's virgin flesh.
  362. Orion panted loudly, knowing he was going to get close soon. However, that just made his hips thrust in even faster, like this was something he truly wanted to do. Despite it being his son, he wanted to reach climax like this. He wanted to finish, and as his heart thundered like a jackhammer, he knew he wanted to do finish with Shining.
  364. And he wanted to finish inside.
  366. Orion moaned between pants as he held his son close, breathing hard against his back while trying to speak. "Shining! I'm... I'm gonna--"
  368. "Do it!" shouted Shining loudly. He knew what his Dad wanted to do. And honestly, he wanted this too. With how much his body was burning for this kind of release, the unicorn kn ew he was about to come as he yelled up to his Father, "Do it! Do it, please!"
  370. Orion thrusted even faster, knowing that he was at the point of no return. Before his balls could swell in release, he heard Shining say one last thing. One final statement that ultimately sent him over the edge:
  372. "DO IT, DAD!!!"
  374. Orion cried out loudly as he finally came, his whole body convulsing with each powerful spurt inside his son's body. Moaning loudly enough to risk somepony outside overhearing, Orion gripped his child close as he thrusted powerfully, flooding the inside of Shining with his seed.
  376. Shining, still lying against the floor of the tub, screamed out in pleasure as he felt himself get filled with an amazing wave of growing, wet warmth. Feeling his Dad's seed fill inside of him, Shining clenched hard around his cock, feeling it set him over the edge as he came as well. While Orion felt the last of his seed escape him, spurt after spurt of his son's cum splashed against the bathtub floor as his body got swept away in pure nirvana.
  378. As soon as he was spent, Orion collapsed on top of his son, the two breathing heavily while the shower continued to run above them. For almost two minutes, neither of them said a thing, and just savored the silence as they both came down from the best sexual experience either of them ever had.
  380. Keeping his eyes closed, Orion wrapped his hooves around Shining, hugging him tightly while his cock was still buried inside of him. His muzzle opened, but he had no idea what to say. Thank you? I'm sorry? Don't tell your Mother?
  382. Instead, Orion heard his own voice escape him in a low whisper, as he said the first thing that came to mind.
  384. "I... I love you..."
  386. Shining exhaled deeply, still overwhelmed by pleasure as he savored how incredible this experience felt. Knowing that he wouldn't change this for the world, Shining took a moment to collect himself, before slowly turning his head around to look up at his Father. Looking into his amazing blue eyes, Shining blushed as a weak smile grew across his muzzle, which opened to make a whispered reply.
  388. "I... I love you too, Daddy."
  390. Orion's head came down, mostly from weakness than anything else, as he pressed his lips against his child's. Shining gladly accepted the kiss, holding him close as he kissed his own Father more passionately than his own girlfriend. And for several minutes, the two just stated like that, kissing deeply while connected. Not just as lovers, but as Father and son.
  392. Shining wasn't sure how long Orion stayed in the bathroom with him, but he eventually left after pulling out of him. Shining however, chose to just lie in that tub for a while, letting the water cascade over him as he felt his Father's seed inside of him; the very same seed that helped to create himself.
  394. And with a low sigh, Shining took a mental note. One that he knew he was going to uphold, no matter what.
  396. This was definitely going to happen again.
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