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Sep 30th, 2014
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  1. Motherhood; a yandrevoir fic for /vp/
  3. *add name
  4. [ ]- Telepathy
  6. It wasn't easy when I told my parents I had fallen in love with my gardevoir during my travels. My father called me a disgrace, saying that he didn't let me throw my life away being a trainer just so I could end up like this. He had met my mother during his travels, and while he had hoped I would end up the same, he never thought I would hook up with my first pokemon. My mother, on the other hand, was in tears, a pokephile in her eyes was just about the lowest a person could reach. There was most disappointment in her voice, as she knew that she would never have grandchildren. Knowing full well that I could never convince them otherwise, I left home once again, hoping never to return.
  8. Months had passed, and I had made a nice home in the forest with her*, I had made quite a good amount of money saved up, so living by day to day wasn't something that we were worried about. As I sipped on a glass of lemonade with her head rested on my lap, I began to wonder to myself what about her* had brought us together, she had been by my side ever since I left home, helped me while I was down, and motivated me as we made our way through the league. We had grown quickly as friends during our time together, but it wasn't until she evolved that she* told me about her feelings. I had felt conflicted for a few weeks after that, was I ready for something like this, what would everyone else think? The events of what happened with my parents ran through my mind, if someone so close to me could reject me, who's to say that society would think worse?
  10. ''Did we do the right thing?'' I wondered out loud, I could feel the subtle ear twitches from her response.
  12. [Why do you ask that?]
  14. ''Just everything that's happened lately, I love you and all, but sometimes I wonder if we could ever have a normal family, I know my dad didn't exactly react well to us being together, but I always looked up to the guy, I always told myself that if I ever ended up at least half of the father he was, I'd be happy.''
  16. [...So you're saying you're ready for kids?]
  18. ''I don't know if we can, but I'm willing to try.''
  20. I won't go into the intimate details, but that night was the most passionate I had ever spent with her* in a long time. There's something about doing that for it's intended purpose that makes it feel a lot more...amazing. Three weeks later, and to our amazement, an egg was laid, but we knew exactly where it had come from. She* wasted no time in embracing the egg in her arms with a smile. But despite our joy, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, the egg was a miracle for the both of us, but the chances of an egg happening on our first attempt seemed a bit unbelievable.
  22. It took a bit of convincing, but I managed to get the egg out of her* hands long enough to get it checked at the local day care, if there was anyone who knew about eggs, it had to be them. As I walked in, there was a young woman caring for the pokemon, cute, petite, about my age. After coming up with a story that didn't involve me, my pokemon and one very hot night under the sheets, I got her to take a look at the egg.
  24. All it took was one look on her face to see that there wasn't any good news, the egg had been fertilized but the offspring was stillborn. She told me it was a textbook case of ''Bad egg'', not a phrase I had wanted to hear when it came to what could have been my child, but I tried not to let it show.
  26. *It's usually what happens when two pokemon of different egg groups mate. Usually an egg isn't made, but on the rare chance one is made, the pokemon doesn't form right and the egg never hatches.*
  28. With a sad look on face, I brought the egg back home. There wasn't much I could say to her, nothing I could do to bring life to what was in her arms. The look on her eyes was something I could never forget, as it tore my heart to see her like that. She* kept cradling the egg in her arms, I couldn't bare to take it from her so I left it with her.
  30. Some time later...
  32. I began to grow worried as she* looked worse and worse by the day, she rarely slept and I never saw her without that egg in her hands.
  34. [What if we tried again?]
  36. It had been a while since she had talked to me, though what she had asked me left me more shocked.
  38. ''I don't know, the lady said..''
  40. [I know what she said! But I still want to try.]
  43. Her voice was more demanding than usual, I had never heard her speak in such a tone before and not wanting to anger her further, I gave in. Unfortunately, this went on for months, resulting in either more bad eggs or no eggs at all, that spark of passion we had the first time we made love was gone, making it feel more like a chore than a chance to have a family. Turning her down was out of the question, I had almost forgotten about her psychic abilities until the night she pinned me down to the bed and had her way with me, she* spent countless nights begging for forgiveness and while I gave it to her, I knew better than to risk having it happen again. The house became littered with eggs, not a sign of life coming from a single one of them, each one abandoned the moment a new one is laid, I don't have the heart to toss them, not that I think she would let me. I had stopped going to the day care, one bad egg was a sad story, two was a condition, but after six, I stopped going all together, we had bonded a bit over the topic of breeding, but I stopped once I felt she was getting suspicious.
  45. ''Sweetie, I think it's time we stopped trying.''
  47. I'd swear, if she had turned her head any faster, she would have snapped her neck.
  49. [What?]
  51. ''It's just....look around you, we try and we try and it just isn't working. Not to mention what it's doing to you.''
  53. There was no easy way of saying it, she looked terrible. Popping out eggs every three weeks was obviously taking it's toll on her, it looked like she had aged years during small time we had spent
  54. together, she wasn't eating, she wasn't sleeping, all she did was embrace that egg.
  56. [Stop trying?...How could you say that? I'm doing this for you, you wanted a family.]
  58. ''We can adopt, we can still have a family.''
  60. [..No, that's not the don't love me anymore, do you? I see what's going on, you never wanted to have a family with me, you regret being with a animal, don't you? Don't think I don't know what you've been up to with our kids, taking them to that whore so she can kill them. You'd rather be with her, don't you? Certainly she could give you all the kids you ever wanted.]
  62. ''The day care lady? I haven't talked to her..''
  64. [DON'T LIE TO ME]
  66. I didn't even have time to react as I was pinned against the wall by an invisible force. To think she could still have this much mental strength in her state was unbelievable.
  68. [I heard the phone messages, she's wondering where you are and why you haven't stopped by that murder house of hers]
  70. I couldn't move, much less breathe, the amount of force she was putting on me could have killed me, but she was keeping me alive, luckily, it didn't last long as I fell to the ground.
  72. [Sorry, sorry ,sorry.]
  74. She began to whimper as I picked myself up.
  76. [It's all my fault, I can't give you what you truly want...]
  78. She quickly picked up a nearby knife and began stabbing herself in the torso.
  82. Each wound grew deeper with every stab she gave herself, my gardevoir was determined to either kill herself out of the hatred she had for her own body.
  83. I shudder to think what would had happened if I hadn't called her back into her pokeball at that moment and panicked, either I ran towards the nearest pokemon center and run the risk of questions being asked, or attempt to treat her myself and run the risk of her dying..I prayed to every deity I could think of as I bolted to the clinic. More lies followed as I reached the front desk, making up something about running into a Skarmary in the mountains, the nurse left me to wallow in the the waiting room, where I fell asleep alone for the first time in a while.
  85. I was awoken from a chill on the side of my neck, I quickly shot up to find a familiar face staring at me with two cold cans of coffee.
  87. *That garde seems to give you quite a lot of trouble, you know that?*
  89. ''Yeah...I suppose she does.''
  91. She explained to me that aside from her day care duties, she highlights at the pokemon center and rushed over as soon as she saw my name on the file.
  93. * did those injuries happen again?*
  95. ''I already told the front nurse everything, we were attacked.''
  97. *But you don't have a single scratch on you, and I've seen scarmary injuries before, these look more like knife wounds.*
  99. ''What are you getting at?''
  101. *What I'm getting at is, I see a trainer and his gardevoir living up in the forest alone by themselves, a trainer who keeps bringing a lot of bad eggs, eggs that only happen when two incompatible pokemon mate...or a pokemon and a human.*
  103. At that moment, I could have swear I felt all of my blood rush to my feet.
  105. *And now that trainer comes in with that same pokemon covered in stab wounds, so what I'm getting at is what the hell is going on up there with you two because honestly, I'm starting to think the worst. Enough lies, I'm worried about you and I need to know what's going on between you and her*
  107. She took me by the hands and
  108. *I heard the nurses talking and they want to call the Jenny's.*
  110. This was it, I couldn't keep covering it up, no more lies, no more stories, I broke down completely as I told the day care lady everything, falling in love with my pokemon, the attempts to conceive, both consensual and non, the house filled with bad eggs, the state of mind that *she was in and how hostile she had gotten towards herself and everyone around her. I was in tears by the time I was finished, and the horrified look on the day care lady's face showed that she believed me.
  112. ''I don't know what to do....''
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